Title: SDB Loading performance - [Introduction](#introduction) - [The Databases and Hardware](#the-databases-and-hardware) - [Hardware](#hardware) - [Windows setup](#windows-setup) - [Linux setup](#linux-setup) - [The Dataset and Queries](#the-dataset-and-queries) - [LUBM](#lubm) - [dbpedia](#dbpedia) - [Loading](#loading) - [Results](#results) - [Uniprot 700m loading: Tuning Helps](#uniprot-700m-loading-tuning-helps) ## Introduction Performance reporting is an area prone to misinterpretation, and such reports should be liberally decorated with disclaimers. In our case there are an alarming number of variables: the hardware, the operating system, the database engine and its myriad parameters, the data itself, the queries, and planetary alignment. Given this here is some basic information. You may find it sufficient: - Loading speed will be in the thousands of triples per second range. Expect to load around 5 million triples per hour. - Index layout is usually better than hash for loading speed. Hash loading is very bad on MySQL. - Hash layout is better for query speed. We suggest that you don't choose your database based on these figures. The performance is broadly similar, so if you already have a relational database installed this is your best option. ## The Databases and Hardware SDB supports a range of databases, but the figures here are limited to SQLServer and Postgresql. The hardware used was identical, although running linux (for Postgresql) and windows (for SQLServer). ### Hardware - Dual AMD Opteron processors, 64 bit, 1.8 GHz. - 8 GB memory. - 80 GB disk for database. ### Windows setup - Windows server 2003 - Java 6 64 bit - SQLServer 2005 ### Linux setup - Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 - Java 6 64 bit - Postgresql 8.2 ## The Dataset and Queries We use the Lehigh University Benchmark [http://swat.cse.lehigh.edu/projects/lubm/](http://swat.cse.lehigh.edu/projects/lubm/ "http://swat.cse.lehigh.edu/projects/lubm/") and dbpedia [http://dbpedia.org/](http://dbpedia.org/ "http://dbpedia.org/"), together with some example queries that each provides. You can find the queries in SDB/PerfTests. ### LUBM LUBM generates artificial datasets. To be useful one needs to apply reasoning, and this was done in advance of loading. The queries are quite stressful for SDB in that they are not very ground (in many neither subjects nor objects are present), and many produce very large result sets. Thus they are probably atypical of many SPARQL queries. - Size: 19 million triples (including inferred triples). ### dbpedia The dbpedia queries are, unlike LUBM, quite ground. dbpedia contains many large literals, in contrast to LUBM. - Size: 25 million triples. ## Loading All operations were performed using SDB's command line tools. The data was loaded into a freshly formatted SDB store -- although postgresql needs an ANALYSE to avoid silly planning -- then the additional indexes were added. ## Results Benchmark | Database loading Speed (tps) | Index time (s) | Size (MB) --------- | ---------------------------- | -------------- | --------- LUBM Postgres (Hash) | 4972 |199 | 5124 LUBM Postgres (Index) | 8658 | 176 | 3666 LUBM SQLServer (Hash) | 8762 | 121 | 3200 LUBM SQLServer (Index) | 7419 | 68 | 2029 DBpedia Postgres (Hash) | 3029 | 298 | 10193 DBpedia Postgres (Index) | 4293 | 227 | 6251 DBpedia SQLServer (Hash) | 5345 | 162 | 6349 DBpedia SQLServer (Index) | 4749 | 110 | 4930 ## Uniprot 700m loading: Tuning Helps To illustrate the variability in loading speed, and emphasise the importance of tuning, consider the case of Uniprot [http://dev.isb-sib.ch/projects/uniprot-rdf/](http://dev.isb-sib.ch/projects/uniprot-rdf/ "http://dev.isb-sib.ch/projects/uniprot-rdf/"). Uniprot contains (at the time of writing) around 700 million triples. We loaded these on to the SQLServer setup given above, but with the following changes: - The database was stored on a separate disk. - The database's transactional logs were stored on yet another disk. So the rdf data, database data, and log data were all on distinct disks. Loading into an index-layout store proceeded at: - 11079 triples per second