Title: SDB Joseki Integration [Joseki](http://www.joseki.org "http://www.joseki.org") is a server that implements the SPARQL protocol for HTTP. It can be used to give a SPARQL interface to an SDB installation. The Joseki server needs the SDB jar files on its classpath. The Joseki configuration file needs to contain two triples to integrate SDB: ## Initialize SDB. [] ja:loadClass "com.hp.hpl.jena.sdb.SDB" . ## Declare that sdb:DatasetStore is an implementation of ja:RDFDataset . sdb:DatasetStore rdfs:subClassOf ja:RDFDataset . then a Joseki service can use an SBD-implemented dataset: <#books> rdf:type sdb:DatasetStore ; sdb:store <#store> . <#store> rdf:type sdb:Store  ; rdfs:label "SDB" ; sdb:layout "layout2" ; sdb:connection [ rdf:type sdb:SDBConnection ; sdb:sdbType "postgresql" ; sdb:sdbHost "localhost" ; sdb:sdbName "SDB" ; ] . To enable pooling of connections to the SDB store, use the joseki:poolSize property. This causes Joseki to create a pool of SDB datasets, each with it's own JDBC connection. This requires Joseki 3.2. <#sdb> rdf:type sdb:DatasetStore ; joseki:poolSize 5 ; # Number of concurrent connections allowed to this dataset. sdb:store <#store> . SDB 1.0: ## Dataset in SDB. <#books> rdf:type sdb:DatasetStore , ja:RDFDataset ; rdfs:label "Books" ; sdb:layout "layout2" ; sdb:connection [ rdf:type sdb:SDBConnection ; sdb:sdbType "postgresql" ; sdb:sdbHost "localhost" ; sdb:sdbName "SDB" ; ] . The database installation does not need to accept public requests, it needs only to be accessible to the Joseki server itself. There is an example configuration file for a Joseki server using SDB in the Joseki distribution.