]> CVS info: $Id: fipa.owl,v 1.1 2003/04/16 11:30:29 ijd Exp $ OWL ontology of types of observable change to an ontology model Ian Dickinson, mailto:ian_dickinson@users.sourceforge.net $Date: 2003/04/16 11:30:29 $ Defines a simple vocabulary of the types of change (events) that can occur in an ontology model. This will allow client programs to register handlers for just the set of changes they are interested in. A class representing observable events in an ontology model Event representing the declaration of a resource as an ontology Class. Event representing the declaration of a resource as a Datarange. Event representing the declaration of one class being the sub-class of another. Event representing the declaration of one class expression being equivalent to another. Event representing the declaration of one class expression being disjoint with another. Event representing the declaration of a class expression being a union of class descriptions. Event representing the declaration of a class expression being an intersection of class descriptions. Event representing the declaration of a class expression being the complement of another class description. Event representing the declaration of a class expression being composed of a finite enumeration of identified individuals. Event representing the declaration of a resource as a plain property. Event representing the declaration of a resource as a datatype property. Event representing the declaration of a resource as an object property. Event representing the declaration of a resource as an annotation property. Event representing the declaration of a property as being transitive. Event representing the declaration of a property as being symmetric Event representing the declaration of a property as being functional. Event representing the declaration of a property as being inverse functional. Event representing the declaration of a property as being the inverse of another property Event representing the declaration of a property as being the sub-property of another property Event representing the declaration of a property as being equivalent to another property Event representing the declaration of a property as having a given class, datatype or datarange as the domain Event representing the declaration of a property as having a given class, datatype or datarange as the range Event representing the declaration of a resource being a Restriction Event representing the declaration that a restriction applies to a given property Event representing the declaration that a restriction constrains all values of the property to have some class or datatype Event representing the declaration that a restriction constrains at least one value of the property to have some class or datatype Event representing the declaration that a restriction constrains the property to have a given value Event representing the declaration of that a restriction has the given cardinality on the restricted property Event representing the declaration of that a restriction has the given minimum cardinality on the restricted property Event representing the declaration of that a restriction has the given maximum cardinality on the restricted property Event representing the declaration of that a qualified restriction has the given cardinality on the restricted property Event representing the declaration of that a qualified restriction has the given minimum cardinality on the restricted property Event representing the declaration of that a qualified restriction has the given maximum cardinality on the restricted property Event representing the declaration of that a qualified restriction has the given class or datatype for the qualification restriction Event representing the declaration of an ontology individual Event representing the declaration of one ontology individual being the same as another Event representing a declaration that one resource is the same as another. Event representing the declaration of one ontology individual being distinct from another Event representing the declaration of one ontology individual being related to another by some named predicate. Event representing the declaration of a set of individuals being pairwise distinct. Event representing the identification of a set of individuals that are in the scope of an AllDifferent declaration. Event representing the declaration of a resource of type owl:Ontology or daml:Ontology, representing meta-data about the ontology. Event representing the declaration of an ontology property. Event representing the declaration that one ontology is imported into another ontology. Event representing the declaration of version information on an ontology resource. Event representing the declaration of a prior version of a given ontology. Event representing the declaration of a prior version of a given ontology, which the ontology is compatible with. Event representing the declaration of a prior version of a given ontology, which the ontology is not compatible with. Event representing the declaration of a class as being deprecated. Event representing the declaration of a property as being deprecated. Event representing a comment on an ontology element Event representing a label on an ontology element Event representing a catch-all category of user-specified data, ie triples in the graph that relate to the use of ontology terms on instances, rather than the definition of ontology terms.