Running a Joseki Server

A Joseki server can be run as a standalone server, inside a web application server or embedded inside a larger system.

Running Standalone

To run as a standalone server:

jave -cp ... joseki.rdfserver [--port N] [configFile]

Run like this, the servlet that implements the protocol is running inside a Jetty web server.  The appropriate JAR files for Jetty are provided in the full distribution or you can download your own.

Simple Configuration

This section is a brief description of the configuration file.  It is fully described elsewhere.  Examples are in the directory etc/.

@prefix joseki: <> .

    a joseki:AttachedModel ;
    joseki:attachedModel <file:test_data.rdf> ;

    joseki:hasQueryOperation joseki:BindingRDQL ;
    joseki:hasQueryOperation joseki:BindingGET

Suppose the server is run at host

This example puts a single RDF model at URL (note the http://server/ has been replaced - this keeps configuration files portable). The default port of the server is 2020 - you can change it from the comment line with the --port.

The data for the model comes from a file: test_data.rdf which is assumed to be in XML syntax as the suffix is ".rdf".

The operations allowed are queries over HTTP GET: plain GET and RDQL queries.  No other oerations are allowed.


Unless you set the environment variable java.util.logging.config.file, the standalone server will load the file "etc/" to control the output of log messages.

Running as a web application

<to be written>

Running an Embedded Server

See the class org.joseki.server.RDFServer.  The standalone server application is a command line wrapper to creating an instance of this class.