Joseki Installation

Joseki is packaged in several forms.  There is a full, "download-and-go" form that contains everything you need running a standalone server; this includes copies of all the JARS files needed from other system.  There is a stripped form, which does not include the all the ancillary JAR files.  The third form is a web application WAR file (as of version 1.0.0 this needs a rather permissive security policy file).

This page assumes you have downloaded the full version.

Download structure

The Joseki server is packaged under a single directory named "Joseki-<version>", where "<version>" is the release version number. The main directories and files are:

Installation process

Having unpacked the download file, go to the root directory of the download.

Set up

Set the classpath: put all the JAR files in the lib/ directory on your classpath.

# Linux/Unix/Cygwin:
cd <the root directory>
export CLASSPATH="$(bin/joseki_path)"
@REM Windows
cd <the root directory>
set JOSEKI_HOME=<the root directory>


Still in that directory, run some of the test suite.

 java junit.swingui.TestRunner org.joseki.test.JosekiTests

This loads configuration from etc/.  There should be the server log file output on the standard output stream.  The JUnit should produce a green line.  Some of the log messages say "error"; this is expected as the tests are of incorrect requests.

Publish you model

You should be able to write a configuration file and run the server:

java joseki.rdfserver <YourConfigurationFile>

The server prints its log file to standard out and this process does not terminate until the server exits.

Querying a model

From another shell or window, you can query the running server.  A plain GET can be done using wget:

wget -q -O - http://localhost:2020/<YourModel>

and RDQL queries can be executed on the server with (making sure you have the classpath set):

# Linux/Unix/Cygwin: NB Single quotes on the query
java joseki.rdfqueryremote --model http://localhost:2020/<YourModel> \
     'SELECT * WHERE (?x, ?y, ?z)'

REM Windows
java joseki.rdfqueryremote --model http://localhost:2020/<YourModel> \
     "SELECT * WHERE (?x, ?y, ?z)"

Helper Scripts

There are scripts in the bin/ directory to run each of the applications.  They need JOSEKI_HOME environment variable set but will set the classpath themselves. They have not been widely tested.


Please email with any questions you might have.