Title: ARQ - SELECT Expressions The SELECT statement of a query can include expressions, not just variables. This was previously a SPARQL extension but is now legal SPARQL 1.1 Expressions are enclosed in `()` and can be optionally named using `AS`. If no name is given, and internal name is allocated which may not be a legal SPARQL variable name. In order to make results portable in the [SPARQL Query Results XML Format](http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-XMLres/), the application must specify the name so using `AS` is strongly encouraged. Expressions can involve [group aggregations](group-by.html). Expressions that do not correctly evaluate result in an unbound variable in the results.  That is, the illegal expression is silently skipped. Examples: PREFIX : SELECT (?p+1 AS ?q) { :x :p ?p }   PREFIX rdf: PREFIX : SELECT (count(*) AS ?count) { :x rdf:type :Class } [ARQ documentation index](index.html)