XML Summer School : September 2009 : Practicals

SPARQL spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/

Query web form: http://sparql.org/xmlss_query.html

Practical 1

The data is already loaded into the query service

  1. Try some queries:
    1. All triples (example)
    2. Get Alice's name given email is <mailto:alice@example.com>. (example)
    3. Find the name of the pairsof people who know each other, that is everybody who knows foaf:knows someone who foaf:knows them back (bonus: without duplicates) (example)
    4. Find the books with SPARQL in the title (use regex) (example)
  2. Execute an example query.  Look at the URL used for the request and the XML returned (use "view source").
  3. Use the validator to look at the SPARQL algebra.

Practical 2



Software installed

The server is running Joseki for the SPARQL protocol and ARQ (and Jena) for the query engine. All are open source with a BSD-class license.