==== Fuseki == Fuseki 0.2.5 + JENA-334 - Fix for Fuseki start script fails when invoked with full pathname == Fuseki 0.2.4 + Upgrade Jetty dependency to 7.6.5.v20120716 + JENA-307 - Close QueryExecution object after query execution. + JENA-295 - Implement using-graph-uri= and using-named-graph-uri= + Add support for default-graph-uri= and named-graph-uri= query parameters to a dataset. It picks the specific graphs out of the dataset for the query. == Fuseki 0.2.3 + Add a script to support running Fuseki as a service (JENA-268) + (TDB change) Remove excessive and harmless warnings in log file. == Fuseki 0.2.2 + This version picks up bug fixes from TDB and ARQ. This includes problems with concurrent operations. == Fuseki 0.2.1 + Switch from JSPs to Velocity. This means the standalone jar does not contain a JSP engine anymore. + Service by configuration file, command line argument --config= + Add a servlet filter that processes Accept-Encoding Result are now compressed if the client request asks for that (JENA-209) + Rename packages to be org.apache.jena.fuseki. + --jetty-config= Use a file to configure the jetty server (connector type, parms of connector like "host"). Replaces --host. See Jetty configuration documentation. + General purpose SPARQL processor servlet written (not enabled) + XSLT style sheet for SPARQL XML results now puts clickable links in the results - query goes back to the server. + JENA-74 (from Brian McBride): --host= to select the interface to listen on. Use with --host=localhost if using Apache as a front-end. + Add --timeout: adds a timeout to all query executions + Split logging into 2 loggers: general messages and per-request messages. http://openjena.org/wiki/Fuseki#Logging == Fuseki 0.2.0 + Validators now include: Query Update RDF (non-XML formats) IRI + HTTP request error pages now in "text/plain;charset=utf-8" + Location of a TDB database must exist when server starts. + Form parameter name for SPARQL Update sent by HTML form changed from request= to update= Likely direction of SPARQL-WG. + Internal consistency checking (also TDB internal consistecy checking). You should not see any warnings. == Fuseki 0.1.0 First release.