Systems - Versions and Licenses


System Version License
Xerces 2.7.1 Apache 2 License
ICU4J 3.4 IBM X License
JUnit 3.8.1 Common Public License Version 1.0
ANTLR 2.7.5 BSD-style license: ANTLR License page
Jakarta Commons Logging 1.0.4 Apache 2 License
Log4j 1.2.12 Apache 2 License
util.concurrent  1.3.2 Public Domain
Jakarta ORO 2.0.8 Apache 2 License
WoodSToX StAX parser StAX API 1.0 / Impl 2.8 Apache 2 License

A local copy of the Apache 2 License is provided.

A local copy of the IBM X License is provided.