Prefix: anno: Prefix: csqr: Prefix: src: Prefix: sumo: Prefix: owl2xml: Prefix: heart: Prefix: owl11: Prefix: daml: Prefix: fresnel: Prefix: Ontology1251008732637: Prefix: mid: Prefix: ro: Prefix: dtype: Prefix: xsd: Prefix: meta: Prefix: xml: Prefix: ptrec: Prefix: owl11xml: Prefix: sts: Prefix: dct: Prefix: rdf: Prefix: cpr: Prefix: : Prefix: Ontology1251570188906: Prefix: vin: Prefix: cyc: Prefix: food: Prefix: geo: Prefix: hist: Prefix: dnode: Prefix: dc: Prefix: time: Prefix: skos: Prefix: opencyc: Prefix: spin: Prefix: geo-f: Prefix: sparql: Prefix: pizza: Prefix: rdfs: Prefix: cycAnnot: Prefix: swrl: Prefix: owl: Ontology: Annotations: owl:versionInfo "Version 2.0.0", rdfs:comment "OpenCyc Knowledge Base Copyright 2001-2009 Cycorp, Inc.,, Austin, TX, USA This file contains an OWL representation of information contained in the OpenCyc Knowledge Base. The content of this OWL file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license whose text can be found at The content of this OWL file, including the OpenCyc content it represents, constitutes the \"Work\" referred to in the Creative Commons license. The terms of this license equally apply to, without limitation, renamings and other logically equivalent reformulations of the content of this OWL file (or portions thereof) in any natural or formal language, as well as to derivations of this content or inclusion of it in other ontologies. Mappings between OpenCyc terms and Wikipedia article names provided by Olena Medelyan and Catherine Legg, University of Waikato, NZ under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license."@en AnnotationProperty: rdfs:label AnnotationProperty: owl:versionInfo AnnotationProperty: cyc:CycAnnotations_v1#label Annotations: rdfs:comment "A natural-language representation for a concept that is both human readable and readable by the Cyc inference engine. These terms are not guaranteed to refer to the same concept across time but are guaranteed to be consistent within a particular OWL export. Use \"cycAnnot:externalID\" for unambiguously referring to a concept across OWL exports or across Cyc inference engines."@en, rdfs:label "label"@en Annotations: rdfs:comment "A natural-language representation for a concept that is both human readable and readable by the Cyc inference engine. These terms are not guaranteed to refer to the same concept across time but are guaranteed to be consistent within a particular OWL export. Use \"cycAnnot:externalID\" for unambiguously referring to a concept across OWL exports or across Cyc inference engines."@en, rdfs:label "label"@en AnnotationProperty: rdfs:comment AnnotationProperty: cyc:CycAnnotations_v1#externalID Annotations: rdfs:comment "A unique, language-neutral, variable-sized identifier for a concept that can be used to refer unambiguously to that concept across OWL exports or across Cyc inference engines."@en, rdfs:label "externalID"@en Annotations: rdfs:comment "A unique, language-neutral, variable-sized identifier for a concept that can be used to refer unambiguously to that concept across OWL exports or across Cyc inference engines."@en, rdfs:label "externalID"@en ObjectProperty: cyc:CycAnnotations_v1#externalID Annotations: rdfs:comment "A unique, language-neutral, variable-sized identifier for a concept that can be used to refer unambiguously to that concept across OWL exports or across Cyc inference engines."@en, rdfs:label "externalID"@en Characteristics: Functional