@prefix rdfs: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix module: . @prefix joseki: . <> rdfs:comment "Server configuration and data source mapping". ## Server configuration <> a joseki:JosekiServer ; joseki:josekiSchema joseki: ; joseki:alsoInclude ; # Default content type if the client request does not # specify one exactly. # joseki:useContentType "application/rdf+xml" ; joseki:useContentType "application/n3" ; ## Server debug: # 1 - Must ask for exact MIME type else get text/plain # (i.e. from a web browser) # NB Browsers sniff the content anyway! # Try setting useContentType to "application/n3" # 2 - HTTP GET responses are set no cache. # Same as "--debug" to the rdfserver script. joseki:serverDebug "true" ; . # http://server/ is a local convention to help write portable # configuration files. The external URL will be # # http://host/webapp/servletpath/model # # where the "webapp/" part if null if it is the root web application # as is used by the standalone server. In the default setup "servletpath/" # is null as well because web.xml # contains # /* # # "model" can be path. # # Examples: # For the standalone server: # External: # http://example.org:2020/books # Config: # http://server/books # # Under Tomcat: # External: # http://example.org:2020/joseki/books # Config: # http://server/books a joseki:AttachedModel ; joseki:attachedModel ; joseki:hasQueryOperation joseki:BindingGET ; joseki:hasQueryOperation joseki:BindingFetchClosure ; joseki:hasQueryOperation joseki:BindingRDQL ; joseki:hasQueryOperation joseki:BindingSPO ; # Allow query over POST joseki:hasOperation joseki:BindingQueryModel ; joseki:isImmutable "true" ; # Not pingable joseki:namespacePrefix [ joseki:prefix "jd" ; joseki:nsURI ] ; rdfs:comment "Test data" ; . a joseki:AttachedModel ; joseki:attachedModel ; joseki:hasQueryOperation joseki:BindingRDQL ; joseki:hasQueryOperation joseki:BindingGET ; joseki:hasOperation joseki:BindingQueryModel ; joseki:hasOperation joseki:BindingAdd ; # Define the operation completely inline joseki:hasOperation [ joseki:operationName "ping" ; module:interface joseki:OpPing ; module:implementation [ module:className "org.joseki.server.processors.PingProcessor" ] ] ; rdfs:comment "Initially empty model" ; . a joseki:AttachedModel ; joseki:attachedModel ; joseki:hasQueryOperation joseki:BindingFetchClosure ; joseki:hasQueryOperation joseki:BindingRDQL ; joseki:hasQueryOperation joseki:BindingSPO ; joseki:hasQueryOperation joseki:BindingGET ; rdfs:comment "A collection of book details" ; . # Local Variables: # tab-width: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: