The package com.hp.hpl.jena.gvs.web provides a restfull intervace to a gvs-store. Retrieving versions: A version of a graph from source with url SOURCE can be retrieved either dereferencing SOURCE with an optional GET-Parameter "moment" or by invoking a service-URL ("/gvs") passing SOURCE as value of the get parameter "source". The second method allows multiple "source"-parameter for getting the union of the graph-version of multiple sources. Adding versions: (TODO) A new version of a graph can be set with a PUT request at the URL of the source. Retreiving modification-dates: (TODO) Nearby-dates of modification are returned with the http-response header X-GVS-Previous and X-GVS-Next, the format is the W3C subset of ISO 8601. At the URL-Path /gvs-modification-dates an inverse chronological list of modification dates can be retreived using the same parameter as for the /gvs service