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Test Id WebOnt-AnnotationProperty-001
Description The semantics of annotations in the direct semantics strictly

distinguishes class valued annotations from individual valued annotations.

Status New test (no official status yet)
Author Jeremy J. Carroll
Normative syntax RDF-XML
Syntactic Species/Profile OWL 2 DL (EL, QL, RL)
Semantics This test is applicable only under the direct semantics.
Alternative Semantics Test TestCase:WebOnt-AnnotationProperty-002
WebOnt test http://www.w3.org/2002/03owlt/AnnotationProperty/Manifest001#test
Premise ontology (download)

Convert syntax: functional, XML, Manchester      This informative conversion will be incorrect for some inputs. info.pngConversions are provided by the OWL Syntax Converter, which has not been updated to match the OWL 2 LC documents. In particular, it cannot handle functional syntax, and it will attempt to "repair" OWL 2 Full inputs to become DL.

    xml:base="http://www.w3.org/2002/03owlt/AnnotationProperty/premises001" >

  <owl:Class rdf:ID="A">
       <owl:Class rdf:ID="B"/>
  <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:ID="ap"/>

Nonconclusion ontology (download)

Convert syntax: functional, XML, Manchester      This informative conversion will be incorrect for some inputs. info.pngConversions are provided by the OWL Syntax Converter, which has not been updated to match the OWL 2 LC documents. In particular, it cannot handle functional syntax, and it will attempt to "repair" OWL 2 Full inputs to become DL.

    xml:base="http://www.w3.org/2002/03owlt/AnnotationProperty/nonconclusions001" >

  <owl:Class rdf:about="premises001#A">
       <owl:Thing />
  <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="premises001#ap"/>

Imported ontologies none

The version of this test approved by the WebOnt WG was incorrect. The premise ontology present in that version of the test was marked as an OWL Lite document, but was not OWL Lite because it did not contain a triple of the form O rdf:type owl:Ontology. The ontology has been revised to contain the necessary triple. The version of this test approved by the WebOnt WG was incorrect. The conclusion ontology present in that version of the test was marked as an OWL Lite document, but was not OWL Lite because it did not contain a triple of the form O rdf:type owl:Ontology. The ontology has been revised to contain the necessary triple.

[edit] OWL EL Report (Informative)

Ontology satisfies the constraints of OWL EL.

[edit] OWL QL Report (Informative)

Ontology satisfies the constraints of OWL QL.

[edit] OWL RL Report (Informative)

Ontology satisfies the constraints of OWL RL.

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