Title: Using ARP Without Jena ARP can be used both as a Jena subsystem, or as a standalone RDF/XML parser. This document gives a quick guide to using ARP standalone. ## Contents - [Overview](#overview) - [Sample Code](#sample) - [ARP Event Handling](#handlers) - [Configuring ARP](#config) - [Interrupting ARP](#interrupt) - [Using Other SAX Sources](#sax2rdf) - [Memory usage](#memory) ## Overview To load an RDF file: 1. Create an [ARP](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/ARP.html#ARP()) instance. 2. Set parse options, particularly error detection control, using [getOptions](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/ARPConfig.html#getOptions()) or [setOptionsWith](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/ARPConfig.html#setOptionsWith(org.apache.jena.rdf.arp.ARPOptions)). 3. Set its handlers, by calling the [getHandlers](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/ARPConfig.html#getHandlers()) or [setHandlersWith](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/ARPConfig.html#setHandlersWith(org.apache.jena.rdf.arp.ARPHandlers)) methods, and then. - Setting the [statement handler](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/ARPHandlers.html#setStatementHandler(org.apache.jena.rdf.arp.StatementHandler)). - Optionally setting the other handlers. 4. Call a [load](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/ARP.html#load(java.io.InputStream,%20java.lang.String)) method Xerces is used for parsing the XML. The SAXEvents generated by Xerces are then analysed as RDF by ARP. It is possible to use a different source of SAX events. Errors may occur in either the XML or the RDF part. ## Sample Code ARP arp = new ARP(); // initialisation - uses ARPConfig interface only. arp.getOptions().setLaxErrorMode(); arp.getHandlers().setErrorHandler(new ErrorHandler(){ public void fatalError(SAXParseException e){ // TODO code } public void error(SAXParseException e){ // TODO code } public void warning(SAXParseException e){ // TODO code } }); arp.getHandlers().setStatementHandler(new StatementHandler(){ public void statement(AResource a, AResource b, ALiteral l){ // TODO code } public void statement(AResource a, AResource b, AResource l){ // TODO code } }); // parsing. try { // Loading fixed input ... arp.load(new StringReader( "\n" +"" +"hello\n" +"" )); } catch (IOException ioe){ // something unexpected went wrong } catch (SAXParseException s){ // This error will have been reported } catch (SAXException ss) { // This error will not have been reported. } ## ARP Event Handling ARP reports events concerning: - Triples found in the input. - Errors in the input. - Namespace declarations. - Scope of blank nodes. User code is needed to respond to any of these events of interest. This is written by implementing any of the relevant interfaces: [StatementHandler](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/StatementHandler.html), org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler, [NamespaceHandler](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/NamespaceHandler.html), and [ExtendedHandler](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/ExtendedHandler.html). An individual handler is set by calling the [getHandlers](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/ARPConfig.html#getHandlers()) method on the ARP instance. This returns an encapsulation of all the handlers being used. A specific handler is set by calling the appropriate set...Handler method on that object, e.g. [setStatementHandler](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/ARPHandlers.html#setStatementHandler(org.apache.jena.rdf.arp.StatementHandler)). All the handlers can be copied from one ARP instance to another by using the [setHandlersWith](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/ARPConfig.html#setHandlersWith(org.apache.jena.rdf.arp.ARPHandlers)) method: ARP from, to; // initialize from and to // ... to.setHandlersWith(from.getHandlers()); The error handler reports both XML and RDF errors, the former detected by Xerces. See [ARPHandlers.setErrorHandler](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/ARPHandlers.html#setErrorHandler(org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler)) for details of how to distinguish between them. ## Configuring ARP ARP can be configured to treat most error conditions as warnings or to be ignored, and to treat some non-error conditions as warnings or errors. In addition, the behaviour in response to input that does not have an `` root element is configurable: either to treat the whole file as RDF anyway, or to scan the file looking for embedded `` elements. As with the handlers, there is an options object that encapsulates these settings. It can be accessed using [`getOptions`](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/ARPConfig.html#getOptions()), and then individual settings can be made using the methods in [`ARPOptions`](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/ARPOptions.html). It is also possible to copy all the option settings from one ARP instance to another: ARP from, to; // initialize from and to ... to.setOptionsWith(from.getOptions()); The [I/O how-to](iohowto.html#arp_properties) gives some more detail about the options settings, although it assumes the use of the Jena `RDFReader` interface. ## Interrupting ARP It is possible to interrupt an ARP thread. See the [I/O how-to](iohowto.html#interrupting_arp) for details. ## Using Other SAX Sources It is possible to use ARP with other SAX input sources, e.g. from a non-Xerces parser, or from an in-memory XML source, such as a DOM tree. Instead of an ARP instance, you create an instance of [SAX2RDF](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/SAX2RDF.html) using the [newInstance](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/SAX2RDF.html#newInstance(java.lang.String)) method. This can be configured just like an ARP instance, following the initialization section of the [sample code](#sample). This is used like a SAX2Model instance as [described elsewhere](sax.html). ## Memory usage For very large files, ARP does not use any additional memory except when either the [ExtendedHandler.discardNodesWithNodeID](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/ExtendedHandler.html#discardNodesWithNodeID()) returns false or when the [AResource.setUserData](/documentation/javadoc/jena/org/apache/jena/rdf/arp/AResource.html#setUserData(java.lang.Object)) method has been used. In these cases ARP needs to remember the `rdf:nodeID` usage through the file life time.