Mozile Editor ------------- Mozile adds what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) editing to your web pages. It uses JavaScript and is compatible with current Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer web browsers. Getting Started --------------- To use Mozile, first download the latest version from our web site . Unzip the archive to a directory on your web server. You include Mozile in your web page by adding a script tag like this to the section: You can then configure Mozile with a second For details on configuration options, visit In this example configuration all elements that have their their "class" attribute set to "editor" will be editable by Mozile. For example:

This paragraph is editable.

Instead of using the 'mozile.editElements("editor")' command, you can set the "contentEditable" attribute of the elements you want to edit to "true", like this:

This paragraph is editable.

Either method will work, so choose whichever one you prefer. You can now edit your web page with Mozile! For information about how to save the pages that Mozile has edited, see: Compatibility ------------- Our goal is for Mozile to work in as many modern browsers as possible. At the current stage of development Mozile works in: - Mozilla Firefox 1.5 - Internet Explorer 6 Documentation and Getting Help ------------------------------ The place to start looking for help or more information is our home page: For information specific to Mozile 0.8 visit: For information on using and configuring Mozile, see the documentation at: Developer documentation on our APIs is available at: You can send email to our mailing list, or browse the archives for answers to your questions: We also have an IRC chat room where you get immediate feedback from Mozile's developers: #mozile Mozile Source Code ------------------ You can access to the latest Mozile source code in our CVS repository. For instructions see: If you want to create a custom mozile.js file using your own list of Mozile modules, our Apache Ant build script can help you. Ant version 1.6.x is required ( The tools/build.xml file contains the logic and the tools/ file contains user modifiable settings. Get started by reading the help information: %> cd tools %> ant help