Title: TDB Quad Filter This page describes how to filter quads at the lowest level of TDB. It can be used to hide certain quads (tripes in named graphs) or triples. The code for the example on this page can be found in the TDB download: `src-examples/tdb.examples/ExQuadFilter.java` Filtering quads should be used with care. The performance of the tuple filter callback is critical. See also [Dynamic Datasets](dynamic_datasets.html) to select only certain specified named graphs for a query. TDB will call a registered filter on every quad that it retrieves from any of the indexes, both quads (for named graphs) and triples (for the stored default graph). This filter indicates whether to accept or reject the quad or triple. This happens during basic graph pattern processing. A rejected quad is simply no processed further in the basic graph pattern and it is as if it is not in the dataset. The filter has a signature of: // org.apache.jena.atlas.iterator.Filter interface Filter { public boolean accept(T item) ; } with a type parameter of `Tuple`. `NodeId` is the low level internal identifier TDB uses for RDF terms. `Tuple` is a class for a immutable tuples of values of the same type. /** Create a filter to exclude the graph http://example/g2 */ private static Filter> createFilter(Dataset ds) { DatasetGraphTransaction dst = (DatasetGraphTransaction)(ds.asDatasetGraph()) ; DatasetGraphTDB dsg = dst.getBaseDatasetGraph(); NodeTable nodeTable = dsg.getQuadTable().getNodeTupleTable().getNodeTable() ; // Filtering operates at a very low level: // need to know the internal identifier for the graph name. final NodeId target = nodeTable.getNodeIdForNode(Node.createURI("http://example/g2")) ; // Filter for accept/reject as quad as being visible. Filter> filter = new Filter>() { public boolean accept(Tuple item) { // Quads are 4-tuples, triples are 3-tuples. if ( item.size() == 4 && item.get(0).equals(target) ) // reject return false ; // Accept return true ; } } ; return filter ; } To install a filter, put it in the context of a query execution under the symbol `SystemTDB.symTupleFilter` then execute the query as normal. Dataset ds = ... ; Filter> filter = createFilter(ds) ; Query query = ... ; try (QueryExecution qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, ds)) { qExec.getContext().set(SystemTDB.symTupleFilter, filter) ; ResultSet rs = qExec.execSelect() ; ... }