Joseki - Protocol

Joseki supports both HTTP and SOAP bindings for the SPARQL protocol. Both bindings access the same set of services and same set of datasets.


Servlet routing : web.xml

The web.xml, which control routing incoming requests to servlets, must be set correctly. The default web.xml in the download routes:

Names are relative to the web application name, so http://host/myApp/sparql routes according to /sparql in the web.xml file. The default setup provided in the download has a web application of /joseki set to the root application so URLs look like: http://host/localhost:2020/sparql because the server port defaults to port 2020.

Additional Parameters

Some additional parameters are supported: use of these parameters is outside the SPARQL protocol and are not available on all SPARQL servers.

Additional provides the application/sparql-results+json MIME type for the JSON format for SPARQL query results.


There are no additional parameters for the SOAP binding.