Title: Tutorial - Manipulating SPARQL using ARQ When you've been working with SPARQL you quickly find that static queries are restrictive. Maybe you want to vary a value, perhaps add a filter, alter the limit, etc etc. Being an impatient sort you dive in to the query string, and it works. But what about [little Bobby Tables](http://xkcd.com/327/)? And, even if you sanitise your inputs, string manipulation is a fraught process and syntax errors await you. Although it might seem harder than string munging, the ARQ API is your friend in the long run. *Originally published on the [Research Revealed project blog](https://web.archive.org/web/20151107135044/http://researchrevealed.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/?p=35)* ## Inserting values (simple prepared statements) Let's begin with something simple. Suppose we wanted to restrict the following query to a particular person: select * { ?person  ?name } `String#replaceAll` would work, but there is a safer way. `QueryExecutionFactory` in most cases lets you supply a `QuerySolution` with which you can prebind values. QuerySolutionMap initialBinding = new QuerySolutionMap(); initialBinding.add("name", personResource); qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, dataset, initialBinding); This is often much simpler than the string equivalent since you don't have to escape quotes in literals. (Beware that this doesn't work for `sparqlService`, which is a great shame. It would be nice to spend some time remedying that.) ## Making a Query from Scratch The previously mentioned limitation is due to the fact that prebinding doesn't actually change the query at all, but the execution of that query. So what how do we really alter queries? ARQ provides two ways to work with queries: at the syntax level (`Query` and `Element`), or the algebra level (`Op`). The distinction is clear in filters: SELECT ?s { ?s  ?val . FILTER ( ?val < 20 ) } If you work at the syntax level you'll find that this looks (in pseudo code) like: (GROUP (PATTERN ( ?s  ?val )) (FILTER ( < ?val 20 ) )) That is there's a group containing a triple pattern and a filter, just as you see in the query. The algebra is different, and we can see it using `arq.qparse --print op` $ java arq.qparse --print op 'SELECT ?s { ?s  ?val . FILTER ( ?val < 20 ) }' (base (project (?s) (filter (< ?val 20) (bgp (triple ?s  ?val))))) Here the filter contains the pattern, rather than sitting next to it. This form makes it clear that the expression is filtering the pattern. Let's create that query from scratch using ARQ. We begin with some common pieces: the triple to match, and the expression for the filter. // ?s ?p ?o . Triple pattern = Triple.create(Var.alloc("s"), Var.alloc("p"), Var.alloc("o")); // ( ?s < 20 ) Expr e = new E_LessThan(new ExprVar("s"), new NodeValueInteger(20)); `Triple` should be familiar from jena. `Var` is an extension of `Node` for variables. `Expr` is the root interface for expressions, those things that appear in `FILTER` and `LET`. First the syntax route: ElementTriplesBlock block = new ElementTriplesBlock(); // Make a BGP block.addTriple(pattern); // Add our pattern match ElementFilter filter = new ElementFilter(e); // Make a filter matching the expression ElementGroup body = new ElementGroup(); // Group our pattern match and filter body.addElement(block); body.addElement(filter); Query q = QueryFactory.make(); q.setQueryPattern(body); // Set the body of the query to our group q.setQuerySelectType(); // Make it a select query q.addResultVar("s"); // Select ?s Now the algebra: Op op; BasicPattern pat = new BasicPattern(); // Make a pattern pat.add(pattern); // Add our pattern match op = new OpBGP(pat); // Make a BGP from this pattern op = OpFilter.filter(e, op); // Filter that pattern with our expression op = new OpProject(op, Arrays.asList(Var.alloc("s"))); // Reduce to just ?s Query q = OpAsQuery.asQuery(op); // Convert to a query q.setQuerySelectType(); // Make is a select query Notice that the query form (`SELECT, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE, ASK`) isn't part of the algebra, and we have to set this in the query (although SELECT is the default). `FROM` and `FROM NAMED` are similarly absent. ## Navigating and Tinkering: Visitors You can also look around the algebra and syntax using visitors. Start by extending `OpVisitorBase` (`ElementVisitorBase`) which stubs out the interface so you can concentrate on the parts of interest, then walk using `OpWalker.walk(Op, OpVisitor)` (`ElementWalker.walk(Element, ElementVisitor)`). These work bottom up. For some alterations, like manipulating triple matches in place, visitors will do the trick. They provide a simple way to get to the right parts of the query, and you can alter the pattern backing BGPs in both the algebra and syntax. Mutation isn't consistently available, however, so don't depend on it. ## Transforming the Algebra So far there is no obvious advantage in using the algebra. The real power is visible in transformers, which allow you to reorganise an algebra completely. ARQ makes extensive use of transformations to simplify and optimise query execution. In Research Revealed I wrote some code to take a number of constraints and produce a query. There were a number of ways to do this, but one way I found was to generate ops from each constraint and join the results: for (Constraint con: cons) { op = OpJoin.create(op, consToOp(cons)); // join } The result was a perfectly correct mess, which is only barely readable with just three conditions: (join (join (filter (< ?o0 20) (bgp (triple ?s  ?o0))) (filter (< ?o1 20) (bgp (triple ?s  ?o1)))) (filter (< ?o2 20) (bgp (triple ?s  ?o2)))) Each of the constraints is a filter on a bgp. This can be made much more readable by moving the filters out, and merging the triple patterns. We can do this with the following `Transform`: class QueryCleaner extends TransformBase { @Override public Op transform(OpJoin join, Op left, Op right) { // Bail if not of the right form if (!(left instanceof OpFilter && right instanceof OpFilter)) return join; OpFilter leftF = (OpFilter) left; OpFilter rightF = (OpFilter) right; // Add all of the triple matches to the LHS BGP ((OpBGP) leftF.getSubOp()).getPattern().addAll(((OpBGP) rightF.getSubOp()).getPattern()); // Add the RHS filter to the LHS leftF.getExprs().addAll(rightF.getExprs()); return leftF; } } ... op = Transformer.transform(new QueryCleaner(), op); // clean query This looks for joins of the form: (join (filter (exp1) (bgp1)) (filter (exp2) (bgp2))) And replaces it with: (filter (exp1 && exp2) (bgp1 && bgp2)) As we go through the original query all joins are removed, and the result is: (filter (exprlist (< ?o0 20) (< ?o1 20) (< ?o2 20)) (bgp (triple ?s  ?o0) (triple ?s  ?o1) (triple ?s  ?o2) )) That completes this brief introduction. There is much more to ARQ, of course, but hopefully you now have a taste for what it can do.