Joseki2 : Changes ================= 2.1 from 2.0 ------------ Configuration files for Joseki 2.0 work with Joseki 2.1. There is no change of namespace nor of vocabulary. Logging:: Logging now uses Jakarta commons logging. This can be used with Java 1.4 logging or Log4J. The standalone server uses Java 1.4 logging even if Log4J is available (which it will be as it is part of Jena) by default. Set the system property "org.apache.commons.logging.Log" to either "org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger" or "org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger" to choose your logging system. See Two new (small) jars lib/commons-logging-api.jar lib/commons-logging.jar* Robustness: Results with illegal URIs now cause an HTTP error code, not send a partial model. Cost (in CPU) is the result shave to be checked before really written to the result stream. This si done by writing the result model twice, first to a null output stream. Debugging:: Server debug mode