Title: Command-line and other tools for Jena developers Jena includes various command-line utilities which can help you with a variety of tasks in developing Jena-based applications. ### Index of tools - [schemagen](schemagen.html) - [using schemagen from maven](schemagen-maven.html) ### Setting up your Environment An environment variable `JENA_HOME` is used by all the command line tools to configure the class path automatically for you. You can set this up as follows: **On Linux / Mac** - `export JENA_HOME=`*the directory you downloaded Jena to* - `export PATH=$PATH:$JENA_HOME/bin` **On Windows** - `SET JENA_HOME =`*the directory you downloaded Jena to* - `SET PATH=%PATH%;%JENA_HOME%\bat` ### Running the Tools Once you've done the above you should now be able to run the tools from the command line like so: **On Linux / Mac** - `sparql --version` **On Windows** - `sparql.bat --version` This command will simply print the versions of Jena and ARQ used in your distribution, all the tools support the `--version ` option. To find out how to use a specific tool add the `--help` flag instead. Note that many examples of using Jena tools typically use the Linux style invocation because most of the Jena developers work on Linux/Mac platforms. When running on windows simply add `.bat` as an extension to the name of the command line tool to run it, on some versions of Windows this may not be required. ### Common Issues with Running the Tools If you receive errors stating that a class is not found then it is most likely that `JENA_HOME` is not set correctly. As a quick sanity check you can try the following to see if it is set appropriately: **On Linux / Mac** - `cd $JENA_HOME` **On Windows** - `cd %JENA_HOME%` If this command fails then `JENA_HOME` is not correctly set, please ensure you have set it correctly and try again. Windows users may experience problems if trying to run the tools when their `JENA_HOME` path contains spaces in it, there are two workarounds for this: 1. Move your Jena install to a path without spaces 1. Grab the latest scripts from [master][1] where they have been fixed to safely handle this. Future releases will include this fix and resolve this issue [1]: https://github.com/apache/jena/tree/master/apache-jena/bat/