Which jars are used by which modules? ==================================== [not exhaustive] avalon-framework-4.1.4 (org.apache.avalon.framework) - LogKit (used by HttpClient ?) - Configuration (ResultCollector, SaveService, SampleResult, TestElementSaver) batik-awt-util-1.6 (org.apache.batik.ext) - SaveGraphicsService commons-codec-1.3 - used by commons-httpclient-3.0 - also HtmlParserTester for Base64 commons-collections-3.2 - ListenerNotifier - Anakia commons-httpclient-3.1-rc1 - httpclient commons-io-1.3.1 - FTPSampler commons-jexl-1.1 - Jexl function commons-lang-2.3 - velocity (Anakia) - URLCollection (unescapeXml) commons-logging-1.1 - httpclient commons-net-1.4.1 - FTPSampler excalibur-datasource-1.1.1 (org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource) - jdbc - DataSourceElement - JDBCSampler excalibur-instrument-1.0 (org.apache.excalibur.instrument) - used by excalibur-datasource excalibur-logger-1.1 (org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger) - httpclient? - LoggingManager excalibur-pool-1.2 (org.apache.avalon.excalibur.pool) - used by excalibur-datasource htmlparser-2.0-20060923 htmllexer-2.0-20060923 - http: parsing html jakarta-oro-2.0.8 - regular expressions: various jCharts-0.7.5 (org.jCharts) - AxisGraph,LineGraph,LineChart jdom-1.0 - XMLAssertion, JMeterTest ONLY jdom-b9 - Anakia (jorphan) js_rhino1_6R5 - javascript function junit3.8.2 - unit tests logkit-1.2 - logging - Anakia soap (appears to be version 2.3.1) - WebServiceSampler ONLY Tidy - http: various modules for parsing html - org.xml.sax - various - XPathUtil (XPath assertion) velocity-1.5 - Anakia (create documentation) Not used by JMeter runtime xalan +org.apache.xalan|xml|xpath xercesimpl +org.apache.html.dom|org.apache.wml|org.apache.xerces|org.apache.xml.serialize +org.w3c.dom.html|ls xml-apis +javax.xml +org.w3c.dom +org.xml.sax The x* jars above are used for XML handling (probably not needed for JDK1.4) xpp3_min- - xstream xstream-1.2.1 - SaveService