/** * When DataTables removes columns from the display (`bVisible` or * `fnSetColumnVis`) it removes these elements from the DOM, effecting the index * value for the column positions. This function converts the data column index * (i.e. all columns regardless of visibility) into a visible column index. * * DataTables 1.10+ has this ability built-in through the * `dt-api column.index()` method. As such this method is marked deprecated, but * is available for use with legacy version of DataTables. * * @name fnColumnIndexToVisible * @summary Convert a column data index to a visible index. * @author [Allan Jardine](http://sprymedia.co.uk) * @deprecated * * @param {integer} iMatch Column data index to convert to visible index * @returns {integer} Visible column index * * @example * var table = $('#example').dataTable( { * aoColumnDefs: [ * { bVisible: false, aTargets: [1] } * ] * } ); * * // This will show 1 * alert( 'Column 2 visible index: '+table.fnColumnIndexToVisible(2) ); */ jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnColumnIndexToVisible = function ( oSettings, iMatch ) { return oSettings.oApi._fnColumnIndexToVisible( oSettings, iMatch ); };