@prefix rdfs: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix dc: . @prefix owl: . @prefix dawgt: . @prefix mf: . # RDF Core tests @prefix rct: . dawgt: rdfs:comment "Vocabulary for DAWG test cases" ; dc:creator "Andy Seaborne" ; dc:subject "" ; dc:publisher "W3C RDF Data Access Working Group" ; dc:title "Vocabulary for DAWG test cases" ; dc:description "Vocabulary for DAWG test cases" ; dc:date "2004-07" ; dc:format "RDF" ; dc:identifier dawgt: ; . ## ---- Classes ---- dawgt:ResultForm rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdfs:comment "Super class of all result forms" ; . dawgt:QueryForm rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdfs:comment "Super class of all query forms" ; . dawgt:Status rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdfs:comment "Super class of all test status classes" ; . ## ---- Properties ---- # Could be a subPropertyOf rdf:type # or could just use rdf:type. dawgt:resultForm rdf:type rdf:Property ; rdfs:range dawgt:ResultForm ; rdfs:isDefinedBy dawgt: ; . # Could be a subPropertyOf rdf:type # or could just use rdf:type. dawgt:queryForm rdf:type rdf:Property ; rdfs:range dawgt:QueryForm ; rdfs:isDefinedBy dawgt: ; . dawgt:status rdf:type rdf:Property ; rdfs:range dawgt:Status ; rdfs:isDefinedBy dawgt: ; rdfs:label "Status" ; . dawgt:approval rdf:type rdf:Property ; rdfs:comment "Contains a reference to the minutes of the RDF Data Access Working Group where the test case status was last changed." ; rdfs:label "Approval" ; owl:sameAs rct:approval ; . dawgt:description rdf:type rdf:Property ; rdfs:comment "A human-readable summary of the test case."; rdfs:label "Description" ; owl:sameAs rct:description ; . dawgt:issue rdf:type rdf:Property ; rdfs:comment "Contains a pointer to the associated issue on the RDF Data Access Working Group Tracking document."; owl:sameAs rct:issue ; rdfs:label "Issue" . dawgt:warning rdf:type rdf:Property; rdfs:comment "Indicates that while the test should pass, it may generate a warning."; owl:sameAs rct:warning ; rdfs:label "Warning" . ## ---- Defined terms ---- ## ---- Test statuses dawgt:NotClassified rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ; rdfs:comment "Class of tests that have not been classified" ; rdfs:label "NotClassified" . dawgt:Approved rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ; rdfs:comment "Class of tests that are Approved" ; rdfs:label "Approved" . dawgt:Rejected rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ; rdfs:comment "Class of tests that are Rejected" ; rdfs:label "Rejected" . dawgt:Obsoleted rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ; rdfs:comment "Class of tests that are Obsolete" ; rdfs:label "Obsoleted" . dawgt:Withdrawn rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ; rdfs:comment "Class of tests that have been Withdrawn" ; rdfs:label "Withdrawn" . ## ---- Query forms ## The types of query there are dawgt:querySelect rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:QueryForm ; rdfs:comment "Class of queries that are seeking variable bindings" ; rdfs:label "Variable Binding Query" . dawgt:queryConstruct rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:QueryForm ; rdfs:comment "Class of queries that are seeking a constructed graph" ; rdfs:label "Defined Graph Query" . dawgt:queryDescribe rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:QueryForm ; rdfs:comment "Class of queries that are seeking a descriptive graph" ; rdfs:label "Open Graph Query" . dawgt:queryAsk rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:QueryForm ; rdfs:comment "Class of queries that are seeking a yes/no question" ; rdfs:label "Boolean Query" . ## ---- Result forms ## The result may still be encoded in RDF - classifying it helps ## check for expected form. dawgt:resultResultSet rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:ResultForm ; rdfs:comment "Class of result expected to be from a SELECT query" ; rdfs:label "Result Set" . dawgt:resultGraph rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:ResultForm ; rdfs:comment "Class of result expected to be a graph" ; rdfs:label "Graph Result" . dawgt:booleanResult rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:ResultForm ; rdfs:comment "Class of result expected to be a boolean" ; rdfs:label "Boolean Result" .