Title: Maven Artifacts for Apache Jena Elephas The Apache Jena Elephas libraries for Apache Hadoop are a collection of maven artifacts which can be used individually or together as desired. These are available from the same locations as any other Jena artifact, see [Using Jena with Maven](/download/maven.html) for more information. # Hadoop Dependencies The first thing to note is that although our libraries depend on relevant Hadoop libraries these dependencies are marked as `provided` and therefore are not transitive. This means that you may typically also need to declare these basic dependencies as `provided` in your own POM: org.apache.hadoop hadoop-common 2.6.0 provided org.apache.hadoop hadoop-mapreduce-client-common 2.6.0 provided ### Using Alternative Hadoop versions If you wish to use a different Hadoop version then we suggest that you build the modules yourself from source which can be found in the `jena-elephas` folder of our source release (available on the [Downloads](../download/) page) or from our Git repository (see [Getting Involved](../getting_involved/) for details of the repository). When building you need to set the `hadoop.version` property to the desired version e.g. > mvn clean package -Dhadoop.version=2.4.1 Would build for Hadoop `2.4.1` **Note** that we only support Hadoop 2.x APIs and so Elephas cannot be built for Hadoop 1.x # Jena RDF Tools for Apache Hadoop Artifacts ## Common API The `jena-elephas-common` artifact provides common classes for enabling RDF on Hadoop. This is mainly composed of relevant `Writable` implementations for the various supported RDF primitives. org.apache.jena jena-elephas-common x.y.z ## IO API The [IO API](io.html) artifact provides support for reading and writing RDF in Hadoop: org.apache.jena jena-elephas-io x.y.z ## Map/Reduce The [Map/Reduce](mapred.html) artifact provides various building block mapper and reducer implementations to help you get started writing Map/Reduce jobs over RDF data quicker: org.apache.jena jena-elephas-mapreduce x.y.z ## RDF Stats Demo The [RDF Stats Demo](demo.html) artifact is a Hadoop job jar which can be used to run some simple demo applications over your own RDF data: org.apache.jena jena-elephas-stats x.y.z hadoop-job