package dev ; public class DevTDB { // Check writing to union graph is handled appropriately. // ===== // Enable FILTER assignment for strings (and numbers?) via dataset context setting? // Tuples // Interface, TupleFactory, TupleImpl // TupleMask (or TupleImpl itself has a length field?? TupleMask(T[] or Tuple)) // Sort : with colmap? // TupleSlice // Build: copy/filter a file, don't inline properties file. // RIOT // Filename in error messages // SysRIOT.fmtMessage, ParseException // Output bad term quads/triples to special sink. // WebReader: Read from URL, Content negotiation. // // Interface checker // Option passing (old Jena style). // Options: pass/reject bad URIs, bad literals. -> "SKIP", "PASS", "FAIL" // Recovery parsing - scan to DOT? // RIOT Commands // Document // --sink, --skip, --time. --stats? // Free block recycling. // 2 store dataset // Compact B+Trees // ---- Core system // ---- Pipeline // Weak inferencing (in query rewriting): // owl:equivalentClass, owl:equivalentProperty, // owl:inverseOf, owl:SymmetricProperty, owl:TransitiveProperty // rdfs:subClassOf (aux table). // rdfs:subPropertyOf (aux table). // Stats and datasets // tdbstats // Early truncation of patterns // ?s

. ?s ?v . ?s ?x // Favour connected next triple pattern (but grounding makes this less relevant) // If has no solutions fall back to triple pattern 1 // Just need to keep var -> first def mapping but all mentions may be useful. // (Idea from Alisdair) // In-JVM caches - make a function of heap size. (stil not perfect) // Settable in // NodeCache // Block cache for 32 bit // Run with 32 bit block cache on 64 bit large machine to measure difference. // ** Advanced block work - free chain management. // Where does the head of the free chain go? In .info? c.f. moving root. In root link field?! // Separate control file (allows swicth bewteen two very different block files) // Header block (a bit big!) // Virtual to physical block system. ** // Block* is currently physical blocks. // VBlocks. // Negative count? No // Block is currently (B+Tree block) // final public static int COUNT = 0 ; // final public static int LINK = 4 ; // HashBucket // final public static int TRIE = COUNT+4 ; // final public static int BITLEN = TRIE+4 ; // On-disk: first 4 bytes is type << 24 | count // ?? Allocate a type for a free block. // ?? Maintain a free block disk // ==> recordfile level. // NodeId: // Bit 0: 0 - 63 bits of id (hash!) or block allocation for cluster. // Bit 0: 1 - inline // Schema compatibility needs to handle this carefully. // Case canonicalized lang tags? Affects hashing. // NodeTableFactory and SetupTDB.makeNodeTable have common code. // Remove NodeTableFactory and have one per-technology setup/maker // ** Grand roll out // atlas to atlas // riot to riot // ARQ, PrefixMapping=>PrefixMap, Prologue change. // FmtUtils and NodeFmtLib // Sort out NodecSSE and NodecLib // === Projects // -> Stopping long running queries - // hook in BGP/Quad patterns // -> BDB-JE & transactions // -> BDB-JE and compressed blocks. // Sort out DatasetGraphMakerTDB -> One type, not thing+mem. // Remove FactoryGraphTDB // IndexMakers? // ?? DatasetGraphSetupMem == TDBMakerFactoryGraphMem // ---- // B+Tree checking utility. // Dataset checking utility. // IndexFactory understanding index type name // RegistryT>("bplustree", IndexBuilder) // == Misc // Node cache on 64bit machines needs to be bigger or rebalence // Cache stats counters (prep for JMX but useful now) // ---- Optimizer // ---- Documentation // ---- Misc // Inlines => Inline56, Inline64, ?? }