sudo: false language: java before_script: - test "x$RUN_CHECKSTYLE" != 'x' || ant -Djava.awt.headless=true download_jars install - test "x$RUN_CHECKSTYLE" != 'xtrue' || ant -Djava.awt.headless=true download_checkstyle before_install: - wget --no-check-certificate - tar -xzvf apache-ant-1.10.5-bin.tar.gz - export PATH="$(pwd)/apache-ant-1.10.5/bin:$PATH" - echo $(ant -version) # skip default "install" command install: true env: global: - ANT_OPTS="-Ddisable-svnCheck=true -Djava.awt.headless=true -Drmi_force_localhost=true -Dskip.bug52310=true" matrix: include: - jdk: oraclejdk8 env: RUN_CHECKSTYLE=true script: ant -Djava.awt.headless=true checkstyle - name: Coverage on our default build with Oracle Java 8 jdk: oraclejdk8 script: - ant coverage-travis after_success: - bash <(curl -s sudo: true # otherwise TEST_HTTPS.jmx -> does not work - name: Tests with OpenJDK 8 jdk: openjdk8 script: - ant test - name: Tests with OpenJDK 11 jdk: openjdk11 script: - ant test sudo: true # otherwise TEST_HTTPS.jmx -> does not work - name: Tests with OpenJDK EA jdk: openjdk-ea script: - ant test sudo: true # otherwise TEST_HTTPS.jmx -> does not work allow_failures: - jdk: openjdk-ea # disable building with jdk9 as it has a bug and will not compile JMeter # see # - jdk: oraclejdk9 # script: ant -Djava.awt.headless=true -Drmi_force_localhost=true -Dskip.bug52310=true test # sudo: true # otherwise TEST_HTTPS.jmx -> does not work