Title: Jena Assembler howto ## Introduction This document describes the vocabulary and effect of the built-in Jena assembler descriptions for constructing models (and other things). A [companion document](inside-assemblers.html) describes the built-in assembler classes and how to write and integrate your own assemblers. If you just need a quick guide to the common model specifications, see the [assembler quickstart](index.html). This document describes how to use the Assembler classes to construct models -- and other things -- from RDF descriptions that use the Jena Assembler vocabulary. That vocabulary is available in [assembler.ttl](assembler.ttl) as an RDFS schema with conventional prefix `ja` for the URI `http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2005/11/Assembler#`; the class `JA` is its Java rendition. The examples used in this document are extracted from the examples file [examples.ttl](examples.ttl). The pieces of RDF/OWL schema are extracted from the `ja-vocabulary` file. The property names selected are those which are the "declared properties" (as per Jena's `listDeclaredProperties` method) of the class. Only the most specialised super-classes and range classes are shown, so (for example) `rdf:Resource` typically won't appear. ### Overview An Assembler specification is a Resource in some RDF Model. The properties of that Resource describe what kind of object is to be assembled and what its components are: for example, an InfModel is constructed by specifying a base model and a reasoner. The specifications for the components are themselves Assembler specifications given by other Resources in the same Model.For example, to specify a memory model with data loaded from a file: eg:model a ja:MemoryModel ; ja:content [ja:externalContent ] . The `rdf:type` of `eg:model` specifies that the constructed Model is to be a Jena memory-based model. The `ja:content` property specifies that the model is to be loaded with the content of the resource `file:Data/example.n3`. The content handler guesses from the ".n3" suffix that this file is to be read using the Jena N3 reader. Unless otherwise specified by an application, Assembler specifications are interpreted after *completion* by 1. including the JA schema, 2. including (recursively) the objects of any owl:imports and ja:imports statements, and 3. doing [(limited) RDFS inference](#limited-rdfs-inference). (The supplied model is not modified.) In the example above, `eg:model` has to be given an explicit type, but the `ja:externalContent` bnode is implicitly typed by the domain of `ja:externalContent`. In this document, we will usually leave out inferrable types. We can construct our example model from the specification like this (you may need to tweak the filename to make this work in your environment): Model spec = FileManager.get().loadModel( "examples.ttl" ); Resource root = spec.createResource( spec.expandPrefix( "eg:opening-example" ) ); Model m = Assembler.general.openModel( root ); The model is constructed from the "root resource", `eg:opening-example` in our example. `general` knows how to create all the kinds of objects - not just Models - that we describe in the next sections. ## Specifications common to all models Assembler specifications can describe many kinds of models: memory, inference, ontology, and file-backed. All of these model specifications share a set of base properties for attaching content and prefix mappings. ja:Loadable a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:Object . ja:initialContent a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:Loadable rdfs:range ja:Content . ja:content a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:Loadable ; rdfs:range ja:Content . ja:Model a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:ContentItem ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:Loadable . ja:prefixMapping a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:Model ; rdfs:range ja:PrefixMapping . All of a model's `ja:content` property values are interpreted as specifying `Content` objects and a single composite `Content` object is constructed and used to initialise the model. See [Content](#content-specification) for the description of Content specifications. For example: eg:sharedContent ja:externalContent . eg:common-example a ja:MemoryModel ; ja:content eg:sharedContent ; ja:content [ja:externalContent ] ; ja:content [ja:externalContent ] . The model constructed for `eg:A` will be loaded with the contents of `Data/A.n3`, `Data/B.rdf`, and `http://somewhere/RDF/ont.owl`. If the model supports transactions, then the content is loaded inside a transaction; if the load fails, the transaction is aborted, and a `TransactionAbortedException` thrown. If the content has any prefix mappings, then they are also added to the model. All of a model's `ja:prefixMapping`, `ja:prefix`, and `ja:namespace` properties are interpreted as specifying a `PrefixMapping` object and a single composite `PrefixMapping` is constructed and used to set the prefixes of the model. See [PrefixMapping](#prefix-mappings) for the description of Content specifications. ### Content specification A Content specification describes content that can be used to fill models. Content can be external (files and URLs) or literal (strings in the specification) or quotations (referring to RDF which is part of the specification). ja:Content a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:HasFileManager . ja:HasFileManager a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:Object . ja:fileManager a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:HasFileManager ; rdfs:range ja:FileManager . A `ja:Content` specification may have zero or more `ja:externalContent` property values. These are URI resources naming an external (file or http etc) RDF object. The constructed Content object contains the union of the values of all such resources. For example: eg:external-content-example ja:externalContent , . The external content is located using a `FileManager`. If the `Content` resource has a `ja:fileManager` property, then the `FileManager` described by that resource is used. Otherwise, if the `ContentAssembler` assembling this specification was constructed with a `FileManager` argument, that `FileManager` is used. Otherwise, the default `FileManager`, `FileManager.get()`, is used. The string literal value of the any `ja:literalContent` properties is interpreted as RDF in an appropriate language. The constructed Content object contains that RDF. The language is either specified by an explicit `ja:contentEncoding` property value, or guessed from the content of the string. The only encodings permitted are "N3" and "RDF/XML". For example: eg:literal-content-example ja:literalContent "_:it dc:title 'Interesting Times'" . The literal content is wrapped so that prefix declarations for **rdf**, **rdfs**, **owl**, **dc**, and **xsd** apply before interpretation. The property values of any `ja:quotedContent` properties should be resources. The subgraphs rooted at those resources (using the algorithm from `ResourceUtils.reachableClosure()`) are added to the content. ### Inference models and reasoners Inference models are specified by supplying a description of the reasoner that is used by the model and (optionally) a base model to reason over. For example: eg:inference-example ja:baseModel [a ja:MemoryModel] ; ja:reasoner [ja:reasonerURL ] . describes an inference model that uses RDFS reasoning. The *reasonerURL* property value is the URI used to identify the reasoner (it is the value of the Jena constant `RDFSRuleReasonerFactory.URI`). The base model is specified as a memory model; if it is left out, an empty memory model is used. eg:db-inference-example ja:baseModel eg:model-example ; ja:reasoner [ja:reasonerURL ] . The same reasoner as used as in the previous example, but now the base model is a specific model description in the same way as our earlier example. Because Jena's access to external reasoners goes through the same API as for its internal reasoners, you can access a DIG reasoner (such as Pellet running as a server) using an Assembler specification: eg:external-inference-example ja:reasoner [ ; ja:reasonerURL ] . If there's a DIG server running locally on port 2004, this specification will create a DIG inference model that uses it. The internal rule reasoner can be supplied with rules written inside the specification, or outside from some resource (file or http: URL): eg:rule-inference-example ja:reasoner [ja:rule "[r1: (?x my:P ?y) -> (?x rdf:type my:T)]"] . This reasoner will infer a type declaration from a use of a property. (The prefix *my* will have to be known to the rule parser, of course.) ja:InfModel a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty ja:reasoner; owl:maxCardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty ja:baseModel; owl:maxCardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:Model . ja:reasoner a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:InfModel ; rdfs:range ja:ReasonerFactory . ja:baseModel a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:InfModel ; rdfs:range ja:Model . ja:HasRules a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:Object . ja:rule a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:HasRules . ja:rulesFrom a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:HasRules . ja:rules a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:HasRules ; rdfs:range ja:RuleSet . An InfModel's `ja:baseModel` property value specifies the base model for the inference model; if omitted, an empty memory model is used. An InfModel's `ja:ReasonerFactory` property value specifies the Reasoner for this inference model; if omitted, a GenericRuleReasoner is used. A Reasoner's optional `ja:schema` property specifies a Model which contains the schema for the reasoner to be bound to. If omitted, no schema is used. If the Reasoner is a GenericRuleReasoner, it may have any of the RuleSet properties `ja:rules`, `ja:rulesFrom`, or `ja:rule`. The rules of the implied `RuleSet` are added to the `Reasoner`. #### ReasonerFactory A ReasonerFactory can be specified by URL or by class name (but not both). ja:ReasonerFactory a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty ja:ReasonerURL; owl:maxCardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:HasRules . ja:reasonerClass a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:ReasonerFactory . ja:reasonerURL a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:ReasonerFactory . ja:schema a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:ReasonerFactory ; rdfs:range ja:Model . If the optional unique property `ja:reasonerURL` is specified, then its resource value is the URI of a reasoner in the Jena reasoner registry; the reasoner is the one with the given URI. If the optional property `ja:schema` is specified, then the models specified by all the schema properties are unioned and any reasoner produced by the factory will have that union bound in as its schema (using the `Reasoner::bindSchema()` method). If the optional unique property `ja:reasonerClass` is specified, its value names a class which implements `ReasonerFactory`. That class is loaded and an instance of it used as the factory. The class may be named by the lexical form of a literal, or by a URI with the (fake) "java:" scheme. If the class has a method `theInstance`, that method is called to supply the `ReasonerFactory` instance to use. Otherwise, a new instance of that class is constructed. Jena's reasoner factories come equipped with this method; for other factories, see the documentation. #### Rulesets A `RuleSet` specification allows rules (for ReasonerFactories) to be specified inline, elsewhere in the specification model, or in an external resource. ja:RuleSet a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:HasRules . The optional repeatable property `ja:rule` has as its value a literal string which is the text of a Jena rule or rules. All those rules are added to the `RuleSet`. The optional repeatable property `ja:rulesFrom` has as its value a resource whose URI identifies a file or other external entity that can be loaded as Jena rules. All those rules are added to the `RuleSet`. The optional repeatable property `ja:rules` has as its value a resource which identifies another `RuleSet` in the specification model. All those rules from that `RuleSet` are added to this `RuleSet`. ### Ontology models Ontology models can be specified in several ways. The simplest is to use the name of an OntModelSpec from the Java OntModelSpec class: eg:simple-ont-example ja:ontModelSpec ja:OWL_DL_MEM_RULE_INF . This constructs an `OntModel` with an empty base model and using the OWL_DL language and the full rule reasoner. All of the OntModelSpec constants in the Jena implementation are available in this way. A base model can be specified: eg:base-ont-example ja:baseModel [a ja:MemoryModel ; ja:content [ja:externalContent ]] . The OntModel has a base which is a memory model loaded with the contents of `http://jena.hpl.hp.com/some-jena-data.rdf`. Since the ontModelSpec was omitted, it defaults to `OWL_MEM_RDFS_INF` - the same default as `ModelFactory.createOntologyModel()`. ja:OntModel a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:UnionModel ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:InfModel . ja:ontModelSpec a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:OntModel ; rdfs:range ja:OntModelSpec . ja:OntModelSpec a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty ja:like; owl:maxCardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty ja:reasonerFactory; owl:maxCardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty ja:importSource; owl:maxCardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty ja:documentManager; owl:maxCardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty ja:ontLanguage; owl:maxCardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:Object . ja:importSource a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:OntModelSpec . ja:reasonerFactory a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:OntModelSpec ; rdfs:range ja:ReasonerFactory . ja:documentManager a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:OntModelSpec . ja:ontLanguage a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:OntModelSpec . ja:likeBuiltinSpec a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:OntModelSpec . `OntModel` is a subclass of `InfModel`, and the `ja:baseModel` property means the same thing. The `OntModelSpec` property value is a resource, interpreted as an OntModelSpec description based on its name and the value of the appropriate properties: - `ja:likeBuiltinSpec`: The value of this optional unique property must be a JA resource whose local name is the same as the name of an OntModelSpec constant (as in the simple case above). This is the basis for the OntModelSpec constructed from this specification. If absent, then `OWL_MEM_RDFS_INF` is used. To build an OntModelSpec with no inference, use eg `ja:likeBuiltinSpec ja:OWL_MEM`. - `ja:importSource`: The value of this optional unique property is a `ModelSource` description which describes where imports are obtained from. A `ModelSource` is usually of class `ja:ModelSource`. - `ja:documentManager`: This value of this optional unique property is a DocumentManager specification. If absent, the default document manager is used. - `ja:reasonerFactory`: The value of this optional unique property is the ReasonerFactory resource which will be used to construct this OntModelSpec's reasoner. A `reasonerFactory` specification is the same as an InfModel's `reasoner` specification (the different properties are required for technical reasons). - `ja:reasonerURL`: as a special case of `reasonerFactory`, a reasoner may be specified by giving its URL as the object of the optional unique `reasonerURL` property. It is not permitted to supply both a `reasonerURL` and `reasonerFactory` properties. - `ja:ontLanguage`: The value of this optional unique property is one of the values in the `ProfileRegistry` class which identifies the ontology language of this `OntModelSpec`: - OWL: http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl\# - OWL DL: http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-features/\#term_OWLDL - OWL Lite: http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-features/\#term_OWLLite - RDFS: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema\# Any unspecified properties have default values, normally taken from those of `OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM_RDFS_INF`. However, if the OntModelSpec resource is in the JA namespace, and its local name is the same as that of an OntModelSpec constant, then that constant is used as the default value. ### Document managers An `OntDocumentManager` can be specified by a `ja:DocumentManager` specification which describes the `OntDocumentManager`'s file manager and policy settings. eg:mapper lm:mapping [lm:altName "file:etc/foo.n3" ; lm:name "file:foo.n3"] . eg:document-manager-example ja:fileManager [ja:locationMapper eg:mapper] ; ja:meta [ dm:altURL ] . In this example, `eg:document-manager-example` is a `ja:DocumentManager` specification. It has its own `FileManager specification`, the object of the `ja:fileManager property`; that `FileManager` has a location mapper, `eg:mapper`, that maps a single filename. The document manager also has an additional property to link it to document manager meta-data: the sub-model of the assembler specification reachable from `eg:document-manager-example` is passed to the document manager when it is created. For the meanings of the `dm:` properties, see the Jena ontology documentation and the ontology.rdf ontology. ja:DocumentManager a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty ja:policyPath; owl:maxCardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty ja:fileManager; owl:maxCardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty ja:fileManager; owl:maxCardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:HasFileManager . ja:policyPath a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:DocumentManager . The `ja:fileManager` property value, if present, has as its object a `ja:FileManager` specification; the constructed document manager is given a new file manager constructed from that specification. If there is no `ja:fileManager` property, then the default `FileManager` is used. The `ja:policyPath` property value, if present, should be a string which is a path to policy files as described in the Jena ontology documentation. If absent, the usual default path is applied. If the sub-model of the assembler specification reachable from the DocumentManager resource contains any OntDocumentManager `DOC_MGR_POLICY` or `ONTOLOGY_SPEC` objects, they will be interpreted by the constructed document manager object. ja:FileManager a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty ja:locationMapper; owl:maxCardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:Object . ja:locationMapper a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:FileManager ; rdfs:range ja:LocationMapper . A `ja:FileManager` object may have a `ja:locationMapper` property value which identifies the specification of a `LocationMapper` object initialising that file manager. ja:LocationMapper a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty lm:mapping; owl:maxCardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:Object . lm:mapping a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:LocationMapper . A `ja:LocationMapper` object may have `lm:mapping` property values, describing the location mapping, as described in the FileManager documentation. (Note that the vocabulary for those items is in a different namespace than the JA properties and classes.) ### Union models Union models can be constructed from any number of sub-models and a single *root* model. The root model is the one written to when the union model is updated; the sub-models are untouched. ja:UnionModel a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty ja:rootModel; owl:maxCardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:Model . ja:rootModel a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:UnionModel ; rdfs:range ja:Model . ja:subModel a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:UnionModel ; rdfs:range ja:Model . If the single `ja:rootModel` property is present, its value describes a model to use as the root model of the union. All updates to the union are directed to this root model. If no root model is supplied, the union is given an *immutable*, *empty* model as its root. Any `ja:subModel` property values have objects describing the remaining sub-models of the union. The order of the sub-models in the union is *undefined* (which is why there's a special rootModel property). ### Prefix mappings The PrefixMappings of a model may be set from PrefixMapping specifications. ja:PrefixMapping a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:Object . ja:includes a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:PrefixMapping ; rdfs:range ja:PrefixMapping . ja:SinglePrefixMapping a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty ja:namespace; owl:cardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf [owl:onProperty ja:prefix; owl:cardinality 1] ; rdfs:subClassOf ja:PrefixMapping . ja:namespace a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:SinglePrefixMapping . ja:prefix a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ja:SinglePrefixMapping . The `ja:includes` property allows a PrefixMapping to include the content of other specified PrefixMappings. The `ja:prefix` and `ja:namespace` properties allow the construction of a single element of a prefix mapping by specifying the prefix and namespace of the mapping. ### Other Assembler directives There are two more `Assembler` directives that can be used in an Assembler specification: the *assembler* and *imports* directives. #### Assembler A specification may contain statements of the form: someResource ja:assembler "some.Assembler.class.name" When `someResource` is used as the type of a root object, the AssemblerGroup that processes the description will use an instance of the Java class named by the object of the statement. That class must implement the `Assembler` interface. See [loading assembler classes](inside-assemblers.html#loading-assembler-classes) for more details. Similarly, statements of the form: someResource ja:loadClass "some.class.name" will cause the named class to be loaded (but not treated as assemblers). #### Imports If a specification contains statements of the form: anyResource owl:imports someURL or, equivalently, anyResource ja:imports someURL then the specification is regarded as also containing the contents of the RDF at `someURL`. That RDF may in turn contain `imports` referring to other RDF. ## Limited RDFS inference The Assembler engine uses limited RDFS inference to complete the model it is given, so that the spec-writer does not need to write excessive and redundant RDF. (It does not use the usual Jena reasoners because this limited once-off reasoning has been faster.) The inference steps are: - add all the classes from the JA schema. - do subclass closure over all the classes. - do domain and range inference. - do simple intersection inference: if X is an instance of *intersection A B C ...*, then X is an instance of A, B, C ... (and their supertypes). This is sufficient for closed-world assembling. Other parts of the `JA` schema -- eg, cardinality constraints -- are hard-coded into the individual assemblers.