2012-07-03 Apache Jena A framework for developing Semantic Web and Linked Data applications in Java. Apache Jena provides a complete framework for building Semantic Web and Linked Data applications in Java, and provides: parsers for RDF/XML, Turtle and N-triples; a Java programming API; a complete implementation of the SPARQL query language; a rule-based inference engine for RDFS and OWL entailments; TDB (a non-SQL persistent triple store); SDB (a persistent triples store built on a relational store) and Fuseki, an RDF server using web protocols. Jena complies with all relevant recommendations for RDF and related technologies from the W3C. Java Andy Seaborne Ian Dickinson Dave Reynolds Stephen Allen Chris Dollin Damian Steer Paolo Castagna Rob Vesse Claude Warren Ying Jiang Bruno Kinoshita Osma Suominen Adam Soroka Lorenz Bühmann Resource Description Framework W3C RDF SPARQL W3C SPARQL