#!/bin/bash # -- hint to emacs # Source this file, not execute it. ## Environment variable usage: ## TDBROOT :: The root of the TDB installation (required) ## JVM_ARGS :: Additional argument to the JVM (e.g. -Xmx1024M) ## ## Default store description ## is the file sdb.ttl in the ## current directory ## Source this file to set: ## TDB_CP :: Classpath ## TDB_SPEC :: Default store specification ## TDB_CMD :: The TDB command to call. ## ---- Check root if [ "$TDBROOT" = "" ] then echo "TDBROOT is not set" 1>&2 exit 1 fi ## ---- Set class path separator SEP=':' if [ "$OSTYPE" = "cygwin" ] then SEP=';' fi ## ---- who am I? TDB_CMD=$(basename $0) ## ---- JVM Args e.g. -Xmx1024M JVM_ARGS=${JVM_ARGS:--Xmx1024M -server} ## ---- Classpath : adds in current CP TDB_CP="$($TDBROOT/bin/tdb_path)" ## ## ---- Store description (default) ## TDB_SPEC="${TDB_SPEC:---tdb=tdb.ttl}"