Apache Jena Change Log ====================== ==== Trunk (unreleased changes) + Java 6 is now required for running Jena. + Jena 2.6.5-incubating includes ARQ 2.8.9-incubating, IRI 0.9.0-incubating and LARQ 1.0.0-incubating. - The deprecated RDB subsystem has been removed. Please use TDB or SDB. + SPARQL 1.1 / RDF 1.1 : DATATYPE(literal-with-lang) is now rdf:langString, not an error. + DatasetFactory: perferred methods for an in-memory dataset are: create() -- will automatically add in-memory named graphs createFixed() -- needs explicitly added extra graph + BUG FIX: Mis-execution of GRAPH ?g { .. } where ?g used inside { .. } (JENA-154) + Bug fix: ResourceUtils.renameResource() no longer uses Iterator.remove() (JENA-76) + Bug fix: Query objects with aggregators cannot be reused (JENA-120) + REGEX now accepts xsd:string and literals with language tags in the first argument. + Add function STRBEFORE, STRAFTER and REPLACE for SPARQL 1.1 + Add function UUID [ARQ language only] + Remove LARQ from ARQ. LARQ is now a separate Jena module. + Fix reuse of query objects (aggregation used shared state) (JENA-121) + Spill to disk update (enable with ARQ.spillToDiskThreshold) (JENA-45) + External sort (enable with ARQ.spillToDiskThreshold) (JENA-44) + Remove RDQL from ARQ (code in Archive/ in SVN -- will not be updated) + ResultSetUtils.union(ResultSet ... sets) + Add optimization for DISTINCT/ORDER BY/LIMIT N (JENA-108) + Add optimization for DISTINCT/ORDER BY (JENA-90) + Add optimization for ORDER BY/LIMIT N (JENA-89) + General upgrade of dependent systems (not Lucene - see LARQ module for use with Lucene 3) + Introduce "bindigns IO", a subsystem for efficient reading and writing of result bindings. + Make CONCAT follow the SPARQL 1.1 spec properly. + Bug fix: ORDER BY and FILTERs in sub-selects didn't work if ordering by non-SELECT variables. + Bug fix: Equality of algebra operator (order) wasn't checkign all aspects of the op. + Bug fix: SUM and AVG over errors didn't generate an error as they should do. + Add TSVInput processor (JENA-69 / Laurent Pellegrino) + Added DatasetGraph.add(g,s,p,o) and .delete(g,s,p,o) (JENA-65) + Aggregates COUNT(?x) and COUNT(DISTINCT ?x) now skips errors in their expressions rather than evaluating to an error (SPARQL 1.1 Query Last Call compliance).