RDB is the original subsystem to persist RDF and OWL data. It is deprecated for new development. Documentation on RDB is available on-line: - RDB - http://openjena.org/DB/ There are two other subsystems for persisting RDF and OWL data, SDB or TDB. These are separate downloads: - SDB documentation - http://openjena.org/SDB/ - TDB documentation - http://openjena.org/TDB/ This module uses Maven to manage compilation, packaging, release and testing. There are multiple profiles for different databases. By default HSQLDB is used, but it's possible to change profile using -P option, for example: mvn test -P derby mvn test -P mysql mvn test -P postgresql mvn test -P hsqldb,hsqldb-mem Use mvn help:all-profiles to list all the available profiles. To generate the Eclipse files use: mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true -DdownloadJavadocs=true The Jena team