# This is the English language bundle for JSPWiki core plugins # Don't add your own plugins to this file; create your own bundle, please. # Errors rendering plugins plugin.error.insertionfailed = Plugin insertion failed: {0} plugin.error.cannotinstantiate = Cannot instantiate plugin {0} plugin.error.notallowed = Not allowed to access plugin {0} plugin.error.instantationfailed = Instantiation of plugin {0} failed. plugin.error.failed = Plugin failed plugin.error.couldnotfind = Could not find plugin {0} plugin.error.notawikiplugin = Class {0} is not a Wiki plugin. plugin.error.missingparameter = Missing parameter in plugin definition: {0} plugin.error.parsingarguments = Zyrf. Problems with parsing arguments: {0} # TableOfContents tableofcontents.title = Table of Contents # BugReportHandler bugreporthandler.new = A new page has been created: {0} bugreporthandler.unable = Unable to create a new page! bugreporthandler.titlerequired = Title is required! # CurrentTimePlugin currenttimeplugin.badformat = You specified a bad format # WeblogEntryPlugin weblogentryplugin.newentry = New entry # ReferringPagesPlugin # {0} is where you put in the number how many links are still there referringpagesplugin.more = ...and {0} more referringpagesplugin.nobody = ...nobody # Forms plugins formclose.noneedtoshow = (no need to show close now) forminput.namemissing = Input element is missing parameter 'name'. forminput.noneedtoshow = (no need to show input field now) formopen.missingparam = The FormOpen element is missing the '{0}' parameter. formopen.postorgetonly = Method must be either 'post' or 'get' formopen.noneedtoshow = (no need to show form open now) formoutput.missingargument = Argument '{0}' required for Form plugin formselect.namemissing = Select element is missing parameter 'name'. formtextarea.noneedtoshow = (no need to show textarea field now) formtextarea.namemissing = Textarea element is missing parameter 'name'. # ListLocks plugin plugin.listlocks.page=Page plugin.listlocks.locked.by=Locked by plugin.listlocks.acquired=Acquired plugin.listlocks.expires=Expires plugin.listlocks.no.locks.exist=No locks exist currently. # InsertPage plugin plugin.insert.notfound=Page could not be found by the page provider. plugin.insert.recursion=Error: Circular reference - you can't include a page in itself! plugin.insert.nopermission=You do not have permission to view this included page. plugin.insert.nopage1=There is no page called plugin.insert.nopage2=Would you like to plugin.insert.nopage3=create it? plugin.insert.definepage=You have to define a page!