Title: TDB Configuration There are a number of configuration options that affect the operation of TDB. ## Contents - [Setting Options](#setting-options) - [Setting from the command line](#setting-from-the-command-line) - [Setting with Java System properties](#setting-with-java-system-properties) - [Query of the union of named graphs](#query-of-the-union-of-named-graphs) - [Logging Query Execution](#logging-query-execution) - [Dataset Caching](#dataset-caching) - [File Access Mode](#file-access-mode) - [TDB Configuration Symbols](#tdb-configuration-symbols) - [Advanced Store Configuration](#advanced-store-configuration) ## Setting Options Options can be set globally, through out the JVM, or on a per query execution basis. TDB uses the same mechanism as [ARQ](http://jena.sf.net/ARQ "http://jena.sf.net/ARQ"). There is a global context, which is give to each query execution as it is created. Modifications to the global context after the query execution is created are not seen by the query execution. Modifications to the context of a single query execution do not affect any other query execution nor the global context. A context is a set of symbol/value pairs. Symbols are used created internal to ARQ and TDB and accessed via Java constants. Values are any Java object, together with the values `true` and `false`, which are short for the constants of class `java.lang.Boolean`. Setting globally: TDB.getContext().set(symbol, value) ; Per query execution: try(QueryExecution qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(...)) { qExec.getContext().set(symbol, value) ; ... } Setting for a query execution happens before any query compilation or setup happens. Creation of a query execution object does not compile the query, which happens when the appropriate `.exec` method is called. #### Setting from the command line Options can also set from the [command line](commands.html#setting-options-from-the-command-line "TDB/Commands") with "`--set`. #### Setting with Java System properties (TDB 0.8.5 and later) Options can be set when invoking the JVM using the Java system properties as set by "`-D`". ## Query of the union of named graphs See [TDB/Datasets](datasets.html "TDB/Datasets"). ## Logging Query Execution If the symbol "`tdb:logExec`" is set to "true", and also the logger `org.apache.jena.tdb.exec` is enabled fro level "info", then each basic graph patterns is logged before execution. This pattern logged is after substitution of variable values and after optimization by the [BGP optimizer](optimizer.html "TDB/Optimizer"). ## Dataset Caching (TDB 0.8.0 and later) TDB caches datasets based on the location of the backing directory. Within a single JVM, all attempts to create or open a dataset at a particular location go through the same dataset (and same disk caching). Therefore, an application can open the same location several times in different places in the code and still get the same underlying dataset for query and update. Note that closing the dataset closes it everywhere (the opening calls are not being reference counted). ## File Access Mode The context symbol can be set to "mapped" or "direct". Unset, or the value "default", ask TDB to use to make the choice based on JVM. Leaving it to the default is *strongly* encouraged. ## TDB Configuration Symbols Configuration Symbols Symbol | Java Constant | Effect | Default ------ | ------------- | ------ | ------- `tdb:logExec` | `TDB.symLogExec` | Log execution of BGPs. Set to "true" to enable. Must also enable the logger "org.apache.jena.tdb.exec". e.g. log4j.properties `log4j.logger.org.apache.jena.tdb.exec=INFO` | unset `tdb:unionDefaultGraph` | `TDB.symUnionDefaultGraph` | Query patterns on the default graph match against the union of the named graphs. | unset `tdb:fileMode` | `SystemTDB.fileMode` | Force use of memory mapped files (`"mapped"`) or direct file caching (`"direct"`). See discussion of TDB on 32 or 64 bit hardware, especially limitations of memory mapped files on 32 bit Java. | Set by the system based on 32 or 64 bit java. ## Advanced Store Configuration Various internal caching sizes can be set to different values to the defaults. See the [full description](store-parameters.html).