Title: Getting started with Apache Jena Apache Jena (or Jena in short) is a free and open source Java framework for building [semantic web](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_Web) and [Linked Data](http://linkeddata.org/) applications. The framework is composed of different APIs interacting together to process RDF data. If you are new here, you might want to get started by following one of the [tutorials](/tutorials/index.html). You can also browse [the documentation](/documentation/index.html) if you are interested in a particular topic.

jena logoTutorials

* [RDF API tutorial](/tutorials/rdf_api.html) - you will learn the essence of the semantic web and the graph representation behind RDF. * [SPARQL tutorial](/tutorials/sparql.html) - will guide you to formulate expressive queries over RDF data. * [Ontology API](/documentation/ontology) - illustrates the usage of advanced semantic web features such as reasoning over your data using OWL. * Finally, [some of the tutorials](/tutorials/index.html) are also available in Traditional Chinese, Portuguese and French.

jena logoDocumentation

The following topics are covered in the documentation: * [The RDF API](/documentation/rdf/) - the core RDF API in Jena * [SPARQL](/documentation/query/) - querying and updating RDF models using the SPARQL standards * [Fuseki](/documentation/fuseki2/) - SPARQL server which can present RDF data and answer SPARQL queries over HTTP * [Assembler](/documentation/assembler/) - describing recipes for constructing Jena models declaratively using RDF * [Inference](/documentation/inference/) - using the Jena rules engine and other inference algorithms to derive consequences from RDF models * [Javadoc](/documentation/javadoc/) - JavaDoc generated from the Jena source * [Text Search](/documentation/query/text-query.html) - enhanced indexes using Lucene or Solr for more efficient searching of text literals in Jena models and datasets * [I/O](/documentation/io/) - notes on input and output of triples to and from Jena models * [How-To's](/documentation/notes/) - various topic-specific how-to documents * [Ontology](/documentation/ontology/) - support for handling OWL models in Jena * [TDB](/documentation/tdb/) - a fast persistent triple store that stores directly to disk * [SQL DB](/documentation/sdb/) - constructing persistent Jena models using SQL databases as the storage layer * [Tools](/documentation/tools/) - various command-line tools and utilities to help developers manage RDF data and other aspects of Jena

jena logoFramework Architecture

The interaction between the different APIs: ![Jena architecture overview](/images/jena-architecture.png "Jena architecture overview")

jena logoOther resources

Finally, Jena committer Paolo Castagna has listed some [example programs](https://github.com/castagna/jena-examples) using Jena on his GitHub site.