]> entity something being life form living thing organism causal agency causal agent human individual mortal person somebody someone animal animate being beast brute creature fauna flora plant object physical object matter substance food nutrient artefact artifact cognition knowledge motivation motive form shape act human action group grouping amount measure quantity quantum accomplishment achievement deed effort exploit feat give-and-take interchange dealings traffic accomplished fact fait accompli going sledding arrival reaching advent coming entering entrance entry incoming enrollment enrolment emergence emersion egress emersion homecoming return docking dropping anchor mooring tying up emergency landing forced landing departure going going away leaving farewell leave leave-taking parting disappearance disappearing effacement self-effacement retirement retreat abandonment defection abscondment decampment absence without leave unauthorized absence emigration out-migration immigration in-migration disengagement fallback receding recession debarkation disembarkation boarding embarkation escape flight eluding elusion evasive action maneuver break breakout gaolbreak jailbreak prison-breaking prisonbreak getaway lam exodus hegira Underground Railroad Underground Railway close call close shave narrow escape squeak egress egression despatch dispatch fruition realisation climax coming orgasm sexual climax fulfillment fulfilment self-fulfillment self-realisation bang hit smash strike bell ringer bull''s eye pass passing course credit credit nonaccomplishment nonachievement capitulation fall foiling frustrating frustration thwarting overturn upset backsliding lapse lapsing recidivism relapse relapsing reversion reverting dashing hopes disappointing anticipatory breach constructive breach error fault error misplay blot smear smirch spot confounding confusion miscalculation misestimation backfire boomerang miscue slip lapse oversight omission skip blooper blunder boner boo-boo botch bungle flub foul-up fuckup misdoing balls-up ballup cockup mess-up fumble muff faux pas gaffe gaucherie slip misstep stumble fall spill acquiring getting obtainment obtention catching contracting accession addition buyback redemption bond trading bond-trading activity short sale short selling call call option put put option incentive option incentive stock option buying purchasing catalog buying mail-order buying viatication viaticus succession taking over assumption laying claim heritage inheritance procural procurance adoption borrowing arrogation confiscation distraint distress impounding impoundment internment poundage impress impressment occupancy occupation requisition sequestration grant subsidisation award awarding capture gaining control apprehension arrest catch collar pinch taking into custody conquering conquest subjection subjugation enslavement enslaving regaining restitution restoration return receipt receiving disposal disposition discard discarding auction auction sale capitalisation capitalization rally rallying recovery retrieval deliverance delivery rescue saving redemption salvation absolution remission conversion rebirth converting evangelism atonement expiation amends reparation liberation release reclamation reformation recapture retaking effectuation implementation carrying into action carrying out doing execution mechanics mechanism dramatic performance dramatic production extemporisation extemporization juggle juggling conjuring trick deception illusion legerdemain magic magic trick interpretation rendering automation high technology high-tech mechanisation motorisation motorization actuation propulsion launch launching rocket firing rocket launching blastoff shot drive driving force impetus impulse flip pass heave heaving cast hurl delivery pitch beanball beaner change-of-pace change-of-pace ball change-up off-speed pitch bender breaking ball curve curve ball bullet fastball heater hummer knuckleball knuckler submarine ball submarine pitch dunk dunk shot charity shot charity throw charity toss foul shot free throw penalty free throw hook hook shot jump shot jumper push pushing click mouse click press pressing jostle jostling pull pulling draw haul tow towage jerk tug draft draught elevation heave lift raise ejection expulsion forcing out projection Babinski Babinski reflex belch belching burp burping blink eye blink expectoration spit disgorgement heaving puking regurgitation vomit vomiting cough coughing jump jumping bounce bound leap leaping hurdle vault centering snap transmission transmittal mailing posting rolling wheeling shooting shot discharge firing gunfire gunshot skeet skeet shooting gunfight gunplay touch touching contact contacting rub wipe scuff scuffing dab pat hit hitting collision crash impaction impingement base on balls pass foul foul ball fly fly ball ground ball grounder chop chopper base hit bingle line drive liner line single line-drive single line double line-drive double line triple line-drive triple plunk plunker home run homer solo blast solo homer double two-bagger two-base hit two-baser three-bagger three-base hit belt knock rap whack slap smack KO knockout TKO technical knockout lash whip biff lick poke punch dig jab counter counterpunch KO punch Sunday punch haymaker knockout punch boot kick punt punting place kick place-kicking brush kiss buss kiss smack smooch French kiss deep kiss catch grab snap snatch interlock interlocking mesh meshing handling manipulation PM autopsy necropsy postmortem check check-out procedure checkup health check medical medical checkup medical exam medical examination comparing comparison follow-up reexamination look-over once-over palpation tactual exploration tickle tickling stroke stroking connecting connection connexion joining approximation bringing close together convergence convergency coming together meeting concourse confluence coming upon encounter adjunction junction attachment fastening bonding soldering earthing grounding undoing unfastening flash butt welding flash welding lap lick grazing shaving discovery find catching detection espial spotting determination finding designation identification diagnosing diagnosis medical prognosis prognosis resolution solving proof proving validating validation authentication certification documentation support monetisation monetization demonetisation demonetization confuting disproving falsification falsifying fix localisation localization locating echo sounding echolocation causation causing induction initiation fomentation instigation coercion compulsion encroachment impact manipulation use hypnotism mesmerism inducement inducing enticement temptation blandishment wheedling leading astray leading off conquest seduction score sexual conquest allurement solicitation choice pick proportional sampling representative sampling conclusion decision volition willing about-face policy change reversal volte-face appointment assignment designation naming nominating nomination assigning assignment co-optation co-option ordaining ordination castle castling maneuver maneuvering manoeuvering manoeuvre tactical maneuver tactical manoeuver sideslip slip airplane maneuver flight maneuver device gimmick fast one trick gambit ploy artifice ruse agency means instrument tool measure step porcupine provision shark repellent makeshift stopgap improvisation temporary expedient last resort pis aller casting lots drawing lots acceptance adoption bosom embrace co-optation co-option primary primary election by election bye election ballot balloting vote voting equalization equilisation balancing reconciliation equating equation digging up disinterment delivery obstetrical delivery C-section abdominal delivery caesarean caesarean section cesarean cesarean section cesarian cesarian section strike ten-strike break open frame conversion extra points run tally rbi run batted in basket field goal reduction simplification economy saving curtailment downsizing decimalisation decimalization metrication metrification variance variation shift switch exchange substitution replacement replacing supersedure supersession displacement supplanting ablactation weaning preferment recognition adjustment alteration passage transition meddling tampering transfer transference opposition resistance white backlash whitelash avoidance dodging shunning turning away abandonment desertion apostasy tergiversation forgoing forswearing nonacceptance turndown forsaking giving up abnegation denial self-abnegation self-denial forfeit forfeiture banishment proscription ejection exclusion expulsion riddance barring blackball deportation exile ouster ousting deposition dethronement suspension temporary removal conclusion ending finish finishing release tone ending closing completion culmination mop up finalisation finalization relinquishing relinquishment ceding cession discharge release exemption granting immunity breakup dissolution adjournment dissolution discharge dismissal firing liberation release sack destruction devastation laying waste ruin ruination ruining demolishing leveling razing tearing down annihilation obliteration atomisation atomization pulverisation pulverization vaporisation vaporization kill killing coup de grace deathblow euthanasia mercy killing homicide murder blood bloodshed despatch dispatch self-annihilation self-destruction harakiri harikari elimination liquidation butchery carnage battue bloodbath bloodletting bloodshed asphyxiation suffocation choking strangling strangulation throttling ritual killing sacrifice beheading decapitation abolishment abolition liquidation settlement viatical settlement viaticus settlement drug withdrawal withdrawal closedown closing closure shutdown extinction extinguishing disappearance fade miscarriage spontaneous abortion incomplete abortion partial abortion aborticide feticide abrogation annulment attainder civil death recission rescinding counteraction neutralisation deactivation defusing deactivation inactivation neutralisation neutralization regress regression retrogression retroversion beginning commencement creation foundation founding initiation instauration institution installation installing start starting inauguration startup constitution establishment formation organisation unionisation unionization arousal rousing debut entry first appearance introduction launching unveiling inaugural inauguration first step initiative opening opening move accession rise to power attack tone-beginning moving in occupation recommencement resumption cookery cooking bake baking browning toasting broil broiling frying sauteing boiling simmering advancement progress forwarding furtherance elaboration working out cleaning cleansing scouring scrub mopping swabbing purgation purge purgation purge abreaction catharsis catharsis katharsis colonic colonic irrigation sterilization sterilsation sanitation sanitisation sanitization sanitizing shave shaving ablution bathing wash washing rinse rinsing soak soaking brush brushing comb combing comb-out teasing hair care hairdressing shower shower bath Turkish bath steam bath vapor bath vapour bath correcting correction redress remediation compensation recompense amelioration betterment self-improvement self-reformation embellishment ornamentation clarification clearing humanisation humanization modernisation modernization redevelopment renovation face lift face lifting enhancement sweetening downswing downturn airing ventilation fix fixing mending repair care maintenance inspection and repair overhaul overhauling service band aid quick fix quickie quicky reclamation rehabilitation renewal revival reassembly refabrication reformation remaking coaching coaching job booking engagement debasement degradation dehumanisation dehumanization animalisation animalization brutalisation brutalization barbarisation barbarization bastardisation bastardization deadening impairment coarsening popularisation popularization vulgarisation abasement humbling lightening whitening blackening darkening discoloration discolouration coloring colouring Gram method Gram''s method fixation fixing dirtying soiling maculation spotting contamination pollution dousing ducking drenching soaking souse sousing dampening moistening splash splashing sprinkle sprinkling sterilisation sterilization castration emasculation altering fixing chew chewing gumming mumbling motion move approach approaching closing closure go-around overshoot advance advancement forward motion onward motion progress progression career life history clear sailing easy going locomotion travel walk walking noctambulism sleepwalking sleep talking somniloquism pace stride hitch hobble rack single-foot curvet vaulting canter lope amble perambulation promenade ramble saunter stroll hike tramp angry walk stalk prance strut lurch stagger lunge lurch march marching shamble shambling shuffle shuffling run running jog lope dash sprint crawl crawling creep creeping circle circuit travel traveling traversal traverse roving vagabondage ford fording traversal traverse touring tourism driving motoring horseback riding riding air air travel nonstop nonstop flight flight flying acrobatics aerobatics stunt flying stunting flyover flypast glide gliding sailing sailplaning jump parachuting aircraft landing airplane landing spin tailspin low level flight terrain flight journey journeying leg stage passage transit drive ride campaign hunting expedition exploration geographic expedition digression excursion circuit tour on the road on tour pilgrim''s journey pilgrimage hadj haj excursion expedition jaunt junket outing pleasure trip air airing ocean trip voyage cruise sail space travel spacefaring seafaring water travel navigation sailing boating yachting commutation commuting conveyance transfer transferral transportation connection connexion bringing delivery service service of process handing over passage backpacking packing chase following tracking trailing shadowing tailing stalk stalking insertion introduction cannulation cannulization canulation canulization instillation instillment enclosing enclosure enveloping envelopment boxing packing encasement incasement blood transfusion transfusion ascending ascension ascent rise heave heaving climb mount mountain climbing mountaineering soar zoom dive nose dive collapse flop letting down lowering swing swinging glide slide sideslip skid flow stream release spill flood outpouring hastening hurrying speed speeding acceleration quickening scud scudding displacement translation transplant transplanting shift shifting motion move headshake headshaking jab jabbing poke poking thrust thrusting inclination inclining eversion everting inversion upending jerk jerking nod nutation kick kicking kneel kneeling lurch pitch juggle juggling reversal transposition overtaking passing make shuffle reshuffle reshuffling reach reaching retroflection retroflexion spin twirl twist twisting birling logrolling closing shutting posing sitting squat squatting turn twist twist wind feather feathering gyration whirling quiver quivering reversal reverse reversion turnabout about turn about-face jiggle joggle shake wag careen rock sway tilt overturn turnover flicker flutter shudder tremor span straddle squirm wiggle turn turning deflection deflexion deviation digression tack tacking decrease diminution reduction step-down price cut price cutting devitalisation devitalization extenuation mitigation alleviation easing liberalisation liberalization minimisation minimization consumption expenditure compressing compression pinch tweak decompressing decompression condensation condensing inspissation thickening compaction crunch grind mill pulverisation pulverization expulsion extrusion cut cutting severance severing clip clipping clipping trim miniaturisation miniaturization deduction subtraction deduction discount wilt wilting diluting dilution cutting thinning increase step-up advance rise surge upsurge fluoridation fluoridization enlargement expansion dilatation dilation distension distention maximisation maximization spread spreading dispersal dispersion crop-dusting spraying scatter scattering expanding upon expansion amplification elaboration annotating annotation subjoining subjunction accrual accruement deposit deposition repositing reposition store storing annexation appropriation comprehension comprising aggrandisement aggrandizement ego trip self-aggrandisement aggravation exacerbation focalisation focalization break breakage shattering smashing crack cracking chip chipping burst explosion burning combustion arson fire-raising firing ignition kindling lighting combination combining graft grafting admixture commixture mix mixing blend blending confluence conflux homogenisation homogenization interspersal interspersion unification union coalescence coalescency reunification reunion break disruption gap interruption secession withdrawal breakaway breaking away disconnection disjunction schism split cut cutting cut cutting nick notch gash slash atomisation atomization branching fork forking ramification dichotomisation dichotomization quantisation quantization syllabication syllabification hyphenation word division detachment disengagement rent rip remotion removal drawing drawing off abstraction extraction ablation cutting out excision extirpation dislodgement dislodgment elimination riddance abscission cutting off emptying evacuation drain drainage bowdlerisation bowdlerization censoring censorship erasure expunction division partition partitioning sectionalization segmentation subdivision transformation translation alteration revision re-afforestation reforestation physical rehabilitation physical restoration annealing tempering damage harm hurt scathe defacement disfigurement wound wounding contortion deformation bend bending flection flex flexion inflection enfolding involution infolding intussusception fold folding pleating plication jut jutting projection protrusion broadening widening pattern practice custom usage Anglicism Britishism habit use daily round round path way line of least resistance path of least resistance embrace embracing cuddle nestle clinch hug abuse ill-treatment ill-usage maltreatment oppression subjugation torture torturing crucifixion excruciation cruelty inhuman treatment atrocity inhumanity barbarism barbarity brutality savagery harassment molestation badgering bedevilment torment worrying annoyance annoying irritation troubling tease teasing disregard neglect exploitation using victimisation victimization diversion recreation child''s play play interest pastime avocation by-line hobby sideline escape escapism bag cup of tea athletics sport field sport outdoor sport acrobatics tumbling acrobatic feat acrobatic stunt split split up reverse split reverse stock split flip somersault running track broad jump long jump aquatics water sport swim swimming dip plunge dive diving belly flop belly flopper belly whop belly whopper full gainer gainer swallow dive swan dive skin diving skin-dive snorkel diving snorkeling surfboarding surfing row rowing boxing fisticuffs bout fight grappling rassling equitation horseback riding showjumping stadium jumping cross-country jumping cross-country riding hunt hunting fox hunting foxhunt farming land cast casting away game road game exhibition game practice game play turn at-bat bat computer game video game pinball pinball game hare and hounds paper chase rign-a-rosy ring-around-a-rosy double feature doubleheader tenpin bowling tenpins ninepins skittles candlepin bowling candlepins bocce bocci hockey hockey game golf golf game round round of golf medal play stroke play horseshoes quoits shovelboard shuffleboard field hockey hockey rugby rugby football scrum scrummage ball game baseball no-hit game no-hitter 1-hitter one-hitter 2-hitter two-hitter 3-hitter three-hitter 4-hitter four-hitter 5-hitter five-hitter softball softball game stickball stickball game bosie bosie ball googly wrong ''un association football soccer dribble dribbling squash squash rackets volleyball volleyball game jai alai pelota battledore battledore and shuttlecock basketball basketball game tap-off tip-off lawn tennis tennis break break of serve court tennis real tennis hide and go seek hide-and-seek jacks jackstones jackstraws spillikins bopeep peekaboo spin the plate spin the platter card game cards cut cutting all fours high-low-jack baccarat chemin de fer blackjack twenty-one auction auction bridge contract contract bridge casino cassino crib cribbage euchre five hundred fantan parliament fish go fish four-card monte monte Chicago Michigan Newmarket boodle bezique pinochle poker poker game rouge et noir trente-et-quarante rum rummy patience solitaire long whist short whist Black Maria hearts Russian bank crapette gin gin rummy basket rummy canasta draw draw poker penny ante penny ante poker stud stud poker auction pitch pitch old sledge seven-up ping-pong table tennis dominoes dominos cannon carom masse masse shot pocket billiards pool bagatelle bar billiards checkers draughts chess chess game Chinese checkers Chinese chequers go go game beano bingo keno lotto Mah-Jongg mahjong shove-ha''penny shove-halfpenny noughts and crosses tic-tac-toe ticktacktoe ticktacktoo gambling gaming bet hazarding risking staking exacta perfecta gambling game game of chance drawing lottery numbers numbers game numbers pool numbers racket sweepstake sweepstakes crap game crap shooting celebration festivity conviviality jollification high jinks hijinks revel revelry escapade lark bout fling bender binge booze-up bust tear toot carousal carouse bacchanal bacchanalia debauch debauchery drunken revelry orgy riot saturnalia Bacchanalia Dionysia caper frolic gambol play fun merriment coquetry dalliance flirt flirtation flirting toying folly foolery indulgence tomfoolery buffoonery clowning frivolity harlequinade antic caper joke prank jest jocularity drollery waggery leg-pull leg-pulling amusement entertainment celebration solemnization Olympian Games Olympic Games feast festival fete fiesta Kwanza Kwanzaa blowout gala gala affair jamboree carnival fair Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras cabaret floor show entr''acte interlude display exhibit demonstration presentation beguilement distraction dance dancing eurhythmics eurythmics break dance break dancing nauch nautch slam dance slam dancing hoofing step dancing tap dance tap dancing toe dance toe dancing soft-shoe soft-shoe dancing choreography stage dancing ballet concert dance duet pas de deux clog clog dance belly dance belly dancing strip striptease interpretative dance interpretative dancing interpretive dance interpretive dancing lindy lindy hop flamenco gypsy dancing shag shagging tarantella tarantelle dance step step chasse sashay ballroom dance ballroom dancing cha-cha cha-cha-cha cotilion cotillion round dance round dancing valse waltz folk dance folk dancing morris dance morris dancing sword dance sword dancing contra danse contredanse country dancing country-dance longways longways dance Virginia reel reel square dance square dancing Scottish reel reel ceremonial dance ritual dance dance of death danse macabre Hawaiian dancing hula ballroom music dance music rag ragtime bebop bop boogie boogie-woogie modern jazz neo jazz rock rock ''n'' roll rock and roll rock music punk punk rock jive swing rap rap music singing vocalizing song strain cradlesong lullaby scat scat singing march marching music martial music military march dead march funeral march processional march recessional march bell ringing carillon drumming percussion acting performing playacting playing enactment portrayal impersonation personation apery mimicry mockery parody dumb show mime business byplay program programme hamming overacting prestidigitation sleight of hand animation liveliness carnival circus disruption perturbation breakdown dislocation surprisal surprise commotion din ruckus ruction rumpus tumult furor furore havoc mayhem battle royal melee agitation excitement hullabaloo turmoil outburst tumultuous disturbance rampage violent disorder derangement overthrow ado bustle flurry fuss hustle stir burst fit haste hurry rush rushing bolt dash scamper scramble maneuver manoeuvre completion pass completion icing icing the puck run running running game running play draw draw play rush rushing end run sweep pass passing passing game passing play aerial forward pass lateral lateral pass block blocking razmataz razzle razzle-dazzle razzmatazz suicide squeeze suicide squeeze play safety squeeze safety squeeze play shot stroke tennis shot tennis stroke forehand forehand shot backhand backhand shot chop chop shot serve service let net ball overhead smash Australian crawl crawl butterfly butterfly stroke baseball swing cut golf shot golf stroke fade slice draw hook drive driving putt putting approach approach shot chip chip shot pitch pitch shot child''s play cinch duck soup picnic piece of cake pushover snap walkover functioning operation operation procedure deeds works polishing shining housekeeping housework busywork make-work loose end unfinished business social service welfare work business line line of work occupation biz game calling career specialisation specialism speciality specialization specialisation specialization spiritualisation spiritualization walk walk of life employment job PM Prime Minister berth office place position post situation slot spot captaincy captainship chaplaincy chaplainship chieftaincy chieftainship councillorship councilorship counsellorship counselorship deanery deanship judgeship judgship legateship legation pastorate pastorship prelacy prelature presidency presidentship Chief Executive President proconsulate proconsulship chair professorship Attorney General Attorney General of the United States Agriculture Secretary Secretary of Agriculture Commerce Secretary Secretary of Commerce Defense Secretary Secretary of Defense Education Secretary Secretary of Education Energy Secretary Secretary of Energy Labor Secretary Secretary of Labor Interior Secretary Secretary of the Interior Secretary of the Treasury Treasury Secretary Secretary of Transportation Transportation Secretary Secretary of War War Secretary Navy Secretary Secretary of the Navy salt mine treadmill business life professional life craft trade cabinetry cabinetwork carpentry woodwork drafting mechanical drawing interior decoration interior design house painting painting plumbery plumbing medium metier law practice of law medicine practice of medicine alternative medicine complementary medicine encoding encryption decipherment decoding cabinetmaking joinery pyrotechnics pyrotechny cobbling shoe repairing accountancy accounting bookkeeping clerking single entry single-entry bookkeeping double entry double-entry bookkeeping butchering butchery labor labour labor of love labour of love donkeywork drudgery grind plodding effort elbow grease exertion sweat grapple grappling hand-to-hand struggle wrestle hunt hunting manual labor manual labour overwork overworking subbing substituting difficulty trouble least effort least resistance strain straining exercise exercising physical exercise physical exertion exercise set set aerobic exercise aerobics anaerobic exercise bodybuilding clean clean and jerk military press press calisthenic exercise calisthenics callisthenic exercise callisthenics stretch stretching press-up pushup squat squatting leg curl leg curling application diligence investigating investigation 11-plus eleven-plus examination testing enquiry inquiry experiment experimentation examination inspection study survey motion study time study time-and-motion study time-motion study dark field illumination dark ground illumination uranalysis urinalysis chemical analysis qualitative analysis quantitative analysis quantitative chemical analysis colorimetric analysis colorimetry spectrographic analysis spectrometry spectroscopic analysis spectroscopy haemodialysis hemodialysis visit visitation count counting enumeration numeration reckoning tally CBC blood profile census nosecount detecting detection detective work police investigation spying undercover work aid attention care tending brush brushing medical aid medical care hospital care hospitalisation TLC tender loving care adrenalectomy suprarenalectomy appendectomy appendicectomy lap choly laparoscopic cholecystectomy curettage curettement suction curettage vacuum aspiration D and C dilatation and curettage operation surgery surgical operation surgical procedure face lift face lifting rhytidectomy rhytidoplasty panhysterectomy radical hysterectomy incision section corneal gaft keratoplasty lobotomy prefrontal leucotomy oophorectomy ovariectomy orchidectomy orchiectomy nose job rhinoplasty anaplasty cosmetic surgery Shirodkar''s operation purse-string operation tracheostomy tracheotomy transplant transplantation corneal graft corneal transplant administration giving medication drugging sedation clyster enema bandaging binding injection shot cauterisation cauterization phlebotomy venesection fusion spinal fusion faith cure faith healing behavior modification behavior therapy desensitization procedure desensitization technique flooding implosion therapy reciprocal inhibition reciprocal-inhibition therapy analysis depth psychology actinotherapy irradiation radiation therapy radiotherapy galvanism galvanizing shock therapy shock treatment ECT electroconvulsive therapy electroshock electroshock therapy insulin shock insulin shock therapy metrazol shock metrazol shock therapy serotherapy serum therapy physiatrics physical therapy digitalisation digitalization acupuncture stylostixis G-Jo acupressure autogenic therapy autogenic training homeopathy homoeopathy hydropathy hydrotherapy stalk stalking detrition friction application coating anointing anointment picking taking sewing stitching spatter spattering splash splashing tin-plating tinning paperhanging papering daubing plastering chore job function office part role lieu place position stead mound pitcher catcher plate first first base second second base short shortstop third third base field general quarterback classroom project project homework prep example exercise assignment duty assignment guard guard duty sentry duty sentry go fatigue fatigue duty mission missionary work charge commission sea-duty service abroad misconduct wrongdoing encroachment intrusion trespass violation civil wrong tort misbehavior misbehaviour delinquency juvenile delinquency devilment devilry deviltry mischief mischief-making mischievousness rascality roguery roguishness shenanigan blaze hell familiarity impropriety indecorum liberty abnormality irregularity deviance deviation impropriety indecency exhibitionism immodesty indiscretion peccadillo carelessness neglect negligence nonperformance dodging escape malingering skulking goldbricking goofing off shirking slacking malfeasance malpractice dissipation waste waste of effort waste of energy extravagance lavishness damage legal injury iniquity injustice evildoing transgression evil immorality iniquity wickedness devilry deviltry irreverence violation blasphemy desecration profanation sacrilege depravity turpitude porn porno intemperance intemperateness intemperance intemperateness harlotry prostitution dissipation dissolution licentiousness profligacy boozing crapulence drink drinking dishonesty knavery betrayal perfidy treachery treason subversion subversive activity double cross double-crossing charlatanism quackery falsehood falsification frame-up setup piracy plagiarisation distortion overrefinement straining torture equivocation tergiversation fabrication lying fibbing paltering deceit deception dissembling dissimulation chicanery guile shenanigan trickery double-dealing duplicity dupery fraud fraudulence hoax cozenage scam cheat cheating head game illusion feigning pretence pretending pretense appearance show affectation mannerism impersonation imposture bluff four flush sin sinning deadly sin mortal sin pride superbia envy invidia avarice avaritia covetousness greed acedia laziness anger ira ire wrath gluttony gula lust luxuria terrorisation terrorization crime law-breaking assault assault and battery highjack hijack infraction infringement misdemeanor misdemeanour offence offense infringement violation breach of the peace disorderly behavior disorderly conduct disturbance of the peace indecent exposure public nudity bearing false witness lying under oath commission perpetration assault rape ravishment sexual assault attack attempt regulatory offence regulatory offense statutory offence statutory offense capture seizure fraudulent scheme illegitimate enterprise bribery graft defalcation embezzlement misapplication misappropriation mulcting raid constructive fraud legal fraud collateral fraud extrinsic fraud fraud in fact positive fraud bunco bunco game bunko bunko game con con game confidence game flimflam gyp hustle cheat swindle shell game thimblerig larceny stealing theft thievery armed robbery heist holdup stickup high treason lese majesty caper job dacoity dakoity heist rip-off highjacking hijacking buccaneering piracy petit larceny petty larceny protection tribute break-in breaking and entering endeavor endeavour attempt effort endeavor endeavour bid play contribution part power play squeeze crack fling go offer pass whirl braving confronting coping with grappling face facing nisus pains strain striving battle struggle scramble scuffle run test test trial audition tryout fitting try-on pilot program pilot project labor project task undertaking adventure dangerous undertaking escapade risky venture endurance contest marathon large order tall order spelaeology speleology campaign cause crusade drive effort movement fund-raising campaign fund-raising drive feminism feminist movement women''s lib women''s liberation movement gay lib gay liberation movement youth crusade youth movement campaigning candidacy candidature electioneering ad blitz ad campaign sally sallying forth danger peril double doubling control controlling regulating regulation deregulating deregulation synchronisation synchronization limitation restriction ownership possession holding keeping stowage stowing riot control riot control operations grasping prehension seizing taking hold clasp clench clutch clutches grasp grip steerage steering direction guidance navigation pilotage astronavigation celestial navigation inertial guidance inertial navigation guarding protecting guardianship keeping custody hands preservation preserving conservancy conservation momism overprotection censoring censorship precaution safeguard security security measures defence defense inoculation vaccination inoculating vaccinating patrol patrolling self-defence self-defense jiujitsu jujitsu facing lining babbiting babbitting locking lockup accompaniment escort dressing grooming immunisation immunization sensitisation sensitization care charge guardianship tutelage ruggedisation ruggedization sealing waterproofing wear wearing breathing respiration cardiography electrocardiography cardiac massage heart massage CPR cardiac resuscitation Cheyne-Stokes respiration periodic breathing heaving panting huffing puffingl sniffle snivel smoke smoking breathing out exhalation blow puff snore snoring breathing in inhalation gasp pant drag puff consumption ingestion intake uptake eating feeding bite chomp browse browsing electric shock electrical shock breaking wind fart farting flatus deglutition drink draft draught gulp swig gulp gulping banqueting feasting graze grazing munching nibbling repletion surfeit relishing savoring nip pinch necrophagia necrophagy suck sucking drinking imbibing gulping guzzling sipping tasting nip sip sex sex activity AI artificial insemination carnal knowledge coition coitus congress copulation intercourse relation sex act sexual congress sexual intercourse ass fuck fucking piece of ass roll in the hay screw screwing shag love lovemaking making love sexual love carnal abuse statutory rape conjugation coupling mating pairing sexual union union criminal congress unlawful carnal knowledge extramarital sex free love adultery criminal conversation coitus interruptus onanism pulling out withdrawal method anal intercourse buggery breeding procreation crossbreeding interbreeding generation multiplication biogenesis biogeny cross crossbreeding crossing hybridisation hybridization hybridizing birth control birth prevention birthcontrol family planning conctraceptive method contraception calendar method calendar method of birth control rhythm rhythm method service servicing arousal foreplay caressing cuddling fondling hugging kissing necking petting smooching feel feeling head oral sex cunnilinctus cunnilingus fellatio fellation blowjob cock sucking sixty-nine soixante-neuf autoeroticism autoerotism masturbation onanism hand job jacking off jerking off wank promiscuity promiscuousness gayness homoeroticism homosexualism homosexuality lesbianism sapphism heterosexualism heterosexuality paederasty pederasty bestiality zooerastia cat sleep catnap forty winks nap short sleep snooze doze drowse reaction response immune reaction immune response anamnestic reaction anamnestic response physiological reaction reflex acquired reflex conditional reaction conditional reflex conditional response conditioned reaction conditioned reflex learned reaction learned response conditioned avoidance conditioned avoidance response hiccough hiccup jump start startle reaction startle response Moro reflex startle reflex flinch wince passage passing knee jerk knee-jerk reflex shake shiver crying tears snivel sniveling bawling wailing perspiring sweating calculation computation mathematical operation mathematical process multiplication times minus subtraction addition plus exponentiation involution assessment judgement evaluation rating estimate estimation perceiving perception look looking coup d''oeil glance side-glance side-look peek peep gaze regard glare glower inspection review rubber-necking sightseeing observance observation vigil watch continuous receiver watch listening watch lookout outlook sight survey hearing listening rehearing relistening taste tasting smell smelling sniff snuff education educational activity instruction pedagogy class course course of instruction course of study extension extension service instruction pedagogy inculcation ingraining tuition tutelage tutoring tutorship orientation orientation course refresher refresher course lecture lecturing grooming preparation drill exercise practice practice session manual manual of arms skull practice skull session drill military drill dry run rehearsal brushup review model modeling dramatisation dramatization pageant pageantry diagramming schematisation pictorial representation picturing delineation depiction imaging tomography X-radiation X-raying CAT CT computed axial tomography computed tomography sonography ultrasonography PET positron emission tomography MRI magnetic resonance imaging radiology radioscopy photography picture taking cinematography filming bakery baking lace making tatting casting molding lip sync lip synch building construction erecting erection assembly fabrication disassembly dismantlement grading leveling overproduction overrun output yield line duty line function apiculture beekeeping agriculture farming arboriculture tree farming dairy farming dairying gardening horticulture ploughing plowing aquiculture hydroponics landscape gardening landscaping floriculture flower gardening harvest harvest time haying haying time excavation mining opencast mining strip mining boring drilling industry manufacture industrial enterprise industrialisation devising fashioning cartography mapmaking fabrication manufacture formation shaping metalwork metalworking grooving rifling concoction confection design designing city planning town planning computer programming programming authorship composition penning writing fabrication fictionalisation novelisation novelization actualisation actualization realisation realization exteriorisation exteriorization externalisation externalization hypostatisation hypostatization incarnation personification art artistic creation decal decalcomania drafting draftsmanship carving sculpture modeling molding engraving etching composing composition arrangement arranging coinage neologism contrivance devisal conceptualisation conceptualization formularising formularizing approach attack dig digging carving cutting boring drilling puncture puncturing abdominocentesis paracentesis lumbar puncture spinal puncture cutting film editing hunt hunting search searching forage foraging frisk frisking looking looking for quest seeking digging ransacking employment exercise usage use utilisation utilization abuse misuse drug abuse habit alcohol abuse alcoholic abuse development exploitation water development water program application practical application engineering technology automotive engineering automotive technology overexploitation overuse overutilisation overutilization capitalisation capitalization commercialisation commercialization action military action psychological warfare war of nerves battle conflict engagement fight blockade encirclement defence defense EW electronic warfare saber rattling sabre rattling battle conflict brush clash encounter skirmish class struggle class war maneuver manoeuvre repelling repulsion hasty defence hasty defense deliberate defence deliberate defense fortification strengthening chemical defence chemical defense minelaying mining insurrection rebellion revolt rising Great Revolt Peasant''s Revolt armed combat combat belligerency hostility aggression hostility force violence pillage pillaging banditry marauding rape rapine looting robbery despoilment despoliation spoil spoilation devastation ravaging depredation predation chemical operations chemical warfare BW biological warfare BW defense biological warfare defense campaign military campaign expedition hostile expedition military mission mission sally sortie reenforcement reinforcement attack onrush onset onslaught war warfare air attack air raid banzai attack banzai charge diversion diversionary attack incursion penetration blitz linebacker blitzing mousetrap trap play foray maraud counterattack countermove bombardment bombing loft bombing toss bombing offence offense push back rollback intelligence intelligence activity combat intelligence tactical intelligence SIGINT signals intelligence ELINT electronics intelligence COMINT communications intelligence TELINT telemetry intelligence recce recco exploratory survey reconnoitering fire firing cover covering fire antiaircraft fire flak barrage barrage fire battery bombardment burst fusillade salvo volley concentrated fire massed fire carbon dating carbon-14 dating artillery fire cannon fire cannonade drumfire ECM electronic countermeasures ECCM electronic counter-countermeasures ESM electronic warfare-support measures bacteriological warfare germ warfare jehad jihad measure measurement measuring mensuration bathymetry plumbing calibration standardisation adjustment readjustment synchronisation synchronising synchronization synchronizing gravimetry hydrometry gradation graduation blending shading meter reading reading mental test mental testing psychometric test test IQ test intelligence test arrangement organisation randomisation randomization rationalisation rationalization systematisation systematization formalisation formalization order ordering grading scaling sequence succession alphabetisation alphabetization itemisation itemization inventory inventorying categorisation categorization assembling collecting compilation compiling gather gathering harvest harvest home conchology shell collecting garbage collection garbage pickup trash collection trash pickup coin collecting numismatics philately stamp collecting territorialisation territorialization support supporting propping up shoring dangling hanging continuance continuation lengthening perpetuation prolongation protraction repeating repetition iteration reiteration duplicating duplication replication reproduction action replay replay hi-fi high fidelity dynamic headroom headroom perseverance perseveration prosecution pursuance discontinuance discontinuation procedure process chromosome mapping mapping SOP standard operating procedure bureaucratic procedure red tape rigamarole rigmarole modus operandi routine groove rut groundbreaking groundbreaking ceremony rite ritual religious ceremony religious ritual agape love feast apotheosis deification religious rite rite vigil watch viewing wake Berith Bris naturism nudism cross dressing transvestism divine service religious service church church service prayer meeting prayer service chapel chapel service Last Supper Lord''s Supper Passover supper Seder Eucharist Eucharistic liturgy Holy Sacrament Liturgy Lord''s Supper sacrament of the Eucharist Communion Holy Communion marriage marriage ceremony bridal espousal betrothal espousal affusion pouring aspersion sprinkling anointing of the sick extreme unction canonisation canonization Oblation religious offering oblation offering inunction unction prayer supplication benediction blessing idolisation idolization adoration latria idol worship idolatry devotion idolatry autolatry idiolatry Bible-worship bibliolatry grammatolatry verbolatry symbol-worship symbolatry anthropolatry worship of man gynaeolatry gyneolatry miracle-worship thaumatolatry place-worship topolatry arborolatry tree-worship astrolatry worship of heavenly bodies demonolatry devil-worship fire-worship pyrolatry hagiolatry hierolatry heliolatry sun-worship animal-worship zoolatry fish-worship ichthyolatry ophiolatry serpent-worship moon-worship selenolatry activating activation resurgence revitalisation revitalization revival rebirth renaissance animation invigoration vivification vivifying debunking repudiation concealing concealment hiding secreting camouflage disguise cover covering masking screening burial burying reburial reburying stealing stealth emplacement locating location placement position positioning abidance residence occupancy tenancy habitation inhabitancy cohabitation living together bivouacking camping encampment tenting layover stop providing provision supply supplying alimentation feeding fueling refueling care delivery health care delivery issuance issue break recess respite time out falter faltering hesitation waver freeze halt wait waiting ease relaxation repose rest dormancy quiescence quiescency sleeping idleness idling free time spare time delay detention deferment deferral cunctation procrastination lag retardation dalliance dawdling trifling wasting time interjection interpolation lingering tarriance abruption breaking off barracking heckling celibacy chastity self-control self-denial sobriety temperance teetotaling teetotalism fast fasting diet dieting inhibition suppression lenience leniency clemency mercifulness delectation enjoyment satisfaction satisfying humoring indulgence indulging pampering excess overindulgence hindrance interference blockage closure beleaguering besieging military blockade siege stall stalling stop stoppage complicating complication bar prevention debarment debarring crushing quelling stifling suppression forestalling obviation disqualification disqualifying recusal recusation absorption assimilation alliance confederation fraternisation fraternization decolonisation decolonization dispensation dispensing allocation allotment apportioning apportionment parceling parcelling reallocation reallotment reapportioning reapportionment parcel portion share-out sharing generosity unselfishness gift giving bestowal bestowment conferment conferral social welfare welfare national assistance social assistance dole pogey philanthropic gift philanthropy contribution donation alms alms-giving commerce commercialism exchange interchange risk arbitrage takeover arbitrage IPO initial offering business business enterprise business activity commercial activity patronage trade field field of operation market marketplace employee-owned business employee-owned enterprise financing funding investing investment leverage leveraging floatation flotation co-op cooperative advertising advertizing circularisation circularization publication publishing republication republishing serialisation serialization photogravure rotogravure issue publication agribusiness agriculture building construction shipping transport hauling trucking cartage carting freight freightage express expressage moving relocation ferry ferrying dealing dealings international affairs world affairs operations trading operations transfer transference conveyance conveyance of title conveyancing conveying delivery legal transfer lease-lend lend-lease secularisation secularization barter quid pro quo swap swop horse trade horse trading business deal deal pawn pawning rental renting importation importing exportation exporting marketing merchandising slave trade slave traffic telemarketing teleselling hawking peddling vending vendition cut-rate sale sale bazaar fair clearance sale inventory-clearance sale jumble sale rummage sale defrayal defrayment paying payment disbursal disbursement outlay spending expending expenditure compensatory spending deficit spending refund repayment amortisation amortization amortisation amortization governance governing misgovernment misrule lawmaking legislating enactment passage carrying out execution imposition infliction protection trade protection mastery subordination monopolisation monopolization acculturation socialisation breeding bringing up fosterage fostering nurture nurturing raising rearing duty obligation civic duty civic responsibility due care ordinary care obedience respect military control occupation direction management handling treatment oversight superintendence supervising supervision administration disposal judicature justice organisation organization reorganisation reorganization self-organisation self-organization authorisation authorization authority sanction license permission certification enfranchisement commission commissioning delegating delegation deputation relegating devolution devolvement canalisation canalization channelisation channelization canalisation canalization preparation readying redeployment redisposition programming scheduling turnaround turnround prolusion tune-up guidance guiding coup coup d''etat putsch takeover bridle check immobilisation immobilization confinement detention imprisonment internment curtailment suppression specification stipulation deprivation privation impoverishment pauperization starvation starving appeasement calming mollification pacification conciliation placation internationalisation internationalization nationalisation nationalization denationalisation denationalization detribalisation detribalization collectivisation collectivization communisation communization discrimination favoritism able-bodiedism able-bodism ableism ablism ageism agism fatism fattism racialism racism antifeminism chauvinism militarisation militarization mobilisation mobilization armament arming disarmament disarming conscription draft muster selective service levy levy en masse demobilisation demobilization normalisation normalization regularisation regularization standardisation standardization stabilisation stabilization conventionalisation conventionalization stylisation stylization penalization penalty self-flagellation self-punishment correction discipline beating drubbing thrashing trouncing flagellation flogging lashing whipping capital punishment death penalty executing execution burning burning at the stake burning electrocution beheading decapitation castigation chastisement penance self-abasement imprisonment jailing fine fining commitment committal commutation re-sentencing medicine music compliance submission competition contention confrontation opposition discord discordance public violence riot contravention dispute combat fight fencing swordplay impact shock hassle rough-and-tumble scuffle tussle affaire d''honneur duel fistfight fisticuffs knife thrust stab hammer hammering pound pounding banging battering beating whipping affray disturbance fray ruffle brawl free-for-all cut-and-thrust knife fight gang fight rumble dissent objection insubordination rebelliousness disobedience noncompliance due process due process of law action action at law case causa cause lawsuit test case test suit judicial proceeding legal proceeding proceeding proceedings notification presentment naturalisation naturalization judgement judgment cognovit judgement cognovit judgment confession of judgement confession of judgment default judgement default judgment judgement by default judgment by default non pros non prosequitur final decision final judgment conviction judgment of conviction judgement in personam judgment in personam personal judgement personal judgment judgement in rem judgment in rem dismissal judgement of dismissal judgement on the merits judgment on the merits judgement on the pleadings judgment on the pleadings summary judgement summary judgment arbitrament arbitration opinion ruling officiating officiation refereeing umpirage finding of fact verdict conclusion of law finding of law dispossession eviction constructive eviction eviction legalisation legalization defence defense demurrer denial divorce divorcement closing off isolation segregation sequestration desegregation integrating abidance compliance conformation conformity honoring observance coaction collaboration collaboration quislingism compromise via media rapprochement reconciliation self-sacrifice selflessness allegiance commitment dedication loyalty fetich fetish aid assist assistance help hand helping hand recourse refuge ministration relief succor succour disservice ill service child care childcare day care daycare boost encouragement morale booster morale building comfort consolation rationalisation rationalization adherence attachment backing championship aegis auspices approval approving maintenance sustainment sustenance sustentation logistic assistance logistic support international logistic support mutual aid interagency support interdepartmental support inter-Service support inter-service support employment engagement hire hiring booking reservation admiration appreciation adoration adulation idolisation idolization glorification idealisation romanticisation romanticization sentimentalisation sentimentalization reinforcement reward disparagement dispraise denigration deprecation aspersion calumny defamation slander behavior behaviour behavior behaviour aggravation irritation bullying intimidation frightening terrorisation taunt taunting hell raising raising hell branding stigmatisation discourtesy offence offense offensive activity affront insult outrage scandalisation rebuff slight cold shoulder cut benefaction benevolence favor favour good turn turn forgiveness pardon civility politeness deference respect court homage consideration thoughtfulness assemblage assembly marshaling mobilisation economic mobilisation economic mobilization calling together convocation coming together meeting assignation tryst congregating congregation convening convention socialisation socialization attendance attending appearance appearing hooky truancy getting even paying back retaliation revenge retribution vengeance war warfare blood feud vendetta democratisation democratization consolidation integration centralisation centralization decentralisation decentralization amalgamation merger vertical combination vertical integration horizontal combination horizontal integration engagement involvement non-engagement non-involvement intercession intervention intermediation mediation annulment invalidation exoneration vindication nonviolence passive resistance strike work stoppage sit-down sit-down strike sympathetic strike sympathy strike disentanglement extrication unsnarling untangling extermination liquidation genocide race murder mass murder massacre cast roll flip toss coup de main surprise attack ambuscade ambush lying in wait trap emancipation freeing betise folly foolishness imbecility admission admittance matric matriculation amnesty free pardon hooliganism malicious mischief ceding back recession arrest check transmutation transubstantiation selective jamming spot jamming electronic manipulative deception manipulative electronic deception electronic simulative deception simulative electronic deception electronic imitative deception imitative electronic deception permissive waste waste colonisation colonization relocation resettlement emanation emission discharge venting electronic jamming jam harmonisation harmonization sifting winnow chanting intonation hymnody psalmody leadership leading precedence precession populating population reprieve respite renege revoke ruff trumping awakening wakening hell sin excitation excitement incitation incitement inflaming inflammation inspiration stirring baring denudation husking stripping deforestation disforestation spoil spoilage swerve swerving face saver face saving enlisting recruitment consultation reference accenting emphasizing outlet release Aegadean Isles Aegates Isles Aegospotami Aegospotamos Atlanta battle of Atlanta Austerlitz battle of Austerlitz Bataan Corregidor Ardennes counteroffensive Battle of the Bulge Belleau Wood Chateau-Thierry Marne River battle of the Marne Bismarck Sea battle of the Bismarck Sea Boyne battle of Boyne Brunanburh battle of Brunanburh Bunker Hill battle of Bunker Hill Caporetto battle of Caporetto Chalons Chalons-sur-Marne Chattanooga battle of Chattanooga Chickamauga battle of Chickamauga Coral Sea battle of the Coral Sea Cowpens battle of Cowpens Crecy battle of Crecy Cunaxa battle of Cunaxa Cynoscephalae battle of Cynoscephalae Dardanelles Dardanelles campaign Dunkerque Dunkirk Al Alamayn El Alamein Flodden Flodden Field Fontenoy battle of Fontenoy Fredericksburg battle of Fredericksburg Gettysburg battle of Gettysburg Granicus battle of Granicus River Guadalcanal battle of Guadalcanal Hastings battle of Hastings Hohenlinden battle of Hohenlinden Ipsus battle of Ipsus Issus battle of Issus Ivry Ivry la Bataille Iwo Iwo Jima Jena battle of Jena Battle of Lake Trasimenus Lake Trasimenus Langside battle of Langside Lepanto battle of Lepanto Leuctra battle of Leuctra Concord Lexington Leyte Leyte Island Battle of Little Bighorn Battle of the Little Bighorn Custer''s Last Stand Little Bighorn Lule Burgas battle of Lule Burgas Lutzen battle of Lutzen Magenta battle of Magenta Maldon battle of Maldon Mantinea Mantineia Marathon battle of Marathon Marston Moor battle of Marston Moor Argonne Argonne Forest Meuse Meuse River Meuse-Argonne Meuse-Argonne operation Midway battle of Midway Minden battle of Minden Monmouth Court House battle of Monmouth Court House Naseby battle of Naseby Navarino battle of Navarino Okinawa Okinawa campaign Omdurman battle of Omdurman Orleans siege of Orleans Panipat battle of Panipat Cape Passero Passero Petersburg Petersburg Campaign Pharsalus battle of Pharsalus Philippi battle of Philippi Philippine Sea battle of the Philippine Sea Plassey battle of Plassey Plataea battle of Plataea Pleven Plevna Poitiers battle of Poitiers Pydna battle of Pydna Ravenna battle of Ravenna Rocroi battle of Rocroi Rossbach battle of Rossbach Saint-Mihiel St Mihiel Santiago Santiago de Cuba Saratoga battle of Saratoga Sempatch battle of Sempatch Shiloh battle of Pittsburgh Landing Soissons battle of Soissons-Reims battle of the Aisne battle of the Chemin-des-Dames Solferino battle of Solferino Somme Somme River Somme Somme River Invincible Armada Spanish Armada Spotsylvania battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse Syracuse siege of Syracuse Syracuse siege of Syracuse Tannenberg battle of Tannenberg Makin Tarawa Tertry battle of Tertry Teutoburger Wald battle of Teutoburger Wald Thermopylae battle of Thermopylae Trafalgar battle of Trafalgar Valmy battle of Valmy Verdun battle of Verdun Vicksburg siege of Vicksburg Wagram battle of Wagram battle of Wake battle of Wake Island Waterloo battle of Waterloo Ypres battle of Ypres Ypres battle of Ypres Ypres battle of Ypres Zama battle of Zama American Civil War War between the States American Revolution War of American Independence Arab-Israeli War Six Day War Arab-Israeli War Yom Kippur War Bloodless Revolution English Revolution February Revolution Russian Revolution October Revolution Russian Revolution Spanish War Spanish-American War War of the Grand Alliance War of the League of Augsburg War of the Roses Wars of the Roses First World War Great War War to End War World War Second World War World War Animalia animal kingdom varment varmint beast of burden jument pack animal sumpter marine animal sea animal offspring young pup whelp wolf cub wolf pup cub young carnivore pureblood purebred animalcule animalculum crossbreed hybrid congenator congener TMV tobacco mosaic virus viroid virusoid bacteriophage phage HTLV-1 human T-cell leukemia virus-1 HIV human immunodeficiency virus Coxsackie virus coxsackievirus herpes herpes virus herpes simplex herpes simplex virus HS1 herpes simplex 1 HS2 herpes simplex 2 herpes zoster herpes zoster virus herpes varicella zoster herpes varicella zoster virus polyoma polyoma virus parvo parvovirus Monera kingdom Monera moneran moneron archaebacteria archaebacterium halobacter halobacteria bacteria bacterium acidophil acidophile B bacilli cocci coccus spirilla spirillum Aerobacter genus Aerobacter Rhizobiaceae family Rhizobiaceae Rhizobium genus Rhizobium Agrobacterium genus Agrobacterium eubacteria eubacterium Eubacteriales order Eubacteriales Bacillaceae family Bacillaceae clostridia clostridium Clostridium botulinum botulinum Cyanophyta division Cyanophyta Schizophyta division Schizophyta Schizomycetes class Schizomycetes Cyanophyceae class Cyanobacteria blue-green algae cyanobacteria Myxophyceae Schizophyceae family Myxophyceae family Schizophyceae Nostocaceae family Nostocaceae Oscillatoriaceae family Oscillatoriaceae phototrophic bacteria phototropic bacteria Pseudomonadales order Pseudomonadales Pseudomonodaceae family Pseudomonodaceae Pseudomonas genus Pseudomonas Pseudomonas solanacearum ring rot bacteria Xanthomonas genus Xanthomonas Athiorhodaceae family Athiorhodaceae Nitrobacteriaceae family Nitrobacteriaceae Nitrobacter genus Nitrobacter nitric bacteria nitrobacteria Nitrosomonas genus Nitrosomonas nitrosobacteria nitrous bacteria Thiobacteriaceae family Thiobacteriaceae sulphur bacteria thiobacteria Spirillaceae family Spirillaceae Spirillum minus ratbite fever bacterium vibrio vibrion Vibrio comma comma bacillus Bacteroidaceae family Bacteroidaceae Bacteroides genus Bacteroides Neisseria gonorrhoeae gonococcus Enterobacteriaceae family Enterobacteriaceae enteric bacteria enterics Gartner''s bacillus Salmonella enteritidis Salmonella typhi Salmonella typhosa Shigella dysentariae shiga bacillus Rickettsiales order Rickettsiales Rickettsiaceae family Rickettsiaceae WTV wound tumor virus Chlamydiaceae family Chlamydiaceae Mycoplasmatales order Mycoplasmatales Mycoplasmatacaea family Mycoplasmatacaea Actinomycetales order Actinomycetales Actinomycetacaea family Actinomycetacaea Streptomycetacaea family Streptomycetacaea Streptomyces scabies potato scab bacteria Mycobacteriacaea family Mycobacteriacaea mycobacteria mycobacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis tubercle bacillus Mycobacterium leprae leprosy bacillus Myxobacterales Myxobacteriales order Myxobacterales order Myxobacteria Myxobacteriaceae Polyangiaceae family Myxobacteriaceae family Polyangiaceae Polyangium genus Polyangium gliding bacteria myxobacter myxobacteria myxobacterium Micrococcaceae family Micrococcaceae Micrococcus genus Micrococcus staph staphylococci Lactobacillaceae Lactobacteriaceae family Lactobacillaceae family Lactobacteriaceae Diplococcus pneumoniae pneumococcus strep streptococci Spirochaetales order Spirochaetales Spirochaetaceae family Spirochaetaceae Spirochaeta genus Spirochaeta spirochaete spirochete Treponemataceae family Treponemataceae Borrelia burgdorferi Lime disease spirochete bug germ endoparasite endozoa endozoan entoparasite entozoa entozoan ectoparasite ectozoa ectozoon epizoa Protoctista kingdom Protoctista Protista division Protista protist protistan Protozoa phylum Protozoa protozoan protozoon Sarcodina class Sarcodina sarcodine sarcodinian Actinopoda subclass Actinopoda Heliozoa order Heliozoa Radiolaria order Radiolaria Rhizopoda subclass Rhizopoda rhizopod rhizopodan Amoebida Amoebina order Amoebida order Amoebina Endamoebidae family Endamoebidae Endamoeba genus Endamoeba ameba amoeba Foraminifera order Foraminifera foram foraminifer Globigerinidae family Globigerinidae Nummulitidae family Nummulitidae Testacea order Testacea Arcellidae family Arcellidae Ciliata Ciliophora class Ciliata class Ciliophora ciliate ciliated protozoan Infusoria subclass Infusoria paramecia paramecium alga algae sea wrack wrack chlorophyl chlorophyll lutein xanthophyl Heterokontophyta division Heterokontophyta Chrysophyta division Chrysophyta Chrysophyceae Heterokontae class Chrysophyceae class Heterokontae Xanthophyceae class Xanthophyceae Bacillariophyceae Diatomophyceae class Bacillariophyceae class Diatomophyceae Heterotrichales order Heterotrichales Tribonemaceae family Tribonemaceae Tribonema genus Conferva Phaeophyceae class Phaeophyceae Phaeophyta division Phaeophyta Laminariales order Laminariales Laminariaceae family Laminariaceae Laminaria genus Laminaria sea tangle tang sea tang tang Fucales order Fucales Cyclosporeae class Cyclosporeae Fucaceae family Fucaceae fucoid fucoid algae Fucus serratus serrated wrack Fucus vesiculosus black rockweed bladder fucus bladderwrack Ascophyllum genus Ascophyllum Ascophyllum nodosum bladderwrack Sargassum bacciferum gulfweed sargasso sargassum Euglenophyta division Euglenophyta Euglenophyceae class Euglenophyceae Euglenaceae family Euglenaceae euglenid euglenoid Chlorophyta division Chlorophyta Chlorophyceae class Chlorophyceae chlorophyte green algae Ulvophyceae class Ulvophyceae Ulvales order Ulvales Ulvaceae family Ulvaceae Ulva genus Ulva laver sea lettuce Volvocales order Volvocales Volvocaceae family Volvocaceae Volvox genus Volvox Chlamydomonadaceae family Chlamydomonadaceae Chlamydomonas genus Chlamydomonas Zygnemales Zygnematales order Zygnemales order Zygnematales Zygnemataceae family Zygnemataceae Zygnema genus Zygnema Chlorococcales order Chlorococcales Chlorococcum genus Chlorococcum Oedogoniales order oedogoniales Oedogoniaceae family Oedogoniaceae Oedogonium genus Oedogonium Charophyceae class Charophyceae Charales order Charales Characeae family Characeae Chara genus Chara Nitella genus Nitella Desmidiaceae family Desmidiaceae Desmidium genus Desmidium Rhodophyta division Rhodophyta Rhodophyceae class Rhodophyceae Gigartinaceae family Gigartinaceae Chondrus genus Chondrus Chondrus crispus Irish moss carageen carrageen Rhodymeniaceae family Rhodymeniaceae Rhodymenia genus Rhodymenia Rhodymenia palmata dulse Bangiaceae family Bangiaceae Porphyra genus Porphyra laver red laver eucaryote eukaryote procaryote prokaryote Flagellata Mastigophora class Flagellata class Mastigophora flagellate flagellated protozoan mastigophoran mastigophore Cilioflagellata Dinoflagellata order Cilioflagellata order Dinoflagellata Noctiluca miliaris noctiluca Peridiniidae family Peridiniidae Peridinium genus Peridinium Zoomastigina subclass Zoomastigina zooflagellate zoomastigote Hypermastigina order Hypermastigina Polymastigina order Polymastigina Costia necatrix costia Chilomastix genus Chilomastix Hexamita genus Hexamita Phytomastigina subclass Phytomastigina Cryptophyta phylum Cryptophyta Cryptophyceae class Cryptophyceae cryptomonad cryptophyte Sporozoa class Sporozoa Telosporidia subclass Telosporidia Coccidia order Coccidia Eimeriidae family Eimeriidae coccidium eimeria Gregarinida order Gregarinida Haemosporidia order Haemosporidia Plasmodiidae family Plasmodiidae Plasmodium vivax malaria parasite Haemoproteidae family Haemoproteidae Haemoproteus genus Haemoproteus genus Leucocytozoan genus Leucocytozoon leucocytozoan leucocytozoon Babesiidae family Babesiidae genus Babesia genus Piroplasma Acnidosporidia subclass Acnidosporidia Sarcosporidia order Sarcosporidia Sarcocystis genus Sarcocystis sarcocystidean sarcocystieian Haplosporidia order Haplosporidia Cnidosporidia subclass Cnidosporidia Actinomyxidia order Actinomyxidia Mycrosporidia order Mycrosporidia Myxosporidia order Myxosporidia pseudopod pseudopodium Malacopterygii superorder Malacopterygii malacopterygian soft-finned fish Ostariophysi order Ostariophysi Cypriniformes order Cypriniformes Cobitidae family Cobitidae Cyprinidae family Cyprinidae cyprinid cyprinid fish Cyprinus genus Cyprinus Cyprinus carpio domestic carp Abramis genus Abramis Abramis brama European bream Tinca genus Tinca Tinca tinca tench Leuciscus genus Leuciscus Leuciscus leuciscus dace Leuciscus cephalus chub Notropis genus Notropis Notropis atherinoides emerald shiner Notropis cornutus common shiner Notemigonus genus Notemigonus Notemigonus crysoleucas golden shiner Rutilus genus Rutilus Rutilus rutilus roach Scardinius genus Scardinius Scardinius erythrophthalmus rudd Phoxinus genus Phoxinus Phoxinus phoxinus minnow Gobio genus Gobio Gobio gobio gudgeon Carassius genus Carassius Carassius auratus goldfish Carassius carassius Carassius vulgaris Electrophoridae family Electrophoridae Electrophorus genus Electrophorus Electrophorus electric electric eel Catostomidae family Catostomidae Catostomus genus Catostomus Ictiobus genus Ictiobus buffalo fish buffalofish Ictiobus niger black buffalo Hypentelium genus Hypentelium Hypentelium nigricans hog molly Maxostoma genus Maxostoma redhorse redhorse sucker Cyprinodontidae family Cyprinodontidae Fundulus genus Fundulus Fundulus heteroclitus mummichog Fundulus majalis mayfish Jordanella genus Jordanella American flagfish Jordanella floridae Xyphophorus genus Xyphophorus Xyphophorus helleri helleri swordtail topminnow Lebistes genus Lebistes Lebistes reticulatus guppy Poeciliidae family Poeciliidae live-bearer poeciliid poeciliid fish topminnow Gambusia genus Gambusia Gambusia affinis mosquitofish Platypoecilus genus Platypoecilus Platypoecilus maculatus platy Mollienesia genus Mollienesia mollie molly Berycomorphi order Berycomorphi Holocentridae family Holocentridae Holocentrus genus Holocentrus Holocentrus coruscus reef squirrelfish Holocentrus bullisi deepwater squirrelfish Anomalopidae family Anomalopidae anomalops flashlight fish Krypterophaneron genus Krypterophaneron Photoblepharon genus Photoblepharon Photoblepharon palpebratus flashlight fish Zeomorphi order Zeomorphi Zeidae family Zeidae Zeus genus Zeus John dory Zeus faber Caproidae family Caproidae Capros genus Capros Capros aper boarfish Antigonia genus Antigonia Solenichthyes order Solenichthyes Fistulariidae family Fistulariidae Fistularia genus Fistularia Gasterosteidae family Gasterosteidae prickleback stickleback Gasterosteus genus gasterosteus Gasterosteus aculeatus three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus pungitius ten-spined stickleback Syngnathidae family Syngnathidae needlefish pipefish Syngnathus genus Syngnathus Syngnathus hildebrandi dwarf pipefish Cosmocampus genus Cosmocampus Cosmocampus profundus deepwater pipefish Hippocampus genus Hippocampus sea horse seahorse Macrorhamphosidae family Macrorhamphosidae bellows fish snipefish Centriscidae family Centriscidae Aulostomidae family Aulostomidae Aulostomus genus Aulostomus Aulostomus maculatus trumpetfish conceptus embryo blastocoel cleavage cavity blastoderm blastodisc germinal area germinal disc fetus foetus blastodermic vesicle blastosphere ectoblast ectoderm mesoblast mesoderm chordamesoderm chordomesoderm endoblast endoderm entoblast entoderm Chordata phylum Chordata Cephalochordata subphylum Cephalochordata Amphioxidae Branchiostomidae family Amphioxidae family Branchiostomidae amphioxus lancelet Tunicata Urochorda Urochordata subphylum Tunicata subphylum Urochorda subphylum Urochordata tunicate urochord Ascidiaceae class Ascidiaceae Thaliacea class Thaliacea Salpidae family Salpidae salp salpa Doliolidae family Doliolidae Larvacea class Larvacea Craniata Vertebrata subphylum Craniata subphylum Vertebrata craniate vertebrate amnion amnios chorioallantoic membrane chorioallantois Agnatha superclass Agnatha agnathan jawless fish Ostracodermi order Ostracodermi Heterostraci suborder Heterostraci Cephalaspida Osteostraci suborder Cephalaspida suborder Osteostraci cephalaspid osteostracan Anaspida order Anaspida Conodonta Conodontophorida order Conodonta order Conodontophorida Cyclostomata order Cyclostomata Hyperoartia Petromyzoniformes suborder Hyperoartia suborder Petromyzoniformes Petromyzontidae family Petromyzontidae lamper eel lamprey Petromyzon genus Petromyzon Petromyzon marinus sea lamprey Hyperotreta Myxiniformes Myxinoidea Myxinoidei suborder Hyperotreta suborder Myxiniformes Myxinidae family Myxinidae hag hagfish Myxine genus Myxine Myxinikela genus Myxinikela Gnathostomata superclass Gnathostomata Placodermi class Placodermi Chondrichthyes class Chondrichthyes cartilaginous fish chondrichthian Holocephali subclass Holocephali Chimaeridae family Chimaeridae Chimaera monstrosa rabbitfish Elasmobranchii Selachii subclass Elasmobranchii subclass Selachii elasmobranch selachian Hexanchidae family Hexanchidae Hexanchus genus Hexanchus Hexanchus griseus cow shark Lamnidae family Lamnidae Isuridae family Isuridae Lamna genus Lamna Lamna nasus porbeagle Isurus genus Isurus mako mako shark Isurus oxyrhincus shortfin mako Isurus paucus longfin mako Isurus glaucus blue pointed Carcharodon genus Carcharodon Carcharodon carcharias great white shark man-eater man-eating shark Cetorhinus genus Cetorhinus Cetorhinidae family Cetorhinidae Cetorhinus maximus basking shark Alopiidae family Alopiidae Alopius genus Alopius Alopius vulpinus fox shark thrasher thresher Orectolobidae family Orectolobidae Orectolobus genus Orectolobus Orectolobus barbatus carpet shark Ginglymostoma genus Ginglymostoma Ginglymostoma cirratum nurse shark Carchariidae Odontaspididae family Carchariidae family Odontaspididae Carcharias Odontaspis genus Carcharias genus Odontaspis Carcharias taurus Odontaspis taurus sand shark sand tiger Rhincodontidae family Rhincodontidae Rhincodon genus Rhincodon Rhincodon typus whale shark Scyliorhinidae family Scyliorhinidae Carcharhinidae family Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus genus Carcharhinus Carcharhinus leucas bull shark Carcharhinus plumbeus sandbar shark Carcharhinus limbatus blacktip shark Carcharinus longimanus oceanic whitetip shark white-tipped shark whitetip shark Carcharhinus obscurus dusky shark Negaprion genus Negaprion Negaprion brevirostris lemon shark Prionace genus Prionace Prionace glauca blue shark Galeocerdo genus Galeocerdo Galeocerdo cuvieri tiger shark Galeorhinus genus Galeorhinus Galeorhinus zyopterus soupfin Triakidae family Triakidae Mustelus genus Mustelus Mustelus mustelus smoothhound American smooth dogfish Mustelus canis Florida smoothhound Mustelus norrisi Triaenodon genus Triaenodon Triaenodon obseus reef whitetip shark Squalidae family Squalidae Squalus genus Squalus Atlantic spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias Pacific spiny dogfish Squalus suckleyi Sphyrnidae family Sphyrnidae Sphyrna genus Sphyrna hammerhead hammerhead shark Sphyrna zygaena smooth hammerhead Sphyrna tudes smalleye hammerhead Sphyrna tiburo bonnet shark bonnethead shovelhead Squatinidae family Squatinidae Squatina genus Squatina Squatina squatina angel shark angelfish monkfish Torpediniformes order Torpediniformes Torpedinidae family Torpedinidae crampfish electric ray numbfish torpedo Batoidei Rajiformes order Batoidei order Rajiformes Pristidae family Pristidae Pristis genus Pristis Pristis pectinatus smalltooth sawfish Rhinobatidae family Rhinobatidae Dasyatidae family Dasyatidae Dasyatis genus Dasyatis Dasyatis centroura roughtail stingray Gymnura genus Gymnura Myliobatidae family Myliobatidae Aetobatus genus Aetobatus Aetobatus narinari spotted eagle ray Rhinoptera genus Rhinoptera Rhinoptera bonasus cow-nosed ray Mobulidae family Mobulidae devilfish manta Atlantic manta Manta birostris Mobula genus Mobula Mobula hypostoma devil ray Rajidae family Rajidae Raja genus Raja Raja batis gray skate Raja erinacea little skate Raja radiata thorny skate Raja laevis barndoor skate Aves class Aves dickeybird dickybird fledgeling fledgling baby bird nestling fighting cock gamecock Archaeornithes subclass Archaeornithes genus Archaeopteryx genus Archeopteryx Archaeopteryx lithographica archaeopteryx flightless bird ratite carinate carinate bird Ratitae superorder Ratitae Struthioniformes order Struthioniformes Struthionidae family Struthionidae Struthio genus Struthio Struthio camelus ostrich Casuariiformes order Casuariiformes Casuaridae family Casuaridae Casuarius genus Casuarius Dromaius genus Dromaius Dromaius novaehollandiae Emu novaehollandiae Apterygiformes order Apterygiformes Apterygidae family Apterygidae apteryx kiwi Rheiformes order Rheiformes Rheidae family Rheidae Rhea americana rhea Pterocnemia genus Pterocnemia Pterocnemia pennata nandu Aepyorniformes order Aepyorniformes Aepyornidae family Aepyornidae aepyornis elephant bird Dinornithiformes order Dinornithiformes Dinornithidae family Dinornithidae Dinornis genus Dinornis Dinornis giganteus giant moa Anomalopteryx oweni anomalopteryx Passeriformes order Passeriformes passeriform bird passerine Oscines Passeres suborder Oscines suborder Passeres oscine oscine bird songbird songster Meliphagidae family Meliphagidae honey eater honeysucker Prunellidae family Prunellidae Prunella genus Prunella Prunella modularis dunnock hedge sparrow sparrow Alaudidae family Alaudidae Alauda genus Alauda Alauda arvensis skylark Motacillidae family Motacillidae Motacilla genus Motacilla Anthus genus Anthus lark pipit Anthus pratensis meadow pipit Fringillidae family Fringillidae Fringilla genus Fringilla Fringilla coelebs chaffinch Fringilla montifringilla brambling Carduelinae subfamily Carduelinae Carduelis genus Carduelis Carduelis carduelis goldfinch Carduelis cannabina linnet Carduelis spinus siskin Carduelis cucullata red siskin Carduelis flammea redpoll Carduelis hornemanni redpoll Spinus genus Spinus New world goldfinch Spinus tristis goldfinch yellowbird Spinus pinus pine finch Carpodacus genus Carpodacus Carpodacus mexicanus house finch Carpodacus purpureus purple finch Serinus genus Serinus canary canary bird Serinus canaria common canary Loxia genus Loxia Loxia curvirostra crossbill Pyrrhula genus Pyrrhula Pyrrhula pyrrhula bullfinch junco snowbird Junco hyemalis dark-eyed junco Pooecetes genus Pooecetes Pooecetes gramineus grass finch Zonotrichia genus Zonotrichia Zonotrichia albicollis white-throated sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys white-crowned sparrow Spizella genus Spizella Spizella passerina chipping sparrow Spizella pusilla field sparrow Spizella arborea tree sparrow Melospiza genus Melospiza Melospiza melodia song sparrow Melospiza georgiana swamp sparrow Emberizidae subfamily Emberizidae Passerina genus Passerina Passerina cyanea indigo bird indigo bunting indigo finch Emberiza genus Emberiza Emberiza hortulana ortolan Emberiza schoeniclus reed bunting Emberiza citrinella yellow bunting Emberiza aureola yellow-breasted bunting Plectrophenax genus Plectrophenax Plectrophenax nivalis snow bunting snowbird snowflake Coerebidae Dacninae family Coerebidae family Dacninae Coereba genus Coereba Passeridae family Passeridae sparrow true sparrow Passer genus Passer English sparrow Passer domesticus Passer montanus tree sparrow grosbeak grossbeak Hesperiphona genus Hesperiphona Hesperiphona vespertina evening grosbeak Coccothraustes genus Coccothraustes Coccothraustes coccothraustes hawfinch Pinicola genus Pinicola Pinicola enucleator pine grosbeak Richmondena genus Richmondena Cardinalis cardinalis Richmondena Cardinalis cardinal cardinal grosbeak Pyrrhuloxia sinuata pyrrhuloxia Pipilo genus Pipilo Pipilo erythrophthalmus cheewink Chlorura genus Chlorura Chlorura chlorura green-tailed towhee Ploceidae family Ploceidae weaver weaver finch Ploceus genus Ploceus Ploceus philippinus baya Vidua genus Vidua whidah whydah Padda genus Padda Java finch Java sparrow Padda oryzivora ricebird Estrilda genus Estrilda amadavat avadavat Poephila genus Poephila grass finch grassfinch Poephila castanotis zebra finch Drepanididae family Drepanididae Hawaiian honeycreeper honeycreeper Drepanis genus Drepanis Menurae suborder Menurae Menuridae family Menuridae Menura genus Menura Atrichornithidae family Atrichornithidae Atrichornis genus Atrichornis scrub bird scrubbird Eurylaimi suborder Eurylaimi Eurylaimidae family Eurylaimidae Tyranni suborder Tyranni Clamatores suborder Clamatores Tyrannidae superfamily Tyrannidae New World flycatcher flycatcher tyrant bird tyrant flycatcher Tyrannus genus Tyrannus Tyrannus tyrannus kingbird Arkansas kingbird western kingbird Cassin''s kingbird Tyrannus vociferans Tyrannus domenicensis domenicensis gray kingbird Contopus genus Contopus Contopus virens peewee peewit pewee pewit wood pewee Contopus sordidulus western wood pewee Sayornis genus Sayornis Sayornis phoebe phoebe Pyrocephalus genus Pyrocephalus Pyrocephalus rubinus mexicanus firebird Cotingidae family Cotingidae chatterer cotinga Rupicola genus Rupicola Rupicola rupicola cock of the rock Rupicola peruviana cock of the rock Pipridae family Pipridae Pipra genus Pipra Procnias genus Procnias Cephalopterus genus Cephalopterus Cephalopterus ornatus umbrella bird Furnariidae family Furnariidae Furnarius genus Furnarius Formicariidae family Formicariidae ant bird antbird Formicarius genus Formicarius Thamnophilus genus Thamnophilus Hylophylax genus Hylophylax Hylophylax naevioides spotted antbird Dendrocolaptidae family Dendrocolaptidae Dendrocolaptes genus Dendrocolaptes tree creeper woodcreeper Pittidae family Pittidae Muscivora genus Muscivora Muscivora-forficata scissortail Muscicapidae family Muscicapidae Old World flycatcher flycatcher Muscicapa genus Muscicapa Muscicapa grisola Muscicapa striata Pachycephala genus Pachycephala thickhead whistler Turdidae family Turdidae Turdinae subfamily Turdinae Turdus genus Turdus Turdus viscivorus missel thrush mistle thrush mistletoe thrush Turdus philomelos mavis song thrush throstle Turdus pilaris fieldfare Turdus iliacus redwing European blackbird Turdus merula blackbird merl merle ousel Turdus torquatus ring blackbird ring ouzel ring thrush American robin Turdus migratorius Turdus grayi clay-colored robin Hylocichla genus Hylocichla Hylocichla guttata hermit thrush Hylocichla fuscescens Wilson''s thrush Hylocichla mustelina wood thrush Luscinia genus Luscinia Luscinia megarhynchos nightingale Luscinia luscinia thrush nightingale Saxicola genus Saxicola Old World chat chat Saxicola torquata stonechat Saxicola rubetra whinchat Myadestes genus Myadestes Phoenicurus genus Phoenicurus redstart redtail Oenanthe genus Oenanthe Sialia genus Sialia Erithacus genus Erithacus Erithacus rubecola Old World robin redbreast robin Erithacus svecicus bluethroat Sylviidae family Sylviidae Sylviinae subfamily Sylviinae Polioptila genus Polioptila Regulus genus Regulus Regulus regulus goldcrest Regulus satrata gold-crowned kinglet Regulus calendula ruby-crowned kinglet Old World warbler true warbler Silvia genus Silvia Silvia atricapilla blackcap Sylvia communis greater whitethroat Sylvia curruca lesser whitethroat Phylloscopus genus Phylloscopus Phylloscopus sibilatrix wood warbler Acrocephalus genus Acrocephalus Acrocephalus schoenobaenus reedbird sedge bird sedge warbler Prinia genus Prinia Orthotomus genus Orthotomus Orthotomus sutorius tailorbird Timaliidae family Timaliidae Timalia genus Timalia babbler cackler Parulidae family Parulidae New World warbler wood warbler Parula genus Parula Parula americana northern parula Wilson''s blackcap Wilson''s warbler Setophaga genus Setophaga American redstart Setophaga ruticilla Dendroica genus Dendroica Cape May warbler Dendroica tigrina Dendroica petechia golden warbler yellow warbler yellowbird Blackburn Blackburnian warbler Audubon warbler Audubon''s warbler Dendroica coronata myrtle bird Dendroica striate blackpoll Icteria genus Icteria New World chat chat Icteria virens yellow-breasted chat Seiurus genus Seiurus Seiurus aurocapillus ovenbird Geothlypis genus Geothlypis Geothlypis trichas Maryland yellowthroat Paradisaeidae family Paradisaeidae Ptloris genus Ptloris Ptloris paradisea riflebird Icteridae family Icteridae American oriole New World oriole Icterus genus Icterus Icterus galbula northern oriole Baltimore bird Baltimore oriole Icterus galbula galbula firebird Bullock''s oriole Icterus galbula bullockii Icterus spurius orchard oriole Sturnella genus Sturnella lark meadowlark Sturnella magna eastern meadowlark Sturnella neglecta western meadowlark Cacicus genus Cacicus cacique cazique Dolichonyx genus Dolichonyx Dolichonyx oryzivorus bobolink reedbird ricebird New World blackbird blackbird Quiscalus genus Quiscalus crow blackbird grackle Quiscalus quiscula purple grackle Euphagus genus Euphagus Euphagus carilonus rusty blackbird Molothrus genus Molothrus Agelaius genus Agelaius Agelaius phoeniceus red-winged blackbird Oriolidae family Oriolidae Old World oriole oriole Oriolus genus Oriolus Oriolus oriolus golden oriole Sphecotheres genus Sphecotheres Sturnidae family Sturnidae Sturnus genus Sturnus Sturnus vulgaris common starling Pastor subgenus Pastor Pastor roseus Pastor sturnus rose-colored pastor rose-colored starling mina minah myna myna bird mynah mynah bird Acridotheres genus Acridotheres Acridotheres tristis crested myna Gracula genus Gracula Gracula religiosa Indian grackle grackle hill myna Corvidae family Corvidae Corvus genus Corvus American crow Corvus brachyrhyncos Corvus corax raven Corvus frugilegus rook Corvus monedula daw Garrulinae subfamily Garrulinae Garrulus genus Garrulus Garullus garullus common European jay Cyanocitta genus Cyanocitta Cyanocitta cristata blue jay Perisoreus genus Perisoreus Canada jay Perisoreus canadensis camp robber gray jay Perisoreus canadensis capitalis Rocky Mountain jay Nucifraga genus Nucifraga Nucifraga caryocatactes common nutcracker Clark''s nutcracker Nucifraga columbiana Pica genus Pica European magpie Pica pica American magpie Pica pica hudsonia Cracticidae family Cracticidae Cracticus genus Cracticus Strepera genus Strepera bell magpie currawong Gymnorhina genus Gymnorhina Gymnorhina tibicen piping crow Troglodytidae family Troglodytidae jenny wren wren Troglodytes genus Troglodytes Troglodytes troglodytes winter wren Troglodytes aedon house wren Cistothorus genus Cistothorus Cistothorus palustris long-billed marsh wren Cistothorus platensis sedge wren Salpinctes genus Salpinctes Salpinctes obsoletus rock wren Thryothorus genus Thryothorus Carolina wren Thryothorus ludovicianus Campylorhynchus Heleodytes genus Campylorhynchus genus Heleodytes Mimidae family Mimidae Mimus genus Mimus Mimus polyglotktos mocker Melanotis genus Melanotis Melanotis caerulescens blue mockingbird Dumetella genus Dumetella Dumetella carolinensis catbird Toxostoma genus Toxostoma mocking thrush thrasher Toxostoma rufums brown thrasher Acanthisittidae Xenicidae family Acanthisittidae family Xenicidae Xenicus genus Xenicus Xenicus gilviventris rock wren Acanthisitta genus Acanthisitta Acanthisitta chloris rifleman bird Certhiidae family Certhiidae creeper tree creeper Certhia genus Certhia American creeper Certhia americana Certhia familiaris European creeper Tichodroma genus Tichodroma Tichodroma muriaria tichodrome Sittidae family Sittidae nutcracker nuthatch Sitta genus Sitta European nuthatch Sitta europaea Sitta canadensis red-breasted nuthatch Sitta carolinensis white-breasted nuthatch Paridae family Paridae tit titmouse Parus genus Parus Parus atricapillus black-capped chickadee Parus bicolor tufted titmouse Carolina chickadee Parus carolinensis Parus caeruleus blue tit Psaltriparus genus Psaltriparus bush tit bushtit Chamaea genus Chamaea Chamaea fasciata wren-tit Auriparus genus Auriparus Auriparus flaviceps verdin Irenidae family Irenidae Irena genus Irena bluebird fairy bluebird Hirundinidae family Hirundinidae Hirundo genus Hirundo Hirundo rustica barn swallow Hirundo pyrrhonota cliff swallow Hirundo nigricans tree martin Iridoprocne genus Iridoprocne Iridoprocne bicolor tree swallow Delichon genus Delichon Delichon urbica house martin Riparia genus Riparia Riparia riparia bank martin bank swallow sand martin Progne genus Progne Progne subis purple martin Artamidae family Artamidae Artamus genus Artamus swallow shrike wood swallow Thraupidae family Thraupidae Piranga genus Piranga Piranga olivacea firebird redbird scarlet tanager Piranga ludoviciana western tanager Piranga rubra summer redbird Piranga flava hepatica hepatic tanager Laniidae family Laniidae Lanius genus Lanius European shrike Lanius excubitor Lanius borealis northern shrike Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides white-rumped shrike Lanius lucovicianus loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus migrans migrant shrike Malaconotinae subfamily Malaconotinae Chlorophoneus genus Chlorophoneus Chlorophoneus nigrifrons black-fronted bush shrike Ptilonorhynchidae family Ptilonorhynchidae bowerbird catbird Ptilonorhynchus genus Ptilonorhynchus Ptilonorhynchus violaceus satin bird Chlamydera genus Chlamydera Chlamydera nuchalis great bowerbird Cinclidae family Cinclidae dipper water ouzel Cinclus genus Cinclus Cinclus aquaticus European water ouzel American water ouzel Cinclus mexicanus Vireonidae family Vireonidae Vireo olivaceous red-eyed vireo Vireo solitarius solitary vireo Vireo solitarius solitarius blue-headed vireo Bombycillidae family Bombycillidae Bombycilla genus bombycilla Bombycilla cedrorun cedar waxwing Bohemian waxwing Bombycilla garrulus Raptores order Raptores bird of prey raptor Falconiformes order Falconiformes Accipitriformes order Accipitriformes Accipitridae family Accipitridae tercel tercelet Accipiter genus Accipiter Accipiter gentilis goshawk Accipiter nisus sparrow hawk Accipiter cooperii Cooper''s hawk chicken hawk hen hawk Buteo genus Buteo Buteo jamaicensis red-tailed hawk Buteo lagopus rough-legged hawk Buteo lineatus red-shouldered hawk Buteo buteo buzzard Pernis genus Pernis Pernis apivorus honey buzzard Milvus genus-Milvus Milvus migrans black kite Elanoides genus Elanoides Elanoides forficatus swallow-tailed hawk Elanus genus Elanus Elanus leucurus white-tailed kite Circus genus Circus Circus Aeruginosus marsh harrier Circus pygargus Montagu''s harrier Circus cyaneus hen harrier marsh hawk northern harrier Circaetus genus Circaetus harrier eagle short-toed eagle Falconidae family Falconidae Falco genus Falco Falco peregrinus peregrine falcon-gentil falcon-gentle Falco rusticolus gerfalcon Falco tinnunculus kestrel American kestrel Falco sparverius kestrel sparrow hawk Falco columbarius merlin Falco subbuteo hobby Polyborus genus Polyborus Audubon''s caracara Polyborus cheriway audubonii Polyborus plancus carancha bird of Jove eagle Harpia genus Harpia Harpia harpyja harpy Aquila genus Aquila Aquila chrysaetos golden eagle Aquila rapax tawny eagle Haliaeetus genus Haliaeetus American eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Haliaeetus pelagicus Kamchatkan sea eagle European sea eagle Haliatus albicilla ern erne gray sea eagle white-tailed sea eagle Haliaeetus leucorhyphus fishing eagle Pandionidae family Pandionidae Pandion genus Pandion Pandion haliaetus fish eagle fish hawk osprey Aegypiidae family Aegypiidae Gyps genus Gyps Gyps fulvus griffon Gypaetus genus Gypaetus Gypaetus barbatus bearded vulture lammergeier lammergeyer Neophron genus Neophron Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus Aegypius genus Aegypius Aegypius monachus black vulture Sagittariidae family Sagittariidae Sagittarius genus Sagittarius Sagittarius serpentarius secretary bird Cathartidae family Cathartidae New World vulture cathartid Cathartes genus Cathartes Cathartes aura buzzard turkey buzzard turkey vulture Vultur genus Vultur Andean condor Vultur gryphus Gymnogyps genus Gymnogyps California condor Gymnogyps californianus Coragyps genus Coragyps Coragyps atratus black vulture Sarcorhamphus genus Sarcorhamphus Sarcorhamphus papa king vulture Strigiformes order Strigiformes bird of Minerva bird of night Strigidae family Strigidae Athene genus Athene Athene noctua little owl Bubo genus Bubo Bubo virginianus great horned owl Strix genus Strix Strix nebulosa great gray owl Strix aluco tawny owl Strix varia barred owl Otus genus Otus Otus asio screech owl Old World scops owl Otus scops Oriental scops owl Otus sunia Surnia genus Surnia Surnia ulula hawk owl Asio genus Asio Asio otus long-eared owl Sceloglaux genus Sceloglaux Sceloglaux albifacies laughing jackass Tytonidae family Tytonidae Tyto genus Tyto Tyto alba barn owl Amphibia class Amphibia Hynerpeton genus Hynerpeton Caudata Urodella order Caudata order Urodella caudate urodele Salamandridae family Salamandridae Salamandra genus Salamandra European fire salamander Salamandra salamandra Salamandra maculosa fire salamander Salamandra atra alpine salamander newt triton Triturus genus Triturus Triturus vulgaris common newt Notophthalmus genus Notophthalmus Notophthalmus viridescens red eft Taricha genus Taricha Taricha granulosa rough-skinned newt California newt Taricha torosa Ambystomatidae family Ambystomatidae Ambystoma genus Ambystoma ambystomid ambystomid salamander Ambystoma talpoideum mole salamander Ambystoma maculatum spotted salamander Ambystoma tigrinum tiger salamander Ambystoma mexicanum axolotl Cryptobranchidae family Cryptobranchidae Cryptobranchus genus Cryptobranchus Cryptobranchus alleganiensis hellbender Megalobatrachus genus Megalobatrachus Megalobatrachus maximus giant salamander Proteidae family Proteidae Proteus genus Proteus Proteus anguinus olm Necturus genus Necturus Necturus maculosus mud puppy Dicamptodontidae family Dicamptodontidae dicamptodon dicamptodontid Dicamptodon ensatus Pacific giant salamander Rhyacotriton genus Rhyacotriton Rhyacotriton olympicus olympic salamander Plethodontidae family Plethodontidae Plethodon genus Plethodon lungless salamander plethodont Plethodon cinereus eastern red-backed salamander Plethodon vehiculum western red-backed salamander Desmograthus genus Desmograthus Aneides genus Aneides Aneides lugubris arboreal salamander Batrachoseps genus Batrachoseps slender salamander worm salamander Hydromantes genus Hydromantes Hydromantes shastae Shasta salamander Hydromantes brunus limestone salamander Amphiumidae family Amphiumidae amphiuma blind eel congo eel congo snake Sirenidae family Sirenidae Anura Batrachia Salientia order Anura order Batrachia order Salientia anuran batrachian frog salientian toad toadfrog Ranidae family Ranidae Rana genus Rana ranid true frog Rana sylvatica woodfrog Rana pipiens leopard frog Rana catesbeiana bullfrog Rana clamitans green frog Rana cascadae cascades frog Rana goliath goliath frog Rana palustris pickerel frog Rana tarahumarae tarahumara frog Rana temporaria grass frog Leptodactylidae family Leptodactylidae leptodactylid leptodactylid frog Eleutherodactylus genus Eleutherodactylus Hylactophryne genus Hylactophryne Hylactophryne augusti barking frog Leptodactylus genus Leptodactylus Leptodactylus pentadactylus South American bullfrog Polypedatidae family Polypedatidae Polypedates genus Polypedates tree frog treefrog Ascaphidae family Ascaphidae Ascaphus genus Ascaphus Ascaphus trui bell toad ribbed toad tailed frog Leiopelmatidae Liopelmidae family Leiopelmatidae family Liopelmidae Leiopelma Liopelma genus Leiopelma genus Liopelma Bufonidae family Bufonidae Bufo marinus agua Bufo bufo European toad Bufo calamita natterjack American toad Bufo americanus Bufo viridis Eurasian green toad American green toad Bufo debilis Bufo canorus Yosemite toad Bufo speciosus Texas toad Bufo microscaphus southwestern toad Bufo boreas western toad Discoglossidae family Discoglossidae Alytes genus Alytes Alytes obstetricans midwife toad Alytes cisternasi midwife toad Bombina genus Bombina Bombina bombina fire-bellied toad Pelobatidae family Pelobatidae Scaphiopus genus Scaphiopus spadefoot spadefoot toad Scaphiopus hammondii western spadefoot Scaphiopus multiplicatus southern spadefoot Scaphiopus bombifrons plains spadefoot Hylidae family Hylidae tree frog tree toad Hyla genus Hyla Hyla crucifer spring peeper Hyla regilla Pacific tree toad Hyla arenicolor canyon treefrog Acris genus Acris Acris crepitans northern cricket frog Acris gryllus eastern cricket frog Pseudacris genus Pseudacris Pternohyla genus Pternohyla Pternohyla fodiens lowland burrowing treefrog Brevicipitidae Microhylidae family Brevicipitidae family Microhylidae Gastrophryne genus Gastrophryne Gastrophryne olivacea western narrow-mouthed toad Gastrophryne carolinensis eastern narrow-mouthed toad Hypopachus genus Hypopachus Pipidae family Pipidae Pipa genus Pipa Pipa americana Pipa pipa Xenopodidae family Xenopodidae Xenopus genus Xenopus African clawed frog Xenopus laevis Gymnophiona order Gymnophiona Caeciliidae family Caeciliidae blindworm caecilian Labyrinthodonta Labyrinthodontia superorder Labyrinthodonta superorder Labyrinthodontia Stereospondyli order Stereospondyli Stegocephalia order Stegocephalia Temnospondyli order Temnospondyli Reptilia class Reptilia reptile reptilian Anapsida subclass Anapsida anapsid anapsid reptile diapsid diapsid reptile Diapsida subclass Diapsida Chelonia Testudinata Testudines order Chelonia order Testudinata order Testudines chelonian chelonian reptile Chelonidae Cheloniidae family Chelonidae family Cheloniidae marine turtle sea turtle Chelonia genus Chelonia Chelonia mydas green turtle Caretta genus Caretta Caretta caretta loggerhead Lepidochelys genus Lepidochelys Atlantic ridley Lepidochelys kempii bastard ridley bastard turtle Lepidochelys olivacea Pacific ridley Eretmochelys genus Eretmochelys Eretmochelys imbricata hawkbill hawksbill hawksbill turtle Dermochelyidae family Dermochelyidae Demochelys genus Dermochelys Dermochelys coriacea leatherback leatherback turtle leathery turtle Chelydridae family Chelydridae Chelydra genus Chelydra Chelydra serpentina common snapping turtle Macroclemys genus Macroclemys Macroclemys temmincki alligator snapper Kinosternidae family Kinosternidae Kinosternon genus Kinosternon Sternotherus genus Sternotherus musk turtle stinkpot Emydidae family Emydidae Malaclemys genus Malaclemys Malaclemys centrata diamondback terrapin Pseudemys genus Pseudemys Pseudemys rubriventris red-bellied terrapin red-bellied turtle redbelly Pseudemys scripta slider Pseudemys concinna cooter Terrapene genus Terrapene box tortoise box turtle Terrapene ornata Western box turtle Chrysemys genus Chrysemys Chrysemys picta painted terrapin painted tortoise painted turtle Testudinidae family Testudinidae Testudo genus Testudo European tortoise Testudo graeca Geochelone genus Geochelone Gopherus genus Gopherus Gopherus polypemus gopher gopher tortoise gopher turtle Xerobates genus Xerobates Gopherus agassizii desert tortoise Trionychidae family Trionychidae pancake turtle soft-shelled turtle Trionyx genus Trionyx Trionyx spiniferus spiny softshell Trionyx muticus smooth softshell Lepidosauria subclass Lepidosauria Rhynchocephalia order Rhynchocephalia Sphenodon genus Sphenodon Sphenodon punctatum tuatara Squamata order Squamata Lacertilia Sauria suborder Lacertilia suborder Sauria Gekkonidae family Gekkonidae Ptychozoon genus Ptychozoon Ptychozoon homalocephalum flying gecko Coleonyx genus Coleonyx Pygopodidae family Pygopodidae Pygopus genus Pygopus Iguania Iguanidae family Iguania family Iguanidae iguanid iguanid lizard Iguana iguana common iguana Amblyrhynchus genus Amblyrhynchus Amblyrhynchus cristatus marine iguana Dipsosaurus genus Dipsosaurus Dipsosaurus dorsalis desert iguana Sauromalus genus Sauromalus Sauromalus obesus chuckwalla Callisaurus genus Callisaurus Callisaurus draconoides gridiron-tailed lizard Uma genus Uma Uma notata fringe-toed lizard Holbrookia genus Holbrookia Crotaphytus genus Crotaphytus Gambelia genus Gambelia Sceloporus genus Sceloporus Sceloporus occidentalis blue-belly swift western fence lizard Sceloporus undulatus eastern fence lizard Sceloporus graciosus sagebrush lizard Uta genus Uta Uta stansburiana sand lizard Urosaurus genus Urosaurus Urosaurus ornatus tree lizard Phrynosoma genus Phrynosoma horned lizard horned toad Phrynosoma cornutum Texas horned lizard Basiliscus genus Basiliscus Anolis genus Anolis American chameleon Anolis carolinensis Amphisbaenidae family Amphisbaenidae Amphisbaena Amphisbaenia genus Amphisbaena genus Amphisbaenia Xantusiidae family Xantusiidae Scincidae family Scincidae Scincus genus Scincus Scincella genus Scincella scincid scincid lizard Eumeces genus Eumeces Eumeces skiltonianus western skink Eumeces callicephalus mountain skink Cordylidae family Cordylidae Cordylus genus Cordylus Teiidae family Teiidae teiid teiid lizard Cnemidophorus genus Cnemidophorus whiptail whiptail lizard Cnemidophorus sexlineatus race runner racerunner six-lined racerunner Cnemidophorus velox plateau striped whiptail Chihuahuan spotted whiptail Cnemidophorus exsanguis Cnemidophorus tigris western whiptail Cnemidophorus tesselatus checkered whiptail Tupinambis genus Tupinambis Agamidae family Agamidae agamid agamid lizard Chlamydosaurus genus Chlamydosaurus Chlamydosaurus kingi frilled lizard Draco genus Draco dragon flying dragon Moloch horridus mountain devil Anguidae family Anguidae Gerrhonotus genus Gerrhonotus Anguis genus Anguis Anguis fragilis blindworm Ophisaurus genus Ophisaurus glass lizard glass snake Xenosauridae family Xenosauridae Xenosaurus genus Xenosaurus Anniellidae family Anniellidae Lanthanotidae family Lanthanotidae Lanthanotus genus Lanthanotus Helodermatidae family Helodermatidae Heloderma genus Heloderma Gila monster Heloderma suspectum Heloderma horridum Mexican beaded lizard Lacertidae family Lacertidae lacertid lacertid lizard Lacerta genus Lacerta Lacerta agilis sand lizard Lacerta viridis green lizard Chamaeleonidae Chamaeleontidae Rhiptoglossa family Chamaeleonidae family Chamaeleontidae family Rhiptoglossa chamaeleon chameleon Chamaeleo genus Chamaeleo African chameleon Chamaeleo chamaeleon Chamaeleo oweni horned chameleon Varanidae family Varanidae Varanus genus Varanus monitor monitor lizard African monitor Varanus niloticus Komodo dragon Komodo lizard Varanus komodoensis dragon lizard Archosauria subclass Archosauria archosaur archosaurian Saurosuchus genus Saurosuchus Proterochampsa genus Proterochampsa Crocodilia Crocodylia order Crocodilia order Crocodylia Loricata order Loricata crocodilian crocodilian reptile Crocodylidae family Crocodylidae Crocodilus Crocodylus genus Crocodilus genus Crocodylus African crocodile Crocodylus niloticus Asian crocodile Crocodylus porosus Tomistoma genus Tomistoma Tomistoma schlegeli false gavial Alligatoridae family Alligatoridae Alligator mississipiensis American alligator Alligator sinensis Chinese alligator caiman cayman Caiman sclerops spectacled caiman Gavialidae family Gavialidae Gavialis genus Gavialis Gavialis gangeticus gavial Ornithischia order Ornithischia ornithischian ornithischian dinosaur pisanosaur pisanosaurus staurikosaur staurikosaurus Thyreophora suborder Thyreophora Stegosaur stenops stegosaur ankylosaur ankylosaurus Marginocephalia marginocephalian pachycephalosaur pachycephalosaurus Ceratopsia suborder Ceratopsia ceratopsian horned dinosaur Ceratopsidae family Ceratopsidae styracosaur styracosaurus psittacosaur psittacosaurus Euronithopoda Ornithopoda euronithopod suborder Euronithopoda ornithopod ornithopod dinosaur Hadrosauridae family Hadrosauridae duck-billed dinosaur hadrosaur corythosaur corythosaurus trachodon trachodont Iguanodontidae family Iguanodontidae Saurischia order Saurischia saurischian saurischian dinosaur Sauropodomorpha suborder Sauropodomorpha Prosauropoda suborder Prosauropoda Sauropoda suborder Sauropoda sauropod sauropod dinosaur genus Apatosaurus genus Brontosaurus Apatosaurus excelsus apatosaur apatosaurus brontosaur brontosaurus thunder lizard barosaur barosaurus Titanosauridae family Titanosauridae Titanosaurus genus Titanosaurus titanosaur titanosaurian Seismosaurus genus Seismosaurus ground-shaker seismosaur Theropoda suborder Theropoda bird-footed dinosaur theropod ceratosaur ceratosaurus Carnosaura suborder Carnosaura Tyrannosaurus rex tyrannosaur genus Allosaurus genus Antrodemus allosaur allosaurus herrerasaur herrerasaurus Megalosauridae family Megalosauridae megalosaur megalosaurus Ornithomimida suborder Ornithomimida Maniraptora suborder Maniraptora Dromaeosauridae family Dromaeosauridae superslasher utahraptor Synapsida subclass Synapsida synapsid synapsid reptile Therapsida order Therapsida protomammal therapsid Chronoperates genus Chronoperates Cynodontia division Cynodontia Exaeretodon genus Exaeretodon Dicynodontia division Dicynodontia Ischigualastia genus Ischigualastia Ictodosauria order Ictodosauria Pelycosauria order Pelycosauria Edaphosauridae family Edaphosauridae Pterosauria order Pterosauria flying reptile pterosaur Pterodactylidae family Pterodactylidae Pterodactylus genus Pterodactylus Thecodontia order Thecodontia thecodont thecodont reptile Ichthyosauria order Ichthyosauria Ichthyosauridae family Ichthyosauridae Stenopterygius quadrisicissus stenopterygius Sauropterygia order Sauropterygia Plesiosauria suborder Plesiosauria plesiosaur plesiosaurus Nothosauria suborder Nothosauria Ophidia Serpentes suborder Ophidia suborder Serpentes ophidian serpent Colubridae family Colubridae colubrid colubrid snake Carphophis genus Carphophis Carphophis amoenus thunder snake Diadophis genus Diadophis ring snake ring-necked snake Heterodon genus Heterodon hognose snake puff adder Phyllorhynchus genus Phyllorhynchus Opheodrys genus Opheodrys grass snake green snake Opheodrys vernalis smooth green snake Opheodrys aestivus rough green snake Chlorophis genus Chlorophis Coluber genus Coluber Coluber constrictor black racer Coluber constrictor flaviventris blue racer Coluber hippocrepis horseshoe whipsnake Masticophis genus Masticophis whip snake whipsnake Masticophis flagellum coachwhip California whipsnake Masticophis lateralis Masticophis bilineatus Sonoran whipsnake Elaphe genus Elaphe Elaphe guttata corn snake Elaphe obsoleta black rat snake blacksnake mountain blacksnake Ptyas genus Ptyas Indian rat snake Ptyas mucosus Arizona genus Arizona Arizona elegans glossy snake Pituophis genus Pituophis bull snake bullsnake Pituophis melanoleucus gopher snake Lampropeltis genus Lampropeltis king snake kingsnake Lampropeltis getulus common kingsnake Lampropeltis triangulum checkered adder house snake milk adder Thamnophis genus Thamnophis garter snake grass snake Thamnophis sirtalis common garter snake Thamnophis sauritus ribbon snake Thamnophis proximus Western ribbon snake Tropidoclonion genus Tropidoclonion Tropidoclonion lineatum lined snake Sonora genus Sonora Sonora semiannulata ground snake Potamophis genus Potamophis Haldea genus Haldea Haldea striatula Potamophis striatula Natrix genus Natrix Nerodia genus Nerodia Natrix sipedon Nerodia sipedon banded water snake common water snake Natrix natrix grass snake ring snake ringed snake Natrix maura viperine grass snake Storeria genus Storeria Storeria occipitamaculata red-bellied snake Chilomeniscus genus Chilomeniscus Chilomeniscus cinctus banded sand snake Tantilla genus Tantilla Oxybelis genus Oxybelis Trimorphodon genus Trimorphodon Sonoran lyre snake Trimorphodon lambda Hypsiglena genus Hypsiglena Hypsiglena torquata night snake Typhlopidae family Typhlopidae Leptotyphlopidae family Leptotyphlopidae blind snake worm snake Leptotyphlops genus Leptotyphlops Leptotyphlops humilis western blind snake Drymarchon genus Drymarchon Drymarchon corais gopher snake Drymarchon corais couperi eastern indigo snake Boidae family Boidae Constrictor constrictor boa constrictor Charina genus Charina Charina bottae rubber boa Lichanura genus Lichanura Lichanura trivirgata rosy boa Eunectes genus Eunectes Eunectes murinus anaconda Pythoninae subfamily Pythoninae Pythonidae family Pythonidae Morelia spilotes variegatus Python variegatus Python reticulatus reticulated python Indian python Python molurus Python sebae rock python Elapidae family Elapidae elapid elapid snake New World coral snake coral snake Micrurus genus Micrurus Micrurus fulvius eastern coral snake Micruroides genus Micruroides Micruroides euryxanthus western coral snake Old World coral snake coral snake Calliophis Callophis genus Calliophis genus Callophis Aspidelaps genus Aspidelaps African coral snake Aspidelaps lubricus Rhynchoelaps genus Rhynchoelaps Australian coral snake Rhynchoelaps australis Denisonia genus Denisonia Denisonia superba copperhead Naja genus Naja Indian cobra Naja naja Egyptian cobra Naja haje Ophiophagus genus Ophiophagus Naja nigricollis black-necked cobra Naja hannah Ophiophagus hannan hamadryad king cobra Hemachatus genus Hemachatus Hemachatus haemachatus ringhals rinkhals spitting snake Dendraspis Dendroaspis genus Dendraspis genus Dendroaspis Dendroaspis augusticeps black mamba Acanthophis genus Acanthophis Acanthophis antarcticus death adder Notechis genus Notechis Notechis scutatus tiger snake Pseudechis genus Pseudechis Australian blacksnake Pseudechis porphyriacus Bungarus genus Bungarus Bungarus fasciatus banded adder Oxyuranus genus Oxyuranus Oxyuranus scutellatus taipan Hydrophidae family Hydrophidae Viperidae family Viperidae Vipera genus Vipera Vipera berus adder Vipera aspis asp Bitis genus Bitis Bitis arietans puff adder Bitis gabonica gaboon viper Aspis genus Aspis Cerastes cornutus cerastes horned asp horned viper Crotalidae family Crotalidae Agkistrodon Ancistrodon genus Agkistrodon genus Ancistrodon Agkistrodon contortrix copperhead Agkistrodon piscivorus cottonmouth cottonmouth moccasin water moccasin rattler rattlesnake Crotalus genus Crotalus Crotalus adamanteus diamondback Crotalus horridus horridus banded rattlesnake Crotalus horridus atricaudatus canebrake rattler Crotalus viridis Western rattlesnake prairie rattler prairie rattlesnake Crotalus cerastes horned rattlesnake Crotalus atrox Western diamondback Crotalus lepidus rock rattlesnake Crotalus tigris tiger rattlesnake Crotalus scutulatus Mojave rattlesnake Crotalus mitchellii speckled rattlesnake Sistrurus genus Sistrurus Sistrurus catenatus massasauga Sistrurus miliaris ground rattler Bothrops genus Bothrops Bothrops atrops fer-de-lance beak bill neb nib carcase carcass Arthropoda phylum Arthropoda Chelicerata superclass Chelicerata Arachnida class Arachnida arachnid arachnoid Opiliones Phalangida order Opiliones order Phalangida Phalangiidae family Phalangiidae Phalangium genus Phalangium Phalangium opilio daddy longlegs Scorpionida order Scorpionida Chelonethida Pseudoscorpiones Pseudoscorpionida order Chelonethida order Pseudoscorpiones order Pseudoscorpionida false scorpion pseudoscorpion Chelifer genus Chelifer Chelifer cancroides book scorpion Pedipalpi Uropygi order Pedipalpi order Uropygi whip scorpion whipscorpion Mastigoproctus genus Mastigoproctus Mastigoproctus giganteus vinegarroon Araneae Araneida order Araneae order Araneida Argiopidae family Argiopidae Argiope genus Argiope Argiope aurantia black and gold garden spider Aranea Araneus genus Aranea genus Araneus Araneus cavaticus barn spider Aranea diademata garden spider Theridiidae family Theridiidae comb-footed spider theridiid Latrodectus genus Latrodectus Latrodectus mactans black widow Theraphosidae family Theraphosidae Lycosidae family Lycosidae hunting spider wolf spider Lycosa genus Lycosa European wolf spider Lycosa tarentula Ctenizidae family Ctenizidae Acarina order Acarina Ixodidae family Ixodidae hard tick ixodid Ixodes genus Ixodes Ixodes dammini deer tick Ixodes pacificus western black-legged tick Ixodes scapularis black-legged tick Ixodes ricinus sheeptick Dermacentor genus Dermacentor American dog tick Dermacentor variabilis Argasidae family Argasidae argasid soft tick Acaridae family Acaridae Trombidiidae family Trombidiidae Trombiculidae family Trombiculidae Trombicula genus Trombicula chigger harvest mite jigger redbug Sarcoptidae family Sarcoptidae Sarcoptes genus Sarcoptes itch mite sarcoptid Tetranychidae family Tetranychidae spider mite tetranychid Panonychus genus Panonychus Panonychus ulmi red spider Pauropoda class Pauropoda Symphyla class Symphyla Scutigerella genus Scutigerella Scutigerella immaculata garden centipede garden symphilid symphilid Tardigrada class Tardigrada Chilopoda class Chilopoda Scutigeridae family Scutigeridae Scutigera genus Scutigera Scutigera coleoptrata house centipede Geophilomorpha order Geophilomorpha Geophilidae family Geophilidae Geophilus genus Geophilus Diplopoda Myriapoda class Diplopoda class Myriapoda millepede milliped Pycnogonida order Pycnogonida pycnogonid sea spider Merostomata class Merostomata Xiphosura order Xiphosura Limulidae family Limulidae Limulus genus Limulus Limulus polyphemus Xiphosurus polyphemus horseshoe crab king crab Tachypleus genus Tachypleus Eurypterida order Eurypterida Pentastomida subphylum Pentastomida pentastomid tongue worm Galliformes order Galliformes gallinaceon gallinaceous bird domestic fowl fowl cochin cochin china Gallus genus Gallus gallina jungle fowl Gallus gallus red jungle fowl Gallus gallus chicken biddy chick cock rooster cockscomb comb biddy hen brood hen broody broody hen setting hen Dominick Dominique Meleagrididae family Meleagrididae Meleagris genus Meleagris Meleagris gallopavo turkey gobbler tom tom turkey turkey cock Agriocharis genus Agriocharis Agriocharis ocellata ocellated turkey Tetraonidae family Tetraonidae Lyrurus genus Lyrurus European black grouse Lyrurus tetrix Asian black grouse Lyrurus mlokosiewiczi black cock blackcock gray hen grayhen Lagopus genus Lagopus Lagopus scoticus moorbird moorfowl moorgame Tetrao genus Tetrao Tetrao urogallus capercaillie capercailzie horse of the wood Canachites genus Canachites Canachites canadensis spruce grouse Centrocercus genus Centrocercus Centrocercus urophasianus sage grouse Bonasa genus Bonasa Bonasa umbellus partridge Pedioecetes genus Pedioecetes Pedioecetes phasianellus sharp-tailed grouse Tympanuchus genus Tympanuchus prairie chicken prairie fowl Tympanuchus cupido greater prairie chicken Tympanuchus pallidicinctus lesser prairie chicken Tympanuchus cupido cupido heath hen Cracidae family Cracidae Crax genus Crax Penelope genus Penelope Pipile genus Pipile Ortalis genus Ortalis Ortilis vetula macalli Texas chachalaca Megapodiidae family Megapodiidae Megapodius genus-Megapodius megapode mound builder moundbird scrub fowl Leipoa ocellata leipoa lowan mallee fowl Alectura genus Alectura Alectura lathami brush turkey Macrocephalon genus Macrocephalon Macrocephalon maleo maleo Phasianidae family Phasianidae Phasianus genus Phasianus Phasianus colchicus ring-necked pheasant Afropavo congensis Congo peafowl Argusianus genus Argusianus argus argus pheasant Chrysolophus genus Chrysolophus Chrysolophus pictus golden pheasant Colinus genus Colinus bobwhite bobwhite quail Colinus virginianus northern bobwhite Coturnix genus Coturnix Coturnix communis Coturnix coturnix Lophophorus genus Lophophorus monal monaul Odontophorus genus Odontophorus Pavo genus Pavo bird of Juno peafowl Pavo cristatus blue peafowl Pavo muticus green peafowl Lofortyx genus Lofortyx California quail Lofortyx californicus Perdicidae Perdicinae subfamily Perdicidae subfamily Perdicinae Perdix genus Perdix Hungarian partridge Perdix perdix Alectoris genus Alectoris Alectoris ruffa red-legged partridge Alectoris graeca Greek partridge Oreortyx genus Oreortyx Oreortyx picta palmeri mountain partridge Numididae Numidinae subfamily Numididae subfamily Numidinae Numida genus Numida Numida meleagris guinea Opisthocomidae family Opisthocomidae Opisthocomus genus Opisthocomus Opisthocomus hoazin hoactzin hoatzin stinkbird Tinamiformes order Tinamiformes Tinamidae family Tinamidae partridge tinamou Columbiformes order Columbiformes Raphidae family Raphidae Raphus genus Raphus Raphus cucullatus dodo Pezophaps genus Pezophaps Pezophaps solitaria solitaire Columbidae family Columbidae Columba genus Columba Columba livia rock dove Columba fasciata band-tail pigeon band-tailed pigeon bandtail Columba palumbus cushat ringdove wood pigeon Streptopelia genus Streptopelia Streptopelia risoria ringdove Stictopelia genus Stictopelia Australian turtledove Stictopelia cuneata Zenaidura genus Zenaidura Zenaidura macroura mourning dove roller tumbler homer homing pigeon Ectopistes genus Ectopistes Ectopistes migratorius passenger pigeon Pteroclididae family Pteroclididae sand grouse sandgrouse Pterocles genus Pterocles Pterocles indicus painted sandgrouse Pterocles alchata pin-tailed grouse Syrrhaptes genus Syrrhaptes Syrrhaptes paradoxus pallas''s sandgrouse Psittaciformes order Psittaciformes poll poll parrot Psittacidae family Psittacidae Psittacus genus Psittacus African gray Psittacus erithacus Amazona genus Amazona Ara genus Ara Nestor genus Nestor Nestor notabilis kea Cacatua Kakatoe genus Cacatua genus Kakatoe Cacatua galerita Kakatoe galerita Kakatoe leadbeateri pink cockatoo Nymphicus genus Nymphicus Nymphicus hollandicus cockateel cockatiel cockatoo parrot Agapornis genus Agapornis Loriinae subfamily Loriinae Glossopsitta genus Glossopsitta Glossopsitta versicolor varied Lorikeet Trichoglossus genus Trichoglossus Trichoglossus moluccanus rainbow lorikeet parakeet paraquet paroquet parrakeet parroket parroquet Conuropsis genus Conuropsis Carolina parakeet Conuropsis carolinensis Melopsittacus genus Melopsittacus Melopsittacus undulatus budgereegah budgerigar budgerygah budgie grass parakeet lovebird shell parakeet Psittacula genus Psittacula Psittacula krameri ring-necked parakeet Cuculiformes order Cuculiformes Cuculidae family Cuculidae Cuculus genus Cuculus Cuculus canorus European cuckoo Coccyzus genus Coccyzus Coccyzus erythropthalmus black-billed cuckoo Geococcyx genus Geococcyx Geococcyx californianus chaparral cock Crotophaga genus Crotophaga Centropus genus Centropus Centropus sinensis crow pheasant Centropus phasianinus pheasant coucal Musophagidae family Musophagidae Musophaga genus Musophaga touraco turaco turacou turakoo Coraciiformes order Coraciiformes Picariae order Picariae Coraciidae family Coraciidae Coracias genus Coracias Coracias garrulus European roller Alcedinidae family Alcedinidae Alcedo genus Alcedo Alcedo atthis Eurasian kingfisher Ceryle genus Ceryle Ceryle alcyon belted kingfisher Dacelo genus Dacelo Dacelo gigas kookaburra Meropidae family Meropidae Merops genus Merops Bucerotidae family Bucerotidae Buceros genus Buceros Upupidae family Upupidae Upupa genus Upupa hoopoe hoopoo Euopean hoopoe Upupa epops Phoeniculidae family Phoeniculidae Phoeniculus genus Phoeniculus Momotidae family Momotidae Momotus genus Momotus momot motmot Todidae family Todidae Todus genus Todus Apodiformes order Apodiformes Apodidae family Apodidae Apus genus Apus Apus apus European swift Chateura genus Chateura Chateura pelagica chimney swallow Collocalia genus Collocalia Collocalia inexpectata swiftlet Hemiprocnidae family Hemiprocnidae crested swift tree swift Trochilidae family Trochilidae Archilochus genus Archilochus Chalcostigma genus Chalcostigma Ramphomicron genus Ramphomicron Caprimulgiformes order Caprimulgiformes Caprimulgidae family Caprimulgidae caprimulgid goatsucker Caprimulgus genus Caprimulgus Caprimulgus europaeus European goatsucker Caprimulgus carolinensis chuck-will''s-widow Caprimulgus vociferus whippoorwill Chordeiles genus Chordeiles bullbat mosquito hawk Phalaenoptilus genus Phalaenoptilus Phalaenoptilus nuttallii poorwill Podargidae family Podargidae Podargus genus Podargus Steatornithidae family Steatornithidae Steatornis genus Steatornis Steatornis caripensis guacharo Piciformes order Piciformes Picidae family Picidae Picus genus Picus Picus viridis green woodpecker Picoides genus Picoides Colaptes genus Colaptes Colaptes auratus yellow-shafted flicker Colaptes chrysoides gilded flicker Colaptes caper collaris red-shafted flicker Campephilus genus Campephilus Campephilus principalis ivory-billed woodpecker Melanerpes genus Melanerpes Melanerpes erythrocephalus redhead Sphyrapicus genus Sphyrapicus Sphyrapicus varius yellow-bellied sapsucker Sphyrapicus varius ruber red-breasted sapsucker Jynx genus Jynx Picumnus genus Picumnus Capitonidae family Capitonidae Bucconidae family Bucconidae Indicatoridae family Indicatoridae Galbulidae family Galbulidae Ramphastidae family Ramphastidae Aulacorhyncus genus Aulacorhyncus Trogoniformes order Trogoniformes Trogonidae family Trogonidae Pharomacrus genus Pharomacrus quetzal quetzal bird Pharomacrus mocino resplendent quetzel water bird waterbird Anseriformes order Anseriformes Anatidae family Anatidae Anseres suborder Anseres dabbler dabbling duck Anas genus Anas Anas platyrhynchos mallard Anas rubripes black duck Anas crecca green-winged teal Anas discors blue-winged teal Anas querquedula garganey Anas penelope widgeon American widgeon Anas americana Anas clypeata broadbill Anas acuta pin-tailed duck Tadorna genus Tadorna Oxyura genus Oxyura Oxyura jamaicensis ruddy duck Bucephala genus Bucephala Bucephela albeola bufflehead butterball dipper Bucephela clangula goldeneye Barrow''s goldeneye Bucephala islandica Aythya genus Aythya Aythya valisineria canvasback Aythya ferina pochard Aythya americana redhead bluebill broadbill scaup scaup duck Aythya marila greater scaup Aythya affinis lake duck lesser scaup lesser scaup duck Aix genus Aix Aix sponsa summer duck wood duck wood widgeon Aix galericulata mandarin duck Cairina genus Cairina Cairina moschata muscovy duck Somateria genus Somateria eider eider duck Melanitta genus Melanitta scooter scoter Melanitta nigra common scoter Clangula genus Clangula Clangula hyemalis old squaw Merginae subfamily Merginae Mergus genus Mergus fish duck merganser sawbill sheldrake Mergus merganser goosander American merganser Mergus merganser americanus Mergus serrator red-breasted merganser Mergus albellus smew Lophodytes genus Lophodytes Lophodytes cucullatus hooded merganser Anser genus Anser Anser cygnoides Chinese goose Anser anser graylag greylag greylag goose Chen subgenus Chen Chen caerulescens blue goose Branta genus Branta brant brant goose brent brent goose Branta bernicla common brant goose Branta canadensis Canada goose Canadian goose honker Branta leucopsis barnacle Anserinae subfamily Anserinae Cygnus genus Cygnus Cygnus olor mute swan Cygnus cygnus whooper Cygnus columbianus tundra swan Cygnus columbianus columbianus whistling swan Bewick''s swan Cygnus columbianus bewickii Cygnus buccinator trumpeter Cygnus atratus black swan Anhimidae family Anhimidae Anhima genus Anhima Anhima cornuta horned screamer Chauna genus Chauna Chauna torquata chaja Mammalia class Mammalia Prototheria subclass Prototheria Monotremata order Monotremata egg-laying mammal monotreme Tachyglossidae family Tachyglossidae Tachyglossus genus Tachyglossus anteater echidna Zaglossus genus Zaglossus anteater echidna Ornithorhynchidae family Ornithorhynchidae Ornithorhynchus genus Ornithorhynchus Ornithorhynchus anatinus duck-billed platypus duckbill duckbilled platypus Pantotheria subclass Pantotheria Metatheria subclass Metatheria Marsupialia order Marsupialia marsupial pouched mammal Didelphidae family Didelphidae opossum possum Didelphis genus Didelphis Didelphis marsupialis Didelphis virginiana Caenolestidae family Caenolestidae Caenolestes genus Caenolestes Peramelidae family Peramelidae Macrotis genus Macrotis Macrotis lagotis bilby rabbit bandicoot rabbit-eared bandicoot Macropodidae family Macropodidae Macropus genus Macropus Macropus giganteus giant kangaroo brush kangaroo wallaby Macropus agiles common wallaby Lagorchestes genus Lagorchestes hare wallaby kangaroo hare Onychogalea genus Onychogalea nail-tailed kangaroo nail-tailed wallaby Petrogale genus Petrogale rock kangaroo rock wallaby Thylogale genus Thylogale paddymelon pademelon Dendrolagus genus Dendrolagus tree kangaroo tree wallaby Hypsiprymnodon genus Hypsiprymnodon Hypsiprymnodon moschatus musk kangaroo Potoroinae subfamily Potoroinae kangaroo rat rat kangaroo Potorous genus Potorous Bettongia genus Bettongia jerboa kangaroo kangaroo jerboa Phalangeridae family Phalangeridae opossum phalanger Trichosurus genus Trichosurus Trichosurus vulpecula brush-tailed phalanger Petaurus genus Petaurus flying opossum flying phalanger Acrobates genus Acrobates Phascolarctos genus Phascolarctos Phascolarctos cinereus kangaroo bear koala koala bear Vombatidae family Vombatidae Dasyuridae family Dasyuridae dasyurid dasyurid marsupial Dasyurus genus Dasyurus Dasyurus quoll eastern dasyure Dasyurus viverrinus native cat Thylacinus genus Thylacinus Tasmanian tiger Tasmanian wolf Thylacinus cynocephalus thylacine Sarcophilus genus Sarcophilus Sarcophilus hariisi Tasmanian devil Phascogale genus Phascogale marsupial mouse marsupial rat Myrmecobius genus Myrmecobius Myrmecobius fasciatus anteater banded anteater numbat Notoryctidae family Notoryctidae Notoryctus genus Notoryctus Notoryctus typhlops marsupial mole Eutheria subclass Eutheria eutherian eutherian mammal placental placental mammal farm animal livestock Insectivora order Insectivora Lipotyphla suborder Lipotyphla Menotyphla suborder Menotyphla Talpidae family Talpidae Condylura genus Condylura Condylura cristata star-nosed mole Parascalops genus Parascalops Parascalops breweri brewer''s mole Chrysochloridae family Chrysochloridae Chrysochloris genus Chrysochloris Uropsilus genus Uropsilus Asiatic shrew mole Uropsilus soricipes Neurotrichus genus Neurotrichus American shrew mole Neurotrichus gibbsii Soricidae family Soricidae shrew shrewmouse Sorex genus Sorex Sorex araneus common shrew Sorex cinereus masked shrew Blarina genus Blarina Blarina brevicauda short-tailed shrew American water shrew Sorex palustris Neomys genus Neomys European water shrew Neomys fodiens Mediterranean water shrew Neomys anomalus Cryptotis genus Cryptotis Cryptotis parva least shrew Erinaceidae family Erinaceidae Erinaceus genus Erinaceus Erinaceus europaeus Erinaceus europeaeus Tenrecidae family Tenrecidae tendrac tenrec Tenrec ecaudatus tailless tenrec Potamogalidae family Potamogalidae Potamogale velox otter shrew wishbone wishing bone hide pelt feather plumage alula bastard wing vane web saddle feather saddle hackle hair ball hairball undercoat underfur fleece wool forelock foretop sensory hair vibrissa armor armour carapace shell phragmacone phragmocone Parazoa subkingdom Parazoa Porifera phylum Porifera parazoan poriferan choanocyte collar cell Hyalospongiae class Hyalospongiae Euplectella genus Euplectella Metazoa subkingdom Metazoa Cnidaria Coelenterata phylum Cnidaria phylum Coelenterata cnidarian coelenterate Scyphozoa class Scyphozoa jellyfish medusa Chrysaora genus Chrysaora Hydrozoa class Hydrozoa hydroid hydrozoan Siphonophora order Siphonophora Physalia genus Physalia Portuguese man-of-war jellyfish Sertularia genus Sertularia Actinozoa Anthozoa class Actinozoa class Anthozoa actinozoan anthozoan Actinaria Actiniaria order Actinaria order Actiniaria actinia actinian Actinia genus Actinia Alcyonaria order Alcyonaria Alcyonacea suborder Alcyonacea Pennatulidae family Pennatulidae Pennatula genus Pennatula Gorgonacea Gorgoniacea suborder Gorgonacea suborder Gorgoniacea gorgonian gorgonian coral Madreporaria order Madreporaria madrepore madriporian coral Maeandra genus Maeandra Acropora genus Acropora stag''s-horn coral staghorn coral Fungia genus Fungia Ctenophora phylum Ctenophora comb jelly ctenophore Nuda class Nuda Tentaculata class Tentaculata Cydippea Cydippida Cydippidea order Cydippea order Cydippida order Cydippidea Platyctenea order Platyctenea Pleurobrachiidae family Pleurobrachiidae Pleurobrachia genus Pleurobrachia Cestida order Cestida Cestidae family Cestidae Cestum genus Cestum Cestum veneris Venus''s girdle Lobata order Lobata helminth parasitic worm borer woodborer Acanthocephala phylum Acanthocephala acanthocephalan spiny-headed worm Chaetognatha phylum Chaetognatha arrowworm chaetognath Platyhelminthes phylum Platyhelminthes flatworm platyhelminth Turbellaria class Turbellaria planaria planarian Trematoda class Trematoda fluke trematode Fasciolidae family Fasciolidae Fasciola genus Fasciola Fasciola hepatica liver fluke Schistosomatidae family Schistosomatidae Schistosoma genus Schistosoma blood fluke schistosome Cestoda class Cestoda cestode tapeworm Taeniidae family Taeniidae Nemertea Nemertina phylum Nemertea phylum Nemertina nemertean nemertine proboscis worm ribbon worm Pogonophora phylum Pogonophora beard worm pogonophoran Rotifera phylum Rotifera Aschelminthes Nematoda phylum Aschelminthes phylum Nematoda Aphasmidia class Aphasmidia Phasmidia class Phasmidia nematode roundworm Ascaridae family Ascaridae Ascaris genus Ascaris Ascaris lumbricoides common roundworm Ascaridia genus Ascaridia Ascaridia galli chicken roundworm Oxyuridae family Oxyuridae Enterobius genus Enterobius Enterobius vermicularis pinworm Cephalobidae family Cephalobidae Anguillula Turbatrix genus Anguillula genus Turbatrix Anguillula aceti Turbatrix aceti vinegar eel vinegar worm Tylenchidae family Tylenchidae Tylenchus genus Tylenchus Tylenchus tritici wheat eel wheat eelworm wheatworm Ancylostomatidae family Ancylostomatidae Filariidae family Filariidae Dracunculidae family Dracunculidae Dracunculus genus Dracunculus Dracunculus medinensis Guinea worm Annelida phylum Annelida annelid annelid worm Archiannelida class Archiannelida Oligochaeta class Oligochaeta oligochaete oligochaete worm angleworm dew worm earthworm fishing worm fishworm nightcrawler nightwalker red worm Branchiobdellidae family Branchiobdellidae Branchiobdella genus Branchiobdella Polychaeta class Polychaeta polychaete polychaete worm polychete polychete worm lobworm lug Terebellidae family Terebellidae Terebella genus Terebella Polycirrus genus Polycirrus Hirudinea class Hirudinea bloodsucker hirudinean Hirudinidae family Hirudinidae Hirudo genus Hirudo Hirudo medicinalis medicinal leech Haemopis genus Haemopis Mollusca phylum Mollusca mollusc mollusk Scaphopoda class Scaphopoda tooth shell tusk shell Gasteropoda Gastropoda class Gasteropoda class Gastropoda gastropod univalve Haliotidae family Haliotidae Haliotis genus Haliotis abalone ear-shell Haliotis tuberculata ormer Strombidae family Strombidae Lambis genus Lambis Strombus genus Strombus Strombus gigas giant conch Helicidae family Helicidae Helix genus Helix Helix pomatia edible snail Helix aspersa brown snail Limacidae family Limacidae Limax genus Limax Neritidae family Neritidae neritid neritid gastropod Nerita peloronta bleeding tooth Buccinidae family Buccinidae Cymatiidae family Cymatiidae Naticidae family Naticidae Littorinidae family Littorinidae Littorina genus Littorina periwinkle winkle Patellidae family Patellidae Patella genus Patella Patella vulgata common limpet Fissurellidae family Fissurellidae Fissurella genus Fissurella Diodora apertura Fissurella apertura Ancylidae family Ancylidae Ancylus genus Ancylus Ancylus fluviatilis freshwater limpet Opisthobranchia subclass Opisthobranchia Nudibranchia order Nudibranchia nudibranch sea slug Aplysiidae Tethyidae family Aplysiidae family Tethyidae Aplysia Tethys genus Aplysia genus Tethus Aplysia punctata sea hare Hermissenda genus Hermissenda Akeridae family Akeridae Haminoea genus Haminoea Pulmonata order Pulmonata Physidae family Physidae Pectinibranchia order Pectinibranchia Cypraeidae family Cypraeidae Cypraea genus Cypraea cowrie cowry Cypraea moneta money cowrie Cypraea tigris tiger cowrie Amphineura subclass Amphineura Aplacophora Solenogastres order Aplacophora order Solenogastres aplacophoran solenogaster Polyplacophora class Polyplacophora chiton coat-of-mail shell polyplacophore sea cradle beard byssus Bivalvia Lamellibranchia class Bivalvia class Lamellibranchia bivalve lamellibranch Myaceae order Myaceae Myacidae family Myacidae Mya genus Mya Mya arenaria long-neck clam soft-shell clam steamer Veneridae family Veneridae Venus genus Venus Mercenaria genus Mercenaria Mercenaria mercenaria Venus mercenaria hard-shell clam quahaug quahog round clam littleneck littleneck clam cherrystone cherrystone clam Solenidae family Solenidae Ensis genus Ensis jackknife clam razor clam Tridacnidae family Tridacnidae Tridacna genus Tridacna Tridacna gigas giant clam Cardiidae family Cardiidae Cardium genus Cardium Cardium edule edible cockle Ostreidae family Ostreidae Ostrea genus Ostrea blue point bluepoint Japanese oyster Ostrea gigas Crassostrea genus Crassostrea Pteriidae family Pteriidae Pinctada genus Pinctada Pinctada margaritifera pearl oyster Anomiidae family Anomiidae Anomia genus Anomia Anomia ephippium saddle oyster Placuna genus Placuna Placuna placenta capiz window oyster windowpane oyster Arcidae family Arcidae Arca genus Arca Mytilidae family Mytilidae Mytilus genus Mytilus marine mussel mytilid Mytilus edulis edible mussel freshwater clam freshwater mussel Unionidae family Unionidae Unio genus Unio Anodonta genus Anodonta Dreissena genus Dreissena Dreissena polymorpha zebra mussel Pectinidae family Pectinidae scallop scollop Pecten irradians bay scallop Pecten magellanicus giant scallop Teredinidae family Teredinidae shipworm teredinid Bankia genus Bankia Bankia setaceae giant northwest shipworm Pholadidae family Pholadidae Pholas genus Pholas Cephalopoda class Cephalopoda cephalopod cephalopod mollusk Nautilidae family Nautilidae chambered nautilus nautilus Dibranchia Dibranchiata subclass Dibranchia subclass Dibranchiata dibranch dibranchiate Octopoda order Octopoda Octopodidae family Octopodidae devilfish octopus Argonautidae family Argonautidae Argonauta genus Argonauta Argonauta argo nautilus Decapoda order Decapoda architeuthis giant squid Sepiidae family Sepiidae Sepia genus Sepia cuttle cuttlefish Spirulidae family Spirulidae Spirula peronii spirula Belemnoidea order Belemnoidea Belemnitidae family Belemnitidae craw crop gastric mill gizzard Crustacea class Crustacea Malacostraca subclass Malacostraca Decapoda order Decapoda decapod decapod crustacean Brachyura suborder Brachyura Menippe genus Menippe Menippe mercenaria stone crab Cancridae family Cancridae Cancer genus Cancer soft-shell crab soft-shelled crab Cancer magister Dungeness crab Cancer irroratus rock crab Cancer borealis Jonah crab Portunidae family Portunidae Portunus genus Portunus English lady crab Portunus puber Ovalipes genus Ovalipes American lady crab Ovalipes ocellatus calico crab lady crab Callinectes genus Callinectes Callinectes sapidus blue crab Uca genus Uca Pinnotheridae family Pinnotheridae Pinnotheres genus Pinnotheres Pinnotheres ostreum oyster crab Lithodidae family Lithodidae Paralithodes genus Paralithodes Alaska crab Alaska king crab Alaskan king crab Paralithodes camtschatica Majidae family Majidae Maia Maja genus Maia genus Maja European spider crab Maja squinado Macrocheira genus Macrocheira Macrocheira kaempferi giant crab Reptantia suborder Reptantia Homaridae family Homaridae Homarus genus Homarus American lobster Homarus americanus Maine lobster Northern lobster European lobster Homarus vulgaris Cape lobster Homarus capensis Nephropsidae family Nephropsidae Nephrops genus Nephrops Nephrops norvegicus Norway lobster Palinuridae family Palinuridae Palinurus genus Palinurus crawfish crayfish langouste rock lobster sea crawfish spiny lobster Astacidae Astacura crawdad crawdaddy crawfish crayfish Astacus genus Astacus Old World crayfish ecrevisse Cambarus genus Cambarus Paguridae family Paguridae Pagurus genus Pagurus Natantia suborder Natantia Crangonidae family Crangonidae Crangon genus Crangon pistol shrimp snapping shrimp Palaemonidae family Palaemonidae Palaemon genus Palaemon Palaemon australis long-clawed prawn Peneidae family Peneidae Peneus genus Peneus Euphausiacea order Euphausiacea Mysidacea order Mysidacea Mysidae family Mysidae Mysis genus Mysis Praunus genus Praunus Stomatopoda order Stomatopoda stomatopod stomatopod crustacean mantis crab mantis shrimp Squillidae family Squillidae mantis prawn squilla Isopoda order Isopoda slater woodlouse Armadillidiidae family Armadillidiidae Armadillidium genus Armadillidium Oniscidae family Oniscidae Oniscus genus Oniscus Porcellionidae family Porcellionidae Porcellio genus Porcellio sea louse sea slater Amphipoda order Amphipoda Orchestiidae family Orchestiidae Orchestia genus Orchestia beach flea sand flea sand hopper sandhopper Caprella genus Caprella Cyamus genus Cyamus Entomostraca subclass Entomostraca Branchiopoda subclass Branchiopoda branchiopod branchiopod crustacean daphnia water flea Anostraca order Anostraca Artemia Chirocephalus genus Artemia genus Chirocephalus Artemia salina brine shrimp Notostraca order Notostraca Triopidae family Triopidae Triops genus Triops Copepoda subclass Copepoda copepod copepod crustacean brit britt cyclops water flea Branchiura order Branchiura Ostracoda subclass Ostracoda mussel shrimp ostracod Cirripedia subclass Cirripedia barnacle cerriped Balanidae family Balanidae Balanus genus Balanus Balanus balanoides acorn barnacle Lepadidae family Lepadidae Lepas genus Lepas Lepas fascicularis goose barnacle Onychophora class Onychophora onychophoran peripatus Peripatidae family Peripatidae Plicatoperipatus genus Plicatoperipatus Peripatopsidae family Peripatopsidae Peripatopsis genus Peripatopsis wader wading bird Ciconiiformes order Ciconiiformes Ciconiidae family Ciconiidae Ciconia genus Ciconia Ciconia ciconia white stork Ciconia nigra black stork Leptoptilus genus Leptoptilus Leptoptilus dubius adjutant adjutant bird adjutant stork Leptoptilus crumeniferus marabou marabou stork marabout Anastomus genus Anastomus Jabiru mycteria jabiru Ephippiorhynchus genus Ephippiorhynchus Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis jabiru Xenorhyncus genus Xenorhyncus Xenorhyncus asiaticus black-necked stork jabiru policeman bird Micteria genus Micteria Micteria americana wood ibis Balaenicipitidae family Balaenicipitidae Balaeniceps genus Balaeniceps Balaeniceps rex shoebill Threskiornithidae family Ibidiidae Ibis ibis wood ibis Threskiornis genus Threskiornis Threskiornis aethiopica sacred ibis Plataleidae family Plataleidae Platalea genus Platalea Platalea leucorodia common spoonbill Ajaia genus Ajaia Ajaia ajaja roseate spoonbill Phoenicopteridae family Phoenicopteridae Ardeidae family Ardeidae Ardea genus Ardea Ardea herodius great blue heron Ardea occidentalis great white heron Egretta genus Egretta Egretta caerulea little blue heron Egretta thula snowy egret Egretta garzetta little egret Casmerodius genus Casmerodius Casmerodius albus great white heron American egret Egretta albus Bubulcus genus Bubulcus Bubulcus ibis cattle egret night heron night raven Nycticorax genus Nycticorax Nycticorax nycticorax black-crowned night heron Nyctanassa genus Nyctanassa Nyctanassa violacea yellow-crowned night heron Cochlearius genus Cochlearius Cochlearius cochlearius boat-billed heron boatbill broadbill Botaurus genus Botaurus American bittern Botaurus lentiginosus Botaurus stellaris European bittern Ixobrychus genus Ixobrychus Ixobrychus exilis least bittern Gruiformes order Gruiformes Gruidae family Gruidae Grus genus Grus Grus americana whooping crane Aramus genus Aramus Aramus guarauna courlan Aramus pictus limpkin Cariamidae family Cariamidae Cariama genus Cariama Cariama cristata crested cariama Chunga burmeisteri chunga Rallidae family Rallidae Gallirallus genus Gallirallus maori hen weka Crex genus Crex Crex crex corncrake Porzana genus Porzana Porzana porzana spotted crake Gallinula genus Gallinula gallinule marsh hen swamphen water hen Florida gallinule Gallinula chloropus cachinnans Gallinula chloropus moorhen Porphyrio genus Porphyrio European gallinule Porphyrio porphyrio Porphyrula genus Porphyrula American gallinule Porphyrula martinica Notornis mantelli notornis Fulica genus Fulica American coot Fulica americana marsh hen mud hen Fulica atra Old World coot Otides suborder Otides Otididae family Otididae Otis genus Otis Otis tarda great bustard Choriotis genus Choriotis Choriotis australis plain turkey Turnicidae family Turnicidae Turnix genus Turnix bustard quail button quail buttonquail hemipode Turnix sylvatica striped button quail Pedionomus genus Pedionomus Pedionomus torquatus plain wanderer Psophiidae family Psophiidae Psophia genus Psophia Brazilian trumpeter Psophia crepitans Charadriiformes order Charadriiformes sea bird seabird Charadrii suborder Charadrii Limicolae suborder Limicolae limicoline bird shore bird Charadriidae family Charadriidae Charadrius genus Charadrius Charadrius melodus piping plover Charadrius vociferus kildeer killdeer killdeer plover Charadrius morinellus Eudromias morinellus dotrel dotterel Pluvialis genus Pluvialis Vanellus genus Vanellus green plover lapwing peewit pewit Arenaria genus Arenaria Arenaria interpres ruddy turnstone Arenaria-Melanocephala black turnstone Scolopacidae family Scolopacidae Aphriza genus Aphriza Aphriza virgata surfbird Actitis genus Actitis Actitis hypoleucos European sandpiper Actitis macularia spotted sandpiper Erolia genus Erolia Erolia minutilla least sandpiper Erolia alpina dunlin Tringa genus Tringa Tringa nebularia greenshank Tringa totanus redshank Tringa melanoleuca greater yellowlegs Tringa flavipes lesser yellowlegs Calidris genus Calidris Calidris melanotos jacksnipe Calidris canutus grayback Calidris Ferruginea curlew sandpiper Crocethia genus Crocethia Crocethia alba sanderling Bartramia genus Bartramia Bartramia longicauda Bartramian sandpiper upland plover upland sandpiper Philomachus genus Philomachus Philomachus pugnax ruff Heteroscelus genus Heteroscelus Heteroscelus incanus Polynesian tattler Catoptrophorus genus Catoptrophorus Catoptrophorus semipalmatus willet Scolopax genus Scolopax Eurasian woodcock Scolopax rusticola Philohela genus Philohela American woodcock Philohela minor Capella Gallinago genus Capella genus Gallinago Gallinago gallinago common snipe Gallinago gallinago delicata Wilson''s snipe Gallinago media great snipe Limnocryptes genus Limnocryptes Limnocryptes minima half snipe Limnodromus genus Limnodromus Limnodromus griseus grayback Limnodromus scolopaceus red-breasted snipe Numenius genus Numenius European curlew Numenius arquata Eskimo curlew Numenius borealis Limosa genus Limosa Hudsonian godwit Limosa haemastica Himantopus genus Himantopus Himantopus stilt longlegs stilt stilt plover Himantopus mexicanus black-necked stilt Himantopus himantopus black-winged stilt Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus white-headed stilt Himantopus novae-zelandiae kaki Cladorhyncus genus Cladorhyncus Australian stilt stilt Cladorhyncus leucocephalum banded stilt Recurvirostridae family Recurvirostridae Recurvirostra genus Recurvirostra Haematopodidae family Haematopodidae Haematopus genus Haematopus oyster catcher oystercatcher Phalaropidae family Phalaropidae Phalaropus genus Phalaropus Phalaropus fulicarius red phalarope Lobipes genus Lobipes Lobipes lobatus northern phalarope Steganopus genus Steganopus Steganopus tricolor Wilson''s phalarope Glareolidae family Glareolidae Glareola genus Glareola glareole pratincole Cursorius genus Cursorius Cursorius cursor cream-colored courser Pluvianus genus Pluvianus Pluvianus aegyptius crocodile bird Burhinidae family Burhinidae Burhinus genus Burhinus Burhinus oedicnemus stone curlew Lari suborder Lari Laridae family Laridae gull sea gull Larus genus Larus Larus canus mew mew gull sea mew Larus marinus black-backed gull cob great black-backed gull Larus argentatus herring gull Larus ridibundus blackcap laughing gull pewit Pagophila genus Pagophila Pagophila eburnea ivory gull Rissa genus Rissa Sterninae subfamily Sterninae Sterna genus Sterna Sterna hirundo sea swallow Rynchopidae family Rynchopidae Rynchops genus Rynchops Stercorariidae family Stercorariidae Stercorarius genus Stercorarius Stercorarius parasiticus arctic skua Catharacta genus Catharacta bonxie skua Catharacta skua great skua Alcidae family Alcidae Alca genus Alca Alca torda razor-billed auk Plautus genus Plautus Plautus alle dovekie Pinguinus genus Pinguinus Pinguinus impennis great auk Cepphus genus Cepphus Cepphus grylle black guillemot Cepphus columba pigeon guillemot Uria genus Uria Uria aalge common murre Uria lomvia thick-billed murre Fratercula genus Fratercula Atlantic puffin Fratercula arctica Fratercula corniculata horned puffin Lunda genus Lunda Lunda cirrhata tufted puffin Gaviiformes order Gaviiformes Gavidae family Gavidae Gavia genus Gavia diver loon Colymbiformes Podicipediformes Podicipitiformes order Colymbiformes order Podicipediformes order Podicipitiformes Podicipedidae family Podicipedidae Podiceps genus Podiceps Podiceps cristatus great crested grebe Podiceps grisegena red-necked grebe Podiceps nigricollis black-necked grebe Podiceps ruficollis dabchick Podilymbus genus Podilymbus Podilymbus podiceps pied-billed grebe Pelecaniformes order Pelecaniformes Pelecanidae family Pelecanidae Pelecanus genus Pelecanus Pelecanus erythrorhynchos white pelican Old world white pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus Fregatidae family Fregatidae Fregata genus Fregata frigate bird man-of-war bird Sulidae family Sulidae Sula genus Sula Sula bassana solan solan goose solant goose Phalacrocoracidae family Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax genus Phalacrocorax Phalacrocorax carbo cormorant Anhingidae family Anhingidae anhinga darter Anhinga anhinga water turkey Phaethontidae family Phaethontidae Phaethon genus Phaethon boatswain bird tropic bird Sphenisciformes order Sphenisciformes Spheniscidae family Spheniscidae Pygoscelis genus Pygoscelis Adelie Adelie penguin Aptenodytes genus Aptenodytes Aptenodytes patagonica king penguin Aptenodytes forsteri emperor penguin Spheniscus genus Spheniscus Spheniscus demersus jackass penguin Eudyptes genus Eudyptes crested penguin rock hopper Procellariiformes order Procellariiformes oceanic bird pelagic bird Diomedeidae family Diomedeidae Diomedea exulans wandering albatross Diomedea nigripes black-footed albatross gooney gooney bird goonie goony Procellariidae family Procellariidae Procellaria genus Procellaria Procellaria aequinoctialis white-chinned petrel Macronectes genus Macronectes Macronectes giganteus giant fulmar Fulmarus genus Fulmarus Fulmarus glacialis fulmar Puffinus genus Puffinus Manx shearwater Puffinus puffinus Hydrobatidae family Hydrobatidae Hydrobates genus Hydrobates Hydrobates pelagicus northern storm petrel Oceanites genus Oceanites Mother Carey''s chicken Mother Carey''s hen Pelecanoididae family Pelecanoididae Cetacea order Cetacea blower cetacean Mysticeti suborder Mysticeti baleen whale whalebone whale Balaenidae family Balaenidae Balaena genus Balaena Balaena mysticetus Greenland whale bowhead bowhead whale Balaenopteridae family Balaenopteridae razorback rorqual Balaenoptera genus Balaenoptera Balaenoptera musculus blue whale Balaenoptera physalus common rorqual fin whale finback Balaenoptera borealis sei whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata lesser rorqual minke whale piked whale Megaptera genus Megaptera Megaptera novaeangliae humpback Eschrichtiidae family Eschrichtiidae Eschrichtius genus Eschrichtius Eschrichtius gibbosus Eschrichtius robustus devilfish gray whale Odontoceti suborder Odontoceti Physeteridae family Physeteridae Physeter genus Physeter Physeter catodon black whale cachalot sperm whale Kogia genus Kogia Kogia breviceps pygmy sperm whale Kogia simus dwarf sperm whale Hyperodontidae Ziphiidae family Hyperodontidae family Ziphiidae Hyperoodon genus Hyperoodon Hyperoodon ampullatus bottle-nosed whale bottlenose bottlenose whale Delphinidae family Delphinidae Delphinus genus Delphinus Delphinus delphis common dolphin Tursiops genus Tursiops bottle-nosed dolphin bottlenose Atlantic bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus Pacific bottlenose dolphin Tursiops gilli Phocaena genus Phocaena Phocaena phocaena harbor porpoise Grampus griseus grampus Orcinus genus Orcinus Orcinus orca grampus killer killer whale orca sea wolf Globicephala genus Globicephala Globicephala melaena black whale blackfish common blackfish Platanistidae family Platanistidae Monodontidae family Monodontidae Monodon genus Monodon Monodon monoceros narwal narwhal narwhale Delphinapterus genus Delphinapterus Delphinapterus leucas beluga Sirenia order Sirenia sea cow sirenian Trichechidae family Trichechidae Trichechus genus Trichecus Trichechus manatus manatee Dugongidae family Dugongidae Dugong dugon dugong Hydrodamalis genus Hydrodamalis Hydrodamalis gigas Steller''s sea cow Carnivora order Carnivora Pinnipedia suborder Pinnipedia pinnatiped pinniped crab-eating seal crabeater seal Otariidae family Otariidae Arctocephalus genus Arctocephalus Arctocephalus philippi guadalupe fur seal Callorhinus genus Callorhinus Alaska fur seal Callorhinus ursinus Otaria genus Otaria Otaria Byronia South American sea lion Zalophus genus Zalophus California sea lion Zalophus californianus Australian sea lion Zalophus lobatus Eumetopias genus Eumetopias Eumetopias jubatus Steller sea lion Phocidae family Phocidae earless seal hair seal Phoca genus Phoca Phoca vitulina common seal Pagophilus genus Pagophilus Pagophilus groenlandicus harp seal Mirounga genus Mirounga elephant seal sea elephant Erignathus genus Erignathus Erignathus barbatus bearded seal Cystophora genus Cystophora Cystophora cristata bladdernose Odobenidae family Odobenidae Odobenus genus Odobenus sea horse seahorse Atlantic walrus Odobenus rosmarus Odobenus divergens Pacific walrus fissiped fissiped mammal Tubulidentata order Tubulidentata Orycteropodidae family Orycteropodidae Orycteropus genus Orycteropus Orycteropus afer aardvark ant bear anteater Canidae family Canidae canid canine Canis genus Canis Canis familiaris dog bow-wow doggie doggy pooch cur mongrel pariah dog pie-dog toy toy dog Maltese Maltese dog Peke Pekinese hound hound dog basset basset hound bloodhound sleuthhound badger dog dachshund sausage dog sausage hound Walker foxhound Walker hound Russian wolfhound borzoi Ibizan Podenco Ibizan hound Norwegian elkhound elkhound otter hound otterhound Saluki gazelle hound Scottish deerhound deerhound bull terrier bullterrier American Staffordshire terrier American pit bull terrier Staffordshire terrier pit bull terrier rat terrier ratter Manchester terrier black-and-tan terrier toy Manchester toy Manchester terrier wire-haired terrier wirehair Sealyham Sealyham terrier Airedale Airedale terrier cairn cairn terrier Dandie Dinmont Dandie Dinmont terrier Boston bull Boston terrier Scotch terrier Scottie Tibetan terrier chrysanthemum dog Sydney silky silky terrier Lhasa Lhasa apso gun dog sporting dog Spanish pointer pointer Hungarian pointer vizla Irish setter red setter clumber clumber spaniel English springer English springer spaniel English cocker spaniel cocker griffon wire-haired pointing griffon guard dog watchdog sheep dog sheepdog Belgian sheep dog Belgian shepherd Old English sheepdog bobtail Shetland Shetland sheep dog Bouvier des Flandres Bouviers des Flandres German police dog German shepherd German shepherd dog alsatian Doberman Doberman pinscher English bulldog bulldog guide dog seeing-eye dog Saint Bernard St Bernard sled dog sledge dog Eskimo dog husky Alaskan malamute malamute carriage dog coach dog affenpinscher monkey dog pug pug-dog Samoyed Samoyede chow chow chow Belgian griffon Brussels griffon Welsh corgi corgi Pembroke Pembroke Welsh corgi Cardigan Cardigan Welsh corgi poodle poodle dog Canis lupus gray wolf Arctic wolf Canis lupus tundrarum Canis niger Canis rufus maned wolf red wolf Canis latrans brush wolf coyote prairie wolf Canis aureus jackal Canis dingo dingo warragal warrigal Cuon Cyon genus Cuon genus Cyon Cuon alpinus dhole Dusicyon genus Dusicyon Dusicyon cancrivorus crab-eating dog Nyctereutes genus Nyctereutes Nyctereutes procyonides raccoon dog Lycaeon genus Lycaeon African hunting dog Cape hunting dog Lycaon pictus hyena dog Hyaenidae family Hyaenidae hyaena hyena Hyaena hyaena striped hyena Hyaena brunnea brown hyena Crocuta genus Crocuta Crocuta crocuta laughing hyena Proteles genus Proteles Proteles cristata aardwolf Vulpes genus Vulpes Vulpes vulpes red fox Vulpes fulva red fox Vulpes velox kit fox Vulpes macrotis kit fox Alopex genus Alopex Alopex lagopus arctic fox Urocyon genus Urocyon Urocyon cinereoargenteus gray fox Felidae family Felidae felid feline Felis genus Felis cat true cat Felis catus Felis domesticus domestic cat house cat kitty kitty-cat puss pussy alley cat stray tom tomcat queen tabby kitten kitty tabby tabby cat calico cat tortoiseshell Angora Angora cat Siamese Siamese cat Abyssinian Abyssinian cat European wildcat Felis silvestris Felis concolor catamount cougar mountain lion painter panther Felis pardalis ocelot Felis yagouaroundi eyra jaguarondi jaguarundi Felis ocreata caffer cat Felis chaus jungle cat Felis serval serval Felis bengalensis leopard cat Felis tigrina tiger cat Felis wiedi margay Felis manul Pallas''s cat catamount lynx Lynx lynx common lynx Canada lynx Lynx canadensis Lynx rufus bay lynx Lynx pardina spotted lynx Lynx caracal caracal big cat cat Panthera genus Panthera Panthera pardus leopard Panthera uncia ounce Felis onca Panthera onca jaguar panther Panthera leo king of beasts Panthera tigris tiger tiglon tigon Acinonyx genus Acinonyx Acinonyx jubatus cheetah saber-toothed tiger sabertooth Smiledon genus Smiledon Nimravus genus Nimravus Ursidae family Ursidae Ursus genus Ursus Ursus arctos brown bear Syrian bear Ursus arctos syriacus Ursus arctos horribilis Ursus horribilis grizzly grizzly bear Alaskan brown bear Kodiak Kodiak bear Ursus arctos middendorffi Euarctos genus Euarctos American black bear Euarctos americanus Ursus americanus black bear Selenarctos genus Selenarctos Asiatic black bear Selenarctos thibetanus Ursus thibetanus black bear Thalarctos genus Thalarctos Thalarctos maritimus Ursus Maritimus ice bear polar bear Melursus genus Melursus Melursus ursinus Ursus ursinus Viverridae Viverrinae family Viverridae family Viverrinae viverrine viverrine mammal civet civet cat Viverra genus Viverra Viverra zibetha large civet Viverricula genus Viverricula Viverricula indica Viverricula malaccensis Arctictis genus Arctictis Arctictis bintourong bearcat Cryptoprocta genus Cryptoprocta Cryptoprocta ferox fossa Fossa genus Fossa Fossa fossa fanaloka Genetta genus Genetta Genetta genetta genet Hemigalus genus Hemigalus Hemigalus hardwickii banded palm civet Herpestes genus Herpestes Herpestes nyula Indian mongoose Herpestes ichneumon ichneumon Paradoxurus genus Paradoxurus palm cat palm civet Suricata genus Suricata meerkat mierkat Suricata suricatta slender-tailed meerkat Suricata tetradactyla suricate Chiroptera order Chiroptera bat chiropteran Megachiroptera suborder Megachiroptera fruit bat megabat Pteropus genus Pteropus Nyctimene genus Nyctimene harpy harpy bat tube-nosed bat tube-nosed fruit bat Cynopterus genus Cynopterus Microchiroptera suborder Microchiroptera carnivorous bat microbat leaf-nosed bat leafnose bat Phyllostomatidae Phyllostomidae family Phyllostomatidae family Phyllostomidae Macrotus californicus macrotus Phyllostomus genus Phyllostomus Choeronycteris genus Choeronycteris Choeronycteris mexicana hognose bat Rhinolophidae family Rhinolophidae Hipposideridae family Hipposideridae Hipposideros genus Hipposideros Rhinonicteris genus Rhinonicteris Rhinonicteris aurantius orange bat Megadermatidae family Megadermatidae false vampire false vampire bat Megaderma genus Megaderma Megaderma lyra big-eared bat Vespertilionidae family Vespertilionidae vespertilian bat vespertilionid Vespertilio genus Vespertilio Vespertilio murinus frosted bat Lasiurus genus Lasiurus Lasiurus borealis red bat Myotis genus Myotis Myotis leucifugus little brown bat Myotis velifer cave myotis Eptesicus genus Eptesicus Eptesicus fuscus big brown bat Eptesicus serotinus European brown bat Antrozous genus Antrozous Antrozous pallidus cave bat Pipistrellus genus Pipistrellus Pipistrellus pipistrellus pipistrel Pipistrellus subflavus eastern pipistrel SPipistrellus hesperus western pipistrel Euderma genus Euderma Euderma maculata jackass bat Plecotus genus Plecotus Plecotus townsendi western big-eared bat Molossidae family Molossidae Tadarida genus Tadarida freetail freetailed bat Mexican freetail bat Tadarida brasiliensis Tadirida femorosacca pocketed bat Eumops genus Eumops Desmodontidae family Desmodontidae true vampire bat vampire bat Desmodus genus Desmodus Diphylla genus Diphylla Diphylla ecaudata hairy-legged vampire bat balancer halter pennon pinion elytron wing case predator predatory animal prey quarry animal foot foot cloven foot cloven hoof caliculus calycle eyecup optic cup claw unguis chela claw nipper pincer bob bobtail horse''s foot horse''s hoof Hexapoda Insecta class Hexapoda class Insecta Collembola order Collembola collembolan springtail Protura order Protura proturan telsontail Coleoptera order Coleoptera Cicindelidae family Cicindelidae Coccinellidae family Coccinellidae lady beetle ladybeetle ladybird ladybird beetle Adalia genus Adalia Adalia bipunctata two-spotted ladybug Epilachna genus Epilachna Epilachna varivestis Mexican bean beetle Hippodamia genus Hippodamia Rodolia genus Rodolia Rodolia cardinalis vedalia Carabidae family Carabidae carabid beetle ground beetle Brachinus genus Brachinus Calosoma scrutator searcher Lampyridae family Lampyridae firefly lightning bug Cerambycidae family Cerambycidae long-horned beetle longicorn Monochamus genus Monochamus sawyer sawyer beetle Chrysomelidae family Chrysomelidae chrysomelid leaf beetle Leptinotarsa genus Leptinotarsa Colorado beetle Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata potato beetle Dermestidae family Dermestidae carpet beetle carpet bug Anthrenus scrophulariae buffalo carpet beetle Cleridae family Cleridae clerid clerid beetle Lamellicornia superfamily Lamellicornia Scarabaeidae family Scarabaeidae scarabaean scarabaeid Scarabaeus sacer scarab June beetle June bug May beetle May bug figeater green June beetle Popillia genus Popillia Japanese beetle Popillia japonica Anomala genus Anomala Anomala orientalis Asiatic beetle Melolonthidae subfamily Melolonthidae Melolontha genus Melolontha May beetle May bug Melolontha melolontha cockchafer Macrodactylus genus Macrodactylus Macrodactylus subspinosus rose bug Cetoniidae subfamily Cetoniidae Cetonia genus Cetonia Cetonia aurata rose beetle Lucanidae family Lucanidae Elateridae family Elateridae elater elaterid click beetle skipjack Pyrophorus genus Pyrophorus Pyrophorus noctiluca fire beetle Dytiscidae family Dytiscidae Gyrinidae family Gyrinidae Anobiidae family Anobiidae Xestobium rufovillosum deathwatch Curculionidae family Curculionidae Anthonomus genus Anthonomus Anthonomus grandis boll weevil Meloidae family Meloidae blister beetle meloid Ipidae Scolytidae family Ipidae family Scolytidae Scolytus genus Scolytus Dutch-elm beetle Scolytus multistriatus Dendroctonus genus Dendroctonus Staphylinidae family Staphylinidae Tenebrionidae family Tenebrionidae darkling beetle darkling groung beetle Tribolium genus Tribolium flour beetle flour weevil Bruchidae family Bruchidae seed beetle seed weevil Bruchus genus Bruchus Bruchus pisorum pea weevil Acanthoscelides genus Acanthoscelides Acanthoscelides obtectus bean weevil Sitophylus genus Sitophylus Sitophylus oryzae black weevil Embiodea Embioptera order Embiodea order Embioptera Anoplura order Anoplura louse sucking louse Pediculidae family Pediculidae Pediculus genus Pediculus Pediculus humanus common louse Pediculus capitis head louse Pediculus corporis body louse Phthiriidae family Phthiriidae Phthirius Phthirus genus Phthirius genus Phthirus Phthirius pubis crab crab louse pubic louse Mallophaga order Mallophaga bird louse biting louse Menopon genus Menopon Menopon gallinae Menopon palladum chicken louse shaft louse Siphonaptera order Siphonaptera Pulicidae family Pulicidae Pulex genus Pulex Ctenocephalides genus Ctenocephalides Ctenocephalides canis dog flea Ctenocephalides felis cat flea Tunga genus Tunga Tunga penetrans chigger chigoe chigoe flea Echidnophaga genus Echidnophaga Echidnophaga gallinacea sticktight Diptera order Diptera dipteran dipteron dipterous insect two-winged insects Cecidomyidae family Cecidomyidae gall gnat gall midge Mayetiola genus Mayetiola Hessian fly Mayetiola destructor Muscoidea superfamily Muscoidea Muscidae family Muscidae alula calypter Musca genus Musca Musca domestica housefly Glossinidae family Glossinidae glossina tsetse tsetse fly tzetze Calliphoridae family Calliphoridae Calliphora genus Calliphora blow fly blowfly Calliphora vicina bluebottle Lucilia genus Lucilia greenbottle greenbottle fly Sarcophaga genus Sarcophaga Sarcophaga carnaria flesh fly Tachinidae family Tachinidae Gasterophilidae family Gasterophilidae Gasterophilus genus Gasterophilus Gasterophilus intestinalis horse botfly Cuterebridae family Cuterebridae Cuterebra genus Cuterebra Dermatobia genus Dermatobia Dermatobia hominis human botfly Hypodermatidae Oestridae family Hypodermatidae family Oestridae Oestrus genus Oestrus Oestrus ovis sheep botfly Hypoderma genus Hypoderma Tabanidae family Tabanidae cleg clegg horse fly horsefly Bombyliidae family Bombyliidae Asilidae family Asilidae bee killer robber fly fruit fly pomace fly Trephritidae Trypetidae family Trephritidae family Trypetidae Rhagoletis genus Rhagoletis Rhagoletis pomonella apple maggot Ceratitis genus Ceratitis Ceratitis capitata Mediterranean fruit fly Drosophilidae family Drosophilidae Drosophila melanogaster drosophila Philophylla genus Philophylla leaf miner leafminer Hippoboscidae family Hippoboscidae hippoboscid louse fly Hippobosca genus Hippobosca Hippobosca equina horse tick Melophagus genus Melophagus Melophagus Ovinus sheep ked sheep tick sheeptick Haematobia genus Haematobia Haematobia irritans horn fly Nematocera suborder Nematocera Culicidae family Culicidae wiggler wriggler Aedes genus Aedes Aedes aegypti yellow-fever mosquito Aedes albopictus Asian tiger mosquito Anopheles genus Anopheles malaria mosquito malarial mosquito Culex genus Culex Culex pipiens common mosquito Culex fatigans Culex quinquefasciatus Ceratopogonidae family Ceratopogonidae biting midge no-see-um punkey punkie Ceratopogon genus Ceratopogon Chironomidae family Chironomidae Chironomus genus Chironomus Mycetophilidae family Mycetophylidae Psychodidae family Psychodidae Phlebotomus genus Phlebotomus Phlebotomus papatasii sand fly Sciaridae family Sciaridae fungus gnat sciara Tipulidae family Tipulidae crane fly daddy longlegs Simuliidae family Simuliidae Simulium genus Simulium black fly blackfly Hymenoptera order Hymenoptera hymenopteran hymenopteron hymenopterous insect hymnenopter Apoidea superfamily Apoidea Apidae family Apidae Apis genus Apis Apis mellifera honeybee Africanized bee Africanized honey bee Apis mellifera adansonii Apis mellifera scutellata German bee black bee Xylocopa genus Xylocopa Bombus genus Bombus bumblebee humblebee Psithyrus genus Psithyrus Andrenidae family Andrenidae andrena andrenid genus Nomia nomia Halictidae family Halictidae Nomia melanderi alkali bee Megachilidae family Megachilidae Megachile genus Megachile leaf-cutter leaf-cutter bee Anthidium genus Anthidium Vespidae family Vespidae vespid vespid wasp Vespa genus Vespa Vespa crabro giant hornet Vespula genus Vespula Vespula vulgaris common wasp Vespula maculata bald-faced hornet Vespula maculifrons yellow hornet Polistes genus Polistes Eumenes genus Eumenes Sphecoidea superfamily Sphecoidea sphecoid sphecoid wasp Sphecidae family Sphecidae Sceliphron genus Sceliphron Stizidae family Stizidae Sphecius genus Sphecius Sphecius speciosis cicada killer Cynipidae family Cynipidae cynipid gall wasp cynipid wasp gall wasp gallfly Cynips genus Cynips Amphibolips genus Amphibolips Andricus genus Andricus Chalcidae Chalcididae family Chalcidae family Chalcididae chalcid chalcid fly chalcid wasp chalcidfly jointworm strawworm Chalcis genus Chalcis Ichneumonidae family Ichneumonidae Tenthredinidae family Tenthredinidae Fenusa genus-Fenusa Fenusa pusilla birch leaf miner Formicidae family Formicidae ant emmet Monomorium genus Monomorium Monomorium pharaonis pharaoh ant Monomorium minimum little black ant Dorylinae subfamily Dorylinae army ant driver ant Camponotus genus Camponotus Solenopsis genus Solenopsis Formica genus Formica Formica rufa wood ant slave-maker slave-making ant Formica sanguinea sanguinary ant Myrmecia genus Myrmecia Polyergus genus Polyergus Amazon ant Polyergus rufescens Isoptera order Isoptera Termitidae family Termitidae Termes genus Termes termite white ant Reticulitermes genus Reticulitermes Rhinotermitidae family Rhinotermitidae Mastotermitidae family Mastotermitidae Mastotermes genus Mastotermes Kalotermitidae family Kalotermitidae Kalotermes genus Kalotermes Cryptotermes genus Cryptotermes Cryptotermes brevis powder-post termite Orthoptera order Orthoptera orthopteran orthopteron Acrididae Locustidae family Acrididae family Locustidae acridid short-horned grasshopper Locusta genus Locusta Locusta migratoria migratory locust Melanoplus genus Melanoplus Tettigoniidae family Tettigoniidae long-horned grasshopper tettigoniid Microcentrum genus Microcentrum Anabrus genus Anabrus Anabrus simplex mormon cricket Stenopelmatidae family Stenopelmatidae Stenopelmatus genus Stenopelmatus Jerusalem cricket Stenopelmatus fuscus Gryllidae family Gryllidae Acheta genus Acheta Acheta domestica European house cricket Acheta assimilis field cricket Oecanthus genus Oecanthus Oecanthus fultoni snowy tree cricket Phasmatodea Phasmida order Phasmatodea order Phasmida phasmid phasmid insect Phasmatidae Phasmidae family Phasmatidae family Phasmidae stick insect walking stick Diapheromera femorata diapheromera Phillidae Phyllidae family Phillidae family Phyllidae Phyllium genus Phyllium leaf insect walking leaf Exopterygota Hemimetabola Dictyoptera order Dictyoptera Blattaria Blattodea suborder Blattaria suborder Blattodea cockroach roach Blattidae family Blattidae Blatta genus Blatta Asiatic cockroach Blatta orientalis blackbeetle oriental cockroach Periplaneta genus Periplaneta American cockroach Periplaneta americana Australian cockroach Periplaneta australasiae Blattella genus Blattella Blattella germanica Croton bug German cockroach crotonbug Blaberus genus Blaberus Cryptocercidae family Cryptocercidae Cryptocercus genus Cryptocercus Manteodea suborder Manteodea Manteidae Mantidae family Manteidae family Mantidae mantid mantis Mantis religioso praying mantid Hemiptera order Hemiptera bug hemipteran hemipteron hemipterous insect Capsidae Miridae family Capsidae family Miridae leaf bug plant bug capsid mirid Poecilocapsus genus Poecilocapsus Poecilocapsus lineatus four-lined leaf bug Lygus genus Lygus Lygus lineolaris tarnished plant bug Tingidae family Tingidae Lygaeidae family Lygaeidae lygaeid lygaeid bug Blissus genus Blissus Blissus leucopterus chinch bug Coreidae family Coreidae coreid coreid bug Anasa genus Anasa Anasa tristis squash bug Leptoglossus genus Leptoglossus leaf-foot bug leaf-footed bug Cimicidae family Cimicidae Cimex genus Cimex Cimex lectularius bed bug bedbug chinch Notonectidae family Notonectidae Notonecta genus Notonecta Notonecta undulata backswimmer Heteroptera suborder Heteroptera Belostomatidae family Belostomatidae Nepidae family Nepidae Nepa genus Nepa Ranatra genus Ranatra Corixidae family Corixidae Corixa genus Corixa boat bug water boatman Gerridae Gerrididae family Gerridae family Gerrididae pond-skater water skater Gerris genus Gerris Gerris lacustris common pond-skater Reduviidae family Reduviidae assassin bug reduviid Triatoma genus Triatoma big bedbug cone-nosed bug conenose conenose bug Arilus genus Arilus Arilus cristatus wheel bug Pyrrhocoridae family Pyrrhocoridae Dysdercus genus Dysdercus Homoptera suborder Homoptera homopteran homopterous insect Aleyrodidae family Aleyrodidae Aleyrodes genus Aleyrodes Dialeurodes genus Dialeurodes Dialeurodes citri citrus whitefly Trialeurodes genus Trialeurodes Trialeurodes vaporariorum greenhouse whitefly Bemisia genus Bemisia Bemisia tabaci poinsettia strain Coccoidea superfamily Coccoidea Coccidae family Coccidae Coccus hesperidum brown soft scale Diaspididae family Diaspididae Aspidiotus genus Aspidiotus Aspidiotus perniciosus San Jose scale Dactylopiidae family Dactylopiidae Dactylopius genus Dactylopius Dactylopius coccus cochineal Pseudococcidae family Pseudococcidae Pseudococcus genus Pseudococcus mealy bug mealybug Pseudococcus fragilis citrophilous mealybug Comstock mealybug Comstock''s mealybug Planococcus genus Planococcus Planococcus citri citrus mealybug louse plant louse Aphidoidea superfamily Aphidoidea Aphididae family Aphididae Aphis genus Aphis Aphis pomi apple aphid Aphis fabae bean aphid Eriosoma genus Eriosoma woolly aphid woolly plant louse American blight Eriosoma lanigerum Prociphilus genus Prociphilus Prociphilus tessellatus woolly alder aphid Adelgidae family Adelgidae Adelges genus Adelges Adelges piceae balsam woolly aphid Adelges abietis spruce gall aphid Pineus genus Pineus Pineus pinifoliae pine leaf aphid Phylloxeridae family Phylloxeridae Phylloxera genus Phylloxera Phylloxera vitifoleae grape louse Chermidae Psyllidae family Chermidae family Psyllidae jumping plant louse psylla Cicadidae family Cicadidae cicada cicala Tibicen genus Tibicen dog-day cicada harvest fly Magicicada genus Magicicada Magicicada septendecim periodical cicada Cercopidae family Cercopidae spittle insect spittlebug Philaenus genus Philaenus Philaenus spumarius meadow spittlebug Aphrophora genus Aphrophora Aphrophora saratogensis Saratoga spittlebug Cicadellidae family Cicadellidae Jassidae family Jassidae plant hopper planthopper Membracidae family Membracidae Fulgoridae family Fulgoridae lantern fly lanternfly Corrodentia Psocoptera order Corrodentia order Psocoptera Psocidae family Psocidae bark louse barklouse Atropidae family Atropidae Liposcelis genus Liposcelis Liposcelis divinatorius book louse booklouse deathwatch Trogium genus Trogium Trogium pulsatorium common booklouse Ephemerida Ephemeroptera order Ephemerida order Ephemeroptera ephemerid ephemeropteran Ephemeridae family Ephemeridae dayfly mayfly Plecoptera order Plecoptera plecopteran stone fly Neuroptera order Neuroptera neuropteran neuropteron Myrmeleontidae family Myrmeleontidae Myrmeleon genus Myrmeleon ant lion antlion ant lion antlion lacewing lacewing fly aphid lion aphis lion Chrysopidae family Chrysopidae chrysopid green lacewing golden-eyed fly goldeneye Hemerobiidae family Hemerobiidae brown lacewing hemerobiid Megaloptera suborder Megaloptera Corydalidae family Corydalidae Corydalis Corydalus genus Corydalis genus Corydalus Corydalus cornutus dobson dobson fly dobsonfly dobson hellgrammiate Sialidae family Sialidae Sialis genus Sialis Sialis lutaria alder fly Raphidiidae family Raphidiidae Mantispidae family Mantispidae Sisyridae family Sisyridae spongefly spongillafly Odonata order Odonata Anisoptera suborder Anisoptera darning needle devil''s darning needle dragonfly mosquito hawk sewing needle skeeter hawk snake doctor snake feeder Zygoptera suborder Zygoptera Trichoptera order Trichoptera trichopteran trichopteron caddice fly caddicefly caddis fly caddisfly caddisworm strawworm Thysanura order Thysanura thysanuran insect thysanuron Lepismatidae family Lepismatidae Lepisma genus Lepisma Lepisma saccharina silverfish Thermobia genus Thermobia Thermobia domestica firebrat Machilidae family Machilidae jumping bristletail machilid Thysanoptera order Thysanoptera thysanopter thysanopteron Thripidae family Thripidae thrip thripid Frankliniella genus Frankliniella Frankliniella fusca tobacco thrips Thrips tobaci onion louse Dermaptera order Dermaptera Forficulidae family Forficulidae Forficula genus Forficula Forficula auricularia common European earwig Lepidoptera order Lepidoptera lepidopteran lepidopteron Nymphalidae family Nymphalidae brush-footed butterfly four-footed butterfly nymphalid nymphalid butterfly Nymphalis genus Nymphalis Camberwell beauty Nymphalis antiopa mourning cloak mourning cloak butterfly tortoiseshell tortoiseshell butterfly Vanessa genus Vanessa Vanessa virginiensis painted beauty Vanessa atalanta red admiral Limenitis genus Limenitis Limenitis camilla white admiral Limenitis arthemis banded purple Limenitis astyanax red-spotted purple Limenitis archippus viceroy Polygonia genus Polygonia Polygonia comma comma Spyeria genus Spyeria Argynnis genus Argynnis Apatura genus Apatura emperor emperor butterfly Apatura iris purple emperor Inachis genus Inachis Inachis io peacock Danaidae family Danaidae danaid danaid butterfly Danaus genus Danaus Danaus plexippus milkweed butterfly monarch monarch butterfly Pieridae family Pieridae pierid pierid butterfly Pieris genus Pieris Pieris rapae small white Pieris brassicae large white Pieris protodice southern cabbage butterfly sulfur butterfly sulphur butterfly Lycaenidae family Lycaenidae lycaenid lycaenid butterfly Lycaena genus Lycaena American copper Lycaena hypophlaeas Strymon genus Strymon hairstreak hairstreak butterfly Tortricidae family Tortricidae tortricid tortricid moth leaf roller leafroller Homona genus Homona Homona coffearia tea tortrix Argyrotaenia genus Argyrotaenia Argyrotaenia citrana orange tortrix Carpocapsa genus Carpocapsa Carpocapsa pomonella codling moth Lymantriidae family Lymantriidae lymantriid tussock moth Lymantria genus Lymantria Lymantria dispar gipsy moth Euproctis genus Euproctis Euproctis phaeorrhoea brown-tail moth Euproctis chrysorrhoea gold-tail moth Geometridae family Geometridae geometrid geometrid moth Paleacrita genus Paleacrita Alsophila genus Alsophila inchworm looper Pyralidae Pyralididae family Pyralidae family Pyralididae pyralid pyralid moth Pyralis genus Pyralis Galleria genus Galleria Galleria mellonella bee moth Pyrausta genus Pyrausta European corn borer Pyrausta nubilalis corn borer corn borer moth Anagasta genus Anagasta Anagasta kuehniella Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia genus Ephestia Ephestia elutella cacao moth Cadra genus Cadra Cadra cautella almond moth Cadra figulilella raisin moth Tineoidea superfamily Tineoidea tineoid tineoid moth Tineidae family Tineidae tineid tineid moth Tinea genus Tinea Tinea pellionella casemaking clothes moth Tineola genus Tineola Tineola bisselliella webbing clothes moth Trichophaga genus Trichophaga Trichophaga tapetzella carpet moth Gracilariidae Gracillariidae gracilariid gracilariid moth Gelechiidae family Gelechiidae gelechiid gelechiid moth Gelechia genus Gelechia Sitotroga genus Sitotroga Sitotroga cerealella angoumois grain moth Phthorimaea genus Phthorimaea Phthorimaea operculella potato moth potato tuber moth splitworm Phthorimaea operculella potato tuberworm Noctuidae family Noctuidae noctuid noctuid moth Noctua genus Noctua Catacala genus Catacala Catocala nupta red underwing Cerapteryx genus Cerapteryx Cerapteryx graminis antler moth Heliothis genus Heliothis Heliothis zia heliothis moth Chorizagrotis genus Chorizagrotis Chorizagrotis auxiliaris army cutworm Chorizagrotis auxiliaris army cutworm Pseudaletia genus Pseudaletia Pseudaletia unipuncta armyworm Pseudaletia unipuncta army worm Spodoptera genus Spodoptera Spodoptera exigua beet armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda fall armyworm Sphingidae family Sphingidae hawk moth hawkmoth hummingbird moth sphingid Manduca genus Manduca Manduca sexta tobacco hornworm Manduca quinquemaculata potato worm Acherontia genus Acherontia Acherontia atropos death''s-head moth Bombycidae family Bombycidae bombycid bombycid moth Bombyx genus Bombyx Bombyx mori domestic silkworm moth Saturniidae family Saturniidae saturniid saturniid moth Saturnia genus Saturnia Saturnia pavonia emperor Eacles genus Eacles Eacles imperialis imperial moth giant silkworm moth silkworm moth giant silkworm silkworm Actias genus Actias Actias luna Luna moth Hyalophora genus Hyalophora Hyalophora cecropia cecropia Samia genus Samia Samia cynthia Samia walkeri Samia cynthia ailanthus silkworm Automeris genus Automeris Automeris io io moth Antheraea genus Antheraea Antheraea polyphemus polyphemus moth Antheraea pernyi pernyi moth Antheraea mylitta tussah tusseh tusser tussore tussur Atticus genus Atticus Atticus atlas atlas moth Arctiidae family Arctiidae arctiid arctiid moth Callimorpha genus Callimorpha Callimorpha jacobeae cinnabar Lasiocampidae family Lasiocampidae lasiocampid lasiocampid moth Lasiocampa genus Lasiocampa eggar egger Malacosoma genus Malacosoma Malacosoma americana tent-caterpillar moth Malacosoma disstria tent-caterpillar moth Malacosoma disstria forest tent caterpillar lappet lappet moth Hyphantria genus Hyphantria Hyphantria cunea fall webworm Loxostege genus Loxostege Loxostege similalis garden webworm Pyrausta nubilalis corn borer Gelechia gossypiella pink bollworm Heliothis zia corn earworm cotton bollworm tobacco budworm tomato fruitworm vetchworm Pieris rapae cabbageworm woolly bear woolly bear caterpillar Phoronida Phoronidea Bryozoa phylum Bryozoa bryozoan moss animal polyzoan sea mat Ectoprocta phylum Ectoprocta Endoprocta Entoprocta Cycliophora phylum Cycliophora Brachiopoda phylum Brachiopoda brachiopod lamp shell Sipuncula phylum Sipuncula peanut worm sipunculid Echinodermata phylum Echinodermata Asteroidea class Asteroidea sea star starfish Ophiuroidea class Ophiuroidea Ophiurida subclass Ophiurida brittle star brittlestar Euryalida subclass Euryalida basket fish basket star Euryale genus Euryale Astrophyton genus Astrophyton Gorgonocephalus genus Gorgonocephalus Echinoidea class Echinoidea Echinus esculentus edible sea urchin Exocycloida order Exocycloida Spatangoida order Spatangoida Crinoidea class Crinoidea Ptilocrinus genus Ptilocrinus Antedonidae family Antedonidae Antedon genus Antedon comatulid feather star Holothuroidea class Holothuroidea holothurian sea cucumber Holothuridae family Holothuridae Holothuria genus Holothuria Holothuria edulis trepang foot invertebrate foot Lagomorpha order Lagomorpha gnawing mammal lagomorph Leporidae family Leporidae leporid leporid mammal coney cony bunny bunny rabbit Oryctolagus genus Oryctolagus European rabbit Old World rabbit Sylvilagus genus Sylvilagus cottontail cottontail rabbit Sylvilagus floridanus eastern cottontail Sylvilagus aquaticus canecutter swamp hare swamp rabbit Sylvilagus palustris marsh hare Lepus genus Lepus European hare Lepus europaeus Lepus townsendi white-tailed jackrabbit Lepus californicus blacktail jackrabbit Arctic hare Lepus arcticus Lepus americanus snowshoe hare snowshoe rabbit varying hare Belgian hare leporide Angora Angora rabbit Ochotonidae family Ochotonidae coney cony mouse hare pika Ochotona genus Ochotona Ochotona princeps little chief hare Ochotona collaris collared pika Rodentia order Rodentia gnawer gnawing animal Myomorpha suborder Myomorpha Muroidea superfamily Muroidea Muridae family Muridae Mus genus Mus Mus musculus house mouse Micromyx genus Micromyx Micromyx minutus harvest mouse Apodemus genus Apodemus field mouse fieldmouse Apodemus sylvaticus European wood mouse Rattus genus Rattus Norway rat Rattus norvegicus Rattus rattus black rat Nesokia genus Nesokia bandicoot rat mole rat Conilurus genus Conilurus Notomys genus Notomys Hydromyinae subfamily Hydromyinae Hydromys genus Hydromys Cricetidae family Cricetidae Reithrodontomys genus Reithrodontomys American harvest mouse harvest mouse Peromyscus genus Peromyscus Peromyscus leucopus vesper mouse Peromyscus maniculatus deer mouse Peromyscus eremicus cactus mouse Peromyscus gossypinus cotton mouse Baiomys genus Baiomys Baiomys taylori pygmy mouse Onychomys genus Onychomys Ondatra genus Ondatra Ondatra zibethica muskrat Neofiber genus Neofiber Florida water rat Neofiber alleni Sigmodon genus Sigmodon Sigmodon hispidus cotton rat wood rat woodrat field mouse vole Neotoma genus Neotoma Neotoma cinerea bushytail woodrat pack rat packrat Neotoma fuscipes dusky-footed woodrat Neotoma floridana eastern woodrat Oryzomys genus Oryzomys Oryzomys palustris rice rat Pitymys genus Pitymys Pitymys pinetorum pine mouse Microtus genus Microtus Microtus pennsylvaticus meadow mouse Microtus richardsoni Richardson vole Microtus ochrogaster prairie vole Arvicola genus Arvicola Arvicola amphibius water rat Clethrionomys genus Clethrionomys red-backed mouse redback vole Cricetus genus Cricetus Cricetus cricetus Eurasian hamster Mesocricetus genus Mesocricetus Mesocricetus auratus Syrian hamster Gerbillinae subfamily Gerbillinae Gerbillus genus Gerbillus gerbil gerbille Meriones genus Meriones Meriones unguiculatus tamarisk gerbil Meriones longifrons sand rat Lemmus genus lemmus European lemming Lemmus lemmus Lemmus trimucronatus brown lemming Myopus genus Myopus gray lemming red-backed lemming Dicrostonyx genus Dicrostonyx Dicrostonyx hudsonius Hudson bay collared lemming Synaptomys genus Synaptomys Synaptomys cooperi southern bog lemming Synaptomys borealis northern bog lemming Hystricomorpha suborder Hystricomorpha hedgehog porcupine Hystricidae family Hystricidae Atherurus genus Atherurus brush-tail porcupine brush-tailed porcupine Trichys genus Trichys Trichys lipura long-tailed porcupine Erethizontidae family Erethizontidae Erethizon genus Erethizon Canada porcupine Erethizon dorsatum Heteromyidae family Heteromyidae Perognathus genus Perognathus Perognathus flavus silky pocket mouse Perognathus flavescens plains pocket mouse Perognathus hispidus hispid pocket mouse Liomys genus Liomys Liomys irroratus Mexican pocket mouse Dipodomys genus Dipodomys Dipodomys phillipsii desert rat Dipodomys ordi Ord kangaroo rat Microdipodops genus Microdipodops dwarf pocket rat kangaroo mouse Zapodidae family Zapodidae Zapus genus Zapus Zapus hudsonius meadow jumping mouse Dipodidae family Dipodidae Dipus genus Dipus Jaculus genus Jaculus Gliridae family Gliridae Glis genus Glis Glis glis loir Muscardinus genus Muscardinus Muscardinus avellanarius hazel mouse Eliomys genus Eliomys Geomyidae family Geomyidae Geomys genus Geomys gopher pocket gopher Geomys bursarius plains pocket gopher Geomys pinetis southeastern pocket gopher Thomomys genus Thomomys Thomomys bottae valley pocket gopher Thomomys talpoides northern pocket gopher Sciuromorpha suborder Sciuromorpha Sciuridae family Sciuridae Sciurus genus Sciurus Sciurus carolinensis cat squirrel Sciurus griseus western gray squirrel Sciurus niger eastern fox squirrel Sciurus vulgaris cat squirrel Tamiasciurus genus Tamiasciurus American red squirrel Sciurus hudsonicus Tamiasciurus hudsonicus red squirrel Douglas squirrel Tamiasciurus douglasi Citellus Spermophilus genus Citellus genus Spermophilus Citellus leucurus antelope chipmunk antelope squirrel whitetail antelope squirrel gopher ground squirrel Citellus lateralis mantled ground squirrel Citellus citellus souslik Citellus richardsoni Richardson ground squirrel Citellus variegatus rock squirrel Arctic ground squirrel Citellus parryi Cynomys genus Cynomys prairie dog prairie marmot Cynomys ludovicianus blacktail prairie dog Cynomys gunnisoni whitetail prairie dog Tamias genus Tamias Tamias striatus eastern chipmunk ground squirrel hackee Eutamias genus Eutamias Eutamius asiaticus Eutamius sibiricus baranduki baronduki barunduki burunduki Glaucomys genus Glaucomys Glaucomys volans southern flying squirrel Glaucomys sabrinus northern flying squirrel Marmota genus Marmota Marmota monax groundhog Marmota caligata hoary marmot whistler whistling marmot Marmota flaviventris rockchuck Petauristidae subfamily Petauristidae Petaurista genus Petaurista Petaurista petaurista flying cat flying marmot taguan Castoridae family Castoridae Castor genus Castor Castor fiber Old World beaver Castor canadensis New World beaver Castoroides genus Castoroides Aplodontiidae family Aplodontiidae Aplodontia genus Aplodontia Aplodontia rufa mountain beaver Caviidae family Caviidae Cavia genus Cavia Cavia cobaya guinea pig Cavia porcellus aperea Dolichotis genus Dolichotis Dolichotis patagonum mara Hydrochoeridae family Hydrochoeridae Hydrochoerus genus Hydrochoerus Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris capibara Dasyproctidae family Dasyproctidae Dasyprocta genus Dasyprocta Dasyprocta aguti agouti Cuniculus genus Cuniculus Cuniculus paca paca Stictomys genus Stictomys Capromyidae family Capromyidae Myocastor genus Myocastor Myocastor coypus coypu Chinchillidae family Chinchillidae Chinchilla laniger chinchilla Lagidium genus Lagidium mountain chinchilla mountain viscacha Lagostomus genus Lagostomus Lagostomus maximus chinchillon Abrocoma genus Abrocoma abrocome chinchilla rat Spalacidae family Spalacidae Spalax genus Spalax Bathyergidae family Bathyergidae Bathyergus genus Bathyergus Heterocephalus genus Heterocephalus bag udder hoofed mammal ungulate unguiculate unguiculate mammal Dinocerata order Dinocerata Uintatheriidae family Uintatheriidae Uintatherium genus Uintatherium dinoceras uintathere Hyracoidea order Hyracoidea Procaviidae family Procaviidae coney cony das dassie Procavia genus Procavia Procavia capensis rock hyrax Perissodactyla order Perissodactyla odd-toed ungulate perissodactyl Equidae family Equidae Equus genus Equus equid equine Equus caballus horse stable companion stablemate Hyracotherium genus Hyracotherium dawn horse eohippus ridgel ridgeling ridgil ridgling entire stallion stud studhorse female horse mare broodmare stud mare mount riding horse Plantation walking horse Tennessee walker Tennessee walking horse Walking horse Arab Arabian bronc broncho Equus caballus gomelini tarpan warragal warrigal Equus caballus przevalskii Equus caballus przewalskii Przevalski''s horse Przewalski''s horse Indian pony cayuse hack jade nag plug bangtail race horse draft horse draught horse cart horse carthorse dobbin farm horse shire shire horse pole horse poler wheel horse wheeler post horse poster pacemaker pacer trotter trotting horse Equus asinus domestic ass jack jackass jennet jenny African wild ass Equus asinus Equus kiang kiang Equus hemionus onager Equus hemionus hemionus chigetai Burchell''s zebra Equus Burchelli Equus zebra zebra mountain zebra Equus grevyi grevy''s zebra Equus quagga quagga Rhinocerotidae family Rhinocerotidae rhino rhinoceros Indian rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis Rhinoceros antiquitatis woolly rhinoceros Ceratotherium genus Ceratotherium Ceratotherium simum Diceros simus Diceros genus Diceros Diceros bicornis black rhinoceros Tapiridae family Tapiridae Tapirus genus Tapirus New World tapir Tapirus terrestris Indian tapir Malayan tapir Artiodactyla order Artiodactyla artiodactyl artiodactyl mammal Suidae family Suidae Sus genus Sus Sus scrofa hog piggy piglet razorback razorback hog Sus scrofa boar Babyrousa genus Babyrousa Babyrousa Babyrussa babiroussa babirusa babirussa Phacochoerus genus Phacochoerus Tayassuidae family Tayassuidae Tayassu genus Pecari musk hog peccary Peccari angulatus Tayassu angulatus Tayassu tajacu collared peccary Tayassu pecari white-lipped peccary Hippopotamidae family Hippopotamidae Hippopotamus amphibius hippo hippopotamus river horse Ruminantia suborder Ruminantia first stomach rumen reticulum second stomach omasum psalterium abomasum fourth stomach Bovidae family Bovidae Bovinae subfamily Bovinae Bovini tribe Bovini Bos genus Bos ox wild ox Bos taurus cattle cows kine bullock steer cow moo-cow springer springing cow dogie dogy beef beef cattle Texas longhorn longhorn Bos indicus Brahma Brahman Brahmin Bos primigenius aurochs Bos grunniens yak Bos banteng banteng banting tsine Welsh Welsh Black Aberdeen Angus Angus dairy cattle dairy cow milch cow milcher milk cow milker Durham shorthorn Friesian Holstein Hereford whiteface beefalo cattalo Old World buffalo buffalo Bubalus genus Bubalus Asiatic buffalo Bubalus bubalis water buffalo water ox Anoa depressicornis anoa Anoa mindorensis Bubalus mindorensis tamarao tamarau Synercus genus Synercus Cape buffalo Synercus caffer Bibos genus Bibos Bibos gaurus gaur Bibos frontalis gayal American bison American buffalo Bison bison buffalo Bison bonasus aurochs Ovibos genus Ovibos Ovibos moschatus musk ox Ovis genus Ovis ram tup hog hogg Ovis aries domestic sheep Hampshire Hampshire down broadtail caracul merino merino sheep Ovis ammon argal Marco Polo sheep Marco Polo''s sheep Ovis vignei urial Dall sheep Dall''s sheep Ovis montana dalli white sheep Ovis canadensis Rocky Mountain bighorn Rocky Mountain sheep bighorn bighorn sheep cimarron Ovis musimon moufflon Ammotragus genus Ammotragus Ammotragus lervia Barbary sheep aoudad arui audad maned sheep Capra genus Capra caprine animal goat billy billy goat nanny nanny-goat Capra hircus domestic goat Cashmere goat Kashmir goat Angora Angora goat Capra aegagrus bezoar goat Capra falconeri markhoor Capra ibex ibex Oreamnos genus Oreamnos Oreamnos americanus Rocky Mountain goat Naemorhedus genus Naemorhedus Naemorhedus goral goral Capricornis genus Capricornis Rupicapra genus Rupicapra Rupicapra rupicapra chamois Budorcas genus Budorcas Budorcas taxicolor gnu goat Antilope genus Antilope Antilope cervicapra black buck Litocranius genus Litocranius Litocranius walleri gerenuk Addax nasomaculatus addax Connochaetes genus Connochaetes gnu wildebeest Alcelaphus genus Alcelaphus Damaliscus genus Damaliscus Damaliscus lunatus sassaby Aepyceros genus Aepyceros Aepyceros melampus impala Gazella genus Gazella Gazella thomsoni Thomson''s gazelle Antidorcas genus Antidorcas Antidorcas euchore Antidorcas marsupialis springbok springbuck Strepsiceros Tragelaphus genus Strepsiceros genus Tragelaphus Boocercus eurycerus Tragelaphus eurycerus koodoo koudou Tragelaphus strepsiceros greater kudu Tragelaphus imberbis lesser kudu Tragelaphus angasi nyala Tragelaphus buxtoni mountain nyala Tragelaphus scriptus bushbuck Boselaphus genus Boselaphus Boselaphus tragocamelus blue bull nilgai nylghai Hippotragus genus Hippotragus Hippotragus niger sable antelope Saiga tatarica saiga Raphicerus genus Raphicerus Raphicerus campestris steenbok Taurotragus genus Taurotragus Taurotragus oryx common eland Taurotragus derbianus giant eland Kobus genus Kobus Kobus kob kob Kobus leche lechwe Adenota genus Adenota Adenota vardoni puku oryx pasang Oryx gazella gemsbok Pseudoryx genus Pseudoryx Pseudoryx nghetinhensis forest goat Antilocapridae family Antilocapridae Antilocapra genus Antilocapra American antelope Antilocapra americana prongbuck pronghorn Cervidae family Cervidae cervid deer royal royal stag Cervus genus Cervus Cervus elaphus red deer hart stag Cervus unicolor sambar American elk Cervus canadensis Cervus nipon Cervus sika Japanese deer sika Odocoileus genus Odocoileus Odocoileus Virginianus Virginia deer white tail white-tailed deer whitetail whitetail deer Odocoileus hemionus burro deer Odocoileus hemionus columbianus black-tailed deer blacktail blacktail deer Alces genus Alces Alces alces European elk elk moose Dama genus Dama Dama dama fallow deer Capreolus genus Capreolus Capreolus capreolus roe deer Rangifer genus Rangifer Greenland caribou Rangifer tarandus caribou reindeer Rangifer caribou woodland caribou Rangifer arcticus barren ground caribou Mazama genus Mazama Muntiacus genus Muntiacus barking deer muntjac Moschus genus Moschus Moschus moschiferus musk deer Elaphurus genus Elaphurus Elaphurus davidianus elaphure Tragulidae family Tragulidae chevrotain mouse deer Tragulus genus Tragulus Tragulus kanchil kanchil Tragulus Javanicus napu Hyemoschus genus Hyemoschus Hyemoschus aquaticus water chevrotain Camelidae family Camelidae Camelus genus Camelus Arabian camel Camelus dromedarius Bactrian camel Camelus bactrianus Lama genus Lama Lama peruana domestic llama Lama guanicoe guanaco Lama pacos alpaca Vicugna genus Vicugna Vicugna vicugna vicuna Giraffidae family Giraffidae Giraffa genus Giraffa Giraffa camelopardalis camelopard Okapia genus Okapia Okapia johnstoni okapi Mustelidae family Mustelidae mustelid musteline Mustela genus Mustela Mustela erminea ermine Mustela rixosa New World least weasel Mustela nivalis Old World least weasel Mustela frenata long-tailed weasel American mink Mustela vison Mustela putorius fitch foulmart foumart Mustela nigripes black-footed ferret Poecilogale genus Poecilogale Poecilogale albinucha snake muishond Ictonyx genus Ictonyx Ictonyx striata striped muishond Ictonyx frenata zoril Lutrinae subfamily Lutrinae Lutra genus Lutra Lutra canadensis river otter Eurasian otter Lutra lutra Enhydra genus Enhydra Enhydra lutris sea otter Mephitinae subfamily Mephitinae polecat skunk Mephitis genus Mephitis Mephitis mephitis striped skunk Mephitis macroura hooded skunk Conepatus genus Conepatus Conepatus leuconotus badger skunk hog-nosed skunk hognosed skunk Spilogale genus Spilogale Spilogale putorius little spotted skunk Melinae subfamily Melinae Taxidea genus Taxidea American badger Taxidea taxus Meles genus Meles Eurasian badger Meles meles Mellivora genus Mellivora Mellivora capensis honey badger Melogale genus Melogale Arctonyx genus Arctonyx Arctonyx collaris hog badger hog-nosed badger sand badger Gulo genus Gulo Gulo luscus carcajou skunk bear wolverine Gulo gulo glutton Galictis vittatus Grison vittatus Martes genus Martes marten marten cat Martes martes pine marten Martes zibellina sable American marten American sable Martes foina beech marten Martes pennanti black cat fisher fisher cat Charronia genus Charronia Charronia flavigula yellow-throated marten Eira genus Eira Eira barbara taira neb snout rostrum snout proboscis trunk Edentata order Edentata Xenarthra suborder Xenarthra Dasypodidae family Dasypodidae Dasypus genus Dasypus Dasypus novemcinctus Texas armadillo nine-banded armadillo peba Tolypeutes genus Tolypeutes Tolypeutes tricinctus apar Cabassous unicinctus cabassous Euphractus genus Euphractus Euphractus sexcinctus peludo Priodontes genus Priodontes Priodontes giganteus giant armadillo tatou tatu Chlamyphorus genus Chlamyphorus Chlamyphorus truncatus chlamyphore fairy armadillo pichiciago Burmeisteria genus Burmeisteria Burmeisteria retusa greater pichiciego Bradypodidae family Bradypodidae sloth tree sloth Bradypus genus Bradypus Bradypus tridactylus ai Megalonychidae family Megalonychidae Choloepus genus Choloepus Choloepus didactylus two-toed sloth Choloepus hoffmanni two-toed sloth Megatheriidae family Megatheriidae megatherian megatherian mammal Megatherium genus Megatherium ground sloth megathere Mylodontidae family Mylodontidae Myrmecophagidae family Myrmecophagidae New World anteater anteater Myrmecophaga genus Myrmecophaga Myrmecophaga jubata ant bear giant anteater great anteater Cyclopes genus Cyclopes Cyclopes didactylus silky anteater Tamandua tetradactyla lesser anteater tamandu tamandua Pholidota order Pholidota Manidae family Manidae Manis genus Manis anteater pangolin fetter bone pastern fetlock fetlock joint cannon shank loin loins croup croupe hindquarters rump knee stifle lateral line lateral line organ pelvic fin ventral fin caudal fin tail fin air bladder swim bladder preen gland uropygial gland sericterium serictery calamus quill nervure vein flight feather pinion quill quill feather primary primary feather polliwog pollywog Primates order Primates Anthropoidea suborder Anthropoidea Hominoidea superfamily Hominoidea Hominidae family Hominidae homo human human being man Pithecanthropus genus Pithecanthropus Java man Trinil man Sinanthropus genus Sinanthropus Javanthropus genus Javanthropus Homo sapiens neanderthalensis Neanderthal Homo sapiens sapiens modern man Australopithecus genus Australopithecus Plesianthropus genus Plesianthropus Zinjanthropus genus Zinjanthropus Paranthropus genus Paranthropus Dryopithecus genus Dryopithecus Dryopithecus Rudapithecus hungaricus rudapithecus Ouranopithecus genus Ouranopithecus Lufengpithecus genus Lufengpithecus Kenyapithecus genus Kenyapithecus Algeripithecus genus Algeripithecus Pongidae family Pongidae great ape pongid Pongo genus Pongo Pongo pygmaeus orang orangutan orangutang Gorilla gorilla gorilla Gorilla gorilla gorilla western lowland gorilla Gorilla gorilla grauri eastern lowland gorilla Gorilla gorilla beringei mountain gorilla Pan genus Pan Pan troglodytes chimp Pan troglodytes verus western chimpanzee Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii eastern chimpanzee Pan troglodytes troglodytes central chimpanzee Pan paniscus bonobo Hylobatidae family Hylobatidae Hylobates genus Hylobates Hylobates lar gibbon Symphalangus genus Symphalangus Hylobates syndactylus Symphalangus syndactylus Cercopithecidae family Cercopithecidae Cercopithecus genus Cercopithecus guenon guenon monkey Cercopithecus talapoin talapoin Cercopithecus aethiops grivet Cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus vervet African green monkey Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus Cercocebus genus Cercocebus Erythrocebus genus Erythrocebus Erythrocebus patas hussar monkey Papio genus Papio Papio ursinus chacma Mandrillus genus Mandrillus Mandrillus sphinx mandrill Mandrillus leucophaeus drill Macaca genus Macaca Macaca mulatta rhesus Macaca radiata bonnet macaque bonnet monkey capped macaque Barbary ape Macaca sylvana Macaca irus crab-eating macaque Presbytes genus Presbytes Presbytes entellus Semnopithecus entellus entellus hanuman colobus colobus monkey Colobus guereza guereza Nasalis genus Nasalis Nasalis larvatus proboscis monkey Platyrrhini superfamily Platyrrhini Callithricidae family Callithricidae Callithrix genus Callithrix Cebuella genus Cebuella Cebuella pygmaea pygmy marmoset Leontocebus genus Leontideus leoncita lion marmoset lion monkey tamarin Leontocebus rosalia silky tamarin Leontocebus oedipus pinche Cebidae family Cebidae Cebus genus Cebus Cebus capucinus capuchin Aotus genus Aotus Aotus trivirgatus douroucouli Alouatta genus Alouatta howler howler monkey Pithecia genus Pithecia Cacajao genus Cacajao Callicebus genus Callicebus titi titi monkey Ateles genus Ateles Ateles geoffroyi spider monkey Saimiri genus Saimiri Saimiri sciureus squirrel monkey Lagothrix genus Lagothrix Scandentia order Scandentia Tupaiidae family Tupaiidae Tupaia genus Tupaia Ptilocercus genus Ptilocercus pen-tailed tree shrew pentail Prosimii suborder Prosimii Adapid Adapid group Lemuroidea suborder Lemuroidea Strepsirhini suborder Strepsirhini Lemuridae family Lemuridae Lemur catta Madagascar cat Daubentoniidae family Daubentoniidae Daubentonia genus Daubentonia Daubentonia madagascariensis aye-aye Lorisidae family Lorisidae Loris gracilis slender loris Nycticebus genus Nycticebus Nycticebus pygmaeus Nycticebus tardigradua Perodicticus genus Perodicticus Perodicticus potto kinkajou Arctocebus genus Arctocebus Arctocebus calabarensis angwantibo bush baby bushbaby Indriidae family Indriidae Indri brevicaudatus Indri indri indri indris Avahi genus Avahi Avahi laniger woolly indris Omomyid Omomyid group Tarsioidea suborder Tarsioidea Tarsiidae family Tarsiidae Tarsius genus Tarsius Dermoptera order Dermoptera Cynocephalidae family Cynocephalidae Cynocephalus genus Cynocephalus colugo flying cat Proboscidea order Proboscidea proboscidean proboscidian Elephantidae family Elephantidae Elephas genus Elephas Elephas maximus Indian elephant Loxodonta genus Loxodonta African elephant Loxodonta africana Mammuthus genus Mammuthus Mammuthus primigenius northern mammoth Mammuthus columbi columbian mammoth Archidiskidon genus Archidiskidon Archidiskidon imperator imperial elephant Mammutidae family Mammutidae Mammut genus Mammut mastodon mastodont American mastodon American mastodont Gomphotheriidae family Gomphotheriidae Gomphotherium genus Gomphotherium Procyonidae family Procyonidae Procyon genus Procyon raccoon racoon Procyon lotor common raccoon common racoon coon Procyon cancrivorus crab-eating raccoon Bassariscidae subfamily Bassariscidae Bassariscus genus Bassariscus Bassariscus astutus bassarisk cacomistle cacomixle civet cat coon cat miner''s cat raccoon fox ring-tailed cat ringtail Potos genus Potos Potos caudivolvulus Potos flavus honey bear kinkajou Nasua genus Nasua Nasua narica coati coati-mondi coati-mundi Ailurus genus Ailurus Ailurus fulgens bear cat cat bear lesser panda panda red panda Ailuropodidae family Ailuropodidae Ailuropoda genus Ailuropoda Ailuropoda melanoleuca coon bear giant panda panda branchia gill branchial cleft gill cleft branchial arch gill arch bottom fish groundfish Osteichthyes class Osteichthyes Crossopterygii subclass Crossopterygii crossopterygian lobe-finned fish Latimeridae family Latimeridae Latimeria genus Latimeria Latimeria chalumnae coelacanth Dipnoi subclass Dipnoi Ceratodontidae family Ceratodontidae Neoceratodus genus Neoceratodus Neoceratodus forsteri barramunda Siluriformes order Siluriformes catfish siluriform fish Siluridae family Siluridae silurid silurid fish Silurus genus Silurus European catfish Silurus glanis Malopterurus genus Malopterurus Malopterurus electricus electric catfish Ameiuridae family Ameiuridae Ameiurus genus Ameiurus Ameiurus Melas horned pout hornpout pout Ictalurus genus Ictalurus Ictalurus punctatus channel cat blue cat blue catfish blue channel cat blue channel catfish Pylodictus genus Pylodictus Pylodictus olivaris flathead catfish goujon mudcat shovelnose catfish spoonbill catfish Laricariidae family Laricariidae Ariidae family Ariidae Arius genus Arius Gadiformes order Gadiformes Anacanthini order Anacanthini gadoid gadoid fish Gadidae family Gadidae Gadus genus Gadus cod codfish Atlantic cod Gadus morhua Alaska cod Gadus macrocephalus Merlangus genus Merlangus Gadus merlangus Merlangus merlangus Lota genus Lota Lota lota burbot cusk eelpout schrod scrod Melanogrammus genus Melanogrammus Melanogrammus aeglefinus haddock Pollachius genus Pollachius Pollachius pollachius pollack Merluccius genus Merluccius Merluccius bilinearis silver hake Urophycis genus Urophycis Molva genus Molva Molva molva ling Brosmius genus Browmius Brosme brosme cusk Macrouridae Macruridae family Macrouridae family Macruridae grenadier rattail Anguilliformes order Anguilliformes Anguillidae family Anguillidae Anguilla genus Anguilla common eel freshwater eel Anguilla sucklandii tuna Muraenidae family Muraenidae moray moray eel Congridae family Congridae conger conger eel Teleostei subclass Teleostei teleost teleost fish Isospondyli order Isospondyli Gonorhynchidae family Gonorhynchidae Gonorhynchus genus Gonorhynchus Gonorhynchus gonorhynchus beaked salmon Clupeidae family Clupeidae clupeid clupeid fish brit britt Alosa genus Alosa Alosa sapidissima common American shad Alosa chrysocloris river shad Alosa alosa allice allice shad allis Alosa pseudoharengus Pomolobus pseudoharengus Pomolobus genus Pomolobus Brevoortia genus Brevoortia Brevoortia tyrannis menhaden Clupea genus Clupea Clupea harangus herring Atlantic herring Clupea harengus harengus Clupea harengus pallasii Pacific herring Clupea sprattus brisling Sardina genus Sardina Sardina pilchardus pilchard Sardinops genus Sardinops Pacific sardine Sardinops caerulea Engraulidae family Engraulidae Engraulis genus Engraulis Engraulis encrasicholus mediterranean anchovy Salmonidae family Salmonidae Salmo genus Salmo Atlantic salmon Salmo salar lake salmon landlocked salmon Onchorynchus genus Onchorynchus Onchorynchus nerka blueback salmon red salmon sockeye Onchorynchus tshawtscha chinook chinook salmon king salmon Onchorynchus kisutch blue jack coho coho salmon cohoe silver salmon Salmo trutta brown trout Salmo gairdneri rainbow trout Salvelinus genus Salvelinus Salvelinus namaycush lake trout Salvelinus fontinalis brook trout Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus Coregonidae family Coregonidae Coregonus genus Coregonus Coregonus clupeaformis lake whitefish Coregonus artedi cisco Prosopium genus Prosopium Menominee whitefish Prosopium cylindraceum Prosopium williamsonii Rocky Mountain whitefish Osmeridae family Osmeridae Osmerus genus Osmerus Osmerus mordax rainbow smelt European smelt Osmerus eperlanus Mallotus genus Mallotus capelan capelin Elopidae family Elopidae Tarpon atlanticus tarpon Elops genus Elops Elops saurus ladyfish Albulidae family Albulidae Albula genus Albula Albula vulpes bonefish Argentinidae family Argentinidae Argentina genus Argentina Myctophidae family Myctophidae Synodontidae family Synodontidae lizardfish snakefish Chlorophthalmidae family Chlorophthalmidae Alepisaurus genus Alepisaurus lancet fish lancetfish Lampridae family Lampridae Lampris genus Lampris Lampris regius moonfish Lampris guttatus New World opah Trachipteridae family Trachipteridae Trachipterus genus Trachipterus Trachipterus arcticus dealfish Regalecidae family Regalecidae Reglaecus genus Regalecus Regalecus glesne king of the herring oarfish ribbonfish Pediculati order Pediculati Ogcocephalidae family Ogcocephalidae Lophiidae family Lophiidae Lophius genus Lophius Lophius Americanus allmouth angler angler fish anglerfish goosefish lotte monkfish Batrachoididae family Batrachoididae Opsanus tau toadfish oyster fish oysterfish Antennariidae family Antennariidae Synentognathi order Synentognathi Belonidae family Belonidae billfish gar Exocoetidae family Exocoetidae monoplane flying fish two-wing flying fish biplane flying fish four-wing flying fish Hemiramphidae family Hemiramphidae Scomberesocidae Scombresocidae family Scomberesocidae family Scombresocidae Scomberesox Scombresox genus Scomberesox genus Scombresox Scomberesox saurus billfish Acanthopterygii superorder Acanthopterygii acanthopterygian spiny-finned fish Ophiodontidae family Ophiodontidae Ophiodon genus Ophiodon Ophiodon elongatus lingcod Perciformes Percomorphi order Perciformes order Percomorphi Percoidea suborder Percoidea percoid percoid fish Percidae family Percidae Perca genus Perca Perca flavescens yellow perch European perch Perca fluviatilis Stizostedion genus Stizostedion pike perch pikeperch Stizostedion vitreum jack salmon walleye walleyed pike Strizostedion vitreum glaucum blue pickerel blue pike blue pikeperch Percina genus Percina Percina tanasi snail darter Trichodontidae family Trichodontidae Ophidiidae family Ophidiidae Brotulidae family Brotulidae Carapidae family Carapidae Centropomidae family Centropomidae Centropomus genus Centropomus Esocidae family Esocidae Esox genus Esox Esox lucius northern pike Esox masquinongy muskellunge Esox niger chain pickerel Esox americanus barred pickerel Centrarchidae family Centrarchidae centrarchid sunfish Pomoxis genus Pomoxis Pomoxis nigromaculatus black crappie Pomoxis annularis white crappie bream freshwater bream Lepomis genus Lepomis Lepomis gibbosus pumpkinseed Lepomis macrochirus bluegill Lepomis punctatus spotted sunfish Ambloplites genus Ambloplites Ambloplites rupestris rock bass Micropterus genus Micropterus Kentucky black bass Micropterus pseudoplites Micropterus dolomieu smallmouth smallmouth bass smallmouth black bass smallmouthed bass smallmouthed black bass Micropterus salmoides largemouth largemouth bass largemouth black bass largemouthed bass largemouthed black bass Serranidae family Serranidae serranid serranid fish Morone genus Morone Morone americana silver perch Morone interrupta yellow bass Synagrops genus Synagrops Synagrops bellus blackmouth bass Centropristis genus Centropristis Centropristis philadelphica rock bass Centropistes striata black bass Roccus genus Roccus Roccus saxatilis rockfish striped bass striper Polyprion genus Polyprion Polyprion americanus stone bass Serranus genus Serranus Serranus subligarius belted sandfish Epinephelus genus Epinephelus Epinephelus fulvus coney Epinephelus adscensionis rock hind Paranthias genus Paranthias Paranthias furcifer creole-fish Mycteroperca genus Mycteroperca Mycteroperca bonaci jewfish Rypticus genus Rypticus Embiotocidae family Embiotocidae surf fish surffish Hipsurus genus Hipsurus Hipsurus caryi rainbow perch Priacanthidae family Priacanthidae Priacanthus genus Priacanthus Priacanthus arenatus catalufa Apogonidae family Apogonidae Apogon genus Apogon Apogon maculatus flamefish Astropogon genus Astropogon Astropogon stellatus conchfish Malacanthidae family Malacanthidae Lopholatilus genus Lopholatilus Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps tilefish Pomatomidae family Pomatomidae Pomatomus genus Pomatomus Pomatomus saltatrix bluefish Rachycentridae family Rachycentridae Rachycentron genus Rachycentron Rachycentron canadum cobia Discocephali order Discocephali Echeneididae family Echeneidae remora suckerfish Echeneis genus Echeneis Echeneis naucrates sharksucker Remilegia genus Remilegia Remilegia australis whalesucker Carangidae family Carangidae carangid carangid fish Caranx genus Caranx Caranx hippos crevalle jack Caranx bartholomaei yellow jack Caranx crysos blue runner Elagatis genus Elagatis Elagatis bipinnulata rainbow runner Oligoplites genus Oligoplites leatherjack leatherjacket Alectis genus Alectis Alectis ciliaris threadfish Selene genus Selene Atlantic moonfish Selene setapinnis dollarfish horsefish horsehead moonfish Selene vomer lookdown Seriola genus Seriola amberfish amberjack Seriola dorsalis yellowtail Seriola zonata banded rudderfish Seriola grandis kingfish Trachinotus genus Trachinotus Florida pompano Trachinotus carolinus Trachinotus falcatus permit Naucrates genus Naucrates Naucrates ductor pilotfish Trachurus genus Trachurus Spanish mackerel Trachurus symmetricus horse mackerel jack mackerel Trachurus trachurus horse mackerel Selar genus Selar Selar crumenophthalmus big-eyed scad bigeye scad goggle-eye Decapterus genus Decapterus Decapterus macarellus mackerel scad Decapterus punctatus cigarfish quiaquia round scad Coryphaenidae family Coryphaenidae dolphin dolphinfish Bramidae family Bramidae Brama genus Brama Brama raii pomfret Branchiostegidae family Branchiostegidae blanquillo tilefish Characidae family Characidae Characinidae family Characinidae characid characin Hemigrammus genus Hemigrammus Paracheirodon genus Paracheirodon Paracheirodon axelrodi cardinal tetra Serrasalmus genus Serrasalmus caribe pirana antenna feeler barbel feeler pleopod swimmeret Cichlidae family Cichlidae cichlid cichlid fish Tilapia genus Tilapia Tilapia nilotica bolti Lutjanidae family Lutjanidae Lutjanus genus Lutjanus Lutjanus blackfordi red snapper Lutjanus griseus gray snapper Lutjanus analis mutton snapper Lutjanus apodus schoolmaster Ocyurus genus Ocyurus Ocyurus chrysurus yellowtail Haemulidae family Haemulidae Haemulon genus Haemulon Haemulon album margate Haemulon macrostomum Spanish grunt Haemulon aurolineatum tomtate Haemulon malanurum cottonwick Haemulon parra sailor''s-choice Anisotremus genus Anisotremus Anisotremus virginicus porkfish Anisotremus surinamensis black margate Orthopristis genus Orthopristis Orthopristis chrysopterus hogfish Sparidae family Sparidae sparid sparid fish bream sea bream Pagrus genus Pagrus Pagrus pagrus red porgy Pagellus genus Pagellus European sea bream Pagellus centrodontus Archosargus genus Archosargus Archosargus rhomboidalis Atlantic sea bream Archosargus probatocephalus sheepshead Lagodon genus Lagodon Lagodon rhomboides pinfish sailor''s-choice squirrelfish Calamus genus Calamus Calamus penna sheepshead porgy Chrysophrys genus Chrysophrys Chrysophrys auratus snapper Chrysophrys australis black bream Stenotomus genus Stenotomus Stenotomus chrysops northern porgy northern scup scup Stenotomus aculeatus scup southern porgy southern scup Sciaenidae family Sciaenidae sciaenid sciaenid fish drum drumfish Equetus genus Equetus Equetus pulcher striped drum Equetus lanceolatus jackknife-fish Bairdiella genus Bairdiella Bairdiella chrysoura mademoiselle Sciaenops genus Sciaenops Sciaenops ocellatus channel bass red drum redfish Sciaena genus Sciaena Sciaena antarctica jewfish Sciaena aquila maiger Micropogonias genus Micropogonias Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus Umbrina genus Umbrina Umbrina roncador surf fish surffish yellowfin croaker Menticirrhus genus Menticirrhus Menticirrhus americanus king whiting Menticirrhus saxatilis northern whiting Menticirrhus undulatus corbina Menticirrhus littoralis silver whiting Genyonemus genus Genyonemus Genyonemus lineatus chenfish kingfish white croaker Seriphus genus Seriphus Seriphus politus queenfish Cynoscion genus Cynoscion Cynoscion regalis weakfish Cynoscion nebulosus spotted sea trout spotted squeateague spotted weakfish Mullidae family Mullidae Mullus genus Mullus Mullus surmuletus goatfish red mullet surmullet Mullus auratus red goatfish Mulloidichthys genus Mulloidichthys Mulloidichthys martinicus yellow goatfish Mugiloidea suborder Mugiloidea Mugilidae family Mugilidae gray mullet mullet Mugil genus Mugil Mugil cephalus striped mullet Mugil curema white mullet Mugil liza liza Atherinidae family Atherinidae silverside silversides Atherinopsis genus Atherinopsis Atherinopsis californiensis jacksmelt Sphyraenidae family Sphyraenidae Sphyraena genus Sphyraena Sphyraena barracuda great barracuda Pempheridae family Pempheridae Kyphosidae family Kyphosidae Kyphosus genus Kyphosus Bermuda chub Kyphosus sectatrix Ephippidae family Ephippidae Chaetodipterus genus Chaetodipterus Chaetodipterus faber angelfish Chaetodontidae family Chaetodontidae Pomacanthus genus Pomacanthus Holocanthus tricolor rock beauty Pomacentridae family Pomacentridae damselfish demoiselle Pomacentrus genus Pomacentrus Pomacentrus leucostictus beaugregory Amphiprion genus Amphiprion Amphiprion percula clown anemone fish Abudefduf genus Abudefduf Abudefduf saxatilis sergeant major Labridae family Labridae Achoerodus genus Achoerodus Achoerodus gouldii giant pigfish Lachnolaimus genus Lachnolaimus Lachnolaimus maximus hog snapper Halicoeres genus Halicoeres Halicoeres bivittatus slippery dick Halicoeres radiatus puddingwife Thalassoma genus Thalassoma Thalassoma bifasciatum bluehead Hemipteronatus genus Hemipteronatus Hemipteronatus novacula pearly razorfish Tautoga genus Tautoga Tautoga onitis blackfish Tautogolabrus genus Tautogolabrus Tautogolabrus adspersus bergall Scaridae family Scaridae parrotfish pollyfish Polynemidae family Polynemidae Polydactylus genus Polydactylus Polydactylus virginicus barbu Opisthognathidae family Opisthognathidae Uranoscopidae family Uranoscopidae Dactyloscopidae family Dactyloscopidae Blennioidea suborder Blennioidea blennioid blennioid fish Blenniidae family Blenniidae blenny combtooth blenny Blennius genus Blennius Blennius pholis shanny Scartella genus Scartella Molly Miller Scartella cristata Clinidae family Clinidae clinid clinid fish Chaenopsis genus Chaenopsis Chaenopsis ocellata bluethroat pikeblenny Pholidae family Pholidae bracketed blenny gunnel Pholis genus Pholis Pholis gunnellus butterfish Stichaeidae family Stichaeidae Lumpenus genus Lumpenus Lumpenus lumpretaeformis snakeblenny Cryptacanthodes genus Cryptacanthodes Cryptacanthodes maculatus ghostfish Anarhichadidae family Anarhichadidae Anarhichas genus Anarhichas catfish wolf fish Zoarcidae family Zoarcidae eelpout pout Zoarces genus Zoarces Zoarces viviparus viviparous eelpout Gymnelis genus Gymnelis Gymnelis viridis fish doctor Macrozoarces genus Macrozoarces Macrozoarces americanus ocean pout Ammodytidae family Ammodytidae Ammodytes genus Ammodytes launce sand eel sand lance sand launce Callionymidae family Callionymidae Gobiidae family Gobiidae goby gudgeon Periophthalmus genus Periophthalmus mudskipper mudspringer Eleotridae family Eleotridae sleeper sleeper goby Percophidae family Percophidae Toxotidae family Toxotidae Toxotes genus Toxotes Toxotes jaculatrix archerfish Microdesmidae family Microdesmidae Acanthuridae family Acanthuridae Acanthurus genus Acanthurus Acanthurus chirurgus doctorfish Gempylidae family Gempylidae Gempylus genus Gempylus Gempylus serpens snake mackerel Lepidocybium genus Lepidocybium Lepidocybium flavobrunneum escolar Ruvettus pretiosus oilfish Trichiuridae family Trichiuridae cutlassfish frost fish Scombroidea suborder Scombroidea scombroid scombroid fish Scombridae family Scombridae Scomber genus Scomber Scomber scombrus common mackerel Scomber colias Spanish mackerel Scomber japonicus chub mackerel Acanthocybium genus Acanthocybium Acanthocybium solandri wahoo Scomberomorus genus Scomberomorus Scomberomorus cavalla cavalla cero king mackerel Scomberomorus regalis cero kingfish pintado Scomberomorus sierra sierra Thunnus genus Thunnus tuna tunny Thunnus alalunga albacore Thunnus thynnus bluefin bluefin tuna horse mackerel Thunnus albacares yellowfin Sarda genus Sarda Atlantic bonito Sarda sarda Chile bonito Chilean bonito Pacific bonito Sarda lineolata Euthynnus genus Euthynnus Euthynnus pelamis skipjack Katsuwonus genus Katsuwonus Katsuwonidae family Kasuwonidae Katsuwonus pelamis bonito Xiphiidae family Xiphiidae Xiphias genus Xiphias Xiphias gladius swordfish Istiophoridae family Istiophoridae Istiophorus genus Istiophorus Atlantic sailfish Istiophorus albicans Makaira genus Makaira marlin spearfish Makaira nigricans blue marlin Makaira mazara black marlin Makaira marlina black marlin Makaira mitsukurii striped marlin Makaira albida white marlin Tetrapturus genus Tetrapturus Luvaridae family Luvaridae Luvarus genus Luvarus Luvarus imperialis louvar Stromateidae family Stromateidae butterfish stromateid Poronotus genus Poronotus Poronotus triacanthus dollarfish California pompano Palometa simillima Paprilus genus Paprilus Paprilus alepidotus harvestfish Psenes genus Psenes Ariomma genus Ariomma Tetragonurus genus Tetragonurus Hyperoglyphe genus Hyperoglyphe Hyperglyphe perciformis barrelfish Gobiesocidae family Gobiesocidae Gobiesox genus Gobiesox Gobiesox strumosus skilletfish Lobotidae family Lobotidae Lobotes genus Lobotes Atlantic tripletail Lobotes surinamensis Lobotes pacificus Pacific tripletail Gerreidae Gerridae family Gerreidae family Gerridae Gerres genus Gerres Gerres cinereus yellowfin mojarra Eucinostomus genus Eucinostomus Eucinostomus gula silver jenny Sillaginidae family Sillaginidae Sillago genus Sillago ganoin ganoine Ganoidei order Ganoidei ganoid ganoid fish Amiidae family Amiidae Amia genus Amia Amia calva bowfin dogfish grindle Polyodontidae family Polyodontidae Polyodon genus Polyodon Polyodon spathula duckbill Psephurus genus Psephurus Chinese paddlefish Psephurus gladis Acipenseridae family Acipenseridae Acipenser genus Acipenser Acipenser transmontanus Pacific sturgeon Sacramento sturgeon white sturgeon Acipenser huso beluga hausen white sturgeon Lepisosteidae family Lepisosteidae Lepisosteus genus Lepisosteus Lepisosteus osseus billfish gar garfish Scleroparei order Scleroparei Scorpaenoidea suborder Scorpaenoidea scorpaenoid scorpaenoid fish Scorpaenidae family Scorpaenidae scorpaenid scorpaenid fish Scorpaena genus Scorpaena scorpion fish scorpionfish Scorpaena grandicornis plumed scorpionfish Pterois genus Pterois Synanceja genus Synanceja Synanceja verrucosa stonefish Sebastodes genus Sebastodes Sebastodes caurinus copper rockfish Sebastodes miniatus rasher Sebastodes ruberrimus red rockfish Sebastodes marinus ocean perch Cottidae family Cottidae Cottus genus Cottus Hemitripterus genus Hemitripterus Hemitripterus americanus sea raven Myxocephalus genus Myxocephalus Myxocephalus aenaeus grubby Cyclopteridae family Cyclopteridae Cyclopterus genus Cyclopterus Cyclopterus lumpus lumpfish Liparidae Liparididae family Liparidae family Liparididae Liparis genus Liparis Liparis liparis sea snail seasnail snailfish Agonidae family Agonidae poacher sea poacher Agonus genus Agonus Agonus cataphractus armed bullhead Aspidophoroides genus Aspidophoroides Aspidophoroides monopterygius alligatorfish Hexagrammidae family Hexagrammidae Hexagrammos genus Hexagrammos Hexagrammos decagrammus kelp greenling Oxylebius genus Oxylebius Oxylebius pictus convictfish Platycephalidae family Platycephalidae Triglidae family Triglidae Triga genus Triga Trigla lucerna tub gurnard sea robin searobin Triglinae subfamily Triglinae Prionotus genus Prionotus Prionotus carolinus northern sea robin Peristediinae subfamily Peristediinae Peristedion genus Peristedion Peristedion miniatum armored sea robin Dactylopteridae family Dactylopteridae Dactylopterus genus Dactylopterus butterflyfish flying gurnard Plectognathi order Plectognathi plectognath plectognath fish Balistidae family Balistidae Balistes genus Balistes Balistes vetula Bessy cerca oldwench oldwife Monocanthidae family Monocanthidae Monocanthus genus Monocanthus leatherfish leatherjacket Ostraciidae family Ostraciidae boxfish trunkfish Lactophrys genus Lactophrys Lactophrys quadricornis cowfish Tetraodontidae family Tetraodontidae blowfish globefish Diodontidae family Diodontidae Diodon genus Diodon Diodon hystrix porcupine fish Diodon holocanthus balloonfish Chilomycterus genus Chilomycterus Molidae family Molidae headfish mola ocean sunfish sunfish Mola lanceolata sharptail mola Heterosomata order Heterosomata Pleuronectidae family Pleuronectidae righteye flounder righteyed flounder Pleuronectes genus Pleuronectes Pleuronectes platessa plaice Platichthys genus Platichthys European flatfish Platichthys flesus Limanda genus Limanda Limanda ferruginea yellowtail flounder Pseudopleuronectes genus Pseudopleuronectes Pseudopleuronectes americanus blackback flounder lemon sole winter flounder Microstomus genus Microstomus Microstomus kitt lemon sole Hippoglossoides genus Hippoglossoides American plaice Hippoglossoides platessoides halibut holibut Hippoglossus genus Hippoglossus Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus Hippoglossus stenolepsis Pacific halibut Bothidae family Bothidae lefteye flounder lefteyed flounder Paralichthys genus Paralichthys Paralichthys lethostigmus southern flounder Paralichthys dentatus summer flounder Etropus genus Etropus Etropus rimosus gray flounder Citharichthys genus Citharichthys Citharichthys cornutus horned whiff Scophthalmus genus Scophthalmus Scophthalmus aquosus windowpane Scophthalmus rhombus brill Psetta genus Psetta Psetta maxima turbot Cynoglossidae family Cynoglossidae Soleidae family Soleidae Solea genus Solea European sole Solea solea Solea lascaris lemon sole Parophrys genus Parophrys English sole Parophrys vitulus Psettichthys genus Psettichthys Psettichthys melanostichus sand sole Trinectes genus Trinectes Trinectes maculatus hogchoker metamere somite abandoned ship derelict abatis abattis abattoir butchery shambles slaughterhouse aborticide abortifacient RU 486 abortion pill abradant abrader abstract art abstractionism academic gown academic robe accelerator throttle accelerator atom smasher accelerator accelerator pedal gas gas pedal gun throttle access approach access memory access accessory appurtenance accessory accouterment access road slip road accordion piano accordion Sectral acebutolol Anacin III Datril Panadol Tempra Tylenol acetaminophen acetanilid acetanilide acetate disk phonograph recording disk acetate acetate rayon acetophenetidin acetphenetidin acoustic delay line sonic delay line acrylic acrylic paint Zovirax acyclovir adapter adaptor adding machine totaliser addition improver Addressograph addressing machine adjustable spanner adjustable wrench adobe adobe brick adz adze aeolian harp aeolian lyre aerosol aerosol bomb after-shave after-shave lotion aglet aiglet aglet aiglet agora forum aigret aigrette air base air station airbrake dive brake air-conditioner air-conditioning aircraft carrier attack aircraft carrier carrier flattop air cushion inflatable cushion air cushion air spring airdock hangar airfield field flying field landing field air cleaner air filter aerofoil airfoil control surface surface air gun airgun air hammer jackhammer airline airline business air lock airlock air duct air passage aeroplane airplane airplane propeller airscrew aerodrome airdrome air pump vacuum pump air shaft air well airship dirigible air sleeve air sock wind sleeve wind sock airstrip flight strip landing strip strip air-to-ground missile air-to-surface missile aisle gangway alarm alarm system alarm alarm clock Alaskan pipeline trans-Alaska ppipeline Proventil Ventolin alcove bay alley alleyway Zyloprim allopurinol alms dish alms tray aloes bitter aloes Xanax alprazolam Lord''s table altar altarpiece reredos alto relievo high relief aluminum foil tin foil AMEX American Stock Exchange Slo Bid aminophylline amidopyrine aminopyrine Cordarone amiodarone Elavil amitriptyline ammo ammunition Amytal amobarbital sodium blue blue angel Amoxil amoxicillin amphetamine pep pill speed upper amphibian amphibious aircraft amphibian amphibious vehicle amphitheater amphitheatre amphitheater amphitheatre SK-Ampicillin ampicillin Inocor amrinone amulet talisman analgesic anodyne pain pill painkiller analog computer analogue computer analyser analyzer anchor ground tackle anchor light riding lamp and circuit and gate andiron dog dogiron firedog android humanoid anemometer wind gauge aneroid aneroid barometer anaesthetic anaesthetic agent anesthetic anesthetic agent Hypertensin angiotensin angle bracket angle iron ankle bracelet anklet anklet anklets bobbysock bobbysocks annex annexe extension wing annulet bandelet bandelette bandlet annulet roundel aerial antenna antechamber anteroom entrance hall foyer hall lobby ack-ack ack-ack gun antiaircraft antiaircraft gun flak pom-pom antiarrhythmic antiarrhythmic drug antibacterial antibacterial drug ABM antiballistic missile antibiotic antibiotic drug anticonvulsant anticonvulsant drug antiepileptic antiepileptic drug antidepressant antidepressant drug antidiabetic antidiabetic drug antidiarrheal antidiarrheal drug antidiuretic antidiuretic drug antidote counterpoison antiemetic antiemetic drug antifungal antifungal agent antimycotic antimycotic agent G suit anti-G suit antihypertensive antihypertensive drug anti-inflammatory anti-inflammatory drug antimalarial antimalarial drug antineoplastic antineoplastic drug antipsychotic antipsychotic drug antipyretic febrifuge antispasmodic antispasmodic agent anxiolytic anxiolytic drug apartment flat apartment building apartment house apiary bee house apparatus setup appliance contraption contrivance convenience gadget gizmo applicator applier appointment fitting approach trench communication trench apron string apron strings apse apsis aqualung scuba aquarium fish tank marine museum vivarium Goa powder araroba arbor arbour bower pergola arboretum botanical garden arcade colonnade arch archway archive archives arc lamp arc light arctic galosh golosh gumshoe arena scene of action arena theater theater in the round argyle argyles ark ark of the covenant arm branch arm guard arm pad arm band armlet armor armour armor plate armor plating armour plate plate armor armory armoury arquebus hackbut hagbut harquebus array finery raiment regalia arrester arrester hook armory armoury armory armoury art fine art artificial horizon flight indicator artificial kidney hemodialyzer artillery gun heavy weapon ordnance artist''s workroom atelier ashbin ashcan dustbin garbage can trash barrel trash bin trash can wastebin Bayer Empirin acetylsalicylic acid aspirin aspirin powder headache powder assagai assegai astringent astringent drug Aswan Dam Aswan High Dam ataractic ataractic drug ataraxic ataraxic drug Tenormin atenolol athenaeum atheneum athletic sock sweat sock athletic supporter jockstrap atlas telamon atmometer evaporometer A-bomb atom bomb atomic bomb fission bomb atomic pile atomic reactor chain reactor pile atomic warhead nuclear warhead nuke thermonuclear warhead atomiser atomizer spray sprayer attache attache case attachment bond attire dress auction block block audio CD audio compact disc audio system sound system audiovisual audiovisual aid auger gimlet screw auger wimble autogiro autogyro automatic automatic pistol automatic automatic rifle automatic drive automatic transmission automaton golem automobile horn car horn horn motor horn automatic pilot autopilot auxiliary boiler donkey boiler auxiliary engine donkey engine auxiliary pump donkey pump auxiliary storage external storage avenue boulevard aviary bird sanctuary awning sunblind ax axe ax head axe head axis axis of rotation Imuran azathioprine AZT azidothymidine Azactam aztreonam baby bed baby''s bed baby buggy baby carriage go-cart perambulator pram pushchair pusher stroller baby grand parlor grand back backrest backboard basketball backboard back door back entrance backcloth backdrop background desktop backing mount backpack haversack knapsack rucksack backpacking tent pack tent backspace key backspacer backsword broadsword backup computer backup badminton racket badminton racquet baffle baffle board bag grip suitcase traveling bag bag handbag pocketbook purse bagatelle fluff frippery frivolity baggage luggage baggage car luggage van bagpipe pipes bait decoy balaclava balaclava helmet balance beam beam baldric baldrick ballast resistor barretter ball bearing needle bearing ball cock ballcock ballet skirt tutu ball field diamond ballpark park Biro ballpen ballpoint ballpoint pen ballroom dance hall Balmoral balmoral Kon Tiki balsa raft band banding bandana bandanna bandoleer bandolier bandstand outdoor stage bangle bauble fallal gaud gewgaw novelty bank bank building banner streamer balusters balustrade banister bannister banian banyan baptismal font baptistery baptistry font barbacan barbican barbital barbitone diethylbarbituric acid diethylmalonylurea barge flatboat hoy lighter baritone baritone horn bark barque barrel cask barrel gun barrel barrelhouse honky-tonk barrel knot blood knot barrel organ grind organ hand organ hurdy gurdy bar barroom ginmill saloon barrow garden cart lawn cart wheelbarrow base pedestal bag base base base of operations baseball bat bat baseball cap golf cap baseball diamond diamond baseball glove baseball mitt glove mitt baseboard mopboard basement cellar basic staple basket handbasket basket basketball hoop bas relief basso relievo bass drum gran casa bass fiddle bass viol bull fiddle contrabass double bass string bass Sousaphone bass horn sousaphone tuba baste basting bastion citadel bagnio bathhouse bathhouse bathing machine bathing cap swimming cap bath bathroom bath bathtub bathyscape bathyscaph battery electric battery battery stamp battery batting cage cage battle-ax battle-axe battlement crenelation battleship battlewagon bay window bow window bazaar bazar bazaar bazar BB BB shot beach waggon beach wagon station waggon station wagon waggon wagon beacon beacon light lighthouse pharos astragal bead beading beadwork beading beadwork beads string of beads beanie beany bearing rein checkrein bearskin busby beating-reed instrument reed beaver castor bed clothing bedclothes bedding bedding material Bedlam booby hatch crazy house cuckoo''s nest funny farm funny house loony bin madhouse nuthouse sanatorium bedchamber bedroom chamber sleeping room bedsit bedsitter bed cover bed covering bedcover bedspread counterpane spread bedframe bedstead beehive hive beer barrel beer keg beer mug stein bellarmine graybeard bellbottom trousers bellbottoms bell cot bell cote bell glass bell jar bellows blower balloon seat bell seat bend curve bend bend dexter Benzedrine bennie benzocaine ethyl aminobenzoate Bermuda rig Bermudan rig Bermudian rig Marconi rig Bermuda shorts Jamaica shorts short pants shorts berth built in bed beta blocker beta-adrenergic blocking agent betatron induction accelerator bevel bevel square bevel camfer bevel gear pinion and crown wheel B-flat clarinet licorice stick bicorn bicorne bicycle bike bicycle-built-for-two tandem bicycle seat saddle bikini two-piece bill eyeshade peak visor bill billhook billboard hoarding billiard hall billiard parlor billiard parlour billiard room binder ligature binder ring-binder binder reaper binder back binding book binding cover binocular binoculars field glasses opera glasses bio lab biology lab birch birch rod birchbark birchbark canoe birdhouse columbarium bird shot buckshot bitmap electronic image black and white monochrome blackboard chalkboard Jolly Roger black flag blackjack cosh blade vane blank blank shell blanket cover blazer sports coat blender liquidizer blimp sausage blind screen blind alley cul de sac dead end dead-end street block blockage closure occlusion stop stoppage bloomers drawers knickers pants blow tube blowgun blowpipe blowtube blowlamp blowtorch blow tube blowpipe blucher bluchers board gameboard boarding house boardinghouse boardroom council chamber Panama boater leghorn panama sailor skimmer boatswain''s chair bosun''s chair bob bobber bobfloat cork bobbin reel bobsled bobsleigh bobsled bobsleigh bocce ball bocci ball body armor body armour suit of armor suit of armour bogey bogie boiler steam boiler BWR boiling water reactor bitt bollard bollock bullock block bolo bolo knife bologram bolograph bola bola tie bolo bolo tie bolster long pillow bolt deadbolt bombard bombardon bomb bomb calorimeter air-raid shelter bomb shelter bone-ash cup cupel bones castanets clappers finger cymbals bongo bongo drum bonnet poke bonnet book volume bookmark bookmarker bookshop bookstall boom microphone boom boomerang throw stick booster booster dose booster shot recall dose booster booster rocket booster unit multistage rocket takeoff booster takeoff rocket booster amplifier booster stations boosters relay links relay stations relay transmitters boot luggage compartment boot iron boot bootee bootees bootie booties booth cubicle kiosk stall bore bore-hole bore bit borer rock drill stone drill bottom freighter merchant ship merchantman boule boulle bouquet corsage nosegay posy boutique dress shop bow fore prow stem bow bowknot bowed stringed instrument string bowl pipe bowl bowler bowler hat derby plug hat bowline bowline knot alley bowling alley bowling pin pin box loge box box seat box beam box girder box Kodak box camera boxing glove glove boxing ring prize ring box office ticket booth box end wrench box wrench brace bracing bitstock brace brace braces brace gallus bangle bracelet bracer pick-me-up bradawl pricker braid braiding brake cylinder hydraulic brake cylinder brake drum drum brake shoe shoe brake system brakes branch line spur brass memorial tablet bandeau bra brass knuckles brass knucks knuckle duster knuckles brasier brazier bread-bin breadbox bread board breadboard breakwater bulwark groin groyne jetty mole aegis breastplate breathalyser breathalyzer breathing apparatus breathing device breech rear of barrel breech closer breechblock G-string breechcloth breechclout loincloth breeches knee breeches knee pants knickerbockers Bren Bren gun briar briar pipe bric-a-brac knickknack knickknackery nicknack brick trowel mason''s trowel brickfield brickyard bridal gown wedding dress bridge span bridge bridge deck bridge nosepiece bridge bridgework bridge bridge circuit bridle path bridle road brigantine hermaphrodite brig brim lip briquet briquette broadax broadaxe broadcaster spreader brogan brogue clodhopper work shoe brokerage brokerage house breastpin broach bucket pail buffer fender buffer polisher buffer buffer storage Bufferin buffered aspirin buffet counter buggy roadster building edifice building complex complex building supply house building supply store alligator clip bulldog clip bulldozer dozer bullet slug bulletin board notice board bbs bulletin board bulletin board system electronic bulletin board bullfight corrida bullhorn loud-hailer bullnose bullnosed plane bullpen detention cell bulwark bulwarks Dodgem bumper car bundle sheaf bung spile bungalow cottage bungee bungee cord bunk feed bunk bunk bunk bed bunker sand trap bunker dugout bunsen bunsen burner bur burr burial chamber sepulcher sepulchre sepulture barrow burial mound grave mound tumulus burlap gunny burnoose burnous burp gun machine pistol autobus bus charabanc coach double-decker jitney motorbus motorcoach bus heap bus busbar bushel bushel basket bushing cylindrical lining business suit double breasted suit lounge suit single breasted suit three piece suit two piece suit buskin chukka boot combat boot desert boot half boot top boot bus depot bus station bus terminal coach station butacaine butacaine sulfate butcher block butcher board butt butt end butt stub butt butt joint button hole buttonhole buttress buttressing V-1 buzz bomb doodlebug flying bomb bypass circumferential bypass capacitor bypass condenser by-product spin-off bypath byroad cab hack taxi taxicab cab cabriolet cabaret nightclub Cabin class second class cabin cruiser cruiser pleasure boat pleasure craft cabinet console cabinet locker cable cable system cable television cable television service cable electrical cable line transmission line cable car car cable railway funicular cache memory cache cachet seal of approval caddy tea caddy cafe coffee bar coffee shop coffeehouse caftan kaftan caftan kaftan cage coop caisson cofferdam ammunition chest caisson bar cake calash calash top calash caleche calculating machine calculator caldron cauldron caliper calipers calliper callipers calk calkin calliope steam organ calumet peace pipe Calvary cross cross of Calvary aventail camail Cambridge Cambridge University camel''s hair camelhair camera photographic camera camera lens optical lens camisole underbodice bivouac camp cantonment encampment camp summer camp belfry campanile camper camping bus camper trailer house trailer mobile home trailer can tin candelabra candelabrum candle taper candle holder candlestick canister cannister Mary Jane cannabis dope gage ganja grass marihuana marijuana pot sens sess skunk smoke weed cannon ball cannonball can opener tin opener canopic jar canopic vase canteen mobile canteen canvas canvass canvas canvass canvas canvass canvas canvas tent capacitor condenser caparison housing housings trapping cape mantle capillary capillary tube cap capital capote hooded cloak capote hooded coat capstone coping stone Capoten captopril auto automobile car machine car railcar railroad car railway car car elevator car car gondola carabiner karabiner carafe decanter caravan inn caravansary caravanserai khan automobile battery car battery carbon carbon copy carbon arc carbon arc lamp carburetor carburettor cardiac monitor heart monitor cardiograph electrocardiograph cargo consignment freight lading load loading payload shipment cargo area cargo deck hold storage area cargo ship cargo vessel carousel merry-go-round roundabout whirligig carousel luggage carousel carpenter''s hammer claw hammer carpenter''s kit tool kit beater carpet beater carpet pad rug pad underlay underlayment carpet sweeper sweeper car port carport carack carrack carrel carrell cubicle stall carriage equipage carryall holdall tote tote bag auto tire automobile tire car tire rubber tire cartouch cartouche cartridge pickup cartridge ejector ejector cartridge extractor cartridge remover cartridge clip cartridge holder clip magazine case display case case pillow slip pillowcase slip casein casein paint case knife sheath knife canister canister shot cashbox money box ATM automated teller automated teller machine automatic teller automatic teller machine cash dispenser cash register register case casing casino gambling casino casket jewel casket casquet casquetel Cassegrainian telescope Gregorian telescope cast casting cast plaster cast caster castor castle rook cat cracker catalytic cracker bricole catapult catapult sling catapult launcher catch stop Caterpillar cat caterpillar tracks caterpillar tread catgut gut bishop''s throne cathedra Catherine wheel catherine wheel CRT cathode-ray tube cat cat-o''-nine-tails catsup bottle ketchup bottle cattle boat cattleship cavalier hat slouch hat cavalry sword saber CD-R CD-WO compact disc recordable compact disc write-once CD-ROM compact disc read-only memory Cefobid cefoperazone Claforan cefotaxime Fortaz Tazicef Rocephin ceftriaxone Ceftin Zinacef cell electric cell cell jail cell cell cubicle cellar wine cellar cellblock ward cello violoncello cellular phone cellular telephone censer thurible center centre center bit centre bit centerboard centreboard drop keel sliding keel center centerfield centerpiece centrepiece central exchange C.P.U. CPU central processing unit central processor mainframe processor centrifuge extractor Keflex Keftab Mefoxin cephalosporin cesspit cesspool sink sump chain strand chain armor chain armour chain mail coat of mail mail ring armor ring armour ring mail chain saw chainsaw chain tongs chain wrench chair lift chairlift chaise chaise longue chalice goblet chalk line snapline chamberpot potty bema chancel chandelier pendant chamfron chanfron frontstall testiere chanter melody pipe chapterhouse frat house character printer character-at-a-time printer charcoal fusain burster bursting charge charge explosive charge armorial bearing bearing charge heraldic bearing charm good luck charm charnel charnel house checkout checkout counter checkroom left-luggage office cheese tray cheeseboard chemise sack chemise shift shimmy slip teddies teddy chem lab chemistry lab checkerboard chessboard chess piece chessman bureau chest chest of drawers dresser cheval-de-frise chevaux-de-frise chicken coop coop hencoop henhouse chicken run chicken yard fowl run henyard chiffonier commode bell chime chimney corner inglenook china cabinet china closet Chinese Wall Great Wall of China chino chino cloth chip micro chip microchip silicon chip chip poker chip Leukeran chlorambucil chloramine chloramine-T Chloromycetin chloramphenicol Librium chlordiazepoxide chloroform trichloromethane Diuril chlorothiazide Coricidin chlorpheniramine maleate Thorazine chlorpromazine Aureomycin chlortetracycline chock wedge choke choke coil choker neck ruff ruff ruffle choker collar dog collar neckband chokey choky chopine chopines platform platforms chopping board cutting board chopstick chopsticks chrism chrisom holy oil sacramental oil Channel Tunnel chunnel church church building butter churn churn chute slide butt cigaret cigarette coffin nail cigarette lighter pocket lighter Tagamet cimetidine cinch girth cinder track dirt track cinema movie house movie theater movie theatre Cipro ciprofloxacin circle round circle dress circle circuit electric circuit board card circuit board circuit card circular plane compass plane buzz saw circular saw big top circus tent round top top cistern water tank civies civvies civilian clothing civilian dress clack clack valve clamshell grapple clapper tongue Clark cell Clark standard cell clasp knife jackknife classroom schoolroom Klavier clavier cleaners dry cleaners clean room white room cleaner cleanser chopper cleaver clearstory clerestory Roman collar clerical collar clench clinch clinker clinker brick clinometer inclinometer clipper clippers clipper clippers clipper clipper ship cloakroom coatroom clock dial clock face Atromid-S clofibrate clog geta patten sabot Clomid clomiphene Catapres clonidine closed circuit loop cloth cap flat cap clothes closet clothespress clothes basket clothes hamper clothes peg clothes pin apparel clothes clothing vesture wear wearing apparel clothing store haberdashery haberdashery store mens store Wilson cloud chamber cloud chamber clout clout nail club clubhouse clutch clutch pedal coach coach-and-four carriage house coach house coalbin coalhole coalmine coalpit clothes hanger coat hanger coat coating arms blazon blazonry coat of arms coatrack hatrack coax coax cable cobble cobblestone cobweb gossamer C cocain cocaine coke Cockcroft and Walton accelerator Cockcroft and Walton voltage multiplier Cockcroft-Walton accelerator Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier cockscomb coxcomb cocktail dress sheath coffee grinder coffee mill cocktail table coffee table caisson coffer casket coffin cog sprocket cog railway rack railway coil helix spiral volute coil spring volute spring colander cullender cold chisel set chisel cold cream face cream collage montage collar neckband collector''s item piece de resistance collet collet chuck colliery pit cologne cologne water colorimeter colourimeter colors colours colors colours color TV color television color television system colour TV colour television colour television system color TV tube color television tube color tube colour TV tube colour television tube colour tube color wash colour wash colter coulter column pillar column pillar chromatography column column baby''s dummy comforter pacifier teething ring GHQ command post commodity goods commodities exchange commodity exchange Dayton ax Dayton axe common ax common axe communication equipment communication system civic center community center commuter commuter train compact powder compact compact compact car CD compact disc component constituent compression bandage tourniquet computer data processor electronic computer information processing system CAT scanner computerized axial tomography scanner computer display computer screen ADP system ADPS automatic data processing system computer system concentration camp stockade concert grand concert piano cement mixer concrete mixer condensation pump diffusion pump condenser optical condenser capacitor microphone condenser microphone condom prophylactic rubber safe condo condominium channel conduit cone clutch cone friction clutch candy store confectionery conference center conference house conference table council board conformal projection orthomorphic projection congress boot congress gaiter conic projection conical projection connecter connection connective connector conservatory hothouse conservatoire conservatory console console table contact tangency container ship containership contour map relief map contrabassoon contrafagotto birth control device contraceptive contraceptive device preventative preventive prophylactic device control controller control circuit negative feedback circuit command key control key board control board control panel instrument panel conventicle meetinghouse converging lens convex lens converter convertor convertible sofa bed conveyance transport conveyer conveyer belt conveyor conveyor belt cookie jar cooky jar cooking utensil cookware cooler ice chest cooler tank cooling cooling system cooling system engine cooling system coonskin coonskin cap corbel truss corbel step corbie-step corbiestep crow step cord corduroy cord electric cord cords corduroys bottle screw corkscrew corner street corner corner quoin corner nook cornet horn cornice pelmet valance valance board corrective restorative corrugated fastener wiggle nail corselet corslet corset girdle panty girdle stays cosmetic cosmetics cosey cosy cozey cozie cozy tea cosey tea cosy tea cozey tea cozie tea cozy camp bed cot cottar cotter Canton flannel cotton flannel cotton gin gin coude system coude telescope coulisse wing flat counter tabulator counter heel counterbore countersink counterpart similitude balance counterbalance counterpoise counterweight equaliser equalizer country store general store coupler coupling course row court courtyard court courtroom Conestoga Conestoga wagon covered wagon prairie schooner cow barn cowbarn cowhouse cowshed cowboy boot cowboy boots cowboy hat ten-gallon hat cowl cowling cattle pen corral CPU board mother board cracker cracker bonbon crackle crackle china cramp cramp iron climber climbing iron crampon crampoon crampon crampoon crank starter crank handle starting handle crayon wax crayon cream emollient cream pitcher creamer creche foundling hospital credence credenza cremation chamber crematorium crematorium crematory crape crepe crew neck crew neckline cot crib bat cricket bat cringle eyelet grommet loop crochet crocheting crochet hook crochet needle crock earthenware jar crockery dishware crook shepard''s crook cross hair cross wire crossing crosswalk crossjack mizzen course crowbar pry pry bar wrecking bar crown diadem crest crown cap crownwork crucible melting pot crucifix rood crewet cruet cruiser patrol car police car prowl car crystal watch crystal crystal oscillator quartz oscillator cubby cubbyhole snug snuggery cubbyhole pigeonhole cube square block cubeb cubeb cigarette cucking stool ducking stool cue cue stick pool cue pool stick cuff turnup cul cul de sac culotte culottes cultivator tiller cup loving cup closet cupboard curb kerb curb curb bit curbstone kerbstone curet curette curio curiosity oddity oddment peculiarity rarity curler hair curler cursor pointer curtain drape drapery mantle cut gash cutaway cutaway drawing cut-in insert cutlas cutlass cutlery cutter cylinder piston chamber cyma cymatium Periactin cyproheptadine Dacron Terylene dairy dairy farm ambo dais podium pulpit rostrum soapbox daisy print wheel daisy wheel dam dike dyke levee damper block piano damper darning needle embroidery needle dart board dartboard data system information system daybed divan bed book daybook day care center day nursery death bell death knell decal decalcomania beach chair deck chair deckle deckle edge declinometer transit declinometer decoration ornament deepfreeze freezer defence system defense system defence defense defroster deicer deli delicatessen delineation depiction limning line drawing delivery truck delivery van denim dungaree dental floss floss burr drill dentist''s drill department store emporium deposit depository depth bomb depth charge design figure destroyer guided missile destroyer detached house single dwelling detector sensor demodulator detector cap detonating device detour roundabout way Dewar Dewar flask Dexedrine dextroamphetamine sulphate dial telephone dial dialog box panel dial phone dial telephone dialysis machine dialyzer diapason diapason stop diaper napkin diaphragm stop contraceptive diaphragm diaphragm Valium diazepam dibber dibble dice die dice box dice cup dickey dickie dicky shirtfront dickey dickey-seat dickie dickie-seat dicky dicky-seat Cataflam diclofenac potassium Voltaren diclofenac sodium Diesel diesel diesel engine diesel motor differential differential gear diffraction grating grating diffuser diffusor diffuser diffusor Dolibid diflunisal diggings digs domiciliation lodgings digital-analog converter digital-to-analog converter DAT digital audiotape alphanumeric display digital display analog-digital converter analog-to-digital converter Cardizem diltiazem Dramamine dimenhydrinate dinghy dory buffet car diner dining car dining compartment dining room diningroom board dining table dinner dress dinner gown evening gown tea gown black tie dinner jacket tux tuxedo dinner bucket dinner pail dinner service dinner set crystal rectifier diode junction rectifier semiconductor diode diode rectifying tube Dilantin diphenylhydantoin dipole dipole antenna DIP switch dual inline package switch disco discotheque discount house discount store discus saucer dish dish aerial dish antenna saucer dishcloth dishrag dish towel tea towel dish washer dishwasher antimicrobial antimicrobic disinfectant germicide disc disk disc brake disk brake Winchester drive disc drive disk drive hard drive diskette floppy disc harrow disk harrow dispatch box dispatch case display presentation display adapter display adaptor board display board display window shopwindow disposal electric pig distillery still distributer distributor breaker point distributor point Antabuse disulfiram ditch spade long-handled spade diuretic diuretic drug divan diwan concave lens diverging lens diving rod dowser water finder waterfinder diving dress diving suit Dixie cup drinking cup dock dockage doggie bag doggy bag dog sleigh dogsled dohickey dojigger doodad doohickey gimmick gizmo gubbins thingamabob thingamajig thingmabob thingmajig thingumabob thingumajig thingummy doily doyley doll dolly dolman dolman jacket cromlech dolmen dolphin striker martingale covered stadium dome domino eye mask bell buzzer doorcase doorframe doorjamb doorpost doorhandle doorknob doormat welcome mat doorsill doorstep doorstop doorstopper door doorway room access threshold dormer dormer window dorm dormitory hall residence hall dorm room dormitory dosemeter dosimeter dot matrix printer dot printer matrix printer stylus printer wire matrix printer wire printer Western ax Western axe double-bitted ax double-bitted axe double boiler double saucepan double crochet double stitch double-prop double-propeller plane twin-prop twin-propeller-plane douche douche bag dovetail dovetail joint dowel dowel pin Adapin Sinequan Vibramycin doxycycline draft draught draft rough drawing drafting board drawing board drafting table drawing table drain drainpipe drainboard draining board draw lot drawbridge lift bridge drawers jockey shorts drawing card leader drawing room withdrawing room drawknife drawshave drawstring string camion dray dreadnaught dreadnought dress frock dress blues dress whites beaver dress hat high hat opera hat silk hat stovepipe top hat topper dressing medical dressing dressing gown lounging robe dressing sack dressing sacque aid station dressing station dressing table toilet table dress shirt evening shirt dress suit full dress tail coat tailcoat tails white tie drift gallery drill electric drill drill bit drilling bit drilling platform offshore rig drill rig drilling rig oil rig oilrig bubbler drinking fountain drip pan dripping pan drive parkway drive line drive line system driven well tube well driver number one wood drive driveway driving iron one iron drogue drogue chute bourdon drone drone pilotless aircraft drop drop cloth drop forge drop hammer dropper eye dropper droshky drosky drove drove chisel drug of abuse street drug apothecary''s shop chemist''s chemist''s shop dispensary drugstore pharmacy drum membranophone drum metal drum drum brake drum brakes drumhead head drum sander electric sander sander smoother dry dock graving dock drier dryer drygoods soft goods dry wall dry-stone wall duffel duffle duffel duffel bag duffle duffle bag dugout dugout canoe dumbwaiter food elevator dumdum dumdum bullet dump truck dumper dunce cap dunce''s cap duplex duplex apartment duplex duplex house duplicate duplication copier duplicator consumer durables durable goods dust bag vacuum bag dustcloth duster dust cover dust sheet dust coat duster gaberdine smock dry mop dust mop Dutch door half door abode domicile dwelling dwelling house habitation home earflap earlap earphone earpiece headphone phone easy chair lounge chair ecclesiastical attire ecclesiastical robe edge margin effigy image egg-and-anchor egg-and-dart eggbeater eggwhisk egg cup eggcup continental quilt duvet capsule ejection seat electric electric automobile electrical plant electrical system chair death chair electric chair hot seat blower electric fan electric fire electric heater Hammond organ electric organ electronic organ organ electric refrigerator fridge electrolytic electrolytic capacitor Van de Graaff generator Wimshurst machine electrostatic generator electrostatic machine el elevated railroad elevated railway overhead railway elevator lift elongation extension embroidery fancywork emetic nauseant vomit vomitive emulsion photographic emulsion end oddment remainder remnant end product output Ethrane enflurane block cylinder block engine room engineering English horn cor anglais English cavalry saddle English saddle enlargement magnification entrance entranceway entree entry entrenching tool trenching spade entrenchment intrenchment envelope gasbag epaulet epaulette epicyclic gear train epicyclic train equal-area map projection equal-area projection equaliser equalizer EPROM erasable programmable read-only memory escalator moving staircase escarp escarpment protective embankment scarp escutcheon scutcheon etamin etamine diethel ether divinyl ether ether ethoxyethane ethyl ether vinyl ether Emeside Zarontin Lodine etodolac excavation hole in the ground exercise bike exercycle exhaust exhaust system exhibition area exhibition hall exit issue outlet way out expansion bit expansive bit express express train express express bus expressway freeway motorway pike state highway superhighway throughway thruway exterior door outside door duplicate extra eye cup eyebath collyrium eye-lotion eyepatch patch eyepiece ocular cloth fabric material textile facade frontage court card face card facility installation cladding facing facing veneer facsimile facsimile machine autotype facsimile factory manufactory manufacturing plant mill faggot fagot fake postiche falderal folderol frills gimcrackery gimcracks nonsense Pepcid famotidine fancy dress masquerade farmer''s market greenmarket farmplace farmstead fastener fastening feather bed featherbed boa feather boa Stetson fedora felt hat homburg fell felled seam felloe felly fence fencing fencer''s mask fencing mask fender wing buffer cowcatcher fender pilot Nalfon fenoprofen calcium collet ferrule ferry ferryboat fess fesse fetter hobble fez tarboosh fiber fibre fiberboard fibreboard fiber optic cable fibre optic cable FOTS fiber-optic transmission system fiddlestick violin bow field coil field winding field glass glass field house sports arena field-sequential color TV field-sequential color TV system field-sequential color television field-sequential color television system fifth wheel spare attack aircraft fighter figure eight figure of eight figure loom figured-fabric loom figurine statuette file file cabinet filagree filigree fillet stopping film photographic film film plastic film finder view finder escutcheon finger plate cot fingerstall finish coat finishing coat finish coat finishing coat fipple flute fipple pipe recorder vertical flute fire alarm smoke alarm firearm piece banger cracker fire engine fire truck emergency exit fire escape extinguisher fire extinguisher fireman''s ax fireman''s axe fireplace hearth fire hydrant fireplug fire screen fireguard fire station firehouse coal tongs fire tongs firework pyrotechnics firing chamber gun chamber firing range target range first first gear low low gear fisherman''s knot true lover''s knot fishery piscary fishing boat fishing smack fishing gear fishing tackle fishing pole fishing rod fishing net fishnet blade bit fishtail bit contour sheet fitted sheet flag flagstone flageolet shepherd''s pipe flagpole flagstaff flange rim flannel gabardine tweed white flap flaps flash flash lamp flashbulb flashgun flashlight torch flat flat tire flat arch straight arch flat flatcar flat coat ground primer priming coat flatware silver flat wash flatwork fleur-de-lis fleur-de-lys flight flight of stairs flight deck landing deck Link trainer flight simulator firelock flintlock fin fins flipper flippers floating dock floating dry dock floating mine marine mine floatplane pontoon plane flood flood lamp floodlight photoflood floor flooring floor level storey story floor board floorboard floor covering floorcover dosshouse flophouse florist florist shop flotsam jetsam bed of flowers flowerbed flue flue pipe fluegelhorn flugelhorn flue fluke fluoroscope roentgenoscope Prozac fluoxetine Ansaid flurbiprofen flush toilet lavatory flute transverse flute flute fluting champagne flute flute fly fly front fly bridge flybridge flying bridge moneky bridge arc-boutant flying buttress fob watch chain fob watch pocket foil transparency fold sheep pen sheepcote sheepfold accordion door folding door foliage foliation artificial additive food additive football field gridiron footbridge overcrossing foothold footing footlight footlights footlocker locker footrest footstool footgear footwear fo''c''sle forecastle forge smithy evening clothes evening dress eveningwear formalwear Formica formica fortification munition fort fortress assembly forum base foot foundation fundament groundwork substructure foundation foundation garment foundry metalworks fount fountain fountain jet fox hole foxhole antipersonnel bomb fragmentation bomb frame framework freight elevator service elevator freight liner liner train freight train rattler French horn horn friction tape insulating tape frigate guided missile frigate flounce frill furbelow ruffle frog frogs front door front entrance frontal frontlet frying pan frypan fuel gauge fuel indicator fuel line gas line funeral chapel funeral church funeral home funeral parlor funeral parlour funeral-residence furnace lining refractory furnishings trappings article of furniture furniture furring furring strip fuse fusee fuze fuzee electrical fuse fuse fusee fuzee gable gable end gable roof saddle roof saddleback saddleback roof gaff-headed sail gaffsail fore-and-aft topsail gaff topsail gag muzzle art gallery gallery caboose cookhouse galley ship''s galley gallous gallows gallowstree gibbet gambling den gambling hell gambling house gaming house gambrel gambrel roof brolly gamp gangboard gangplank gantry gauntry crack gap garage service department Garand Garand rifle M-1 M-1 rifle dustcart garbage truck garboard garboard plank garden tool lawn tool fort garrison garrison cap overseas cap garotte garrote garrotte iron collar garter supporter garter belt suspender belt gas bomb gas shell gas burner gas jet death chamber gas chamber gas holder gasometer gas helmet gasmask gas meter gasometer filling station gas station gasoline station petrol station gas pump gasoline pump gas cooker gas range gas tank gasoline tank air thermometer gas thermometer gat rod gather gathering gage gauge gauntlet gauntlets gauntlet metal glove gauze netting gavel hammer gazebo summerhouse cogwheel gear appurtenances gear gear gear mechanism gear case gearbox gearing gears geartrain power train gearshift gearstick Geiger counter Geiger-Muller counter Geiger tube Geiger-Muller tube gelignite gelly gem treasure general anaesthetic general anesthetic ghillie gillie gift shop novelty shop gilding gilt girandola girandole cincture girdle sash waistband drinking glass glass glassware glasswork glider sailplane glockenspiel orchestral bells glory hole lazaretto glove gloves DiaBeta Micronase glyptic art glyptography glyptics lithoglyptics gauffer goffer Golden Gate Golden Gate Bridge golf cart golfcart club golfclub club head clubhead golf course golf links driving range golf range golliwog golliwogg gondola gondola car gong tam-tam gorgerin necking calabash gourd governor regulator gown robe gown scrubs graffiti graffito Holy Grail Sangraal acoustic gramophone gramophone garner granary grandfather clock longcase clock grand grand piano covered stand grandstand granny granny knot grape arbor grape arbour grapnel grapnel anchor grapnel grapple grappler grappling hook grate grating grate grating grave tomb gravestone headstone gravimeter gravity meter gravure heliogravure boat gravy boat gray grey grease-gun gun greatcoat overcoat surcoat topcoat greave greaves glasshouse greenhouse grid gridiron control grid grid grid reference grid greegree gres-gris grill grille grille radiator grille grill grillroom emery wheel grinding wheel foodstuff grocery grocery grocery store earth ground first floor ground floor ground cloth groundsheet grove orchard guard safety gun emplacement weapons emplacement gun enclosure gun turret firing mechanism gunlock gun muzzle gunpoint burlap bag gunny sack gun trigger trigger gun rest gunnel gusset inset gusset gusset plate gutter trough guy guy cable gym gymnasium exerciser gymnastic apparatus gym shoe sneaker gyro gyroscope haberdashery men''s furnishings hackney hackney coach hacksaw metal saw haft helve hair haircloth hair grease hair oil hairdressing hairtonic false hair hairpiece halftone halftone engraving hallucinogen hallucinogenic drug psychedelic drug psychodelic drug hall hallway hackamore halter halliard halyard hammer power hammer hammock sack hair dryer hand blower emergency emergency brake hand brake parking brake hand calculator pocket calculator cart go-cart handcart pushcart cuff cuffs handcuff handcuffs handlock manacle hand glass magnifying glass hand glass hand mirror handcraft handicraft handiwork handwork handkerchief hankey hankie hanky grip handgrip handle hold hand line handline glove doll hand puppet carpenter''s saw handsaw French telephone handset handstamp rubber stamp face towel hand towel hand truck truck hanging wall hanging hangman''s halter hangman''s rope hemp hempen necktie hansom hansom cab hardback hardcover fixed disk hard disc hard hat safety hat computer hardware hardware hardware ironware hardware store ironmongery hareem harem seraglio serail harmonica harp mouth harp mouth organ harmonium organ Harvard Harvard University hash hashish chapeau hat hatchway opening byrnie hauberk haven oasis Hawaiian guitar steel guitar hawse hawsehole hayloft mow hay conditioner haymaker hayrack hayrig head covering veil headdress headgear cope coping header lintel headlamp headlight headpin kingpin HQ headquarters central office headquarters home office main office head restraint headrest headpiece headstall ear trumpet hearing aid deaf-aid hearing aid fireside hearth heater warmer heating pad hot pad heat heating heating plant heating system heat lamp infrared lamp basset oboe heckelphone hectograph heliotype hedge hedgerow bombardon helicon chopper eggbeater helicopter whirlybird haemostat hemostat hemstitch hemstitching H diacetyl morphine heroin horse junk scag shit smack Hessian boot Wellington Wellington boot hessian heterodyne receiver superhet hideaway retreat hi-fi high fidelity sound system highboy tallboy feeding chair highchair high high gear high-rise tower block highroad trunk road highway main road encumbrance hindrance hitch incumbrance interference preventative flexible joint hinge hinging post swinging post hip boot hip boots thigh boot thigh boots hipflask pocket flask hitching bar hitchrack cockhorse hobby hobbyhorse rocking horse hold keep holloware hollowware holy of holies sanctum sanctorum home nursing home home appliance household appliance home home plate dive honkytonk bonnet hood claw hook hookah hubble-bubble kalian narghile assemblage hookup hook spanner hook wrench hoop ring crinoline hoopskirt hoosegow hoosgow hope chest wedding chest hop field hop garden hop-picker hopper hopsack hopsacking high bar horizontal bar horizontal stabilizer tailplane horizontal surface level hornpipe pibgorn U-shaped plate horseshoe hose hosepipe hose tights hospital infirmary hostel student lodging hostel hostelry inn lodge casino-hotel hotel-casino casino-hotel hotel-casino hot plate hotplate hot-water bag hot-water bottle hourglass sandglass hour hand little hand cardcastle cardhouse housing lodging hovel hut hutch shack huarache huaraches huck huckaback humeral veil veil hunter hunting watch awning deck hurricane deck hurricane roof promenade deck hurricane lamp hurricane lantern storm lamp storm lantern army hut field hut hydraulic brake hydraulic brakes hydraulic pump hydraulic ram Esidrix HydroDIURIL hydrofoil hydroplane H-bomb fusion bomb hydrogen bomb thermonuclear bomb gravimeter hydrometer Atarax hydroxyzine hydrochloride hypo hypodermic Advil Motrin Nuprin ibuprofen ice ax ice axe ice yachet iceboat iceboat icebreaker ice bag ice pack ice pick icepick ice ice rink icon ikon Identikit Identikit picture idle pulley idle wheel god graven image igloo iglu ignition ignition system imbrication lapping Imavate imipramine counterfeit forgery immunosuppressant immunosuppressive drug in-basket in-tray incendiary incendiary bomb dip circle inclinometer brooder incubator Indocin indomethacin inertial guidance system inertial navigation system inflater inflator base infrastructure block of metal ingot inhalation anaesthetic inhalation anesthetic inhalation general anaesthetic inhalation general anesthetic inhalator inhaler ink bottle inkpot insert inset innersole insole brainchild inspiration instrumentality instrumentation diaglyph intaglio integrated circuit microcircuit integrator planimeter intercom intercommunication system ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile interface port decor interior decoration cyberspace internet carrefour crossing crossroad crossway innovation invention iodoform triiodomethane ionization chamber ionization tube Atrovent ipratropium bromide iris iris diaphragm iron smoothing iron branding iron iron chain chains iron irons irregular second Marplan isocarboxazid jack knave jacket jacket crown jacks jackstones jackscrew screw jack Jacob''s ladder jack ladder jackstraw spillikin clink gaol jail jailhouse jamjar jampot Jarvik artificial heart Jarvik heart jaunting car jaunty car jaw jaws blue jean denim jeep landrover T-shirt jersey jet jet plane gem jewel jewellery jewelry Jew''s harp Jews'' harp jew''s harp jews'' harp jigger jiggermast fretsaw jigsaw crackerjack jimdandy jemmy jimmy jinrikisha ricksha jodphur riding breeches joint marijuana cigarette reefer stick jointer jointer plane jointing plane long plane jolly jolly boat fetich fetish hoodoo juju jukebox nickelodeon jumper pinafore jumper cable jumper lead jump rope skip rope jump suit jumpsuit conjunction junction barrier strip junction barrier donjon dungeon keepsake relic souvenir token dog house doghouse kepi peaked cap service cap yachting cap Orudis Oruvail Torodal ketorolac Acular Toradol boiler kettle kettle kettledrum timpani tympani headstone keystone kicksorter pulse height analyzer kick start kick starter kid glove suede glove kinescope picture tube kingbolt kingpin kit outfit kit bag kitbag kitchen garden vegetable garden claxon klaxon knickknacks novelties cutting edge knife edge horse knight knit knitting knit knit stitch plain plain stitch knob pommel knobkerrie knobkerry doorknocker knocker Mickey Finn knockout drops hinge joint knuckle joint cromorne crumhorn kiley kylie cymograph kymograph laager lager lab laboratory lace lacing blank lacuna ladder-back ladder-back chair aerial ladder truck ladder truck ladies'' room powder room lagan lagend lag bolt lag screw lake dwelling pile dwelling lally lally column chimney lamp chimney lamp shade lampshade lance lancet lancet lancet arch landing landing place booby trap land mine landscape landscape painting lanolin wool fat lantern pinion lantern wheel laniard lanyard laniard lanyard laniard lanyard lap overlap lap lap covering lap joint splice laptop laptop computer larboard port laser optical maser lash thong contrivance lash-up lariat lasso cobbler''s last last lateen lateen sail latex latex paint lathee lathi fretwork lattice laudanum tincture of opium launcher rocket launcher launch area launch pad launching pad launchpad laundry wash bay wreath laurel wreath lavalier lavaliere garden chair lawn chair lawn mower mower layby pull-off lazar house lazaret lazarette lazaretto lead pencil lead lead leading lead line sounding line lead leash Leatherette imitation leather lectern reading desk left leftfield leg covering legging Leiden jar Leyden jar circulating library lending library lens lens system electron lens lens lens cap lens cover letter opener paperknife level spirit level grade crossing level crossing lever lever tumbler Levi''s levis depository library library license plate numberplate Xylocaine lidocaine life belt life buoy life ring life saver cork jacket life jacket flotation device life preserver Carling float life raft light light source bulb electric light electric-light bulb incandescent lamp light bulb lightbulb light circuit lighting circuit LED light-emitting diode igniter ignitor light lighter diffusing screen light filter exposure meter light meter lightning conductor lightning rod electronic stylus light pen likeness semblance calcium light limelight clipper limiter limo limousine linchpin lynchpin line rail line business line line line of business line of merchandise line of products product line linac linear accelerator line block line engraving line engraving linecut line of defence line of defense line printer line-at-a-time printer liner ocean liner liner lining embrocation liniment link linkup tie tie-in data link link linoleum cutter linoleum knife lip rouge lipstick LCD liquid crystal display Zestril lisinopril lister lister plough lister plow middle buster lithograph lithograph machine litmus litmus paper litterbasket litterbin driving axle live axle live load superload living quarters quarters front room living room livingroom parlor parlour sitting room burden load local local anaesthetic local anesthetic topical anaesthetic LAN local area network heterodyne oscillator local oscillator ignition lock lock lock lock chamber lock washer lockring engine locomotive locomotive engine railway locomotive loadstone lodestone indian lodge lodge hunting lodge lodge lodging house rooming house attic garret loft pigeon loft long pants long trousers long underwear union suit glass looking glass lookout lookout station observation tower observatory Lorraine cross cross of Lorraine camion lorry application lotion loudspeaker loudspeaker system speaker speaker system lounge waiting area lounging jacket smoking jacket lounging pajamas lounging pyjamas jeweler''s loupe loupe fin louver jalousie louvered window Louvre Louvre Museum Mevacor lovastatin love knot lover''s knot love seat tete-a-tete lower lower berth lower deck third deck L-P LP force feed force-feed lubricating system lubricating system pressure feed luggage rack roof rack lug lugsail lumbermill sawmill LEM lunar excursion module fenestella lunette longyi lungi express luxury liner luxury liner lichgate lychgate LSD acid machete matchet machine simple machine machine stitch sewing-machine stitch machinist''s vise metalworking vise mac macintosh mack mackintosh Mackinaw boat mackinaw Mackinaw blanket mackinaw Mackinaw coat mackinaw macintosh mackintosh Mae West air jacket magazine powder magazine cartridge magazine disc disk magnetic disc magnetic disk mag tape magnetic tape magneto magnetoelectric machine gaussmeter magnetometer mailbag postbag mail pouch mailbag mail boat mailboat packet packet boat letter box mailbox maillot tank suit main deck second deck mainframe mainframe computer high street main street maiolica majolica make-up makeup filler makeweight malacca malacca cane carpenter''s mallet mallet man piece manger trough form manakin manikin mannequin Osmitrol mannitol man-of-war ship of the line manor manor house hall manor hall mansard mansard roof hall manse mansion mansion house chimneypiece mantel mantelpiece mantle mantelet mantilla mantelet mantlet marimba xylophone marketplace mart marlinespike marlingspike crepe marocain marocain marquee marquise marqueterie marquetry five iron mashie mashie niblick seven iron mass spectrometer spectrometer master master copy chef-d''oeuvre masterpiece mat matting friction match lucifer match mate match plane tonguing and grooving plane equipage materiel Matthew Walker Matthew Walker knot maul sledge mahlstick maulstick labyrinth maze measure measuring rod measuring instrument measuring system Pianola mechanical piano Antivert meclizine Meclomen meclofenamate health facility medical building medicament medication medicinal drug medicine medicine cabinet medicine chest Ponstel mefenamic acid megalith megalithic structure Alkeran melphalan memorial monument memory memory board storage store memory device storage device menagerie zoo mend patch men''s men''s room asylum insane asylum mental home mental hospital mental institution psychiatric hospital Demerol meperidine Mesantoin mephenytoin Mebaral mephobarbital Equanil Meprin Miltown meprobamate Mercurochrome merbromine mercantile establishment outlet retail store sales outlet Purinethol mercaptopurine Mercator projection Mercator''s projection merchandise product mescaline peyote mess mess hall mess jacket monkey jacket Alupent metaproterenol Mecholyl methacholine methadon methadone Methedrine deoxyephedrine meth methamphetamine Quaalude methaqualone Gemonil metharbital Mandelamine methenamine Robaxin methocarbamol Aldomet methyldopa Adam MDMA ecstasy methylenedioxymethamphetamine Ritalin methylphenidate Lopressor metoprolol metro subway tube underground Mexitil mexiletine mezzanine mezzanine floor first balcony mezzanine micrometer micrometer caliper microphone mike microwave microwave oven middy middy blouse midiron two iron Argyrol mild silver protein military post post magnesium hydroxide milk of magnesia grinder mill miller milling machine millinery woman''s hat hat shop millinery millrace millrun Roneo Roneograph mimeo mimeograph mincer mincing machine miniature toy illumination miniature cellaret minibar minibike motorbike mink mink coat Minocin minocycline Loniten Rogaine big hand minute hand mise en scene setting missile defence system missile defense system miter mitre miter box mitre box miter joint mitre joint Mithracin mithramycin mitten mittens mizen mizzen mizen mizenmast mizzen mizzenmast fosse moat mocassin moccasin model simulation moire watered-silk cast mold clay sculpture modeling mold molding mould moulding moldboard mouldboard moldboard plow mouldboard plough border molding molding moulding Molotov cocktail gasoline bomb monkey wrench monkeywrench MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor eyeglass monocle mooring mooring line mooring mast mooring tower Moorish arch horseshoe arch dead room morgue cabasset morion morphia morphine howitzer mortar mortice mortise mortise joint mortise-and-tenon joint masjid mosque court motel motor hotel motor inn motor lodge tourist court camphor ball mothball Mother Hubbard muumuu cine-camera motion-picture camera cine-film motion-picture film motorboat powerboat bike motorcycle motor scooter scooter automotive vehicle motor vehicle hill mound hill mound mount setting all-terrain bike mountain bike hair mousse mousse embouchure mouthpiece gumshield mouthpiece cine projector film projector mudguard splashguard mule mules scuff scuffs munitions ordnance mural wall painting muscle relaxant relaxant musette shepherd''s pipe music box musical box music hall vaudeville theater music rack music stand music stool piano stool ball musket ball moustache cup mustache cup mustard plaster sinapism Relafen nabumetone Corgard nadolol nail enamel nail polish Napier''s bones Napier''s rods napkin serviette Naprosyn naproxen Aflaxen Aleve Anaprox naproxen sodium nard spikenard naumachia naumachy nautilus nuclear-powered submarine naval chart navigational chart naval installation shore station naval shipyard navy yard neckcloth stock necktie tie needlecraft needlework negative magnetic pole negative pole housecoat neglige negligee peignoir fradicin neomycin neon lamp neon tube mesh net mesh meshwork net network communications network network newel newel post newspaper paper Newtonian reflector Newtonian telescope New York Stock Exchange big board niblick nine iron nicad nickel-cadmium accumulator nightclothes nightwear night-robe nightdress nightgown nightie ninepin skittle ninepin ball skittle ball Nissen hut Quonset hut Macrodantin nitrofurantoin Nitrospan Nitrostat laughing gas nitrous oxide client guest nomogram nomograph nonsmoker nonsmoking car Nsaid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory noose running noose feedbag nosebag nose cone ogive notebook notebook computer notion notions nose nozzle nuclear reactor reactor nude nude painting nammad numdah baby''s room nursery feeding bottle nursing bottle nutcracker nutcrackers nylon stocking nylons rayon stocking rayons Mycostatin nystatin object glass objective hautbois hautboy impediment impedimenta ocarina sweet potato hodometer mileometer milometer odometer body of work oeuvre office block office building auxiliary equipment off-line equipment keel arch ogee arch oil oil color oil burner oil furnace kerosene heater kerosine heater oil heater oilstove kerosene lamp kerosine lamp oil refinery petroleum refinery oilskin slicker oil tanker oiler tank ship tanker balm ointment salve unguent nondirectional antenna omnidirectional antenna market square open-air market open-end wrench tappet wrench openside plane rabbet plane opera opera house opera cloak opera hood operating room operating theater operating theatre surgery glass fiber glass fibre optical fiber optical fibre optical pyrometer pyroscope orchestra pit pit or circuit or gate ordinary ordinary bicycle organ pipe organ organdie organdy organ pipe pipe oriel oriel window fourth deck orlop orphanage orphans'' asylum image orthicon orthicon CRO cathode-ray oscilloscope oscilloscope scope hassock ottoman pouf pouffe Ouija Ouija board out-basket out-tray outerwear overclothes getup outfit earth-closet jakes outhouse privy output outturn boilers suit boilersuit overcast overcasting overcoat overcoating outer garment overgarment overburden overload overnight bag overnight case flyover flypast overprint surprint OTC marker over the counter market Daypro oxaprozin Serax oxazepam Oxford Oxford University Tandearil oxyphenbutazone Terramycin hydroxytetracycline oxytetracycline oxytetracycline hydrochloride oyster bank oyster bed artificial pacemaker pacemaker face pack pack package parcel liquor store off-licence packing box packing case packing plant packinghouse inking pad inkpad pad stamp pad cushioning padding paddle steamer paddle-wheeler paddle wheel paddlewheel page printer page-at-a-time printer paillasse palliasse painting picture pajama pajamas pyjama pyjamas pajama pyjama castle palace palanquin planakeen palette pallet cerement pall shroud winding-clothes palette pallette cure-all nostrum panatela panetela pane pane of glass pane paneling cyclorama diorama pandean pipe panpipe pantie panty scanty step-in panting trousering pant leg trouser leg buttery larder paperback soft-cover gem clip paperclip parabolic reflector paraboloid reflector chute parachute bars parallel bars parallel interface parallel port breastwork parapet parasol sunshade camphorated tincture of opium paregoric parer paring knife pari-mutuel machine totalisator totaliser totalizator anorak parka ski jacket windbreaker parlor parlour chair car drawing-room car palace car parlor car parquet parquet floor parquet circle parterre parqueterie parquetry parsonage rectory part portion partisan partizan divider partition favor party favor carriage coach master key passe-partout patchouli patchouly patchwork patchwork quilt patent log screw log footpath pathway patina verdigris patio terrace patrol boat patrol ship pavement paving marquee pavilion paving machine pavior pavis pavise click detent dog pawl loan office pawnbroker''s shop pay-phone pay-station pea jacket peacoat cant dog peavey pectoral pectoral medallion foot lever pedal pedal pusher toreador pant footstall pedestal pedestrian crossing zebra crossing cycle rickshaw pedicab peephole spyhole nog peg oarlock peg pin rowlock thole tholepin leg peg pegleg wooden leg penal facility penal institution pencil box pencil case drop earring eardrop pen penitentiary pennant pennon streamer waft pennoncel pennoncelle pennywhistle tin whistle Nembutal pentobarbital pentobarbital sodium yellow jacket Metrazol pentamethylenetetrazol pepper grinder pepper mill pepper box pepper pot percussion instrument percussive instrument essence perfume computer peripheral peripheral periwig peruke durable press durable-press fabric permanent press permanent-press fabric PC microcomputer petit point tent stitch mineral jelly petrolatum half-slip petticoat church bench pew PCP angel dust Butazolidin phenylbutazone ampoule ampul ampule phial phonograph album record album needle phonograph needle disc disk phonograph record phonograph recording platter record electric eye magic eye photocell photoelectric cell exposure photo photographic material photographic paper photographic print print Photostat Photostat machine compound pendulum physical pendulum physics lab physics laboratory forte-piano piano clavier fingerboard pick pickax pick plectron pale picket paling picket fence pickup pickup truck pick-me-up pickup icon ikon image picture pier glass pier mirror pig pig bed penny bank piggy bank pile piling spile stilt lozenge pill anovulatory drug birth control pill contraceptive pill oral contraceptive oral contraceptive pill pill pillbox toque pillory stocks bobbin lace pillow lace pilot burner pilot light pilothouse wheelhouse indicator lamp pilot lamp flag pin pin table pinball machine pair of pincers pair of tweezers pincer tweezer pipage pipe pipe tobacco pipe pipe tabor pipe pipe fitting pipefitting line pipeline Metycaine piperocaine pipe clamp pipe vise pipe wrench tube wrench pirate pirate ship Feldene piroxicam handgun pistol shooting iron side arm piston plunger pit quarry pit pitfall ewer pitcher pith hat pith helmet sun helmet topee Pitot tube Pitot-static tube pitprop sprag pin pivot pel picture element pizza parlor pizza shop mat place mat business establishment place of business house of God house of prayer house of worship place of worship place setting setting plain weave taffeta weave architectural plan plan coin blank planchet carpenter''s plane plane plane planer epicyclic gear planet gear planet wheel planetary gear industrial plant plant adhesive plaster plaster gypsum board plasterboard plastic explosive plastique plate scale collection plate plate photographic plate plate plate glass sheet of glass platform weapons platform metal plating plating playhouse wendy house pen playpen plaything toy center mall plaza shopping center plait pleat pliers plyers plough plow ploughshare plowshare plug stopper male plug plug plumb plumb bob plumbing plumbing system perpendicular plumb line plyboard plywood pneumatic tire pneumatic tyre pocket comb pocketcomb pocket knife pocketknife fuel pod pod point power point gunpoint point needlepoint point lace fire hook poker salamander stove poker polarimeter polariscope Polaroid Land camera Polaroid camera magnetic pole pole poleax poleaxe poleax poleaxe police headquarters police office police station station house black Maria paddy wagon patrol wagon police van police wagon wagon polo mallet polo stick polo shirt sport shirt pomade pomatum pommel saddlebow pommel horse side horse pom-pom pompon bodkin poniard bateau bridge floating bridge donkey cart ponycart billiard table pool table alms box mite box pop bottle soda bottle poppet poppet valve porkpie porkpie hat embrasure port Gladstone Gladstone bag gladstone gladstone bag portrait portrayal positive magnetic pole positive pole PET scanner positron emission tomography scanner letter box mailbox post hole posthole post-hole digger posthole digger POB call box letter box post-office box flowerpot pot potbelly potbelly stove potential divider voltage divider pot potentiometer clayware pottery potty chair potty seat cataplasm plaster dog pound pound powder flask powder horn powderpuff puff power cable power line motor mower power mower power saw saw digger excavator power shovel shovel power plant power station power steering power-assisted steering grid power grid praetorium pretorium prayer mat prayer rug prayer shawl tallith Cottrell precipitator precipitator ethical drug prescription prescription drug prescription medicien press printing press press of canvas press of sail preventative preventive primary primary coil Primus Primus stove Princeton Princeton University print print making printer printing machine optical prism prism prison prison house POW camp internment camp prison camp prisoner of war camp Novocain novocaine goad prod product production assembly line line missile projectile projection protuberance prolonge knot sailor''s breastplate mall promenade prompt box prompter''s box autocue prompter propeller propellor prop property propjet turbo-propeller plane proportional counter proportional counter tube Darvon propoxyphene Inderal propranolol proscenium proscenium wall forestage proscenium prosthesis prosthetic device protection protective covering pruner pruning hook psilocin psilocybin mind-altering drug psychoactive drug PT boat mosquito boat mosquito craft motor torpedo boat PA PA system gin mill pothouse pub public house saloon taphouse comfort station convenience public lavatory public toilet restroom wash room hockey puck puck block pulley pull-in pull-up Pullman Pullman car pullover slipover pump pumps pump action slide action pump house pumping station Hollerith card punch card punchball punching bag marionette puppet aperient cathartic laxative physic purl purl stitch button push push-down storage push-down store pusher zori puttee puttees putter putting iron pix pyx pix pix chest pyx pyx chest Qiana qiana quad quadrangle quad space quadraphonic system quadraphony quartz battery quartz mill quill quill pen comforter puff Atabrine mepacrine quinacrine quinacrine hydrochloride bead and quirk quirk bead quirk molding quirk moulding coign coigne coign coigne rabato rebato rabbet rebate race car racer racecourse racetrack raceway track race raceway circuit racing circuit racing skiff single shell rack stand rack wheel racket racquet microwave radar radar radio detection and ranging radiolocation radial radial ply tire radial engine rotary engine radio wireless radio aerial radio antenna beacon radio beacon radiogram radiograph shadowgraph skiagram link radio link radio-gramophone radio-phonograph radio radio receiver radio set receiving set tuner wireless radiotelegraph radiotelegraphy wireless telegraph wireless telegraphy radiophone radiotelephone radio reflector radio telescope radar dome radome balk baulk rag shred tag tag end rail railing railroad track railway railroad railroad line railway railway line railroad station railroad terminal railway station train depot raincoat waterproof ramekin ramequin atherodyde athodyd flying drainpipe ramjet incline ramp bulwark rampart cattle farm cattle ranch ranch spread RAM random access memory random memory random-access memory flagpole range pole Zantac ranitidine mass rapid transit rapid transit rasp wood file rachet ratch ratlin ratline ratan rattan reaction engine reaction-propulsion engine ROM fixed storage read-only memory read-only storage head read/write head juice reamer juicer back rear receiver receiving system niche recess recliner reclining chair reconnaissance vehicle scout car auto-changer changer recorder recording equipment phonograph record player record cover record sleeve RV recreational vehicle rec room recreation room redoubt sconce flat knot reef knot reflecting telescope reflector reform school reformatory icebox refrigerator asylum refuge electrical relay relay relief relievo cloister religious residence curative cure remote remote control link-attached station link-attached terminal remote station remote terminal rep repp fix-it shop repair shop repeater repeating firearm replica reproduction monument repository rerebrace upper cannon Rau-Sed Sandril Serpasil reserpine artificial lake reservoir platinum thermometer resistance thermometer resistance resistor cavity resonator resonating chamber resort hotel spa inhalator respirator eating house eating place constraint restraint graticule reticle recap retread return return key revere revers reverse verso revetement revetment revolver six-gun rheostat variable resistor riband ribband ribbon typewriter ribbon rickrack ricrac ridge ridgepole hunting crop riding crop rig rigging rigging tackle right rightfield band ring ringside ringside seat rink skating rink ripsaw splitsaw riveter riveting machine roach clip roach holder road route barricade roadblock roadster runabout Rochon prism Wollaston prism rock bit roller bit rocker arm valve rocker rocket rocket engine rock garden rockery rocker rocking chair X ray X-ray photograph X-ray picture roentgenogram roll roller big dipper chute-the-chute roll of tobacco smoke Roman arch semicircular arch Roman candle roman candle cellar root cellar rope yard ropewalk prayer beads rosary bed of roses rose bed rose window rosette positioner rotary actuator rotating shaft shaft rotor rotor coil rotary wing rotor blade rotor head rotor shaft blusher paint roulette toothed wheel roulette wheel wheel one shot round row house town house elastic rubber band gum boot rubber boot pencil eraser rubber rudderpost rudderstock carpet carpeting rule ruler game room playroom rundle rung round rung rush candle rushlight rya rya rug saber sabre OPV Sabin vaccine TOPV oral poliovirus vaccine sable sable''s hair pencil carrier bag paper bag poke sack sack sacque bagging sacking horse blanket saddle blanket saddle oxford saddle shoe leather soap saddle soap deposit box lockbox safe-deposit safe-deposit box safety deposit box safety-deposit life belt safety belt safety bicycle safety bike safety bolt safety lock safety catch safety lock Davy lamp safety lamp book matches safety match guardrail safety rail escape escape cock escape valve relief valve canvas canvass sail sheet sailboat sailing boat sailing ship sailing vessel salad bowl salad plate sallade sallet beauty parlor beauty parlour beauty salon beauty shop salt shaker saltshaker sampler sampling station sanatarium sanatorium sandbox sandpile saree sari sash window sash sash cord sash line sash fastener sash lock artificial satellite satellite sauna sweat room bank coin bank money box savings bank buck horse sawbuck sawhorse sax saxophone scale weighing machine scantling stud scapular scapulary scarecrow strawman scatter rug throw rug scene view scene scenery schematic schematic drawing schlock shlock Schmidt camera Schmidt telescope school schoolhouse school ship training ship pair of scissors scissors scoinson arch sconcheon arch scoop scoop shovel hyoscine scopolamine concealment cover covert screen CRT screen screen projection screen screen screen screen door screw screw propeller screw thread thread scratch awl scriber scrub brush scrubbing brush Dutch hoe scuffle coal scuttle scuttle drogue sea anchor seal stamp sea ladder sea steps seal sealing wax hydroplane seaplane seating seating area seating room seats sea lane seaway ship route trade route Seconal red devil secobarbital secobarbital sodium secondary secondary coil family circle peanut gallery second balcony upper balcony second second gear escritoire secretaire secretary writing table section segment security security measures sedan sedan chair depressant downer sedative sedative drug sedative-hypnotic sedative-hypnotic drug seesaw teeter-toter selector selector switch feeder self-feeder selvage selvedge selvage selvedge semiautomatic semiautomatic pistol semiconductor semiconductor device semi semitrailer episode sequence sequin spangle sarape serape host server service table service service door service entrance servo servomechanism offset set back set gun spring gun settee settle disposal plant sewage disposal plant sewage system sewage works cloaca sewer sewer line sewer main sewing stitchery bond hamper shackle trammel shank waist shank stem fragment shard electric razor electric shaver shaving cream shaving soap overlay overlayer afghan sheepskin coat sheeprun sheepwalk bed sheet sheet mainsheet sheet shroud tack flat solid sheet sheet anchor waist anchor becket bend sheet bend weaver''s hitch weaver''s knot sheath pile sheet pile case casing racing shell shell shellac shellac varnish buckler shield shillalah shillelagh shin guard shinpad ship canal shipway cargo ships merchant marine merchant vessels shipping shirtwaist shirtwaister cushion shock shoe lace shoe string shoelace shoestring shoe shop shoe store shofar shophar estate car shooting brake shooting gallery shooting range shooting box shooting lodge shop store shopfront storefront crosscut cutoff pellet shot jigger pony scattergun shotgun shoulder board shoulder mark shower bath shower stall saleroom salesroom electrical shunt shunt bird birdie shuttle shuttlecock sick berth sickbay reap hook reaping hook side door side entrance running light sidelight pavement sidewalk railroad siding sidetrack screen sieve sign signboard seal ring signet ring muffler silencer serograph silk screen print single crochet single stitch single prop single-propeller plane singlet undershirt Sanson-Flamsteed projection sinusoidal projection siphon syphon hip bath sitz bath skate skates diminished arch scheme arch skeen arch skene arch frame skeleton sketch study sketch pad sketchblock ski skis ski boot ski boots ski cap stocking cap lift ski lift skivvies skivvy fanlight skylight rocket skyrocket slat spline sled sledge sleeper sleeping car sleeping capsule sleeping draught sleeping pill sleeping tablet arm sleeve cascabel sleigh bell lantern slide slide slide fastener zip zip-fastener zipper slide rule slipstick slip slip of paper slip clutch slip friction clutch slip carriage slip coach carpet slipper slipper slop basin slop bowl slop jar slop pail slopseller''s shop slopshop one-armed bandit slot expansion slot slot coin machine slot machine penstock sluice floodgate head gate penstock sluice valve sluicegate water gate SCSI small computer system interface smelter smeltery smoke bomb smoke grenade meat house smokehouse smoker smoking car smoking carriage smoking compartment smokestack stack smooth plane smoothing plane buffet snack bar snaffle snaffle bit auger plumber''s snake press stud snap fastener shot snapshot gin noose side drum snare brandy glass brandy snifter snip snippet snips tinsnips breather schnorchel schnorkel snorkel snowplough snowplow snow blower snow thrower built-soap powder soap powder adobe house sod house Luminal phenobarbital phenobarbitone purple heart sodium-vapor lamp sodium-vapour lamp couch lounge playground ball softball green soap soft soap software package software product solar array solar battery photovoltaic cell solar cell sabaton solleret asdic echo sounder fathometer sonic depth finder hypnotic soporific soundboard sounding board audio recording sound recording soup spoon soupspoon channel source sordino sourdine capsule space capsule ballistic capsule space vehicle space laboratory space platform spare spare part spark chamber spark counter plug spark plug gaiter spat lance shaft fishgig fizgig gig lance eyeglasses glasses specs spectacles spectator spectator pump spectrogram spectrograph prism spectroscope spectroscope speed indicator speedometer spermatocide spermicide spider web spider''s web spike heel stiletto heel spill spillway spinal anaesthetic spinal anesthetic arbor mandrel mandril spindle spin drier spin dryer spiral volute cuspidor spittoon dashboard splashboard splice splicing fence rail split rail radius spoke sport car sports car spot spotlight spring balance spring scale impost springer sprocket sprocket wheel spud stump spud gad spur spur gear spur wheel bat squash racket intercom speaker squawk box horse barn stable saddlery stable gear set of bookshelves stacks arena bowl microscope stage stage stage stagecoach set stage set staircase stairs stairway steps sales booth stall pestle stamp stamp mill stamping mill stand stands standard transmission stick shift St. Andrew''s cross saltire Stanford Stanford University stapler stapling machine starting gate starting stalls Stassano furnace electric-arc furnace stator stator coil lag stave chophouse steakhouse steam bath steam room vapor bath vapour bath steamer steamship steam heat steam heating road roller steamroller steamship company steamship line steel mill steelworks beam scale steelyard spire steeple steering mechanism steering system steering wheel wheel stela stele stair step step ladder stepladder stereo stereo system stereo stereoscopic photograph after part poop quarter stern stewing pan stewpan control stick joystick still room stillroom stench bomb stink bomb stirrup stirrup iron inventory stock gunstock stock securities market stock exchange stockinet stockinette stock room stockroom Western saddle stock saddle fireroom stokehold stoep stoop short-stop short-stop bath cock stopcock stopo watch stopwatch accumulator storage battery secondary cell storage cell depot entrepot storage store storage room storeroom cyclone cellar storm cellar storm sash storm window stoop stoup cooking stove kitchen range kitchen stove range straight straightaway side chair straight chair straight flute straight-fluted drill straightjacket straitjacket shoulder strap strap streetcar tram tramcar trolley street lamp streetlight reinforcement strengthener string twine slip strip deedbox strongbox fastness stronghold construction structure boss rivet studio studio apartment day bed studio couch packing box stuffing box pigpen pigsty style stylus content depicted object U-boat pigboat sub submarine subdivision subsection Carafate sucralfate suede suede cloth sugar shell sugar spoon suit suit of clothes rooms suite Sulamyd sulfacetamide sulfa sulfa drug sulfonamide sulpha sulfamethazine sulfamezathine Clinoril sulindac aggregate sum total totality sunbonnet sunhat sunburst pleat sunray pleat dark glasses shades ha-ha haw-haw sunlamp sunray lamp solarium sun lounge sun parlor sun parlour sun porch sunroom sunroof sunshine-roof solar trap suntrap support hose support stocking suppresser suppressor scribing block surface gauge SAM surface-to-air missile lightning arrester spike arrester spike suppressor surge protector gauze surgical dressing surveying instrument surveyor''s instrument suspension suspension system loud pedal sustaining pedal surgical seam suture mop swab swaddling bands swaddling clothes morning coat swallow-tailed coat marsh buggy swamp buggy swathe wrapping flyswat flyswatter sweat suit sweats sweep sweep oar sweep hand sweep-second natatorium swimming bath bathing trunks swimming trunks bathing costume bathing suit swimming costume swimsuit swing door swinging door switchblade switchblade knife patchboard plugboard donkey engine switch engine blade brand steel sword sword cane sword stick rotary rotary converter system unit tabi tabis napery table linen hot pad table mat tabor tabour taboret tabouret t-scope tachistoscope tach tachometer tacheometer tachymeter fillet taenia empennage tail fin tail fin tailboard tailgate rear lamp rear light tail lamp taillight anti-torque rotor tail rotor talcum talcum powder tam tam-o''-shanter embroidery frame embroidery hoop tamp tamper storage tank tank armored combat vehicle army tank tank tank car tank engine tank locomotive spigot tap tapa tappa tape tape recording tape tape measure tape drive tape transport tape machine tape recorder arras tapestry tapestry tapis butt target macadam tarmac tarp tarpaulin plaid tartan tasse tasset St. Anthony''s cross tau cross shooter taw taxi strip taxiway tea cart tea trolley tea wagon teacart tea service tea set teahouse tearoom teddy teddy bear golf tee tee football tee tee T hinge tee hinge telecommunication equipment telecommunication system telegraph telegraphy phone telephone call box phone booth telephone booth telephone box phone cord telephone cord phone jack telephone jack line phone line phone plug telephone plug telegraph pole telegraph post receiver telephone receiver phone system telephone system telegraph line telegraph wire telephone line telephone wire telephoto telephotograph telephoto lens zoom lens scope telescope telescope sight telescopic sight teleprinter teletype machine teletypewriter telex television television system television antenna tv-antenna camera television camera television pickup tube television-camera tube television equipment video equipment boob tube goggle box idiot box television television receiver television set telly tv television room tv room TV station television station telfer telpher telferage telpherage poster color poster paint Delphic oracle Oracle of Apollo Temple of Apollo oracle of Delphi patch temporary hookup supply ship tender pinnace ship''s boat tenement tenement house tennis racket tennis racquet tenor drum tomtom collapsible shelter tent fly fly sheet tent flap tent-fly teepee tepee depot terminal pole terminal Samian ware terra sigillata terry terrycloth research rocket test instrument vehicle test room testing room Achromycin tetracycline thatch thatched roof house theater theater curtain theatre curtain theater stage theatre stage theodolite transit thermal resistor thermistor thermocouple thermocouple junction electric thermometer thermel thermograph thermometrograph thermogravimeter thermohydrometer fusion reactor thermonuclear reactor thermos thermos bottle thermoregulator thermostat Merthiolate sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate Pentothal thiopental thiopental sodium thiopentobarbital sodium Mellaril thioridazine third third base third third gear thread yarn basket-handle arch three-centered arch 3d radar three-dimensional radar thrasher thresher threshold element threshold gate second-hand store thriftshop clot buster thrombolytic dart thrower spear thrower throwing board throwing stick drawing pin pushpin cross thwart thwart stock ticker ticker tie tie beam crosstie railroad tie sleeper tie scarfpin tie tack tilt-top table tip table infernal machine time bomb time-delay measuring instrument time-delay measuring system timekeeper timepiece iodine tincture of iodine tin foil tinfoil tire tyre snow chains tire chains tire iron tire tool Activase tissue plasminogen activator TNT trinitrotoluene baccy tobacco tobacco shop tobacconist toby toby fillpot jug tocsin warning bell on-off switch toggle duds threads bathroom can facility john lav lavatory privy toilet can commode crapper pot potty stool throne toilet toilet kit travel kit bath powder dusting powder toilet article toiletries bath soap face soap eau de toilette toilet water Tolinase tolazamide tolbooth tollbooth tollbar tollgate Tolectin tolmetin sodium hatchet tomahawk Thompson submachine gun Tommy gun pickup pickup arm pair of tongs tongs restorative tonic tool cabinet tool case tool chest toolbox tooth powder toothpowder cover top spinning top teetotum top whirligig topgallant topgallant mast topgallant topgallant sail teaser tormenter tore torus toupe toupee phaeton tourer third class tourist class toweling towelling towel horse towel rack towel bar towel rail Babel Tower of Babel towing line towing rope towline towrope towing path towpath toy box toy chest tracer tracer bullet trace tracing cart track cartroad rail rails data track track circle rotary roundabout traffic circle safety island safety isle safety zone traffic island trailer camp trailer park articulated lorry semi tractor trailer trailer truck railroad train train streetcar track tramline aerial tramway cable tramway ropeway tram antianxiety agent tranquilizer junction transistor transistor transom traverse fanlight transom transit transportation crossbeam crosspiece trave traverse dragnet trawl treadmill treadwheel treenail trenail treillage trellis trepan trephine tribromoethanol tribromoethyl alcohol tricolor tricolour tricolor television tube tricolor tube tricolour television tube tricolour tube tricorn tricorne tricycle trike tricyclic tricyclic antidepressant trimmer trimmer joist trimmer trimming capacitor passementerie trim trip tripper small beer trifle trivia triviality Trojan Horse Wooden Horse trackless trolley trolley coach prize trophy pants trousers motortruck truck truck farm truck garden trump trump card billy billystick nightstick stick truckle truckle bed trundle trundle bed trunk line trunk route tub vat tube tubing electron tube thermionic tube thermionic vacuum tube thermionic valve tube vacuum tube tubeless tubeless tire Tudor arch four-centered arch towboat tug tumbrel tumbril sealskin tent tupek turbofan turbofan engine turbojet turbojet engine turbojet turboprop Turkish towel terry towel food turner turner lazy Susan turntable polo-neck turtleneck polo-neck collar turtleneck collar .22 twenty-two twill twill weave twist bit twist drill two-handed saw whipsaw tyrocidin tyrocidine uke ukulele dark-field microscope ultramicroscope Ultrasuede ultrasuede ultraviolet lamp ultraviolet source undercoat underseal subway underpass underclothes underclothing monocycle unicycle Union Jack Union flag universal universal joint upper upper berth upright upright piano upright vertical vacuum vacuum cleaner vacuum bottle vacuum flask lower cannon vambrace caravan van Vancocin vancomycin vapor lock vapour lock Vatican Vatican Palace burial vault vault bank vault vault buck long horse velour velours veneer veneering phlebogram venogram blowhole vent ventilating system ventilation gallery veranda Calan Isoptin anthelminthic anthelmintic helminthic vermifuge vernier caliper vernier micrometer vernier vernier scale tail fin tailfin vertical fin vertical stabilizer Verey pistol Very pistol vessel watercraft vest waistcoat sacristy vestry vibes vibraharp VCR videocassette recorder overhead viewgraph vigil candle vigil light Velban vinblastine Oncovin vincristine vinery vineyard bass viol viola da gamba fiddle violin Viocin viomycin pair of virginals virginal virtual memory virtual storage viscometer viscosimeter viscose viscose rayon bench vise vise visor vizor galvanic battery voltaic battery galvanic cell primary cell galvanic pile pile voix celeste vox angelica waggon wagon coaster wagon wagon wainscot wainscoting dado wainscot strake wale paseo walk baby-walker go-cart walkie-talkie walky-talky walk-up walk-up apartment billfold notecase electric outlet electric receptacle outlet wall plug Wankel engine Wankel rotary engine hospital ward ward closet press storage warehouse warehouse Coumadin warfarin load payload combat ship war vessel wash wash drawing wash-and-wear wash-and-wear fabric handbasin lavabo wash-hand basin washbasin lavatory washbasin washbowl washstand splashboard washboard face cloth flannel washcloth washrag automatic washer washer wash-hand stand washstand circular file waste basket waste-paper basket wastebasket ticker watch bracelet watch bracelet watchband watchstrap water cannon watercannon clepsydra water clock W.C. closet loo water closet watercourse waterway hydrant spigot tap water faucet floodgate water gate water gage water gauge hot-water heater water heater watering can watering pot water gun water pistol water skin waterskin water water supply water waggon water wagon water wheel waterwheel water wheel waterwheel WATS WATS line wave guide waveguide wax figure waxwork shipway slipway roadside wayside arm weapon arms implements of war munition weaponry shelter deck weather deck weather chart weather map meteorological satellite weather satellite weather strip weather stripping vane weather vane weathervane wind vane entanglement web wedding band wedding ring wedge wedge heel wedgie wedgies weeds widow''s weeds mourning band weeds exercising weight weight well point wellpoint Weston cell cadmium cell whacker whopper whaler whaling ship dock wharf stuff sundries sundry whatchamacallit Norfolk wherry wherry swingletree whiffletree whip top whipping top whipping whipstitch whisk whiskbroom whispering dome whispering gallery flag stop whistle stop flag of truce white flag household linen white goods whizbang whizzbang whizbang whizzbang unit whole bagnio bawdyhouse bordello brothel cathouse house of ill repute house of prostitution sporting house taper wick caning wicker grille lattice wicket wicket door hoop wicket fisheye lens wide-angle lens WAN wide area network wiffle wiffle ball wildcat wildcat well willow-pattern willowware winch windlass shelterbelt windbreak key winder wind wind instrument aerogenerator wind generator window windowpane windscreen windshield windscreen wiper windshield wiper wiper wiper blade wine bucket wine cooler wine barrel wine cask wine maker winery backstage offstage thumbnut wing nut blinder blinker contact arm wiper conducting wire wire grillwork wirework witness box witness stand wood block wood engraving wood engraving woodcut shoulder vise wood vise wood woodwind filling pick weft woof wool woolen piece of work work workbag workbasket bench work bench prison camp prison farm work-clothes work-clothing working workings work workplace workings works shop workshop work table worktable WWW web Virginia fence snake fence snake-rail fence worm fence wrap wrapper wrap wrapper chaplet coronal garland lei spanner wrench wrist band wristlet gudgeon pin wrist pin wrist watch wristwatch Xerox xerographic copier xerox xerox machine xerox xerox copy x-or circuit xor circuit racing yacht yacht Yagi aerial yagi Yale Yale university grounds yard railway yard yard piece goods yard goods yard measure yardstick yarmelke yarmulka yashmac yashmak fruit yield coupling yoke Graf Zeppelin zeppelin cither zither identity individuality anal personality anal retentive personality character fiber otherworldliness spirituality aloneness loneliness lonesomeness solitude isolation reclusiveness privacy privateness animal nature animality disposition temperament animalism physicality heart spirit esprit de corps morale restlessness uneasiness jactation jactitation restiveness skittishness compulsiveness compulsivity obsessiveness obsessivity emotionalism emotionality affectionateness fondness lovingness warmth mawkishness sentimentality mushiness schmaltz heat passion excitability excitableness emotionlessness unemotionality coldness coolness dispassion dispassionateness stoicism stolidity lukewarmness tepidness cheer cheerfulness good humouredness good naturedness good-humoredness good-temperedness gloominess lugubriousness animation spiritedness life liveliness spirit sprightliness airiness delicacy alacrity briskness energy vigor vigour vim verve vitality breeziness jauntiness buoyancy irrepressibility resilience resiliency high spirits high-spiritedness ebullience enthusiasm ginger pep activeness activity dynamism oomph pizzaz pizzazz inactiveness inactivity languor lethargy passiveness passivity apathy indifference listlessness torpidity torpidness torpor indolence laziness faineance idleness sloth slothfulness permissiveness tolerance acceptance sufferance indulgence lenience sternness strictness hardness harshness inclemency severity good will goodwill forbearance longanimity agreeability agreeableness complaisance compliance compliancy deference crabbedness crabbiness contrariness crankiness crotchetiness grumpiness moroseness sourness sulkiness sullenness biliousness irritability peevishness pettishness snappishness surliness asperity sharpness acerbity acrimony bitterness jaundice aggressiveness belligerence contentiousness pugnacity truculence truculency openness receptiveness disinclination hesitancy hesitation indisposition earnestness serious-mindedness seriousness sincerity commitedness commitment graveness gravity soberness sobriety sedateness solemness solemnity staidness stodginess stuffiness frivolity frivolousness giddiness silliness flippancy light-mindedness humorousness jocoseness jocosity merriness fun playfulness archness impertinence perkiness pertness friskiness frolicsomeness impishness mischievousness puckishness whimsicality humor humour sense of humor sense of humour frankness outspokenness effusiveness expansiveness articulateness fluency garrulity garrulousness loquaciousness loquacity muteness silence secrecy secretiveness reserve reticence sociability sociableness conviviality joviality companionability companionableness chumminess comaraderie comradeliness comradery affability affableness amiability amiableness bonhomie geniality amicability amicableness closeness familiarity camaraderie good fellowship accessibility approachability amity cordiality good-neighborliness good-neighbourliness neighborliness neighbourliness unsociability unsociableness aloofness remoteness standoffishness withdrawnness closeness secretiveness furtiveness sneakiness hostility ill will pliability pliancy inflexibility rigidity contemplativeness meditativeness deliberateness deliberation thoughtlessness unthoughtfulness foolhardiness rashness impetuosity impetuousness heedfulness mindfulness carefulness caution chariness wariness alertness on the qui vive vigilance watchfulness incaution incautiousness heedlessness inadvertence inadvertency unmindfulness neglect neglectfulness delinquency dereliction laxity laxness manfulness manliness hoydenism tomboyishness womanlike womanliness effeminacy effeminateness sissiness unmanliness trustiness trustworthiness responsibility responsibleness accountability answerability dependability dependableness reliability reliableness untrustiness untrustworthiness irresponsibility irresponsibleness undependability undependableness unreliability unreliableness arbitrariness capriciousness flightiness whimsey whimsicality whimsy conscientiousness painstakingness meticulosity meticulousness punctiliousness scrupulousness strictness stringency indifference nonchalance appearance visual aspect complexion skin condition effect impression linear perspective perspective cast form image persona color colour guise pretence camouflage disguise countenance visage aspect expression face facial expression band stria pinpoint speck crisscross cross eyespot ocellus crosshatch hachure hatch hatching dapple fleck maculation patch speckle spot streak stripe hirsuteness hirsutism glory resplendence glamor glamour beauteousness comeliness fairness loveliness cuteness prettiness good looks handsomeness adorability adorableness animal magnetism beguilement charisma personal appeal curvaceousness shapeliness desirability desirableness oomph sex appeal appeal appealingness associability associableness attraction attractiveness allure allurement come-on enticement grotesqueness grotesquerie garishness gaudiness deformity disfigurement homeliness plainness blemish defect birthmark nevus check chip dent gouge mark scar scrape scratch burn burn mark blot daub slur smear smirch smudge blotch splodge fingermark fingerprint discoloration discolouration iron mold iron mould hemangioma simplex strawberry verruca wart condyloma acuminatum genital wart venereal wart verruca acuminata chasteness restraint austereness severeness bareness starkness elaborateness ornateness baroque baroqueness flamboyance floridness coating finish luster lustre clarity clearness limpidity pellucidity transparence transparency semitransparency translucence distinctness sharpness discernability legibility opacity opaqueness cloudiness muddiness turbidity turbidness haziness mistiness blurriness fogginess fuzziness indistinctness dimness faintness keenness sharpness bluntness dullness noticeability noticeableness apparency apparentness boldness strikingness predominance predomination ease easiness facility readiness difficultness difficulty arduousness strenuousness laboriousness operoseness asperity grimness hardship rigor rigorousness rigour formidability toughness burdensomeness onerousness niceness subtlety inconvenience troublesomeness awkwardness cumbersomeness congeniality congenialness harmoniousness harmony accord rapport agreement correspondence conformance conformity justness nicety congruence congruity incongruity incongruousness suitability suitableness felicitousness felicity appositeness aptness fitness fittingness opportuneness patness accessibility availability availableness handiness ineptness unsuitability inappositeness inaptness inaccessibility unavailability inopportuneness untimeliness humanity humanness air atmosphere caliber calibre high quality superiority choiceness fineness admirability admirableness grandness impressiveness loftiness majesty cleverness ingeniousness inferiority low quality point spot earmark hallmark stylemark trademark bubbliness effervescence changeability changeableness commutability transmutability changefulness inconstancy capriciousness unpredictability variability variableness variational variedness exchangeability interchangeability commutability replaceability permutability permutableness progressiveness progressivity changelessness unchangeability unchangeableness unchangingness constancy stability invariability invariableness monotony sameness fixedness unalterability mutability mutableness immutability immutableness distinctness otherness identicalness identity oneness unity alikeness likeness correspondence parallelism uniformity uniformness homogeneity homogeneousness consistence consistency analog analogue mirror image reflection comparability compare comparison equivalence disagreement discrepancy divergence variance allowance leeway margin tolerance dissimilarity unsimilarity disparateness distinctiveness dissimilitude unlikeness heterogeneity heterogeneousness diverseness diversity multifariousness variety change variety gap spread inevitability inevitableness definiteness determinateness conclusiveness decisiveness indisputability indubitability unquestionability unquestionableness incontrovertibility incontrovertibleness demonstrability provability likelihood likeliness uncertainness uncertainty doubt doubtfulness dubiousness question indefiniteness indefinity indeterminancy indeterminateness improbability improbableness unlikelihood unlikeliness factuality factualness palpability tangibility impalpability intangibility corporeality materiality substantiality substantialness immateriality incorporeality individualism individuality singularity uniqueness distinctiveness peculiarity speciality specialness foible idiosyncrasy commonality commonness catholicity universality simpleness simplicity complexity complexness complicatedness complication elaborateness elaboration cyclicity periodicity regular recurrence rhythm methodicalness orderliness organisation organization evenness invariability irregularity unregularity fitfulness jerkiness intermittence intermittency fluctuation wavering haphazardness randomness unevenness variability locomotion motive power movability movableness maneuverability manoeuverability looseness play slack slackness instability unstableness ricketiness shakiness immovability immovableness tautness tightness fastness fixedness fixity secureness lodgement lodging firmness steadiness stability stableness pleasantness sweetness agreeableness amenity distastefulness odiousness loathsomeness repulsiveness sliminess vileness hatefulness objectionableness awfulness dreadfulness horridness terribleness ghastliness grimness gruesomeness luridness believability credibility authenticity genuineness real McCoy real stuff cogency rigor rigour validity plausibility plausibleness reasonableness tenability incredibility incredibleness implausibility implausibleness logicality logicalness rationality rationalness illogic illogicality sincerity unassumingness spontaneity spontaneousness ease informality airs pose coyness demureness staginess theatricality pretence pretense pretension pretentiousness supernaturalism supernaturalness vertu virtu nutritiousness nutritiveness salubriousness salubrity morbidity morbidness harmfulness noisomeness perniciousness toxicity deadliness lethality jejuneness jejunity putrescence rottenness insalubriousness insalubrity adequacy adequateness acceptability acceptableness inadequacy inadequateness unacceptability unacceptableness averageness mediocrity commonness commonplaceness prosaicness prosiness surprisingness unexpectedness strangeness unfamiliarity crotchet oddity queerness quirk eeriness ghostliness abnormality freakishness bizarreness outlandishness oddity oddness curiousness foreignness exoticism exoticness alienage alienism autochthony endemism freshness novelty heterodoxy unorthodoxy convention conventionalism conformity ossification traditionalism traditionality academicism academism correctness rightness incorrectness wrongness erroneousness error accuracy truth exactitude exactness preciseness precision inexactitude inexactness impreciseness imprecision duplicability reproducibility deservingness merit baseness contemptibility despicability despicableness disgracefulness ignominiousness validity validness effect force invalidity invalidness lawlessness outlawry dash elan flair panache daintiness delicacy breeding genteelness gentility refinement chic chicness modishness smartness stylishness swank dapperness jauntiness nattiness rakishness brilliance grandeur grandness magnificence splendor splendour eclat pomp awkwardness clumsiness gracelessness stiffness gaucherie rusticity dowdiness drabness manginess seediness coarseness commonness grossness vulgarism crudeness roughness boorishness uncouthness ostentation ostentatiousness pomposity pompousness pretentiousness splashiness cheapness sleaze tackiness tat brashness flashiness garishness gaudiness glitz loudness meretriciousness tawdriness comprehensibility understandability legibility readability clarity clearness limpidity lucidity coherence coherency clearcutness preciseness perspicuity perspicuousness unambiguity unequivocalness impenetrability impenetrableness opacity opaqueness abstruseness obscureness obscurity reconditeness ambiguity equivocalness equivocation evasiveness rectitude uprightness piety piousness devoutness religiousness pietism religiosity sin sinfulness impiety impiousness irreligion irreligiousness godlessness ungodliness mercifulness mercy compassion pity forgivingness kindness lenience leniency lenity mildness inhumaneness inhumanity atrociousness atrocity barbarity barbarousness brutality ferociousness savageness savagery bloodthirstiness murderousness mercilessness unmercifulness pitilessness ruthlessness inexorability inexorableness generosity generousness bounteousness bounty liberality liberalness largess largesse magnanimity munificence altruism selflessness closeness meanness minginess niggardliness niggardness parsimoniousness parsimony tightfistedness egocentrism egoism self-centeredness self-concern narcism narcissism expedience opportunism self-interest self-seeking enterprise enterprisingness go-ahead initiative ambition ambitiousness power hunger status seeking energy get-up-and-go competitiveness fight combativeness militance intrusiveness meddlesomeness boldness brass cheek effrontery face nerve audaciousness audacity chutzpah hutzpa assumption presumption uppishness uppityness equity fairness inequity unfairness brotherly love charity benignancy benignity considerateness consideration helpfulness kindliness tact tactfulness delicacy diplomacy discreetness finesse address savoir-faire malevolence malevolency bitchiness cattiness nastiness spite malignance malignancy sensitiveness sensitivity antenna feeler insensitiveness insensitivity crassitude crassness callousness hardness insensibility unfeelingness cruelness cruelty beastliness meanness inconsiderateness inconsideration balefulness maleficence moral excellence virtue supernatural virtue theological virtue good goodness chastity sexual morality honor honour justice justness right rightfulness corruption degeneracy licentiousness sexual immorality evil evilness nefariousness vileness villainousness villainy error wrongdoing frailty vice corruption corruptness injustice unjustness wrong wrongfulness holiness sanctity profaneness unsanctification curability curableness incurability incurableness bravery courage heart mettle nerve spunk gallantry heroism valiance valiancy valor valorousness valour valourousness dauntlessness intrepidity coolness nervelessness boldness daring adventurousness venturesomeness daredevilry daredeviltry audaciousness audacity brazenness shamelessness gutsiness pluck cowardice cowardliness timidity timorousness pusillanimity pusillanimousness firmness resoluteness resolution resolve self-command self-control self-will willpower bullheadedness obstinacy obstinance pigheadedness self-will stubbornness impenitence impenitency intransigence intransigency adamance obduracy decision decisiveness determination purpose doggedness perseverence persistence persistency pertinacity tenaciousness indefatigability indefatigableness diligence industriousness assiduity assiduousness engrossment intentness sedulity sedulousness irresoluteness irresolution unpredictability volatility indecision indecisiveness heartiness wholeheartedness singleness straightforwardness falseness insincerity sanctimoniousness sanctimony fulsomeness oiliness oleaginousness smarminess unction unctuousness honorableness honourableness honor honour incorruption incorruptness grandeur magnanimousness high-mindedness idealism sublimity the sublime reputability respectability honestness honesty candidness candor candour forthrightness good faith straightness maternal quality motherliness fatherliness paternal quality dishonorableness dishonourableness dishonor dishonour disreputability disreputableness deceptiveness obliquity meretriciousness speciousness deceit fraudulence crookedness deviousness rascality shiftiness slipperiness trickiness larcenous thievishness equivocation evasiveness craftiness deceitfulness faithfulness fidelity staunchness steadfastness allegiance fealty nationalism patriotism chauvinism jingoism superpatriotism ultranationalism infidelity unfaithfulness faithlessness falseness fickleness inconstancy subversiveness traitorousness perfidiousness perfidy sophistication worldliness naiveness naivete artlessness ingenuousness innocence naturalness credulousness gullibility simple mindedness simplicity self-denial self-discipline asceticism austerity abstention abstinence continence continency control restraint self-restraint temperateness moderation temperance taboo tabu indiscipline undiscipline indulgence self-indulgence dissoluteness incontinence abandon unconstraint greediness hoggishness edacity esurience rapaciousness rapacity voraciousness voracity civic pride civic spirit dignity self-esteem self-regard self-respect conceit vanity boastfulness vainglory egotism self-importance arrogance haughtiness domineeringness imperiousness condescension disdainfulness snobbery snobbishness clannishness cliquishness humbleness humility wisdom wiseness judiciousness sagaciousness diplomacy statecraft discernment discretion caution circumspection folly foolishness indiscretion injudiciousness absurdity fatuity fatuousness silliness judgement judgment perspicacity sound judgement objectiveness objectivity subjectiveness subjectivity foresight foresightedness frugality frugalness parsimoniousness parsimony penny-pinching thrift economy thriftiness heedlessness mindlessness improvidence shortsightedness extravagance prodigality thriftlessness waste trust trustfulness distrust distrustfulness suspicion suspiciousness neatness tidiness slatternliness sluttishness messiness untidiness disarray disorderliness behavior behaviour conduct demeanor demeanour deportment correctitude properness decorousness decorum appropriateness rightness priggishness primness modesty reserve grace seemliness Grundyism primness prudery prudishness improperness impropriety inappropriateness wrongness gaminess raciness ribaldry spiciness indecorousness indecorum enormity outrageousness bawdiness lewdness obscenity salaciousness dirtiness smuttiness calm calmness composure equanimity aplomb assuredness cool poise sang-froid self-possession placidity quiet repose serenity disquiet unease fluster perturbation flexibility tractability manageability manageableness domestication tameness amenability amenableness obsequiousness servility passiveness passivity intractability intractableness recalcitrance recalcitrancy refractoriness unmanageableness defiance rebelliousness fractiousness unruliness wilfulness willfulness mulishness obstinacy obstinance stubbornness contrariness perverseness cussedness orneriness badness mischievousness prankishness rascality manner personal manner bearing comportment mien presence dignity lordliness formality formalness casualness familiarity courtesy good manners niceness politeness blandness suaveness chivalry gallantry deference respect discourtesy rudeness bad manners ill-breeding crudeness crudity abruptness brusqueness curtness gruffness contempt disrespect cheekiness crust freshness gall impertinence impudence directness straightness downrightness straightforwardness immediacy immediateness mediacy mediateness deviousness obliqueness genetic endowment heredity heritage inheritance breeding education nurture raising ancestry derivation filiation lineage breed strain descent extraction bloodline pedigree obsolescence obsoleteness ancientness antiquity time of origin vintage recency recentness agedness senescence longevity seniority moldiness mustiness juvenility youth childishness puerility fashion manner mode style artistic style idiom life style life-style lifestyle modus vivendi signature touch method wise architecture structure CISC complex instruction set computer RISC reduced instruction set computer cytoarchitectonics cytoarchitecture fabric framework composition constitution genetic constitution genotype body consistence viscosity viscousness adherence adhesion adhesiveness bond cohesiveness glueyness gluiness gumminess ropiness viscidity gelatinousness glutinosity creaminess soupiness fluidity fluidness liquidity liquidness compressibility sponginess downiness featheriness flabbiness flaccidity brittleness crispiness crumbliness friability porosity porousness permeability permeableness penetrability perviousness solidity solidness denseness density vapor density vapour density low density rarity impermeability impermeableness retention retentiveness impenetrability imperviousness aptness propensity inclination tendency hunger thirst avarice avariciousness covetousness cupidity feel tactile property silkiness sleekness slick slickness slip slipperiness fineness powderiness coarseness nubbiness burl knot abrasiveness harshness coarseness graininess graining woodgraining light lightness aura glory halo nimbus highlight highlighting blaze brilliance glisten glister glitter scintillation flash glint light spark iridescence opalescence effulgence radiance radiancy refulgence refulgency shine gleam gleaming glow lambency luster lustre sheen shininess brilliancy luster lustre splendor burnish gloss glossiness polish dullness dulness dimness subduedness flatness lusterlessness mat matt color coloring colour colouring heather heather mixture achromatism colorlessness shade tincture tint tone tinge undertone chromatic color chromatic colour spectral color spectral colour achromatic color achromatic colour black blackness coal black ebony jet black pitch black sable soot black white whiteness bone ivory off-white pearl frostiness hoariness gray grayness grey greyness ash gray ash grey silver silver gray charcoal charcoal gray charcoal grey oxford gray dapple-gray dapple-grey dappled-gray dappled-grey iron-gray iron-grey tattletale gray tattletale grey red redness Turkey red alizarine red cardinal carmine crimson deep red wine wine-colored cerise cherry fuchsia magenta orange red scarlet orange orangeness yellow yellowness canary canary yellow amber gold gamboge lemon lemon yellow maize orange yellow saffron ocher ochre green greenness Paris green chartreuse pea green yellow green bluish green teal jade jade green blue blueness azure cerulean lazuline sapphire dark blue navy aqua aquamarine cobalt blue greenish blue peacock blue turquoise purplish blue royal blue empurpled purple reddish purple royal purple reddish blue violet purplish pink solferino apricot peach salmon pink yellowish pink brown brownness burnt umber chocolate coffee deep brown tan topaz dun fawn grayish brown greyish brown beige ecru Venetian red burnt sienna reddish brown sepia copper copper color buff raw sienna snuff-color snuff-colour chromaticity hue chroma intensity saturation vividness complection complexion skin color skin colour blondness fairness rosiness ruddiness achromasia lividity lividness luridness paleness pallidness pallor wanness darkness duskiness dithered color dithered colour nonsolid color nonsolid colour aposematic coloration warning coloration aroma odor odour olfactory property scent smell bouquet fragrance redolence sweetness foulness malodorousness malodourousness rankness B.O. body odor noisiness racketiness quiet silence hush still quietness soundlessness musicality musicalness lyricality lyricism melodiousness tunefulness consonance harmoniousness discord discordance disharmony inharmoniousness concert pitch international pitch high frequency high pitch soprano treble low frequency low pitch quality timber timbre tone color colour harshness roughness gruffness hoarseness fullness mellowness nasal twang twang plangency resonance reverberance ringing sonority sonorousness shrillness stridence intensity loudness forte fortissimo decrescendo diminuendo pianissimo piano meter time cadence cadency lilt swing spice spicery bite pungency nip piquance piquancy tang tanginess zest hotness pepperiness brininess salinity acidity sour acerbity tartness vinegariness vinegarishness sweet sweetness bitter bitterness acridity acridness palatability palatableness pleasingness tastiness delectability deliciousness lusciousness toothsomeness flavorsomeness savoriness sapidity sapidness juiciness succulence unpalatability unpalatableness disgustingness distastefulness nauseatingness sickeningness flavorlessness savorlessness blandness insipidity edibility edibleness digestibility digestibleness indigestibility indigestibleness dominance laterality body-build build dumpiness squattiness body type somatotype asthenic type ectomorphy endomorphy pyknic type athletic type mesomorphy avoirdupois fat adiposeness adiposity abdominousness paunchiness greasiness oiliness fleshiness obesity adiposis corpulence overweight stoutness embonpoint plumpness chubbiness pudginess rolypoliness tubbiness leanness thinness scrawniness skinniness boniness emaciation gauntness maceration slenderness slightness height stature bearing carriage manner of walking walk grace gracility agility legerity lightsomeness nimbleness lissomeness litheness awkwardness clumsiness gracelessness ungracefulness gawkiness ungainliness aliveness animateness animation vitality inanimateness lifelessness gender sex sex character sex characteristic primary sex character primary sex characteristic secondary sex character secondary sex characteristic asexuality sexlessness maleness masculinity androgyny bisexuality femaleness feminineness absorption factor absorptivity inductance induction dissolubility solubleness reflection reflectivity echo reverberation bending deflection wind deflection windage refractiveness refractivity enthalpy heat content Curie point Curie temperature freezing point melting point boil boiling point blood heat body temperature cold coldness chill gelidity chilliness coolness heat high temperature calefaction incalescence fieriness red heat warmness warmth lukewarmness tepidity visibility visibleness invisibility invisibleness brightness light luminance luminosity illuminance illumination glow luminescence audibility audibleness inaudibility inaudibleness resilience resiliency bounce bounciness give spring stretch stretchability temper toughness malleability plasticity flexibility flexibleness bendability pliability pliancy pliantness rigidity rigidness inflexibility inflexibleness atomic weight relative atomic mass molecular weight relative molecular mass combining weight eq equivalent equivalent weight meq milliequivalent heaviness weightiness heft heftiness massiveness ponderosity lightness weightlessness airiness buoyancy brawn muscle might mightiness vigor vigour hardiness lustiness huskiness ruggedness stalwartness stoutness firmness soundness indomitability invincibility backbone grit gumption guts stamina staying power long-sufferance long-suffering authority authorization effectiveness potency valence valency covalence covalency valence valency force forcefulness impulse momentum energy vigor athleticism strenuosity intensity intensiveness badness severity distressfulness seriousness emphasis vehemence ferocity fierceness furiousness fury vehemence violence titer titre pH pH scale M molar concentration feebleness tenuity flimsiness shoddiness delicacy fragility inanition lassitude soft spot weak part defencelessness defenselessness breakability fragility wind exposure windage temporal arrangement temporal order chronological sequence chronological succession sequence succession pelting rain approach approaching antecedence antecedency anteriority precedence posteriority subsequence promptness punctuality simultaneity simultaneousness co-occurrence coincidence concurrence conjunction contemporaneity contemporaneousness seasonableness timeliness unseasonableness untimeliness recency recentness nowness presentness currency currentness contemporaneity contemporaneousness modernism modernity lead spark advance duration length length of service longevity lengthiness prolongation ceaselessness continuousness incessancy incessantness brevity briefness permanence permanency durability enduringness lastingness strength continuity persistence imperishability imperishingness impermanence impermanency transience transiency fugaciousness fugacity ephemerality ephemeralness evanescence fleetingness audio audio frequency infrared infrared frequency ELF extremely low frequency VLF very low frequency LF low frequency MF medium frequency HF high frequency VHF very high frequency UHF ultrahigh frequency SHF superhigh frequency EHF extremely high frequency fastness speed pace rate celerity quickness immediacy immediateness instancy instantaneousness dispatch expedition promptitude promptness haste hastiness hurriedness hurry abruptness precipitance precipitancy precipitateness getaway pickup deceleration retardation graduality gradualness deliberateness deliberation slowness unhurriedness dilatoriness procrastination spatial property spatiality linearity one-dimensionality flatness planeness third-dimensionality three-dimensionality configuration contour form shape balance correspondence symmetricalness symmetry geometrical regularity regularity bilateral symmetry bilateralism asymmetry imbalance geometrical irregularity irregularity lopsidedness skewness directionality directivity handedness laterality ambidexterity ambidextrousness left-handedness sinistrality dextrality right-handedness inclination lean leaning list gradient slope rise rising slope pitch rake abruptness precipitousness gentleness gradualness concaveness concavity convexity convexness bulginess roundedness ellipticity oblateness point pointedness oblongness rectangularity curvature curve globosity globularness rotundity sphericalness cylindricality cylindricalness circularity disk shape position spatial relation arrangement placement composing composition balance proportion externality outwardness malposition misplacement erectness uprightness verticality verticalness attitude position sprawl sprawling erectness uprightness spacing spatial arrangement way ways farawayness farness closeness nearness propinquity proximity adjacency contiguity dispersion distribution diffusion dissemination scatter spread compactness concentration denseness density bits per inch bpi flux flux density interval separation divergence divergency dimension proportion order order of magnitude measure measurement entropy information chance probability degree grade profoundness profundity shallowness superficiality glibness slickness 8vo eightvo 4to quarto background level noise level bulk mass intensity strength field intensity field strength magnetic field strength magnetic flux density magnetic induction magnetic intensity acoustic power sound pressure level circumference perimeter diam diameter r radius center of curvature centre of curvature circle of curvature osculating circle bore caliber slenderness tenuity bigness largeness bulkiness massiveness enormousness grandness greatness immenseness immensity sizeableness capaciousness commodiousness roominess spaciousness fullness voluminosity giantism gigantism littleness smallness diminutiveness minuteness petiteness tinyness delicacy slightness puniness runtiness increase increment tax boost tax hike hike raise boost hike amplification gain decrease decrement drop fall dollar volume turnover adequacy sufficiency deficiency inadequacy exiguity meagerness meagreness poorness scantiness scantness deficit shortage spareness sparseness abundance copiousness amplitude bountifulness plenitude plenteousness plentifulness plentitude cornucopia profuseness profusion richness lushness luxuriance greenness verdancy scarceness scarcity dearth paucity infrequency rareness moderateness moderation immoderateness immoderation excess excessiveness exorbitance outrageousness extravagance luxury overabundance overmuch overmuchness superabundance excess surplus glut oversupply embarrassment nimiety overplus plethora redundance redundancy figure number multiplicity numerosity preponderance prevalence countlessness innumerableness bulk majority boundary bounds heat barrier thermal barrier level best maximum utmost uttermost brink verge ambit compass orbit range reach scope internationalism internationality head register head tone chest register chest tone horizon purview expanse sweep palette pallet area expanse acreage land area distance length wingspan wingspread hour minute milage mileage altitude height grade ground level combat ceiling service ceiling extension lengthiness deepness profoundness breadth width broadness wideness heaviness thickness fineness thinness height tallness highness loftiness squatness stubbiness shortness truncation merit virtue demerit fault paltriness sorriness shoddiness trashiness damn darn hoot shit shucks tinker''s dam emptiness vanity invaluableness preciousness pricelessness valuableness desirability desirableness good goodness benefit welfare interest sake bad badness cost monetary value differential cost incremental cost costliness dearness lavishness luxury sumptuosity sumptuousness moderateness modestness bargain rate cheapness cut price cut rate fecundity fruitfulness fertility prolificacy productiveness productivity aridity barrenness usefulness utility detergence detergency function purpose role use avail help serviceability serviceableness inutility unusefulness practicability practicableness feasibility feasibleness knight errantry quixotism impracticability impracticableness infeasibility unfeasibility competence competency incompetence incompetency asset plus aid assistance recourse refuge advantage vantage favor favour head start start gain profit profitability profitableness expedience expediency favorable position superiority upper hand whip hand forte long suit metier speciality specialty strength green fingers green thumb common good commonweal soundness wisdom advantageousness favorableness auspiciousness propitiousness unfavorableness unfavourableness inauspiciousness unpropitiousness limitation restriction defect shortcoming awkwardness inconvenience deprivation loss cost price inferiority unfavorable position inexpedience inexpediency unprofitability unprofitableness harmfulness injuriousness positivism positivity assertiveness self-assertiveness bumptiousness cockiness forwardness pushiness negativism negativity purposefulness sense of purpose consequence import essentiality essentialness indispensability indispensableness edge sharpness imperativeness insistence insistency instancy dispensability dispensableness pettiness slightness inanity mindlessness pointlessness senselessness aimlessness purposelessness claim title access admittance authority authorization exclusive right perquisite prerogative privilege husband-wife privilege marital communications privilege claim title civil right civil rights right to vote suffrage riparian right water right enjoyment use potency power persuasiveness strength interest interestingness news newsworthiness color colour stranglehold throttlehold dead hand dead hand of the past grasp grip authority dominance jurisdiction legal power discretion free will effectiveness effectivity effectuality effectualness incisiveness trenchancy efficaciousness efficacy magical ability magical power astringency stypsis capability capableness military capability strength operating capability performance capability impotence impotency helplessness impuissance dullness dulness boringness dreariness tediousness tedium jejuneness jejunity tameness vapidity inability unfitness incapability incapableness ineffectiveness ineffectuality inefficaciousness inefficacy romance romanticism boundlessness infiniteness infinitude limitlessness boundedness finiteness measurability quantifiability humor humour pathos poignancy body organic structure anatomy bod build chassis figure flesh form frame human body material body physical body physique shape soma body dead body cadaver clay corpse remains adult female body woman''s body adult male body man''s body adnexa annexa area region Rolando''s fissure central sulcus fissure of Rolando sulcus centralis Sylvian fissure fissure of Sylvius lateral cerebral sulcus sulcus lateralis cerebri hilum hilus anatomical structure bodily structure body structure complex body part corpus mamillare mamillary body chiasm chiasma chiasma opticum optic chiasm filament filum autonomic plexus plexus autonomici case sheath cutis skin cuticle epidermis corneum horny layer malpighian layer rete Malpighii stratum basale stratum germinativum corium derma mantle pallium bacterial plaque dental plaque macula macule milium whitehead blackhead comedo tube tube-shaped structure nephron uriniferous tubule malpighian body malpighian corpuscle tomentum tomentum cerebri passage passageway acoustic meatus auditory canal auditory meatus ear canal canalis vertebralis spinal canal anastomosis inosculation opening orifice canal channel ductule ductulus sinus venous sinus cavernous sinus sinus cavernosus coronary sinus sinus coronarius sigmoid sinus sinus sigmoideus sinus rectus straight sinus sinus transversus transverse sinus ethmoidal sinus sinus ethmoidales paranasal sinus sinus paranasales head of hair mane coiffure hair style curl lock ringlet whorl kiss curl spit curl braid plait tress twist perm permanent crew cut flattop beard face fungus Imperial beard imperial moustache mustache soup-strainer toothbrush handle-bars moustachio burnside mutton chop side-whiskers sideburn bush pubic hair Pap smear cervical smear adipose tissue fat bone os anklebone astragal astragalus talus carpal carpal bone navicular os scaphoideum lunate bone os lunatum cuneiform bone os triquetrum pyramidal bone triquetral os pisiforme pisiform os trapezium trapezium os trapezoideum trapezoid capitate capitate bone hamate hamate bone os hamatum unciform bone cheekbone jugal bone mala malar bone os zygomaticum zygomatic bone clavicle collarbone coccyx tail bone dentin dentine calcaneus heelbone hipbone innominate bone hyoid hyoid bone ischial bone ischium long bone os longum jawbone jowl lower jaw mandible mandibula submaxilla articulatio temporomandibularis mandibular joint metacarpal metacarpal bone nasal nasal bone bonelet ossicle os palatinum palatine kneecap kneepan os pubis pubic bone costa rib scapula shoulder blade glenoid cavity glenoid fossa glenoid fossa mandibular fossa os sesamoideum sesamoid bone os breve short bone os sphenoidale sphenoid bone breastbone sternum corpus sternum gladiolus tarsal tarsal bone os temporale temporal bone chopper pearly turbinal turbinate maxilla upper jaw intervertebral disc intervertebral disk arcus zygomaticus zygoma eye socket orbit alveolus tooth socket bone marrow marrow lymphatic tissue lymphoid tissue cartilage gristle muscle muscular tissue muscle musculus muscle system muscular structure skeletal muscle striated muscle abductor abductor muscle adductor adductor muscle great adductor muscle musculus adductor magnus anconeous muscle musculus anconeus buccinator muscle cheek muscle extensor extensor muscle musculus quadriceps femoris quad quadriceps quadriceps femoris sinew tendon flexor flexor muscle nerve tissue nervous tissue otic ganglion otoganglion anlage primordium vital organ vitals entrails innards receptor sense organ pineal eye third eye clapper glossa lingua tongue hole maw trap yap mouth oral cavity cervix uterine cervix bodily cavity cavity gingiva gum gustatory cell taste cell anterior front tooth back tooth posterior baby tooth deciduous tooth milk tooth primary tooth canine cuspid dogtooth eyetooth bicuspid premolar grinder molar root tooth root enamel tooth enamel cement cementum soft palate velum palate roof of the mouth alveolar process alveolar ridge eye oculus optic peeper choroid choroid coat adventitia tunic brow eyebrow eyelid lid nictitating membrane third eyelid cilium eyelash eyeball orb eye muscle ocular muscle abducens muscle lateral rectus lateral rectus muscle rectus lateralis inferior rectus inferior rectus muscle medial rectus medial rectus muscle rectus superior superior rectus arcus arcus senilis sclera sclerotic coat crystalline lens lens inner ear internal ear bony labyrinth osseous labyrinth utricle utriculus saccule sacculus vestibular apparatus vestibular system external ear outer ear auricle ear eardrum tympanic membrane middle ear tympanic cavity Eustachian tube auditory tube hammer malleus anvil incus stapes stirrup gland secretory organ duct gland exocrine gland ductless gland endocrine gland thyroid thyroid gland parathyroid parathyroid gland sudoriferous gland sweat gland adrenal adrenal gland prostate prostate gland lachrymal gland lacrimal gland lachrymal duct lacrimal duct dacryocyst lacrimal sac thymus thymus gland excretory organ urinary organ lien spleen arteria artery alveolar artery arteria alveolaris arteria alveolaris inferior inferior alveolar artery arteria alveolaris superior superior alveolar artery angular artery arteria angularis appendicular artery arteria appendicularis arcuate artery arteria arcuata arteriola arteriole arteria bulbi penis artery of the penis bulb arteria bulbi vestibuli artery of the vestibule bulb arteria ascendens ascending artery arteria auricularis auricular artery arteria axillaris axillary artery arteria basilaris basilar artery arteria brachialis brachial artery arteria buccalis buccal artery arteria carotis carotid artery common carotid common carotid artery external carotid external carotid artery arteria celiaca celiac artery celiac trunk truncus celiacus arteria centralis retinae central artery of the retina arteria cerebelli cerebellar artery arteria cerebri cerebral artery areteria cervicalis cervical artery arteria choroidea choroidal artery arteria ciliaris ciliary artery arteria circumflexa femoris circumflex artery of the thigh arteria circumflexa humeri circumflex humeral artery arteria circumflexa ilium circumflex iliac artery arteria circumflexa scapulae circumflex scapular artery arteria colica colic artery arteria communicans communicating artery arteria coronaria coronary artery arteria cystica cystic artery arteria digitalis digital arteries arteria epigastrica epigastric artery arteria ethmoidalis ethmoidal artery arteria facialis external maxillary artery arteria femoralis femoral artery arteria gastrica gastric artery ateria gastrica dextra right gastric artery arteria gastrica sinistra left gastric artery arteria gastrica breves short gastric artery arteria glutes gluteal artery arteria hepatica hepatic artery arteria ileum ileal artery arteria ileocolica ileocolic artery arteria iliaca iliac artery hypogastric artery internal iliac artery arteria iliolumbalis iliolumbar artery arteria infraorbitalis infraorbital artery arteria intercostalis intercostal artery intestinal artery jejunal artery arteria labialis labial artery arteria labialis inferior inferior labial artery arteria labialis superior superior labial artery artery of the labyrinth internal auditory artery arteria lacrimalis lacrimal artery arteria laryngea laryngeal artery arteria lienalis lienal artery arteria lingualis lingual artery arteria lumbalis lumbar artery arteria maxillaris maxillary artery arteria meningea meningeal artery arteria mesenterica mesenteric artery arteria metacarpea metacarpal artery arteria metatarsea metatarsal artery arteria musculophrenica musculophrenic artery arteria nutricia nutrient artery arteria ophthalmica ophthalmic artery arteria ovarica ovarian artery arteria palatina palatine artery arteria pancreatica pancreatic artery arteria perinealis perineal artery arteria pudenda pudendal artery arteria pulmonalis pulmonary artery pulmonary trunk truncus pulmonalis arteria rectalis rectal artery arteria renalis renal artery arteria subclavia subclavian artery arteria testicularis internal spermatic artery arteria uterina uterine artery arteria vaginalis vaginal artery arteria vertebralis vertebral artery accessory cephalic vein vena cephalica accessoria accessory hemiazygos vein accessory hemiazygous vein accessory vertebral vein vena vertebralis accessoria accompanying vein vena comitans anastomotic vein vena anastomotica angular vein vena angularis anterior vertebral vein vena vertebralis anterior appendicular vein vena appendicularis arcuate vein of the kidney vena arcuata renis auricular vein vena auricularis axillary vein vena axillaris azygos vein azygous vein basal vein vena basalis basilic vein vena basilica basivertebral vein vena basivertebralis brachial vein vena brachialis brachiocephalic vein innominate vein bronchial vein vena bronchialis central veins of liver venae centrales hepatis central vein of retina vena centrales retinae central vein of suprarenal gland vena centralis glandulae suprarenalis cephalic vein vena cephalica cerebellar vein vena cerebellum cerebral vein vena cerebri anterior cerebral vein vena cerebri anterior anterior facial vein vena facialis anterior great cerebral vein vena cerebri magna inferior cerebral vein venae cerebrum inferior internal cerebral vein vena cerebrum internus middle cerebral vein vena cerebri media superior cerebral vein vena cerebrum superior cervical vein deep cervical vein choroid vein vena choroidea ciliary veins venae ciliares circumflex vein vena circumflexa circumflex iliac vein vena circumflexa ilium circumflex femoral vein vena circumflexus femoris clitoral vein vena clitoridis colic vein vena colica conjunctival veins venae conjunctivales cutaneous vein vena cutanea cystic vein vena cystica digital vein vena digitalis diploic vein vena diploica dorsal scapular vein vena scapularis dorsalis emissary vein vena emissaria inferior epigastric vein vena epigastrica inferior superficial epigastric vein vena epigastrica superficialis superior epigastric veins venae epigastricae superiores episcleral veins venae episclerales esophageal veins venae esophageae ethmoidal vein vena ethmoidalis external nasal vein vena nasalis externa facial vein vena facialis femoral vein vena femoralis gastric vein vena gastrica gastroepiploic vein gastroomental vein genicular vein vena genus gluteal vein vena gluteus hemizygos vein hemizygous vein hemorrhoidal vein rectal vein hepatic vein vena hepatica hypogastric vein internal iliac vein ileocolic vein vena ileocolica iliac vein vena iliaca iliolumbar vein vena iliolumbalis intercapitular vein vena intercapitalis intercostal vein vena intercostalis intervertebral vein vena intervertebralis jugular jugular vein labial vein vena labialis inferior labial vein vena labialis inferior superior labial vein vena labialis superior labial vein vena labialis internal auditory vein labyrinthine vein lacrimal vein vena lacrimalis laryngeal vein vena laryngea left gastric vein vena gastrica sinistra lingual vein vena lingualis lumbar vein vena lumbalis maxillary vein vena maxillaris meningeal veins venae meningeae mesenteric vein vena mesenterica metacarpal vein vena metacarpus metatarsal vein vena metatarsus musculophrenic vein vena musculophrenica nasofrontal vein vena nasofrontalis oblique vein of the left atrium vena obliqua atrii sinistri obturator vein vena obturatoria occipital vein vena occipitalis ophthalmic vein vena ophthalmica ovarian vein vena ovarica palatine vein vena palatina pancreatic vein venae pancreatica paraumbilical vein vena paraumbilicalis pectoral vein vena pectoralis perforating vein vena perforantis pericardial vein vena pericardiaca fibular vein peroneal vein pharyngeal vein vena pharyngeus phrenic vein vena phrenica popliteal vein vena poplitea hepatic portal vein portal vein posterior vein of the left ventricle vena posterior ventriculi sinistri prepyloric vein vena pylorica pudendal vein venae pudendum pulmonary vein vena pulmonalis inferior pulmonary vein vena pulmanalis inferior superior pulmonary vein vena pulmonalis superior pyloric vein right gastric vein radial vein vena radialis renal vein vena renalis posterior facial vein retromandibular vein sacral vein vena sacralis saphenous vein vena saphena great saphenous vein long saphenous vein scleral veins venae sclerales scrotal vein vena scrotalis sigmoid vein vena sigmoideus spinal vein vena spinalis splenic vein vena lienalis sternocleidomastoid vein vena sternocleidomastoidea stylomastoid vein vena stylomastoidea subclavian vein vena subclavia sublingual vein vena sublingualis supraorbital vein vena supraorbitalis supratrochlear vein vena supratrochlearis temporal vein vena temporalis testicular vein vena testicularis inferior thalamostriate vein striate vein thoracic vein vena thoracica thyroid vein vena thyroidea tibial vein vena tibialis tracheal vein vena trachealis ulnar vein vena ulnaris umbilical vein vena umbilicalis bile duct common bile duct serosa serous membrane heart pump SA node cardiac pacemaker pacemaker sinoatrial node cusp leaflet cardiac muscle heart muscle atrioventricular bundle atrioventricular trunk bundle of His truncus atrioventricularis heart ventricle ventricle atrial auricle auricle auricula auricular appendage cranial cavity intracranial cavity atrium cordis atrium of the heart atrium dextrum right atrium atrium sinistrum left atrium bicuspid valve left atrioventricular valve right atrioventricular valve tricuspid valve cardiac valve heart valve breadbasket stomach tum tummy lymph vessel lymphatic vessel vas vessel bodily fluid body fluid juice succus colostrum foremilk amnionic fluid amniotic fluid clot coagulum menorrhea menstrual blood plasm plasma blood plasma blood serum ejaculate seed semen seminal fluid lachrymal secretion lacrimal secretion tear teardrop diaphoresis hidrosis perspiration sudor sweat water digestive fluid digestive juice black bile melancholy choler yellow bile hormone internal secretion Adrenalin adrenaline epinephrin epinephrine noradrenaline norepinephrine ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone adrenocorticotrophin adrenocorticotropic hormone adrenocorticotropin corticotrophin gonadotropic hormone gonadotropin growth hormone human growth hormone somatotrophic hormone somatotrophin somatotropic hormone somatotropin thyroid hormone thyroxin ADH antidiuretic hormone autacoid autocoid synovia synovial fluid mucous secretion mucus phlegm sputum saliva spit dribble drivel drool slobber festering ichor purulence pus sanies suppuration leucorrhea leukorrhea vein vena inferior vena cava postcava precava superior vena cava anterior labial veins venae labiales anteriores posterior labial veins venae labiales posteriores vena vertebralis vertebral vein vena vesicalis vesical vein vena vestibularis vestibular vein vena vorticosum vortex vein capillary vein venula membrane tissue layer greater peritoneal sac peritoneal cavity bursa omentalis lesser peritoneal cavity pericardial cavity pericardial space caul gastrocolic omentum mucosa mucous membrane lymph gland lymph node energid protoplast fertilized cell zygote living substance protoplasm Golgi apparatus Golgi body karyoplasm nucleoplasm cell nucleus nucleus nucleole nucleolus germ plasm plasm allele allelomorph autosome somatic chromosome chondriosome mitochondrion cell organ organelle central body centrosome cell membrane cell wall embryonic cell formative cell bone-forming cell osteoblast blood cell blood corpuscle acaryote akaryocyte macrocyte megalocyte leucocyte leukocyte white blood cell white blood corpuscle white cell white corpuscle lymph cell lymphocyte B cell B lymphocyte T cell T lymphocyte plasma cell plasmacyte basophil basophile eosinophil eosinophile erythrocyte red blood cell fovea fovea centralis macula macula lutea macular area yellow spot blind spot optic disc cone cone cell retinal rod rod adipose cell fat cell germ cell reproductive cell sperm sperm cell egg cell ovum muscle cell muscle fiber Sertoli cell Sertoli''s cell striated muscle cell striated muscle fiber myofibril myofibrilla involuntary muscle smooth muscle center centre nerve center nerve centre nerve fiber nerve fibre medullated nerve fiber myelinated nerve fiber medullary sheath myelin sheath nerve cell neuron efferent neuron motor neuron afferent neuron sensory neuron glia neuroglia glial cell neurogliacyte astroglia macroglia oligodendria oligodendroglia Golgi cell Golgi''s cell axon axone appendage outgrowth caruncle caruncula lappet wattle spicule spiculum myoneural junction neuromuscular junction nerve nervus fillet lemniscus fiber bundle fibre bundle nerve pathway nerve tract pathway tract cerebral hemisphere hemisphere left brain left hemisphere right brain right hemisphere first cranial nerve nervii olfactorii nervus opticus optic nerve optic tract second cranial nerve nervus oculomotorius oculomotor oculomotor nerve third cranial nerve fourth cranial nerve trochlear trochlear nerve trochlearis fifth cranial nerve nervus trigeminus trigeminal trigeminal nerve abducens abducens nerve abducent abducent nerve nervus abducens sixth cranial nerve facial facial nerve nervus facialis seventh cranial nerve acoustic nerve auditory nerve eighth cranial nerve nervus vestibulocochlearis glossopharyngeal nerve nervus glossopharyngeus nervus vagus pneumogastric pneumogastric nerve tenth cranial nerve vagus vagus nerve accessory nerve eleventh cranial nerve nervus accessorius spinal accessory hypoglossal hypoglossal nerve nervus hypoglosus twelfth cranial nerve CNS central nervous system brain encephalon neencephalon neoencephalon neocortex neopallium archipallium paleocortex palaeoencephalon paleencephalon meninges meninx dura dura mater arachnoid arachnoid membrane gray matter gray substance grey matter grey substance substantia alba white matter hypophysis pituitary pituitary body pituitary gland adenohypophysis anterior pituitary pars anterior pars distilis neurohypophysis pars nervosa posterior pituitary posterior pituitary gland pineal body pineal gland islands of Langerhans islets of Langerhans cerebral cortex cerebral mantle cortex pallium cortical area cortical region association area association cortex corpus geniculatum laterale lateral geniculate body corpus geniculatum mediale medial geniculate body auditory area auditory cortex Broca''s area Broca''s center frontal area frontal cortex Rolando''s area excitable area motor area motor cortex sensorimotor area sensorimotor region visual area visual cortex Wernicke''s area Wernicke''s center fold plica convolution gyrus bulb medulla amygdala amygdaloid nucleus forebrain prosencephalon cingulate gyrus gyrus cinguli betweeenbrain diencephalon interbrain thalmencephalon limbic brain limbic system mesencephalon midbrain hindbrain rhombencephalon pons pons Varolii brain stem brainstem Sylvian aqueduct aqueductus cerebri medulla spinalis spinal cord cerebrospinal fluid spinal fluid ANS autonomic nervous system parasympathetic parasympathetic nervous system brachial plexus plexus brachialis cardiac plexus plexus cardiacus carotid plexus plexus caroticus cervical plexus plexus cervicalis choroid plexus plexus choroideus coccygeal plexus plexus coccygeus hypogastric plexus plexus hypogastricus lumbar plexus plexus lumbalis lumbar plexus plexus lumbalis mesenteric plexus plexus mesentericus myenteric plexus plexus myentericus periarterial plexus plexus periarterialis plexus pulmonalis pulmonary plexis plexus sacralis sacral plexus abdominal nerve plexus coeliac plexus plexus celiacus solar plexus epigastric fossa pit of the stomach cardiovascular system circulatory system urinary system urinary tract bladder vesica external orifice urethral orifice reproductive organ sex organ crotch genital organ genitalia genitals private parts privates family jewels male genitalia cistern cisterna pocket pouch cyst vesicle bleb blister Fallopian tube oviduct uterus womb canalis cervicis uteri cervical canal caul embryonic membrane fetal membrane veil cunt nooky puss pussy hymen maidenhead mons mons pubis button clit Cowper''s gland bulbourethral gland ball ballock bollock egg gonad nut testicle testis undescended testicle undescended testis member penis cock dick pecker peter prick shaft foreskin prepuce respiratory system respiratory tract air cell air sac diaphragm midriff adenoid pharyngeal tonsil larynx voice box arytaenoid arytenoid Adam''s apple thyroid cartilage vocal band vocal cord bronchial tube bronchus trachea windpipe digestive system gastrointestinal system GI tract alimentary canal alimentary tract digestive tract digestive tube gastrointestinal tract sublingual gland sublingual salivary gland mandibular gland submandibular gland submandibular salivary gland submaxillary gland esophagus gorge gullet oesophagus bowel gut blind gut caecum sigmoid colon sigmoid flexure appendix cecal appendage vermiform appendix vermiform process anus arse arsehole asshole caput head attic bean noggin noodle crown pate calvaria skullcap braincase brainpan forehead frontal bone mastoid mastoid process tubercle tuberosity sutura suture articulatio synovialis synovial joint coronal suture sutura coronalis frontal suture sutura frontalis intermaxillary suture sutura intermaxillaris internasal suture sutura internasalis lamboid suture sutura lamboidea interparietal suture sagittal suture fontanel fontanelle Monro''s foramen foramen of Monro cervix neck nape scruff pharynx throat fistula sinus articulatio humeri shoulder deltoid deltoid muscle armpit axilla axillary cavity axillary fossa body torso serratus serratus muscles anterior serratus muscle musculus serratus anterior serratus anterior serratus magnus musculus serratus posterior posterior serratus muscle musculus pectoralis pecs pectoral pectoral muscle greater pectoral muscle musculus pectoralis major musculus pectoralis minor pectoralis minor intercostal intercostal muscle depressor depressor muscle chest pectus chest cavity thoracic cavity mamma mammary gland boob bosom breast knocker tit titty mamilla mammilla nipple pap teat tit areola ring of color middle midriff waist waistline belly paunch bay window corporation pot potbelly bellybutton navel omphalos omphalus abdomen belly stomach venter underbelly underbody transversalis transversalis abdominis transversus transversus abdominis loins pubes back dorsum lat latisimus dorsi arse ass backside behind bottom bum buns butt buttocks can derriere fanny fundament hind end hindquarters keister posterior prat rear rear end rump seat stern tail tail end tooshie buttock cheek appendage extremity peg pin bowleg genu varum spindlelegs spindleshanks pedal extremity vertebrate foot foot human foot hand hook manus mauler mitt paw clenched fist fist right right hand left left hand dactyl digit pollex thumb forefinger index annualry ring finger little finger pinkie nervus ischiadicus sciatic nerve anterior crural nerve femoral nerve nervus saphenus saphenous nerve nervus phrenicus phrenic nerve cubital nerve nervus ulnaris nervus spinalis spinal nerve coccygeal nerve nervus coccygeus gluteal muscle gluteus anatomical sphincter sphincter anal sphincter musculus sphincter ani musculus sphincter urethrae urethral sphincter bladder sphincter musculus sphincter vesicae musculus sphincter pupillae pupillary sphincter musculus sphincter pylori pyloric sphincter articulatio genus genu knee knee joint femoris femur calf sura gastrocnemius gastrocnemius muscle soleus soleus muscle flatfoot splayfoot fallen arch sunken arch big toe great toe articulatio plana gliding joint ankle ankle joint articulatio talocruralis mortise joint Achilles tendon tendon of Achilles femoral biceps musculus biceps femoris biceps brachii biceps humeri musculus triceps brachii triceps brachii articulatio cubiti cubital joint cubitus elbow ginglymoid joint ginglymus crazy bone funny bone half-moon lunula ground substance intercellular substance facia fascia graft transplant allograft homograft heterograft xenograft agnail hangnail articulatio radiocarpea carpus radiocarpal joint wrist knuckle knuckle joint frame skeleton pectoral arch shoulder girdle haemal arch hemal arch back backbone spinal column spine cervical vertebra neck bone atlas atlas vertebra axis axis vertebra caudal vertebra coccygeal vertebra musculus sartorius sartorius musculus scalenus scalene muscle musculus sternocleidomastoideus sternocleido mastoideus sternocleidomastoid sternocleidomastoid muscle musculus tibialis tibialis tibialis anterior tibialis anticus tibialis posterior tibialis posticus diaphysis shaft calf bone fibula shin shinbone articulatio articulation articulatio spheroidea ball-and-socket joint cotyloid joint enarthrodial joint enarthrosis spheroid joint articulatio coxae coxa hip hip joint acetabulum cotyloid cavity pelvis renal pelvis hip pelvic arch pelvic girdle pelvis articulatio trochoidea pivot joint rotary joint rotatory joint crotch fork nose olfactory organ beak honker hooter nozzle schnozzle snoot Roman nose hooknose chin mentum anterior nares nostrils face human face countenance kisser mug physiognomy smiler visage feature lineament brow forehead paries wall humor humour synovial membrane synovium celom celoma labrocyte mast cell brain head mind nous general knowledge public knowledge open surface unconscious unconscious mind subconscious subconscious mind astuteness depth profoundness profundity discernment judgement judgment sagaciousness common sense good sense gumption horse sense mother wit sense circumspection discreetness discretion prudence care caution forethought precaution indiscreetness injudiciousness ability power sapience wisdom intellect mind breadth comprehensiveness brain brainpower learning ability mental capacity mentality wit mental quickness quick-wittedness brilliance genius precociousness precocity acuity acuteness keenness sharpness brightness cleverness astuteness perspicaciousness perspicacity shrewdness acumen insightfulness craft craftiness cunning foxiness guile slyness inherent aptitude instinct capacity mental ability capability capableness perfectability perfectibility compass grasp range reach endowment gift natural endowment talent bent hang flair genius creativeness creativity fecundity fruitfulness genius wizardry imagination imaginativeness fantasy phantasy dream pipe dream fantasy life phantasy life fairyland fantasy world conception design excogitation innovation cleverness ingeniousness ingenuity inventiveness imagination resource armory armoury freshness novelty enology oenology ventriloquism ventriloquy science skill accomplishment acquirement acquisition attainment craft craftsmanship art artistry prowess superior skill soldiering soldiership expertise expertness command control adeptness adroitness deftness facility dexterity manual dexterity facility proficiency block mental block denseness dumbness dullness dulness backwardness mental retardation retardation slowness abnormality mental defectiveness mental deficiency moronity amentia idiocy craziness folly incapability incapableness imperfectability imperfectibility awkwardness clumsiness ineptitude ineptness maladroitness slowness staleness triteness faculty mental faculty language speech lexicon mental lexicon memory retention intellect reason sensation sense sensory faculty sentience modality sense modality volition will sensibility sensitiveness reactivity responsiveness excitability irritability photosensitivity radiosensitivity sight vision visual modality visual sense cutaneous senses sense of touch skin senses touch acuity sharp-sightedness eyesight seeing night vision night-sight audition auditory modality auditory sense hearing absolute pitch perfect pitch gustation gustatory modality sense of taste taste olfaction olfactory modality sense of smell smell kinaesthesia kinaesthesis kinesthesia kinesthesis kinesthetics muscle sense equilibrium labyrinthine sense sense of balance sense of equilibrium somaesthesia somaesthesis somatatesthesis somatesthesia somatic sense somatic sensory system somatosensory system somesthesia Socratic method maieutic method system system of rules logic logical system custom tradition convention formula normal pattern code of behavior code of conduct habit wont S.O.P. SOP cognitive state state of mind earth earthly concern world worldly concern affair matter affairs personal business amnesia blackout anterograde amnesia posttraumatic amnesia oblivion obliviousness readiness set ego self awareness cognizance consciousness knowingness awareness sentience unawareness unknowingness grogginess semiconsciousness stupefaction stupor coma comatoseness ecstatic state religious trance curiosity wonder desire to know lust for learning interest involvement curiousness inquisitiveness nosiness prying confusion disarray daze fog bafflement befuddlement bemusement bewilderment mystification obfuscation closed book enigma mystery secret complication snarl dilemma quandary problem trouble deterrent handicap hindrance impediment albatross millstone obstacle obstruction barrier roadblock hang-up hitch rub snag Jim Crow color bar color line colour bar causal factor determinant determinative determiner clincher decisive factor anchor backbone linchpin lynchpin enticement temptation bait come-on hook lure counterpart opposite number replacement substitute assurance authority confidence self-assurance self-confidence sureness certitude cocksureness reliance trust doubt doubtfulness dubiety dubiousness incertitude uncertainty arriere pensee mental reservation distrust misgiving mistrust suspicion disbelief incredulity mental rejection skepticism indecision indecisiveness hesitation vacillation absorption engrossment preoccupancy preoccupation fixation obsession abstractedness abstraction reverie revery act cognitive operation cognitive process operation process unconscious process attending attention assault attack attentiveness heed paying attention regard notice observance advertence advertency absorption concentration centering focus focusing focussing alertness vigilance heedlessness inattentiveness disregard neglect inadvertence oversight disregard pretermission exception exclusion insight sixth sense immediacy immediate apprehension color constancy colour constancy discernment perceptiveness insight penetration observation remark detection sensing beholding seeing auditory perception sound perception melody tonal pattern sensation sense datum sense experience sense impression limen threshold difference limen difference threshold differential limen differential threshold vision visual sensation odor odour olfactory perception olfactory sensation aroma fragrance perfume scent fetor foetor malodor malodour reek stench gustatory perception gustatory sensation taste taste perception flavor flavour relish sapidity savor savour smack tang sugariness sweet sour sourness acidity acidulousness bitter bitterness acridity pungency pungency sharpness salinity salt astringence astringency auditory sensation sound euphony music pure tone tone first harmonic fundamental dissonance noise synaesthesia synesthesia chromaesthesia chromesthesia colored audition colored hearing feeling somaesthesia somatesthesia somatic sensation skin perceptiveness tactility tactual sensation touch perception feeling of movement kinaesthesia feeling tactile sensation tactual sensation touch prickling tingle cutaneous sensation haptic sensation itch itching topognosia topognosis pressure pressure sensation pain painful sensation heat warmth cold coldness arrangement organisation organization system configuration constellation Bravais lattice crystal lattice hierarchical data structure hierarchical structure rating system scoring system file system filing system categorization classification grouping pigeonholing ABO blood group system ABO group appraisal assessment critical analysis critical appraisal criticism critique knock roast ascription attribution cross-classification cross-division subsuming subsumption evaluation rating grade mark assay check Widal test Widal''s test Wasserman reaction Wassermann test chorionic villus biopsy chorionic villus sampling Pap test Papanicolaou test tuberculin skin test tuberculin test intradermal test subcutaneous test reappraisal reassessment revaluation review differentiation distinction contrast demarcation dividing line line Rubicon point of no return hairsplitting word-splitting individualization individuation appreciation discernment perceptiveness taste connoisseurship vertu style trend haute couture high fashion craze cult fad furor furore rage delicacy discretion acquisition learning study work incorporation internalization rote rote learning carry-over generalization transfer transfer of training acculturation assimilation self-cultivation self-education school schooling vocational education vocational training experimental extinction extinction CER conditioned emotion memory remembering STM immediate memory LTM long-term memory episodic memory personal memory motor memory muscle memory anamnesis recall recollection remembrance identification recognition association connection convergence intersection standing for symbol symbolization symbolizing exemplification typification interpretation interpreting rendering rendition broad interpretation judicial activism depicting depiction portrayal portraying anthropomorphism theanthropism imagery imagination imaging mental imagery envisioning picturing dream dreaming dream dreaming chimaera chimera air castle castle in Spain castle in the air daydream reverie revery make-believe pretense hunt pursuit cerebration intellection mentation thinking construction mental synthesis abstract thought logical thinking analysis analytic thinking argumentation line line of reasoning logical argument thread train of thought line of inquiry line of questioning deduction deductive reasoning generalization induction illation inference anticipation foresight prognostication prophecy foreshadowing prefiguration divination foretelling fortune telling soothsaying chiromancy palmistry astrology star divination theorisation theorization supposal supposition abstraction generalization deduction entailment breakdown partitioning elimination reasoning by elimination resolution resolving factoring factorisation reasoning backward regress synthesis synthetic thinking cogitation study advisement deliberation contemplation meditation musing reflection reflexion rumination introspection self-contemplation self-analysis soul-searching examen examination deciding decision making eclectic method eclecticism resolution settlement judgement judging prejudgement prejudgment change of mind flip-flop reversal turnabout afterthought reconsideration rethink second thought choice pick cull reject favorite favourite alternative choice druthers preference default default option opening possibility impossibility impossible action principle rationale base basis cornerstone foundation fundament groundwork rationalisation rationalization planning preparation agreement arrangement calculation deliberation enquiry inquiry experiment experimentation control control condition condition experimental condition test trial investigation probe canvass poll calculation computation figuring reckoning approximation estimate estimation idea dead reckoning guess guessing guesswork guesstimate guestimate overestimate overestimation overrating overreckoning underestimate underestimation underrating underreckoning cognizance ken apprehension discernment savvy understanding appreciation grasp brainstorm brainwave realisation realization breakthrough discovery language linguistic process cognitive content content reality world real life real world life living re-experiencing reliving food for thought intellectual nourishment center center of attention love passion noumenon thing-in-itself memento souvenir universe universe of discourse issue matter subject topic res adjudicata res judicata data point datum meter reading reading acquaintance conversance conversancy familiarity detail item particular specific nook and cranny nooks and crannies regard respect technicality trifle example illustration instance representative case in point precedent grab sample random sample circumstance condition background background knowledge evidence grounds cogent evidence proof check confirmation substantiation verification odd-even check parity check establishment validation disproof falsification lead track elicitation evocation input stimulant stimulation stimulus negative stimulation turnoff reinforcement reinforcer positive reinforcer positive reinforcing stimulus negative reinforcer negative reinforcing stimulus cue discriminative stimulus bonus fillip delight joy annoyance bother botheration nuisance pain pain in the ass irritant thorn concern headache vexation worry burden encumbrance incumbrance load grief sorrow idea thought germ seed concept conception conceptuality conceptualization design plan snare trap judgement judgment conclusion decision form kind sort variety variant variation architectural style style of architecture Byzantine Byzantine architecture Greco-Roman architecture classical architecture Gothic Gothic architecture Romanesque Romanesque architecture English-Gothic English-Gothic architecture perpendicular perpendicular style Moorish Moorish architecture flavor flavour species variety brand make the like the likes of regulation rule limitation restriction formula rule algorithm algorithmic program heuristic heuristic program guideline guidepost cy pres cy pres doctrine working principle working rule attribute dimension character lineament characteristic feature aspect facet attraction attractive feature distinctive feature peculiarity sector sphere abstract abstraction vote voter turnout variable variable quantity random variable variant argument independent variable constant constant quantity parameter parametric quantity mathematical product product lcm least common multiple amount sum quadratic quadratic polynomial biquadratic biquadratic polynomial convergence convergency cross product vector product dot product inner product resultant vector sum intersection intersection point division part component constituent element factor leaven leavening complex composite law natural law basic principle basics bedrock fundamental principle pleasure principle pleasure-pain principle first principle rudiment law law of nature principle rule Bernoulli''s law law of large numbers Boyle''s law Mariotte''s law Dalton''s law Dalton''s law of partial pressures Charles'' law Gay-Lussac''s law Kepler''s law Kepler''s law of planetary motion Kepler''s second law law of areas Kepler''s third law harmonic law law of constant proportion law of definite proportions law of equivalent proportions law of reciprocal proportions Newton''s law of gravitation law of gravitation Dalton''s law law of multiple proportions Newton''s law Newton''s law of motion Newton''s first law Newton''s first law of motion Newton''s second law Newton''s second law of motion Newton''s third law Newton''s third law of motion law of action and reaction third law of motion Pauli exclusion principle exclusion principle Mendeleev''s law periodic law hypothesis possibility framework model analogy simulation outline schema conjecture speculation assumption supposition prerequisite requirement demand requirement essential condition sine qua non given precondition presumption presupposition basic assumption constatation fallacy false belief petitio petitio principii sophism sophistry erroneous belief error self-deceit self-deception misapprehension mistake fancy fantasy illusion phantasy ignis fatuus will-o''-the-wisp apparition phantom UFO flying saucer ghost shade specter spectre spook wraith disorientation freak out plan program program programme defence policy defence program defense policy defense program tax policy tax program blueprint design electoral system voting system scrutin uninomial system scrutin uninominal voting system single-member system uninominal system list system scrutin de liste maneuver manoeuvre scheme strategy itinerary travel plan contrivance dodge wangle wangling plot secret plan intrigue machination cabal conspiracy regime regimen project projection cash cow money-spinner agenda docket fare menu pension plan retirement plan IRA individual retirement account ESOP employee stock ownership plan generality generalization principle rule inkling intimation belief feeling impression notion hunch intuition bosom heart prescience prevision notion whim whimsey whimsy meaning sense motif theme implication import center core essence gist heart inwardness kernel marrow meat nitty-gritty nub pith substance sum strain tenor drift purport undercurrent undertone denotation extension idealisation idealization beau ideal idol paragon perfection criterion standard example exemplar good example model beaut beauty abstruseness abstrusity profoundness profundity internal representation mental representation image mental image imagination image thought-image interpretation reading character part persona role bit part minor role name part title role percept perception form pattern visual image visual percept aspect panorama prospect scene view vista field of regard visual field background ground field field of view engram memory trace afterimage aftersensation visual image visualisation fusion optical fusion impression mental picture example model loadstar lodestar epitome image paradigm prototype holotype type specimen archetype original guide template illusion semblance 3-D 3D blur fuzz abstractionism unrealism concrete representation concretism embodiment shape conviction strong belief faith trust doctrine ism philosophy school of thought expectation outlook fetichism fetishism opinion persuasion sentiment thought faith religion cult religious cult mysticism religious mysticism opinion popular opinion public opinion vox populi parti pris preconceived idea preconceived notion preconceived opinion preconception prepossession taboo tabu hope promise anticipation expectancy apprehension misgiving spiritual world unseen superstition superstitious notion hodgepodge jumble ethic moral principle value orientation value-system judicial doctrine judicial principle credo creed individualism laissez faire irredentism irridentism pacifism passivism foreordination predestination predetermination preordination freethinking rationalism humanism humanitarianism egalitarianism equalitarianism ecumenicalism ecumenicism aesthetic esthetic deconstruction deconstructionism empiricism empiricist philosophy existentialism existentialist philosophy materialism physicalism Platonism realism naive realism realism sensationalism sensualism Daoism Taoism conjuration conjuring adjuration evocation black art black magic witchcraft witchery bewitchment enchantment Satanism demonism disbelief unbelief agnosticism scepticism heresy unorthodoxy end goal aim object objective target bourn bourne destination terminus aim design intent intention idea mind acculturation culture lore traditional knowledge eruditeness erudition learnedness learning edification sophistication disenchantment disillusion dark darkness ignorantness nescience unknowing unknowingness logical positivism positivism Malthusian theory Malthusianism branch of knowledge discipline field field of study study subject subject area subject field domain realm knowledge base knowledge domain science scientific knowledge science scientific discipline math mathematics Euclidean geometry elementary geometry Riemannian geometry elliptic geometry analytic geometry analytical geometry optic axis principal axis coordinate system frame of reference reference frame reference system inertial frame inertial reference frame space-time space-time continuum descriptive geometry projective geometry trig trigonometry decomposition vector decomposition calculus infinitesimal calculus Fourier analysis harmonic analysis derivative derived function differential differential coefficient bounded interval closed interval open interval unbounded interval group mathematical group Abelian group commutative group analysis situs topology applied math applied mathematics least squares method of least squares average norm mean deviation mean deviation from the mean arithmetic mean expectation expected value first moment Gaussian distribution normal distribution Gaussian curve Gaussian shape bell-shaped curve normal curve population universe sample sample distribution proportional sample representative sample regression regression toward the mean regression equation regression of y on x linear regression rectilinear regression regression curve regression line correlate correlative correlation correlational statistics curvilinear correlation nonlinear correlation coefficient of correlation correlation direct correlation positive correlation indirect correlation negative correlation Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient product-moment correlation coefficient biserial correlation biserial correlation coefficient distribution free statistic nonparametric statistic rank-difference correlation rank-difference correlation coefficient rank-order correlation rank-order correlation coefficient Kendall rank correlation Kendall''s tau fourfold point correlation phi coefficient chance-half correlation split-half correlation tetrachoric correlation tetrachoric correlation coefficient Bernoulli distribution binomial distribution biological science biology cacogenics dysgenics aeromedicine aerospace medicine dental medicine dentistry endodontia endodontics exodontia exodontics dental orthopaedics dental orthopedics orthodontia orthodontics periodontia periodontics geriatrics gerontology gynaecology gynecology haematology hematology hygiene hygienics immunochemistry immunology general medicine internal medicine clinical neurology neurology diagnostics nosology midwifery obstetrics otolaryngology otology materia medica pharmacological medicine pharmaceutics pharmacy psychiatry psychological medicine mental hygiene psychotherapeutics audiology audiometry paediatrics pediatrics chiropody podiatry orthopaedics orthopedics urogenital medicine urology agronomy scientific agriculture botany phytology zoological science zoology fossilology palaeontology human paleontology paleoanthropology palaeobiology paleobiology palaeobotany paleobotany palaeodendrology paleodendrology palaeozoology paleozoology palaeornithology paleornithology genetic science genetics bionomics ecology chemical science chemistry natural philosophy physical science astronomy uranology aeronautics astronautics cosmogony cosmology cryogenics cryogeny electromagnetics electromagnetism atomic physics nuclear physics high-energy physics particle physics conservation conservation law conservation of charge conservation of electricity conservation of energy law of conservation of energy conservation of mass conservation of matter law of conservation of mass law of conservation of matter conservation of parity mirror symmetry parity space-reflection symmetry undulatory theory wave theory kinetic theory kinetic theory of gases relativity relativity theory general relativity general relativity theory special relativity special relativity theory indeterminacy principle uncertainty principle theory of evolution theory of organic evolution Mendelianism Mendelism Newtonian mechanics classical mechanics fluid mechanics hydraulics dynamics kinetics hydrodynamics hydrokinetics aerodynamics aeromechanics thermodynamics of equilibrium thermostatics palaeogeology paleogeology geophysical science geophysics geomorphology morphology plate tectonics tectonics volcanology vulcanology magnetics magnetism spelaeology speleology geographics geography physical geography physiography architectonics tectonics applied science engineering engineering science technology bioengineering biotechnology gene-splicing genetic engineering EE electrical engineering AI artificial intelligence psychological science psychology experimental psychology psychonomics behaviorism behavioristic psychology behaviourism behaviouristic psychology applied psychology industrial psychology physchometrika psychometrics child psychology developmental psychology animal psychology comparative psychology neuropsychology physiological psychology Gestalt psychology configurationism archaeology archeology marine archaeology marine archeology underwater archaeology underwater archeology palaeoclimatology paleoclimatology palaeogeography paleogeography palaeopathology paleopathology palaetiology paletiology palaeology paleology protoanthropology protohistory protoarchaeology protoarcheology descriptive anthropology ethnography palaeoethnography paleoethnography cultural anthropology social anthropology government political science political sympathies politics domestic science home economics economic science economics game theory theory of games demography human ecology penology poenology biosystematics biosystematy arts humanistic discipline humanities liberal arts beaux arts fine arts ethics moral philosophy endaemonism eudemonism aetiology etiology aesthetics esthetics jurisprudence law formal logic mathematical logic Boolean algebra Boolean logic propositional calculus propositional logic functional calculus predicate calculus methodological analysis methodology philosophical doctrine philosophical theory linguistics philology phrase structure sentence structure phonemics phonology morphology sound structure syllable structure word structure accidence inflectional morphology descriptive linguistics synchronic linguistics dialect geography linguistic geography divinity theology theological system theology Jesuitism Jesuitry precept teaching Behmenism Boehmenism Byzantinism Caesaropapism transcendental philosophy transcendentalism Nativity Virgin Birth attitude mental attitude acceptance credence defensive defensive attitude mentality outlook position posture disposition inclination drift trend sympathy understanding favoritism favouritism leaning proclivity bent set predilection preference favor favour disapproval disfavor disfavour dislike partiality partisanship anthropocentricity anthropocentrism bias prejudice localism provincialism inequity unfairness impartiality nonpartisanship candor candour fair-mindedness fairness liberality liberalness disinterest neutrality denominationalism sectarianism bigotry dogmatism fanaticism zealotry esteem regard estimate estimation report reputation perspective position cutting edge forefront point of view stand standpoint viewpoint angle slant Weltanschauung world view conformism conformity heresy heterodoxy nonconformance nonconformity ideology political orientation absolutism totalism war advocacy warmongering atheism godlessness deism free thought pantheism polytheism heathenism pagan religion obeah obi Christian religion Christianity Adventism Second Adventism Catholicism Catholicity Roman Catholicism Romanism Anglo-Catholicism High Anglicanism Puseyism Tractarianism Wesleyanism Wesleyism Islam Islamism Mohammedanism Muhammadanism Hindooism Hinduism Brahmanism Brahminism Shivaism Sivaism Saktism Shaktism Vaishnavism Vaisnavism Zen Zen Buddhism Tantra Tantrism Hsuan Chiao Taoism Shinto Shintoism Mithraicism Mithraism Mazdaism Zoroastrianism Parseeism Parsiism hoodooism vodoun voodoo voodooism communicating communication conveyance impartation airing circulation dissemination public exposure extension propagation aether ether air airwave piece of paper sheet folio leaf bastard title half title facing pages spread folio page number letter paper notepaper channel transmission channel channel communication channel band frequency band contact inter-group communication liaison link mass media media multimedia multimedia system hypermedia hypermedia system interactive multimedia interactive multimedia system celluloid cinema press public press broadcast media broadcasting mail post airmail airpost 1st class 1st-class mail first class first-class mail express express mail fourth estate journalism newspaper paper rag sheet tabloid yellow journalism column editorial feature feature article news article news story offprint reprint reissue reprint lead lead-in lead lead story telephone telephony call phone call long-distance long-distance call cable cablegram radiotelegraph radiotelegraphy radiotelephone radiotelephony radio radiocommunication TV telecasting television video picture video audio sound cable cable television data communication digital communication ATM asynchronous transfer mode e-mail electronic mail command prompt prompt fiber optics fibre optics detection signal detection AM amplitude modulation FM frequency modulation PM phase modulation language linguistic communication object language target language language unit linguistic unit context context of use form word form plural plural form singular singular form base radical root root word stem theme citation form entry word dictionary entry lexical entry cognate cognate word loan loanword hybrid loanblend coinage neologism blend portmanteau calque loan translation spoken word vocable penult penultima antepenult antepenultimate monosyllabic word monosyllable polysyllabic word polysyllable sesquipedalia sesquipedalian dissyllable disyllable equivalent word synonym antonym opposite hypernym superordinate hyponym subordinate meronym part name holonym whole name manner name troponym deictic deictic word hapax legomenon nonce word language nomenclature free form free morpheme bound form bound morpheme ending suffix grammatical category syntactic category object of a preopsition prepositional object direct object object of the verb case grammatical case nominative nominative case oblique oblique case accusative accusative case dative dative case genitive genitive case locative locative case instrumental instrumental case vocative vocative case ablative ablative case constituent grammatical constituent construction expression predicate verb phrase form class part of speech closed-class word function word content word open-class word proper name proper noun deverbal noun verbal noun modifier qualifier intensifier intensive descriptive adjective qualifying adjective classifying adjective relational adjective dangling modifier misplaced modifier determinative determiner head head word demonstrative demonstrative pronoun conjunction conjunctive subordinate conjunction subordinating conjunction reflexive reflexive pronoun gender grammatical gender present present tense past past tense future future tense past participle perfect participle transitive verb transitive verb form doubly transitive verb doubly transitive verb form intransitive verb intransitive verb form matronymic metronymic cognomen family name last name surname first name forename Christian name baptismal name cognomen moniker nickname sobriquet alias assumed name anonym nom de guerre nom de plume pen name author''s name writer''s name appellation appellative denomination designation place name toponym head heading crosshead crossheading headline newspaper headline running head running headline subhead subheading drop line dropline stagger head staggered head stephead stepped line banner streamer statute title title caption legend subhead subtitle caption subtitle supertitle surtitle line of poetry line of verse by-line credit line written communication written language interlingual rendition rendering translation version crib pony transcription written text shorthand stenography cursive longhand orthography writing system Arabic Arabic script Armenian Armenian alphabet Devanagari Devanagari script Nagari Nagari script Universal Product Code bar code cryptogram cryptograph cipher cryptograph cypher secret code Morse Morse code postal code postcode code computer code address computer address ECC error correction code machine code machine language operation code order code symbolic representation writing four-letter Anglo-Saxon word four-letter word alphabetic script alphabetic writing syllabary syllabic script hieratic hieratic script hieroglyph hieroglyphic writing written material rescript revision literary composition literary work material matter belles lettres belles-lettres dialog dialogue nonfiction nonfictional prose dime novel penny dreadful fantasy phantasy novelette novella adventure story heroic tale mystery mystery story love story romance fable legend allegory apologue fable parable Gotterdammerung Ragnarok plot line storyline climax culmination anticlimax bathos criticism literary criticism poem verse form Alcaic Alcaic verse ballad lay doggerel doggerel verse bucolic eclogue elegy lament epic epic poem free verse vers libre lyric lyric poem rondeau rondel rhyme verse Italian sonnet Petrarchan sonnet Elizabethan sonnet English sonnet Horatian ode Sapphic ode Pindaric Pindaric ode envoi envoy verse verse line Adonic Adonic line text textual matter blank space place indent indentation copy written matter front matter prelims back matter end matter draft draft copy installment instalment fascicle fascicule section subdivision article clause foreword preface close closing conclusion end epilog epilogue epilog epilogue continuation sequel addendum postscript excerpt extract diary journal typewriting typing touch system touch typing hand handwriting hieroglyph hieroglyphic calligraphy penmanship cacography scratch scrawl scribble John Hancock autograph countersign countersignature blank endorsement endorsement in blank inscription lettering manuscript ms holograph manuscript roll scroll adaptation version dissertation thesis pamphlet tract composition paper report theme critical review critique review review article New Latin Utopia Utopia trade book trade edition cookbook cookery book booklet brochure folder leaflet school text schoolbook text text edition appointment book appointment calendar catalog catalogue Book of Psalms Psalter book of facts reference reference book reference work hymnal hymnary dictionary lexicon collegiate dictionary desk dictionary learner''s dictionary school dictionary little dictionary pocket dictionary spell-checker spelling checker gloss glossary synonym finder thesaurus enchiridion handbook consuetudinal consuetudinary book of instructions instruction manual instructions operating instructions guide guidebook itinerary travel guidebook phone book phonebook telephone book telephone directory identification number number ABA transit number BIN license number registration number number phone number annual yearbook almanac farmer''s calendar atlas book of maps dialect atlas linguistic atlas cyclopaedia cyclopedia encyclopaedia encyclopedia editing redaction cut deletion revising rewriting rescript revisal revise revision recasting rephrasing paraphrase paraphrasis religious text religious writing sacred text sacred writing Avesta Zend-Avesta Mahabharata Mahabharatam Bible Good Book Holy Scripture Holy Writ Scripture Word Word of God bible Gospel According to Matthew Matthew Gospel According to Mark Mark Gospel According to Luke Luke Gospel According to John John Douay Bible Douay Version Douay-Rheims Bible Douay-Rheims Version Rheims-Douay Bible Rheims-Douay Version Authorized Version King James Version American Revised Version American Standard Version Laws Pentateuch Hagiographa Writings Gospel Gospels Acts Acts of the Apostles Apocalypse Revelation Book of Mormon The Book of Mormon Ave Maria Hail Mary Canticle of Simeon Nunc dimittis Evening Prayer evensong Koran Quran Samhita Veda summarization summary recap recapitulation rundown summation abstract outline precis synopsis argument literary argument resume sketch curriculum vitae resume abridgement abridgment capsule condensation document papers certificate certification credential credentials commercial document commercial instrument copula copulative copyright right of first publication enclosure inclosure Magna Carta Magna Charta card identity card borrower''s card library card diploma sheepskin commission military commission teacher''s certificate teaching certificate instrument legal document legal instrument official document derivative derivative instrument list listing item point place position agenda agendum docket order of business order book order paper batting order card cleanup cleanup position black book blacklist catalog catalogue card catalog card catalogue parts catalog parts catalogue seed catalog seed catalogue class list honours list contents table of contents criminal record record enumeration numbering inventory stock list bill of fare card carte carte du jour computer menu menu cascading menu hierarchical menu push-down list push-down stack roll roster Aramaic alphabet Hebraic alphabet Cyrillic Cyrillic alphabet phonetic alphabet sound alphabet finger alphabet manual alphabet platform political platform political program program cadaster cadastre written account written record nol pros nolle prosequi copy transcript blotter charge sheet day book police blotter jot jotting memo memoranda register registry check stub counterfoil card scorecard minutes proceedings data file file main file master file detail file transaction file input data input file document text file mug book mug file declaration resolution petition request appeal collection ingathering solicitation account chronicle history story anamnesis medical history historical document historical paper annals chronological record biography life life history life story financial statement statement account bill doctor''s bill medical bill phone bill telephone bill reckoning tally check chit coupon voucher commutation ticket season ticket airplane ticket plane ticket railroad ticket train ticket theater ticket theatre ticket return ticket round-trip ticket stub ticket stub bill of lading waybill adhesion contract contract of adhesion marriage contract marriage settlement insurance insurance policy purchase agreement purchase contract contract under seal sealed instrument confederacy conspiracy floater floating policy articles of agreement shipping articles concession grant collective agreement labor agreement employment agreement employment contract acquisition agreement merger agreement sale sales agreement contract of hazard sale in gross forced sale judicial sale appraisal estimate overappraisal overestimate overestimation overvaluation order purchase order bill-me order credit order stop order stop-loss order work papers work permit act enactment constitution fundamental law Constitution of the United States United States Constitution Justinian code Roman law civil law jus civile case law common law legislation statute law antitrust law antitrust legislation OSHA federal job safety law bill measure bye law bylaw decree edict fiat order judicial separation legal separation ban interdiction prohibition proscription enjoining enjoinment brief legal brief testament will probate probate will deed deed of conveyance deed of trust trust deed quitclaim quitclaim deed arrest warrant bench warrant cachet lettre de cachet income tax return return declaration of estimated tax estimated tax return license permit game license hunting license letter of mark and reprisal letter of marque marriage license wedding license letters patent patent judgement judgment amnesty pardon acquittance release judicial writ writ certiorari writ of certiorari habeas corpus writ of habeas corpus mandamus writ of mandamus authorization mandate process summons subpoena subpoena ad testificandum alternative pleading pleading in the alternative nolo contendere non vult insanity plea plea of insanity charge complaint rebuttal rebutter surrebuttal surrebutter legislative act statute enabling act enabling clause software software system CAD computer-aided design OS operating system DOS disk operating system MS-DOS Microsoft disk operating system UNIX UNIX operating system computer program computer programme program programme application application program browser web browser word processing system word processor assembler assembly program compiler compiling program device driver driver editor editor program interface user interface CLI command line interface GUI graphical user interface interpreter interpretive program monitor program monitoring program object program target program sort program sorting program executive program supervisor system program systems program translating program translator service program utility flow chart flow diagram logic diagram logical diagram function procedure routine subprogram executive routine supervisory routine service routine utility routine command instruction program line statement supervisor call instruction system call documentation software documentation computer database electronic database electronic information service on-line database DBMS database management system impression printing variorum variorum edition proof test copy collection compendium album record album divan diwan florilegium garland compilation digest serial serial publication mag magazine dope sheet scratch sheet pulp pulp magazine slick slick magazine comic comic book issue number perusal perusing poring over studying browse browsing skim skimming content message subject matter substance subject theme aside digression divagation excursus cipher cypher declarative sentence declaratory sentence import meaning significance signification acceptation word meaning connotation intension burden core effect essence intent purport lesson moral nicety nuance refinement shade crux crux of the matter meaninglessness nonsense absurdity absurdness amphigory nonsense verse balderdash fiddle-faddle buzzword cant fa la fal la gibber gibberish incoherence incoherency flummery mummery empty talk empty words hot air palaver rigamarole rigmarole hooey poppycock stuff stuff and nonsense babble babbling blather blatherskite gabble jabber baloney bilgewater boloney bosh drool humbug taradiddle tarradiddle tommyrot tosh Irish bull bull bullshit buncombe bunk bunkum crap dogshit guff hogwash horseshit rot applesauce folderol rubbish trash tripe trumpery pablum pap analecta analects clipping cutting newspaper clipping press clipping quotation quote film flick motion picture movie moving picture picture scene shot feature feature film travelog travelogue Western horse opera animated cartoon cartoon docudrama documentary documentary film infotainment talkie talking picture 3-D 3D broadcast program news news program TV program TV show television program television show pilot pilot film game show giveaway serial series episode installment telegram wire letter missive PS postscript encyclical encyclical letter aerogram aerogramme air letter airmail letter line note billet doux love letter mailing-card postal card acknowledgement acknowledgment farewell word of farewell adieu adios arrivederci au revoir auf wiedersehen bye bye-bye cheerio good day good-by good-bye goodby goodbye sayonara bon voyage send-off greeting salutation compliments regard reception response kiss of peace pax welcome welcoming cordial reception hospitality aloha ciao handclasp handshake handshaking shake hello hi how-do-you-do howdy good morning morning afternoon good afternoon military greeting salute calling card card commiseration condolence congratulation felicitation declination refusal info information details inside information dope low-down poop skinny book record data format data formatting format formatting initialization low-level formatting MRD electronic dictionary ABC ABC''s ABCs basics index index number indicant indicator Dow Jones Dow-Jones Industrial Average price index price level producer price index wholesale price index CPI consumer price index intelligence news tidings word clew clue footmark footprint mark sign shadow trace demonstration logical proof testimonial testimony argument statement clincher determiner reenforcement reinforcement certification corroboration counsel counseling direction guidance confidential information hint lead steer tip wind prescript rule order parliamentary law parliamentary procedure rules of order precept principle cap ceiling base floor import barrier trade barrier embargo trade embargo interference intervention noninterference nonintervention national trading policy trade policy open door open-door policy ethic ethical code ordinance regulation communications protocol protocol file transfer protocol ftp anonymous file transfer protocol anonymous ftp HTTP hypertext transfer protocol MIDI musical instrument digital interface TCP transmission control protocol TCP/IP transmission control protocol/internet protocol closure cloture closure by compartment guillotine code codification health code sanitory code quadratic quadratic equation biquadratic biquadratic equation Schrodinger equation Schrodinger wave equation admonition warning deterrent example example lesson object lesson arcanum secret cabala cabbala cabbalah kabala kabbala kabbalah countersign parole password watchword course catalog course catalogue fountainhead well course of study curriculum program syllabus printing printing process composition typography black and white print letterpress relief printing planographic printing planography collotype collotype printing photo-offset photo-offset printing offset offset printing account news report report story newsletter newssheet flash news bulletin communique despatch exclusive scoop coverage reportage commitment dedication oath swearing guarantee warrant security surety approval commendation countenance endorsement imprimatur sanction OK okay okeh okey credit recognition commemoration memorial ovation standing ovation salutation salute connivance secret approval liberty chit pass laissez passer pass boarding card boarding pass pass passport acclaim acclamation eclat plaudit applause clapping congratulations kudos encomium eulogy paean panegyric good word recommendation character character reference blandishment cajolery blarney coaxing soft soap sweet talk fulsomeness smarm accolade award honor honour testimonial tribute academic degree degree associate associate degree AA Associate in Arts AAS Associate in Applied Science AN Associate in Nursing baccalaureate bachelor''s degree AB Artium Baccalaurens BA Bachelor of Arts ABLS Bachelor of Arts in Library Science BAN Bachelor of Arts in Nursing BD Bachelor of Divinity BLitt Bachelor of Literature Bachelor of Medicine MB BMus Bachelor of Music BNS Bachelor of Naval Science BS Bachelor of Science BSArch Bachelor of Science in Architecture Bachelor of Theology ThB honours honours degree first first-class honours degree MArch Master of Architecture AM Artium Magister MA Master of Arts MALS Master of Arts in Library Science MAT Master of Arts in Teaching MBA Master in Business MDiv Master of Divinity MEd Master of Education MFA Master of Fine Arts MLitt Master of Literature MLS Master of Library Science MS Master of Science Master of Theology ThM doctor''s degree doctorate DMD Doctor of Dental Medicine DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery DD Doctor of Divinity DEd Doctor of Education Doctor of Medicine MD DMus Doctor of Music AMusD Doctor of Musical Arts Doctor of Optometry OD DO Doctor of Osteopathy DPH Doctor of Public Health Doctor of Theology ThD Bachelor of Laws LLB LLM Master of Laws ArtsD Doctor of Arts Doctor of Laws LLD DS Doctor of Science crown pennant cachet seal citation commendation honorable mention mention letter varsity letter decoration laurel wreath medal medallion palm ribbon Congressional Medal of Honor Medal of Honor Silver Star Silver Star Medal Bronze Star Bronze Star Medal Order of the Purple Heart Purple Heart condemnation disapprobation animadversion censure criticism unfavorable judgment carping faultfinding attack blast fire flak rebuke reprehension reprimand reproof preaching sermon chiding objurgation wig wigging bawling out castigation chewing out dressing down earful going-over berating blowing up self-reproach self-reproof blame rap lecture speech chastening chastisement admonishment admonition discourtesy disrespect abuse contumely insult revilement cut stinger derision ridicule contempt scorn jeer jeering mockery scoff leer sneer sneer sneering put-down squelch befooling stultification depreciation derogation belittling denigration aspersion slur detraction petty criticism condescension disdain calumny defamation hatchet job obloquy assassination character assassination malignment smear name calling names epithet name billingsgate scurrility invective vitriol cheek impertinence backtalk lip mouth sass true statement truth gospel gospel truth description verbal description spec specification announcement annunciation proclamation promulgation manifesto pronunciamento dictum pronouncement assertion asseveration accusation charge allegation allegement expression formula affirmation avowal professing profession postulation predication circumstantial evidence indirect evidence affidavit attestation bid bidding overbid overcall account explanation cause grounds defence defense apologia apology alibi excuse construal exposition answer resolution result solution gloss rubric derivation deriving answer reply handout press release necrology obit program programme forecasting foretelling divination prophecy meteorology weather forecast forecast prognosis assumption premise major premise major premiss minor premise minor premiss condition precondition provision proviso false statement falsehood falsity untruth dodge dodging lie prevarication fib story tale taradiddle cock-and-bull story fairy story fairytale song and dance fable fabrication deceit deception facade window dressing exaggeration magnification dissembling feigning pretext stalking-horse hypocrisy lip service blind subterfuge hanky panky hocus-pocus jiggery-pokery skulduggery skullduggery slickness duplicity fraudulence equivocation evasion circumlocution indirect expression hedge hedging qualification reservation comment commentary annotation notation citation credit mention quotation cross-index cross-reference comment remark gambit ploy dictum obiter dictum obiter dictum passing comment mention reference observation reflection crack quip sally wisecrack barb dig gibe jibe shaft shot demythologisation demythologization mythologisation mythologization error mistake erratum literal literal error misprint typo typographical error malaprop malapropism agreement understanding condition term bargain deal compact concordat entente entente cordiale accord pact peace peace treaty humor humour wit witticism caustic remark irony sarcasm satire backchat banter give-and-take raillery gag jape jest joke laugh wheeze gag line laugh line punch line tag line belly laugh howler riot scream sidesplitter thigh-slapper blue joke blue story dirty joke dirty story funny story good story sight gag visual joke caricature imitation burlesque charade lampoon mockery parody pasquinade sendup spoof takeoff travesty cartoon sketch fun play jocosity jocularity waggery waggishness clowning comedy drollery funniness pun punning opinion view conjecture guess hypothesis speculation supposition surmise position side head question matter of fact question of fact matter of law question of law puzzle puzzler brain-teaser conundrum enigma riddle poser stumper crossword crossword puzzle acrostic word square direction instruction address destination SGML standard generalized markup language HTML hypertext markup language formula recipe church doctrine creed gospel religious doctrine belief dogma sign signal start starting signal beam radio beam tickler tickler file bill card notice placard show bill show card guidepost signpost fingerboard fingerpost brand mark stain stigma bar sinister bend sinister cloven foot cloven hoof item token postage postage stamp birdcall birdsong call song hoofmark hoofprint curlicue squiggle underline underscore contour contour line forerunner harbinger herald precursor clue hint alarm alarum alert warning signal alarm bell tocsin lights-out taps reveille wake-up signal singing tattle radiotelegraphic signal telegraphic signal dit dot dah dash whistle whistling number numeral notation notational system number representation system number system numeration system system of numeration positional notation positional representation system binary number system binary numeration system binary system pure binary numeration system octal number system octal numeration system decimal number system decimal numeration system hexadecimal notation sexadecimal notation hexadecimal number system hexadecimal system decimal point percentage point exponent index radical radical sign log logarithm antilog antilogarithm Napierian logarithm natural logarithm fixed-point part mantissa fixed-point notation fixed-point representation system floating-point notation floating-point representation system Lukasiewicz notation Polish notation postfix notation reverse Polish notation musical score score obbligato obligato music sheet music chemical formula formula printed symbol written symbol arrow pointer call mark call number check check mark character grapheme superior superscript inferior subscript ASCII control character control character diacritic diacritical mark ditto ditto mark dollar mark dollar sign dollar dollar mark head point accent accent mark acute acute accent grave grave accent hacek wedge diaeresis dieresis capital upper case lower case lower-case letter small cap small capital face font fount typeface constant-width font fixed-width font monospaced font typewriter font cartridge font font cartridge Gothic black letter Bodoni Bodoni font modern modern font old style old style font roman roman letters roman print roman type raster font screen font Helvetica sans serif serif seriph percent sign percentage sign asterisk star dagger obelisk dieses double dagger alphabetic character letter zed zee blank space polyphone polyphonic letter block capital block letter rune runic letter ideogram ideograph logogram logograph punctuation punctuation mark angle bracket bracket bracket square bracket exclamation mark exclamation point dash hyphen full point full stop period point interrogation point question mark inverted comma quotation mark diagonal separatrix slash solidus stroke virgule brand label marque trade name assay-mark authentication impression stamp embossment imprint musical scale scale fanfare flourish slide swoop keynote tonic leading tone subtonic pedal pedal point interval musical interval step tone whole step whole tone half step semitone musical octave octave shake trill Gregorian mode church mode ecclesiastical mode medieval mode major diatonic scale major scale minor diatonic scale minor scale mode musical mode staff stave ledger line leger line G clef treble clef F clef bass clef alto clef viola clef key signature signature key tonality atonalism atonality musical time signature time signature bar measure musical note note cancel natural solmisation solmization solfa tonic solfa do doh ray re so soh la lah si te common chord triad passing note passing tone semibreve whole note half note minim crotchet quarter note eighth note quaver semiquaver sixteenth note demisemiquaver thirty-second note hemidemisemiquaver sixty-fourth note acciaccatura appoggiatura bass bass voice baritone baritone voice tenor tenor voice alto countertenor alto contralto mezzo mezzo-soprano stoplight traffic light go-ahead green light red light warning light flare flash flag signal flag code flag nautical signal flag sign language signing ASL American sign language gesticulation gesture facial expression facial gesture face grimace moue pout frown scowl grin grinning smile smiling demo demonstration display show expression manifestation reflection reflexion exemplification illustration ensign flag Old Glory Star-Spangled Banner Confederate flag Stars and Bars Magen David Mogen David Agnus Dei Paschal Lamb hash mark hashmark I.D. ID screening showing preview prevue fanfare ostentation bluster bravado brandish flourish flaunt flaunting performance public presentation act bit number routine rendering rendition histrionics theatrical programing language programming language application-oriented language problem-oriented language command language query language computer language computer-oriented language machine language machine-oriented language object language target language object-oriented programing language object-oriented programming language LISP list-processing language Prolog logic programing natural language tongue interlanguage interlingua first language maternal language tonal language tone language Chinook Jargon Oregon Jargon koine lingua franca American Indian American-Indian language Amerind Amerindian language Algonquian Algonquian language Atakapa Atakapan Attacapa Attacapan Athabascan Athabaskan Athapascan Athapaskan Algonkian Algonkin Arapaho Arapahoe Iowa Ioway Oto Otoe Gros Ventre Hidatsa Kansa Kansas Malecite Maleseet Massachuset Massachusetts Mahican Mohican Ogalala Oglala Chippewa Ojibwa Ponca Ponka Chahta Choctaw Muskhogean Muskhogean language Muskogean Muskogean language Salish Salishan Wakashan Wakashan language Shoshonean Shoshonean language Shoshonian Shoshonian language Caddo Caddoan Aricara Arikara Iroquoian Iroquoian language Quechua Quechuan language Maracan language Maraco Tupi-Guarani Tupi-Guarani language Arawak Arawakan Carib Caribbean language Eskimo-Aleut Eskimo-Aleut language Eskimo Esquimau Uto-Aztecan Uto-Aztecan language Maya Mayan Navaho Navajo Chipewyan Chippewaian Siouan Siouan language Tanoan Tanoan language Hoka Hokan Cocopa Cocopah Kiliwa Kiliwi Mohave Mojave Hualapai Hualpai Mariposan Yokuts Miwok Moquelumnan Maidu Pujunan Chinook Chinookan Kalapooian Kalapuyan Sahaptin Shahaptian Takelma Takilman Yucatec Yucateco Altaic Altaic language Turki Turkic Turkic language Turko-Tatar Turcoman Turkmen Kazak Kazakh Usbeg Usbek Uzbak Uzbeg Uighur Uigur Khirghiz Kirghiz Chagatai Eastern Turki Jagatai Jaghatai Tungusic Tungusic language Evenki Ewenki Tungus Tunguz Mongolian Mongolic Kalka Khalka Sinitic Sinitic language Beijing dialect Mandarin Mandarin Chinese Mandarin dialect Shanghai dialect Wu Cantonese Cantonese dialect Yue Yue dialect Amoy Fukien Fukkianese Hokkianese Min Min dialect Hakka Hakka dialect Sino-Tibetan Sino-Tibetan language Tibeto-Burman Tibeto-Burman language Qiang Qiangic Bai Baic Karen Karenic Burmese-Yi Lolo-Burmese Akha Hani Lolo Yi Kachin Kachinic Chingpo Jinghpaw Chin Kuki Barish Bodo-Garo Abor Dafla Miri Mirish Kadai Kadai language Black Tai Tai Dam Chinese Shan Dehong Dai Shan Tai Long Tai Lue Xishuangbanna Dai Kam Muang Tai Yuan Central Thai Siamese Bouyei Buyi Austro-Asiatic Munda-Mon-Khmer Annamese Annamite Austronesian Austronesian language Eastern Malayo-Polynesian Oceanic Bahasa Kebangsaan Bahasa Malaysia Bahasa Melayu Malaysian Bahasa Bahasa Indonesia Filipino Philippine Cebuan Cebuano Aboriginal Australian Australian Dyirbal Jirrbal Walbiri Warlpiri Atayalic Tayalic Papuan Papuan language Khoisan Khoisan language Hottentot Khoikhoi Indo-European Indo-European language PIE Proto-Indo European Gheg Gheg dialect Tosk Tosk dialect Armenian Armenian language Balto-Slavic Balto-Slavic language Slavic Slavic language Slavonic Slavonic language Church Slavic Old Bulgarian Old Church Slavic Old Church Slavonic Belarusian Byelorussian Serbo-Croat Serbo-Croatian Lusatian Sorbian Baltic Baltic language Latvian Lettish Germanic Germanic language West Germanic West Germanic language English English language American American English Black English Black English Vernacular Southwestern West Saxon Anglo-Saxon Old English Jutish Kentish Scots Scots English Lallans Scottish Lallans German German language Low German Plattdeutsch Flemish Flemish dialect Afrikaans South African Dutch Taal the Taal Nordic Norse North Germanic North Germanic language Scandinavian Scandinavian language Bokmal Dano-Norwegian Landsmal New Norwegian Faeroese Faroese East Germanic East Germanic language Uralic Uralic language Finno-Ugrian Finno-Ugric Fennic Finnic Udmurt Votyak Komi Zyrian Cheremis Cheremiss Mordva Mordvin Esthonian Estonian Carelian Karelian Finnish Suomi Veps Vepse Ugrian Ugric Hungarian Magyar Khanty Ostyak Mansi Vogul Lappic Lappish Lapp Sami Samoyed Samoyedic Nenets Nentsi Nentsy Yurak-Samoyed Enets Entsi Entsy Yenisei Yenisei-Samoyed Yeniseian Ostyak-Samoyed Selkup Celtic Celtic language Erse Gaelic Irish Irish Gaelic Scots Gaelic Scottish Gaelic Brittanic Brythonic Italic Italic language Biblical Latin Late Latin Neo-Latin New Latin Latinian language Romance Langue d''oil Langue d''oil French Langue d''oc Langue d''oc French Norman-French Old North French Anglo-French Anglo-Norman Occitan Provencal Elamite Elamitic Cassite Kassite East Tocharian Turfan Kuchean Kuchean dialect Sanskrit Sanskritic language Gypsy Romany Hindoostani Hindostani Asamiya Assamese Mahratti Marathi Gujarati Gujerati Panjabi Punjabi Singhalese Sinhala Indo-Iranian Indo-Iranian language Indic Indo-Aryan Dard Dardic Iranian Iranian language Avestan Zend Farsi Persian Dari Dari Persian Balochi Baluchi Afghan Afghani Pashto Paxto Anatolian Anatolian language Luvian Luwian Greek Hellenic Demotic Romaic Byzantine Greek Medieval Greek Attic Classical Greek Aeolic Eolic Caucasian Caucasian language Dravidian Dravidian language Kota Kotar Kanarese Kannada Hausa Haussa Bolanci Bole Bokkos Daffo Sayanci Zaar Pidlimdi Tera Bura Pabir Higi Kapsiki Mandara Wandala Mafa Matakam Daba Kola Mulwi Munjuk Sibine Somrai Dangaleat Dangla Chad Chadic Afrasian Afrasian language Afroasiatic Afroasiatic language Amharic Ethiopian language Arabic Arabic language Canaanitic Canaanitic language Hamitic Hamitic language Niger-Kordofanian Niger-Kordofanian language Bantoid language Bantu Chaga Chagga Matabele Ndebele Basuto Sesotho Sechuana Setswana Gur Voltaic Fula Fulah Aku Yoruba Nilo-Saharan Nilo-Saharan language Nilotic Nilotic language art artwork graphics nontextual matter pictorial matter picture fig figure graph graphical record frequency response frequency-response characteristics color circle color wheel bar chart bar graph tabular matter tabulation cartoon strip comic strip ECG EKG cardiogram electrocardiogram EEG electroencephalogram dramatic art dramatics dramaturgy theater staging theatrical production dramatic composition dramatic work drama play book playscript prompt copy promptbook dialog dialogue actor''s line speech line of gab patter linguistic string string string of words word string effusion gush seriocomedy tragicomedy farce farce comedy musical musical comedy galanty show shadow play puppet play puppet show strip show striptease review revue variety variety show music hall vaudeville monody monophonic music concerted music polyphonic music polytonalism polytonality classical music serious music bouffe comic opera opera bouffe opera comique light opera operetta harmony musical harmony harmonisation harmonization air line melodic line melodic phrase melody strain leitmotif leitmotiv signature signature tune idea melodic theme musical theme theme obbligato obligato motif motive part voice accompaniment support descant discant bass bass part basso continuo thorough bass church music religious music antiphon antiphony processional prosodion antiphonal antiphonary Gregorian chant plainchant Negro spiritual spiritual Christmas carol carol anthem hymn choral chorale paean pean composition musical composition opus piece arrangement musical arrangement coda finale duet duette quartet quartette quintet quintette sestet sextet septet septette octet octette cantata oratorio divertimento serenade enigma canon enigmatic canon enigmatical canon riddle canon idyll pastoral rondeau rondo symphonic music symphony musical passage passage musical phrase phrase symphonic poem tone poem medley pastiche arietta short aria ballad lay barcarole barcarolle chantey chanty sea chantey shanty chorus refrain tra-la tra-la-la coronach dirge lament requiem folk ballad folk song berceuse cradlesong language lyric banquet song scolion belling callathump callithump charivari chivaree shivaree rhumba rumba serial music serialism pop pop music ethnic music folk country and western country music expressive style style eloquence fluency expression formulation grandiloquence grandiosity magniloquence rhetoric delivery manner of speaking articulation voice archaicism archaism idiom parlance Anglicism Briticism choice of words diction phraseology phrasing verbiage wording paralanguage paralinguistic communication tone tone of voice barrage onslaught inflection prosody intonation pitch contour drone droning accent accentuation emphasis stress pitch accent tonic accent word accent word stress rhythm speech rhythm beat musical rhythm modulation transition blah bombast claptrap fustian luridness sensationalism conciseness pithiness laconicism laconism verboseness verbosity long-windedness prolixity prolixness wordiness circumlocution periphrasis flatulence turgidity repetitiousness repetitiveness genre literary genre poesy poetry poetic rhythm prosody beat cadence measure meter common measure common meter foot metrical foot iamb iambus anapaest anapest dibrach pyrrhic rhyme rime alliteration beginning rhyme head rhyme initial rhyme assonance vowel rhyme consonance consonant rhyme anacoluthia anacoluthon epiphora epistrophe anaphora epanaphora anastrophe inversion ecphonesis exclamation litotes meiosis paraleipsis paralepsis paralipsis preterition figure figure of speech image trope exaggeration hyperbole dead metaphor frozen metaphor personification prosopopoeia language oral communication speech spoken language vocalization voice phone sound ablaut gradation vowel vowel sound accentual system prosodic system consonant system consonantal system phonologic system phonological system tonal system tone system schwa shwa murmur murmur vowel stem vowel thematic vowel glide semivowel alveolar alveolar consonant occlusive plosive plosive consonant plosive speech sound stop stop consonant explosion plosion aspiration rough breathing labial labial consonant glottal catch glottal plosive click suction stop continuant continuant consonant fricative fricative consonant sibilant sibilant consonant affricate affricate consonant nasal nasal consonant orinasal orinasal phone surd voiceless consonant guttural guttural consonant sonant voiced sound call cry outcry shout vociferation yell cry yell bellow bellowing holla holler hollering hollo holloa roar roaring yowl clamor clamoring clamour clamouring scream screaming screech screeching shriek shrieking battle cry rallying cry war cry war whoop shouting yelling Bronx cheer bird boo hiss hoot raspberry razzing snort obscenity vulgarism bawdry bawdy curse curse word cuss expletive oath swearing croak croaking exclaiming exclamation deuce devil ejaculation interjection groan moan howl howling laugh laughter chortle chuckle belly laugh guffaw ha-ha haw-haw hee-haw horselaugh snicker snigger sob sobbing speaking speech production splutter sputter rasp rasping accent speech pattern retroflection retroflexion diction enunciation syncopation syncope phatic communication phatic speech intercourse social intercourse communion sharing chat confab causerie chin-wag chin-wagging chitchat gab gabfest gossip small talk gossiping gossipmongering muckraking scandalmongering talk talking dialog dialogue cackle chatter yack yak blether chin music idle talk prate idle words jazz nothingness wind cant pious platitude honeyed words sweet nothings discourse discussion direct discourse direct quotation discussion give-and-take argument debate conference group discussion audience consultation huddle powwow news conference press conference pretrial pretrial conference round table round-table conference teleconference teleconferencing closed session executive session negotiation talks diplomacy diplomatic negotiations gunboat diplomacy power politics SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks haggle haggling wrangle wrangling arbitration mediation expression locution anatomical anatomical reference catchword motto shibboleth slogan battle cry cry rallying cry war cry axiom maxim aphorism apophthegm epigram quip adage byword proverb saw banality bromide cliche commonplace idiom idiomatic expression phrasal idiom phrase accent dialect argot cant jargon lingo patois slang charm magic spell curse hex monologue soliloquy marriage offer marriage proposal proposal proposal of marriage proffer proposition motion question breath hint ghost touch advance approach feeler overture offer offering bid tender olive branch peace offering entry submission bid bidding command dictation charge commission Decalogue Ten Commandments clarification elucidation enlargement expansion construction twist misinterpretation mistaking misconstrual misconstruction acquiescence assent conceding concession bye pass accord accordance collusion connivance accession assenting confirmation ratification concord condordance endorsement second confrontation encounter discord dissension division variance conflict difference difference of opinion dispute arguing argument contention contestation controversy tilt dustup quarrel row run-in words wrangle affray altercation bicker bickering fuss spat squabble tiff offer offering asking request notice notification indirect request wish bidding summons appeal entreaty demagoguery demagogy flag waving jingoism plea supplication beggary begging suing suit courting courtship suit wooing communion orison petition prayer benediction blessing blessing grace invocation supplication billing charge insistence insisting call claim call margin call pay claim wage claim inquiring questioning enquiry inquiry query question examination interrogation interrogation interrogative interrogative sentence question exam examination final final exam midterm midterm exam oral oral exam oral examination viva voce prelim preliminary exam question sheet test paper reply response comeback rejoinder retort return defence defense characterization delineation depiction picture word picture word-painting portrait portraiture detailing particularization sketch vignette affirmation assertion abjuration recantation backdown climb-down negating negation contradiction contradiction in terms renunciation repudiation disowning disownment rebuff repulse short shrift summary treatment demur demurral beef bitch gripe kick protest protestation whimper whine grumble grumbling murmur murmuring mutter muttering lament lamentation plaint wail informing making known apprisal notification notifying telling disclosure revealing divulgement divulgence informing ratting expose unmasking self-accusation self-condemnation intro introduction account report report study white book white paper report report card narration narrative recital story tale yarn sob story sob stuff fairy story fairytale recounting relation comment gossip hearsay rumor grapevine pipeline dirt malicious gossip talk talk of the town alert alerting caution caveat forewarning premonition parole word assurance pledge plight troth betrothal engagement thanking thanks bow curtain call boast boasting jactitation self-praise brag bragging crow crowing line-shooting vaporing bluster braggadocio indicating indication dare daring calling into question demand for explanation denouncement denunciation diatribe fulmination broadside philippic condemnation curse imprecation malediction accusal accusation reading recital bill of indictment indictment allegation complaint lodgement lodgment blame incrimination implicating implication unspoken accusation veiled accusation innuendo insinuation address speech inaugural inaugural address keynote address keynote speech lecture public lecture oral presentation public speaking debate disputation harangue rant rave raving valediction valedictory discourse preaching kerugma kerygma homily preachment persuasion suasion artillery weapon exhortation incitement prompting suggestion expostulation objection bell ringing canvassing promotion promotional material blurb endorsement book jacket dust cover dust jacket dust wrapper ballyhoo hoopla hype plug pitch sales pitch ad advert advertisement advertising newspaper ad newspaper advertisement commercial commercial message bill broadsheet broadside circular flier flyer handbill throwaway Yellow Pages yellow pages abetment instigation cheering shouting advancement furtherance fosterage fostering goad goading prod prodding spur spurring incitement provocation determent deterrence abdication stepping down renouncement renunciation relinquishing relinquishment giving up surrender ban banning forbiddance forbidding anomalous communication psychic communication telepathy thought transference parapsychology psychic phenomena ESP clairvoyance esp extrasensory perception foreknowledge precognition psychokinesis telekinesis spirit rapping table rapping table lifting table tilting table tipping table turning drogue sock wind sleeve windsock post stake point of reference reference reference source bench mark benchmark mearstone meerestone lubber line lubber''s line lubber''s mark lubber''s point linguistic rule rule grammatical rule rule of grammar criterion measure standard touchstone mark target blinker trafficator turn indicator turn signal rocket skyrocket blip radar target racon radar beacon beacon beacon fire signal fire signal light input input signal output output signal foghorn fogsignal brake light stoplight bell buoy gong buoy whistle buoy whistling buoy can can buoy conical buoy nun crosier crozier scepter sceptre verge wand blue ribbon cordon bleu chevron grade insignia stripe stripes mark marker milepost milestone unknown unknown quantity peg pin pip spot logo logotype gummed label label bookplate ex libris wafture wave bow bowing curtsey curtsy genuflection genuflexion kotow kowtow scrape scraping contact touch happening natural event accompaniment co-occurrence augury sign omen portent presage prognostic flash flashing marvel wonder drama dramatic event contingency eventuality conclusion ending end last outcome result fair deal square deal aftermath consequence just deserts poetic justice materialization offspring sequel subsequence payoff reward foregone conclusion matter of course periodic event recurrent event alteration change bombshell thunderbolt blow shock accident chance event crash wreck collision hit balefire bonfire conflagration inferno bad luck misfortune pity shame blaze hell calvary martyrdom outrage scandal impulse nerve impulse detonation explosion case example clip time bit piece motion movement approach approaching passage passing deflection deflexion bend bending change of location travel shrinkage shrinking compression condensation accidental injury injury breach break falling out rift rupture severance misadventure mischance calamity cataclysm catastrophe disaster act of God force majeure inevitable accident unavoidable casualty coincidence happenstance break good luck smash smash-up slip trip atrophy withering attenuation fading downfall fall abortion miscarriage miss missfire egress emergence birth nascence nascency nativity blessed event happy event breech birth breech delivery rebirth reincarnation Advent Second Advent materialisation materialization genesis inception origin origination emergence growth oncoming onset dawn morning overture preliminary aetiology etiology conception creation curtain raising opening kickoff send-off destiny fate kismat kismet annihilation disintegration eradication obliteration debilitation enervation enfeeblement exhaustion breakup detachment spread spreading dispersion scattering extermination extinction fatality human death departure exit expiration going loss passing day of reckoning doom demolition destruction razing wrecking ruin ruination desolation devastation rack wrack fadeout receding fluctuation variation engagement interlocking mesh meshing blow bump jar jolt contact impinging damage equipment casualty battle damage combat casualty operational casualty operational damage combat injury injury loss personnel casualty repeat repetition rematch replay recurrence return atavism reversion ground swell heavy swell breaker breakers backwash wake riffle ripple rippling wavelet gravitation wave gravity wave oscillation vibration undulation wave standing wave stationary wave wave form wave shape crestless wave swell lift rise billow surge tidal wave tsunami roll roller backlash rebound recoil repercussion bounce bouncing kick recoil squeeze wring cam stroke stroke turn turning twist wrench moving ridge wave white horse whitecap shipwreck wreck capsizing overturning close finish closing curtain finale Z omega death decease decrease drop-off easing moderation advance betterment elaboration refinement jump leap shift transformation tin disease tin pest contagion infection cave in subsidence killing violent death casualty fatal accident cessation surcease settling subsidence drop fall immersion submergence submerging submersion foundering going under bust flop bomb dud debacle fiasco halt stop stand standstill departure deviation difference divergence discrepancy variance malformation miscreation dislocation disruption abrupt change break abatement hiatus reprieve respite accommodation adjustment ascension ascent rise rising climb climbing elevation lift heave heaving bother fuss hassle trouble advance progress head headway trial tribulation fusion merger combination combine mix mixture rapid climb rapid growth upheaval uplift upthrow upthrust bang blast blowup clap eruption loud noise beep bleep blare blaring cacophony clamor boom roar roaring thunder chatter chattering chatter chattering cheep peep chink click chirrup twitter clang clangor clangoring clangour clank clash crash jangle clickety-clack clickety-click crack cracking crackle crackling creak creaking crepitation rale rale footfall footstep growl growling hiss hissing brouhaha hubbub hum humming knock knocking meow mew miaou miaow murmur murmuration murmuring mutter neigh whinny drum roll paradiddle pat rap peal pealing roll rolling pop popping rat-a-tat-tat rat-tat rattle rattling ring ringing drumbeat rub-a-dub grumble grumbling rumble rumbling rustle rustling whisper whispering scrape scraping scratch scratching scream screaming screech screeching shreiking shriek rhonchus snore spatter spattering splatter splattering splutter sputter plash splash clump clunk thud thump tick ticking ticktock tictac ting tinkle trample trampling whir whirr whistle whistling yelp yelping beat heartbeat pulsation pulse pounding throb high tide high water ebb reflux low tide low water flood tide rising tide neap neap tide slack tide slack water aegir bore eager eagre tidal current tidal flow sea purse sea puss seapoose undertow rip current riptide crosscurrent rip riptide tide rip undercurrent undertide landslide landslip flow flowing backflow backflowing current stream freshet spate overflow overflowing overspill runoff torrent violent stream discharge outpouring flux fluxion atomic explosion nuclear explosion carom ricochet touch touching concussion shock rap strike bang bash belt knock buffeting pounding slap smack deflection deflexion reversal turn around swerve yaw scintillation sparkling play shimmer flicker glint gleam gleaming corruscation glitter brush light touch jump leap encounter meeting alignment conjunction changeover conversion juncture occasion head pass climax flood tide emergency exigency landmark turning point compaction compression concretion densification conservation preservation remission subsidence curse torment detriment hurt damage harm impulse pulsation pulse pulsing breakdown equipment failure short short circuit dwindling dwindling away turn turn of events complication ramification gene mutation point mutation degeneration retrogression disturbance perturbation earthquake quake seism temblor seismic disturbance shock earth tremor microseism seaquake submarine earthquake encroachment intrusion entering entrance disturbance interference background background signal background noise ground noise XT crosstalk atmospheric static atmospherics dud misfire ooze oozing exudation transudation dribble drip eddy twist maelstrom vortex dismemberment taking apart maiming mutilation deformation distortion warp warping dressing fecundation burst flare-up jet spirt spurt squirt eruption volcanic eruption escape leak leakage outflow fecundation fertilisation fertilization impregnation pollenation pollination cross-fertilisation cross-fertilization self-fertilisation self-fertilization flap flapping flopping flutter flush gush rush spate surge upsurge gyration revolution roll rotation commotion whirl English side ladder ravel loosening relaxation permutation replacement substitution switch business cycle trade cycle displacement shift angelus angelus bell coming back return affair occasion bash brawl ceremonial ceremonial occasion ceremony observance burial entombment inhumation interment nuptials wedding pageant pageantry commemoration memorialisation induction initiation coronation enthronement enthronization investiture bas mitzvah bat mitzvah commencement commencement ceremony commencement exercise graduation formalities formality competition contest athletic contest athletics Olympiad Olympic Games Winter Olympic Games Winter Olympics prelim preliminary automobile race car race sailing-race yacht race foot race footrace harness race harness racing ski race skiing race relay race relays tournament tourney Series World Series semi semifinal meet sports meeting swim meet swimming meet hurdle race hurdles broad jump long jump pole jump pole jumping pole vault pole vaulting hammer hammer throw diving diving event match game matched game fall pin joust tilt campaign political campaign campaign for governor governor''s race senate campaign senate race triumph victory slam sweep little slam small slam laugher romp runaway shoo-in defeat licking blow reversal reverse setback discomfit discomfiture debacle drubbing slaughter thrashing trouncing walloping spelldown spelling bee bonanza boom goldmine manna from heaven collapse crash faint swoon soul soulfulness passion passionateness abandon wildness ardor ardour fervency fervidness fervor fervour bathos mawkishness Oedipal complex Oedipus complex ambivalence ambivalency emotionlessness impassiveness impassivity indifference phlegm stolidity languor lassitude ambition aspiration appetence appetency want wish longing yearning hankering yen sex sexual urge concupiscence physical attraction sensualism sensuality amativeness amorousness eroticism erotism lecherousness lust carnality lasciviousness prurience pruriency itch urge caprice impulse vagary whim pleasance pleasure delectation delight entrancement ravishment gusto relish zest zestfulness consolation solace bright side silver lining alleviation assuagement pain painfulness pang twinge hurt suffering agony torment discomfort irritation soreness tenderness distress hurt anguish torment self-torment self-torture fancy fondness captivation enchantment enthrallment fascination penchant predilection preference taste leaning propensity amicability amicableness good will goodwill favor favour admiration esteem adoration worship alienation disaffection antipathy aversion contempt disdain abhorrence abomination detestation execration loathing odium horror repugnance repulsion revulsion appreciativeness gratefulness ingratitude ungratefulness solicitousness solicitude softheartedness tenderness aloofness distance detachment withdrawal coldheartedness hardheartedness cruelty mercilessness pitilessness ruthlessness self-disgust self-hatred self-consciousness uncomfortableness shamefacedness sheepishness chagrin humiliation confusion discombobulation abashment bashfulness discomfiture discomposure disconcertion disconcertment pride pridefulness self-esteem self-pride ego egotism amour propre conceit self-love vanity humbleness humility amazement astonishment admiration wonder daze shock anticipation expectancy gaiety playfulness gravity solemnity earnestness seriousness sensitiveness sensitivity insight perceptiveness fidget fidgetiness tumult turmoil placidity placidness coolness imperturbability imperturbableness phlegm quietness quietude tranquility tranquillity ataraxis heartsease peace peace of mind peacefulness repose easiness relaxation dreaminess languor anger choler dudgeon high dudgeon fury madness enragement infuriation offense umbrage indignation outrage dander hackles bad temper ill temper annoyance chafe irritation pique aggravation exasperation harassment torment fear fearfulness alarm consternation chill frisson quiver shiver shudder thrill panic terror awe reverence panic attack scare apprehension apprehensiveness boding foreboding premonition presentiment timidity timidness diffidence self-distrust hesitance hesitancy distress trouble care concern anxiousness disquiet disquietude edginess inquietude uneasiness sinking sinking feeling misgiving qualm jitteriness jumpiness nervousness restiveness bravery fearlessness gladfulness gladness joy joyfulness elation high spirits exultation jubilance jubilancy jubilation excitement exhilaration bang charge flush kick rush thrill gaiety merriment glee gleefulness hilarity mirth jocularity jocundity closeness intimacy blitheness cheerfulness buoyancy perkiness carefreeness insouciance lightheartedness lightsomeness complacence complacency self-complacency self-satisfaction fulfillment fulfilment glee gloat gloating schadenfreude sadness unhappiness gloom gloominess brooding pensiveness Weltschmerz world-weariness woe woefulness desolation forlornness tearfulness weepiness attrition contriteness brokenheartedness grief heartache heartbreak mournfulness ruthfulness dolor dolour regret ruefulness compunction remorse guilt guilt feelings guilt trip guilty conscience penance penitence cheerlessness uncheerfulness chill pall dispiritedness downheartedness despondence despondency disconsolateness heartsickness oppression oppressiveness discontent discontentedness boredom ennui disappointment letdown defeat frustration sanguineness sanguinity resignation surrender discouragement disheartenment ardor ardour amorousness enamoredness calf love crush infatuation puppy love devotedness devotion affection affectionateness fondness heart tenderness warmheartedness attachment fond regard regard respect caring lovingness warmheartedness warmth hate hatred misogynism misogyny despisal despising enmity hostility animosity animus aggression aggressiveness belligerence belligerency bitterness gall rancor rancour huffishness sulkiness grievance grudge enviousness envy green-eyed monster jealousy malevolence malignity malice maliciousness spite spitefulness vengefulness vindictiveness humor humour mood temper sulk sulkiness amiability good humor good humour good temper jollity joviality ill humor ill humour glumness moroseness irascibility quick temper short temper spleen choler crossness fretfulness fussiness irritability peevishness testiness tetchiness fellow feeling sympathy compassion compassionateness commiseration pathos pity ruth tenderheartedness tenderness mercifulness mercy compatibility rapport feeling of identity identification avidity avidness eagerness keenness ardor ardour elan zeal comestible eatable edible pabulum victual victuals bland diet ulcer diet carbo loading carbohydrate loading high-vitamin diet vitamin-deficiency diet low-salt diet low-sodium diet obesity diet reducing diet pablum pap soft diet spoon food chow chuck eats grub board table food product foodstuff coloring colouring food color food coloring food colour food colouring Indian meal cornmeal oatmeal rolled oats graham graham flour whole meal flour whole wheat flour soy flour soybean flour aliment alimentation nourishment nutriment sustenance victuals cookery cooking cuisine culinary art commissariat provender provisions viands fresh food fresh foods frozen food frozen foods canned food canned foods canned goods tinned goods dehydrated food dehydrated foods meal repast breakfast petit dejeuner dejeuner lunch luncheon tiffin afternoon tea tea weenie roast wiener roast bite collation nosh snack coffee break tea break banquet feast helping portion mouthful taste bit bite sup swallow chaw chew cud plug quid wad entree main course chicken cacciatora chicken cacciatore joint roast borsch borscht borsh borshch borsht bortsch liquor pot liquor beef broth beef stock chicken broth chicken stock broth stock cock-a-leekie cocky-leeky Philadelphia pepper pot pepper pot minestrone petite marmite green turtle soup turtle soup won ton wonton green pea soup potage St. Germain Spanish burgoo olla podrida Irish burgoo mulligan chicken purloo poilu Hungarian goulash goulash lobscouse lobscuse dainty delicacy goody kickshaw self-raising flour self-rising flour delicatessen delicatessen food takeout takeout food choice morsel tidbit savory savoury loaf sugar sugar loaf confection confectionery Saint-John''s-bread carob barley candy barley-sugar brittle toffee chewing gum gum candied fruit crystallized fruit candied apple candy apple caramel apple taffy apple baking chocolate bitter chocolate jimmies sprinkles candyfloss cotton candy divinity divinity fudge penocha penuche mint mint candy peppermint peppermint candy jelly bean jelly egg candy kiss molasses kiss licorice liquorice all-day sucker lollipop cough drop pastil pastille troche marchpane marzipan rock rock candy chocolate truffle truffle dessert sweet ambrosia nectar compote fruit compote sillabub syllabub frappe ice sherbert sherbet ice lolly lollipop lolly popsicle ice-cream sundae sundae frozen custard soft ice cream pud pudding Christmas pudding plum pudding roly-poly roly-poly pudding maraschino maraschino cherry frosting ice sabayon zabaglione baked good baked goods pastry pastry dough pie crust pie shell dowdy pandowdy timbale timbale case cobbler deep-dish pie pirogi piroshki bouchee patty shell pate feuillete puff paste pate a choux pouf paste chou cream puff baba au rhum rum baba coffee cake coffeecake devil''s food devil''s food cake ice-cream cake icebox cake angel cake angel food cake bridecake wedding cake jumbal jumble skillet cake upside-down cake biscuit cookie shortbread shortbread cookie almond cookie almond crescent ratafia ratafia biscuit oreo oreo cookie Toll House cookie chocolate chip cookie donut doughnut Berlin doughnut bismark cruller twister French fritter biegnet battercake flannelcake flapcake flapjack griddlecake hot cake hotcake pancake blini bliny blintz blintze French pancake crape german pancake pfannkuchen latke potato pancake fish ball fish cake fish finger fish stick conserve conserves preserve preserves strawberry jam strawberry preserves gelatin jelly bird fowl chicken poulet frier fryer oven stuffer oven stuffer roaster dove squab turkey drumstick turkey leg chicken drumstick chicken leg second joint thigh breast white meat giblet giblets parson''s nose pope''s nose organs variety meat calf''s liver calves'' liver sweetbread sweetbreads neck sweetbread throat sweetbread cut cut of meat piece slice cutlet scallop filet fillet fish filet fish fillet side side of meat tenderloin undercut filet fillet porterhouse porterhouse steak rib roast standing rib roast New York strip strip steak beef boeuf beef roast roast beef cake patty ground beef hamburger beef patty chopped steak chopsteak hamburger steak bully beef corn beef jerked meat jerky veal veau veal parmesan veal parmigiana scrag scrag end roast veal veal roast horseflesh horsemeat hare rabbit mouton mutton breast of lamb poitrine d''agneau lamb roast roast lamb crown roast rack of lamb gigot leg of lamb porc pork cochon de lait suckling pig flitch side of bacon pork roast roast pork gammon ham picnic ham picnic shoulder pigs'' feet pigs'' knuckles chitlings chitlins margarin margarine marge oleo dripping drippings coconut oil copra oil groundnut oil peanut oil soyabean oil soybean oil sunflower oil sunflower-seed oil black pudding blood pudding Bologna sausage bologna frank frankfurter hotdog weenie wiener wienerwurst knackwurst knockwurst liver pudding liver sausage lunch meat luncheon meat dressing stuffing oyster dressing oyster stuffing farce forcemeat bread breadstuff Boston brown bread brown bread bun roll challah hallah brown bread dark bread whole meal bread whole wheat bread English muffin crumpet chapati chapatti pita pocket bread loaf loaf of bread matzah matzo matzoh unleavened bread fry bread skillet bread black bread pumpernickel Jewish rye Jewish rye bread Swdish rye Swedish rye bread sourbread sourdough bread light bread white bread baguet baguette ash cake ashcake cornpone pone corn dab corn dodger johnny cake johnnycake batter bread spoon bread Brussels biscuit rusk twice-baked bread zwieback frankfurter bun hotdog bun hamburger bun hamburger roll gem muffin Scotch pancake drop scone cross bun hot cross bun crescent roll croissant Vienna roll hard roll bialy bialystoker coffee roll sweet roll bear claw bear paw cinnamon bun cinnamon roll caramel bun honey bun schnecken sticky bun Danish Danish pastry buttermilk biscuit soda biscuit hardtack pilot biscuit pilot bread sea biscuit club sandwich three-decker open sandwich open-face sandwich beefburger hamburger Cuban sandwich Italian sandwich bomber grinder hero hero sandwich hoagie hoagy poor boy sub submarine submarine sandwich torpedo wedge BLT bacon-lettuce-tomato sandwich western western sandwich alimentary paste pasta linguine linguini fettuccine fettuccini lasagna lasagne cappelletti ravioli won ton wonton dumpling dumplings cornmeal mush mush grits hominy grits cold cereal dry cereal garden truck green goods green groceries produce vegetable veggie rabbit food raw vegetable green greens bean curd tofu Irish potato murphy potato spud tater white potato french fries french-fried potatoes potato peel potato peelings Saratoga chip chip crisp potato chip aubergine eggplant pieplant rhubarb Indian mustard leaf mustard mustard mustard greens cabbage chou cole kail collard greens collards Chinese cabbage Chinese celery bok choi bok choy savoy savoy cabbage brussels sprout brussels sprouts broccoli raab broccoli rabe crookneck crookneck squash courgette zucchini marrow vegetable marrow cucumber cuke artichoke globe artichoke Jerusalem artichoke sunchoke beet beetroot Swiss chard chard leaf beet spinach beet pimento pimiento chile chili chili pepper chilli cayenne cayenne pepper red pepper tabasco green onion scallion purple onion red onion salad green salad greens crisphead lettuce iceberg lettuce cos cos lettuce romaine romaine lettuce leaf lettuce loose-leaf lettuce bean edible bean garden pea green pea snow pea sugar pea chickpea garbanzo cajan pea dahl black-eyed pea cowpea navy bean pea bean black bean turtle bean flageolet haricot Kentucky wonder Kentucky wonder bean English runner bean runner bean scarlet runner scarlet runner bean French bean haricot vert wax bean yellow bean butter bean butterbean civet bean sieva bean broad bean fava bean soy soybean celeriac celery root chicory curly endive chicory chicory root chicory escarole endive Belgian endive French endive corn edible corn green corn sweet corn gumbo okra kohlrabi turnip cabbage lamb''s-quarter pigweed Mexican husk tomato husk tomato oyster plant vegetable oyster black salsify scorzonera rutabaga swede swedish turnip yellow turnip common sorrel sorrel cocoyam dasheen edda taro earthnut truffle earthnut goober goober pea groundnut monkey nut peanut cling clingstone lemon peel lemon rind orange peel orange rind dessert apple eating apple Golden Delicious Yellow Delicious European blueberry bilberry boxberry checkerberry spiceberry teaberry cowberry lingonberry lowbush cranberry mountain cranberry juneberry saskatoon serviceberry shadberry lansa lansat lanseh lanset hackberry sugarberry West Indian cherry acerola barbados cherry surinam cherry carambola star fruit ceriman monstera carissa plum natal plum citrus citrus fruit mandarin mandarin orange tangelo ugli Seville orange bitter orange pomelo shaddock damson damson plum greengage greengage plum seedless raisin sultana ananas pineapple anchovy pear river pear bell apple sweet cup water lemon yellow granadilla jack jackfruit cacao cocoa bean canistel eggfruit muskmelon sweet melon cantaloup cantaloupe honeydew honeydew melon net melon netted melon casaba casaba melon black cherry sweet cherry heart cherry oxheart blackheart blackheart cherry Mexican black cherry capulin coco plum cocoa plum fox grape slip-skin grape bullace grape muscadine muscat muscat grape cherimolla cherimoya guanabana soursop Jamaica apple bullock''s heart anon sugar apple papaw pawpaw ketembilla kitambilla ackee akee feijoa pineapple guava Spanish lime genip genipap genipap fruit Chinese gooseberry kiwi Japanese plum loquat sapodilla sapodilla plum mammee marmalade plum tamarind tamarindo alligator pear avocado hog plum yellow mombin hog plum wild plum Chinese date Chinese jujube leechee lichee lichi litchee litchi litchi nut dragon''s eye longanberry mamey mammee black olive ripe olive bartlett bartlett pear seckel seckel pear Barbados gooseberry blade apple native peach quandang quandong quantong rambotan rambutan pulasan pulassan sorb sorb apple monkey bread sour gourd areca nut betel nut brazil brazil nut cashew cashew nut chincapin chinkapin cob cobnut filbert hazelnut cocoanut coconut coconut coconut meat groundnut potato bean pignolia pine nut pistachio pistachio nut bream sea bream bream freshwater bream bass freshwater bass bass sea bass striped bass striper dolphinfish mahimahi catfish mudcat tuna tuna fish bluefin bluefin tuna calamari calamary blowfish puffer escargot snail periwinkle winkle gray mullet mullet kipper kippered herring huitre oyster blue point bluepoint hard-shell clam quahaug quahog round clam littleneck littleneck clam cherrystone cherrystone clam long-neck clam soft-shell clam steamer steamer clam crab crabmeat soft-shell crab soft-shelled crab Alaska crab Alaska king crab Alaskan king crab king crab crawdad crawfish crayfish ecrevisse cod codfish pollack pollock schrod scrod finnan finnan haddie finnan haddock smoked haddock porgy scup fillet of sole sole English sole lemon sole lemon sole winter flounder ocean perch redfish American lobster Maine lobster crayfish langouste rock lobster spiny lobster Norwegian lobster langoustine pilchard sardine prawn shrimp salmon trout sea trout brook trout speckled trout cisco lake herring red salmon sockeye chinook chinook salmon coho coho salmon cohoe silver salmon scallop scollop red herring smoked herring American smelt rainbow smelt European smelt sparling brisling sprat hard roe roe milt soft roe caviar caviare feed provender eatage forage grass pasturage ensilage silage broad bean horse bean cereal food grain barley barleycorn bulghur bulgur wheat wheat berry polished rice white rice Indian rice wild rice pigswill pigwash slop slops chicken feed scratch cud rechewed food bird food birdseed pet food petfood cat chow cat food tuna fish salad tuna salad coleslaw slaw tabbouleh tabooli flavorer flavoring flavourer flavouring seasoner seasoning Bovril beef tea oil of wintergreen wintergreen oil common salt salt cumin cumin seed ginger gingerroot ginger powdered ginger pepper peppercorn basil sweet basil comfrey healing herb Chinese parsley cilantro coriander coriander seed common fennel fennel Florence fennel fennel fenugreek fenugreek seed ail garlic clove garlic clove marjoram oregano mustard table mustard savory savoury summer savory summer savoury winter savory winter savoury sweet woodruff waldmeister estragon tarragon catsup cetchup ketchup tomato ketchup cardamom cardamon cayenne cayenne pepper Indian relish chutney duck sauce hoisin sauce apple sauce applesauce Tabasco Tabasco sauce anise aniseed Chinese anise star anise benniseed sesame seed dill dill weed MSG monosodium glutamate vanilla vanilla extract horseradish sauce sauce Albert tartar sauce tartare sauce marchand de vin mushroom win sauce dressing salad dressing bleu cheese dressing blue cheese dressing Roquefort dressing blue cheese dressing French dressing sauce vinaigrette green mayonnaise sauce verte aioli aioli sauce Russian dressing Russian mayonnaise Bercy Bercy butter Burgundy sauce bourguignon brown sauce sauce Espagnole espanole sauce espanole Chinese brown sauce brown sauce chocolate sauce chocolate syrup fudge sauce hot-fudge sauce cocktail sauce seafood sauce Colbert Colbert butter bechamel white sauce demi-glaze demiglace pasta sauce spaghetti sauce hunter''s sauce sauce chausseur Nantua shrimp sauce Hungarian sauce paprika sauce Poivrade pepper sauce Soubise white onion sauce Lyonnaise sauce brown onion sauce allemande allemande sauce egg eggs albumen egg white boiled egg coddled egg dropped egg poached egg deviled egg stuffed egg baked egg egg en cocotte omelet omelette soyamilk soybean milk dried milk dry milk milk powder powdered milk skim milk skimmed milk coffee cream light cream Devonshire cream clotted cream sour cream soured cream clarified butter drawn butter beurre noisette brown butter Meuniere butter lemon butter yoghourt yoghurt paring parings double cream double creme triple cream triple creme cottage cheese farm cheese farmer''s cheese pot cheese process cheese processed cheese bleu blue cheese Brie brie cheddar cheddar cheese Edam edam chevre goat cheese Gouda Gouda cheese Emmental Emmentaler Emmenthal Emmenthaler paste spread foie gras pate de foie gras sweetener sweetening refined sugar sugar sirup syrup sorghum sorghum molasses golden syrup treacle manna manna from heaven sop sops barbecued spareribs spareribs beef Bourguignonne boeuf Bourguignonne beef Wellington filet de boeuf en croute New England boiled dinner boiled dinner Belgian beef stew carbonnade flamande chicken paprika chicken paprikash chili chili con carne codfish ball codfish cake dolmas stuffed grape leaves egg foo yong egg fu yung egg roll spring roll falafel felafel fondu fondue fondu fondue beef fondue boeuf fondu bourguignon Chinese fried rice fried rice fish ball gefilte fish kabob kebab souvlaki souvlakia lasagna lasagne lobster Newburg lobster a la Newburg lutefisk lutfisk porcupine ball porcupines meat loaf meatloaf bone marrow marrow pilaf pilaff pilau pilaw pizza pizza pie burgoo oatmeal Itallian rice risotto scallopine scallopini cannibal mound steak tartare pepper steak peppered steak kishke stuffed derma hot stuffed tomato stuffed tomato cold stuffed tomato stuffed tomato Welsh rabbit Welsh rarebit Wiener schnitzel schnitzel frijoles refritos refried beans beverage drink drinkable potable concoction intermixture mix premix love-philter love-philtre love-potion philter draft draught potation tipple round round of drinks pledge toast alcohol alcoholic beverage drink inebriant hooch hootch kava kavakava brew brewage beer suds bock bock beer pilsener pilsner schenk schenk beer malt malt liquor porter porter''s beer sake saki ratafee ratafia vino wine blush wine pink wine rose rose wine altar wine sacramental wine bubbly champagne Burgundy Burgundy wine Chablis white Burgundy Chardonnay Pinot Chardonnay Bordeaux Bordeaux wine claret red Bordeaux Cabernet Cabernet Sauvignon macon maconnais Rhine wine hock Sauterne Sauternes Italian vermouth sweet vermouth French vermouth dry vermouth port port wine muscadel muscadelle muscat muscatel John Barleycorn booze hard drink hard liquor liquor spirits ethyl alcohol neutral spirits aqua vitae ardent spirits corn liquor moonshine akvavit aquavit arak arrack Holland gin Hollands schnapps schnaps whiskey whisky blended whiskey blended whisky corn corn whiskey Irish Irish whiskey rye rye whiskey Scotch Scotch whiskey Scotch whisky malt whiskey sour mash sour mash whiskey cordial liqueur absinth absinthe anisette anisette de Bordeaux curacao curacoa shandy shandygaff Virgin Mary bloody shame Tom Collins collins daiquiri rum cocktail julep mint julep sillabub syllabub sangaree sangria whiskey sour whisky sour whiskey neat whisky neat whiskey on the rocks whisky on the rocks hot toddy toddy zombi zombie cafe noir demitasse decaf decaffeinated coffee capuccino coffee capuccino ice coffee iced coffee cider cyder chocolate cocoa float ice-cream float milk shake milkshake fruit crush fruit juice frozen orange juice orange-juice concentrate koumiss kumis ade fruit drink malt malted pop soda soda pop soda water cola dope ginger ale ginger pop Coca Cola Coke Pepsi Pepsi Cola quinine water tonic coffee coffee bean coffee java cafe royale coffee royal tea tea leaf cuppa cupper herb tea herbal tea ice tea iced tea English breakfast tea congo congou congou tea orange pekoe pekoe carbonated water club soda seltzer soda water perishables spoilables ramekin ramequin categorization classification clon clone Plantae kingdom Plantae human beings human race humanity humankind humans man mankind world age bracket age group young youth cautious timid defeated discomfited doomed lost common people folk free free people enlightened initiate maimed wounded accumulation aggregation assemblage collection ensemble tout ensemble bunch caboodle deck deck of cards deal hand sum sum total bunch clump tuft tussock ball chunk clod clump glob lump heap mound dunghill midden muckheap muckhill hayrick haystack funeral pyre pyre color scheme colour scheme domain world business business sector ethnic group ethnos color colour people of color people of colour Herrenvolk master race interest interest group clan kin kin group kindred kinship group tribe family family unit family family line folk kinfolk kinsfolk phratry gens name feudal system feudalism patriarchate patriarchy matriarchate matriarchy conjugal family nuclear family class social class assemblage gathering library program library brace pair couple duet duo twosome threesome triad trinity trio triad trio foursome quartet fivesome quintet sextet sextette septet septette eightsome octet quadruplet quartet quintet quintette sestet sextet septet septette octet octette Tweedledee and Tweedledum Tweedledum and Tweedledee couple match man and wife marriage congregation faithful taxon taxonomic group biology biota school shoal category class join sum intersection product space topological space auto company car company subsidiary subsidiary company root solution income bracket income tax bracket bedroom set bedroom suite diningroom set diningroom suite livingroom set livingroom suite bundle package packet parcel organisation organization AA Alcoholics Anonymous Tammany Tammany Hall British Commonwealth Commonwealth of Nations authorities government papacy pontificate establishment institution financial institution financial organization carrier common carrier conglomerate empire corp corporation business firm firm dealership franchise maker manufacturer business business concern business organization concern consulting company consulting firm publisher publishing company publishing firm publishing house newspaper newspaper publisher magazine magazine publisher jewelry dealer jewelry store defence defense defence defense defense lawyers defense team armorer armourer aluminum business aluminum industry apparel industry fashion business auto maker auto manufacturer car maker car manufacturer construction industry housing industry entertainment industry show biz Hollywood film industry arms industry munitions industry oil business oil industry packaging company packaging concern printing business printing company brokerage brokerage firm marriage brokerage marriage mart insurance company insurance firm insurance underwriter insurer fund investment company investment firm investment trust mutual fund open-end fund closed-end fund closed-end investment company market securities industry toy business toy industry brotherhood fraternity takeover target target company family home house household major-league club major-league team minor-league club minor-league team farm club farm team ball club baseball club club nine basketball team five eleven football team first team varsity defence defending team faith religion Christendom Christianity Christian church Christianity Church of Rome Roman Catholic Roman Catholic Church Roman Church Byzantine Church Eastern Church Eastern Church Eastern Orthodox Church Orthodox Catholic Church Orthodox Church Greek Church Greek Orthodox Church Uniat Church Uniate Church Protestant Protestant Church Christian Church Disciples of Christ Anglican Church Anglican Communion Episcopal Church Protestant Episcopal Church High Anglican Church High Church Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Mormon Church Baptist Church Baptists American Baptist Convention Northern Baptist Convention Arminian Baptist General Baptist Calvinistic Baptist Particular Baptist Church of the Brethren Dippers Christian Science Church of Christ Scientist Methodist Church Methodists Wesleyan Methodist Church Wesleyan Methodists Hebraism Jewish religion Jewish Orthodoxy Orthodox Judaism Islam Islamism Mohammadanism Mohammedanism Shia Shiah Shiah Islam the Shiites Hindooism Hinduism Brahmanism Brahminism Shivaism Sivaism Saktism Shaktism Vaishnavism Vaisnavism Hare Krishna ISKCON Zen Zen Buddhism Kokka Kokka Shinto Shua Shuha Shinto vicariate vicarship breed stock strain variety ancestry blood blood line bloodline descent line line of descent lineage origin parentage pedigree stock family tree genealogy race subspecies form strain var. variant blood group blood type A group A B group B AB group AB O group O community profession bar legal community medical community medical profession business community businessmen prelacy prelature French foreign office Quai d''Orsay department section anthropology department department of anthropology biology department department of biology chemistry department department of chemistry department of economics economics department English department department of English department of history history department department of linguistics linguistics department department of mathematics mathematics department department of philosophy philosophy department department of physics physics department department of music music department department of psychology psychology department department of sociology sociology department advertising department advertising division personnel department personnel office building department plant department sales department sales division department of local government local department fire brigade fire company department of the federal government federal department AEC Atomic Energy Commission EPA Environmental Protection Agency CIA Central Intelligence Agency NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration OMB Office of Management and Budget Agriculture Agriculture Department Commerce Commerce Department Bureau of the Census Census Bureau Defense Defense Department Department of Defense DoD Department of Education Education Department of Energy Energy Department of Health and Human Services Health and Human Services Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD Department of Justice Justice FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Department of Labor Labor Department of State State Department of the Interior Interior Department of the Treasury Treasury IRS Internal Revenue Service Department of Transportation Transportation Post Office Post Office Department local post office post office general delivery poste restante religious order sect Quakers Religious Society of Friends first estate lords spiritual laity temporalty royal family royal house royal line royalty Hanover Hanoverian line Habsburg Hapsburg House of Lancaster Lancaster Plantagenet Plantagenet line Romanoff Romanov House of Tudor Tudor House of Windsor Windsor House of York York citizenry people Senate United States Senate Congress United States Congress general assembly law-makers legislative assembly legislature administration brass establishment governance organisation organization bench judiciary judicatory judicature judicial system judiciary a people country land nation estate estate of the realm federation of tribes tribe body politic commonwealth country land nation res publica First Reich Holy Roman Empire Hohenzollern empire Second Reich axis bloc entente entente cordiale Common Market EEC NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization OAS Organization of American States OPEC Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries great power major power power superpower overpopulation overspill populace public hoi polloi mass masses multitude labor labour proletariat working class labor force labor pool bourgeoisie middle class commonality commonalty petit bourgeois petite bourgeoisie concourse multitude horde host herd ruck crush jam snarl-up traffic jam host legion mob rabble drove horde Ld. Ltd. public utility public-service corporation phone company phone service telephone company telephone service electric company light company power company power service water company waterworks gas company gas service bus company bus service company troupe repertory company stock company Greek chorus chorus chorus chorus line choir consort cornhusking husking bee corps de ballet ensemble social unit unit army regular army naval forces navy US Navy United States Navy Marine Corps US Marine Corps RAF Royal Air Force air force airforce armed service military service force military force armed forces military military reserve reserve paramilitary paramilitary organization force personnel squad team constabulary law police police force gendarmerie gendarmery New Scotland Yard Scotland Yard private security force security force hands manpower men work force ROTC Reserve Officers Training Corps Special Forces U. S. Army Special Forces van vanguard bodyguard guard complement full complement day shift day watch company ship''s company TV audience viewers followers following neighborhood neighbourhood city metropolis town townsfolk settlement small town crossroads hamlet club gild guild lodge order society family fellowship athenaeum atheneum VFW Veterans of Foreign Wars hunt hunt club conference league big league major league minor league minors brotherhood labor union trade union trades union industrial union vertical union frat fraternity Freemasonry Masonry International Association of Lions clubs Lions Club Rotary Club Rotary International consortium pool cartel combine cast cast of characters ensemble supporting players class form class year class division band circle lot set camp clique coterie ingroup inner circle pack cabal camarilla faction junta core core group crew gang ground crew ground-service crew gang mob pack ring gangdom gangland maffia mafia Maffia Mafia Cosa Nostra Maffia mob syndicate musical group musical organization duet duette quartet quartette string quartet string quartette quintet quintette sestet sextet septet septette octet octette symphony symphony orchestra concert band military band band dance band combo jazz band rock band rock group confederacy conspiracy horsey set horsy set faction sect social affair social gathering shindig shindy prom promenade hop record hop cotilion cotillion fancy-dress ball masked ball mask masque banquet feast dinner dinner party musical soiree soiree musicale fete champetre garden party smoker stag party mixer sociable wedding wedding party party political party American Party Know-Nothing Party American Federalist Party Federal Party Labor Labor Party Labour Labour Party People''s Party Populist Party Bull Moose Party Progressive Party GOP Republican Party Dixiecrats States'' Rights Democratic Party machine political machine company party party to the action party to the transaction table tabular array actuarial table statistical table identity matrix unit matrix extragalactic nebula galaxy spiral galaxy spiral nebula cosmos universe bomber aircrew bomber crew bunch crew crowd gang flock troop scout group scout troop academe academia academy honorary society dental school school of dentistry law school school of law medical school school of medicine music school school of music nursing school school of nursing church school parochial school Gymnasium lycee lyceum middle school tech technical school engineering school polytechnic trade school vocational school faculty staff Aegean civilization Aegean culture Minoan civilization Minoan culture Cyclades Cycladic civilization Mycenaean civilization Mycenaean culture Helladic civilization Helladic culture alignment alinement alliance coalition nonalignment nonalinement international organization world organization CIS Commonwealth of Independent States UN United Nations SC Security Council TC Trusteeship Council ECOSOC Economic and Social Council ECOSOC commission Economic and Social Council commission International Court of Justice World Court UN agency United Nations agency UNICEF United Nations Children''s Fund FAO Food and Agriculture Organization GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization IDA International Development Association IFC International Finance Corporation ILO International Labor Organization IMO International Maritime Organization IMF International Monetary Fund United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization WHO World Health Organization WMO World Meteorological Organization scheduled territories sterling area confederacy confederation American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations Brahman Brahmin Shudra Sudra board meeting committee meeting get together meeting divan diwan Dail Dail Eireann Knesset Knesseth Seanad Seanad Eireann appeal board appeals board secretariat secretariate commission committee citizens committee committee ethics committee ethics panel PAC political action committee praesidium presidium court judicature appeals court appellate court assizes court of assize chancery court of chancery inferior court lower court high court state supreme court repertoire repertory agency authority bureau government agency Fed Federal Reserve Federal Reserve Bank reserve bank office office staff maintenance staff service staff regulatory agency regulatory authority Selective Service Selective Service System ad agency advertising agency placement center placement office commercial agency mercantile agency news agency press agency service agency service bureau U.S. U.S. government United States United States government Capitol Washington corps diplomatique diplomatic corps government officials officialdom mass meeting rally cadre cell Trojan horse fifth column resistance underground autarchy autocracy commonwealth democracy diarchy dyarchy capitalism capitalist economy free enterprise laissez-faire economy socialism socialist economy Naziism Nazism economic system economy mercantile system mercantilism form of government political system Leninism Marxism Marxism-Leninism Sovietism bolshevism collectivism descendants posterity coevals contemporaries folk tribe tableau tableau vivant summit summit meeting colony settlement frontier settlement outpost lobby pressure group hierarchy pecking order social organization social structure social system structure apartheid racial segregation purdah sex segregation board of directors directorate leaders leadership advisory board planning board US Cabinet United States Cabinet close corporation closed corporation private corporation privately held corporation shell corporation shell entity FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FHLMC Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation FNMA Fannie Mae appointment date rendezvous tryst lunch meeting luncheon meeting upper class upper crust chosen elect cream pick aristocracy gentry clerisy intelligentsia landed gentry squirearchy beau monde bon ton high society smart set aristocracy nobility baronage peerage lords temporal second estate artillery artillery unit foot infantry militia reserves territorial territorial reserve National Guard home reserve U. S. Army US Army military personnel soldiery cavalry horse rank rank and file sabbat witches'' Sabbath assortment miscellanea miscellany mixture motley potpourri farrago hodgepodge hotchpotch melange mingle-mangle oddments odds and ends omnium-gatherum batch clutch schmear schmeer membership rank arm branch business clientele rabble ragtag ragtag and bobtail riffraff scum trash commission delegacy delegation deputation foreign mission legation foreign mission mission missionary post missionary station fourth estate press occupation occupational group contingent detail high command supreme headquarters posse posse comitatus KKK Klan galere rogue''s gallery exhibition expo peepshow raree-show high high school highschool senior high junior high junior high school prep school preparatory school choir school schola cantorum play group playschool Sabbath school Sunday school normal school teachers college elementary school grade school grammar school primary school composite school comprehensive school board of education school board jury panel petit jury petty jury blue ribbon jury special jury left left wing right right wing seance session aggregate congeries commercial bank full service bank agent bank lead bank acquirer merchant bank bank banking company banking concern depository financial institution consumer finance company small loan company industrial bank industrial loan company commercial credit company commercial finance company savings and loan savings and loan association FHA Federal Housing Administration child welfare agency child welfare service trust company trust corporation MSB mutual savings bank FSB federal savings bank firing party firing squad foot traffic pedestrian traffic vehicle traffic vehicular traffic automobile traffic car traffic sick call sick parade caravan train callathump callithump Indian file file cortege entourage retinue suite queue waiting line bread line breadline air power aviation network web craft trade flora vegetation brush brushwood coppice copse bush chaparral forest wood underbrush undergrowth Caesarism Stalinism absolutism authoritarianism despotism dictatorship monocracy one-man rule shogunate totalitarianism jurisprudence law canon law ecclesiastical law international law law of nations admiralty law maritime law commercial law law merchant Laws of Moses Mosaic law bureaucracy bureaucratism order ordering string train chain concatenation run streak patterned advance progression course line current flow data information front movement avant garde van Dada Dadaism art movement artistic movement naturalism realism New Wave Nouvelle Vague Age of Reason Enlightenment labor labor movement trade unioniam unionism woman womanhood mover moving company public mover removal company think factory think tank gray grey flank wing Hebrews Israelites Magi Wise Men AARP Association for the Advancement of Retired Persons base home Abraham''s bosom bosom of Abraham aclinic line magnetic equator isogonal line isogone PO Box No PO box number administrative district administrative division aerie aery eyrie eyry air lane airway approach pattern pattern Andalucia Andalusia approach approach path glide path glide slope ambiance ambience amusement park funfair Antarctic Antarctic Zone apex apex of the sun''s way apoapsis point of apoapsis apolune aposelene Arctic Arctic Zone area country outer space space back country backwoods boondocks hinterland Bad Lands Badlands barren waste heath heathland battlefield battleground field field of battle beat circuit beginning origin root source fountainhead head wellhead wellspring jumping-off place jumping-off point country of origin fatherland homeland mother country motherland native land birthplace place of birth birthplace cradle place of origin provenance face side bottom underside bound boundary border borderline boundary line delimitation bourn bourne borderland marchland place property center centre state boundary state line Mason and Dixon Line Mason and Dixon''s Line balkline baulk line buffer country buffer state bull bull''s eye cabstand taxistand bivouac campground camping area camping ground camping site campsite catchment area catchment basin drainage area drainage basin basin river basin Caucasia Caucasus Celestial City City of God Heavenly City Holy City celestial equator equinoctial equinoctial circle equinoctial line equinoctial point equinox celestial sphere empyrean firmament heavens sphere vault of heaven burial ground burial site burying ground cemetery graveyard necropolis center centre center of mass centroid crinion trichion center of gravity centre of gravity center centre eye heart central city city center storm center storm centre city metropolis election district voting precinct polling place polling station business district downtown conurbation urban sprawl city limit city limits clearing glade geographical zone zone common land commons confluence junction civic center down town hub municipal center country land nation state county courthouse county seat county town shire town timber line timberline destination goal dig excavation bishopric diocese district territory community residential area suburb suburban area disc space disk space disk overhead overhead swap file swap space demesne domain duchy dukedom kingdom realm princedom principality sheikdom sheikhdom abode residence home place dump garbage dump refuse heap rubbish dump trash dump wasteyard eitchen midden kitchen midden earreach earshot eyeshot view eastern hemisphere orient East orient North northland South southland Middle West Midwest Annwfn Annwn Eden Garden of Eden Shangri-la eden heaven nirvana paradise promised land border edge El Dorado eldorado Elysian Fields Elysium Valhalla paradise end point endpoint environment environs surround surroundings scene setting extreme extreme point faerie faery farming area farmland hayfield meadow athletic field field playing area playing field finish line finishing line firebreak fireguard forefront head Frigid Zone polar zone forepart front battlefront front garbage heap junk heap junk pile rubbish heap scrapheap trash heap toxic waste dump toxic waste site Gehenna Tartarus geographic area geographic region geographical area geographical region epicenter epicentre benthic division benthonic zone geographic point geographical point green putting green greenbelt greenway hangout haunt repair resort fireside hearth D region D-layer Appleton layer F layer E layer E region Heaviside layer Kennelly-Heaviside layer Hades Hel Hell Scheol infernal region netherworld Hell Inferno infernal region nether region perdition the pit hellfire red region hell hell on earth inferno the pits den hideaway heights high brow hilltop holy holy place home range home territory apparent horizon horizon sensible horizon skyline celestial horizon horizon reservation reserve inside interior inside interior midst thick irredenta irridenta isarithm isogram den lair lee lee side demarcation demarcation line limit limit point line of sight line of vision latitude line of latitude parallel parallel of latitude litoral littoral littoral zone sands loading area loading zone Plimsoll Plimsoll line Plimsoll mark load line lookout observation post line of longitude longitude International Date Line date line meteorological observation post weather station navel navel point dreamland dreamworld no man''s land no-man''s-land geostationary orbit geosynchronous orbit exterior outside exterior outside air open open air out-of-doors outpost outstation paddy paddy field common commons green park car park parking area grazing land lea ley pasture path route supply line supply route flyway migration route crest crown peak summit tip top periapsis point of periapsis perilune periselene picnic area picnic ground public square square piazza place celestial pole pole place position military position position site situation post station right stage stage right left stage stage left back rear quadrant quarter-circle range reach back end backside part region rifle range rifle shot terra incognita unknown clear open loxodrome rhumb entrepot transshipment center point of entry port of entry harbor harbour haven seaport free port free zone anchorage anchorage ground berth moorage mooring slip roads roadstead holiday resort playground resort vacation spot locality neighborhood neighbourhood vicinity block city block front presence refuge safety harborage harbourage country rural area savanna savannah dark darkness God''s acre churchyard place seat plane section section line of scrimmage scrimmage line out of-bounds sideline land site site slum slum area vacuity vacuum sphere sphere of influence start starting line province state substrate substratum A horizon A-horizon B horizon B-horizon C horizon C-horizon bed seam target target area tee teeing ground top top side upper side upside place spot pool puddle Torrid Zone tropical zone town township hamlet village Kampong campong parcel parcel of land piece of ground piece of land semitropics subtropics patch plot Utopia Zion building site vacant lot vantage point viewpoint veld veldt locale locus acme apex peak vertex rabbit warren warren spa watering hole water level water line water line watermark divide water parting direction way aim bearing course trend tendency trend New World occident West occident wild wilderness house mansion planetary house sign Aries Aries the Ram Taurus Taurus the Bull Gemini Gemini the Twins Cancer Cancer the Crab Leo Leo the Lion Virgo Virgo the Virgin Libra Libra the Balance Scorpio Scorpio the Scorpion Sagittarius Sagittarius the Archer Capricon the Goat Capricorn Aquarius Aquarius the Water Bearer Pisces Pisces the Fishes beachhead bridgehead combat zone tenderloin drop zone dropping zone fringe outskirt European country European nation Scandinavian country Scandinavian nation Balkan country Balkan nation Balkan state Balkans African country African nation Asian country Asian nation Anatolia Asia Minor South American country South American nation North American country North American nation Central American country Central American nation Kabul capital of Afghanistan Albanian capital Tirana Algeria Algerie Algerian capital Algiers Angolan capital Luanda Saint John''s St. John''s Bermuda Bermudas Argentina the Argentine Buenos Aires capital of Argentina Rheinland Rhineland Bulgarian capital Sofia Burma Myanmar Rangoon Yangon Bujumbura Usumbura Cambodia Kampuchea Cambodian capital Phnom Penh Cameroon Cameroun Yaounde capital of Cameroon Praia capital of Cape Verde Central Africa Central African Republic Bangui capital of Central Africa Ceylon Sri Lanka Colombo capital of Sri Lanka Chad Tchad Fort-Lamy N''Djamena Ndjamena capital of Chad Santiago capital of Chile China Communist China PRC People''s Republic of China Red China mainland China Turkestan Turkistan Beijing Peiping Peking capital of Red China Gansu Kansu Sichuan Szechuan Lanchou Lanchow Canton Guangzhou Kuangchou Kwangchow Fengtien Moukden Mukden Shenyang T''ien-ching Tianjin Nanjing Nanking Changan Hsian Sian Singan Loyang Luoyang Hangchow Hangzhou China Formosa Nationalist China Republic of China Taipei capital of Nationalist China Macao Macau Bogota capital of Colombia Comoro Islands Iles Comores Congo French Congo People''s Republic of the Congo Republic of Congo Brazzaville capital of Congo Belgian Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo Kinshasa Leopoldville San Jose capital of Costa Rica Cote d''Ivoire Ivory Coast Guatemala City capital of Guatemala Belize British Honduras Honduran capital Tegucigalpa El Salvador Salvador Salvadoran capital San Salvador Managua Nicaraguan capital Panama City Panamanian capital Yucatan Yucatan Peninsula Ciudad Juarez Juarez Oaxaca Oaxaca de Juarez Cuidad de Mexico Mexican capital Mexico City capital of Mexico Acapulco Acapulco de Juarez West Indies the Indies Caribees Lesser Antilles Saint Eustatius St. Eustatius Saint Maarten Saint Martin St. Maarten St. Martin Cuban capital Havana Haiti Hayti Haitian capital Port-au-Prince Santo Domingo capital of the Dominican Republic Porto Rico Puerto Rico Porto Rico Puerto Rico Jamaican capital Kingston Port-of-Spain capital of Trinidad and Tobago Nicosia capital of Cyprus Prag Prague Praha capital of Czechoslovakia Benin Dahomey Porto Novo capital of Benin Lome capital of Togo Scandinavia Scandinavian Peninsula Danmark Denmark Seeland Sjaelland Copenhagen Danish capital Afars and Issas Djibouti Djibouti capital of Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Spanish Guinea Noreg Norge Christiania Oslo Nidaros Trondheim Sverige Sweden Stockholm capital of Sweden Goeteborg Goteborg Deutschland FRG Federal Republic of Germany Germany Sachsen Saxe Berlin German capital Cologne Koln Braunschweig Brunswick Frankfort Frankfurt Hannover Hanover Muenchen Munich Nuernberg Nuremburg Wuerzburg Wurzburg Palatinate Pfalz Preussen Prussia Ruhr Ruhr Valley Quito capital of Ecuador Galapagos Galapagos Islands Abyssinia Ethiopia Addis Ababa capital of Ethiopia Fiji Islands Fijis Finland Suomi Finnish capital Helsingfors Helsinki capital of Finland Ellas Greece Lesbos Lesvos Aeolia Aeolis Aegadean Isles Egadi Islands Athens Greek capital Dipylon Dipylon gate Corinth Korinthos Ilion Ilium Salonika Thessalonika Thessalia Thessaly Peloponnese Peloponnesian Peninsula Lemnos Limnos Middle East Near East Israel Yisrael Jerusalem capital of Israel Gomorrah Gomorrha Calvary Golgotha Cotswold Hills Cotswolds Tel Aviv Tel Aviv-Jaffa Jaffa Joppa Canaan Holy Land Tessin Ticino Italia Italy Abruzzi Abruzzi e Molise Aquila Aquila degli Abruzzi Basilicata Lucania Latium Lazio Eternal City Italian capital Roma Rome Genoa Genova Lombardia Lombardy Milan Milano Marche Marches Piedmont Piemonte Siracusa Syracuse Torino Turin Apulia Puglia Sardegna Sardinia Sardegna Sardinia Sicilia Sicily Sicilia Sicily Toscana Tuscany Firenze Florence Venetia Veneto Padova Padua Venezia Venice Romania Roumania Bucharest Bucuresti Ruanda Rwanda Kigali capital of Rwanda Jugoslavia Yugoslavia Bosnia Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia i Hercegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina Belgrade Beograd Serbia Srbija Greenland Kaballit Nunaat Maritime Provinces Maritimes Saint John St. John Saint John''s St. John''s Canadian capital Ottawa Quebec Quebec City Yukon Yukon Territory Australia Commonwealth of Australia Australian capital Canberra Aleutian Islands Aleutians Oceania Oceanica Ladrone Islands Mariana Islands Wake Wake Island Ellice Islands Tuvalu Nauru Island Pleasant Island East Indies Malay Archipelago Lesser Sunda Islands Nusa Tenggara Borneo Kalimantan New Guinea Papua Port Moresby capital of Papua New Guinea Austria Oesterreich Tirol Tyrol Austrian capital Vienna Bahama Islands Bahamas Nassau capital of the Bahamas Arabia Arabian Peninsula Bahrain Bahrein Bahrain Bahrain Island Bahrein Bahrein Island Manama capital of Bahrain Bangla Desh Bangladesh Dacca Dhaka Belgique Belgium Belgian capital Brussels Antwerp Antwerpen Bruges City of Bridges Gaborone capital of Botswana Brasil Brazil Brasilia Brazilian capital Rio Rio de Janeiro Pernambuco Recife Emerald Isle Hibernia Britain Great Britain UK United Kingdom British capital Greater London London capital of the United Kingdom Newcastle Newcastle-upon-Tyne Stratford-on-Avon Stratford-upon-Avon Leicester Leicestershire Isle of Man Man Belfast capital of Northern Ireland Eire Ireland Irish Free State Irish Republic Dublin Irish capital Hebridean Islands Hebridean Isles Hebrides Western Islands Cymru Wales Sinai Sinai Peninsula Egypt Egyptian Empire Arab Republic of Egypt Egypt Alexandria El Iskandariyah Assouan Assuan Cairo Egyptian capital El Qahira capital of Egypt El Giza Giza Sakkara Saqqara Bharat India Indian capital New Delhi Delhi Old Delhi Gujarat Gujerat Gujarat Gujerat Kathmandu Katmandu Sitsang Thibet Forbidden City Lassa Lhasa capital of Tibet Dutch East Indies Indonesia Celebes Sulawesi Indonesian Borneo Kalimantan Djakarta Jakarta Iran Persia Iranian capital Teheran Mashhad Meshed Persia Persian Empire Al-Iraq Irak Bagdad Baghdad Macedon Macedonia Adrianople Adrianopolis Phenicia Phoenicia Japan Japanese Archipelago Ezo Hokkaido Hondo Honshu Japan Nihon Edo Japanese capital Tokio Tokyo Yeddo Yedo Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan River Amman capital of Jordan Akaba Aqaba Nairobi capital of Kenya Koweit Kuwait Koweit Kuwait Gallia Gaul City of Light French capital Paris capital of France Latin Quarter Left Bank Cote d''Azur French Riviera Alsace Alsatia Aquitaine Aquitania Basse-Normandie Lower-Normandy Bourgogne Burgundy Breiz Bretagne Champagne Champagne-Ardenne Corse Corsica Corse Corsica Gascogne Gascony Haute-Normandie Upper-Normandy Lorraine Lothringen Picardie Picardy Poitou Poitou-Charentes Normandie Normandy Lyon Lyons Gabon Gabun Libreville capital of Gabon Gambia The Gambia Bathurst capital of Gambia Ghana Gold Coast Accra capital of Ghana St. George''s capital of Grenada French Guinea Guinea Conakry Konakri Guine-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Bissau capital of Guinea-Bissau British Guiana Guyana Georgetown Stabroek Holland Netherlands Amsterdam Dutch capital ''s Gravenhage Den Haag Dutch capital The Hague Leiden Leyden Hungary Magyarorszag Budapest Hungarian capital Faeroe Islands Faeroes Faroe Islands Faroes Faeroe Islands Faeroes Faroe Islands Faroes Reykjavik capital of Iceland Shetland Shetland Islands Thule ultima Thule Choson Korea Pyongyang capital of North Korea Republic of Korea South Korea Seoul capital of South Korea Taegu Tegu Laotian capital Vientiane Lapland Lappland Beirut capital of Lebanon Basutoland Lesotho Maseru capital of Lesotho Liberian capital Monrovia Tripoli capital of Libya Benghazi capital of Libya Vaduz capital of Liechtenstein Luxembourg Luxemburg Luxembourg Luxembourg City Luxemburg capital of Luxembourg Antananarivo capital of the Malagasy Republic Malawi Nyasaland Malaya Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Malaysian capital North Borneo Sabah French Sudan Mali Valetta Valletta Mauritania Mauritanie Mongolia Mongolian People''s Republic Ulaanbaatar Ulan Bator Al-Magrib Maroc Marruecos Morocco Rabat capital of Morocco Tangier Tangiers Mocambique Mozambique Maputo capital of Mozambique Wellington capital of New Zealand Niamey capital of Niger Lagos Nigerian capital Muscat and Oman Oman Masqat Muscat Cashmere Kashmir Pakistan West Pakistan Islamabad capital of Pakistan Asuncion capital of Paraguay Lima capital of Peru Philippine Islands Philippines Philippines Republic of the Philippines Manila capital of the Philippines Bisayas Visayan Islands Poland Polska Warsaw capital of Poland Cracow Krakau Danzig Gdansk Breslau Wroclaw Iberia Iberian Peninsula Lisboa Lisbon Katar Qatar Katar Qatar Bida Doha El Beda capital of Qatar Saint Christopher-Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis St. Christopher-Nevis St. Kitts and Nevis Saint Christopher Saint Kitts St. Christopher St. Kitts Saint Lucia St. Lucia Saint Lucia St. Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines St. Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent St. Vincent French Oceania French Polynesia Low Archipelago Paumotu Archipelago Austral Islands Tubuai Islands Iles Marquises Marquesas Islands Samoa Samoa i Sisifo Apia capital of Western Samoa American Samoa Eastern Samoa Pago Pago Pango Pango San Marino capital of San Marino Sao Thome e Principe Sao Tome e Principe Riyadh capital of Saudi Arabia Dakar capital of Senegala Victoria capital of Seychelles Freetown capital of Sierra Leone Singapore capital of Singapore Somali Republic Somalia Mogadiscio capital of Somalia Republic of South Africa South Africa Pretoria capital of South Africa Russia Soviet Union USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Moscow Russian capital Russia Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic Gorki Gorkiy Gorky Nizhni Novgorod Leningrad Peterburg Petrograd Saint Petersburg Molotov Perm Rostov Rostov na Donu Stalingrad Tsaritsyn Belarus Belorussia Byelarus Byelorussia Minsk capital of Byelorussia Baltic Republic Baltic State Esthonia Estonia Tallinn capital of Estonia Riga capital of Latvia Lietuva Lithuania Vilna Vilnius Vilno capital of Lithuania Kaunas Kovna Moldavia Moldova Chisinau Kishinev Ukraine Ukrayina Kiev capital of the Ukraine Donetsk Stalino Donbas Donbass Sebastopol Sevastopol Armenia Hayastan Erivan Jerevan Azerbaijan Azerbaijani Republic Baku capital of Azerbaijan Georgia Sakartvelo Tbilisi Tiflis Kazak Kazakh Kazakhstan Kazakstan Alma-Ata Almaty Kirghiz Kirghizia Kirghizstan Kirgiz Kirgizia Kirgizstan Biskek Frunze Tadjik Tadzhik Tadzhikistan Tajik Dusanbe Dushanbe Dyushambe capital of Tajikistan Turkmen Turkmenia Turkmenistan Turkomen Ashkhabad capital of Turkmenistan Taimyr Peninsula Taymyr Peninsula Uzbek Uzbekistan Tashkent Taskent Samarcand Samarkand Espana Spain Madrid Spanish capital Canaries Canary Islands Cordoba Cordova Jerez Jerez de la Frontera Saragossa Zaragoza Castile Castilla Calpe Gibraltar Soudan Sudan Republic of the Sudan Soudan Khartoum capital of Sudan Dutch Guiana Netherlands Guiana Surinam Suriname Paramaribo capital of Suriname Mbabane capital of Swaziland Schweiz Suisse Svizzera Swiss Confederation Bern Berne Bale Basel Geneva Geneve Damascus capital of Syria Alep Aleppo Dar es Salaam capital of Tanzania Siam Thailand Bangkok capital of Thailand Friendly Islands Tonga Tunis capital of Tunisia Ankara Turkish capital Dardanelles Hellespont Constantinople Istanbul Stamboul Stambul Kampala capital of Uganda Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates''s capital America U.S. U.S.A. US USA United States Confederacy Confederate States of America Dixie Dixieland North Union Alabama Camellia State Montgomery capital of Alabama Birmingham Pittsburgh of the South Alaska Last Frontier Juneau capital of Alaska Arizona Grand Canyon State Phoenix capital of Arizona Arkansas Land of Opportunity Little Rock capital of Arkansas California Golden State Sacramento capital of California City of the Angels Los Angeles Centennial State Colorado Denver Mile-High City Connecticut Constitution State Hartford capital of Connecticut Delaware Diamond State Dover capital of Delaware DC District of Columbia American capital Washington Foggy Bottom Potomac Capitol Hill the Hill Everglade State Florida Tallahassee capital of Florida Saint Augustine St. Augustine Saint Petersburg St. Petersburg Empire State of the South Georgia Atlanta capital of Georgia Aloha State Hawaii Hawaiian capital Honolulu Hawaiian Islands Sandwich Islands Hawaii Hawaii Island Kahoolawe Kahoolawe Island Kauai Kauai Island Lanai Lanai Island Maui Maui Island Molokai Molokai Island Nihau Nihau Island Oahu Oahu Island Gem State Idaho Boise capital of Idaho Illinois Land of Lincoln Springfield capital of Illinois Chicago Windy City Hoosier State Indiana Indianapolis capital of Indiana Hawkeye State Iowa Des Moines capital of Iowa Kansas Sunflower State Topeka capital of Kansas Bluegrass State Kentucky Frankfort capital of Kentucky Louisiana Pelican State Baton Rouge capital of Louisiana Maine Pine Tree State Augusta capital of Maine Free State Maryland Annapolis capital of Maryland Bay State Massachusetts Beantown Boston Hub of the Universe capital of Massachusetts Great Lakes State Michigan Lansing capital of Michigan Detroit Motor City Gopher State Minnesota Saint Paul St. Paul Magnolia State Mississippi Jackson capital of Mississippi Missouri Show Me State Jefferson City capital of Missouri Gateway to the West St. Louis Montana Treasure State Helena capital of Montana Cornhusker State Nebraska Lincoln capital of Nebraska Battle Born State Nevada Sagebrush State Silver State Carson City capital of Nevada Granite State New Hampshire Concord capital of New Hampshire Garden State New Jersey Trenton capital of New Jersey Land of Enchantment New Mexico Santa Fe capital of New Mexico Empire State New York Albany capital of New York New York New York City Bronx The Bronx Hell''s Half Acre Hell''s Kitchen Broadway Great White Way Park Ave. Park Avenue Wall St. Wall Street Greenwich Village Village North Carolina Old North State Raleigh capital of North Carolina North Dakota Peace Garden State Bismarck capital of North Dakota Buckeye State Ohio Columbus capital of Ohio Oklahoma Sooner State Oklahoma City capital of Oklahoma Beaver State Oregon Salem capital of Oregon Keystone State Pennsylvania Harrisburg capital of Pennsylvania City of Brotherly Love Philadelphia Little Rhody Ocean State Providence capital of Rhode Island Palmetto State South Carolina Columbia capital of South Carolina Coyote State Mount Rushmore State Pierre capital of South Dakota Tennessee Volunteer State Nashville capital of Tennessee Lone-Star State Texas Austin capital of Texas Beehive State Mormon State Salt Lake City capital of Utah Green Mountain State Vermont Montpelier capital of Vermont Old Dominion Old Dominion State Richmond capital of Virginia Evergreen State Washington Olympia capital of Washington Mountain State West Virginia Charleston capital of West Virginia Badger State Wisconsin Madison capital of Wisconsin Equality State Wyoming Cheyenne capital of Wyoming Montevideo capital of Uruguay New Hebrides Vanuatu Vila capital of Vanuatu Citta del Vaticano Vatican City Caracas capital of Venezuela Annam Viet Nam Hanoi capital of Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City Saigon People''s Democratic Republic of Yemen Yemen Sana Sanaa Lusaka capital of Zambia Schlesien Silesia Slask Slezsko Rhodesia Southern Rhodesia Harare Salisbury Gobi Gobi Desert Kalahari Kalahari Desert Mohave Mohave Desert Mojave Mojave Desert Negev Negev Desert Sahara Sahara Desert Black Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Sinai Sinai Desert Citlaltepetl Mount Orizaba Mt Orizaba Pico de Orizaba Colima Nevado de Colima Etna Mount Etna Fuji Fuji-san Galeras Pasto Krakatao Krakatau Mount Saint Helens Mount St. Helens Mount Vesuvius Mt. Vesuvius ground reason account score wherefore why incentive inducement dynamic moral force deterrence disincentive impulse urge compulsion irresistible impulse cacoethes mania alcoholism dipsomania logomania logorrhea monomania possession necromania necrophilia compulsion obsession ethical motive ethics morality morals conscience moral sense scruples sense of right and wrong small voice voice of conscience sense of duty sense of shame Christ Within Inner Light Light Light Within mental energy psychic energy incitement provocation cathexis charge body of water water enclosure natural enclosure expanse extent dry land earth ground land solid ground terra firma ground land neighbor neighbour rock stone outcrop outcropping archeological remains fossil ammonite ammonoid blanket mantle crust encrustation eggshell shell cover covering calculus tartar bladder stone cystolith kidney stone nephrolith renal calculus urinary calculus bilestone gallstone salivary calculus sialolith inclusion inclusion body Russell''s body cancer body blackbody full radiator elementary particle fundamental particle meson mesotron pi-meson pion K particle k-meson kaon kappa-meson J particle psi particle antielectron positron mu-meson muon antimuon positive muon tau-minus particle tauon antitauon tau-plus particle baryon heavy particle lambda hyperon lambda particle squark strange quark top quark truth quark beauty quark bottom quark building block unit part piece hunk lump nub stub bit chip flake fleck scale scurf flinders sliver paring shaving cinder clinker coal ember chain chemical chain closed chain ring electric dipole electric doublet cosmos creation existence macrocosm nature universe formation geological formation elevation natural elevation depression natural depression bed bottom bottom bottomland Davy Jones Davy Jones''s locker ocean bottom ocean floor sea bottom seabed bathyal district bathyal zone lake bed lake bottom creek bed streambed dry wash wash river bottom riverbed deposit sediment alluvial deposit alluvial sediment dregs grounds lick salt lick boulder bowlder gap opening rent rip split tear cleft crack crevice fissure cliff drop-off scree talus chain chain of mountains mountain chain mountain range range range of mountains Adirondack Mountains Adirondacks Alleghenies Allegheny Mountains Appalachian Mountains Appalachians Berkshire Hills Berkshires Cascade Range Cascades Catskill Mountains Catskills Coast Mountains Coast Range Cumberland Mountains Cumberland Plateau Himalaya Mountains Himalayas Karakoram Karakoram Range Karakorum Range Mustagh Kuenlun Kuenlun Mountains Kunlun Kunlun Mountains Hindu Kush Hindu Kush Mountains Tien Shan Tyan Shan Alps the Alps Balkan Mountain Range Balkan Mountains Ozark Mountains Ozarks Rockies Rocky Mountains Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Mountains St. Elias Mountains St. Elias Range Caucasus Caucasus Mountains Ural Mountains Urals mountain pass notch course path belt swath defile gorge col gap saddle saddleback mount mountain Everest Mount Everest Dapsang Godwin Austen K2'' Mount Godwin Austen Kanchanjanga Kanchenjunga Anapurna Annapurna Ulugh Muz Tagh Ulugh Muztagh Muz Tagh Ata Muztagh Ata Pobeda Peak Pobedy Peak McKinley Mount McKinley Kilimanjaro Mount Kilimanjaro Logan Mount Logan Mount Whitney Whitney Mont Blanc Monte Bianco Mount Olympus Mt. Olympus Olimbos Olympus Liakoura Mount Parnassus Mount Rushmore Mt. Rushmore Mount Sinai Sinai Ararat Mount Ararat hammock hillock hummock knoll kopje koppie incline side decline declivity descent downslope acclivity ascent climb raise rise upgrade highland upland plateau tableland mesa table bench terrace champaign field moor moorland hole hollow burrow tunnel rabbit warren warren rabbit burrow rabbit hole cavity pit chuckhole pothole sinkhole swallow hole vale valley cirque corrie holler hollow dell dingle canon canyon flume gulch abysm abyss break fault fault line fracture gravity fault normal fault grot grotto crater vent sand bar sandbar dune sand dune ledge shelf Florida keys cay isle islet Baja California Lower California foreland headland cape ness spit tongue ribbon thread berg iceberg floe ice field blue blue air blue sky wild blue yonder cirrocumulus cirrocumulus cloud cirrostratus cirrostratus cloud cumulonimbus cumulonimbus cloud cumulus cumulus cloud nimbus nimbus cloud altocumulus altocumulus cloud cirrus cirrus cloud stratus stratus cloud altostratus altostratus cloud condensation trail contrail Milky Way Milky Way Galaxy diffuse nebula gaseous nebula Earth globe Mars Red Planet Galilean Galilean satellite asteroid minor planet celestial body heavenly body meteor shooting star bolide fireball Jovian planet gas giant quasar quasi-stellar radio source loadstar lodestar variable variable star binary binary star giant giant star white dwarf white dwarf star red dwarf red dwarf star mare maria Canicula Dog Star Sirius Sothis North Star Polaris polar star polestar Alpha Orionis Betelgeuse Beta Orionis Rigel Alpha Geminorum Castor Crux Crux Australis Corvus Crow Hydra Snake Scorpio Scorpius Capricorn Capricornus Centaur Centaurus Alpha Centauri Rigil Proxima Proxima Centauri Orion The Hunter Canis Major Great Dog Canis Minor Little Dog Great Bear Ursa Major Big Dipper Charles''s Wain Dipper Plough Little Bear Ursa Minor Dipper Little Dipper Asterope Sterope geosphere lithosphere Earth''s surface surface Earth''s crust crust stream watercourse tidal river tidal stream tidewater river tidewater stream briny main deep oceanic abyss cultivated land tillage tilled land tilth greensward sod sward turf forest timber timberland woodland Black Forest Schwarzwald rain forest tropical rain forest silva sylva mire morass bog peat bog fen marsh loch lough loch lough Aral Sea Lake Aral shallow shoal crossing ford fountain natural spring outflow outpouring hot spring thermal spring brook creek affluent feeder rill rivulet run runnel cascade cataract falls waterfall lagoon laguna cove inlet fiord fjord channel sound pool puddle Korea Strait Korean Strait Strait of Hormuz Strait of Ormuz Pas-de-Calais Strait of Calais pond pool bank camber lakeshore lakeside riverbank riverside seaboard seaside coast seacoast groundwater level water level mineral vein vein foam froth lather soapsuds Atlantic Atlantic Ocean Pacific Pacific Ocean Aegean Aegean Sea Adriatic Adriatic Sea Baltic Baltic Sea Mediterranean Mediterranean Sea Caribbean Caribbean Sea Lake Victoria Victoria Nyanza Black Sea Euxine Sea Marmara Marmora Sea of Marmara Sea of Marmora Golfo de Mexico Gulf of Mexico Gulf of California Sea of Cortes Gulf of Akaba Gulf of Aqaba Gulf of Corinth Gulf of Lepanto Sea of Azof Sea of Azov Adige River Adige Aire River Aire Alabama Alabama River Amazon Amazon River Amur Amur River Apalachicola Apalachicola River Arkansas Arkansas River Arno River Arno Bighorn Bighorn River Brahmaputra Brahmaputra River Brazos Brazos River Canadian Canadian River Charles Charles River Cimarron Cimarron River Colorado Colorado River Colorado Colorado River Columbia Columbia River Congo Congo River Cumberland Cumberland River Danube Danube River Darling Darling River Delaware Delaware River Don Don River Ebro Ebro River Elbe Elbe River Euphrates Euphrates River Ganges Ganges River Gila Gila River Green Green River Hudson Hudson River Hwang Ho Hwang Ho River Indus Indus River Irtish Irtish River Irtysh Irtysh River Isere Isere River James James River Kanawha Kanawha River Kansas Kansas River Kura Kura River Lena Lena River Crocodile River Limpopo Little Bighorn Little Bighorn River Little Missouri Little Missouri River Loire Loire River Mackenzie Mackenzie River Madeira Madeira River Mekong Mekong River Meuse Meuse River Milk Milk River Mississippi Mississippi River Missouri Missouri River Mobile Mobile River Murray Murray River Neckar Neckar River Neosho Neosho River Niagara Niagara River Niger Niger River Nile Nile River Niobrara Niobrara River North Platte North Platte River Ob Ob River Oder Oder River Ohio Ohio River Orinoco Orinoco River Osage Osage River Ouachita Ouachita River Parana Parana River Pecos Pecos River Pee Dee Pee Dee River Platte Platte River Po Po River Potomac Potomac River Purus Purus River Red Red River Republican Republican River Rhein Rhine Rhone Rhone River La Plata Plata River Ruhr Ruhr River Sabine Sabine River Salmon Salmon River Saone Saone River Savannah Savannah River Seine Seine River Snake Snake River St. Francis St. Francis River St. Johns St. Johns River St. Lawrence St. Lawrence River South Platte South Platte River Surinam River Suriname River Susquehanna Susquehanna River Tagus Tagus River Tennessee Tennessee River Thames Thames River Tevere Tiber Tigris Tigris River Tombigbee Tombigbee River River Tyne Tyne Vistula Vistula River Volga Volga River Wabash Wabash River White White River Wisconsin Wisconsin River Yalu Yalu River Chang Kiang Yangtze Yangtze Kiang Yellowstone Yellowstone River Yenisei Yenisei River Yenisey Yenisey River Yukon Yukon River Zambezi Zambezi River Acheron River Acheron Cocytus River Cocytus Lethe River Lethe River Styx Styx America the Americas Antarctic continent Antarctica Pangaea Pangea Angel Angel Falls Cuquenan Cuquenan Falls Kukenaam Kukenaam Falls Canadian Falls Horseshoe Falls Iguassu Iguassu Falls Iguazu Iguazu Falls Niagara Niagara Falls Paulo Afonso Paulo Afonso Falls Guaira Guaira Falls Tugela Tugela Falls Twin Twin Falls Urubupunga Urubupunga Falls Victoria Victoria Falls Yosemite Yosemite Falls hair ball hairball dog do dog shit dog turd doggy do buffalo chip chip beehive hive aerie aery eyrie eyry mouse nest mouse''s nest hornet''s nest wasp''s nest essential necessary necessity requirement need want inessential nonessential Ice pack pack ice ice shelf shelf ice imaginary being imaginary creature alien extraterrestrial abominable snowman yeti Bigfoot Sasquatch Lock Ness monster Nessie bogeyman booger boogeyman bugaboo Cyclopes Cyclops mythical creature mythical monster Chimaera Chimera dragon firedrake griffin gryphon mantichora manticora manticore mantiger Pegasus flying horse lycanthrope werewolf wivern wyvern occult supernatural spiritual being supernatural being first cause prime mover Destiny Fate deity divinity god immortal daemon demigod Fates the Fates Erinyes Eumenides Aengus Angus Angus Og Oengus Arianrhod Arianrod Dana Danu Fomor Fomorian Ler Lir Manawydan Manawyddan Morrigan Morrigu Tuatha De Tuatha De Danann Amen Amon Amen-Ra Amon-Ra Geb Keb Ra Re Eye of Ra Sekhet Set Seth Anunnaki Enuki Ashir Ashur Ishtar Mylitta Damgalnunna Damkina Dumuzi Tammuz En-lil Enlil Eresh-kigal Ereshkigal Baal Merodach Bel-Merodach Marduk Merodach Molech Moloch Nabu Nebo Namtar Namtaru Ninhursag Ninkharsag Nintoo Nintu Ninib Ninurta Sarpanitu Zarpanit Tashmit Tashmitum Utu Utug Zu Zubird Dyaus Dyaus-pitar Ganapati Ganesa Ganesh Ganesha Kartikeya Karttikeya Anapurna Annapurna Rhibhus Ribhus Sakti Shakti Shiva Siva Jagannath Jagannatha Jagganath Juggernaut Mithra Mithras Ahura Mazda Ormazd Buddha Gautama Gautama Buddha Siddhartha Boddhisatva Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Avalokitesvara Arhant Arhat Chang Kuo Chang Kuo-lao Wen Ch''ang Wen-Ti Heavenly Jewel Tien-pao Ling-pao Mystic Jewel Shen-pao Spiritual Jewel Lao-Tse Lao-Tzu Kuan Yin Kwan-yin Amaterasu Amaterasu Omikami Ninigi Ninigino-Mikoto God Supreme Being Almighty Creator Divine God Almighty Godhead Jehovah aeon eon Blessed Trinity Holy Trinity Father Father-God Logos Son christ messiah Holy Ghost Holy Spirit Jahvey Jahweh Jehovah Wahvey Yahve Yahveh Yahwe Yahweh guardian angel guardian spirit faerie faery fairy sprite water nymph water sprite brownie elf gremlin hob imp pixie dwarf gnome bogey bogie daemon daimon demon devil cacodaemon cacodemon eudaemon eudemon succuba succubus dibbuk dybbuk Beelzebub Devil Lucifer Old Nick Prince of Darkness Satan the Devil the Tempter goblin hob lamia vampire djinni djinny genie jinnee familiar familiar spirit apparition phantom specter spectre Graeco-Roman deity Greco-Roman deity forest god satyr Atlantides Hesperides Asterope Sterope Nereid sea nymph Oceanid sea nymph dryad wood nymph Napaea Napea Olympian Olympic god Apollo Phoebus Aphrodite Cytherea Urania Venus Artemis Cynthia Athena Athene Pallas Pallas Athena Night Nox Amor Cupid Gaea Gaia Hephaestus Hephaistos Hera Here Moirae Moirai Momos Momus Ouranos Uranus Pan the goat god Pontos Pontus Cora Despoina Kore Persephone Proserpina Proserpine Aides Aidoneus Hades Pluto Dis Orcus Jove Jupiter Jupiter Fulgur Jupiter Fulminator Jupiter Tonans Thunderer Jupiter Pluvius Rain-giver Best and Greatest Jupiter Optimus Maximus Jupiter Fidius Protector of Boundaries Thea Theia Silvanus Sylvanus Latona Leto Alcides Heracles Herakles Hercules Balder Baldr Brage Bragi Frey Freyr Freya Freyja Frigg Frigga Heimdal Heimdall Hel Hela Hoder Hodr Hoth Hothr Idun Ithunn Jotun Jotunn Njord Njorth Urd Urth Verdandi Verthandi Tyr Tyrr Ull Ullr Vidar Vithar Wayland Wayland the Smith Hertha Nerthus Wodan Woden the Three Weird Sisters the Weird Sisters Weird Wyrd character fictional character Brunhild Brunnhilde Bunyan Paul Bunyan Odysseus Ulysses Cybele Dindymene Great Mother Magna Mater King Oedipus Oedipus Falstaff Sir John Falstaff Faust Faustus Helen Helen of Troy Tarzan Tarzan of the Apes Holmes Sherlock Holmes adult grownup anomaly unusual person applicant applier appointee appointment candidate prospect behaviorist behaviourist benefactor helper common man common person cosignatory cosigner defender guardian controversialist disputant applied scientist engineer enologist fermentologist eulogist panegyrist female female person finisher stitcher denizen dweller inexperienced person innocent intellect intellectual juvenile juvenile person male male person go-between intermediary intermediator mediator money dealer money handler national subject compeer equal match peer beholder observer forerunner precursor primitive primitive person lottery winner prize winner receiver recipient religionist religious person booking clerk ticket agent traveler traveller unfortunate unfortunate person persona non grata unwelcome person disagreeable person unpleasant person offender wrongdoer Afrikander Afrikaner Aryan Indo-European Black Negro Negroid black person Black race Negro race African-American Afro-American colored colored person darkey darkie coon jigaboo nigger nigra Tom Uncle Tom Caucasian White Caucasian race Caucasoid race Cassite Kassite poor white poor white trash honky whitey WASP white Anglo-Saxon Protestant Asian Asiatic coolie cooly Oriental oriental person Mongolian race Mongoloid race gook slant-eye Evenki Ewenki Mongol Mongolian Udmurt Votyak Mongol Tatar Tartar Amerindian Native American American Indian Indian North American Indian Red Indian Algonkian Algonkin Algonquian Algonquin Atakapa Attacapan Athabascan Athabaskan Athapascan Athapaskan Amerindian race Indian race Maya Mayan Buffalo Indian Plains Indian Arapaho Arapahoe Aricara Arikara Cocopa Cocopah Gros Ventre Hidatsa Hoka Hokan Iowa Ioway Calapooya Calapuya Kalapooia Kalapuya Kansa Kansas Kiliwa Kiliwi Massachuset Massachusetts Menominee Menomini Mohave Mojave Mahican Mohican Muskhogean Muskogean Navaho Navajo Ogalala Oglala Chippewa Ojibwa Maha Omaha Oto Otoe Paiute Piute Ponca Ponka Injun Redskin Eastern Sioux Santee Santee Dakota Santee Sioux Sahaptin Shahaptian Shoshone Shoshoni Siouan Sioux Hualapai Hualpai Yucatec Yucateco Kota Kotar Gujarati Gujerati Panjabi Punjabi Mahratta Maratha Abo Aboriginal Aborigine Australian Aborigine Slavic people Slavic race Dunkard Dunker Adventist Second Adventist Gentile goy Friend Quaker Uniat Uniate Hebrew Jew Mohammedan Moslem Muhammadan Muhammedan Shi''ite Shi''ite Muslim Shiite Shiite Muslim Sunni Sunnite Hindoo Hindu Celt Kelt Salian Salian Frank Afghan Afghanistani Pashto Pathan Aussie Australian Bahraini Bahreini Batswana Bechuana Bermudan Bermudian Bhutanese Bhutani Belorussian Byelorussian Cambodian Kampuchean Chinaman chink Cyprian Cypriot Chechoslovak Czech Ecuadoran Ecuadorian Salvadoran Salvadorean Brit Britisher Langobard Lombard John Bull limey pom pommy Cheremis Cheremiss Inger Ingerman Carelian Karelian Khanty Ostyak Mordva Mordvin Ostyak-Samoyed Selkup Veps Vepse Mansi Vogul French person Frenchman Gaul frog Angevin Angevine Greek Hellene Achaean Achaian Aeolian Eolian Malay Malayan Dutchman Hollander Hindoo Hindu Hungarian Magyar Irani Iranian Iraki Iraqi Irelander Irish person Mick Mickey Guinea dago greaseball wop Japanese Nipponese Jap Nip Lao Laotian Lapp Lapplander Latin American Spanish American spic spick Luxembourger Luxemburger Maldivan Maldivian greaser taco Nepalese Nepali Hausa Haussa Norse Norseman Katari Qatari Saudi Saudi Arabian Arab Arabian Norse Northman Scot Scotchman Scotchwoman Scotswoman Singhalese Sinhalese British British people Brits the British English English people Irish Irish people French French people Spanish Spanish people Swiss Swiss people Siamese Tai Kazak Kazakh Khirghiz Kirghiz Turcoman Turkmen Uighur Uigur Usbeg Usbek Uzbak Uzbeg Evenk Tungus Kalka Khalka Alabaman Alabamian Arizonan Arizonian Arkansan Arkansawyer Delawarean Delawarian Hoosier Indianan Louisianan Louisianian Down Easter Mainer Michigander Wolverine Cornhusker Nebraskan Buckeye Ohioan Yank Yankee Annamese Vietnamese Welsh Welshman Boche Hun Jerry Kraut Jugoslav Jugoslavian Yugoslav Yugoslavian Serb Serbian Croat Croatian Zairean Zairese abbess mother superior abbot archimandrite abstracter abstractor abetter abettor able seaman able-bodied seaman abolitionist emancipationist no-show nonattender abstainer abstinent abstainer ascetic abstract artist abstractionist academic academician academician schoolman accessary accessory chaperon chaperone accompanist accompanyist accountant comptroller account executive account representative customer''s broker customer''s man accused defendant accuser claimant ace adept genius hotshot maven sensation star virtuoso whiz whizz wiz wizard achiever success acquaintance friend actor histrion player role player actor doer actor''s agent theatrical agent adjuster adjustor claim agent claims adjuster adjutant aide administrator executive administrator decision maker director manager admiral full admiral admirer adorer admonisher monitor adolescent stripling adulterer fornicator adulteress fornicatress hussy jade loose woman slut adversary antagonist adman advertiser adviser advisor advocate exponent advocate counsel counsellor counselor agent broker agitator fomenter agnostic doubter agricultural laborer agricultural labourer agriculturist cultivator grower raiser aide auxiliary aircraftman aircraftsman air force officer commander alcoholic boozer dipsomaniac lush soaker souse Aleut Aleutian aliterate aliterate person all arounder all-rounder ally confederate almoner medical social worker alum alumna alumnus grad amazon virago ambassador embassador amicus curiae friend of the court amnesiac amnesic analyst psychoanalyst anarchist nihilist anathema bete noire ancestor antecedent ascendant ascendent anchor anchorman anecdotist raconteur anaesthetist anesthesiologist angel backer angler troller anglophil anglophile sports announcer sportscaster television announcer tv announcer antediluvian antediluvian patriarch anthropoid ape antiquarian antiquary Jew-baiter anti-Semite apologist justifier appeaser conciliator make-peace pacifier peacemaker reconciler appellant plaintiff in error apple polisher ass-kisser bootlicker fawner groveller truckler aspirant hopeful wannabe wannabee apprentice learner appraiser valuator arbiter arbitrator arb arbitrager arbiter supreme authority archaeologist archeologist archer bowman architect designer archpriest hierarch high priest prelate aristocrat blue blood Aristotelean Aristotelian armiger armor-bearer armorer armourer army engineer military engineer adapter arranger arrival arriver arsonist firebug artilleryman cannoneer gunner machine gunner artist creative person assassin bravo SOB asshole bastard cocksucker mother mother fucker motherfucker prick shit son of a bitch assistant help helper supporter astrologer astrologist astronaut cosmonaut astronomer stargazer cosmographer cosmographist atavist throwback athlete jock aggressor assailant augur auspex aunt auntie authoritarian dictator automaton zombi auto-mechanic automobile mechanic car-mechanic grease monkey avenger retaliator aeronaut airman aviator flier airwoman aviatress baboo babu baby sister babe baby baby boomer boomer baby buster buster baby doctor paediatrician pediatrician pediatrist babyminder minder babysitter sitter bacchanal bacchant bachelor unmarried man backroom boy brain truster backseat driver kibitzer bag old bag baker bread maker baldhead baldpate ballerina danseuse ballplayer baseball player bullfighter toreador bandit brigand bankrupt insolvent baritone barytone barnstormer stunt flier barnstormer playactor baron big businessman business leader king magnate mogul power top executive baronet bart barkeep barkeeper barman bartender basketball player basketeer basketmaker basketweaver bass basso base runner runner bastard by-blow illegitimate illegitimate child baton twirler twirler batsman batter hitter slugger battle-ax battle-axe beadsman bedesman beast brute savage wildcat beautician cosmetician Bedouin Beduin apiarist apiculturist ale drinker beer drinker beggar mendicant beldam beldame believer worshiper Tao Taoist bellboy bellhop belly dancer exotic dancer beloved dear dearest honey love loved one benedick benedict beneficiary donee better bettor punter wagerer B-girl bar girl bibliophile book lover bibliopole bibliopolist big shot big wheel bill poster bill sticker biologist life scientist bird watcher birder bisexual bisexual person blackmailer extortioner blind man blind person blond blonde bluejacket navy man sailor sailor boy bas bleu bluestocking boater boatman bo''s''n bo''sun boatswain bos''n bobbysocker bobbysoxer bodybuilder musclebuilder bodyguard escort Bolshevik Marxist pinko red bondman bondsman bondman bondsman bondmaid bondswoman bondmaid bondswoman bondsman bondswoman book seller bookdealer booker booking agent bookie bookmaker booster shoplifter bootblack shoeblack bootlegger moonshiner boot maker bootmaker bore dullard boss hirer botanist phytologist bouncer chucker-out bourgeois burgher boxer pugilist slogger slugger cub lad laddie sonny beau boyfriend fellow swain boy wonder child prodigy blowhard boaster braggart line-shooter Brahman Brahmin Brahman Brahmin breaker ledgeman breeder stock breeder beer maker brewer briber suborner bridge player hand brigadier brigadier general broth of a boy broth of a man blood brother brother brother comrade brunet brunette brother buddy chum crony pal sidekick builder constructor bull strapper bull cop copper fuzz bully hooligan roughneck rowdy ruffian tough yob yobbo blunderer botcher bumbler bungler butcher fuckup fumbler sad sack bunny bunny girl administrative official bureaucrat burgess burgher busboy waiter''s assistant businessman man of affairs bourgeois businessperson bus driver busman busybody nosey-parker butch dyke butcher slaughterer butcher meatman butler pantryman butt goat laughingstock stooge buyer emptor purchaser vendee blackguard bounder cad dog heel hound caddie golf caddie cadet plebe caffein addict caffeine addict calculator computer estimator figurer calif caliph kalif kaliph caller company caller phoner calligrapher calligraphist cameraman cinematographer campaigner candidate anthropophagite anthropophagus cannibal man-eater cannon fodder fresh fish canoeist paddler cantor hazan capitalist rugged individualist captain head waiter captain senior pilot captain skipper captain police captain captain chieftain carabineer carabinier cardiologist heart specialist cardsharp cardsharper caroler caroller carrier newsboy bearer carrier cartographer map maker castaway shipwreck survivor casualty injured party casuist sophist cataloger cataloguer catch match beef man cattleman cavalier chevalier cavalryman trooper cave dweller cave man caveman troglodyte celebrant celebrater celebrity famous person centrist middle of the roader moderate moderationist CPA certified public accountant chambermaid fille de chambre champion fighter hero paladin champ champion chancellor premier PM Prime Minister blighter chap cuss fella fellow gent Holy Joe military chaplain padre sky pilot case character eccentric type char charwoman cleaning lady cleaning woman chatterbox chatterer chauvinist flag-waver hundred-percenter jingo male chauvinist sexist cheapskate tightwad check girl hatcheck girl CEO chief executive officer child fry kid minor nestling nipper shaver small fry tiddler tike tyke youngster child kid baby child chimneysweep chimneysweeper chiropodist foot doctor cantor choirmaster chorine chorus girl chump fall guy fish fool gull mark mug patsy schlemiel shlemiel soft touch sucker Church Father Father church member churchgoer cipher cypher nobody nonentity city boy city slicker civic leader civil leader clarinetist clarinettist cleaner dry cleaner clergyman man of the cloth churchman cleric divine ecclesiastic cloakmaker furrier clockmaker clocksmith clothier haberdasher buffoon clown buffoon clown coach private instructor coach handler coal miner collier coauthor joint author cobbler shoemaker codger old codger co-ed college girl collaborator cooperator pardner partner collaborationist collaborator colleague confrere co-worker colleague fellow worker workfellow accumulator collector college student university student college boy college man Blimp Colonel Blimp color bearer standard-bearer behemoth colossus giant heavyweight columnist editorialist battler belligerent combatant fighter comedian comic commander in chief generalissimo commandant commander commando ranger commentator reviewer commissar political commissar council member councillor commie communist commuter suburbanite associate companion comrade familiar companion fellow traveler compositor typesetter computer expert computer guru concert-goer music lover concessionaire concessioner concubine courtesan doxy odalisque conductor director candymaker confectioner collaborator confederate henchman partner in crime confidant intimate con artist con man chiseler chiseller gouger sharper sharpie sharpy congressman congresswoman cognoscenti connoisseur conqueror vanquisher cowboy rodeo rider CO conscientious objector conservative conservativist nonconformist recusant Nonconformist chapelgoer consigner consignor coconspirator conspirator machinator plotter consumptive lunger contact middleman coeval contemporary conveyer conveyor con convict gaolbird inmate cookie cooky barrel maker cooper ape aper copycat imitator copy editor copyreader copyist scribe coquette flirt minx prickteaser tease vamp coroner medical examiner business executive corporate executive correspondent letter writer correspondent newspaperman newspaperwoman newswriter Barbary pirate corsair cosmetic surgeon plastic surgeon cosmopolitan cosmopolite barrow-boy barrow-man costume designer costumier cottage dweller cottager cotter cottier cottar cotter counsellor counselor counsellor counselor counterrevolutionary counterrevolutionist counterspy mole agricultural agent county agent cousin cousin-german first cousin full cousin clothes designer couturier designer fashion designer cover girl lovely cattleman cowboy cowhand cowherd cowman cowpoke cowpuncher puncher buckaroo vaquero cockscomb coxcomb cox coxswain crab crabby person crackpot crank fruitcake nut nutcase screwball artificer artisan craftsman journeyman crafter craftsman crazy looney loony weirdo creature wight creature puppet creep schmuck spook weirdie weirdo weirdy crew member crewman criminal crook felon malefactor crimp crimper carper critic balladeer crooner cross-examiner cross-questioner cub greenhorn bitch cunt curate minister parson pastor conservator curator custodian keeper client customer carver cutter bionic man bionic woman bicyclist cyclist cynic faultfinder czar tsar czarina czaritza tsarina tsaritsa dabbler dilettante dacoit dakoit dad dada daddy old man pa papa pappa pater dairymaid milkmaid dairy farmer dairyman Dalai Lama Grand Lama dallier dillydallier lounger mope bird chick dame doll skirt wench damoiselle damosel damozel damsel dame gentlewoman lady ma''am madam madame beau clotheshorse dandy dude fashion plate fop gallant sheik danseur danseur noble daredevil harum-scarum hothead lunatic madcap swashbuckler darling dearie deary ducky favorite favourite date escort daughter girl dawdler drone daydreamer woolgatherer lotus eater stargazer day laborer day labourer Catholic deacon deacon Protestant deacon deacon dead person dead soul deceased deceased person decedent departed dean doyen arguer debater deb debutante cheat cheater deceiver trickster deckhand roustabout decorator ornamentalist backbiter defamer libeler maligner slanderer traducer deadbeat defaulter defeatist negativist defense attorney defense lawyer deist freethinker delinquent juvenile delinquent delivery boy deliveryman demagog demagogue Ubermensch demigod democrat populist demographer demographist demonstrator protester demonstrator sales demonstrator dental technician denturist dental practitioner dentist departer goer dependant dependent deputy lieutenant deputy deputy sheriff deputy surrogate dermatologist skin doctor descendant descendent defector deserter apostate deserter recreant renegade desk clerk hotel clerk desk sergeant deskman desperado desperate criminal destroyer ruiner detainee political detainee detective investigator police detective tec depreciator detractor disparager knocker diagnostician pathologist diarist diary keeper dick gumshoe dictator potentate dietician dietitian diemaker diesinker differentiator discriminator dimwit doofus half-wit nitwit dining-room attendant restaurant attendant diplomat diplomatist disbeliever nonbelieiver adherent disciple disc jockey disk jockey DP displaced person contestant dissenter dissident objector DA district attorney ditch digger mud digger diver frogman divorcee grass widow ex exwife Dr. MD doc doctor medico physician Dr. doctor Doctor Doctor of the Church dodger fox dodo dotard fogey fogy doctrinaire dogmatist domestic domestic help domine dominee dominie dominus donor giver door guard doorkeeper doorman gatekeeper hall porter porter dosser street person double image betrayer double-crosser double-dealer traitor dove peacenik draft dodger draft evader conscript draftee draftsman drawer draftsman draftsperson dragon tartar lobsterback redcoat drama critic theater critic dramatist playwright attraction draw actor''s assistant dresser dressmaker modiste needlewoman seamstress drill instructor drill master drinker imbiber driveller jabberer drudge galley slave navvy peon drug addict junkie drug user substance abuser drunk drunkard inebriate rummy dry prohibitionist dueler duelist dueller duellist boob booby dope dumbbell dummy pinhead dummy silent person blockhead bonehead dunce dunderhead fuckhead hammerhead knucklehead loggerhead lunkhead muttonhead numskull shithead dwarf midget dynamiter dynamitist busy bee eager beaver live wire sharpie ear doctor ear specialist earner wage earner devourer eater eavesdropper snoop eccentric eccentric person geek oddball eclectic eclecticist economic expert economist economiser economizer educationalist educationist educator pedagogue efficiency engineer efficiency expert egalitarian equalitarian egocentric egoist egoist egotist elder senior graybeard patriarch elder hand eldest hand electrician lineman elevator boy elevator man emancipator manumitter embezzler peculator emigrant emigre emigree outgoer ameer amir emeer emir emissary envoy conjure man conjurer enchantress witch Delilah enchantress femme fatale siren compiler encyclopedist enemy foe foeman opponent corner man end man engine driver engineer English professor English teacher ENT man ear-nose-and-throat doctor otolaryngologist otorhinolaryngologist enthusiast partisan bug-hunter bugologist enterpriser entrepreneur conservationist environmentalist envoy envoy extraordinary bon vivant epicure epicurean gastronome epigon epigone dreamer escapist escape expert escapologist Eskimo Esquimau Esq Esquire essayist litterateur aesthete esthete aesthetician esthetician aetiologist etiologist castrate eunuch evaluator judge evangelist gospeler gospeller revivalist examiner inspector examiner tester exchanger money changer executioner public executioner executive executive director exhibitioner exhibitor exhibitionist show-off exhibitionist flasher deportee exile exile expatriate exorciser exorcist exploiter user adventurer explorer eradicator exterminator extern medical extern extravert extrovert fag faggot fagot fairy pansy poof poove pouf fakeer fakir faqir faquir falconer hawker afficionado buff devotee fan fanatic fiend enthusiast fancier fancy man paramour fantast futurist farmer granger husbandman sodbuster farm worker farmhand farrier horseshoer fashion consultant fashionmonger determinist fatalist begetter father Father Padre fat person fatso fatty roly-poly favorite son favourite son fellow traveler fellow traveller child female child girl little girl feminist libber women''s liberationist women''s rightist fencer swordsman feudal lord seigneur fiance groom-to-be bride-to-be fiancee fielder fieldsman field officer field-grade officer fifth columnist saboteur file clerk filer filibuster filibusterer film maker film producer film star movie star finance minister minister of finance financier moneyman discoverer finder fingerprint expert fingerprint man canary fink sneak snitch stoolie stoolpigeon fire chief fire marshal fire-eater fire-swallower fire-eater hothead fire fighter fire-eater fireman forefighter fire warden forest fire fighter first baseman first sacker eldest firstborn first sergeant sergeant first class fisher fisherman fishmonger fishwife fixer influence peddler flak flak catcher flatfoot patrolman adulator flatterer flibbertigibbet foolish woman flier flyer floorwalker shopwalker dud flop dweeb flunkey flunky stooge flautist flute player enemy foe folk singer jongleur minstrel poet-singer fool muggins sap saphead football player footballer forbear forebear forecaster predictor prognosticator soothsayer father forefather alien foreigner noncitizen outlander foreign minister secretary of state foreigner outsider boss chief foreman gaffer arboriculturist forester forelady forewoman counterfeiter forger beginner father founder founding father abandoned infant foundling Francophil Francophile freak lusus naturae monster monstrosity free agent free spirit freedman freedwoman freelance independent freeloader sponger freeman freewoman Freemason Mason fresher freshman friar mendicant monastic monk backwoodsman frontiersman figurehead front front man nominal head favorite favourite dog frump fuddy-duddy stuffed shirt fugitive fugitive from justice fugitive runaway gagman gagster gagman standup comedian gambler risk taker game warden gamekeeper games-master games-mistress gangster mobster dustman garbage collector garbage man refuse collector gardener nurseryman garment worker garmentmaker garroter garrotter gasbag windbag crasher gatecrasher geisha geisha girl GP general practitioner bloke geezer full general general author generator primogenitor progenitor brain genius geologist geophysicist geometer geometrician geriatrician gerontologist ghost ghostwriter behemoth colossus giant goliath giant heavyweight hulk whale fille girl miss missy young lady young woman jeune fille lass lassie young girl girl girlfriend glasscutter glassworker glazer glazier globetrotter world traveler glutton gourmand FBI agent G-man goalie goalkeeper goaltender netkeeper goatherd goatherder goffer gopher ball of fire go-getter whiz-kid whizz-kid goldbrick good-for-naught good-for-nothing goof-off gold digger gold miner goldsmith goldworker golf player golfer golf pro professional golfer gondolier gondoliere Samaritan good Samaritan gossip gossiper newsmonger rumormonger graduate nurse trained nurse grad student graduate student grammarian syntactician gramps grandad granddad granddaddy grandfather grandpa grandma grandmother grannie granny granny matriarch graphologist handwriting expert divorced man grass widower body snatcher ghoul grandaunt great-aunt grandnephew great-nephew grandniece great-niece granduncle great-uncle grenade thrower grenadier bridegroom groom bridegroom groom churl crank crosspatch grouch groundskeeper groundsman guarantor surety gaoler jailer prison guard screw guerilla guerrilla insurgent irregular guest invitee guitar player guitarist gun gunman gunslinger hired gun hit man shooter arms-runner gunrunner guru mahatma cat guy gynaecologist gynecologist Gipsy Gypsy Romany Rommany drudge hack hack hack writer beldam beldame crone hag hairdresser hairstylist hadji haji halfback running back breed half-breed cuckoo fathead goof goose jackass zany ham ham actor animal trainer handler handmaid handmaiden handyman jack of all trades harper harpist harpooneer harpooner harvester reaper back-number has-been enforcer hatchet man hatchet man iceman hatmaker hatter milliner modiste hauler haulier hawk war hawk chief head head-shrinker headhunter headliner star chieftain headman headmaster master chief of state head of state headman headsman caregiver health care provider auditor hearer hearing examiner hearing officer gentile heathen infidel pagan badgerer heckler hedonist pleasure seeker Heidelberg man Homo heidelbergensis heir heritor heiress inheritress devil heller gamecock hell-kite helmsman steersman helpmate helpmeet haematologist hematologist bleeder haemophile haemophiliac hemophile herb doctor herbalist drover herder heretic misbeliever androgyne epicine epicine person gynandromorph hermit recluse hero worshiper hero worshipper heterosexual heterosexual person straight straight person highflier highflyer high-muck-a-muck pooh-bah highjacker highwayman hijacker road agent highjacker hijacker bushwhacker hillbilly flower child hippie hand hired hand hireling pensionary historian historiographer hod carrier hodman hog pig hangover holdover holdup man stickup man homebuilder housebuilder homeless homeless person homeopath homoeopath homeowner householder Home Secretary Secretary of State for the Home Department gay homo guard of honor honor guard goon hood hoodlum punk thug tough horse fancier horseman equestrian horseback rider horse wrangler wrangler host innkeeper hostage surety hotel detective house detective hosteller hotel manager hotelier hotelkeeper cat burglar housebreaker house guest houseguest house physician resident housekeeper housewife lady of the house woman of the house housebreaker housewrecker cheap-jack hawker huckster tout do-gooder humanitarian humorist humourist crookback humpback hunter huntsman hubby husband ex ex-husband hustler operator hypnotist hypnotizer dissembler hypocrite phoney phony iconoclast image breaker dreamer idealist identical twin monozygotic twin ideologist ideologue changeling cretin half-wit idiot imbecile moron bum do-nothing idler layabout idol matinee idol idol worshiper idolater ignoramus know nothing analphabetic illiterate imam imaum immunologist serologist imp monkey rapscallion rascal scalawag scallywag imitator impersonator important person influential person fake faker fraud imposter impostor pretender pseud pseudo role player sham incompetent incompetent person incumbent officeholder foot soldier footslogger infantryman marcher informant source betrayer informer rat squealer ingrate thankless wretch initiate learned person pundit savant in-law relative-in-law inmate inpatient asker enquirer inquirer questioner inquisitor interrogator insomniac sleepless person initiator instigator firebrand inciter instigant instigator cat''s-paw instrument general agent insurance agent insurgent insurrectionist mutineer rebel decorator designer house decorator interior decorator interior designer room decorator conversational partner interlocutor interlocutor middleman houseman intern interne internist interpreter translator interloper intruder encroacher invader invalid shut-in artificer discoverer investment adviser investment advisor investment banker underwriter hardwareman ironmonger irredentist irridentist island-dweller islander itinerant peripatetic Java man Trinil man jazz musician jazzman dork jerk fool jester gem jewel jeweler jeweller jeweler jeweller crackerjack jimdandy jobber middleman Joe Blow John Doe joker jokester joker turkey jinx jonah judge jurist justice magistrate Jnr Jr jurist legal expert juror juryman justiciar justiciary caffer caffre kaffir kafir abductor kidnaper kidnapper snatcher killer slayer king male monarch king world-beater bigwig kingpin relation relative blood relation blood relative cognate sib family kin enate matrikin matrilineal kin matrilineal sib agnate patrikin patrilineal kin patrilineal sib kisser osculator kissing cousin kissing kin bachelor bachelor-at-arms banneret knight banneret Knight Templar Templar know-all know-it-all kook odd fellow odd fish queer bird laborer labourer flunkey flunky lady noblewoman dear lamb landlady landlord landlubber landsman landlubber landman landholder landowner landscape architect landscape gardener lapidary lapidist lapidarist lapidary larcener larcenist Latter-day Saint Mormon applauder extoller laudator lauder lawgiver lawmaker law officer lawman attorney lawyer layman layperson learner scholar leaseholder lessee lector lecturer leech minion parasite sponge left-handed pitcher left-hander lefty southpaw left-hander lefty legate official emissary legionary legionnaire lender loaner lazar leper butterfly collector lepidopterist gay woman lesbian lease giver lessor leveler leveller lexicographer lexicologist liar prevaricator liberal progressive debauchee dissolute person bibliothec librarian LPN licensed practical nurse licencee licensee lie-abed slugabed lieutenant police lieutenant lieutenant colonel light colonel lieutenant JG lieutenant junior grade lifeguard lifesaver bargee bargeman light-o''-love light-of-love line backer linebacker linguist polyglot linguist linguistic scientist linkboy linkman lion social lion liquidator receiver literate literate person litigant litigator litter lout litterbug lockkeeper lockman locum locum tenens boarder lodger logician logistician logomach logomachist lingerer loiterer loner solitudinarian lookout lookout man picket scout sentinel sentry lord noble Lord Chancellor Lord High Chancellor also-ran loser failure loser nonstarter unsuccessful person blusterer loudmouth lizard lounge lizard clod gawk goon klutz lout lubber lummox lump oaf stumblebum lowerclassman underclassman loyalist stalwart luger slider lumberjack lumberman guiding light leading light luminary notability lunatic madman lurcher lurker lutanist lutenist ma mama mamma mammy mater mom momma mommy mum mummy mace macebearer hack machine politician political hack ward-heeler machinist mechanic brothel keeper madam maestro master conjurer conjuror illusionist magician magpie pack rat maharaja maharajah maharanee maharani maid maiden amah housemaid maid maidservant carrier letter carrier mail carrier mailman major-domo seneschal big leaguer major leaguer maker shaper boy child male offspring man-child malingerer skulker maltman maltster adult male man mandatary mandatory maneuverer manoeuverer fashion model manakin manikin mannequin mannikin model man of action man of deeds man of means rich man manufacturer producer long-distance runner marathon runner marathoner road runner marauder predator marcher parader marchioness marquise Marine devil dog leatherneck shipboard soldier marine engineer naval engineer Jack-tar gob mariner old salt sea dog seafarer seaman tar crack shot marksman marquess marquis marshal marshall marshal marshall disciplinarian martinet martyr sufferer mason stonecutter masseur masseuse master professional captain master sea captain skipper emcee host masturbator onanist marriage broker matchmaker first mate mate irreligionist materialist math teacher mathematics teacher head nurse matron maverick rebel city manager mayor May queen queen of the May meanie meany medal winner medalist medalist medallist medai guru media consultant medic medical officer medical man medical practitioner medical student medico medium spiritualist melancholiac melancholic clan member clansman mender tinker dogsbody menial mentor wise man mercenary soldier of fortune merchandiser merchant courier messenger errand boy messenger boy metallurgical engineer metallurgist mezzo mezzo-soprano accoucheuse midwife mikado tenno activist militant militarist warmonger MP military policeman military officer officer factory worker mill-hand millenarian millenarist mime mimer mummer pantomimer mimic mimicker mind thinker mind reader telepathist miner mineworker diplomatic minister minister government minister minister miracle man miracle worker misogamist misogynist ape-man missing link missionary missioner missis missus Mr mister fancy woman kept woman model poser model role model apotheosis ideal nonesuch nonpareil nonsuch paragon modeler modeller Moghul Mogul gangster''s moll gun moll monarchist royalist monogamist monogynist monopolist monopolizer demon devil fiend monster cadger moocher scrounger sponger funeral director mortician female parent mother mama''s boy mamma''s boy motorcycle cop motorcycle policeman automobilist motorist mountain climber mountaineer charlatan mountebank griever lamenter mouth mouthpiece motion-picture fan moviegoer muckraker mudslinger mu''adhdhin muazzin mugger robber independent mugwump mule driver mule skinner Mollah Mulla liquidator murderer instrumentalist musician mutant mutation deaf-and-dumb person deaf-mute mumbler mutterer moujik mujik muzhik muzjik mystic religious mystic figure name nanny nurse narc narcotics agent narcissist narcist copper''s nark nark narrator storyteller natural scientist naturalist negotiant negotiator negotiatress negotiatrix neighbor neighbour neonate newborn brain doctor neurologist brain surgeon neurosurgeon mental case neurotic entrant fledgeling fledgling freshman neophyte newcomer New Englander Yank honeymooner newlywed newsagent newsdealer newsstand operator newsvendor churl grabber niggard scrooge night owl nightbird night rider nightrider nincompoop ninny Nobel Laureate Nobelist noncom noncommissioned officer non-resistant passive resister Northerner Yank notary notary public beginner initiate novice tiro nude nude person naturist nudist coin collector numismatist nurse''s aide nursing aide nurseling nursling houri nymph nympho nymphomaniac oarsman rower commentator observer accoucheur obstetrician oenophile oenophilist officeholder officer officer ship''s officer functionary official Fed Federal Federal Federal soldier agent federal agent issue offspring old boy old man greybeard old man old person oldster antique gaffer mossback old geezer Olympian olympian looker-on onlooker opera star operatic star manipulator operator eye doctor oculist opium addict opium taker opportunist self-seeker opponent opposite lens maker optician oculist optometrist orator public speaker rhetorician speechmaker hospital attendant orderly arranger organizer conceiver mastermind bird watcher ornithologist osteopath osteopathist castaway outcast right-handed pitcher right-hander lord master overseer superintendent owner proprietor owner possessor disarmer pacificist bagger boxer page varlet page pageboy nuisance pain palatine palsgrave fossilist palaeontologist bearer pallbearer chiromancer palmist discussant panelist paperer paperhanger papoose pappoose parachuter parachutist legal assistant paralegal paranoiac paranoid para paratrooper Member of Parliament Parliamentarian parlormaid parlourmaid lampooner parodist Parsee Parsi partaker sharer partisan zealot boss party boss party liner party man pacha pasha passenger rider forward passer passer head of household paterfamilias nationalist patriot attender frequenter patron sponsor patron patronne pauper poor man payer remunerator pearl diver pearler bucolic peasant Goth barbarian boor churl peasant tike pedaler pedaller bookworm pedant peddler pedlar child molester paederast footer pedestrian pen pal pen-friend pencil pusher penpusher pensionary pensioner Pentecostal Pentecostalist performer performing artist false witness perjurer culprit perpetrator avatar embodiment degenerate deviant deviate pervert blighter cuss gadfly pest petitioner suppliant oil geologist petroleum geologist apothecary chemist druggist pharmacist pill pusher pill roller pharmaceutical chemist pharmacologist altruist philanthropist philatelist stamp collector Graecophile philhellene lowbrow philistine philologist philologue craniologist phrenologist physical therapist physioltherapist pianist piano player picaninny piccaninny picknicker picnicker cutpurse dip palmer pilgrim mainstay pillar Piltdown hoax Piltdown man fancy man pandar pander panderer pimp ponce innovator pioneer bagpiper piper pip-squeak small fry buccaneer pirate sea robber sea rover hurler pitcher pivot pivot man placeman placeseeker literary pirate pirate complainant plaintiff contriver deviser plantation owner planter platelayer tracklayer Corinthian man-about-town participant player MVP most valuable player playgoer theatergoer playfellow playmate pleb plebeian plodder slowcoach slowpoke stick-in-the-mud plodder slogger mapper plotter ploughboy plowboy ploughman plowman ploughwright plowwright pipe fitter plumber despoiler freebooter looter pillager plunderer raider poet versifier officer police officer police matron policewoman police sergeant sergeant pol political leader politician politico headcounter poll taker craven poltroon poor devil wretch have-not poor person Holy Father Vicar of Christ pontiff pope porn merchant pornographer Pullman porter porter limner portrait painter poser poseur positivist rationalist mail clerk postal clerk postilion postillion potboy potman potholer spelaeologist speleologist spelunker ceramicist ceramist poulterer poultryman force power ball of fire fireball human dynamo powerhouse power worker power-station worker practician practitioner praetor pretor hoaxer practical joker prankster trickster prayer supplicant preacher preacher man don preceptor preemie premature baby Chief Executive President chair chairman chairperson chairwoman PR man press agent public relations man publicity man fair game prey quarry target non-Christian priest priest diva prima donna gravida I primigravida dealer principal head head teacher principal school principal PI principal investigator pressman printer graphic artist printmaker captive prisoner POW prisoner of war buck private common soldier PI operative private detective private eye private investigator sherlock privateer privateersman gladiator prizefighter parolee probationer probationer student nurse cunctator postponer monitor proctor prodigal profligate prodigy wonder child professional professional person pro professional computer programmer programmer prole proletarian promiser promisor booster plugger prompter theater prompter agitprop propagandist disseminator propagator property man property master oracle prophet prophet religious leader mover proposer prosecuting attorney prosecuting officer bawd cocotte cyprian fancy woman harlot lady of pleasure prostitute sporting lady tart trollop whore woman of the street prowler sneak procurator proxy prude puritan head-shrinker psychiatrist psychopath sociopath clinical psychologist psychotherapist psycho psychotic publican tapster publicist publicizer punk punk rocker pup puppy chased pursued chaser pursuer drug peddler drug trafficker peddler pusher pusher thruster potterer putterer Pigmy Pygmy pigmy pygmy quad quadruplet quarrier quarryman cutter stone cutter field general quarterback quin quint female monarch queen question master quizmaster pettifogger quibbler racialist racist radiologist radiotherapist raftman raftsman ragamuffin tatterdemalion raja rajah blood profligate rake rip ranee rani ranter raver raper rapist rara avis rare bird Raskolnikov Rodya Raskolnikov disinfestation officer rat-catcher extreme right-winger reactionary estate agent house agent land agent real estate agent real estate broker realtor ratiocinator reasoner pass catcher receiver backslider recidivist habitual criminal recidivist record-breaker record-holder enlistee recruit redactor reviser rewrite man rewriter carrottop redhead cracker redneck ref referee ump umpire preserver refinisher renovator restorer crusader meliorist reformer reformist regent trustee RN registered nurse record-keeper recorder habitue regular fireman relief pitcher anchorite hermit cenobite coenobite Renaissance man generalist renegade turncoat maintenance man repairer repairman serviceman newsman newsperson repository secretary miscreant reprobate recoverer rescuer director of research research director investigator research worker occupant occupier answerer respondent restauranter restaurateur retail merchant retailer retired person retiree merrymaker reveler bacchanal bacchant drunken reveler drunken reveller referee reviewer revolutionary revolutionist subversive subverter Homo rhodesiensis Rhodesian man have millionaire rich person wealthy person Riff Riffian chief assistant man Friday right-winger rightist dead ringer ringer challenger competition competitor contender riveter rivetter road hog roadhog road mender roadman roarer shouter cragsman rock climber knave rapscallion rascal rogue scalawag scallywag romantic romanticist ropedancer ropewalker bum crumb lowlife puke rat rotter scum bag skunk so-and-so stinker runner-up second best half-pint peewee runt shrimp cattle thief rustler diversionist saboteur saddhu sadhu cracksman safebreaker navigator sailing master crewman sailor angel holy man holy person saint clerk salesclerk salesgirl saleslady salutatorian salutatory speaker salvager salvor Father Christmas Kriss Kringle Saint Nicholas Santa Claus Tristan Tristram Satanist diabolist planet satellite ironist satirist lecher satyr saunterer stroller barbarian savage deliverer rescuer savior saviour blackleg rat scab strikebreaker scalawag scallywag scapegoat whipping boy black sheep scapegrace scaremonger stirrer forgetful person scatterbrain scene painter scenic artist plotter schemer schlockmeister shlockmeister scholar scholarly person pupil schoolchild Schoolman medieval Schoolman mistress schoolmarm class fellow classmate schoolfellow schoolmate school teacher schoolteacher man of science scientist mocker scoffer common scold nag nagger scold scorekeeper scorer guide pathfinder scout talent scout film writer screenwriter penman scribbler canvasser scrutineer carver sculptor sculpturer statue maker second baseman second sacker mediocrity second-rater intelligence agent intelligence officer operative secret agent secretarial assistant secretary Agriculture Secretary Secretary of Agriculture Commerce Secretary Secretary of Commerce Defense Secretary Secretary of Defense Education Secretary Secretary of Education Energy Secretary Secretary of Energy Labor Secretary Secretary of Labor Interior Secretary Secretary of the Interior Secretary of the Treasury Treasury Secretary Secretary of Transportation Transportation Secretary gravida II secundigravida ladies'' man lady killer seed seeded player seedman seedsman searcher seeker seller trafficker vender vendor semanticist semiotician seminarian seminarist semipro semiprofessional sender transmitter romanticist sentimentalist ballyhoo artist sensationalist helot serf sergeant at arms serjeant-at-arms serial killer serial murderer sergeant sergeant-at-law serjeant serjeant-at-law retainer servant servant girl serving girl man military man military personnel serviceman colonist settler sacristan sexton seizer shanghaier cropper sharecrop farmer sheepherder sheepman Arab chief sheik sheika sheikha shiksa shikse market keeper shopkeeper storekeeper tradesman shop steward steward shooter shot gun gunman impresario promoter shrew termagant Shudra Sudra shrinking violet shy person pettifogger shyster Siamese twin conjoined twin sib sibling diseased person sick person excursionist rubberneck sightseer tripper signaler signaller signatory signer signior signor silent partner sleeping partner silversmith silverworker addle-head birdbrain simple simpleton singer vocalist evildoer sinner sis sister half sister stepsister Milquetoast milksop pansy pantywaist hesitater hesitator vacillator waverer easy mark sitting duck doubter sceptic skilled worker trained worker aquanaut skin-diver skivvy slavey parachute jumper skydiver shirker slacker slattern slovenly woman hard worker slave slaveholder slaver slave dealer slave trader sleeper slumberer noctambulist sleepwalker sleuth sleuthhound pig slob sloven slovenly person slug sluggard SGA infant small-for-gestational-age infant beauty dish knockout looker lulu mantrap peach smasher stunner sweetheart metalworker smith smoker tobacco user charmer smoothie smoothy sweet talker contrabandist mooncurser runner smuggler snake snake in the grass pilferer sneak thief prig snob climber social climber collectivist left-winger caseworker social worker soda jerk soda jerker bugger sod sodomist sodomite softie softy sommelier wine steward boy son ballad maker songster man of the world sophisticate magician necromancer sorcerer wizard priest-doctor shaman psyche soul gloomy Gus picklepuss Johnny Johnny Reb Reb Rebel crowned head monarch Hispanic Hispanic American Latino Spanish American sparring mate sparring partner speaker talker extra spear carrier specialist specializer medical specialist specialist spectator viewer watcher witness plunger speculator speed demon speeder good speller poor speller disburser expender spend-all spender big spender high roller spindlelegs spindleshanks spinner spinster old maid spinster life principle vital principle killjoy party pooper spoilsport wet blanket interpreter representative spokesperson voice sport sportsman outdoor man sporting man fan sports fan consort married person mate partner spy undercover agent square shooter straight arrow square square toes homesteader nester gallant squire groom hostler ostler stableboy staff member staffer director stage director stage technician stagehand stage manager stager stammerer stutterer backup backup man fill-in relief stand-in substitute lead principal dispatcher starter state attorney state''s attorney national leader solon stationer stationery seller station agent stationmaster actuary statistician mathematical statistician statistician homebody stay-at-home steelmaker steelman amanuensis shorthand typist half-brother stepbrother dock worker dock-walloper docker dockhand loader longshoreman lumper stevedore flight attendant steward air hostess hostess stigmatic stigmatist stipendiary stipendiary magistrate shareholder shareowner stock farmer stock raiser stoic unemotional person fireman stoker fabricator fibber alien stranger strategian strategist assistant foreman straw boss street cleaner street sweeper street fighter tough guttersnipe street urchin gamin street arab floozie floozy hooker hustler slattern street girl litter-bearer stretcher-bearer ecdysiast exotic dancer peeler stripper striptease striptease artist he-man macho-man educatee pupil practice teacher student teacher catechumen neophyte palooka stumblebum double stunt man dolt dullard poor fish pudden-head pudding head stupid case guinea pig subordinate subsidiary contributor subscriber reader subscriber endorser ratifier reserve substitute heir successor replacement successor sipper sucker suffragan suffragan bishop suffragette suffragist felo-de-se suicide suitor wooer Grand Turk sultan super superintendent higher-up superior provider supplier admirer booster champion friend protagonist supporter surfboarder surfer operating surgeon sawbones alternate replacement provisioner sutler victualer victualler steady sweetheart sweetie truelove bather natator pigman swineherd grind nerd swot wonk crawler lackey sycophant toady silvan sylvan sympathizer well-wisher comforter sympathizer dining companion tablemate hanger-on tagalong shadow tail sartor tailor tally clerk tallyman tank driver tanker tartufe tartuffe taster tastetester blabbermouth talebearer taleteller tattletale assessor tax assessor collector of internal revenue exciseman internal revenue agent tax collector animal stuffer taxidermist cabby cabdriver cabman hackdriver taxidriver taximan ratepayer taxpayer instructor teacher mate teammate teamster truck driver annoyer tantalizer tease teaser teetotaler teetotalist telegraph operator telegrapher mental telepathist mind reader telepathist thought-reader switchboard operator telephone operator TV newsman TV reporter television newscaster television reporter TV star television star Tell William Tell bank clerk cashier teller vote counter earthling earthman temp temporary worker renter tenant professional tennis player tennis pro brat holy terror little terror terror scourge terror gravida III tertigravida testate testator examinee testee deponent testifier Ranger Texas Ranger theologian theologist theoretician theorist healer therapist skin and bones thin person third baseman third sacker ticket collector ticket taker social drinker tippler tipster tout bambino toddler tot yearling nob toff toll agent toll collector toller tollgatherer tollkeeper tollman bell ringer toller hoyden romp persecutor tormentor bruiser plug-ugly Ted Teddy boy holidaymaker tourist crier town crier towner townsman townie towny bargainer dealer monger trader trade unionist union member diehard traditionalist railroad man railroader railway man railwayman traitor treasonist bum hobo cross-dresser transvestite Cistercian Trappist bagman commercial traveler commercial traveller roadman traveling salesman travelling salesman financial officer treasurer First Lord of the Treasury Treasury fashion arbiter taste-maker trial attorney trial lawyer trombone player trombonist state trooper trooper bad hat mischief-maker trouble maker troublemaker trouble shooter troubleshooter hooky player truant cornetist trumpeter legal guardian trustee piano tuner tuner twerp twirp timpanist tympanist autocrat despot undergrad undergraduate standby understudy general agent universal agent disagreeable woman unpleasant woman nouveau-riche parvenu enjoyer user guide usher doorkeeper usher loan shark moneylender shark usurer supplanter usurper ux uxor vacationer vacationist drifter vagrant valedictorian valedictory speaker gentleman gentleman''s gentleman man valet feudatory liege liege subject liegeman pole jumper pole vaulter varmint vermin VIP dignitary high-up panjandrum old hand old stager old-timer veteran ex-serviceman vet veteran veteran soldier vet veterinarian veterinary veterinary surgeon V.P. vice president vicereine viceroy dupe victim master superior victualer victualler vigilance man vigilante scoundrel villain vintner wine maker vintner wine merchant debaucher ravisher lawbreaker violator fiddler violinist Bisayan Visayan illusionist seer visitant visitor harpy hellcat unpaid worker volunteer military volunteer voluntary sybarite voluptuary elector voter Peeping Tom peeper card wag waggoner wagoner waggonwright wagonwright server waiter bird of passage roamer rover wanderer warden warder warehouseman warehouser god of war war god military leader warlord laundryman washerman laundress laundrywoman washerwoman washwoman carouser wassailer waster wastrel horologer horologist security guard watcher water dog water rat watercolorist watercolourist dowser water witch journeyer wayfarer doormat weakling weather forecaster weatherman crier weeper lifter weightlifter welcher welsher charity case welfare case amah wet nurse bellyacher complainer crybaby grumbler moaner sniveler squawker whiner party whip whip jackanapes lightweight whited sepulcher whited sepulchre Carmelite White Friar Black Friar Blackfriar Franciscan Gray Friar Augustinian Austin Friar whoremaster whoremonger john whoremaster widow widow woman widower widowman married woman wife wiggler wriggler feral man wild man chicken crybaby victor winner window dresser window trimmer smart aleck weisenheimer wise guy wiseacre informant witness attestant witness masher skirt chaser wolf woman chaser adult female woman philanderer womaniser golden boy wonder boy carver woodcarver woodman woodsman woodman woodsman wool sorter wool stapler working man working person dirt ball insect louse worm fuss-budget fusspot worrier worrywart worshiper worshipper grappler matman author writer yachtsman yachtswoman dispatcher trainmaster beefeater yeoman bumpkin chawbacon hayseed hick rube yahoo young buck young man young person younker the living dead zombi snake god zombi zombi zombi spirit zombie zombie spirit animal scientist zoologist Adams John Adams Adams John Quincy Adams Agrippa Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa Alexander Alexander the Great Andersen Hans Christian Andersen Andrew Saint Andrew Saint Andrew the Apostle St Andrew Antigonus Antigonus Cyclops Antony Marcus Antonius Aquinas Saint Thomas Saint Thomas Aquinas Thomas Aquinas Armin Arminius Armstrong Neil Armstrong Arthur King Arthur Arthur Chester A. Arthur Attila Scourge of the Gods Auden Wystan Hugh Auden Augustine Saint Augustine Augustus Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Gaius Octavianus Octavian Bach Johann Sebastian Bach Bacon Baron Verulam Francis Bacon Viscount St. Albans Balzac Honore Balzac Barrie James Matthew Barrie Baudelaire Charles Baudelaire Becket Saint Thomas a Becket Beckett Samuel Beckett Benedict Saint Benedict Alexander Bell Alexander Graham Bell Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven Berkeley Bishop Berkeley Bismarck Iron Chancellor Prince Otto von Bismarck von Bismarck Bligh Captain Bligh Behmen Boehm Boehme Bohme Jakob Behmen Jakob Boehm Jakob Boehme Jakob Bohme Anne Boleyn Boleyn Bolivar El Libertador Bogart Bogey Humphrey Bogart Humphrey DeForest Bogart Boole George Boole Boone Daniel Boone Bragg Braxton Bragg Brahms Johannes Brahms Bride Bridget Brigid Saint Bride Saint Bridget Saint Brigid St. Bride St. Bridget Bruce Robert I Brutus Marcus Junius Brutus Buchanan James Buchanan Burgoyne John Burgoyne Bush George Bush Caesar Gaius Julius Caesar Calvin Jean Caulvin Jean Cauvin Jean Chauvin Andrew Carnegie Carnegie Carroll Charles Dodgson Charles Lutwidge Dodgson Dodgson Lewis Carroll Reverend Dodgson Carter James Earl Carter Casanova Giovanni Jacopo Casanova Cassius Gaius Cassius Longinus Catherine Catherine the Great Cervantes Miguel de Cervantes Charlemagne Charles the Great Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov Anton Pavlovich Chekov Chekhov Chekov Chopin Frederic Francois Chopin Christopher Saint Christopher Churchill Sir Winston Churchill Cicero Marcus Tullius Cicero Cimabue Giovanni Cimabue Cleveland Grover Cleveland Bill Clinton Clinton Clovis Clovis I Coleridge Samuel Taylor Coleridge Christopher Colombus Columbus Cristobal Colon Cristoforo Colombo Confucius Kung futzu A. Conan Doyle Arthur Conan Doyle Conan Doyle Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Calvin Coolidge Coolidge Copernicus Mikolaj Kopernik Cortes Cortez Hernan Cortes Hernan Cortez Hernando Cortes Hernando Cortez Cromwell Oliver Cromwell Dalton John Dalton Dante Dante Alighieri Charles Darwin Charles Robert Darwin Demetrius Demetrius I Descartes Rene Descartes Dewey John Dewey Donne John Donne Dostoevski Dostoevsky Dostoievski Dostoyevski Dostoyevsky Fedor Dosoievski Fedor Dostoevski Fedor Dostoevsky Fedor Dostoyevski Fedor Dostoyevsky Alfred Dreyfus Dreyfus Eddington Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington Eddy Mary Baker Eddy Edison Thomas Alva Edison Edward Edward the Confessor Black Prince Edward Albert Edward Edward VII Duke of Windsor Edward VIII Albert Einstein Einstein Dwight D. Eisenhower Dwight David Eisenhower Dwight Eisenhower Eisenhower Elizabeth Elizabeth I Elizabeth Elizabeth II Engels Friedrich Engels Desiderius Erasmus Erasmus Geert Geerts Gerhard Gerhards Faraday Michael Faraday Faulkner William Faulkner Fermat Pierre de Fermat Fillmore Millard Fillmore Flaminius Gaius Falminius Ford Henry Ford Ford Gerald Ford Gerald R. Ford Gerald Rudolph Ford Fox George Fox Francis of Assisi Giovanni di Bernardone Saint Francis Saint Francis of Assisi Barbarossa Frederick Barbarossa Frederick II Frederick the Great Freud Sigmund Freud Frost Robert Frost Fulton Robert Fulton Gainsborough Thomas Gainsborough Galahad Sir Galahad Galileo Galileo Galilei Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi Indira Gandhi Indira Nehru Gandhi Garfield James A. Garfield James Abraham Garfield James Garfield Garibaldi Giuseppe Garibaldi Gauguin Paul Gauguin Carl Friedrich Gauss Gauss Gawain Sir Gawain Genghis Khan Jenghis Khan Geiger Hans Geiger George Saint George Gilbert Sir William Gilbert William Gilbert William Schwenk Gilbert Glenn John Glenn Godiva Lady Godiva Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Grant Ulysses Grant Gregory Gregory I Gregory the Great Saint Gregory I Gregory Gregory XIII Grimm Jakob Ludwig Karl Grimm Grimm Wilhelm Karl Grimm Gropius Walter Gropius Guenevere Guinevere Haile Selassie Ras Tafari Georg Friedrich Handel George Frederick Handel Harding Warren Gamaliel Harding Harrison William Henry Harrison Benjamin Harrison Harrison Haydn Joseph Haydn Hayes Rutherford B. Hayes Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Hegel Helmholtz Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz Ernest Hemingway Hemingway Henry Joseph Henry Henry Beauclerc Henry I Bolingbroke Henry Bolingbroke Henry Tudor Henry VII Herod Herod the Great Heinrich Hertz Heinrich Rudolph Hertz Adolf Hitler Der Fuhrer Herbert Clark Hoover Herbert Hoover Hugo Victor Hugo Huxley Thomas Henry Huxley Henrik Ibsen Ibsen Andrew Jackson Jackson James Saint James Saint James the Apostle St James Henry James James James William James Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Cornelis Jansen Cornelius Jansenius Christ Good Shepherd Jesus Jesus Christ Jesus of Nazareth Redeemer Savior Saviour John Saint John Saint John the Apostle St John John John Lackland Andrew Johnson Johnson Johnson Lyndon Baines Johnson Joshua Josue Judas Judas Iscariot Carl Gustav Jung Carl Jung Franz Kafka Kafka Immanuel Kant Kant Jack Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy Johan Kepler Johannes Kepler John Maynard Keynes Keynes Captain Kidd Kidd King Martin Luther King Kipling Rudyard Kipling Chevalier de Lamarck Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet Lancelot Sir Lancelot Leakey Louis Leakey Edward Lear Lear Lee Robert E Lee Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Leibnitz Leibniz Lenin Nikolai Lenin Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Vladimir Lenin Leonardo Leonardo da Vinci Abraham Lincoln Lincoln Carolus Linnaeus Linnaeus Joseph Lister Lister John Locke Locke Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Longfellow Louis XIV Louis the Great Luther Martin Luther Machiavelli Niccolo Machiavelli James Madison Madison Ferdinand Magellan Magellan Malcolm Little Malcolm X Malthus Thomas Malthus Mao Mao Tsetung John Marshall Marshall Madonna Mary Virgin Mary the Virgin Karl Marx Marx Margarete Gertrud Zelle Mata Hari Levi Matthew Saint Matthew Saint Matthew the Apostle McKinley William McKinley Herman Melville Melville Gregor Johann Mendel Gregor Mendel Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev Mendeleev Mithridates Mithridates VI Mahomet Mahound Mohammed Muhammad James Monroe Monroe Earl of Leicester Montfort Daniel Morgan Morgan Henry Morgan Morgan J P Morgan John Pierpont Morgan Morgan Thomas Hunt Morgan Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Benito Mussolini Il Duce Naomi Noemi John Napier Napier Napoleon Napoleon Bonaparte Gamal Abdel Nasser Nasser Nast Thomas Nast Jawaharlal Nehru Nehru Isaac Newton Newton Florence Nightingale Nightingale Nixon Richard M. Nixon Richard Milhous Nixon Richard Nixon Georg Simon Ohm Ohm Oppenheimer Robert Oppenheimer Erwin Panofsky Panofsky C. Northcote Parkinson Cyril Northcote Parkinson Blaise Pascal Pascal Louis Pasteur Pasteur Patrick Saint Patrick Apostle Paul Apostle of the Gentiles Paul Paul the Apostle Saul Saul of Tarsus Ivan Pavlov Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Charles Franklin Peirce Charles peirce Peter Saint Peter Saint Peter the Apostle St Peter Francesco Petrarca Petrarca Jean Piaget Franklin Pierce Pierce Pablo Picasso Picasso Matoaka Pocahontas James Knox Polk James Polk Marco Polo Polo Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus Pompey Powhatan Wahunsonacock Marcel Proust Proust Claudius Ptolemaeus Ptolemy Quine Willard Van Orman Quine Francois Rabelais Rabelais Jean Racine Racine Reagan Ronald Reagan Reaumur Rene Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur Reed Walter Reed Rembrandt Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn Rembrandt van Rijn Rembrandt van Ryn Richard Coeur de Lion Richard I Richard the Lion-Heart Richard the Lion-Hearted Armand Jean du Plessis Cardinal Richelieu Duc de Richelieu Richelieu Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann Riemann Bartholomew Roberts Roberts Erwin Rommel Rommel Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt FDR Franklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Roosevelt Roosevelt Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt Betsy Griscom Ross Betsy Ross Dante Gabriel Rossetti Rossetti Giloacchino Antonio Rossini Rossini Jean-Jacques Rousseau Rousseau Karl Rudolf Gerd von Rundstedt Rundstedt Prince Rupert Rupert Bertrand Arthur William Russell Bertrand Russell Earl Russell Russell Babe Ruth George Herman Ruth Ruth Sultan of Swat Comte Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade Marquis de Sade Sade de Sade Edward Sapir Sapir Hermann Maurice Saxe Saxe Erwin Schrodinger Schrodinger Publius Cornelius Scipio Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major Scipio Scipio Africanus Scipio Africanus Major Scipio the Elder Seleucus Seleucus I Lucius Annaeus Seneca Seneca Jane Seymour Seymour Shakespeare Shakspere William Shakespeare William Shakspere G B Shaw George Bernard Shaw Alan Shepard Shepard Mrs. Simpson Simpson B F Skinner Burrhus Frederic Skinner John Philip Sousa Sousa Edmund Spenser Spenser Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili Joseph Stalin Fyodorovich Stravinsky Stravinsky Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix Sulla Arthur Seymour Sullivan Arthur Sullivan Sir Arthur Sullivan Sullivan Jonathan Swift Swift Taft William Howard Taft Tamburlaine Tamerlane Taylor Zachary Taylor Blackbeard Edward Teach Edward Thatch Teach Henry David Thoreau Thoreau Thomas Thomas the doubting Apostle Titian Tiziano Vecellio Count Lev Nikolayevitch Tolstoy Leo Tolstoy Evangelista Torricelli Torricelli Harry S. Truman Harry Truman John Tyler Tyler Bishop Ulfila Bishop Ulfilas Bishop Wulfila Ulfila Ulfilas Wulfila Maurice Utrillo Utrillo Martin Van Buren Van Buren Vincent van Gogh van Gogh Giovanni da Verrazano Giovanni da Verrazzano Verrazano Verrazzano Andreas Vesalius Vesalius Americus Vespucius Amerigo Vespucci Publius Vergilius Maro Vergil Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire John von Neumann von Neumann Richard Wagner Wagner Robert Walpole Sir Robert Walpole George Washington Washington Noah Webster Webster John Wesley Wesley Thomas Woodrow Wilson Wilson Ludwig Josef Johan Wittgenstein Ludwig Wittgenstein William Wordsworth Wordsworth William Butler Yeats Yeats Zeno Zeno of Citium Zeno Zeno of Elea Emile Zola Zola Zarathustra Zoroaster natural phenomenon nature metempsychosis rebirth allotropism allotropy photoconduction photoconductivity crystallisation crystallization bloom efflorescence consequence effect issue outcome result upshot aftermath backwash coattails coattails effect branch offset offshoot outgrowth chance fortune hazard luck fortune luck aberration distortion abiogenesis autogenesis autogeny spontaneous generation actinic radiation actinic ray affinity chemical attraction airstream backwash race slipstream alluvial cone alluvial fan alpha radiation alpha ray alpha rhythm alpha wave AC alternating current alternation of generations heterogenesis digenesis metagenesis annual ring growth ring apparent motion apparent movement motion movement atomic energy atomic power attraction attractive force repulsion repulsive force aureole corona aurora australis southern lights aurora borealis northern lights bad luck mischance beam beam of light light beam ray ray of light shaft beta radiation beta ray beta rhythm beta wave binding energy separation energy bise bize brain wave brainwave air breeze gentle wind zephyr Brownian motion Brownian movement candle flame candlelight capacitance capacity elastance electrical elastance capillarity capillary action cataclysm catastrophe charge electric charge bond chemical bond electrostatic bond electrovalent bond coordinate bond dative bond chinook chinook wind cold snap cold spell cold wave cold weather freeze frost Saint Elmo''s fire Saint Elmo''s light Saint Ulmo''s fire Saint Ulmo''s light St. Elmo''s fire corona corona discharge corposant mushroom mushroom cloud counterglow gegenschein cross-link cross-linkage foehn fohn current electric current cyclosis streaming decay decomposition decay radioactive decay delta rhythm delta wave alluviation deposit load lode condensate condensation DC direct current doldrums the doldrums drift impetus dust storm sandstorm east wind easter northwest wind northwester sou''wester southwester sou''easter southeaster elastic energy elastic potential energy electric power electrical power electrical energy electricity electromagnetic radiation electromagnetic wave deluge flood focal point focus food cycle food web fair weather sunshine ferment fermentation field field of force field line line of force chain lightning forked lightning friar''s lantern ignis fatuus jack-o''-lantern will-o''-the-wisp friction rubbing abrasion attrition detrition grinding adhesive friction grip cold front polar front occluded front occlusion frost heave frost heaving moderate gale near gale storm violent storm noreaster northeaster gamma radiation gamma ray glow glowing fluke good fortune gravitation gravitational attraction gravitational force gravity blast blow heat heat energy heat wave hot spell ice storm silver storm glow incandescence infrared infrared emission infrared light infrared radiation heat of vaporisation heat of vaporization leverage purchase light visible light blue jets jets red sprites sprites flux magnetic field magnetic attraction magnetic force flight trajectory ballistic trajectory ballistics mass defect mass deficiency melting thaw thawing warming magnetic moment moment of a magnet moonbeam moonray moon moonlight sun sunlight sunbeam sunray inoic beam ion beam local death necrosis brain death cerebral death parhelic circle parhelic ring mock sun parhelion boreas north wind Japan current Kuroshio opacity opaqueness pea soup pea-souper piezoelectric effect piezoelectricity polarisation polarization pleomorphism polymorphism potential difference potential drop downfall precipitation force per unit area pressure air pressure atmospheric pressure instantaneous sound pressure sound pressure corpuscular-radiation pressure radiation pressure puff puff of air push thrust activity radioactivity radio emission radio radiation radio spectrum radio-frequency spectrum carrier carrier wave rain rainfall equinoctial storm line storm cloudburst deluge downpour soaker torrent waterspout drizzle mizzle rain shower shower reflection reflexion birefringence double refraction electric resistance electrical resistance impedance ohmic resistance resistance resistivity acoustic impedance acoustic reactance drag retarding force sonic barrier sound barrier greening rejuvenation resolution resolving power scattering sprinkle meteor shower meteor stream samiel simoom fume smoke snow snowfall flurry snow flurry flake snowflake diamond dust frost mist frost snow ice crystal ice needle poudrin blizzard snowstorm solar energy solar power flare solar flare macula sunspot south wind souther arc discharge electric arc electric discharge conduction conductivity Doppler effect Doppler shift current electricity dynamic electricity fundamental interaction interaction color force strong force weak force weak interaction interfacial surface tension interfacial tension theta rhythm theta wave bolt bolt of lightning electric storm electrical storm tornado twister torque torsion even chance toss-up trade trade wind antitrade antitrade wind tramontana tramontane transparence transparency turbulence turbulency UV ultraviolet ultraviolet illumination ultraviolet light air current draft vapor pressure vapour pressure color spectrum visible spectrum electromotive force emf vital force vitality atmospheric condition weather west wind wester wind generation wind power X ray X-radiation floatation flotation annual parallax heliocentric parallax diurnal parallax geocentric parallax Plantae kingdom Plantae cap pileus cleistocarp cleistothecium Tracheophyta division Tracheophyta Bryophyta division Bryophyta bryophyte nonvascular plant Anthoceropsida class Anthoceropsida Anthocerotales order Anthocerotales Anthocerotaceae family Anthocerotaceae Anthoceros genus Anthoceros Bryopsida Musci class Bryopsida class Musci acrocarp acrocarpous moss pleurocarp pleurocarpous moss Andreaeales order Andreaeales Andreaea genus Andreaea Bryales order Bryales Dicranales order Dicranales Dicranaceae family Dicranaceae Dicranum genus Dicranum Eubryales order Eubryales Bryaceae family Bryaceae Bryum genus Bryum Mniaceae family Mniaceae Mnium genus Mnium Sphagnales order Sphagnales bog moss peat moss sphagnum sphagnum moss Hepaticae Hepaticopsida class Hepaticae class Hepaticopsida Jungermanniales order Jungermanniales leafy liverwort scale moss Jungermanniaceae family Jungermanniaceae Marchantiales order Marchantiales Marchantiaceae family Marchantiaceae Marchantia genus Marchantia Marchantia polymorpha hepatica Sphaerocarpales order Sphaerocarpales Sphaerocarpaceae family Sphaerocarpaceae Sphaerocarpos Sphaerocarpus genus Sphaerocarpos genus Sphaerocarpus Pteridophyta division Pteridophyta nonflowering plant pteridophyte conidiospore conidium spore case sporocarp Spermatophyta division Spermatophyta phanerogam seed plant liliopsid family monocot family liliopsid genus monocot genus dicot family magnoliopsid family dicot genus magnoliopsid genus Gymnospermae Gymnospermophyta class Gymnospermae division Gymnospermophyta Gnetophyta Gnetophytina Gnetopsida class Gnetopsida Gnetales order Gnetales Gnetaceae family Gnetaceae Gnetum gnemon gnetum Ephedraceae family Ephedraceae ephedra joint fir Ephedra sinica mahuang Welwitschiaceae family Welwitschiaceae genus Welwitchia genus Welwitschia Welwitschia mirabilis welwitschia Cycadophyta Cycadophytina Cycadopsida class Cycadopsida subdivision Cycadophyta subdivision Cycadophytina Cycadales order Cycadales Cycadaceae cycad family Cycas genus Cycas Cycas revoluta sago palm Cycas circinalis false sago Zamiaceae family Zamiaceae Florida arrowroot Seminole bread Zamia pumila coontie Encephalartos caffer kaffir bread Macrozamia communis burrawong Macrozamia spiralis burrawong Bennettitales order Bennettitales Bennettitaceae family Bennettitaceae Bennettitis genus Bennettitis Pteridospermopsida class Pteridospermopsida Cycadofilicales Lyginopteridales order Cycadofilicales order Lyginopteridales Pteridospermae Pteridospermaphyta group Pteridospermae group Pteridospermaphyta Lyginopteris genus Lyginopteris pteridosperm seed fern Coniferophyta Coniferophytina Coniferopsida class Coniferopsida Cordaitales order Cordaitales Cordaitaceae family Cordaitaceae Cordaites genus Cordaites Pinophytina Pinopsida class Pinopsida subdivision Pinophytina Coniferales order Coniferales Pinaceae family Pinaceae Pinus genus Pinus pine pine tree pinon pinyon Mexican nut pine Pinus cembroides Pinus edulis Rocky mountain pinon Pinus monophylla single-leaf single-leaf pine single-leaf pinyon Pinus muricata bishop pine California single-leaf pinyon Pinus californiarum Parry''s pinyon Pinus parryana Pinus glabra spruce pine Pinus nigra black pine Pinus rigida northern pitch pine Pinus serotina pond pine European nut pine Pinus pinea stone pine umbrella pine Pinus cembra Swiss pine Swiss stone pine arolla pine cedar nut cembra nut Pinus mugo Swiss mountain pine dwarf mountain pine mountain pine mugho pine mugo pine Pinus longaeva ancient pine American white pine Pinus strobus eastern white pine weymouth pine Pinus monticola mountain pine silver pine western white pine Pinus strobiformis southwestern white pine Pinus flexilis limber pine Pinus albicaulis whitebark pine Pinus ponderosa bull pine ponderosa ponderosa pine Jeffrey pine Jeffrey''s pine Pinus jeffreyi black pine Pinus contorta lodgepole lodgepole pine shore pine Pinus contorta murrayana Sierra lodgepole pine Pinus taeda frankincense pine Pinus banksiana jack pine Georgia pine Pinus palustris longleaf pine pitch pine Pinus echinata short-leaf pine shortleaf pine shortleaf yellow pine Canadian red pine Pinus resinosa Pinus sylvestris Scotch fir Scotch pine Scots pine Jersey pine Pinus virginiana Virginia pine scrub pine Monterey pine Pinus radiata Pinus aristata Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine Pinus pungens hickory pine prickly pine table-mountain pine Pinus attenuata knobcone pine Japanese red pine Japanese table pine Japanese black pine Pinus thunbergii Pinus torreyana Torrey pine Torrey''s pine gray-leaf pine sabine pine soledad pine Larix genus Larix larch larch tree American larch Larix laricina black larch tamarack Larix occidentalis Oregon larch western larch western tamarack Larix lyallii subalpine larch European larch Larix decidua Larix russica Larix siberica Pseudolarix genus Pseudolarix Pseudolarix amabilis golden larch Abies genus Abies fir fir tree Abies amabilis Christmas tree Pacific silver fir amabilis fir red silver fir white fir Abies alba Christmas tree Abies concolor Abies lowiana California white fir Colorado fir Abies balsamea Canada balsam balm of Gilead balsam fir Abies fraseri Fraser fir Abies grandis giant fir grand fir lowland fir Abies lasiocarpa Alpine fir Abies bracteata Abies venusta Santa Lucia fir bristlecone fir Cedrus genus Cedrus cedar cedar tree cedar cedarwood Cedrus libani cedar of Lebanon Cedrus deodara Himalayan cedar deodar deodar cedar Atlas cedar Cedrus atlantica Picea genus Picea Norway spruce Picea abies Brewer''s spruce Picea breweriana Engelmann spruce Engelmann''s spruce Picea glauca white spruce Picea mariana black spruce Picea obovata Siberian spruce Picea orientalis oriental spruce Colorado blue spruce Colorado spruce Picea pungens silver spruce Picea rubens eastern spruce red spruce yellow spruce Tsuga genus Tsuga hemlock hemlock tree Canadian hemlock Tsuga canadensis eastern hemlock spruce pine Carolina hemlock Tsuga caroliniana Tsuga mertensiana black hemlock Pacific hemlock Tsuga heterophylla west coast hemlock western hemlock Pseudotsuga genus Pseudotsuga Oregon fir Oregon pine Pseudotsuga menziesii douglas hemlock douglas pine douglas spruce Pseudotsuga macrocarpa big-cone douglas fir Cupressaceae cypress family cedar cedar tree Cupressus genus Cupressus cypress cypress tree Cupressus goveniana gowen cypress Cupressus goveniana pigmaea Cupressus pigmaea Cupressus abramsiana Cupressus goveniana abramsiana Arizona cypress Cupressus arizonica Cupressus gualalupensis Guadalupe cypress Cupressus macrocarpa Monterey cypress Cupressus lusitanica Mexican cypress Portuguese cypress cedar of Goa Cupressus sempervirens Italian cypress Athrotaxis genus Athrotaxis Athrotaxis selaginoides King William pine Austrocedrus genus Austrocedrus Austrocedrus chilensis Chilean cedar Callitris genus Callitris Callitris cupressiformis Port Jackson pine Callitris calcarata Callitris endlicheri black cypress pine red cypress pine Callitris glauca Callitris glaucophylla Callitris parlatorei stringybark pine Calocedrus genus Calocedrus Calocedrus decurrens Libocedrus decurrens incense cedar red cedar Chamaecyparis genus Chamaecyparis Atlantic white cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides coast white cedar southern white cedar white cedar white cypress Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Lawson''s cedar Lawson''s cypress Oregon cedar Alaska cedar Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Nootka cypress yellow cedar Cryptomeria genus Cryptomeria Cryptomeria japonica Japan cedar Japanese cedar sugi Juniperus genus Juniperus pencil cedar pencil cedar tree Juniperus virginiana eastern red cedar red cedar red juniper Bermuda cedar Juniperus bermudiana Juniperus procera east African cedar Juniperus silicicola southern red cedar Juniperus sabina dwarf juniper Juniperus communis common juniper Juniperus communis depressa dwarf juniper Juniperus horizontalis creeping juniper Juniperus flaccida Mexican juniper Libocedrus genus Libocedrus Libocedrus plumosa kawaka Libocedrus bidwillii mountain pine Taxodiaceae redwood family Metasequoia glyptostrodoides dawn redwood redwood sequoia California redwood Sequoia sempervirens Sequoiadendron genus Sequoiadendron Sequoia Wellingtonia Sequoia gigantea Sequoiadendron giganteum Sierra redwood big tree giant sequoia Taxodium genus Taxodium Taxodium distichum bald cypress pond bald cypress southern cypress Taxodium ascendens bald cypress Mexican swamp cypress Montezuma cypress Tetraclinis genus Tetraclinis Callitris quadrivalvis Tetraclinis articulata sandarac sandarac tree sandarac sandarach citronwood sandarac Thuja genus Thuja Thuja plicata canoe cedar red cedar western red cedar American arborvitae Thuja occidentalis northern white cedar white cedar Oriental arborvitae Platycladus orientalis Thujopsis genus Thujopsis Thujopsis dolobrata hiba arborvitae Araucariaceae araucaria family Araucaria araucana chile pine Araucaria excelsa Araucaria heterophylla Araucaria columnaris new caledonian pine Araucaria bidwillii bunya bunya Araucaria cunninghamii hoop pine Agathis genus Agathis dammar pine kauri pine Agathis australis kauri Agathis alba Agathis dammara amboina pine amboyna pine Agathis robusta dundathu pine queensland kauri smooth bark kauri Agathis lanceolata red kauri Cephalotaxaceae family Cephalotaxaceae Cephalotaxus genus Cephalotaxus Torreya genus Torreya California nutmeg Torreya californica Torrey tree Torreya taxifolia stinking cedar stinking yew Phyllocladaceae family Phyllocladaceae Phyllocladus genus Phyllocladus Phyllocladus asplenifolius celery top pine Phyllocladus trichomanoides tanekaha Alpine celery pine Phyllocladus alpinus yellowwood yellowwood tree Podocarpaceae family Podocarpaceae Podocarpus genus Podocarpus Podocarpus coriaceus yacca Podocarpus elatus Rockingham podocarp African yellowwood Podocarpus elongatus Podocarpus latifolius South-African yellowwood Podocarpus nivalis alpine totara Podocarpus totara totara Afrocarpus genus Afrocarpus Afrocarpus falcata bastard yellowwood Dacrycarpus genus Dacrycarpus Dacrycarpus dacrydioides New Zealand Dacryberry New Zealand white pine Podocarpus dacrydioides Dacrydium genus Dacrydium Dacrydium cupressinum imou pine red pine rimu Dacrydium colensoi tarwood Falcatifolium genus Falcatifolium Falcatifolium falciforme common sickle pine Falcatifolium taxoides yellow-leaf sickle pine Halocarpus genus Halocarpus Dacrydium bidwilli Halocarpus bidwilli New Zealand mountain pine tarwood Lagarostrobus genus Lagarostrobus Lagarostrobus colensoi silver pine Dacrydium franklinii Lagarostrobus franklinii Lepidothamnus genus Lepidothamnus Chilean rimu Lepidothamnus fonkii Dacridium laxifolius Lepidothamnus laxifolius Microstrobos genus Microstrobos Microstrobos niphophilus Tasman dwarf pine Nageia genus Nageia Nageia nagi nagi Parasitaxus genus Parasitaxus Parasitaxus ustus parasite yew Prumnopitys genus Prumnopitys Podocarpus ferruginea Prumnopitys ferruginea black pine miro Podocarpus spicata Prumnopitys taxifolia black pine matai Prumnopitys andina Prumnopitys elegans Retrophyllum genus Retrophyllum Saxe-gothea Saxegothea genus Saxe-gothea genus Saxegothea Prince Albert yew Prince Albert''s yew Sundacarpus genus Sundacarpus Podocarpus amara Prumnopitys amara Sciadopityaceae family Sciadoptyaceae Sciadopitys genus Sciadoptys Japanese umbrella pine Sciadopitys verticillata Taxophytina Taxopsida class Taxopsida subdivision Taxophytina Taxales ordler Taxales Taxaceae family Taxaceae Taxus genus Taxus English yew Old World yew California yew Pacific yew Taxus brevifolia western yew Japanese yew Taxus cuspidata Florida yew Taxus floridana Austrotaxus genus Austrotaxus Austrotaxus spicata New Caledonian yew Pseudotaxus genus Pseudotaxus Pseudotaxus chienii white-berry yew Ginkgophyta Ginkgophytina Ginkgopsida class Ginkgopsida Ginkgoales order Ginkgoales Ginkgoaceae family Ginkgoaceae Ginkgo biloba gingko ginkgo maidenhair tree Pteropsida subdivision Pteropsida Angiospermae Anthophyta Magnoliophyta class Angiospermae division Anthophyta division Magnoliophyta angiosperm flowering plant Dicotyledonae Dicotyledones Magnoliopsida class Dicotyledonae class Dicotyledones class Magnoliopsida dicot dicotyledon Magnoliidae ranalian complex Liliopsida Monocotyledonae Monocotyledones class Liliopsida class Monocotyledonae class Monocotyledones liliopsid monocot Alismatidae subclass Alismatidae Arecidae subclass Arecidae Commelinidae subclass Commelinidae bloom blossom wild flower wildflower ray floret ray flower ament catkin gynoecium pistil funicle funiculus pore stoma marginal placentation ventral placentation episperm seed coat cone strobile honey gland nectary pericarp seed vessel epicarp exocarp siliqua silique cotyledon seed leaf monocarp monocarpic plant archespore archesporium bonduc nut nicker nut pit stone calycle calyculus epicalyx false calyx floral envelope perianth Ranales Ranunculales order Ranales order Ranunculales Annonaceae custard-apple family Annona genus Annona custard apple custard apple tree Annona cherimola cherimoya Annona diversifolia ilama Annona muricata prickly custard apple soursop soursop tree Annona reticulata bullock heart bullock''s heart bullock''s heart tree Annona squamosa sweetsop Annona glabra pond apple Asimina genus Asimina Asimina triloba papaw papaw tree pawpaw Cananga Canangium genus Cananga genus Canangium Cananga odorata ilang-ilang Oxandra genus Oxandra Oxandra lanceolata lancewood Xylopia genus Xylopia Guinea pepper Xylopia aethiopica Berberidaceae barberry family Berberis genus Berberis American barberry Berberis canadensis Berberis vulgaris European barberry Berberis thunbergii Japanese barberry Caulophyllum genus Caulophyllum Caulophyllum thalictrioides Caulophyllum thalictroides blue cohosh blueberry root papoose root papooseroot squaw root squawroot Epimedium genus Epimedium Epimedium grandiflorum barrenwort Mahonia genus Mahonia Mahonia aquifolium Oregon grape Oregon holly grape holly-leaves barberry hollygrape mountain grape Mahonia nervosa Oregon grape Podophyllum genus Podophyllum May apple Podophyllum peltatum mayapple wild mandrake Calycanthaceae calycanthus family family Calycanthaceae strawberry-shrub family Calycanthus genus Calycanthus Calycanthus floridus Carolina allspice strawberry bush strawberry shrub California allspice Calycanthus occidentalis Chimonanthus genus Chimonanthus Chimonanthus praecox Japan allspice Japanese allspice winter sweet Ceratophyllaceae family Ceratophyllaceae Ceratophyllum genus Ceratophyllum Cercidiphyllaceae family Cercidiphyllaceae Cercidiphyllum genus Cercidiphyllum Cercidiphyllum japonicum katsura tree Lardizabalaceae family Lardizabalaceae Lardizabala genus Lardizabala Lauraceae family Lauraceae Laurus genus Laurus Laurus nobilis bay bay laurel bay tree Cinnamomum genus Cinnamomum Cinnamomum camphora camphor tree Ceylon cinnamon Ceylon cinnamon tree Cinnamomum zeylanicum cinnamon cinnamon cinnamon bark Cinnamomum cassia cassia Chinese cinnamon cassia bark Cinnamomum loureirii Saigon cinnamon Lindera genus Lindera Benzoin genus Benzoin American spicebush Benjamin bush Benzoin odoriferum Lindera benzoin spice bush spicebush Persea genus Persea Persea Americana avocado Persea borbonia laurel-tree Sassafras albidum sassafras Umbellularia genus Umbellularia California bay tree California laurel California olive Oregon myrtle Umbellularia californica mountain laurel pepperwood sassafras laurel Magnoliaceae family Magnoliaceae Illicium genus Illicium Illicium floridanum purple anise Illicium anisatum star anise Chinese anise Illicium verum Magnolia grandiflora bull bay evergreen magnolia large-flowering magnolia Magnolia tripetala elkwood umbrella magnolia umbrella tree Magnolia fraseri earleaved umbrella tree Magnolia acuminata cucumber tree Magnolia macrophylla great-leaved macrophylla large-leaved cucumber tree large-leaved magnolia Chinese magnolia Magnolia soulangiana Magnolia stellata star magnolia Magnolia virginiana swamp bay swamp laurel sweet bay Liriodendron genus Liriodendron Liriodendron tulipifera canary whitewood tulip poplar tulip tree true tulipwood tulipwood white poplar whitewood Menispermaceae family Menispermaceae Menispermum genus Menispermum Canada moonseed Menispermum canadense common moonseed yellow parilla Cocculus genus Cocculus Carolina moonseed Cocculus carolinus Myristicaceae family Myristicaceae Myristica genus Myristica Myristica fragrans nutmeg Nymphaeaceae family Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea genus Nymphaea Nymphaea odorata fragrant water lily pond lily water nymph European white lily Nymphaea alba Egyptian water lily Nymphaea lotus lotus white lily Nymphaea caerulea blue lotus Nymphaea stellata blue lotus Nuphar genus Nuphar Nuphar advena cow lily spatterdock yellow pond lily Nuphar sagittifolium southern spatterdock Nuphar lutea yellow water lily Nelumbonaceae subfamily Nelumbonaceae Nelumbo genus Nelumbo Indian lotus Nelumbo nucifera lotus sacred lotus American lotus Nelumbo lutea water chinquapin yanquapin Cabombaceae subfamily Cabombaceae Cabomba genus Cabomba Cabomba caroliniana fanwort Brasenia genus Brasenia Brasenia schreberi water-shield Paeoniaceae family Paeoniaceae Paeonia genus Paeonia paeony peony Ranunculaceae buttercup family crowfoot family family Ranunculaceae Ranunculus genus Ranunculus buttercup butterflower crowfoot goldcup Ranunculus acris meadow buttercup tall buttercup tall crowfoot Ranunculus aquatilis water buttercup Ranunculus bulbosus common buttercup Ranunculus ficaria lesser celandine Ranunculus flammula lesser spearwort Ranunculus glaberrimus sagebrush buttercup Ranunculus lingua greater spearwort Mount Cook lily Ranunculus lyalii Ranunculus occidentalis western buttercup Ranunculus repens creeping buttercup Ranunculus sceleratus celery-leaved buttercup Aconitum genus Aconitum Aconitum napellus helmet flower helmetflower monkshood Aconitum lycoctonum wolf''s bane wolfbane wolfsbane Actaea genus Actaea baneberry cohosh Actaea rubra red baneberry redberry snakeberry Actaea alba doll''s eyes white baneberry white bead Adonis genus Adonis Adonis annua pheasant''s-eye anemone windflower Alpine anemone Anemone tetonensis Anemone Canadensis Canada anemone Anemone cylindrica thimbleweed Anemone nemorosa wood anemone Anemone quinquefolia snowdrop Anemone riparia longheaded thimbleweed Anemone sylvestris snowdrop anemone Anemone virginiana Virginia thimbleweed Anemonella genus Anemonella Anemonella thalictroides rue anemone aquilege aquilegia Aquilegia canadensis honeysuckle Aquilegia coerulia Aquilegia scopulorum calcarea Aquilegia vulgaris granny''s bonnets Caltha genus Caltha Caltha palustris May blob cowslip kingcup marsh marigold meadow bright Cimicifuga genus Cimicifuga American bugbane Cimicifuga americana Cimicifuga racemosa black cohosh black snakeroot rattletop Cimicifuga foetida fetid bugbane Clematis baldwinii Viorna baldwinii Clematis crispa blue jasmine blue jessamine curly clematis Clematis lasiantha pipestem clematis Clematis ochreleuca curly-heads Clematis tangutica golden clematis Clematis texensis scarlet clematis Clematis versicolor leather flower Clematis viorna leather flower vase vine vase-fine Clematis virginiana devil''s darning needle old man''s beard virgin''s bower Clematis vitalba old man''s beard traveler''s joy traveller''s joy Clematis verticillaris mountain clematis purple clematis purple virgin''s bower Coptis genus Coptis Coptis groenlandica Coptis trifolia groenlandica golden thread goldthread Consolida genus Consolida Consolida ambigua Delphinium ajacis Eranthis genus Eranthis Eranthis hyemalis winter aconite Helleborus genus Helleborus Helleborus foetidus bear''s foot setterwort stinking hellebore Christmas rose Helleborus niger black hellebore winter rose Helleborus orientalis black hellebore Helleborus viridis green hellebore hepatica liverleaf Hydrastis genus Hydrastis Hydrastis Canadensis golden seal goldenseal turmeric root Isopyrum genus Isopyrum Isopyrum biternatum false rue Laccopetalum genus Laccopetalum Laccopetalum giganteum giant buttercup Nigella damascena love-in-a-mist Nigella hispanica fennel flower Nigella sativa Roman coriander black caraway nutmeg flower Pulsatilla genus Pulsatilla pasque flower pasqueflower American pasqueflower American pulsatilla Anemone ludoviciana Eastern pasque flower Pulsatilla patens blue tulip lion''s beard prairie anemone Anemone occidentalis Pulsatilla occidentalis Anemone pulsatilla European pasqueflower Thalictrum genus Thalictrum Trautvetteria genus Trautvetteria Trautvetteria carolinensis false bugbane Trollius genus Trollius globe flower globeflower Winteraceae family Winteraceae Drimys genus Drimys Drimys winteri winter''s bark Pseudowintera Wintera genus Pseudowintera genus Wintera Pseudowintera colorata Wintera colorata Myricales order Myricales Myricaceae family Myricaceae Myrica genus Myrica Myrica gale Scotch gale Myrica cerifera bay myrtle Myrica pensylvanica bayberry candleberry swamp candleberry bayberry tallow bayberry wax Comptonia genus Comptonia Comptonia asplenifolia Comptonia peregrina Leitneriaceae corkwood family Leitneria genus Leitneria Leitneria floridana corkwood Juncaceae family Juncaceae Juncus genus Juncus Juncus effusus bullrush bulrush common rush Juncus articulatus jointed rush Juncus bufonius toad rush Juncus inflexus hard rush Juncus leseurii salt rush Juncus tenuis slender rush zebrawood zebrawood tree Connaraceae family Connaraceae Connarus genus Connarus Fabaceae Leguminosae family Fabaceae family Leguminosae legume family pea family legume leguminous plant Arachis genus Arachis Arachis hypogaea peanut Brya genus Brya Brya ebenus granadilla tree cocoswood cocuswood Centrolobium genus Centrolobium Centrolobium robustum arariba Coumarouna Dipteryx genus Coumarouna genus Dipteryx Coumarouna odorata Dipteryx odorata tonka bean tonka bean tree coumara nut tonka bean Hymenaea genus Hymenaea Hymenaea courbaril courbaril melilot melilotus Melilotus alba white melilot Melilotus officinalis yellow sweet clover Swainsona genus Swainsona darling pea poison bush Swainsona galegifolia smooth darling pea Swainsona grandiflora Swainsona greyana Trifolium genus Trifolium clover trefoil Trifolium alpinum alpine clover Trifolium dubium hop clover lesser yellow trefoil shamrock Italian clover Trifolium incarnatum Trifolium pratense purple clover Trifolium reflexum buffalo clover Trifolium repens dutch clover shamrock white clover Trifolium stoloniferum buffalo clover Mimosaceae family Mimosaceae Mimosoideae subfamily Mimosoideae Mimosa sensitiva sensitive plant Mimosa pudica action plant humble plant live-and-die sensitive plant shame plant shittah shittah tree Acacia auriculiformis black wattle Acacia cambegei gidgee Acacia catechu Jerusalem thorn black catechu catechu Acacia dealbata mimosa Acacia farnesiana cassie flame tree huisache mimosa bush scented wattle sweet acacia sweet wattle Acacia melanoxylon lightwood Acacia pycnantha golden wattle Acacia xanthophloea fever tree Adenanthera genus Adenanthera Adenanthera pavonina Barbados pride coralwood peacock flower fence genus Albizia genus Albizzia albizia albizzia Albizia julibrissin Albizzia julibrissin Albizia lebbeck Albizzia lebbeck siris siris tree Albizia saman monkey pod monkeypod rain tree saman zaman Anadenanthera genus Anadenanthera Anadenanthera colubrina Piptadenia macrocarpa Enterolobium genus Enterolobium Enterolobium cyclocarpa conacaste Inga edulis ice-cream bean Inga laurina guama Leucaena genus Leucaena Leucaena glauca Leucaena leucocephala lead tree white popinac Lysiloma genus Lysiloma Lysiloma bahamensis Lysiloma latisiliqua Lysiloma sabicu sabicu sabicu sabicu wood Parkia genus Parkia Piptadenia genus Piptadenia Pithecellobium Pithecolobium genus Pithecellobium genus Pithecolobium Pithecellobium dulce camachile huamachil manila tamarind Pithecellodium unguis-cati black bead cat''s-claw catclaw Prosopis genus Prosopis mesquit mesquite Prosopis glandulosa Western honey mesquite Prosopis juliflora Prosopis juliiflora algarobilla algarroba Prosopis pubescens screw bean screwbean screwbean mesquite Apocynaceae dogbane family Apocynum genus Apocynum Apocynum androsaemifolium common dogbane rheumatism weed spreading dogbane Apocynum cannabinum Indian hemp Apocynum pumilum Rocky Mountain dogbane Acocanthera Acokanthera genus Acocanthera genus Acokanthera Acocanthera oblongifolia Acocanthera spectabilis poison arrow plant winter sweet Acocanthera oppositifolia Acocanthera venenata bushman''s poison ordeal tree Adenium genus Adenium Adenium multiflorum Adenium obesum desert rose impala lily kudu lily mock azalia Allamanda cathartica common allamanda Alstonia genus Alstonia Alstonia scholaris devil tree dita dita bark Amsonia genus Amsonia Amsonia tabernaemontana blue star Beaumontia genus Beaumontia Beaumontia grandiflora Easter lily vine Carissa bispinosa hedge thorn Carissa grandiflora Carissa macrocarpa amatungulu natal plum Catharanthus genus Catharanthus Cape periwinkle Catharanthus roseus Madagascar periwinkle Vinca rosea cayenne jasmine old maid periwinkle red periwinkle Holarrhena genus Holarrhena Holarrhena antidysenterica Holarrhena pubescens conessi ivory tree kurchee kurchi Dipladenia Mandevilla genus Dipladenia genus Mandevilla Dipladenia boliviensis Mandevilla boliviensis Chilean jasmine Mandevilla laxa Nerium genus Nerium Nerium oleander oleander Plumeria Plumiera frangipani frangipanni Plumeria acutifolia pagoda tree Plumeria alba West Indian jasmine genus Rauvolfia genus Rauwolfia rauvolfia rauwolfia Rauwolfia serpentina snakewood Tabernaemontana genus Tabernaemontana Adam''s apple East Indian rosebay Nero''s crown Tabernaemontana divaricate coffee rose crape jasmine crepe gardenia crepe jasmine Thevetia genus Thevetia Thevetia neriifolia Thevetia peruviana Trachelospermum genus Trachelospermum Trachelospermum jasminoides confederate jasmine Vinca genus Vinca Vinca minor myrtle Vinca major large periwinkle Arales order Arales Araceae arum family aroid arum Arum maculatum cuckoopint jack-in-the-pulpit lords-and-ladies Arum palaestinum black calla Acorus genus Acorus Acoraceae subfamily Acoraceae Acorus calamus calamus flagroot myrtle flag sweet calamus sweet flag Aglaonema genus Aglaonema Aglaonema modestum Chinese evergreen alocasia elephant ear Alocasia macrorrhiza giant taro Amorphophallus campanulatus Amorphophallus paeonifolius elephant yam pungapung Amorphophallus rivieri devil''s tongue snake palm umbrella arum Amorphophallus titanum krubi anthurium tailflower Anthurium andraeanum flamingo flower Anthurium scherzerianum flamingo flower Arisaema genus Arisaema Arisaema atrorubens Arisaema triphyllum Indian turnip jack-in-the-pulpit Arisaema dracontium green dragon Arisarum genus Arisarum Arisarum vulgare friar''s-cowl Calla genus Calla Calla palustris water arum Colocasia genus Colocasia Colocasia esculenta dalo dasheen taro cocoyam dasheen eddo taro cryptocoryne water trumpet Dieffenbachia genus Dieffenbachia Dieffenbachia sequine dumb cane mother-in-law plant mother-in-law''s tongue Dracunculus genus Dracunculus Dracunculus vulgaris dragon arum Epipremnum genus Epipremnum Epipremnum aureum Scindapsus aureus golden pothos ivy arum Lysichiton Lysichitum genus Lysichiton genus Lysichitum Lysichiton americanum skunk cabbage Monstera deliciosa ceriman Orontium genus Orontium Orontium aquaticum golden club Peltandra genus Peltandra Peltandra virginica green arrow arum Pistia stratiotes Pistia stratoites pistia water cabbage Scindapsus genus Pothos peace lily spathe flower Symplocarpus genus Symplocarpus Symplocarpus foetidus foetid pothos polecat weed skunk cabbage Syngonium genus Syngonium Xanthosoma genus Xanthosoma Xanthosoma atrovirens Xanthosoma sagittifolium malanga spoonflower tannia yautia Zantedeschia genus Zantedeschia Zantedeschia aethiopica arum lily calla calla lily Zantedeschia rehmanii pink calla Lemnaceae duckweed family Lemna genus Lemna Lemna minor common duckweed Lemna trisulca star-duckweed Spirodela genus Spirodela Spirodela polyrrhiza great duckweed Wolffia genus Wolffia Wolffia columbiana common wolffia Wolffiella genus Wolffiella Wolffiella gladiata bogmat Araliaceae family Araliaceae American angelica tree Aralia spinosa Hercules''-club devil''s walking stick Aralia nudicaulis false sarsaparilla wild sarsaparilla wild sarsparilla American spikenard Aralia racemosa life-of-man petty morel Aralia hispida bristly sarsaparilla bristly sarsparilla dwarf elder Aralia elata Japanese angelica tree Aralia stipulata Chinese angelica Hedera genus Hedera English ivy Hedera helix common ivy ivy Meryta genus Meryta Meryta sinclairii puka Panax genus Panax Panax ginseng Panax pseudoginseng Panax schinseng ginseng American ginseng Panax quinquefolius Schefflera genus Schefflera Brassaia actinophylla Schefflera actinophylla Aristolochiales order Aristolochiales Aristolochiaceae birthwort family Aristolochia genus Aristolochia Aristolochia clematitis birthwort Aristolochia durior Aristolochia macrophylla Dutchman''s-pipe pipe vine Aristolochia serpentaria Virginia serpentaria Virginia serpentary Virginia snakeroot Asarum genus Asarum Asarum canadense Canada ginger Asarum virginicum heartleaf Asarum shuttleworthii heartleaf Asarum europaeum asarabacca Caryophyllidae subclass Caryophyllidae Caryophyllales Chenopodiales order Caryophyllales order-Chenopodiales Centrospermae group Centrospermae Caryophyllaceae carnation family family Caryophyllaceae pink family Agrostemma genus Agrostemma Agrostemma githago corn campion corn cockle crown-of-the-field Arenaria genus Arenaria Arenaria groenlandica mountain daisy mountain sandwort mountain starwort Arenaria caroliniana longroot Arenaria peploides seabeach sandwort Arenaria stricta rock sandwort Arenaria serpyllifolia thyme-leaved sandwort Cerastium genus Cerastium chickweed clammy chickweed mouse ear mouse eared chickweed Cerastium arvense field chickweed Cerastium tomentosum love-in-a-mist Alpine mouse-ear Arctic mouse-ear Dianthus genus Dianthus garden pink pink Dianthus barbatus sweet William Dianthus caryophyllus carnation clove pink gillyflower Dianthus chinensis china pink Dianthus chinensis heddewigii Japanese pink Dianthus deltoides maiden pink Diangus gratianopolitanus cheddar pink Dianthus latifolius button pink Dianthus plumarius cottage pink Dianthus supurbus fringed pink Gypsophila genus Gypsophila Gypsophila paniculata babies''-breath Hernaria genus Hernaria Hernaria glabra rupturewort Illecebrum genus Illecebrum Illecebrum verticullatum coral necklace catchfly lychnis Lychins floscuculi Lychnis flos-cuculi cuckoo flower ragged robin Lychins chalcedonica maltese cross Lychnis coronaria dusty miller gardener''s delight mullein pink Minuartia genus Minuartia Moehringia genus Moehringia Moehringia lateriflora sandwort Moehringia mucosa sandwort Paronychia genus Paronychia Petrocoptis genus Petrocoptis Sagina genus Sagina pearlweed pearlwort Saponaria genus Saponaria Saponaria officinalis bouncing Bess bouncing Bet hedge pink Scleranthus genus Scleranthus Scleranthus annuus knawe campion catchfly Silene acaulis moss campion Silene caroliniana wild pink Lychnis dioica Silene dioica red bird''s eye red campion Lychnis alba Silene latifolia bladder campion evening lychnis white campion white cockle Silene virginica fire pink Silene uniflora Silene vulgaris Spergula genus Spergula Spergula arvensis corn spurrey Spergularia genus Spergularia Spergularia rubra sand spurry Stellaria genus Stellaria Stellaria media common chickweed Stellaria holostea greater stitchwort starwort stitchwort Vaccaria genus Vaccaria Saponaria vaccaria Vaccaria hispanica Vaccaria pyramidata cow cockle Aizoaceae Tetragoniaceae carpetweed family family Aizoaceae Carpobrotus genus Carpobrotus Carpobrotus edulis Hottentot fig Hottentot''s fig Mesembryanthemum edule Dorotheanthus genus Dorotheanthus Dorotheanthus bellidiformis livingstone daisy flowering stone lithops living stone stone life face stone plant stoneface Mesembryanthemum genus Mesembryanthemum fig marigold pebble plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum ice plant Molluga genus Molluga Indian chickweed Molluga verticillata Pleiospilos genus Pleiospilos living granite living rock Tetragonia genus Tetragonia New Zealand spinach Tetragonia expansa Amaranthaceae amaranth family Amaranthus genus Amaranthus Amaranthus albus Amaranthus graecizans Amaranthus caudatus love-lies-bleeding tassel flower velvet flower Amaranthus cruentus Amaranthus hybridus erythrostachys Amaranthus hybridus hypochondriacus gentleman''s-cane prince''s-feather prince''s-plume purple amaranth red amaranth Amaranthus hypochondriacus pigweed Amaranthus spinosus thorny amaranth Alternanthera genus Alternanthera Alternanthera philoxeroides alligator grass Celosia genus Celosia Celosia argentea red fox Celosia argentea cristata Celosia cristata cockscomb common cockscomb Froelichia genus Froelichia Gomphrena genus Gomphrena Gomphrena globosa bachelor''s button Iresine genus Iresine Iresine herbstii Iresine reticulata beef plant beefsteak plant Telanthera genus Telanthera Batidaceae family Batidaceae Batis genus Batis Batis maritima saltwort Chenopodiaceae family Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium genus Chenopodium Chenopodium album lamb''s-quarters pigweed wild spinach American wormseed Chenopodium ambrosioides Mexican tea Spanish tea Chenopodium bonus-henricus allgood fat hen good-king-henry Atriplex mexicana Chenopodium botrys Jerusalem oak Mexican tea Chenopodium capitatum Indian paint strawberry blite strawberry pigweed Chenopodium glaucum oak-leaved goosefoot Chenopodium hybridum red goosefoot Chenopodium murale nettle-leaved goosefoot Chenopodium rubrum French spinach Chenopodium vulvaria stinking goosefoot Atriplex genus Atriplex orach orache Atriplex hortensis garden orache Atriplex hymenelytra desert holly Atriplex lentiformis quail brush quail bush white thistle Bassia Kochia genus Bassia genus Kochia Bassia scoparia Kochia scoparia belvedere burning bush firebush summer cypress Beta genus Beta Beta vulgaris beet Beta vulgaris rubra beetroot Beta vulgaris cicla Swiss chard chard chard plant leaf beet spinach beet Beta vulgaris vulgaris mangel-wurzel mangold mangold-wurzel Cycloloma genus Cycloloma Cycloloma atriplicifolium tumbleweed Halogeton glomeratus halogeton Halogeton souda barilla Salicornia genus Salicornia Salicornia europaea glasswort Salsola genus Salsola Salsola kali Salsola soda barilla glasswort kali kelpwort Russian cactus Russian thistle Russian tumbleweed Salsola kali tenuifolia Sarcobatus genus Sarcobatus Sarcobatus vermiculatus black greasewood Spinacia genus Spinacia Spinacia oleracea prickly-seeded spinach spinach spinach plant Allioniaceae Nyctaginaceae family Allioniaceae family Nyctaginaceae Nyctaginia genus Nyctaginia Nyctaginia capitata scarlet musk flower Abronia genus Abronia Abronia elliptica snowball Abronia fragrans sweet sand verbena Abronia latifolia yellow sand verbena Abronia maritima beach pancake Abronia umbellata beach sand verbena Abronia villosa desert sand verbena Allionia genus Allionia Allionia incarnata trailing four o''clock Bougainvillaea genus Bougainvillaea Bougainvillea glabra paper flower Mirabilis genus Mirabilis Mirabilis jalapa Mirabilis uniflora common four-o''clock marvel-of-Peru California four o''clock Mirabilis californica Mirabilis longiflora maravilla Colorado four o''clock Mirabilis multiflora desert four o''clock maravilla Mirabilis oblongifolia mountain four o''clock Pisonia genus Pisonia Pisonia aculeata cockspur Opuntiales order Opuntiales Cactaceae cactus family Acanthocereus genus Acanthocereus Acanthocereus pentagonus Acanthocereus tetragonus pitahaya pitahaya cactus Aporocactus genus Aporocactus Aporocactus flagelliformis rat''s-tail cactus Ariocarpus genus Ariocarpus Ariocarpus fissuratus living rock Carnegiea genus Carnegiea Carnegiea gigantea saguaro Cereus genus Cereus barrel cactus echinocactus Echinocactus grusonii golden barrel cactus Echinocereus genus Echinocereus epiphyllum orchid cactus Ferocactus genus Ferocactus Gymnocalycium genus Gymnocalycium Harrisia genus Harrisia Hatiora genus Hatiora Easter cactus Hatiora gaertneri Hylocereus genus Hylocereus Lemaireocereus genus Lemaireocereus Lemaireocereus chichipe chichipe Lophophora genus Lophophora Lophophora williamsii mescal mezcal peyote mescal button sacred mushroom Mammillaria plumosa feather ball Melocactus genus Melocactus Myrtillocactus genus Myrtillocactus Myrtillocactus geometrizans garambulla Pediocactus genus Pediocactus Knowlton''s cactus Pediocactus knowltonii Nopalea genus Nopalea Opuntia genus Opuntia prickly pear prickly pear cactus Opuntia cholla cholla Opuntia lindheimeri nopal Opuntia tuna tuna Peireskia Pereskia genus Peireskia genus Pereskia Barbados gooseberry Barbados-gooseberry vine Rhipsalis genus Rhipsalis Schlumbergera genus Schlumbergera Christmas cactus Schlumbergera baridgesii Selenicereus genus Selenicereus Selenicereus grandiflorus queen of the night Zygocactus genus Zygocactus Schlumbergera truncatus Thanksgiving cactus Zygocactus truncatus crab cactus Phytolaccaceae family Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca genus Phytolacca Indian poke Phytolacca acinosa Phytolacca americana garget pigeon berry poke Phytolacca dioica bella sombra Rivina genus Rivina Rivina humilis blood berry bloodberry rouge plant Portulacacaea family Portulacaceae Portulaca grandiflora rose moss Portulaca oleracea common purslane pusly pussley Calandrinia genus Calandrinia Calandrinia ciliata red maids Claytonia genus Claytonia Carolina spring beauty Claytonia caroliniana Clatonia lanceolata spring beauty Claytonia virginica Virginia spring beauty Lewisia genus Lewisia Lewisia cotyledon siskiyou lewisia Lewisia rediviva bitterroot Montia genus Montia Montia cordifolia broad-leaved montia Montia lamprosperma blinking chickweed blinks water chickweed Montia chamissoi toad lily Cuban spinach Montia perfoliata miner''s lettuce winter purslane Spraguea genus Spraguea Calyptridium umbellatum Spraguea umbellatum pussy''s-paw pussy-paw Talinum genus Talinum flame flower flameflower Talinum augustissimum narrow-leaved flame flower Talinum brevifolium pigmy talinum Talinum calycinum rock pink Talinum paniculatum jewels-of-opar Talinum spinescens spiny talinum Papaverales Rhoeadales order Papaverales order Rhoeadales Capparidaceae caper family Capparis genus Capparis Capparis arborea native pomegranate Capparis cynophallophora Jamaica caper tree Capparis flexuosa bay-leaved caper Capparis mitchellii native orange Capparis spinosa common caper cleome spiderflower Cleome hassleriana spider flower Cleome serrulata Rocky Mountain bee plant Polanisia genus Polanisia Polanisia dodecandra Polanisia graveolens Brassicaceae Cruciferae family Brassicaceae family Cruciferae crucifer cruciferous plant cress cress plant Aethionema genus Aethionema stone cress stonecress Alliaria genus Alliaria Alliaria officinalis garlic mustard hedge garlic jack-by-the-hedge Alyssum genus Alyssum alyssum madwort Anastatica genus Anastatica Anastatica hierochuntica resurrection plant Arabis genus Arabis rock cress rockcress Arabis Canadensis sicklepod Arabis turrita tower cress Arabis glabra Turritis glabra tower cress tower mustard Armoracia genus Armoracia Armoracia rusticana horse radish horseradish red cole horseradish horseradish root Barbarea genus Barbarea St. Barbara''s herb scurvy grass American cress American watercress Barbarea praecox Barbarea verna Belle Isle cress early winter cress Barbarea vulgaris Sisymbrium barbarea rockcress rocket cress Berteroa genus Berteroa Berteroa incana hoary alison Biscutella genus Biscutella Biscutalla laevigata buckler mustard Brassica genus Brassica Brassica oleracea wild cabbage Brassica oleracea cabbage Brassica oleracea capitata head cabbage Brassica oleracea gemmifera brussels sprout Brassica oleracea botrytis cauliflower Brassica oleracea italica broccoli Brassica oleracea acephala borecole cole colewort kail kale Brassica oleracea gongylodes kohlrabi Brassica rapa turnip Brassica napus napobrassica Swedish turnip rutabaga rutabaga plant swede turnip cabbage Brassica rapa ruvo broccoli raab Brassica juncea chinese mustard gai choi indian mustard Brassica rapa pekinensis Chinese cabbage celery cabbage napa Brassica rapa chinensis Chinese white cabbage bok choi bok choy Brassica perviridis Brassica rapa perviridis spinach mustard tendergreen Brassica nigra black mustard Brassica napus colza colza oil rape oil Cakile genus Cakile Cakile maritima sea-rocket Camelina genus Camelina Camelina sativa gold of pleasure Capsella genus Capsella Capsella bursa-pastoris shepherd''s pouch Cardamine genus Cardamine Dentaria genus Dentaria bitter cress bittercress Cardamine pratensis cuckoo flower cuckooflower lady''s smock Cardamine bulbifera Dentaria bulbifera coral-root bittercress coralroot Cardamine diphylla Dentaria diphylla crinkle root crinkleroot pepper root toothwort American watercress Cardamine rotundifolia Cardamine bulbosa spring cress Cardamine douglasii purple cress Cheiranthus genus Cheiranthus Cheiranthus cheiri Erysimum cheiri Cochlearia genus Cochlearia Cochlearia officinalis common scurvy grass Crambe genus Crambe Crambe maritima sea cole Descurainia genus Descurainia Descurainia pinnata tansy mustard Diplotaxis genus Diplotaxis Diplotaxis muralis Diplotaxis tenuifolia Diplotaxis erucoides white rocket Draba verna shadflower Eruca genus Eruca Eruca sativa Eruca vesicaria sativa arugula garden rocket rocket rocket salad Erysimum genus Erysimum Cheiranthus allionii Erysimum allionii Cheiranthus asperus Erysimum arkansanum Erysimum asperum western wall flower Erysimum cheiranthoides wormseed mustard Hesperis genus Hesperis Dame''s violet Hesperis matronalis damask violet sweet rocket Hugueninia genus Hugueninia Hugueninia tanacetifolia Sisymbrium tanacetifolia Iberis genus Iberis Isatis genus Isatis Isatis tinctoria dyer''s woad Lepidium genus Lepidium Lepidium sativum common garden cress garden pepper cress pepper grass Lesquerella genus Lesquerella Lobularia genus Lobularia Lobularia maritima sweet alison Lunaria genus Lunaria Lunaria annua honesty money plant satin flower satinpod silver dollar Malcolmia genus Malcolmia Malcolm stock stock Malcolmia maritima Virginia stock Matthiola genus Matthiola gillyflower stock Matthiola incana brompton stock Nasturtium genus Nasturtium Nasturtium officinale Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum Physaria genus Physaria Pritzelago genus Pritzelago Lepidium alpina Pritzelago alpina Raphanus genus raphanus Raphanus raphanistrum jointed charlock runch wild radish Raphanus sativus radish Japanese radish Raphanus sativus longipinnatus Rorippa genus Rorippa Rorippa islandica marsh cress Nasturtium amphibium Rorippa amphibia Schizopetalon walkeri schizopetalon Sinapis genus Sinapis Brassica hirta Sinapis alba Brassica kaber Sinapis arvensis chadlock charlock field mustard wild mustard Sisymbrium officinale hedge mustard Stanleya genus Stanleya Cleome pinnata Stanleya pinnata desert plume prince''s-plume Stephanomeria genus Stephanomeria Stephanomeria malheurensis malheur wire lettuce Subularia genus Subularia Subularia aquatica awlwort Thlaspi genus Thlaspi French weed Thlaspi arvense fanweed field pennycress mithridate mustard penny grass Thysanocarpus genus Thysanocarpus fringepod lacepod Turritis genus Turritis Vesicaria genus Vesicaria Papaveraceae family Papaveraceae Papaver genus Papaver Iceland poppy Papaver alpinum Papaver californicum western poppy Papaver argemone prickly poppy Iceland poppy Papaver nudicaule Papaver orientale oriental poppy Flanders poppy Papaver rhoeas corn poppy field poppy Papaver somniferum opium poppy argemone devil''s fig prickly poppy white thistle Argemone mexicana Mexican poppy Bocconia frutescens bocconia Chelidonium genus Chelidonium Chelidonium majus celandine greater celandine swallow wort Corydalis claviculata Fumaria claviculata Corydalis sempervirens Fumaria sempervirens Roman wormwood rock harlequin Corydalis solida fumeroot Dendromecon genus Dendromecon bush poppy tree poppy Eschscholtzia genus Eschscholtzia California poppy Eschscholtzia californica Glaucium genus Glaucium Glaucium flavum horn poppy horned poppy sea poppy Hunnemannia genus Hunnemania Hunnemania fumariifolia Mexican tulip poppy Macleaya genus Macleaya Macleaya cordata bocconia Meconopsis genus Meconopsis Meconopsis betonicifolia blue poppy Meconopsis cambrica Welsh poppy Platystemon genus Platystemon Platystemon californicus creamcups Romneya genus Romneya California tree poppy Romneya coulteri Sanguinaria genus Sanguinaria Sanguinaria canadensis bloodroot puccoon redroot Stylomecon genus Stylomecon Papaver heterophyllum Stylomecon heterophyllum flaming poppy wind poppy Stylophorum genus Stylophorum Stylophorum diphyllum celandine poppy Fumariaceae family Fumariaceae Fumaria genus Fumaria Fumaria officinalis fumeroot fumewort fumitory Adlumia genus Adlumia Adlumia fungosa Allegheny vine Fumaria fungosa climbing fumitory Dicentra genus Dicentra Dicentra spectabilis bleeding heart Dicentra cucullaria Dutchman''s breeches Dicentra canadensis squirrel corn Asteridae subclass Asteridae Campanulales order Campanulales Asteraceae Compositae aster family family Asteraceae composite composite plant compass flower compass plant everlasting everlasting flower Achillea millefolium milfoil Achillea ptarmica sneezeweed yarrow Acroclinium genus Acroclinium Acroclinium roseum pink paper daisy Ageratina genus Ageratina Ageratina altissima Eupatorium rugosum white sanicle white snakeroot Ageratum houstonianum common ageratum Amberboa genus Amberboa Amberboa moschata Centaurea moschata Ambrosiaceae family Ambrosiaceae ambrosia bitterweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed Ambrosia trifida great ragweed Ambrosia psilostachya perennial ragweed Ammobium alatum winged everlasting Anacyclus genus Anacyclus Anacyclus pyrethrum pellitory Anaphalis genus Anaphalis Anaphalis margaritacea cottonweed Antennaria genus Antennaria Antennaria plantaginifolia ladies'' tobacco Antennaria dioica cat''s feet cat''s foot pussytoes Anthemis genus Anthemis Anthemis cotula dog fennel mayweed stinking chamomile Anthemis tinctoria dyers'' chamomile golden marguerite yellow chamomile Anthemis arvensis corn chamomile corn mayweed field chamomile Antheropeas genus Antheropeas Antheropeas wallacei Eriophyllum wallacei dwarf daisy woolly daisy Arctium genus Arctium burdock clotbur Arctium minus common burdock Arctium lappa cocklebur great burdock greater burdock Arctotis genus Arctotis Arctotis stoechadifolia Arctotis venusta Argyranthemum genus Argyranthemum Argyranthemum frutescens Chrysanthemum frutescens Paris daisy marguerite Argyroxiphium genus Argyroxiphium Argyroxiphium sandwicense silversword Arnica cordifolia heartleaf arnica Arnoseris genus Arnoseris Arnoseris minima dwarf nipplewort sage brush sagebrush Artemisia abrotanum southernwood Artemisia absinthium absinthe common wormwood lad''s love Artemisia annua sweet wormwood Artemisia californica California sage Artemisia campestris field wormwood Artemisia dracunculus estragon Artemisia filifolia sand sage Artemisia frigida prairie sagewort Artemisia gnaphalodes Artemisia ludoviciana cudweed prairie sage western mugwort white sage Artemis pontica Roman wormwood Artemis spinescens bud brush Artemisia stelleriana beach wormwood dusty miller old woman Artemisia vulgaris common mugwort Aster acuminatus whorled aster Aster arenosus heath aster Aster cordifolius heart-leaved aster Aster divaricatus white wood aster Aster dumosus bushy aster Aster ericoides heath aster Aster falcatus white prairie aster Aster linarifolius stiff aster Aster linosyris Linosyris vulgaris goldilocks goldilocks aster Aster macrophyllus large-leaved aster Aster novae-angliae New England aster Aster novi-belgii Michaelmas daisy Aster ptarmicoides upland white aster Aster shortii Short''s aster Aster tripolium sea aster Aster turbinellis prairie aster calico aster starved aster Ayapana triplinervis Eupatorium aya-pana Baccharis genus Baccharis Baccharis halimifolia consumption weed cotton-seed tree groundsel bush Baccharis viminea mule fat Baccharis pilularis chaparral broom coyote brush coyote bush Balsamorhiza genus Balsamorhiza Bellis genus Bellis Bellis perennis English daisy Bidens genus Bidens beggar''s-ticks beggar-ticks bur marigold burr marigold Bidens bipinnata spanish needles beggar-ticks spanish needles Bidens coronata Bidens trichosperma Bidens tripartita European beggar-ticks trifid beggar-ticks trifid bur marigold Bidens connata swampy beggar-ticks Boltonia genus Boltonia Brachycome genus Brachycome Brachycome Iberidifolia Swan River daisy Brickellia genus Brickelia Buphthalmum genus Buphthalmum Buphthalmum salicifolium woodland oxeye Cacalia genus Cacalia Calendula officinalis Scotch marigold common marigold pot marigold Callistephus genus Callistephus Callistephus chinensis China aster Carduus genus Carduus Carduus crispus welted thistle Carduus nutans musk thistle Carlina genus Carlina Carlina acaulis stemless carline thistle Carlina vulgaris common carline thistle Carthamus genus Carthamus Carthamus tinctorius false saffron Catananche caerula blue succory Centaurea genus Centaurea Centaurea americana basket flower Centaurea cineraria Centaurea gymnocarpa Centaurea cyanus bachelor''s button bluebottle cornflower Centauria calcitrapa caltrop Centaurea imperialis sweet sultan Centaurea nigra black knapweed hardheads lesser knapweed Centaurea scabiosa great knapweed Barnaby''s thistle Centaurea solstitialis Chamaemelum genus Chamaemelum Anthemis nobilis Chamaemelum nobilis camomile chamomile Chrysanthemum segetum corn marigold Chrysanthemum coronarium crown daisy Chrysanthemum coronarium spatiosum chop-suey greens shun giku tong ho Chrysopsis genus Chrysopsis Chrysopsis mariana Maryland golden aster Chrysothamnus genus Chrysothamnus Chrysothamnus nauseosus rabbit brush Cichorium genus Cichorium Cichorium intybus chicory chicory plant succory Cichorium endivia endive chicory chicory root Cirsium genus Cirsium plume thistle plumed thistle Canada thistle Cirsium arvense Cirsium discolor field thistle Cirsium flodmanii woolly thistle Cirsium eriophorum European woolly thistle Cirsium helenioides Cirsium heterophylum Cirsium rivulare brook thistle Cirsium lanceolatum Cirsium vulgare boar thistle bull thistle Cnicus genus Cnicus Cnicus benedictus blessed thistle Conoclinium genus Conoclinium Conoclinium coelestinum Eupatorium coelestinum ageratum mistflower Conyza genus Conyza Canadian fleabane Conyza canadensis Erigeron canadensis fleabane coreopsis tickseed Coreopsis gigantea giant coreopsis Coreopsis maritima sea dahlia Coreopsis tinctoria calliopsis Cotula genus Cotula Cotula coronopifolia brass buttons Craspedia genus Craspedia Crepis genus Crepis hawk''s-beard hawk''s-beards Cynara genus Cynara Cynara scolymus artichoke artichoke plant globe artichoke Cynara cardunculus cardoon Dahlia pinnata dahlia Delairea genus Delairea Delairea odorata German ivy Dendranthema genus Dendranthema Chrysanthemum morifolium Dendranthema grandifloruom florist''s chrysanthemum florists'' chrysanthemum Dimorphotheca genus Dimorphotheca cape marigold star of the veldt Doronicum genus Doronicum leopard''s-bane leopardbane Echinacea genus Echinacea Echinops genus Echinops Elephantopus genus Elephantopus Emilia genus Emilia Cacalia javanica Cacalia lutea Emilia coccinea Emilia flammea Emilia javanica tassel flower Emilia sagitta tassel flower Encelia genus Encelia Encelia farinosa brittle bush brittlebush incienso Enceliopsis genus Enceliopsis Enceliopsis nudicaulis sunray Erechtites hieracifolia fireweed Erigeron genus Erigeron Erigeron acer blue fleabane Erigeron annuus daisy fleabane Erigeron aurantiacus orange daisy Erigeron divergens spreading fleabane Erigeron glaucous beach aster Erigeron philadelphicus Philadelphia fleabane Erigeron pulchellus robin''s plantain Erigeron speciosus showy daisy Eriophyllum genus Eriophyllum Eriophyllum lanatum golden yarrow Eupatorium genus Eupatorium Eupatorium cannabinum hemp agrimony Eupatorium capillifolium dog fennel Eupatorium maculatum Joe-Pye weed Eupatorium perfoliatum agueweed boneset thoroughwort Eupatorium purpureum Joe-Pye weed marsh milkweed purple boneset Felicia genus Felicia Felicia amelloides blue daisy Felicia bergeriana kingfisher daisy cotton rose cudweed Filago germanica herba impia Gaillardia pulchella Indian blanket blanket flower firewheel Gazania rigens treasure flower Gerbera genus Gerbera Barberton daisy Gerbera jamesonii Gerea genus Gerea Gerea canescens desert sunflower Gnaphalium genus Gnaphalium Gnaphalium sylvaticum chafeweed Grindelia genus Grindelia gum plant gumweed rosinweed tarweed Grindelia squarrosa curlycup gumweed Gutierrezia genus Gutierrezia matchbush matchweed Gutierrezia microcephala little-head snakeweed Gutierrezia sarothrae broom snakeroot broom snakeweed rabbitweed snakeweed turpentine weed Gutierrezia texana broomweed Gynura genus Gynura Gynura aurantiaca purple velvet plant royal velvet plant velvet plant Haastia genus Haastia Haastia pulvinaris sheep plant Haplopappus genus Haplopappus Haplopappus phyllocephalus camphor daisy Haplopappus spinulosus yellow spiny daisy Hazardia genus Hazardia Hazardia cana hoary golden bush Helenium genus Helenium Helenium autumnale autumn sneezeweed Helenium hoopesii orange sneezeweed Helenium puberulum rosilla helianthus sunflower Helianthus angustifolius swamp sunflower Helianthus annuus common sunflower Helianthus giganteus Indian potato giant sunflower tall sunflower Helianthus laetiflorus showy sunflower Helianthus maximilianii Maximilian''s sunflower Helianthus petiolaris prairie sunflower Helianthus tuberosus Jerusalem artichoke Jerusalem artichoke sunflower girasol Helichrysum genus Helichrysum Helichrysum bracteatum golden everlasting strawflower yellow paper daisy heliopsis oxeye Helipterum genus Helipterum Heterotheca genus Heterotheca Chrysopsis villosa Heterotheca villosa hairy golden aster prairie golden aster Hieracium genus Hieracium Hieracium praealtum king devil Hieracium venosum rattlesnake weed Homogyne genus Homogyne Homogyne alpina Tussilago alpina Hulsea genus Hulsea Hulsea algida alpine gold Hulsea nana dwarf hulsea Hyalosperma genus Hyalosperma Hypochaeris Hypochoeris genus Hypochaeris genus Hypochoeris California dandelion Hypochaeris radicata capeweed cat''s-ear Inula helenium elecampane iva marsh elder Iva xanthifolia burweed marsh elder Krigia bulbosa Krigia dandelion Lactuca genus Lactuca Lactuca sativa common lettuce Lactuca sativa longifolia cos lettuce Lactuca sativa capitata head lettuce Lactuca sativa crispa leaf lettuce Lactuca sativa asparagina celtuce Lactuca scariola Lactuca serriola horse thistle prickly lettuce Lagenophera genus Lagenophera Lasthenia genus Lasthenia Lasthenia chrysostoma goldfields Layia genus Layia Layia platyglossa tidy tips Leontodon genus Leontodon Leontodon autumnalis arnica bud Leontopodium genus Leontopodium Leontopodium alpinum edelweiss Leucanthemum genus Leucanthemum Chrysanthemum leucanthemum Leucanthemum vulgare marguerite moon daisy ox-eyed daisy oxeye daisy Chrysanthemum maximum Leucanthemum maximum Chrysanthemum maximum maximum Leucanthemum superbum Chrysanthemum lacustre Leucanthemum lacustre Leucogenes genus Leucogenes Leucogenes leontopodium north island edelweiss Liatris genus Liatris blazing star button snakeroot gayfeather snakeroot Liatris punctata dotted gayfeather Liatris pycnostachya dense blazing star Ligularia genus Ligularia Lindheimera genus Lindheimera Lindheimera texana Texas star Lonas genus Lonas African daisy Lonas annua Lonas inodora yellow ageratum Machaeranthera genus Machaeranthera Machaeranthera tanacetifolia tahoka daisy Machaeranthera bigelovii sticky aster Machaeranthera tortifoloia Mojave aster Madia genus Madia Madia elegans common madia Chile tarweed Madia sativa madia oil plant melosa Matricaria genus Matricaria German chamomile Matricaria chamomilla Matricaria recutita sweet false chamomile Matricaria matricarioides pineapple weed Melampodium genus Melampodium Melampodium leucanthum blackfoot daisy Mikania genus Mikania Mikania scandens climbing boneset climbing hemp-vine climbing hempweed Nabalus genus Nabalus Nabalus alba Prenanthes alba cankerweed white lettuce Nabalus serpentarius Prenanthes serpentaria gall of the earth lion''s foot Olearia genus Olearia daisy bush daisybush Olearia argophylla muskwood New Zealand daisybush Olearia haastii Onopordon Onopordum genus Onopordon genus Onopordum Onopordon acanthium Onopordum acanthium Scotch thistle cotton thistle Ozothamnus genus Ozothamnus Helichrysum secundiflorum Ozothamnus secundiflorus Packera genus Packera Packera aurea Senecio aureus golden groundsel golden ragwort Parthenium genus Parthenium Parthenium argentatum guayule Parthenium hysterophorus bastard feverfew American feverfew Parthenium integrifolium prairie dock wild quinine Pericallis genus Pericallis Pericallis cruenta Senecio cruentus Pericallis hybrida florest''s cineraria Petasites genus Petasites Petasites hybridus Petasites vulgaris bog rhubarb butterbur Petasites fragrans sweet coltsfoot Petasites sagitattus sweet coltsfoot Picris genus Picris Picris echioides bitterweed bristly oxtongue bugloss Pilosella genus Pilosella Hieracium aurantiacum Pilosella aurantiaca Hieracium pilocella Pilosella officinarum Piqueria genus Piqueria Prenanthes genus Prenanthes Prenanthes purpurea rattlesnake root Pteropogon humboltianum pteropogon Pulicaria genus Pulicaria Pulicaria dysenterica feabane mullet Pyrethrum genus Pyrethrum Raoulia genus Raoulia Raoulia australis Raoulia lutescens sheep plant vegetable sheep Ratibida genus Ratibida Mexican hat Ratibida columnaris Ratibida columnifera long-head coneflower Ratibida tagetes prairie coneflower Helipterum manglesii Rhodanthe manglesii Swan River everlasting rhodanthe Rudbeckia genus Rudbeckia Rudbeckia hirta Rudbeckia serotina Rudbeckia laciniata cutleaved coneflower Rudbeckia laciniata hortensia double gold golden glow hortensia Santolina genus Santolina Santolina chamaecyparissus lavender cotton Sanvitalia genus Sanvitalia Sanvitalia procumbens creeping zinnia Saussurea genus Saussurea Saussurea costus Saussurea lappa Scolymus genus Scolymus Scolymus hispanicus Spanish oyster plant Senecio genus Senecio Senecio bigelovii nodding groundsel Cineraria maritima Senecio cineraria Senecio doublasii threadleaf groundsel Senecio glabellus butterweed Senecio jacobaea benweed ragweed ragwort Senecio triangularis arrowleaf groundsel Senecio vulgaris groundsel Scorzonera hispanica black salsify scorzonera viper''s grass Sericocarpus genus Sericocarpus Seriphidium genus Seriphidium Artemisia cana Seriphidium canum gray sage silver sage Artemisia maritima Seriphidium maritimum Artemisia tridentata Seriphidium tridentatum big sagebrush blue sage Serratula genus Serratula Serratula tinctoria sawwort Silphium genus Silphium Silphium laciniatum rosinweed Silybum genus Silybum Our Lady''s mild thistle Silybum marianum blessed thistle holy thistle lady''s thistle milk thistle Solidago genus Solidago Solidago bicolor silverrod Canadian goldenrod Solidago canadensis Missouri goldenrod Solidago missouriensis Solidago multiradiata alpine goldenrod Solidago nemoralis gray goldenrod Blue Mountain tea Solidago odora Solidago rugosa dyer''s weed Solidago sempervirens beach goldenrod Solidago spathulata narrow goldenrod broad leaved goldenrod zigzag goldenrod Sonchus genus Sonchus milk thistle sow thistle Sonchus oleraceus milkweed Stenotus genus Stenotus Haplopappus acaulis Stenotus acaulis Stokesia genus Stokesia Stokesia laevis cornflower aster Tageteste genus Tagetes African marigold Aztec marigold Tagetes erecta big marigold French marigold Tagetes patula Tanacetum genus Tanacetum Chrysanthemum balsamita Tanacetum balsamita alecost balsam herb bible leaf costmary Tanacetum camphoratum camphor dune tansy Chrysanthemum coccineum Tanacetum coccineum painted daisy pyrethrum Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium Dalmatia pyrethrum Dalmatian pyrethrum Tanacetum cinerariifolium Tanacetum douglasii northern dune tansy Chrysanthemum parthenium Tanacetum parthenium Chrysanthemum ptarmiciflorum Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum dusty miller silver-lace Tanacetum vulgare golden buttons scented fern tansy Taraxacum genus Taraxacum blowball dandelion Taraxacum officinale Taraxacum ruderalia Russian dandelion Taraxacum kok-saghyz kok-saghyz kok-sagyz Tetraneuris genus Tetraneuris Hymenoxys acaulis Tetraneuris acaulis Hymenoxys grandiflora Tetraneuris grandiflora alpine sunflower old man of the mountain Mexican sunflower tithonia Townsendia genus Townsendia Easter daisy Townsendia Exscapa Tragopogon genus Tragopogon Tragopogon dubius yellow salsify Tragopogon porrifolius oyster plant salsify vegetable oyster oyster plant salsify Tragopogon pratensis goatsbeard meadow salsify shepherd''s clock Trilisa genus Trilisa Trilisa odoratissima wild vanilla Tripleurospermum genus Tripleurospermum Matricaria inodorum Tripleurospermum inodorum corn mayweed scentless camomile scentless false camomile scentless hayweed Matricaria oreades Tripleurospermum oreades tchihatchewii Matricaria tchihatchewii Tripleurospermum tchihatchewii Tussilago genus Tussilago Tussilago farfara coltsfoot Verbesina genus Verbesina Actinomeris genus Actinomeris crown beard crownbeard Actinomeris alternifolia Verbesina alternifolia golden honey plant golden ironweed wingstem yellow ironweed Verbesina encelioides Ximenesia encelioides butter daisy cowpen daisy golden crown beard golden crownbeard Verbesina helianthoides gravelweed Verbesina virginica Virginia crownbeard ironweed vernonia Wyethia amplexicaulis mule''s ears Wyethia helianthoides white-rayed mule''s ears Wyethia ovata wyethia Xanthium genus Xanthium cocklebur cockleburr Xeranthemum annuum immortelle old maid old maid flower Zinnia acerosa white zinnia Zinnia grandiflora little golden zinnia Loasaceae family Loasaceae Mentzelia genus Mentzelia Mentzelia laevicaulis Mentzelia livicaulis Mentzelia lindleyi bartonia key fruit samara bur burr Campanulaceae bellflower family bellflower campanula Campanula rotundifolia bluebell Campanula rapunculoides creeping bellflower Campanula medium Canterbury bell Campanula divaricata southern harebell Campanula americana tall bellflower Campanula aparinoides marsh bellflower Campanula glomerata clustered bellflower Campanula persicifolia peach bell peach bells willow bell Campanula pyramidalis chimney bellflower Campanula rapunculus rampion Campanula trachelium nettle-leaved bellflower Campanula carpatica spreading bellflower Orchidales order Orchidales Orchidaceae family Orchidaceae orchid orchidaceous plant Orchis mascula early purple orchid Orchis papilionaceae butterfly orchid Orchis spectabilis purple orchis purple-hooded orchis showy orchis Angraecum genus Angraecum Anoectochilus genus Anoectochilus Aplectrum genus Aplectrum Aplectrum hyemale adam-and-eve Arethusa bulbosa bog rose dragon''s mouth wild pink Bletilla genus Bletilla Bletia striata Bletilla striata Brassia genus Brassia Brassia lawrenceana spider orchid Brassia verrucosa spider orchid Caladenia cairnsiana zebra orchid Calopogon genus Calopogon Calopogon pulchellum Calopogon tuberosum Calypso bulbosa calypso Catasetum genus Catasetum Catasetum macrocarpum jumping orchid Cephalanthera genus Cephalanthera Cephalanthera rubra red helleborine Cleistes genus Cleistes Cleistes divaricata Pogonia divaricata funnel-crest rosebud orchid spreading pogonia Cleistes rosea Pogonia rosea Coeloglossum genus Coeloglossum Coeloglossum bracteatum satyr orchid Coeloglossum viride frog orchid Corallorhiza genus Corallorhiza Corallorhiza maculata spotted coral root Corallorhiza striata striped coral root Corallorhiza trifida early coral root Coryanthes genus Coryanthes helmet orchid helmetflower Cycnoches genus Cycnoches swan orchid swanflower cymbid cymbidium Cypripedium genus Cypripedium ladies'' slipper lady''s slipper lady-slipper slipper orchid Cypripedium acaule moccasin flower Cypripedium album Cypripedium reginae common lady''s-slipper showy lady slipper Cypripedium arietinum ram''s-head Cypripedium calceolus Cypripedium parviflorum yellow lady''s slipper yellow lady-slipper Cypripedium calceolus pubescens large yellow lady''s slipper California lady''s slipper Cypripedium californicum Cypripedium fasciculatum clustered lady''s slipper Cypripedium montanum mountain lady''s slipper Dactylorhiza genus Dactylorhiza Dactylorhiza fuchsii Dactylorhiza maculata fuchsii Dracula genus Dracula Dryadella genus Dryadella Eburophyton genus Eburophyton Eburophyton austinae phantom orchid Encyclia genus Encyclia Cattleya citrina Encyclia citrina Encyclia tampensis Epidendrum tampense Encyclia venosa Epidendrum venosum butterfly orchid butterfly orchis Epidendrum genus Epidendrum Epipactis genus Epipactis Epipactis gigantea chatterbox giant helleborine stream orchid Glossodia genus Glossodia Goodyera genus Goodyera helleborine rattlesnake plantain Grammatophyllum genus Grammatophyllum Gymnadenia genus Gymnadenia Gymnadenia conopsea fragrant orchid Gymnadenia odoratissima short-spurred fragrant orchid Gymnadeniopsis genus Gymnadeniopsis Habenaria genus Habenaria fringed orchid fringed orchis rein orchid rein orchis Habenaria dilatata bog candles Habenaria albiflora white fringed orchid Habenaria elegans elegant Habenaria Habenaria fimbriata purple-fringed orchid Habenaria greenei coastal rein orchid Habenaria hookeri Hooker''s orchid Habenaria lacera green fringed orchis ragged orchid ragged orchis Habenaria leucophaea prairie orchid Habenaria nivea snowy orchid Habenaria orbiculata round-leaved rein orchid Habenaria peramoena purple fringeless orchid Habenaria psycodes purple-fringed orchid Alaska rein orchid Habenaria unalascensis Hexalectris genus Hexalectris Hexalectris spicata crested coral root Hexalectris warnockii Texas purple spike Himantoglossum genus Himantoglossum Himantoglossum hircinum lizard orchid Liparis loeselii fen orchid Listera genus Listera Listera convallarioides broad-leaved twayblade Listera cordata lesser twayblade Listera ovata twayblade Malaxis genus Malaxis Malaxis ophioglossoides Malaxis-unifolia Miltonia genus Miltonia butterfly orchid butterfly plant dancing lady orchid oncidium Ophrys genus Ophrys Ophrys apifera bee orchid Ophrys insectifera Ophrys muscifera Ophrys sphegodes early spider orchid Paphiopedilum genus Paphiopedilum Venus'' slipper Venus''s shoe Phalaenopsis genus Phalaenopsis moth orchid moth plant Phalaenopsis amabilis butterfly plant Pholidota genus Pholidota Phragmipedium genus Phragmipedium Platanthera genus Platanthera Habenaria bifolia Platanthera bifolia Habenaria chlorantha Platanthera chlorantha Platanthera leucophea prairie white-fringed orchid Plectorrhiza genus Plectorrhiza Pleione genus Pleione Psychopsis genus Psychopsis Oncidium papilio kramerianum Psychopsis krameriana Oncidium papilio Psychopsis papilio Pterostylis genus Pterostylis greenhood helmet orchid Rhyncostylis genus Rhyncostylis Sarcochilus genus Sarcochilus Sarcochilus falcatus orange-blossom orchid Scaphosepalum genus Scaphosepalum Schomburgkia genus Schomburgkia Selenipedium genus Selenipedium Spiranthes genus Spiranthes ladies'' tresses lady''s tresses Spiranthes cernua screw augur Spiranthes romanzoffiana hooded ladies'' tresses Spiranthes porrifolia western ladies'' tresses European ladies'' tresses Spiranthes spiralis Trichoceros genus Trichoceros Vanda coerulea blue orchid Vanilla planifolia vanilla orchid Burmanniaceae family Burmanniaceae Burmannia genus Burmannia Dioscoreaceae family Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea genus Dioscorea yam yam plant Dioscorea alata water yam Chinese yam Dioscorea batata Dioscorea bulbifera air potato Dioscorea elephantipes Hottentot bread vine Hottentot''s bread vine elephant''s-foot Hottentot bread Hottentot''s bread Dioscorea paniculata wild yam Dioscorea trifida cush-cush Tamus genus Tamus Tamus communis black bindweed Primulales order Primulales Primulaceae family Primulaceae primrose primula English primrose Primula vulgaris Primula veris cowslip Primula elatior oxlip Chinese primrose Primula sinensis Primula auricula auricula Primula polyantha polyanthus Anagallis genus Anagallis Anagallis arvensis poor man''s weatherglass red pimpernel scarlet pimpernel Anagallis tenella bog pimpernel Centunculus genus Centunculus bastard pimpernel chaffweed Cyclamen purpurascens cyclamen Cyclamen hederifolium Cyclamen neopolitanum Glaux genus Glaux Glaux maritima black saltwort sea milkwort sea trifoly Hottonia genus Hottonia American featherfoil Hottonia inflata Hottonia palustris water violet Lysimachia genus Lysimachia Lysimachia clethroides Duby gooseneck loosestrife Lysimachia nemorum yellow pimpernel Lysimachia ciliatum fringed loosestrife Lysimachia nummularia creeping Charlie creeping Jenny moneywort Lysimachia vulgaris garden loosestrife Lysimachia terrestris swamp candles Lysimachia quadrifolia whorled loosestrife Samolus genus Samolus Samolus valerandii brookweed Samolus floribundus Samolus parviflorus Myrsinaceae family Myrsinaceae Myrsine genus Myrsine Ardisia genus Ardisia Ardisia crenata coralberry Ardisia escallonoides Ardisia paniculata Plumbaginales order Plumbaginales Plumbaginaceae family Plumbaginaceae leadwort family sea-lavender family Plumbago europaea leadwort Armeria genus Armeria Armeria maritima cliff rose Limonium genus Limonium marsh rosemary sea lavender Theophrastaceae family Theophrastaceae Jacquinia genus Jacquinia Jacquinia armillaris bracelet wood Jacquinia keyensis barbasco Graminales order Graminales Graminaceae Gramineae Poaceae family Graminaceae family Gramineae family Poaceae graminaceous plant gramineous plant bunch grass bunchgrass herbage pasturage Aegilops genus Aegilops Aegilops triuncalis goat grass Agropyron genus Agropyron Agropyron cristatum crested wheat grass crested wheatgrass fairway crested wheat grass Agropyron repens couch grass dog grass quack grass quackgrass quick grass witch grass witchgrass Agropyron subsecundum bearded wheatgrass Agropyron smithii bluestem wheatgrass Agropyron intermedium Elymus hispidus Agropyron pauciflorum Agropyron trachycaulum Elymus trachycaulos slender wheatgrass Agrostis genus Agrostis bent bent grass Agrostis canina Rhode Island bent brown bent dog bent velvet bent velvet bent grass Agrostis nebulosa cloud grass Agrostis palustris creeping bent Alopecurus genus Alopecurus Alopecurus pratensis meadow foxtail foxtail foxtail grass Andropogon genus Andropogon Andropogon virginicus broom sedge Arrhenatherum genus Arrhenatherum Arrhenatherum elatius French rye evergreen grass false oat tall meadow grass tall oat grass Arundo genus Arundo Arundo conspicua Chionochloa conspicua toetoe toitoi Arundo donax giant reed Avena genus Avena Avena sativa cereal oat Avena fatua wild oat Avena barbata slender wild oat Avene sterilis animated oat Bromus genus Bromus brome bromegrass Bromus inermis awnless bromegrass Bromus secalinus cheat Bromus tectorum cheatgrass downy brome downy bromegrass downy cheat downy chess Bromus arvensis field brome Bromus japonicus Japanese brome Bouteloua genus Bouteloua grama grama grass gramma gramma grass Bouteloua gracilis blue grama Bouteloua eriopoda black grama Buchloe genus Buchloe Buchloe dactyloides buffalo grass Calamagrostis genus Calamagrostis Calamagrostis acutiflora feather reed grass Australian reed grass Calamagrostic quadriseta Cenchrus genus Cenchrus bur grass burgrass Cenchrus tribuloides field sandbur sandbur sandspur Cenchrus ciliaris Pennisetum cenchroides Chloris genus Chloris Chloris gayana Rhodes grass Chloris truncata creeping windmill grass star grass windmill grass Cortaderia genus Cortaderia Cortaderia selloana pampas grass Arundo richardii Cortaderia richardii plumed tussock toe toe Cynodon genus Cynodon Bahama grass Bermuda grass Cynodon dactylon devil grass doob kweek scutch grass star grass Cynodon plectostachyum giant star grass Dactylis genus Dactylis Dactylis glomerata cocksfoot cockspur orchard grass Dactyloctenium genus Dactyloctenium Dactyloctenium aegypticum Egyptian grass Digitaria genus Digitaria crab grass crabgrass Digitaria ischaemum smooth crabgrass Digitaria sanguinalis hairy finger grass Echinochloa genus Echinochloa Echinochloa crusgalli barn grass barn millet barnyard grass Echinochloa frumentacea Japanese barnyard millet Japanese millet billion-dollar grass Eleusine genus Eleusine Eleusine indica goose grass wire grass yard grass African millet Eleusine coracana coracan corakan finger millet kurakkan ragee ragi Elymus genus Elymus Elymus condensatus Leymus condensatus Elymus arenarius European dune grass Leymus arenaria sea lyme grass Canada wild rye Elymus canadensis Elymus caput-medusae medusa''s head Eragrostis genus Eragrostis bay grass love grass Eragrostic abyssinica Eragrostis tef teff teff grass African love grass Eragrostis curvula Erianthus genus Erianthus Erianthus ravennae Ravenna grass Festuca genus Festuca Festuca elatior fescue fescue grass meadow fescue Festuca ovina sheep fescue Glyceria genus Glyceria manna grass sweet grass Glyceria grandis reed meadow grass Holcus genus Holcus Holcus lanatus Yorkshire fog Holcus mollis creeping soft grass Hordeum genus Hordeum Hordeum vulgare common barley Hordeum murinum barley grass Hordeum jubatum foxtail barley squirreltail barley squirreltail grass Hordeum pusillum little barley Leymus genus Leymus Lolium genus Lolium rye grass ryegrass English ryegrass Lolium perenne Italian rye Italian ryegrass Lolium temulentum bearded darnel cheat darnel Muhlenbergia genus Muhlenbergia Muhlenbergia schreberi nimble Will Oryza genus Oryza Oryza sativa cultivated rice Oryzopsis genus Oryzopsis rice grass ricegrass Indian millet Oryzopsis hymenoides mountain rice silk grass Oryzopsis miliacea smilo Panicum genus Panicum Panicum capillare old witch grass old witchgrass tumble grass witch grass witchgrass Panicum virgatum switch grass Panicum miliaceum broomcorn millet hog millet millet Panicum Texanum Texas millet Paspalum dilatatum dallis grass dallisgrass paspalum Bahia grass Paspalum notatum Paspalum distichum knotgrass Pennisetum genus Pennisetum Pennisetum Americanum Pennisetum glaucum bulrush millet cattail millet Pennisetum ruppelii Pennisetum setaceum Pennistum villosum feathertop Phalaris genus Phalaris Phalaris arundinacea gardener''s garters lady''s laces reed canary grass Phalaris canariensis birdseed grass Harding grass Phalaris aquatica Phalaris tuberosa hardinggrass Phleum genus Phleum Phleum pratense herd''s grass Phragmites genus Phragmites Phragmites communis carrizo common reed ditch reed Poa genus Poa meadow grass meadowgrass June grass Kentucky blue Kentucky bluegrass Kentucy blue grass Agrostis alba Poa nemoralis Saccharum genus Saccharum Saccharum officinarum sugar cane sugar cane sugarcane Saccharum bengalense Saccharum munja munj munja Schizachyrium genus Schizachyrium Andropogon scoparius Schizachyrium scoparium broom beard grass prairie grass Andropogon furcatus Andropogon gerardii blue stem bluestem Secale genus Secale Secale cereale rye Setaria genus Setaria bristle grass bristlegrass Setaria glauca glaucous bristlegrass yellow bristle grass yellow bristlegrass Setaria viridis bottle grass bottlegrass green bristlegrass green foxtail rough bristlegrass Hungarian grass Italian millet Setaria italica foxtail millet Setaria italica rubrofructa Siberian millet German millet Setaria italica stramineofructa rattan rattan cane Sorghum bicolor great millet kaffir kaffir corn Egyptian corn Guinea corn Indian millet doura dourah durra Sorghum vulgare caudatum federita milo milo maize Sorghum vulgare rosburghii shallu sorgho sorgo sugar sorghum sweet sorghum Aleppa grass Johnson grass Sorghum halapense Sorghum halepense evergreen millet means grass Sorghum vulgare technicum broomcorn Spartina genus Spartina cord grass cordgrass Spartina cynosuroides salt reed grass Spartina pectinmata freshwater cordgrass prairie cordgrass slough grass Sporobolus genus Sporobolus Sporobolus poiretii blackseed carpet grass smut grass Sporobolus cryptandrus sand dropseed Stenotaphrum genus Stenotaphrum St. Augustine grass Stenotaphrum secundatum cereal cereal grass Triticum genus Triticum corn wheat Triticum durum Triticum turgidum durum durum wheat hard wheat maccaroni wheat Triticum aestivum common wheat Triticum aestivum spelta Triticum spelta Triticum dicoccum emmer starch wheat two-grain spelt Triticum dicoccum dicoccoides wild emmer Zea genus Zea Indian corn Zea mays corn maize Zea mays rugosa Zea saccharata green corn sugar corn sweet corn sweet corn plant Zea mays indentata dent corn Yankee corn Zea mays indurata flint corn flint maize Zea mays amylacea flour corn soft corn squaw corn Zea mays everta popcorn Zizania genus Zizania Zizania aquatica wild rice Zoisia genus Zoisia Japanese carpet grass Manila grass Japanese lawn grass Korean lawn grass Korean velvet grass Zoysia tenuifolia Bambuseae tribe Bambuseae Bambusa genus Bambusa Bambusa vulgaris common bamboo Arundinaria genus Arundinaria Arundinaria gigantea cane reed Arundinaria tecta small cane Dendrocalamus genus Dendrocalamus Dendrocalamus giganteus giant bamboo Phyllostachys genus Phyllostachys Phyllostachys aurea fishpole bamboo gosan-chiku hotei-chiku Phyllostachys nigra black bamboo Phyllostachys bambusoides giant timber bamboo ku-chiku madake Cyperaceae family Cyperaceae Cyperus genus Cyperus Cyperus alternifolius umbrella plant Cyperus esculentus chufa earth almond ground almond rush nut yellow nutgrass Cyperus longus galangal Cyperus papyrus Egyptian paper reed paper rush papyrus Cyperus rotundus nut grass nut sedge nutgrass Carex genus Carex Carex arenaria sand reed Carex pseudocyperus cypress sedge Eriophorum genus Eriophorum cotton grass cotton rush Eriophorum angustifolium common cotton grass Scirpus genus Scirpus Scirpus acutus hardstem bulrush Scirpus cyperinus wool grass Eleocharis genus Eleocharis Chinese water chestnut Eleocharis dulcis Eleocharis acicularis hair grass needle rush needle spike rush Eleocharis palustris creeping spike rush Pandanales order Pandanales Pandanaceae family Pandanaceae pandanus screw pine Pandanus tectorius lauhala Typhaceae cattail family Typha genus Typha Typha latifolia bullrush bulrush cat''s-tail nailrod reed mace Typha angustifolia lesser bullrush narrow-leaf cattail narrow-leaved reedmace Sparganiaceae bur-reed family Sparganium genus Sparganium caryopsis grain Cucurbitaceae family Cucurbitaceae gourd gourd vine Cucurbita genus Cucurbita Cucurbita pepo autumn pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin vine squash squash vine Cucurbita pepo melopepo summer squash marrow marrow squash courgette zucchini Italian vegetable marrow cocozelle cymling pattypan squash winter squash winter squash plant Cucurbita maxima hubbard squash Cucurbita maxima turbaniformis turban squash Cucurbita maxima butternut squash Cucurbita moschata winter crookneck Cucurbita argyrosperma Cucurbita mixta Cucurbita foetidissima Missouri gourd buffalo gourd calabazilla prairie gourd prairie gourd vine briony bryony Bryonia alba devil-s turnip Bryonia dioica red bryony Citrullus genus Citrullus melon melon vine Citrullus vulgaris watermelon Cucumis genus Cucumis Cucumis melo muskmelon sweet melon sweet melon vine Cucumis melo cantalupensis cantaloup cantaloupe cantaloupe vine Cucumis melo inodorus Persian melon honeydew melon winter melon Cucumis melo reticulatus net melon netted melon nutmeg melon Cucumis sativus cucumber Ecballium genus Ecballium Ecballium elaterium exploding cucumber squirting cucumber touch-me-not Lagenaria genus Lagenaria Lagenaria siceraria bottle gourd dishcloth gourd luffa rag gourd sponge gourd Luffa cylindrica loofah Luffa acutangula angled loofah loofa loofah loufah sponge luffa Momordica genus Momordica Momordica balsamina balsam apple Momordica charantia balsam pear Lobeliaceae family Lobeliaceae Indian pink Lobelia cardinalis Indian tobacco Lobelia inflata Lobelia dortmanna water lobelia Lobelia siphilitica blue cardinal flower Malvales order Malvales Malvaceae family Malvaceae Malva genus Malva Malva moschata mus rose Malva neglecta common mallow Malva sylvestris cheese cheeseflower high mallow Abelmoschus genus Abelmoschus Abelmoschus esculentus Hibiscus esculentus gumbo lady''s-finger okra okra plant Abelmoschus moschatus Hibiscus moschatus abelmosk musk mallow Abutilon genus Abutilon Abutilon theophrasti China jute Indian mallow butter-print velvetleaf velvetweed Alcea genus Alcea Alcea rosea Althea rosea althaea althea Althea officinalis marsh mallow Callirhoe genus Callirhoe Callirhoe digitata fringed poppy mallow Callirhoe involucrata purple poppy mallow Callirhoe triangulata clustered poppy mallow Gossypium genus Gossypium cotton cotton plant Gossypium arboreum tree cotton Gossypium barbadense sea island cotton Gossypium herbaceum Levant cotton Gossypium hirsutum upland cotton Gossypium peruvianum Peruvian cotton Arizona wild cotton Gossypium thurberi Bombay hemp Hibiscus cannabinus Indian hemp bimli bimli hemp deccan hemp kanaf kenaf deccan hemp kenaf Cuban bast Hibiscus elatus blue mahoe mahagua mahoe majagua Hibiscus heterophyllus sorrel tree Hibiscus moscheutos common rose mallow rose mallow swamp mallow Confederate rose Confederate rose mallow Hibiscus mutabilis cotton rose China rose Chinese hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Rose of China shoe black shoeblack plant Hibiscus sabdariffa Jamaica sorrel red sorrel roselle rozelle sorrel Hibiscus syriacus rose of Sharon Hibiscus tiliaceus balibago mahagua mahoe majagua purau Hibiscus trionum black-eyed Susan bladder ketmia flower-of-an-hour Hoheria genus Hoheria Hoheria populnea houhere lacebark ribbonwood Iliamna genus Iliamna Iliamna remota Sphaeralcea remota Iliamna acerifolia Iliamna ruvularis Kosteletzya genus Kosteletzya Kosteletzya virginica salt marsh mallow Lavatera genus Lavatera Lavatera arborea tree mallow Malacothamnus genus Malacothamnus Malacothamnus fasciculatus Sphaeralcea fasciculata Malope trifida malope Malvastrum genus Malvastrum Malvaviscus genus Malvaviscus sleeping hibiscus wax mallow Napaea genus Napaea Napaea dioica glade mallow Plagianthus genus Plagianthus Plagianthus betulinus Plagianthus regius ribbon tree ribbonwood Radyera genus Radyera Hibiscus farragei Radyera farragei Sida genus Sida Sida hermaphrodita Virginia mallow Queensland hemp Sida rhombifolia Indian mallow Sida spinosa Sidalcea genus Sidalcea Sidalcea malviflora checkerbloom Sphaeralcea genus Sphaeralcea false mallow globe mallow Malvastrum coccineum Sphaeralcea coccinea prairie mallow red false mallow Thespesia genus Thespesia Thespesia populnea bendy tree portia tree seaside mahoe Bombacaceae family Bombacaceae Bombax genus Bombax Bombax ceiba Bombax malabarica red silk-cotton tree simal Adansonia genus Adansonia Adansonia gregorii cream-of-tartar tree Adansonia digitata baobab Ceiba genus Ceiba Bombay ceiba Ceiba pentandra God tree ceiba tree kapok silk-cotton tree Durio genus Durio Durio zibethinus durian durian tree durion Ochroma genus Ochroma Ochroma lagopus balsa balsa balsa wood Pseudobombax genus Pseudobombax Pseudobombax ellipticum shaving-brush tree Elaeocarpaceae elaeocarpus family Elaeocarpus genus Elaeocarpus Brisbane quandong Elaeocarpus grandis blue fig quandong quandong tree silver quandong tree blue fig quandong Aristotelia genus Aristotelia Aristotelia racemosa Aristotelia serrata New Zealand wine berry makomako Muntingia genus Muntingia Jamaican cherry Muntingia calabura calabur tree calabura Sloanea genus Sloanea Sloanea jamaicensis breakax Sterculiaceae family Sterculiaceae Panama tree Sterculia apetala Java olives Sterculia foetida Brachychiton genus Brachychiton Brachychiton acerifolius Sterculia acerifolia flame durrajong flame tree Brachychiton australis broad-leaved bottletree Brachychiton populneus currajong Brachychiton rupestris Queensland bottletree Sterculia rupestris narrow-leaved bottletree Cola genus Cola Cola acuminata goora nut kola kola nut cola nut kola nut Firmiana genus Firmiana Chinese parasol Chinese parasol tree Firmiana simplex Japanese varnish tree Fremontia Fremontodendron genus Fremontia genus Fremontodendron California beauty flannel bush Helicteres genus Helicteres Helicteres isora nut-leaved screw tree Heritiera Terrietia genus Heritiera genus Terrietia Heritiera trifoliolata Terrietia trifoliolata booyong brown oak crow''s foot red beech silky elm stave wood Heritiera macrophylla looking glass tree Heritiera littoralis looking-glass plant Hermannia genus Hermannia Hermannia verticillata Mahernia verticillata honey bell honeybells Pterospermum genus Pterospermum Pterospermum acerifolium maple-leaved bayur Tarrietia genus Tarrietia Tarrietia argyrodendron silver tree Theobroma genus Theobroma Theobroma cacao cacao cacao tree chocolate tree Triplochiton genus Triplochiton Triplochiton scleroxcylon arere obeche obechi Tiliaceae family Tiliaceae Tilia genus Tilia basswood lime lime tree linden basswood linden American basswood American lime Tilia cordata small-leaved lime Tilia heterophylla cottonwood Japanese lime Japanese linden Tilia tomentosa silver lime Grewia genus Grewia Grewia asiatica phalsa Sparmannia genus Sparmannia African hemp Sparmannia africana herb herbaceous plant Rosidae subclass Rosidae Umbellales order Umbellales Proteales order Proteales Proteaceae family Proteaceae Bartle Frere genus Bartle-Frere Protea cynaroides honeypot Protea mellifera honeyflower Ausralian honeysuckle Banksia integrifolia coast banksia honeysuckle Conospermum genus Conospermum Embothrium genus Embothrium Chilean firebush Chilean flameflower Guevina genus Guevina Chile hazel Chile nut Chilean hazelnut Chilean nut Guevina avellana Guevina heterophylla Grevillea banksii red-flowered silky oak Grevillela parallela silver oak Grevillea robusta silky oak Grevillea striata beefwood Hakea genus Hakea Hakea laurina cushion flower Hakea leucoptera needle wood Hakea lissosperma needle bush Knightia genus Knightia New-Zealand honeysuckle rewa-rewa Lambertia genus Lambertia Lambertia formosa honeyflower Leucadendron genus Leucadendron Leucadendron argenteum silver tree macadamia macadamia tree Macadamia ternifolia macadamia nut Macadamia tetraphylla Queensland nut Orites genus Orites Orites excelsa prickly ash Persoonia genus Persoonia Stenocarpus genus Stenocarpus Stenocarpus sinuatus firewheel tree Stenocarpus salignus beefwood Telopea genus Telopea Telopea Oreades waratah Telopea speciosissima waratah Xylomelum genus Xylomelum Xylomelum pyriforme native pear Casuarinales order Casuarinales Casuarinaceae family Casuarinaceae Australian pine Casuarina equisetfolia Ericales order Ericales Ericaceae family Ericaceae erica true heath Erica arborea briar brier tree heath briarwood brierwood Erica carnea spring heath Erica cinerea bell heather fine-leaved heath heather bell Erica tetralix bell heather Cornish heath Erica vagans Erica lusitanica Portuguese heath Erica perspicua Prince of Wales heath Andromeda glaucophylla bog rosemary Andromeda polifolia common bog rosemary Arbutus menziesii madrona madrono manzanita Arbutus unedo Irish strawberry Arctostaphylos genus Arctostaphylos Arctostaphylos uva-ursi bear''s grape common bearberry creashak hog cranberry mealberry mountain box red bearberry sandberry wild cranberry Arctostaphylos alpina alpine bearberry Arctostaphylos andersonii heartleaf manzanita Arctostaphylos manzanita Parry manzanita Arctostaphylos tomentosa downy manzanita Bruckenthalia genus Bruckenthalia Bruckenthalia spiculifolia spike heath Calluna genus Calluna Calluna vulgaris Scots heather broom heather Cassiope genus Cassiope Cassiope mertensiana white heather Chamaedaphne genus Chamaedaphne Chamaedaphne calyculata leatherleaf Daboecia genus Daboecia Connemara heath Daboecia cantabrica Epigaea genus Epigaea Epigaea repens mayflower Gaultheria genus Gaultheria Gaultheria hispidula creeping snowberry maidenhair berry moxie plum Gaultheria procumbens checkerberry creeping wintergreen groundberry mountain tea teaberry Gaultheria shallon salal Gaylussacia genus Gaylussacia Gaylussacia baccata black huckleberry Gaylussacia frondosa dangleberry Gaylussacia brachycera box huckleberry American laurel Kalmia latifolia calico bush mountain laurel Kalmia polifolia bog kalmia bog laurel swamp laurel Kalmia angustifolia lambkill pig laurel sheep laurel Ledum genus Ledum Labrador tea Ledum groenlandicum glandular Labrador tea trapper''s tea Ledum palustre marsh tea Leiophyllum genus Leiophyllum Leiophyllum buxifolium sand myrtle Leucothoe editorum Leucothoe fontanesiana dog hobble dog laurel Leucothoe racemosa sweet bells Loiseleuria genus Loiseleuria Loiseleuria procumbens alpine azalea Lyonia genus Lyonia Lyonia mariana stagger bush Lyonia ligustrina he-huckleberry male berry maleberry Lyonia lucida fetter bush fetterbush shiny lyonia Menziesia genus Menziesia Menziesia ferruginea false azalea Menziesia pilosa minnie bush Oxydendrum genus Oxydendrum Oxydendrum arboreum sorrel tree sourwood titi Phyllodoce genus Phyllodoce Bryanthus taxifolius Phyllodoce caerulea Brewer''s mountain heather Phyllodoce breweri Pieris genus Pieris Japanese andromeda Pieris japonica andromeda lily-of-the-valley tree Pieris floribunda fetterbush mountain andromeda mountain fetterbush Rhododendron californicum coast rhododendron Rhododendron maxima rosebay Rhododendron viscosum swamp azalea swamp honeysuckle white honeysuckle Azaleastrum subgenus Azalea Vaccinium genus Vaccinium American cranberry Vaccinium macrocarpon European cranberry Vaccinium oxycoccus blueberry blueberry bush Vaccinium arboreum farkleberry Vaccinium angustifolium Vaccinium pennsylvanicum low blueberry low-bush blueberry Vaccinium ashei rabbit-eye blueberry rabbiteye rabbiteye blueberry Vaccinium caespitosum dwarf bilberry Vaccinium corymbosum high-bush blueberry swamp blueberry tall bilberry Vaccinium myrsinites evergreen blueberry Vaccinium ovatum evergreen huckleberry Viccinium membranaceum bilberry mountain blue berry thin-leaved bilberry Viccinium myrtillus bilberry blaeberry whinberry Vaccinium uliginosum alpinum bog bilberry bog whortleberry moorberry Vaccinium pallidum dryland berry Vaccinium scoparium grous whortleberry Vaccinium stamineum deerberry Vaccinium vitis-idaea cowberry foxberry lingberry lingenberry lingonberry Clethraceae family Clethraceae Clethra genus Clethra Clethra alnifolia pepper bush summer sweet sweet pepperbush Diapensiaceae diapensia family Diapensiales order Diapensiales Galax urceolata beetleweed cold''s foot galax galaxy wandflower Pyxidanthera genus Pyxidanthera Pyxidanthera barbulata pixie pixy pyxie Shortia galacifolia oconee bells Epacridaceae epacris family Epacris impressa common heath Epacris obtusifolia blunt-leaf heath Epacris purpurascens Port Jackson heath Astroloma genus Astroloma Astroloma humifusum Styphelia humifusum cranberry heath groundberry Richea genus Richea Australian grass tree Richea dracophylla Richea pandanifolia grass tree Styphelia genus Styphelia Styphelia triflora pink fivecorner Lennoaceae family Lennoaceae Pyrolaceae family Pyrolaceae pyrola wintergreen Pyrola americana Pyrola rotundifolia americana Pyrola minor lesser wintergreen Pyrola elliptica shinleaf Pyrola rotundifolia wild lily of the valley Chimaphila genus Chimaphila pipsissewa prince''s pine Chimaphila corymbosa Chimaphila umbellata love-in-winter western prince''s pine Moneses genus Moneses Moneses uniflora Pyrola uniflora one-flowered pyrola one-flowered wintergreen Monotropaceae family Monotropaceae Monotropa genus Monotropa Indian pipe Monotropa uniflora Hypopitys genus Hypopitys Monotropa hypopithys false beachdrops Sarcodes genus Sarcodes Sarcodes sanguinea snow plant Fagales order Fagales Fagaceae beech family Fagus genus Fagus beech beech tree beech beechwood European beech Fagus sylvatica Fagus purpurea Fagus sylvatica atropunicea Fagus sylvatica purpurea copper beech American beech Fagus americana Fagus grandifolia red beech Fagus pendula Fagus sylvatica pendula Castanea genus Castanea chestnut chestnut tree American chestnut American sweet chestnut Castanea sativa European chestnut Spanish chestnut sweet chestnut Castanea mollissima Chinese chestnut Castanea crenata Japanese chestnut Allegheny chinkapin Castanea pumila chinquapin dwarf chestnut Castanea ozarkensis Ozark chinkapin Ozark chinquapin chinquapin Castanopsis genus Castanopsis Chrysolepis genus Chrysolepis Castanea chrysophylla Castanopsis chrysophylla Chrysolepis chrysophylla giant chinkapin Chrysolepis sempervirens dwarf golden chinkapin Lithocarpus genus Lithocarpus Lithocarpus densiflorus tanbark oak Japanese oak Lithocarpus glaber Nothofagus genus Nothofagus evergreen beech southern beech Nothofagus cuninghamii myrtle beech Coigue Nothofagus dombeyi Nothofagus menziesii silver beech Nothofagus obliqua roble beech Nothofagus procera rauli beech Nothofagus solanderi black beech Nothofagus truncata hard beech acorn cup cupule Quercus genus Quercus oak oak tree California live oak Quercus agrifolia American white oak Quercus alba Arizona white oak Quercus arizonica Quercus bicolor swamp oak European turkey oak Quercus cerris Quercus chrysolepis canyon live oak canyon oak iron oak Quercus coccinea scarlet oak Quercus ellipsoidalis jack oak Quercus falcata southern red oak swamp red oak turkey oak Garry oak Oregon oak Oregon white oak Quercus garryana Quercus ilex evergreen oak holly-leaved oak holm oak Quercus ilicifolia bear oak Quercus imbricaria laurel oak Quercus incana bluejack oak California black oak Quercus kelloggii American turkey oak Quercus laevis Quercus laurifolia laurel oak California white oak Quercus lobata roble valley oak Quercus lyrata overcup oak Quercus macrocarpa bur oak burr oak mossy-cup oak Quercus marilandica blackjack blackjack oak jack oak Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Japanese oak Quercus grosseserrata Quercus muehlenbergii chinkapin oak chinquapin oak yellow chestnut oak Quercus myrtifolia myrtle oak Quercus nigra possum oak Nuttall oak Nuttall''s oak Quercus petraea Quercus sessiliflora Quercus montana Quercus prinus basket oak cow oak Quercus palustris pin oak Quercus phellos willow oak Quercus prinoides dwarf chinkapin oak dwarf chinquapin oak dwarf oak English oak Quercus robur common oak pedunculate oak Quercus borealis Quercus rubra Quercus shumardii Shumard oak Quercus stellata box white oak brash oak iron oak Quercus suber cork oak Quercus texana Spanish oak Quercus vaccinifolia huckleberry oak Chinese cork oak Quercus variabilis Quercus velutina black oak quercitron quercitron oak Quercus virginiana southern live oak Quercus wislizenii Quercus wizlizenii Betulaceae birch family Betula genus Betula birch birch tree Betula alleghaniensis Betula leutea American white birch Betula cordifolia Betula papyrifera canoe birch American gray birch Betula populifolia Betula pendula European white birch common birch silver birch Betula pubescens downy birch Betula nigra black birch red birch river birch Betula lenta black birch cherry birch sweet birch Betula neoalaskana Yukon white birch Betula fontinalis Western birch Western paper birch mountain birch swamp birch water birch American dwarf birch Betula glandulosa Alnus genus Alnus alder alder tree Alnus glutinosa Alnus vulgaris European black alder common alder Alnus incana gray alder Alnus maritima seaside alder Alnus rhombifolia mountain alder Alnus rubra Oregon alder Alnus rugosa speckled alder Alnus serrulata hazel alder Alnus veridis green alder Alnus crispa Alnus veridis crispa Carpinaceae family Carpinaceae Carpinus genus Carpinus Carpinus betulus European hornbeam American hornbeam Carpinus caroliniana Ostrya genus Ostrya Old World hop hornbeam Ostrya carpinifolia Eastern hop hornbeam Ostrya virginiana ironwood ironwood tree Ostryopsis genus Ostryopsis Corylaceae family Corylaceae Corylus genus Corylus hazel hazelnut American hazel Corylus americana Corylus avellana Corylus avellana grandis cobnut filbert Corylus cornuta beaked hazelnut Gentianales order Gentianales Gentianaceae family Gentianaceae Centaurium genus Centaurium Centaurium calycosum rosita Centaurium minus lesser centaury Centaurium scilloides tufted centaury Eustoma genus Eustoma Eustoma grandiflorum bluebell prairie gentian tulip gentian Exacum genus Exacum Exacum affine Persian violet Frasera genus Frasera American columbo American gentian columbo deer''s-ear deer''s-ears pyramid plant Frasera speciosa Swertia speciosa Gentiana genus Gentiana Gentiana acaulis gentianella Gentiana andrewsii blind gentian bottle gentian closed gentian Gentiana calycosa explorer''s gentian Gentiana clausa blind gentian Gentiana lutea great yellow gentian Gentiana pneumonanthe calathian violet Gentiana saponaria soapwort gentian Gentiana villosa striped gentian Gentianella genus Gentianella Gentiana quinquefolia Gentianella quinquefolia ague weed agueweed five-flowered gentian stiff gentian felwort gentianella amarella Gentianopsis genus Gentianopsis Gentiana crinita Gentianopsis crinita Gentiana detonsa Gentianopsis detonsa Gentiana procera Gentianopsid procera Gentiana thermalis Gentianopsis thermalis Gentiana holopetala Gentianopsis holopetala Halenia genus Halenia American centaury Sabbatia Angularis bitter floom rose pink American centaury Sabbatia stellaris Sabbatia campestris Texas star Swertia genus Swertia Swertia perennia marsh felwort Oleaceae family Oleaceae Oleales order Oleales Olea genus Olea European olive tree Olea europaea Olea cunninghamii black maire Olea lanceolata white maire Chionanthus genus Chionanthus Chionanthus virginicus fringe bush Forestiera neomexicana desert olive Fraxinus genus Fraxinus ash ash tree Fraxinus Americana white ash Fraxinus caroliniana swamp ash Fraxinus cuspidata flowering ash Fraxinus dipetala flowering ash European ash Fraxinus excelsior Fraxinus latifolia Fraxinus oregona Fraxinus nigra basket ash black ash brown ash Fraxinus ornus flowering ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica downy ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica subintegerrima green ash Fraxinus quadrangulata blue ash Fraxinus texensis mountain ash Fraxinus tomentosa pumpkin ash Arizona ash Fraxinus velutina Jasminum genus Jasminum Jasminum mesnyi primrose jasmine Jasminum nudiflorum winter jasmine Jasminum officinale common jasmine jessamine true jasmine Arabian jasmine Jasminum sambac Ligustrum genus Ligustrum Amur privet Ligustrum amurense Ligustrum ibolium ibolium privet Japanese privet Ligustrum japonicum Chinese privet Ligustrum lucidum California privet Ligustrum ovalifolium Ligustrum vulgare common privet Osmanthus genus Osmanthus American olive Osmanthus americanus Phillyrea genus Phillyrea Syringa genus Syringa Himalayan lilac Syringa emodi Hungarian lilac Syringa josikaea Persian lilac Syringa persica Japanese tree lilac Syringa amurensis japonica Japanese lilac Syringa villosa Syringa vulgaris common lilac Haemodoraceae bloodwort family Haemodorum genus Haemodorum Anigozanthus genus Anigozanthus Anigozanthus manglesii Australian sword lily kangaroo paw kangaroo''s-foot Hamamelidae subclass Hamamelidae Amentiferae group Amentiferae Hamamelidanthum genus Hamamelidanthum Hamamelidoxylon genus Hamamelidoxylon Hamamelites genus Hamamelites Hamamelidaceae family Hamamelidaceae Hamamelis genus Hamamelis Hamamelis virginiana Virginian witch hazel Hamamelis vernalis vernal witch hazel Corylopsis genus Corylopsis flowering hazel winter hazel fothergilla witch alder American sweet gum Liquidambar styraciflua bilsted red gum sweet gum sweet gum tree liquidambar sweet gum hazelwood red gum satin walnut sweet gum Parrotia genus Parrotia irontree ironwood Parrotiopsis genus Parrotiopsis Juglandales order Juglandales Juglandaceae family Juglandaceae Juglans genus Juglans walnut walnut tree California black walnut Juglans californica Juglans cinerea butternut butternut tree white walnut Juglans nigra black hickory black walnut black walnut tree Circassian walnut English walnut English walnut tree Juglans regia Carya genus Carya hickory hickory tree Carya aquatica bitter pecan water bitternut water hickory Carya glabra black hickory brown hickory pignut Carya cordiformis bitter hickory bitter pignut bitternut bitternut hickory swamp hickory Carya illinoensis Carya illinoinsis pecan pecan tree Carya laciniosa big shagbark big shellbark big shellbark hickory king nut king nut hickory Carya myristicaeformis Carya myristiciformis Carya ovata shagbark shagbark hickory shellbark Carya tomentosa big-bud hickory black hickory mockernut mockernut hickory white-heart hickory Pterocarya genus Pterocarya Caucasian walnut Pterocarya fraxinifolia Myrtales Thymelaeales order Myrtales order Thymelaeales Combretaceae combretum family dhava dhawa Combretum bracteosum hiccough nut Combretum appiculatum bush willow Combretum erythrophyllum bush willow Conocarpus genus Conocarpus Conocarpus erectus button mangrove Laguncularia genus Laguncularia Laguncularia racemosa white mangrove Elaeagnaceae family Elaeagnaceae Elaeagnus genus Elaeagnus Elaeagnus latifolia wild olive Elaeagnus commutata silver berry silverberry silverbush Elaeagnus augustifolia Russian olive Haloragaceae Haloragidaceae family Haloragaceae family Haloragidaceae Myriophyllum genus Myriophyllum Lecythidaceae family Lecythidaceae Grias genus Grias Grias cauliflora anchovy pear Bertholletia genus Bertholletia Bertholletia excelsa brazil nut Lythraceae family Lythraceae Lythrum genus Lythrum Lythrum salicaria purple loosestrife Lythrum hyssopifolia grass poly Lagerstroemia genus Lagerstroemia Lagerstroemia indica crape myrtle crepe flower crepe myrtle Lagerstroemia speciosa Queen''s crape myrtle Myrtaceae family Myrtaceae Myrtus genus Myrtus Myrtus communis common myrtle Pimenta genus Pimenta Jamaica bayberry Pimenta acris bay-rum tree bayberry Pimenta dioica allspice allspice tree pimento tree Pimenta officinalis allspice tree Eugenia genus Eugenia Eugenia corynantha sour cherry Eugenia dicrana nakedwood Eugenia uniflora Surinam cherry Eugenia jambos jambosa rose apple rose-apple tree feijoa feijoa bush Jambos genus Jambos Myrcia Myrciaria Myrciaria cauliflora jaboticaba Psidium genus Psidium Psidium guajava guava guava bush true guava Psidium littorale guava strawberry guava yellow cattley guava Psidium cattleianum Psidium littorale longipes cattley guava purple strawberry guava Brazilian guava Psidium guineense gum gum tree gum gumwood eucalypt eucalyptus Eucalyptus amygdalina peppermint peppermint gum red gum Eucalyptus calophylla marri Eucalyptus camaldulensis Eucalyptus rostrata river gum river red gum Eucalyptus camphora mountain swamp gum Eucalyptus coriacea Eucalyptus pauciflora ghost gum snow gum Eucalyptus delegatensis alpine ash Eucalyptus dumosa congoo mallee Eucalyptusd eugenioides thin-leaved stringybark Eucalyptus fraxinoides white mountain ash Eucalyptus globulus blue gum Eucalypt grandis rose gum Eucalypt gunnii cider gum Eucalypt ovata swamp gum Eucalyptus maculata spotted gum Eucalyptus citriodora Eucalyptus maculata citriodora Eucalytus stellulata black gum black mallee black sally Eucalypt tereticornis forest red gum Eucalyptus regnans mountain ash Eucalyptus viminalis manna gum eucalyptus gum eucalyptus kino Syzygium genus Syzygium Eugenia aromaticum Eugenia caryophyllatum Syzygium aromaticum clove Nyssaceae family Nyssaceae sour-gum family tupelo family Nyssa genus Nyssa tupelo tupelo tree Nyssa aquatica water gum Nyssa sylvatica black gum pepperidge sour gum Onagraceae evening-primrose family Circaea genus Circaea Alpine enchanter''s nightshade Circaea alpina Epilobium genus Epilobium Epilobium angustifolium fireweed giant willowherb rosebay willowherb California fuchsia Epilobium canum canum Zauschneria californica humming bird''s trumpet Epilobium hirsutum codlins-and-cream Fuchsia coccinea ladies''-eardrop ladies''-eardrops lady''s-eardrop Fuchsia excorticata konini native fuchsia tree fuchsia Oenothera genus Oenothera German rampion Oenothera biennis Oenothera fruticosa sundrops Missouri primrose Oenothera macrocarpa Punicaceae family Punicaceae Punica genus Punica Punica granatum pomegranate Rhizophoraceae family Rhizophoraceae Rhizophora genus Rhizophora Rhizophora mangle mangrove Thymelaeaceae daphne family Daphne cneorum garland flower Daphne laureola spurge laurel Daphne mezereum February daphne Dirca genus Dirca Dirca palustris leatherwood moosewood ropebark Trapaceae family Trapaceae Trapa genus Trapa caltrop water chestnut Jesuits'' nut Trapa natans Trapa bicornis ling Melastomaceae Melastomataceae family Melastomaceae family Melastomataceae Melastoma genus Melastoma Indian rhododendron Melastoma malabathricum Medinilla genus Medinilla Rhexia genus Rhexia deer grass meadow beauty Musales order Musales Cannaceae family Cannaceae Canna generalis canna lily Canna edulis Canna indica achira arrowroot Marantaceae arrowroot family American arrowroot Maranta arundinaceae arrowroot obedience plant Musaceae banana family Musa genus Musa banana banana tree Musa acuminata dwarf banana Japanese banana Musa basjoo Musa paradisiaca plantain Musa paradisiaca sapientum edible banana Manila hemp Musa textilis Ensete genus Ensete Abyssinian banana Ensete ventricosum Ethiopian banana Musa ensete Strelitziaceae family Strelitziaceae Strelitzia genus Strelitzia Strelitzia reginae bird of paradise Ravenala madagascariensis ravenala traveler''s tree traveller''s tree Zingiberaceae family Zingiberaceae Zingiber genus Zingiber Canton ginger Zingiber officinale common ginger stem ginger Curcuma genus Curcuma Curcuma domestica Curcuma longa Alpinia genus Alpinia genus Languas genus Zerumbet Alpinia galanga galangal Alpinia officinalis Alpinia officinarum Alpinia purpurata red ginger Alpinia Zerumbet Alpinia speciosa Languas speciosa shell ginger Aframomum genus Aframomum Aframomum melegueta Guinea grains Guinea pepper grains of paradise Elettaria genus Elettaria Elettaria cardamomum cardamom Dilleniidae subclass Dilleniidae Hypericales Parietales order Hypericales order Parietales Guttiferales order Guttiferales Begoniaceae begonia family Begonia cheimantha Christmas begonia Begonia cocchinea angel-wing begonia Begonia dregei grape-leaf begonia Begonia erythrophylla Begonia feastii beefsteak begonia kidney begonia Begonia heracleifolia star begonia Begonia rex beefsteak geranium king begonia painted-leaf begonia Begonia semperflorens wax begonia Begonia socotrana Socotra begonia Begonia tuberhybrida hybrid tuberous begonia Dilleniaceae family Dilleniaceae Hibbertia genus Hibbertia guinea flower guinea gold vine Clusiaceae Guttiferae St John''s wort family family Clusiaceae Calophyllum genus Calophyllum Calophyllum calaba Santa Maria tree Calophyllum longifolium Maria Calophyllum candidissimum lancewood tree Alexandrian laurel Calophyllum inophyllum Clusia flava wild fig Clusia insignis waxflower Clusia major Clusia rosea pitch apple strangler fig Garcinia genus Garcinia Garcinia mangostana mangosteen Garcinia cambogia Garcinia gummi-gutta Garcinia hanburyi gamboge tree Hypericaceae family Hypericaceae Hypericum genus Hypericum Hypericum androsaemum common St John''s wort Hypericum ascyron Hypericum pyramidatum Hypericum calycinum creeping St John''s wort Hypericum gentianoides nitweed orange grass pineweed Hypericum crux andrae St Andrews''s cross Hypericum hypericoides low St Andrew''s cross Hypericum perforatum klammath weed Hypericum prolificum Hypericum spathulatum Hypericum maculatum Hypericum tetrapterum Hypericum virginianum marsh St-John''s wort Mammea genus Mammea Mammea americana mamey mammee mammee apple Mesua genus Mesua Mesua ferrea ironwood ironwood tree rose chestnut Actinidiaceae family Actinidiaceae Actinidia genus Actinidia Actinidia arguta bower actinidia Actinidia chinensis Actinidia deliciosa Chinese gooseberry kiwi Actinidia polygama silver vine Canellaceae canella family Canella winterana Canella-alba white cinnamon tree wild cinnamon canella canella bark Caricaceae family Caricaceae Carica genus Carica Carica papaya melon tree papaia papaya papaya tree pawpaw Caryocaraceae family Caryocaraceae Caryocar genus Caryocar Caryocar nuciferum souari souari nut souari tree Cistaceae family Cistaceae Cistus genus Cistus rock rose rockrose Cistus albidus white-leaved rockrose Cistus ladanifer Cistus ladanum labdanum ladanum helianthemum sun rose Crocanthemum canadensei Helianthemum canadense frostweed frostwort rock rose rockrose Helianthemum scoparium rush rose Hudsonia genus Hudsonia Hudsonia ericoides false heather Hudsonia tomentosa beach heather Dipterocarpaceae family Dipterocarpaceae Shorea genus Shorea Shorea teysmanniana red lauan Flacourtiaceae family Flacourtiaceae Flacourtia genus Flacourtia Flacourtia indica Madagascar plum batoko palm governor plum governor''s plum ramontchi Dovyalis genus Dovyalis Dovyalis caffra kei apple Ceylon gooseberry Dovyalis hebecarpa ketembilla ketembilla tree kitambilla kitembilla Hydnocarpus Taraktagenos Taraktogenos genus Hydnocarpus genus Taraktagenos genus Taraktogenos Hydnocarpus kurzii Taraktagenos kurzii Taraktogenos kurzii chaulmoogra chaulmoogra tree chaulmugra Hydnocarpus laurifolia Hydnocarpus wightiana Idesia polycarpa idesia Kiggelaria genus Kiggelaria Kiggelaria africana wild peach Xylosma congestum xylosma Fouquieriaceae family Fouquieriaceae Fouquieria genus Fouquieria Fouquieria splendens Jacob''s staff coachwhip ocotillo Fouquieria columnaris Idria columnaris boojum tree cirio Ochnaceae family Ochnaceae Ochna genus Ochna Ochna serrulata bird''s-eye bush Passifloraceae family Passifloraceae Passiflora genus Passiflora passionflower passionflower vine Passiflora edulis granadilla Passiflora ligularis granadilla Passiflora quadrangularis giant granadilla Passiflora incarnata maypop Jamaica honeysuckle Passiflora laurifolia Passiflora mollissima banana passion fruit Passiflora maliformis sweet calabash Passiflora foetida love-in-a-mist running pop wild water lemon Resedaceae family Resedaceae Reseda odorata mignonette Reseda luteola dyer''s mignonette dyer''s rocket weld Tamaricaceae family Tamaricaceae Tamarix genus Tamarix Myricaria genus Myricaria German tamarisk Myricaria germanica Violaceae family Violaceae Viola arvensis field pansy American dog violet Viola conspersa Viola blanda sweet white violet white violet woodland white violet Canada violet Viola canadensis tall white violet white violet Viola canina dog violet Viola cornuta horned violet Viola ocellata heartsease English violet Viola odorata garden violet sweet violet Johnny-jump-up Viola pedata bird''s-foot violet pansy violet Viola pubescens downy yellow violet Viola rostrata long-spurred violet Viola striata cream violet pale violet striped violet Viola reichenbachiana Viola sylvatica hedge violet wood violet Viola tricolor hortensis pansy Johnny-jump-up Viola tricolor heartsease love-in-idleness pink of my John wild pansy Urticales order Urticales Urticaceae family Urticaceae Urtica genus Urtica Urtica dioica stinging nettle Roman nettle Urtica pipulifera Boehmeria genus Boehmeria bog hemp false nettle Boehmeria nivea China grass Chinese silk plant ramee Helxine Soleirolia genus Helxine genus Soleirolia Helxine soleirolia Soleirolia soleirolii baby tears baby''s tears Laportea genus Laportea Laportea canadensis wood nettle Australian nettle Australian nettle tree Parietaria genus Parietaria Parietaria difussa pellitory pellitory-of-the-wall wall pellitory Pilea genus Pilea Pilea pumilla clearweed dead nettle richweed Pilea microphylla artillery plant Pilea involucrata friendship plant panamica panamiga Pipturus genus Pipturus Pipturus argenteus Queensland grass-cloth plant Cannabidaceae family Cannabidaceae cannabis hemp Cannabis sativa Mary-Jane dope gage ganja grass marihuana marijuana pot sens sess skunk Cannabis indica Indian hemp Humulus genus Humulus hop hops European hop Humulus lupulus bine common hop American hop Humulus americanus Humulus japonicus Japanese hop Moraceae family Moraceae Morus genus Morus mulberry mulberry tree Morus alba white mulberry Morus nigra black mulberry Morus rubra red mulberry Maclura genus Maclura Maclura pomifera bow wood mock orange osage orange Artocarpus genus Artocarpus Artocarpus altilis Artocarpus communis breadfruit breadfruit tree Artocarpus heterophyllus jackfruit Artocarpus odoratissima marang Ficus genus Ficus Ficus carica common fig common fig tree fig Ficus carica sylvestris caprifig Ficus aurea Florida strangler fig golden fig strangler fig East Indian fig tree Ficus bengalensis Indian banyan banian banian tree banyan Ficus religiosa bo tree peepul pipal pipal tree pipul Assam rubber Ficus elastica India-rubber fig India-rubber plant India-rubber tree rubber plant Ficus deltoidea Ficus diversifolia mistletoe fig mistletoe rubber plant Botany Bay fig Ficus rubiginosa Port Jackson fig little-leaf fig Ficus sycomorus mulberry fig sycamore sycamore fig Broussonetia genus Broussonetia Broussonetia papyrifera paper mulberry Cecropiaceae family Cecropiaceae Cecropia genus Cecropia Cecropia peltata imbauba snake wood trumpet tree Ulmaceae elm family Ulmus genus Ulmus elm elm tree elm elmwood Ulmus alata wing elm American elm Ulmus americana rock elm water elm European field elm Ulmus carpinifolia Ulmus crassifolia cedar elm Ulmus glabra witch elm Dutch elm Ulmus hollandica Huntingdon elm Ulmus hollandica vegetata Ulmus laevis water elm Chinese elm Ulmus parvifolia English elm European elm Chinewse elm Siberian elm Ulmus pumila dwarf elm Ulmus rubra red elm Jersey elm Ulmus campestris sarniensis Ulmus campestris wheatleyi Ulmus sarniensis guernsey elm wheately elm September elm Ulmus serotina Ulmus thomasii rock elm Celtis genus Celtis hackberry nettle tree Celtis australis European hackberry American hackberry Celtis occidentalis Celtis laevigata sugargerry Liliidae subclass Liliidae Liliales order Liliales Iridaceae family Iridaceae flag fleur-de-lis iris sword lily orris orrisroot Iris cristata dwarf iris Dutch iris Iris filifolia Florentine iris Iris florentina Iris germanica florentina orris Iris foetidissima gladdon gladdon iris roast beef plant stinking gladwyn stinking iris German iris Iris germanica Iris kaempferi Japanese iris German iris Iris kochii Dalmatian iris Iris pallida Iris persica Persian iris Iris pseudacorus yellow flag yellow iris yellow water flag Dutch iris Iris tingitana Iris verna dwarf iris Iris versicolor blue flag Iris virginica southern blue flag English iris Iris xiphioides Iris xiphium Spanish iris Belamcanda genus Belamcanda Belamcanda chinensis blackberry-lily Crocus sativus saffron gladiola gladiolus Ixia genus Ixia Sisyrinchium genus Sisyrinchium Sparaxis genus Sparaxis Sparaxis tricolor wandflower Amaryllidaceae amaryllis family Amaryllis belladonna belladonna lily Bomarea genus Bomarea Bomarea edulis salsilla Bomarea salsilla salsilla Haemanthus genus Haemanthus Cape tulip Haemanthus coccineus Hippeastrum puniceum hippeastrum Narcissus pseudonarcissus daffodil Narcissus jonquilla jonquil Strekelia genus Strekelia Aztec lily Jacobean lily Hypoxidaceae family Hypoxidaceae Hypoxis genus Hypoxis American star grass Hypoxis hirsuta Liliaceae family Liliaceae Lilium genus Lilium Lilium auratum mountain lily Canada lily Lilium canadense meadow lily wild meadow lily Annunciation lily Lent lily Lilium candidum Madonna lily Lilium catesbaei leopard lily pine lily tiger lily Columbia tiger lily Lilium columbianum Lilium lancifolium devil lily kentan tiger lily Bermuda lily Easter lily Lilium longiflorum white trumpet lily Lilium maritinum coast lily Lilium martagon Turk''s-cap Lilium michiganense Michigan lily Lilium pardalinum leopard lily Lilium philadelphicum wood lily Lilium superbum Turk''s cap-lily agapanthus lily of the Nile African lily African tulip Agapanthus africanus blue African lily Aletris genus Aletris colic root colicroot crow corn star grass Aletris farinosa ague grass Aletris aurea yellow colicroot Alliaceae family Alliaceae Allium genus Allium Allium acuminatum Hooker''s onion Allium ampeloprasum Levant garlic kurrat wild leek Allium canadense Canada garlic meadow leek rose leek Allium carinatum keeled garlic Allium cepa onion Allium ascalonicum Allium cepa aggregatum eschalot multiplier onion Allium cepa viviparum Egyptian onion top onion tree onion Allium cernuum lady''s leek nodding onion nodding wild onion Allium fistulosum Japanese leek Allium haematochiton red-skinned onion Allium porrum leek Allium neopolitanum Naples garlic daffodil garlic flowering onion Allium paradoxum few-flowered leek Allium sativum garlic Allium scorodoprasum Spanish garlic giant garlic rocambole Allium schoenoprasum chive chives cive Allium tricoccum ramp Allium vineale crow garlic false garlic field garlic stag''s garlic wild garlic Allium ursinum Ramsons wild garlic wood garlic Allium tuberosum Chinese chive Oriental garlic garlic chive Allium sphaerocephalum round-headed leek Allium triquetrum three-cornered leek Aloeaceae aloe family Aloe ferox cape aloe Aloe vera burn plant flameflower kniphofia Kniphofia uvaria poker plant Kniphofia praecox red-hot poker Alstroemeriaceae family Alstroemeriaceae Alstroemeria pelegrina Peruvian lily Amianthum genus Amianthum Amianthum muscaetoxicum Amianthum muscitoxicum Anthericum genus Anthericum Anthericum liliago Saint-Bernard''s-lily Anthericum torreyi amber lily Aphyllanthaceae family Aphyllanthaceae Aphyllanthes genus Aphyllanthes Asparagaceae family Asparagaceae Asparagus officinales asparagus Asparagus plumosus Asparagus setaceous Asparagus asparagoides smilax Asphodelaceae family Asphodelaceae Asphodeline genus Asphodeline Asphodeline lutea king''s spear Asphodelus genus Asphodelus Aspidistra elatio aspidistra bar-room plant cast-iron plant Bessera genus Bessera Bessera elegans coral drops Blandfordia genus Blandfordia Bloomeria genus Bloomeria Bloomeria crocea golden star Bowiea genus Bowiea Bowiea volubilis climbing onion Brodiaea elegans elegant brodiaea Calochortus genus Calochortus mariposa mariposa lily fairy lantern globe lily Calochortus albus white fairy lantern Calochortus amabilis golden fairy lantern Calochortus amoenus rose globe lily Calochortus elegans elegant cat''s ears Calochortus kennedyi desert mariposa tulip Calochortus luteus yellow mariposa tulip Calochortus macrocarpus sagebrush mariposa tulip Calochortus nuttallii sego lily Camassia Quamassia genus Camassia genus Quamassia camas camash camass camosh Camassia quamash common camas Camassia leichtlinii Leichtlin''s camas Camassia scilloides indigo squill Erythronium genus Erythronium dog''s-tooth violet dogtooth Erythronium albidum blonde lilian white dog''s-tooth violet white dogtooth violet Erythronium americanum amberbell trout lily yellow adder''s tongue Erythronium dens-canis European dogtooth Erythronium californicum fawn lily Erythronium grandiflorum glacier lily Erythronium montanum avalanche lily Fritillaria genus Fritillaria checkered lily fritillary Fritillaria affinis Fritillaria lanceolata Fritillaria mutica mission bells Fritillaria biflora black fritillary Fritillaria agrestis stink bell Fritillaria imperialis crown imperial Fritillaria liliaceae white fritillary Fritillaria meleagris checkered daffodil guinea-hen flower leper lily Fritillaria micrantha Fritillaria parviflora Fritillaria pluriflora adobe lily Fritillaria recurva scarlet fritillary Tulipa genus Tulipa Tulipa armena Tulipa suaveolens Tulipa clusiana candlestick tulip Colchicaceae family Colchicaceae Colchicum genus Colchicum Colchicum autumnale autumn crocus meadow saffron naked lady Gloriosa superba climbing lily creeping lily gloriosa Hemerocallidaceae family Hemerocallidaceae Hemerocallis genus Hemerocallis day lily daylily Hemerocallis flava Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus Funkaceae Hostaceae family Funkaceae family Hostaceae Funka Hosta genus Funka genus Hosta day lily plantain lily Hyacinthaceae family Hyacinthaceae Hyacinthus orientalis common hyacinth Hyacinthus orientalis albulus Roman hyacinth Galtonia candicans Hyacinthus candicans cape hyacinth summer hyacinth Hyacinthoides genus Hyacinthoides Hyacinthoides nonscripta Scilla nonscripta bluebell harebell wild hyacinth wood hyacinth Ornithogalum genus Ornithogalum Ornithogalum umbellatum sleepy dick starflower summer snowflake Ornithogalum pyrenaicum Prussian asparagus Ornithogalum thyrsoides chincherinchee Muscari genus Muscari Muscari neglectum common grape hyacinth Muscari comosum tassel hyacinth scilla squill Scilla verna sea onion Tofieldia genus Tofieldia Scotch asphodel Tofieldia pusilla Urginea genus Urginea Urginea maritima sea onion sea squill squill Ruscus genus Ruscus Ruscus aculeatus butcher''s broom Melanthiaceae family Melanthiaceae Narthecium genus Narthecium European bog asphodel Narthecium ossifragum American bog asphodel Narthecium americanum Veratrum genus Veratrum false hellebore hellebore American hellebore Indian poke Veratrum viride bugbane Ruscaceae family Ruscaceae Tecophilaeacea family Tecophilaeacea Xerophyllum genus Xerophyllum Xerophyllum tenax bear grass Xanthorrhoeaceae family Xanthorrhoeaceae Xanthorroea genus Xanthorroea Australian grass tree grass tree Zigadenus genus Zigadenus death camas zigadene Zigadenus elegans alkali grass Zigadenus glaucus white camas Zigadenus nuttalli poison camas Zigadenus venenosus Zigadenus venenosus gramineus Trilliaceae family Trilliaceae trillium wake-robin Trillium recurvatum prairie trillium dwarf-white trillium early wake-robin Trillium erectum birthroot purple trillium red trillium Trillium sessile red trillium sessile trillium toadshade Paris genus Paris Paris quadrifolia herb Paris Smilacaceae subfamily Smilacaceae Smilax genus Smilax Smilax rotundifolia briar brier bullbrier catbrier greenbrier Smilax aspera rough bindweed Convallariaceae family Convallariaceae Convallaria genus Convallaria Convallaria majalis May lily lilies of the valley lily of the valley Clinton''s lily clintonia Andrew''s clintonia Clintonia andrewsiana Clintonia borealis heal all Clintonia uniflora bride''s bonnet Liriope genus Liriope Liriope muscari lily turf Maianthemum genus Maianthemum Maianthemum canadense false lily of the valley Maianthemum bifolium false lily of the valley Polygonatum genus Polygonatum Polygonatum biflorum Polygonatum commutatum Uvulariaceae subfamily Uvulariaceae Uvularia genus Uvularia bellwort merry bells Uvularia grandiflora cornflower Taccaceae family Taccaceae Tacca genus Tacca Indian arrowroot Tacca leontopetaloides Tacca pinnatifida pia Agavaceae agave family family Agavaceae sisal family American aloe agave Agave americana American agave Agave sisalana sisal Agave cantala cantala Agave atrovirens maguey Cebu maguey cantala Cordyline genus Cordyline Cordyline terminalis ti Cordyline australis cabbage tree Dracaenaceae Dracenaceae subfamily Dracaenaceae subfamily Dracenaceae Dracaena draco dragon tree Nolina genus Nolina Nolina microcarpa bear grass Polianthes genus Polianthes Polianthes tuberosa tuberose bowstring hemp sansevieria African bowstring hemp African hemp Ceylon bowstring hemp Sansevieria zeylanica Sansevieria trifasciata mother-in-law''s tongue Spanish bayonet Yucca aloifolia Spanish bayonet Yucca baccata Joshua tree Yucca brevifolia Spanish dagger Yucca carnerosana Yucca elata soap tree Adam''s needle Adam''s needle-and-thread Yucca filamentosa needle palm Yucca glauca bear grass Spanish dagger Yucca gloriosa Yucca smalliana bear grass Our Lord''s candle Yucca whipplei Menyanthaceae buckbean family Menyanthes genus Menyanthes Menyanthes trifoliata bog myrtle bogbean buckbean marsh trefoil water shamrock Loganiaceae family Loganiaceae Logania genus Logania buddleia butterfly bush Gelsemium genus Gelsemium Carolina jasmine Gelsemium sempervirens evening trumpet flower jellow jessamine Linaceae family Linaceae Physostigma genus Physostigma Physostigma venenosum calabar-bean vine calabar bean ordeal bean Caesalpiniaceae family Caesalpiniaceae Caesalpinioideae subfamily Caesalpinioideae Caesalpinia genus Caesalpinia Caesalpinia bonduc Caesalpinia bonducella bonduc bonduc tree Caesalpinia coriaria divi-divi Caesalpinia decapetala Caesalpinia sepiaria Caesalpinia echinata brazilwood peachwood pernambuco wood Caesalpinia ferrea brazilian ironwood Caesalpinia gilliesii Poinciana gilliesii bird of paradise poinciana Caesalpinia pulcherrima Poinciana pulcherrima flamboyant tree paradise flower Acrocarpus genus Acrocarpus Acrocarpus fraxinifolius shingle tree Bauhinia genus Bauhinia Bauhinia monandra butterfly flower Bauhinia variegata mountain ebony Brachystegia genus Brachystegia Brachystegia speciformis msasa Cassia fistula canafistola canafistula drumstick tree golden shower tree pudding pipe tree Cassia grandis horse cassia pink shower pink shower tree Cassia javonica rainbow shower Cassia marginata Cassia roxburghii Ceratonia genus Ceratonia Ceratonia siliqua algarroba carob carob bean tree algarroba algarroba bean carob carob bean locust bean locust pod Cercidium genus Cercidium Chamaecrista genus Chamaecrista Cassia fasciculata Chamaecrista fasciculata partridge pea sensitive pea Delonix genus Delonix Delonix regia Poinciana regia flamboyant flame tree peacock flower royal poinciana locust locust tree Gleditsia genus Gleditsia Gleditsia aquatica swamp locust Gleditsia triacanthos honey locust Gymnocladus genus Gymnocladus Gymnocladus dioica Kentucky coffee tree bonduc chicot Haematoxylon Haematoxylum genus Haematoxylon genus Haematoxylum Haematoxylum campechianum bloodwood tree campeachy logwood Parkinsonia genus Parkinsonia Jerusalem thorn Parkinsonia aculeata Cercidium floridum Parkinsonia florida Petteria genus Petteria Cytisus ramentaceus Dalmatian laburnum Poinciana subgenus Poinciana Cassia alata Senna alata ringworm bush ringworm cassia Cassia auriculata Senna auriculata avaram tanner''s cassia Alexandria senna Alexandrian senna Cassia acutifolia Cassia augustifolia Indian senna Senna alexandrina tinnevelly senna true senna Cassia marilandica Senna marilandica Cassia tora Senna obtusifolia Cassia occidentalis Senna occidentalis coffee senna mogdad coffee stinking weed styptic weed Tamarindus genus Tamarindus Tamarindus indica tamarind tamarind tree tamarindo Papilionaceae family Papilionacea Papilionoideae subfamily Papilionoideae Amorpha canescens lead plant Amorpha californica bastard indigo Amorpha fruticosa bastard indigo Amphicarpa Amphicarpaea genus Amphicarpa genus Amphicarpaea Amphicarpa bracteata Amphicarpaea bracteata hog peanut wild peanut Anagyris genus Anagyris Anagyris foetida bean trefoil Andira genus Andira andelmin angelim Andira inermis cabbage bark cabbage tree cabbage-bark tree Anthyllis genus Anthyllis Anthyllis barba-jovis Jupiter''s beard Anthyllis vulneraria kidney vetch Apios genus Apios Apios americana Apios tuberosa Indian potato groundnut groundnut vine potato bean Aspalathus genus Aspalathus Aspalathus cedcarbergensis Aspalathus linearis Astragalus genus Astragalus milk vetch milkvetch Astragalus glycyphyllos wild licorice Astragalus alpinus alpine milk vetch Astragalus danicus purple milk vetch Baphia genus Baphia African sandalwood Baphia nitida Baptisia genus Baptisia false indigo wild indigo Baptisia australis blue false indigo Baptisia lactea white false indigo Baptisia tinctoria horsefly weed indigo broom rattle weed Butea genus Butea Butea frondosa Butea monosperma dak dhak Cajanus genus Cajanus Cajanus cajan cajan pea catjang pea dahl dhal pigeon pea pigeon-pea plant red gram Canavalia genus Canavalia Canavalia ensiformis giant stock bean jack bean wonder bean Canavalia gladiata sword bean caragana pea tree Caragana arborescens Siberian pea tree Caragana sinica Chinese pea tree Castanospermum genus Castanospermum Australia chestnut Moreton Bay chestnut Centrosema genus Centrosema Centrosema virginianum butterfly pea Cercis genus Cercis Circis siliquastrum Judas tree Cercis canadenis redbud California redbud Cercis occidentalis Chamaecytisus genus Chamaecytisus Chamaecytisus palmensis Cytesis proliferus Chordospartium genus Chordospartium Chorizema genus Chorizema Cicer genus Cicer Cicer arietinum Egyptian pea chickpea chickpea plant chickpea garbanzo Cladrastis genus Cladrastis Cladrastis kentukea Cladrastis lutea Kentucky yellowwood gopherwood clianthus glory pea Clianthus formosus Clianthus speciosus Sturt pea Sturt''s desert pea Clianthus puniceus parrot''s beak Clitoria genus Clitoria Clitoria mariana butterfly pea Clitoria turnatea blue pea Codariocalyx genus Codariocalyx Codariocalyx motorius Desmodium gyrans Desmodium motorium semaphore plant Colutea genus Colutea Colutea arborescens bladder senna Coronilla varia axseed crotalaria rattlebox American rattlebox Crotalaria sagitallis Crotalaria spectabilis Indian rattlebox Cyamopsis genus Cyamopsis Cyamopsis psoraloides Cyamopsis tetragonolobus cluster bean guar Cytisus genus Cytisus Cytisus albus Cytisus multiflorus white Spanish broom white broom Cytisus scoparius Scotch broom common broom green broom hexenbesen staghead witch broom witches'' broom Dalbergia genus Dalbergia rosewood rosewood tree Dalbergia latifolia East India rosewood East Indian rosewood Indian blackwood Dalbergia sissoo sisham sissoo sissu Dalbergia cearensis kingwood Brazilian rosewood Dalbergia nigra caviuna wood jacaranda Dalbergia stevensonii Honduras rosewood Dalbergia retusa cocobolo blackwood blackwood tree Dalea genus Dalea Dalea spinosa smoke tree Daviesia genus Daviesia Derris elliptica derris root Desmanthus genus Desmanthus Desmanthus ilinoensis prairie mimosa Desmodium genus Desmodium beggar lice beggar''s lice Desmodium purpureum Desmodium tortuosum Dipogon genus Dipogon Australian pea Dipogon lignosus Dolichos genus Dolichos coral tree erythrina Cape kafferboom Erythrina caffra Erythrina corallodendrum coral bean tree Erythrina crista-galli ceibo common coral tree cry-baby tree Erythrina lysistemon Transvaal kafferboom Erythrina Indica Erythrina variegata Erythrina vespertilio cork tree Galega genus Galega Galega officinalis goat rue gastrolobium poison bush Genista genus Genista Genista anglica broom tree needle furze petty whin Genista hispanica Spanish broom Genista tinctoria dyer''s greenweed dyer''s-broom dyeweed greenweed whin woadwaxen woodwaxen Geoffroea genus Geoffroea Geoffroea decorticans chanal Glycine genus Glycine Glycine max soja soja bean soy soya soya bean soybean soybean plant soy soyabean Glycyrrhiza genus Glycyrrhiza Glycyrrhiza glabra licorice American licorice American liquorice Glycyrrhiza lepidota wild licorice Halimodendron genus Halimodendron Halimodendron argenteum Halimodendron halodendron Hardenbergia genus Hardenbergia Hardenbergia comnptoniana Western Australia coral pea Hedysarum genus Hedysarum Hedysarum boreale sweet vetch French honeysuckle Hedysarum coronarium Hippocrepis genus Hippocrepis Hippocrepis comosa horseshoe vetch hovea purple pea Indigofera genus Indigofera Indigofera tinctoria indigo Indigofera anil Indigofera suffruticosa Jacksonia genus Jacksonia Kennedia Kennedya genus Kennedia genus Kennedya Kennedia coccinea coral vine Kennedia prostrata running postman Lablab genus Lablab Dolichos lablab Egyptian bean Indian bean Lablab purpureus bonavist hyacinth bean Laburnum genus Laburnum Alpine golden chain Laburnum alpinum Laburnum anagyroides common laburnum golden chain golden rain Lathyrus genus Lathyrus Caley pea Lathyrus hirsutus rough pea singletary pea Lathyrus latifolius broad-leaved everlasting pea Lathyrus japonicus Lathyrus maritimus beach pea sea pea Lathyrus niger black pea Lathyrus nissolia grass vetch Lathyrus odoratus sweet pea Lathyrus palustris marsh pea Lathyrus pratensis common vetchling meadow pea yellow vetchling Indian pea Lathyrus sativus grass pea khesari Lathyrus splendens pride of California Lathyrus sylvestris flat pea Lalthyrus tingitanus Tangier pea Lathyrus tuberosus earth-nut pea earthnut pea heath pea Lathyrus vernus spring vetch bush clover lespedeza Lespedeza bicolor bicolor lespediza Lespedeza striata jap clover japan clover japanese clover Korean lespedeza Lespedeza stipulacea Lespedeza cuneata Lespedeza sericea Lens genus Lens Lens culinaris lentil Lonchocarpus genus Lonchocarpus Lotus genus Lotus Lotus americanus compass plant prairie bird''s-foot trefoil prairie lotus Lotus berthelotii coral gem Lotus corniculatus babies'' slippers bacon and eggs bird''s foot clover Lotus tetragonolobus asparagus pea Lupinus genus Lupinus lupin lupine Egyptian lupine Lupinus albus field lupine white lupine Lupinus arboreus tree lupine Lupinus luteus yellow lupine Indian beet Lupinus perennis old-maid''s bonnet sundial lupine Lupinus subcarnosus Texas bluebonnet bluebonnet buffalo clover Lupinus texensis Texas bluebonnet Macrotyloma genus Macrotyloma Dolichos biflorus Macrotyloma uniflorum horse grain horse gram Medicago genus Medicago medic medick Medicago arborea moon trefoil Medicago falcata sickle alfalfa sickle lucerne sickle medick Calvary clover Medicago echinus Medicago lupulina black medick hop clover nonesuch clover Medicago sativa alfalfa Stizolobium genus Mucuna Bengal bean Benghal bean Florida bean Mucuna aterrima Mucuna deeringiana Mucuna pruriens utilis Stizolobium deeringiana cowage Myroxylon genus Myroxylon Myroxylon balsamum Myroxylon toluiferum tolu balsam tree tolu tree Myroxylon balsamum pereirae Myroxylon pereirae balsam of tolu tolu Onobrychis genus Onobrychis Onobrychis viciaefolia Onobrychis viciifolia esparcet holy clover sainfoin sanfoin Ononis genus Ononis Ononis repens restharrow Ononis spinosa restharrow Ormosia genus Ormosia Ormosia monosperma bead tree jumby bean jumby tree Ormosia coarctata jumbie bead Oxytropis genus Oxytropis crazy weed crazyweed Oxytropis lambertii purple loco Pachyrhizus genus Pachyrhizus Pachyrhizus erosus yam bean Pachyrhizus tuberosus potato bean Parochetus genus Parochetus Parochetus communis shamrock pea Phaseolus genus Phaseolus bean bean plant Phaseolus vulgaris common bean frijol frijole French bean green bean snap bean string bean Dutch case-knife bean Phaseolus coccineus Phaseolus multiflorus runner bean scarlet runner scarlet runner bean shell bean shell bean plant Phaseolus limensis lima bean Phaseolus lunatus butter bean butter-bean plant lima bean Phaseolus acutifolius latifolius tepary bean Pickeringia genus Pickeringia Pickeringia montana chaparral pea Piscidia genus Piscidia Jamaica dogwood Piscidia erythrina Piscidia piscipula fish fuddle Pisum genus Pisum pea pea plant Pisum sativum common pea garden pea garden pea plant Pisum sativum macrocarpon edible-pod pea snow pea sugar pea snap pea sugar snap pea Austrian winter pea Pisum arvense Pisum sativum arvense field pea Platylobium genus Platylobium Platylobium formosum flat pea Playlobium obtusangulum common flat pea Platymiscium genus Platymiscium Platymiscium trinitatis roble Panama redwood Panama redwood tree Panama redwood quira Podalyria genus Podalyria Pongamia genus Pongamia Indian beech Pongamia glabra Psophocarpus genus Psophocarpus Manila bean Psophocarpus tetragonolobus goa bean goa bean vine winged bean winged pea Psoralea genus Psoralea Indian breadroot Psoralea esculenta breadroot pomme blanche Pterocarpus genus Pterocarpus Pterocarpus angolensis bloodwood tree Pterocarpus indicus amboyna padauk padouk Andaman redwood amboyna Burma padauk Burmese rosewood Pterocarpus marsupium kino East India kino Malabar kino Pterocarpus santalinus red sandalwood red sanders red sanderswood red sandalwood ruby wood Pueraria genus Pueraria Pueraria lobata kudzu Retama genus Retama Genista raetam Retama raetam juniper juniper bush raetam retem Robinia genus Robinia Robinia hispida bristly locust moss locust rose acacia Robinia pseudoacacia black locust Robinia viscosa clammy locust Sabinea genus Sabinea Sabinea carinalis carib wood Colorado River hemp Sesbania exaltata Sesbania grandiflora scarlet wisteria tree Sophora genus Sophora Chinese scholar tree Chinese scholartree Japanese pagoda tree Sophora japonica Sophora secundiflora coral bean frijolillo frijolito Sophora tetraptera kowhai Spartium genus Spartium Spanish broom Spartium junceum Strongylodon genus Strongylodon Strongylodon macrobotrys emerald creeper Templetonia genus Templetonia Templetonia retusa coral bush Tephrosia genus Tephrosia Tephrosia purpurea bastard indigo Tephrosia virginiana catgut goat''s rue wild sweet pea Thermopsis genus Thermopsis Thermopsis macrophylla false lupine golden pea yellow pea Carolina lupine Thermopsis villosa Tipuana genus Tipuana pride of Bolivia tipu tipu tree yellow jacaranda Trigonella genus Trigonella Trigonella ornithopodioides bird''s foot trefoil Greek clover Trigonella foenumgraecum Ulex genus Ulex Irish gorse Ulex europaeus furze gorse Vicia genus Vicia Calnada pea Vicia cracca bird vetch tufted vetch English bean European bean Vicia faba broad bean broad-bean plant broadbean broad bean fava bean Vicia orobus bitter betch Vicia sativa spring vetch Vicia sepium bush vetch Vicia villosa hairy tare Vigna genus Vigna Phaseolus aconitifolius Vigna aconitifolia Phaseolus angularis Vigna angularis adsuki bean adzuki bean Phaseolus caracalla Vigna caracalla corkscrew flower snail bean snail flower snailflower Phaseolus aureus Vigna radiata golden gram green gram mung mung bean Vigna sinensis Vigna unguiculata black-eyed pea cowpea black-eyed pea cowpea Vigna sesquipedalis Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis asparagus bean yard-long bean Viminaria genus Viminaria Viminaria denudata Viminaria juncea Virgilia genus Virgilia Virgilia capensis Virgilia oroboides Virgilia divaricata keurboom wistaria wisteria Japanese wistaria Wisteria floribunda Chinese wistaria Wisteria chinensis American wistaria Wisteria frutescens Wisteria venusta silky wisteria Palmales order Palmales Arecaceae Palmaceae Palmae family Arecaceae family Palmaceae family Palmae palm palm tree Acrocomia genus Acrocomia Acrocomia vinifera coyol Acrocomia aculeata gri-gri grugru grugru palm Areca catechu betel palm Arenga genus Arenga Arenga pinnata gomuti gomuti palm sugar palm Attalea genus Attalea Attalea funifera Bahia piassava bahia coquilla piassava palm Borassus genus Borassus Borassus flabellifer longar palm lontar palmyra palmyra palm toddy palm Calamus rotang rattan Calamus australis lawyer cane Caryota genus Caryota Caryota urens jaggery palm kittul kitul kitul tree toddy alm Ceroxylon genus ceroxylon Ceroxylon alpinum Ceroxylon andicola Cocos genus Cocos Cocos nucifera coco coco palm cocoa palm coconut coconut palm Copernicia genus Copernicia Copernicia cerifera Copernicia prunifera carnauba carnauba palm carnauba carnauba wax Copernicia alba Copernicia australis caranda caranda palm caranday wax palm corozo corozo palm Corypha genus Corypha Corypha gebanga Corypha utan Corypha umbraculifera talipot Elaeis genus Elaeis African oil palm Elaeis guineensis American oil palm Elaeis oleifera palm kernel palm nut Euterpe genus Euterpe Euterpe oleracea cabbage palm Livistona genus Livistona Livistona australis cabbage palm Metroxylon genus Metroxylon Metroxylon sagu true sago palm Nipa Nypa genus Nipa genus Nypa Nipa fruticans nipa palm Orbignya genus Orbignya Orbignya martiana Orbignya phalerata Orbignya spesiosa babassu babassu palm coco de macao babacu oil babassu oil Orbignya cohune cohune cohune fat cohune oil Phoenicophorium genus Phoenicophorium Phoenix genus Phoenix Phoenix dactylifera date palm Phytelephas genus Phytelephas Phytelephas macrocarpa ivory palm ivory plant ivory-nut palm apple nut ivory nut Raffia Raphia genus Raffia genus Raphia Raffia farinifera Raffia ruffia Raffia taedigera jupati jupati palm jupaty Raffia vinifera bamboo palm Rhapis genus Rhapis Rhapis excelsa bamboo palm fern rhapis miniature fan palm Rhapis humilis reed rhapis Roystonea genus Roystonea Roystonea regia royal palm Roystonea oleracea cabbage palm Sabal genus Sabal Sabal palmetto cabbage palm Serenoa genus Serenoa Serenoa repens saw palmetto Thrinax genus Thrinax Thrinax parviflora broom palm silver thatch thatch palm Thrinax keyensis Thrinax microcarpa Thrinax morrisii key palm silver thatch silvertop palmetto Plantaginales order Plantaginales Plantaginaceae family Plantaginaceae Plantago genus Plantago English plantain Plantago lanceolata buckthorn narrow-leaved plantain ribgrass ribwort Plantago major broad-leaved plantain cart-track plant common plantain white-man''s foot whiteman''s foot Plantago media hoary plantain Plantago psyllium Spanish psyllium fleawort psyllium Plantago rugelii broad-leaved plantain Plantago virginica hoary plantain Polygonales order Polygonales Polygonaceae buckwheat family Polygonum genus Polygonum China fleece vine Polygonum aubertii Russian vine silver lace vine Fagopyrum genus Fagopyrum Fagopyrum esculentum Polygonum fagopyrum Polygonum orientale kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate prince''s-feather prince''s-plume Eriogonum allenii umbrella plant California buckwheat Erigonum fasciculatum Rheum genus Rheum rhubarb rhubarb plant Himalayan rhubarb Indian rhubarb Rheum australe Rheum emodi Rheum cultorum Rheum rhabarbarum Rheum rhaponticum garden rhubarb Chinese rhubarb Rheum palmatum Rumex genus Rumex dock sorrel Rumex acetosa garden sorrel Rumex acetosella sheep sorrel Rumex obtusifolius bitter dock broad-leaved dock yellow dock French sorrel Rumex scutatus Commelinales Xyridales order Commelinales order Xyridales Xyridaceae family Xyridaceae Xyris genus Xyris Xyris operculata tall yellow-eye Commelinaceae family Commelinaceae dayflower spiderwort Paradisea liliastrum St.-Bruno''s-lily Tradescantia genus Tradescantia Bromeliaceae family Bromeliaceae Ananas genus Ananas Ananas comosus pineapple Tillandsia genus Tillandsia Spanish moss Tillandsia usneoides black moss long moss Mayacaceae family Mayacaceae Mayaca genus Mayaca Rapateaceae family Rapateaceae Eriocaulaceae family Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon genus Eriocaulon Eriocaulon aquaticum pipewort Pontederiaceae family Pontederiaceae Pontederia genus Pontederia Pontederia cordata pickerel weed pickerelweed wampee Eichhornia genus Eichhornia Eichhornia crassipes Eichhornia spesiosa water hyacinth water orchid Heteranthera genus Heteranthera Heteranthera dubia mud plantain Alismales Naiadales order Alismales order Naiadales Naiadaceae Najadaceae family Naiadaceae family Najadaceae Naias Najas genus Naias genus Najas naiad water nymph Alismataceae family Alismataceae Alisma genus Alisma Alisma plantago-aquatica water plantain Sagittaria genus Sagittaria Hydrocharidaceae Hydrocharitaceae family Hydrocharidaceae family Hydrocharitaceae frog''s-bit family frogbit family Hydrocharis genus Hydrocharis Hydrocharis morsus-ranae frog''s-bit Hydrilla verticillata hydrilla Limnobium genus Limnobium American frogbit Limnodium spongia Elodea ditchmoss genus Elodea pondweed Canadian pondweed Elodea canadensis Egeria densa Elodea densa Egeria genus Egeria Vallisneria genus Vallisneria Vallisneria spiralis eelgrass tape grass wild celery Potamogetonaceae family Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton genus Potamogeton Potamogeton crispus curled pondweed Potamogeton gramineous variously-leaved pondweed Potamogeton americanus Potamogeton nodosus Groenlandia genus Groenlandia Juncaginaceae Scheuchzeriaceae arrow-grass family family Juncaginaceae Triglochin genus Triglochin Triglochin maritima arrow grass Zannichelliaceae family Zannichelliaceae Zannichellia genus Zannichellia Zannichellia palustris horned pondweed Zosteraceae eelgrass family Zostera genus Zostera Zostera marina eelgrass grass wrack sea wrack Rosales order Rosales Rosaceae family Rosaceae Rosa genus Rosa Rosa pendulina mountain rose Rosa spithamaea ground rose Rosa banksia banksia rose Rosa canina dog rose Bengal rose China rose Rosa damascena damask rose Rosa eglanteria briar brier eglantine sweetbriar sweetbrier bier patch brier Cherokee rose Rosa laevigata Japanese rose Rosa multiflora baby rose multiflora Rosa moschata musk rose Rosa odorata tea rose agrimonia agrimony Agrimonia eupatoria harvest-lice Agrimonia procera fragrant agrimony Amelanchier genus Amelanchier Juneberry service tree serviceberry shadblow Amelanchier alnifolia alder-leaved serviceberry Amelanchier bartramiana Bartram Juneberry Chaenomeles genus Chaenomeles Chaenomeles japonica japonica Chaenomeles speciosa Japanese quince Chrysobalanus genus Chrysobalanus Chrysobalanus icaco coco plum coco plum tree cocoa plum Crataegus genus Crataegus haw hawthorn Crataegus apiifolia Crataegus marshallii parsely-leaved thorn parsley haw Crataegus biltmoreana scarlet haw Crataegus calpodendron Crataegus tomentosa blackthorn pear haw Crataegus crus-galli cockspur hawthorn Crataegus aestivalis mayhaw Crataegus laevigata Crataegus oxycantha English hawthorn may Crataegus monogyna English hawthorn Crataegus coccinea mollis Crataegus mollis downy haw red haw Crataegus oxyacantha evergreen thorn Crataegus coccinea Crataegus pedicellata Cydonia genus Cydonia Cydonia oblonga quince Dryas genus Dryas Dryas octopetala mountain avens Eriobotrya genus Eriobotrya Eriobotrya japonica Japanese medlar Japanese plum loquat Fragaria genus Fragaria Fragaria ananassa cultivated strawberry Fragaria vesca wild strawberry Chilean strawberry Fragaria chiloensis Fragaria virginiana Virginia strawberry Geum genus Geum Geum alleppicum strictum Geum strictum Geum canadense bennet Geum macrophyllum yellow avens Geum rivale Indian chocolate chocolate root purple avens Geum triflorum prairie smoke Geum urbanum cloveroot herb bennet wood avens Geum virginianum bennet Heteromeles genus Heteromeles Christmas berry Christmasberry Heteromeles arbutifolia Photinia arbutifolia tollon toyon Malus genus Malus Malus pumila apple crab apple wild apple crab apple cultivated crab apple Malus baccata Siberian crab Siberian crab apple cherry apple Malus sylvestris wild crab American crab apple Malus coronaria Malus fusca Oregon crab apple Malus angustifolia Southern crab apple Iowa crab Malus ioensis Uowa crab apple prairie crab Bechtel crab flowering crab Mespilus genus Mespilus Mespilus germanica medlar Photinia genus Photinia Potentilla genus Potentilla cinquefoil five-finger Potentilla anserina goose grass goose-tansy silverweed Poterium genus Poterium Poterium sanguisorba burnet bloodwort pimpernel salad burnet Prunus genus Prunus plum plum tree wild plum wild plum tree Alleghany plum Allegheny plum Prunus alleghaniensis sloe American red plum August plum Prunus americana goose plum Prunus angustifolia chickasaw plum hog plum hog plum bush Prunus maritima beach plum Prunus domestica common plum Prunus insititia bullace Prunus domestica insititia damson plum Prunus mexicana big-tree plum Canada plum Prunus nigra plumcot plumcot tree apricot apricot tree Japanese apricot Prunus mume Prunus armeniaca common apricot Prunus dasycarpa black apricot cherry cherry tree wild cherry wild cherry tree Prunus avium sweet cherry heart cherry oxheart gean mazzard Prunus besseyi Rocky Mountains cherry Prunus capuli capulin Prunus caroliniana cherry laurel laurel cherry mock orange Prunus cerasifera cherry plum myrobalan myrobalan plum Prunus cerasus sour cherry Prunus cerasus caproniana amarelle Prunus cerasus austera morello Prunus cerasus marasca marasca marasca cherry maraschino cherry Amygdalaceae family Amygdalaceae Amygdalus genus Amygdalus Amygdalus communis Prunus amygdalus Prunus dulcis almond Amygdalus communis amara Prunus dulcis amara almond oil expressed almond oil Prunus glandulosa dwarf flowering almond Prunus ilicifolia evergreen cherry holly-leaf cherry holly-leaved cherry Prunus incisa fuji Prunus japonica flowering almond Prunus laurocerasus cherry laurel Catalina cherry Prunus lyonii bird cherry bird cherry tree European bird cherry Prunus padus common bird cherry hagberry tree Prunus pensylvanica pin cherry Prunus persica peach Prunus persica nectarina nectarine Prunus cuneata Prunus pumila Prunus pumilla susquehanae Prunus susquehanae Japanese plum Prunus salicina Prunus serotina black cherry black cherry tree rum cherry Japanese cherry Japanese flowering cherry Prunus serrulata oriental cherry Japanese flowering cherry Prunus sieboldii Prunus spinosa blackthorn Pacific plum Prunus subcordata Prunus subhirtella rosebud cherry Prunus tenella Russian almond Prunus triloba flowering almond Prunus virginiana chokecherry Prunus demissa Prunus virginiana demissa Pyracantha fire thorn firethorn pyracanth Pyrus genus Pyrus Pyrus communis pear Rubus genus Rubus Rubus australis Rubus cissoides bush lawyer lawyer bush Rubus saxatilis stone bramble blackberry blackberry bush Rubus fruticosus true blackberry Rubus cuneifolius sand blackberry dewberry dewberry bush Rubus ursinus western blackberry boysenberry boysenberry bush Rubus loganobaccus Rubus ursinus loganobaccus American dewberry Rubus canadensis American dewberry Northern dewberry Rubus trivialis Southern dewberry Rubus hispidus swamp blackberry European dewberry Rubus caesius raspberry raspberry bush European raspberry Rubus idaeus framboise wild raspberry American raspberry Rubus idaeus strigosus Rubus occidentalis black raspberry blackcap blackcap raspberry Rubus spectabilis salmonberry Rubus parviflorus salmon berry salmonberry thimbleberry Rubus chamaemorus bakeapple baked-apple berry cloudberry dwarf mulberry salmonberry Rubus odoratus flowering raspberry purple-flowering raspberry thimbleberry Rubus phoenicolasius wineberry Sorbus genus Sorbus European mountain ash Sorbus aucuparia rowan rowan tree American mountain ash Sorbus americana Sorbus sitchensis Western mountain ash Sorbus domestica service tree sorb apple sorb apple tree Sorbus torminalis wild service tree Spiraea genus Spiraea spiraea spirea Saint Peter''s wreath Spiraea prunifolia St. Peter''s wreath bridal wreath Rubiales order Rubiales Rubiaceae family Rubiaceae madderwort rubiaceous plant Rubia genus Rubia Indian madder Rubia cordifolia Rubia tinctorum madder Asperula genus Asperula Asperula tinctoria dyer''s woodruff Calycophyllum genus Calycophyllum Calycophyllum candidissimum dagame Chiococca genus Chiococca Chiococca alba West Indian snowberry Coffea genus Coffea coffee coffee tree Arabian coffee Coffea arabica Coffea liberica Liberian coffee Coffea canephora Coffea robusta Rio Nunez coffee robusta coffee genus Chinchona genus Cinchona chinchona cinchona Cartagena bark Cinchona cordifolia Cinchona calisaya Cinchona ledgeriana Cinchona officinalis calisaya Cinchona pubescens cinchona tree Jesuit''s bark Peruvian bark Galium genus Galium Asperula odorata Galium odoratum fragrant bedstraw sweet woodruff waldmeister woodruff Galium boreale Northern bedstraw Galium verum Our Lady''s bedstraw yellow bedstraw yellow cleavers Galium lanceolatum wild licorice Galium aparine catchweed cleavers clivers goose grass spring cleavers Galium mollugo false baby''s breath infant''s-breath white bedstraw white madder wild madder Gardenia augusta Gardenia jasminoides cape jasmine cape jessamine Genipa Americana genipap fruit jagua marmalade box Hamelia erecta Hamelia patens coloradillo scarlet bush Mitchella genus Mitchella Mitchella repens boxberry partridgeberry twinberry Nauclea genus Nauclea Nauclea diderrichii Sarcocephalus diderrichii Pinckneya genus Pinckneya Georgia bark Pinckneya pubens bitter-bark fever tree Psychotria genus Psychotria Psychotria capensis lemonwood Sarcocephalus genus Sarcocephalus Sarcocephalus esculentus Sarcocephalus latifolius Vangueria genus Vangueria Vangueria infausta medlar wild medlar wild medlar tree Spanish tamarind Vangueria madagascariensis Caprifoliaceae family Caprifoliaceae Diervilla genus Diervilla Diervilla lonicera bush honeysuckle Diervilla sessilifolia bush honeysuckle Kolkwitzia genus Kolkwitzia Kolkwitzia amabilis beauty bush Leycesteria genus Leycesteria Himalaya honeysuckle Leycesteria formosa Linnaea genus Linnaea Linnaea borealis twinflower American twinflower Linnaea borealis americana Lonicera genus Lonicera Lonicera albiflora white honeysuckle American fly honeysuckle Lonicera canadensis Italian honeysuckle Italian woodbine Lonicera dioica yellow honeysuckle Lonicera flava yellow honeysuckle Lonicera hirsuta hairy honeysuckle Lonicera involucrata twinberry Japanese honeysuckle Lonicera japonica Hall''s honeysuckle Lonicera japonica halliana Lonicera morrowii Morrow''s honeysuckle Lonicera periclymenum woodbine Lonicera sempervirens coral honeysuckle trumpet flower trumpet honeysuckle Lonicera tatarica Tartarian honeysuckle European fly honeysuckle European honeysuckle Symphoricarpos genus Symphoricarpos Symphoricarpos alba common snowberry snowberry waxberry Indian currant Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Sambucus genus Sambucus elder elderberry bush American elder Sambucus canadensis black elderberry sweet elder Sambucus caerulea blue elder Sambucus ebulus danewort European elder Sambucus nigra black elder bourtree common elder elderberry American red elder Sambucus pubens red-berried elder stinking elder European red elder Sambucus racemosa Triostium genus Triostium Triostium perfoliatum feverroot horse gentian tinker''s root Viburnum genus Viburnum American cranberry bush Viburnum trilobum cranberry bush cranberry tree Viburnum lantana twistwood European cranberry bush European cranberrybush Viburnum opulus crampbark cranberry tree guelder rose Viburnum dentatum arrow wood Viburnum recognitum arrow wood Viburnum prunifolium black haw Weigela florida weigela Dipsacaceae family Dipsacaceae Dipsacus genus Dipsacus teasel teasle Dipsacus fullonum common teasel Dipsacus sativus fuller''s teasel Dipsacus sylvestris wild teasel scabiosa scabious Scabiosa atropurpurea mournful widow pincushion flower sweet scabious Scabiosa arvensis field scabious Balsaminaceae balsam family Impatiens capensis celandine jewelweed lady''s earrings orange balsam touch-me-not Geraniales order Geraniales Geraniaceae family Geraniaceae crane''s bill cranesbill Geranium maculatum spotted cranesbill Geranium pratense meadow cranesbill Geranium richardsonii Richardson''s geranium Geranium robertianum herb robert herb roberts herbs robert Geranium viscosissimum sticky geranium Geranium molle dove''s foot geranium Pelargonium genus Pelargonium Pelargonium graveolens rose geranium Pelargonium hortorum bedding geranium fish geranium zonal pelargonium Pelargonium peltatum hanging geranium ivy geranium ivy-leaved geranium Pelargonium odoratissimum apple geranium Pelargonium limoneum lemon geranium Erodium genus Erodium heron''s bill storksbill Erodium cicutarium alfilaria alfileria clocks filaree filaria pin clover pin grass Erodium moschatum musk clover muskus grass white-stemmed filaree Erodium texanum Texas storksbill Erythroxylaceae family Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylon Erythroxylum genus Erythroxylon genus Erythroxylum Erythroxylon coca coca Burseraceae family Burseraceae elemi gum elemi Bursera genus Bursera Bursera microphylla elephant tree Bursera simaruba gumbo-limbo Boswellia genus Boswellia Boswellia serrata salai Commiphora genus Commiphora Commiphora meccanensis balm of gilead Commiphora myrrha myrrh tree gum myrrh myrrh Protium genus Protium Callitrichaceae family Callitrichaceae Callitriche genus Callitriche Malpighiaceae family Malpighiaceae Malpighia genus Malpighia Malpighia obovata jiqui Malpighia glabra Surinam cherry West Indian cherry acerola Meliaceae family Meliaceae mahogany mahogany tree Melia genus Melia China tree Melia azedarach Melia azederach Persian lilac azedarach azederach chinaberry chinaberry tree Azadirachta genus Azadirachta Azadirachta indica Melia Azadirachta arishth margosa neem neem tree Cedrela genus Cedrela Cedrela odorata Spanish cedar Chloroxylon genus Chloroxylon Chloroxylon swietenia satinwood Entandrophragma genus Entandrophragma African scented mahogany Entandrophragma cylindricum cedar mahogany sapele mahogany Flindersia genus Flindersia Flindersia australis flindosa flindosy native beech Flindersia schottiana bunji-bunji Khaya genus Khaya Lansium domesticum langsat langset lanseh tree Lovoa genus Lovoa African walnut Lovoa klaineana Swietinia genus Swietinia Cuban mahogany Dominican mahogany Swietinia mahogani true mahogany Honduras mahogany Swietinia macrophylla Toona genus Toona Cedrela calantas Philippine cedar Philippine mahogany Toona calantas Lepidobotryaceae family Lepidobotryaceae Ruptiliocarpon genus Ruptiliocarpon Ruptiliocarpon caracolito caracolito Oxalidaceae family Oxalidaceae oxalis sorrel Oxalis acetosella common wood sorrel cuckoo bread shamrock Bermuda buttercup English-weed Oxalis cernua Oxalis pes-caprae Oxalis corniculata creeping oxalis Oxalis caprina goat''s foot Oxalis violacea violet wood sorrel Oxalis crenata Oxalis tuberosa oca oka Averrhoa genus Averrhoa Averrhoa carambola carambola Averrhoa bilimbi bilimbi Polygalaceae family Polygalaceae Polygala genus Polygala Polygala alba senega Polygala lutea candyweed orange milkwort yellow bachelor''s button Polygala paucifolia bird-on-the-wing flowering wintergreen fringed polygala Polygala senega Seneca snakeroot Seneka snakeroot senega root senega snakeroot senga root Polygala vulgaris common milkwort Rutaceae family Rutaceae Ruta genus Ruta Ruta graveolens herb of grace citrus citrus tree orange orange tree Citrus aurantium Seville orange bigarade bitter orange bitter orange tree marmalade orange Citrus bergamia bergamot Citrus decumana Citrus grandis Citrus maxima pomelo pomelo tree pummelo Citrus medica citron Citrus paradisi grapefruit Citrus reticulata mandarin mandarin orange mandarin orange tree tangerine tangerine tree clementine clementine tree satsuma satsuma tree Citrus sinensis sweet orange Citrus nobilis king orange tangor temple orange Citrus tangelo tangelo tangelo tree ugli fruit Citrus limonia lemanderin rangpur rangpur lime Citrus limon lemon Citrus limetta sweet lemon Citrus aurantifolia lime Citroncirus genus Citroncirus Citroncirus webberi citrange Dictamnus genus Dictamnus Dictamnus alba burning bush dittany fraxinella Fortunella genus Fortunella cumquat kumquat Fortunella japonica marumi marumi kumquat round kumquat Fortunella margarita nagami nagami kumquat oval kumquat Phellodendron genus Phellodendron Phellodendron amurense cork tree Poncirus genus Poncirus Poncirus trifoliata trifoliata trifoliate orange wild orange Zanthoxylum genus Zanthoxylum Zanthoxylum americanum Zanthoxylum fraxineum sea ash toothache tree Hercules''-club Hercules''-clubs Hercules-club Zanthoxylum clava-herculis West Indian satinwood Zanthoxylum flavum Simaroubaceae family Simaroubaceae Simarouba genus Simarouba Simarouba amara marupa Simarouba glauca bitterwood Ailanthus altissima tree of heaven Irvingia genus Irvingia Irvingia gabonensis dika wild mango wild mango tree Kirkia genus Kirkia Kirkia wilmsii pepper tree Picrasma genus Picrasma Jamaica quassia Picrasma excelsa Picrasma excelsum bitterwood Quassia amara bitterwood Tropaeolaceae family Tropaeolaceae Tropaeolum genus Tropaeolum Indian cress Tropaeolum majus Tropaeolum minus bush nasturtium Tropaeolum peregrinum canary creeper canarybird flower canarybird vine Zygophyllaceae bean-caper family Zygophyllum genus Zygophyllum Syrian bean caper Zygophyllum fabago Bulnesia genus Bulnesia Bulnesia sarmienti palo santo guaiac wood guaiacum wood Guaiacum genus Guaiacum Guaiacum officinale lignum vitae guaiac guaiacum Guaiacum sanctum bastard lignum vitae Larrea genus Larrea Larrea tridentata coville creosote bush hediondilla Tribulus genus Tribulus Tribulus terestris caltrop Salicales order Salicales Salicaceae family Salicaceae Salix genus Salix willow willow tree Huntingdon willow Salix alba Salix alba sericea Salix sericea silky willow silver willow Salix alba vitellina Salix vitellina Salix alba caerulea cricket-bat willow Salix arctica arctic willow Babylonian weeping willow Salix babylonica Salix blanda Salix pendulina Salix pendulina blanda Wisconsin weeping willow Salix discolor pussy willow Salix caprea florist''s willow goat willow pussy willow Salix amygdaloides almond-leaves willow peach-leaved willow peachleaf willow Salix amygdalina Salix triandra almond willow black Hollander Salix candida hoary willow Salix fragilis brittle willow crack willow snap willow Salix humilis prairie willow Salix herbacea dwarf willow Salix cinerea gray willow Salix lasiolepis arroyo willow Salix lucida shining willow Salix nigra black willow Salix pentandra bay willow Salix purpurea basket willow purple osier purple willow red osier red willow Salix pyrifolia balsam willow Salix repens creeping willow Salix sitchensis Sitka willow Salix tristis dwarf gray willow Salix uva-ursi bearberry willow Salix viminalis common osier hemp willow velvet osier Populus genus Populus poplar poplar tree Populus balsamifera balsam poplar hackmatack tacamahac Populus alba abele aspen poplar silver-leaved poplar white aspen white poplar Populus canescens gray poplar Populus nigra black poplar Lombardy poplar Populus nigra italica Eastern cottonwood Populus deltoides Populus trichocarpa Western balsam poplar Populus heterophylla black cottonwood downy poplar swamp cottonwood European quaking aspen Populus tremula American aspen American quaking aspen Canadian aspen Populus grandidentata big-toothed aspen bigtooth aspen bigtoothed aspen large tooth aspen Santalales order Santalales Santalaceae family Santalaceae Santalum genus Santalum Santalum album sandalwood tree Buckleya distichophylla buckleya Comandra genus Comandra Comandra pallida bastard toadflax Eucarya Fusanus genus Eucarya genus Fusanus Eucarya acuminata Fusanus acuminatus quandang quandong Pyrularia genus Pyrularia Pyrularia pubera buffalo nut buffalo nut elk nut Loranthaceae family Loranthaceae Loranthus genus Loranthus Loranthus europaeus mistletoe Arceuthobium genus Arceuthobium American mistletoe Arceuthobium pusillum Nuytsia genus Nuytsia Christmas tree Nuytsia floribunda fire tree flame tree Viscaceae family Viscaceae Viscum genus Viscum Old World mistletoe Viscum album Phoradendron genus Phoradendron false mistletoe mistletoe American mistletoe Phoradendron flavescens Sapindales order Sapindales Sapindaceae family Sapindaceae soapberry soapberry tree Sapindus genus Sapindus Sapindus drumondii Sapindus marginatus China tree Sapindus saponaria chinaberry false dogwood Blighia genus Blighia Blighia sapida akee Cardiospermum genus Cardiospermum Cardiospermum grandiflorum heartseed Cardiospermum halicacabum balloon vine Dimocarpus genus Dimocarpus Dimocarpus longan Euphoria litchi Nephelium longana longan longanberry lungen Harpullia cupanioides harpulla Harpullia pendula Moreton Bay tulipwood Litchi chinensis Nephelium litchi lichee litchi Melicocca Melicoccus genus Melicocca genus Melicoccus Melicocca bijuga Melicocca bijugatus Spanish lime Spanish lime tree genip ginep honey berry mamoncillo Nephelium genus Nephelium Nephelium lappaceum rambotan rambutan rambutan tree Nephelium mutabile pulasan pulasan tree pulassan Buxaceae box family Buxus genus Buxus box boxwood Buxus sempervirens European box Turkish boxwood boxwood Allegheny mountain spurge Allegheny spurge Japanese spurge Pachysandra terminalis Celastraceae family Celastraceae spindle-tree family staff-tree family Celastrus genus Celastrus American bittersweet Celastrus scandens bittersweet climbing bittersweet false bittersweet staff vine Celastric articulatus Celastrus orbiculatus Japan bittersweet Japanese bittersweet Euonymus genus Euonymus spindle tree spindleberry Euonymus europaeus common spindle tree Euonymous alatus winged spindle tree Euonymus atropurpureus burning bush Euonymus americanus strawberry bush Euonymus fortunei radicans Euonymus radicans vegetus Cyrilliaceae cyrilla family family Cyrilliaceae titi family Cyrilla racemiflora cyrilla leatherwood white titi Cliftonia genus Cliftonia Cliftonia monophylla buckwheat tree Empetraceae crowberry family Empetrum genus Empetrum Aceraceae family Aceraceae Acer genus Acer Acer saccharinum silver maple Acer saccharum rock maple Acer rubrum red maple scarlet maple swamp maple Acer pennsylvanicum goosefoot maple moosewood striped dogwood Acer macrophyllum Oregon maple Acer glabrum Rocky-mountain maple Acer spicatum mountain alder Acer circinatum vine maple Acer campestre field maple Acer platanoides Norway maple Acer pseudoplatanus great maple scottish maple sycamore Acer negundo ash-leaved maple Acer negundo Californicum California box elder Acer argutum pointed-leaf maple Acer japonicum Japanese maple Acer palmatum Japanese maple Dipteronia genus Dipteronia Aquifoliaceae family Aquifoliaceae Ilex genus Ilex Chinese holly Ilex cornuta Ilex decidua bearberry possum haw winterberry Ilex glabra evergreen winterberry gallberry inkberry Ilex paraguariensis Paraguay tea American holly Christmas holly Anacardiaceae family Anacardiaceae Anacardium genus Anacardium Anacardium occidentale cashew Astronium genus Astronium Astronium fraxinifolium goncalo alves Cotinus genus Cotinus smoke bush smoke tree American smokewood Cotinus americanus Cotinus obovatus chittamwood Cotinus coggygria Venetian sumac Malosma genus Malosma Malosma laurina Rhus laurina Mangifera genus Mangifera Mangifera indica mango Pistacia genus Pistacia Pistacia vera pistachio Pistacia terebinthus terebinth Rhodosphaera genus Rhodosphaera Australian sumac Rhodosphaera rhodanthema Rhus genus Rhus shumac sumac Rhus aromatica fragrant sumac Rhus glabra scarlet sumac smooth sumac vinegar tree Rhus copallina black sumac dwarf sumac mountain sumac Rhus ovata sugar sumac Rhus typhina Virginian sumac staghorn sumac velvet sumac Rhus trilobata skunkbush Schinus genus Schinus Schinus chichita aroeira blanca Peruvian mastic tree Schinus molle molle pepper tree Brazilian pepper tree Schinus terebinthifolius Spondias genus Spondias Spondias mombin hog plum yellow mombin yellow mombin tree Spondias purpurea jocote mombin mombin tree Toxicodendron genus Toxicodendron Rhus vernix Toxicodendron vernix poison ash poison dogwood Rhus radicans Toxicodendron radicans markweed poison ivy poison mercury poison oak Rhus diversiloba Toxicodendron diversilobum Rhus quercifolia Rhus toxicodenedron Toxicodendron quercifolium eastern poison oak Chinese lacquer tree Japanese lacquer tree Japanese sumac Japanese varnish tree Rhus verniciflua Toxicodendron vernicifluum lacquer tree varnish tree Hippocastanaceae family Hippocastanaceae Aesculus genus Aesculus Aesculus hippocastanum buckeye buckeye conker bottlebrush buckeye dwarf buckeye Staphylaceae bladdernut family Staphylea genus Staphylea Ebenales order Ebenales Ebenaceae ebony family Diospyros genus Diospyros Diospyros ebenum ebony Andaman marble Diospyros kurzii persimmon persimmon tree Diospyros kaki Japanese persimmon American persimmon Diospyros virginiana Diospyros lotus date plum Sapotaceae family Sapotaceae Achras genus Achras Bumelia genus Bumelia Bumelia lycioides mock orange shittim shittimwood Bumelia lanuginosa black haw chittamwood chittimwood false buckthorn shittimwood Calocarpum genus Calocarpum Chrysophyllum genus Chrysophyllum Chrysophyllum cainito caimito Chrysophyllum oliviforme caimitillo damson plum satin leaf Manilkara genus Manilkara Manilkara bidentata balata balata tree beefwood balata gutta balata Achras zapota Manilkara zapota sapodilla sapodilla tree Palaquium genus Palaquium Palaquium gutta gutta-percha tree Payena genus Payena Pouteria genus Pouteria Pouteria campechiana nervosa canistel Calocarpum zapota Pouteria zapota mammee marmalade tree Symplocaceae family Symplocaceae Symplocus genus Symplocus Symplocus tinctoria sweetleaf Asiatic sweetleaf Symplocus paniculata Styracaceae family Styracaceae storax family styrax family Styrax obassia snowbell Japanese snowbell Styrax japonicum Styrax texana Texas snowbell Halesia genus Halesia Halesia carolina Halesia tetraptera opossum wood silver-bell tree silverbell tree snowdrop tree Sarraceniales order Sarraceniales Sarraceniaceae family Sarraceniaceae Sarracenia genus Sarracenia Sarracenia purpurea common pitcher plant huntsman''s cup huntsman''s cups Sarracenia minor hooded pitcher plant Sarracenia flava huntsman''s horn huntsman''s horns trumpets yellow pitcher plant yellow trumpet Darlingtonia genus Darlingtonia California pitcher plant Darlingtonia californica Heliamphora genus Heliamphora Nepenthaceae family Nepenthaceae Nepenthes genus Nepenthes Droseraceae family Droseraceae Drosera genus Drosera daily dew sundew Dionaea genus Dionaea Dionaea muscipula Venus''s flytrap Aldrovanda genus Aldrovanda Aldrovanda vesiculosa waterwheel plant Drosophyllum genus Drosophyllum Roridulaceae family Roridulaceae Cephalotaceae family Cephalotaceae Cephalotus genus Cephalotus Australian pitcher plant Cephalotus follicularis Crassulaceae family Crassulaceae Crassula genus Crassula Sedum acre wall pepper Sedum rosea midsummer-men Sedum telephium live-forever livelong orpin Aeonium genus Aeonium Aeonium haworthii pinwheel Cunoniaceae cunonia family Ceratopetalum genus Ceratopetalum Ceratopetalum gummiferum Christmas bush Hydrangeaceae family Hydrangeaceae Hydrangea anomala climbing hydrangea Hydrangea arborescens wild hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla hortensis hortensia Hydrangea paniculata fall-blooming hydrangea Hydrangea petiolaris climbing hydrangea Carpenteria californica carpenteria Decumaria genus Decumaria Decumaria barbara Decumaria barbata Philadelphaceae subfamily Philadelphaceae Philadelphus coronarius mock orange Schizophragma genus Schizophragma Schizophragma hydrangeoides climbing hydrangea Saxifragaceae family Saxifragaceae Saxifraga genus Saxifraga breakstone rockfoil Saxifraga aizoides yellow mountain saxifrage Saxifraga granulata fair-maids-of-France Saxifraga hypnoides mossy saxifrage Saxifraga occidentalis western saxifrage Saxifraga oppositifolia purple saxifrage Saxifraga stellaris star saxifrage Saxifraga sarmentosam Saxifraga stolonifera mother-of-thousands strawberry geranium Astilbe biternata false goatsbeard Astilbe chinensis pumila dwarf astilbe Astilbe japonica spiraea Boykinia genus Boykinia Boykinia elata Boykinia occidentalis Chrysosplenium genus Chrysosplenium golden saxifrage golden spleen Chrysosplenium americanum water carpet Darmera Peltiphyllum genus Darmera genus Peltiphyllum Darmera peltata Indian rhubarb Peltiphyllum peltatum umbrella plant Francoa genus Francoa Francoa ramosa bridal wreath Heuchera genus Heuchera alumbloom alumroot Heuchera americana rock geranium Heuchera cylindrica poker alumroot Heuchera sanguinea coralbells Leptarrhena genus Leptarrhena Leptarrhena pyrolifolia leatherleaf saxifrage Lithophragma genus Lithophragma Lithophragma affine Lithophragma affinis Tellima affinis woodland star Lithophragma parviflorum prairie star Mitella genus Mitella bishop''s cap miterwort Mitella diphylla fairy cup Mitella pentandra five-point bishop''s cap grass-of-Parnassus parnassia Parnassia palustris bog star Parnassia fimbriata fringed grass of Parnassus Suksdorfia violaceae violet suksdorfia Tellima genus Tellima Tellima grandiflora false alumroot Tiarella genus Tiarella Tiarella cordifolia coolwart false miterwort false mitrewort Tiarella unifoliata false miterwort Tolmiea genus Tolmiea Tolmiea menziesii pickaback plant piggyback plant youth-on-age Grossulariaceae family Grossulariaceae Ribes genus Ribes currant currant bush Ribes rubrum garden current European black currant Ribes nigrum Ribes sativum white currant Ribes sanguineum winter currant Ribes grossularia Ribes uva-crispa gooseberry gooseberry bush Platanaceae family Platanaceae Platanus genus Platanus plane tree platan lacewood sycamore London plane Platanus acerifolia American plane American sycamore Platanus occidentalis buttonwood Platanus orientalis oriental plane California sycamore Platanus racemosa Arizona sycamore Platanus wrightii Polemoniales order Polemoniales Scrophulariales order Scrophulariales Polemoniaceae family Polemoniaceae Greek valerian Jacob''s ladder Polemonium caeruleum Polemonium van-bruntiae Polymonium caeruleum van-bruntiae charity Greek valerian Polemonium reptans Polemonium boreale northern Jacob''s ladder Polemonium viscosum skunkweed Phlox bifida Phlox stellaria chickweed phlox sand phlox Phlox subulata dwarf phlox moss phlox moss pink Linanthus genus Linanthus Linanthus dianthiflorus fringed pink ground pink moss pink Linanthus dichotomus evening-snow Acanthaceae acanthus family Acanthus mollis bear''s breech bear''s breeches sea holly Graptophyllum genus Graptophyllum Graptophyllum pictum caricature plant Thunbergia genus Thunbergia Thunbergia alata black-eyed Susan Bignoniaceae family Bignoniaceae Bignonia genus Bignonia Bignonia capreolata cross vine quartervine trumpet flower Campsis radicans trumpet creeper Indian bean catalpa Chilopsis genus Chilopsis Chilopsis linearis desert willow Crescentia genus Crescentia Crescentia cujete calabash Boraginaceae borage family Borago genus Borago Borago officinalis borage Amsinckia genus Amsinckia Amsinckia intermedia common amsinckia Amsinckia grandiflora large-flowered fiddleneck Anchusa officinalis alkanet Anchusa capensis cape forget-me-not Anchusa riparia cape forget-me-not Cordia genus Cordia Cordia alliodora Equador laurel Spanish elm cypre princewood salmwood Cordia gerascanthus Spanish elm Cynoglossum genus Cynoglossum Chinese forget-me-not Cynoglossum amabile Cynoglossum officinale hound''s-tongue Cynoglossum virginaticum hound''s-tongue Echium genus Echium Echium vulgare blue devil blue thistle blueweed Hackelia Lappula genus Hackelia genus Lappula beggar lice beggar''s lice Lithospermum genus Lithospermum Lithospermum officinale gromwell Lithospermum caroliniense puccoon Lithospermum canescens hoary puccoon Mertensia genus Mertensia Mertensia virginica Virginia bluebell Myosotis genus Myosotis Myosotis sylvatica garden forget-me-not Myosotis scorpiodes forget-me-not Onosmodium genus Onosmodium Symphytum genus Symphytum comfrey cumfrey Symphytum officinale boneset Convolvulaceae family Convolvulaceae Convolvulus arvensis field bindweed Convolvulus scammonia scammony Argyreia genus Argyreia Calystegia genus Calystegia Calystegia sepium Convolvulus sepium hedge bindweed wild morning-glory Cuscuta genus Cuscuta Cuscuta gronovii love vine Dichondra micrantha dichondra Ipomoea genus Ipomoea Ipomoea purpurea common morning glory Ipomoea tricolor common morning glory Indian pink Ipomoea quamoclit Quamoclit pennata cypress vine Ipomoea alba belle de nuit Ipomoea batatas sweet potato Ipomoea fastigiata Ipomoea panurata man-of-the-earth manroot scammonyroot wild potato vine Ipomoea coccinea red morning-glory Ipomoea leptophylla man-of-the-earth Ipomoea orizabensis scammony Ipomoea pes-caprae beach morning glory Ipomoea nil Japanese morning glory Ipomoea imperialis imperial Japanese morning glory Gesneriaceae family Gesneriaceae achimenes hot water plant Aeschynanthus radicans lipstick plant Alsobia genus Alsobia Alsobia dianthiflora Episcia dianthiflora Canterbury bell Gloxinia perennis Saintpaulia genus Saintpaulia African violet Saintpaulia ionantha Sinningia genus Sinningia Gloxinia spesiosa Sinningia speciosa Hydrophyllaceae family Hydrophyllaceae Hydrophyllum genus Hydrophyllum Hydrophyllum virginianum Indian salad John''s cabbage Shawnee salad Virginia waterleaf shawny Emmanthe genus Emmanthe California yellow bells Emmanthe penduliflora whispering bells yellow bells Eriodictyon genus Eriodictyon Eriodictyon californicum yerba santa Nemophila menziesii baby blue-eyes Nemophila maculata five-spot phacelia scorpion weed California bluebell Phacelia campanularia California bluebell Phacelia minor Phacelia whitlavia whitlavia Phacelia tanacetifolia fiddleneck Pholistoma genus Pholistoma Nemophila aurita Pholistoma auritum Labiatae Lamiaceae family Labiatae family Lamiaceae Acinos genus Acinos Acinos arvensis Satureja acinos basil balm basil thyme Agastache genus Agastache Agastache nepetoides yellow giant hyssop Agastache foeniculum anise hyssop Agastache mexicana Mexican hyssop Ajuga genus Ajuga bugle bugleweed Ajuga reptans creeping bugle Ajuga genevensis blue bugle Ajuga pyramidalis pyramid bugle Ajuga chamaepitys ground pine Ballota genus Ballota Ballota nigra black archangel black horehound fetid horehound Blephilia genus Blephilia Blephilia hirsuta hairy wood mint Blephilia celiata downy wood mint Calamintha genus Calamintha Calamintha sylvatica Satureja calamintha officinalis Calamintha grandiflora Clinopodium grandiflorum Satureja grandiflora large-flowered calamint Calamintha nepeta Calamintha nepeta glantulosa Satureja calamintha glandulosa Satureja nepeta field balm lesser calamint Clinopodium genus Clinopodium Clinopodium vulgare Satureja vulgaris cushion calamint wild basil Collinsonia genus Collinsonia Collinsonia canadensis horse balm horseweed richweed stone root stoneroot coleus flame nettle Coleus amboinicus Coleus aromaticus Plectranthus amboinicus country borage Coleus blumei Joseph''s coat Solenostemon blumei Solenostemon scutellarioides Conradina genus Conradina Apalachicola rosemary Conradina glabra Dracocephalum genus Dracocephalum Dracocephalum parviflorum dragon''s head Galeopsis genus Galeopsis Galeopsis tetrahit dead nettle Glechoma genus Glechoma Glechoma hederaceae Nepeta hederaceae alehoof field balm gill-over-the-ground ground ivy Hedeoma genus Hedeoma American pennyroyal Hedeoma pulegioides hedeoma oil pennyroyal oil Hyssopus genus Hyssopus Hyssopus officinalis hyssop Lamium genus Lamium Lamium album white dead nettle Lamium amplexicaule henbit Lavandula genus Lavandula English lavender Lavandula angustifolia French lavender Lavandula stoechas French lavender Lavandula latifolia spike lavender oil spike oil Leonotis genus Leonotis Cape dagga Leonotis leonurus dagga red dagga Leonotis nepetaefolia Leonotis nepetifolia Leonurus genus Leonurus Leonurus cardiaca motherwort Lepechinia Sphacele genus Lepechinia genus Sphacele Lepechinia calycina Sphacele calycina Lycopus genus Lycopus Lycopus virginicus bugleweed Lycopus americanus water horehound Lycopus europaeus gipsywort Majorana genus Majorana Origanum vulgare marjoram oregano pot marjoram wild marjoram winter sweet Majorana hortensis Origanum majorana knotted marjoram sweet marjoram Origanum dictamnus cretan dittany crete dittany dittany of crete hop marjoram winter sweet Marrubium genus Marrubium Marrubium vulgare common horehound Melissa genus Melissa Melissa officinalis bee balm beebalm garden balm lemon balm sweet balm Mentha genus Mentha Mentha arvensis corn mint Mentha aquatica water mint Mentha citrata bergamot mint eau de cologne mint lemon mint Mentha longifolia horsemint Mentha piperita peppermint Mentha spicata spearmint Mentha rotundifolia Mentha suaveolens apple mint applemint Mentha pulegium pennyroyal Micromeria genus Micromeria Micromeria chamissonis Micromeria douglasii Satureja douglasii yerba buena Micromeria juliana savory Molucella genus Molucella Molucella laevis bells of Ireland monarda wild bergamot Monarda didyma bee balm beebalm bergamot mint Monarda punctata horsemint Monarda fistulosa bee balm Monarda citriodora horsemint Monarda pectinata plains lemon monarda Monarda clinopodia basil balm Monardella genus Monardella Monardella lanceolata mustang mint Nepeta genus Nepeta Nepeta cataria catmint Ocimum genus Ocimum Ocimum basilicum common basil Perilla genus Perilla Perilla frutescens crispa beefsteak plant Jerusalem sage Phlomis fruticosa Physostegia virginiana false dragon head false dragonhead obedient plant Pogostemon genus Pogostemon Pogostemon cablin pachouli patchouli patchouly Prunella genus Prunella Prunella vulgaris heal all Koellia Pycnanthemum genus Koellia genus Pycnanthemum Pycnanthemum virginianum basil mint Rosmarinus genus Rosmarinus Rosmarinus officinalis rosemary sage salvia Salvia azurea blue sage Salvia clarea clary sage Salvia farinacea blue sage Salvia lancifolia Salvia reflexa Salvia leucophylla chaparral sage Salvia lyrata cancer weed Salvia officinalis common sage Salvia pratensis meadow clary Salvia sclarea clary Salvia spathacea pitcher sage Salvia verbenaca vervain sage wild clary wild sage Satureia Satureja genus Satureia genus Satureja Satureia hortensis Satureja hortensis Satureia montana Satureja montana Scutellaria genus Scutellaria Scutellaria lateriflora blue pimpernel blue skullcap mad-dog skullcap Sideritis genus Sideritis Solenostemon genus Solenostemon Stachys genus Stachys Stachys sylvatica dead nettle Stachys palustris hedge nettle Teucrium genus Teucrium American germander Teucrium canadense Teucrium chamaedrys wall germander Teucrium marum cat thyme Teucrium scorodonia wood sage Thymus genus Thymus Thymus vulgaris common thyme Thymus serpyllum creeping thyme Trichostema genus Trichostema California romero Trichostema lanatum black sage wooly blue curls Trichostema lanceolatum camphorweed turpentine camphor weed vinegarweed Trichostema dichotomum bastard pennyroyal Lentibulariaceae bladderwort family Utricularia genus Utricularia Pinguicula genus Pinguicula Martyniaceae family Martyniaceae Martynia annua martynia Orobanchaceae broomrape family Pedaliaceae family Pedaliaceae Sesamum genus Sesamum Sesamum indicum benne benni benny Proboscidea genus Proboscidea Proboscidea louisianica common devil''s claw common unicorn plant devil''s claw elephant-tusk proboscis flower Martynia arenaria Proboscidea arenaria Martynia fragrans Proboscidea fragrans Scrophulariaceae family Scrophulariaceae figwort family foxglove family Scrophularia genus Scrophularia Antirrhinum genus Antirrhinum Antirrhinum coulterianum white snapdragon Antirrhinum filipes yellow twining snapdragon Antirrhinum majus Mediterranean snapdragon Besseya genus Besseya Alpine besseya Besseya alpina Aureolaria genus Aureolaria Aureolaria pedicularia Gerardia pedicularia Aureolaria virginica Gerardia virginica calceolaria slipperwort Castilleia Castilleja genus Castilleia genus Castilleja Indian paintbrush painted cup Castilleja chromosa desert paintbrush Castilleja miniata giant red paintbrush Castilleja sessiliflora great plains paintbrush Castilleja sulphurea sulfur paintbrush Chelone genus Chelone Chelone glabra shellflower snakehead turtlehead Collinsia genus Collinsia Collinsia bicolor Collinsia heterophylla innocense purple chinese houses Collinsia parviflora maiden blue-eyed Mary Collinsia verna blue-eyed Mary Culver''s physic Culver''s root Culvers physic Culvers root Veronicastrum virginicum whorlywort digitalis foxglove Digitalis purpurea common foxglove fairy bell fingerflower Digitalis lutea straw foxglove Linaria genus Linaria Linaria canadensis blue toadflax Linaria vulgaris butter-and-eggs devil''s flax toadflax Penstemon genus Penstemon Penstemon barbatus golden-beard penstemon Penstemon centranthifolius scarlet bugler red shrubby penstemon redwood penstemon Penstemon cyananthus Platte River penstemon Davidson''s penstemon Penstemon davidsonii Penstemon deustus hot-rock penstemon Jones'' penstemon Penstemon dolius Penstemon fruticosus lowbush penstemon Penstemon linarioides narrow-leaf penstemon Penstemon newberryi mountain pride Penstemon palmeri balloon flower Parry''s penstemon Penstemon parryi Penstemon rupicola cliff penstemon Penstemon rydbergii Rydberg''s penstemon Penstemon serrulatus cascade penstemon Penstemon whippleanus Whipple''s penstemon Verbascum genus Verbascum flannel leaf mullein Verbascum blattaria moth mullein Verbascum lychnitis white mullein Verbascum phoeniceum purple mullein Aaron''s rod Verbascum thapsus common mullein flannel mullein great mullein torch speedwell veronica Veronica agrestis field speedwell American brooklime Veronica americana Veronica arvensis corn speedwell European brooklime Veronica beccabunga Veronica chamaedrys bird''s eye Veronica anagallis-aquatica Veronica michauxii Veronica officinalis common speedwell Veronica peregrina purslane speedwell Veronica serpyllifolia thyme-leaved speedwell Solanaceae family Solanaceae Solanum genus Solanum Solanum aviculare kangaroo apple Solanum carolinense ball nettle ball nightshade bull nettle Solanum crispum potato tree Solanum commersonii Uruguay potato Solanum dulcamara bittersweet bittersweet nightshade climbing nightshade deadly nightshade poisonous nightshade Solanum elaeagnifolium prairie berry purple nightshade silver-leaved nettle silver-leaved nightshade silverleaf nightshade trompillo white horse nettle African holly Solanum giganteum Solanum jamesii wild potato Solanum jasmoides potato vine Solanum melongena aubergine brinjal eggplant eggplant bush garden egg Solanum nigrum black nightshade common nightshade poisonberry Solanum burbankii Solanum melanocerasum Solanum nigrum guineese garden huckleberry sunberry wonderberry Jerusalem cherry Madeira winter cherry Solanum pseudocapsicum winter cherry Solanum quitoense naranjilla Solanum rostratum buffalo bur Solanum tuberosum potato white potato white potato vine Solanum wendlandii giant potato creeper Brazilian potato tree Solanum macranthum Solanum wrightii potato tree Atropa genus Atropa Atropa belladonna belladonna browallia bush violet Brunfelsia genus Brunfelsia Brunfelsia americana lady-of-the-night Brugmansia genus Brugmansia Brugmansia arborea Datura arborea angel''s trumpet maikoa Brugmansia suaveolens Datura suaveolens Brugmansia sanguinea Datura sanguinea capsicum capsicum pepper plant Capsicum annuum conoides cone pepper Capsicum annuum longum cayenne cayenne pepper chili pepper chilli pepper jalapeno Capsicum annuum grossum bell pepper paprika pimento pimiento sweet pepper Capsicum annuum cerasiforme cherry pepper Capsicum baccatum Capsicum frutescens baccatum Capsicum frutescens hot pepper tabasco pepper tabasco plant Cestrum genus Cestrum Cestrum diurnum day jessamine Cestrum nocturnum night jasmine Cyphomandra genus Cyphomandra tamarillo tree tomato Datura genus Datura Datura stramonium Jamestown weed apple of Peru common thorn apple jimpsonweed jimson weed Fabiana genus Fabiana Fabiana imbricata pichi Hyoscyamus genus Hyoscyamus Hyoscyamus niger black henbane henbane stinking nightshade Egyptian henbane Hyoscyamus muticus Lycium genus Lycium boxthorn matrimony vine Duke of Argyll''s tea tree Lycium barbarum Lycium halimifolium common matrimony vine Christmas berry Christmasberry Lycopersicon Lycopersicum genus Lycopersicon genus Lycopersicum Lycopersicon esculentum love apple tomato tomato plant Lycopersicon esculentum cerasiforme cherry tomato Mandragora genus Mandragora Mandragora officinarum devil''s apples mandrake mandrake root Nicandra genus Nicandra Nicandra physaloides apple of Peru Nicotiana genus Nicotiana Jasmine tobacco Nicotiana alata Nicotiana tabacum common tobacco Indian tobacco Nicotiana rustica Nicotiana glauca mustard tree cupflower nierembergia Nierembergia repens Nierembergia rivularis Nierembergia frutescens tall cupflower Petunia axillaris large white petunia Petunia integrifolia violet-flowered petunia Petunia hybrida hybrid petunia Physalis genus Physalis ground cherry husk tomato Physalis pubescens downy ground cherry Chinese lantern plant Physalis alkekengi bladder cherry winter cherry Physalis peruviana cape gooseberry Physalis pruinosa dwarf cape gooseberry Mexican husk tomato Physalis ixocarpa jamberry tomatillo Physalis philadelphica jamberry miltomate purple ground cherry Physalis viscosa yellow henbane Salpichroa genus Salpichroa Salpichroa organifolia Salpichroa rhomboidea Salpiglossis sinuata painted tongue butterfly flower poor man''s orchid Scopolia genus Scopolia Solandra genus Solandra Solandra guttata chalice vine cupflower trumpet flower Streptosolen genus Streptosolen Streptosolen jamesonii firebush Verbenaceae family Verbenaceae verbena family vervain family verbena vervain Avicennia genus Avicennia Avicenniaceae family Avicenniaceae Avicennia marina black mangrove Avicennia officinalis white mangrove Aegiceras genus Aegiceras Aegiceras majus black mangrove Tectona genus Tectona Tectona grandis teak teak teakwood Euphorbiaceae family Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia genus Euphorbia Euphorbia lathyris caper spurge mole plant myrtle spurge Euphorbia helioscopia devil''s milk sun spurge wartweed Euphorbia peplus devil''s milk Euphorbia caput-medusae Euphorbia medusae Euphorbia corollata flowering spurge tramp''s spurge wild spurge Euphorbia marginata ghost weed snow-in-summer snow-on-the-mountain Euphorbia cyparissias cypress spurge Euphorbia esula leafy spurge Euphorbia hirsuta hairy spurge Christmas flower Christmas star Euphorbia pulcherrima Mexican flameleaf lobster plant painted leaf Euphorbia heterophylla Japanese poinsettia mole plant paint leaf Euphorbia cyathophora Mexican fire plant fire-on-the-mountain painted leaf Euphorbia amygdaloides wood spurge Euphorbia antisyphilitica candelilla Euphorbia exigua dwarf spurge Euphorbia fulgens scarlet plume Euphorbia ingens cactus euphorbia Christ plant Christ thorn Euphorbia milii crown of thorns Euphorbia dentata toothed spurge Acalypha genus Acalypha Acalypha virginica three-seeded mercury Croton tiglium croton Croton eluteria cascarilla cascarilla bark eleuthra bark Codiaeum genus Codiaeum Codiaeum variegatum croton Mercurialis genus Mercurialis Mercurialis annua boys-and-girls herb mercury herbs mercury Mercurialis perennis dog mercury Ricinus genus Ricinus Ricinus communis castor bean plant castor-oil plant palma christ Cnidoscolus genus Cnidoscolus Cnidoscolus urens Jatropha stimulosus Jatropha urens devil nettle pica-pica spurge nettle Jatropha genus Jatropha Jatropha curcus physic nut Hevea genus Hevea Hevea brasiliensis caoutchouc tree Manihot genus Manihot casava cassava Manihot esculenta Manihot utilissima bitter cassava gari mandioc mandioca manioc tapioca plant cassava manioc Manihot dulcis sweet cassava Aleurites genus Aleurites Aleurites moluccana candlenut Aleurites fordii tung tung tree tung-oil tree Pedilanthus genus Pedilanthus slipper plant slipper spurge Pedilanthus bracteatus Pedilanthus pavonis Pedilanthus tithymaloides jew bush jewbush redbird cactus Sebastiana genus Sebastiana Mexican jumping bean jumping bean Theaceae family Theaceae camelia camellia Camellia japonica japonica Camellia sinensis tea Apiaceae Umbelliferae carrot family family Apiaceae umbellifer umbelliferous plant Aethusa genus Aethusa Aethusa cynapium fool''s parsley Anethum genus Anethum Anethum graveolens dill angelica angelique Angelica Archangelica archangel Angelica sylvestris wild angelica Anthriscus genus Anthriscus Anthriscus cereifolium beaked parsley Anthriscus sylvestris cow parsley Apium genus Apium Apium graveolens wild celery Apium graveolens dulce celery Apium graveolens rapaceum celeriac celery root knob celery root celery turnip-rooted celery Astrantia major greater masterwort Carum genus Carum Carum carvi caraway Cicuta genus Cicuta Cicuta verosa water hemlock spotted cowbane spotted hemlock Conium genus Conium California fern Conium maculatum Nebraska fern hemlock poison hemlock poison parsley Conopodium genus Conopodium Conopodium denudatum earthnut Coriandrum genus Coriandrum Chinese parsley Coriandrum sativum cilantro coriander Cuminum genus Cuminum Cuminum cyminum cumin Daucus genus Daucus Daucus carota Queen Anne''s lace Daucus carota sativa carrot Eryngium genus Eryngium eringo eryngo Eryngium maritimum sea eryngium sea holly sea holm Eryngium aquaticum button snakeroot Eryngium yuccifolium button snakeroot rattlesnake master rattlesnake''s master Foeniculum genus Foeniculum Foeniculum vulgare common fennel Florence fennel Foeniculum dulce Heracleum genus Heracleum Heracleum sphondylium cow parsnip Levisticum genus Levisticum Levisticum officinale lovage Myrrhis genus Myrrhis Myrrhis odorata sweet cicely Oenanthe genus Oenanthe Oenanthe crocata hemlock water dropwort Oenanthe aquatica water fennel Pastinaca genus Pastinaca Pastinaca sativa parsnip madnep wild parsnip Petroselinum genus Petroselinum Petroselinum crispum parsley Italian parsley Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum Hamburg parsley Petroselinum crispum tuberosum Pimpinella genus Pimpinella Pimpinella anisum anise Sanicula genus Sanicula sanicle snakeroot Sanicula arctopoides footsteps-of-spring Sanicula bipinnatifida purple sanicle European sanicle Sanicula Europaea Seseli genus Seseli moon carrot stone parsley Sison genus Sison Sison amomum stone parsley Sium genus Sium Sium suave water parsnip Sium latifolium greater water parsnip Sium sisarum skirret Smyrnium genus Smyrnium Alexander Alexanders Smyrnium olusatrum black lovage Cornaceae dogwood family Cornus genus Cornus cornel dogwood Cornus florida common white dogwood American dogwood Cornus stolonifera red dogwood red osier red osier dogwood redbrush Cornus obliqua silky dogwood Cornus amomum silky cornel Cornus sanguinea blood-twig common European dogwood pedwood Cornus canadensis bunchberry crackerberry dwarf cornel Cornus mas cornelian cherry Griselinia genus Griselinia Griselinia lucida puka Griselinia littoralis kapuka Valerianaceae family Valerianaceae Valeriana genus Valeriana Valeriana officinalis common valerian Valerianella genus Valerianella Valerianella locusta Valerianella olitoria common corn salad lamb''s lettuce Centranthus genus Centranthus Centranthus ruber French honeysuckle cutch kutch Hymenophyllaceae family Hymenophyllaceae Hymenophyllum genus Hymenophyllum film fern filmy fern Trichomanes genus Trichomanes bristle fern filmy fern Trichomanes boschianum hare''s-foot bristle fern Killarney fern Trichomanes speciosum Trichomanes reniforme kidney fern Osmundaceae family Osmundaceae flowering fern osmund French bracken Osmunda regalis ditch fern king fern royal fern royal osmund Osmunda clatonia interrupted fern Osmunda cinnamonea cinnamon fern fiddlehead fiddlehead fern Leptopteris genus Leptopteris Leptopteris superba Prince-of-Wales feather Prince-of-Wales fern Prince-of-Wales plume Todea superba crape fern Todea genus Todea Todea barbara crepe fern Schizaeaceae family Schizaeaceae Schizaea genus Schizaea Schizaea pusilla curly grass Anemia genus Anemia Anemia adiantifolia pine fern Lygodium genus Lygodium Hartford fern Lygodium palmatum Lygodium microphyllum climbing maidenhair climbing maidenhair fern snake fern Mohria genus Mohria Mohria caffrorum scented fern aquatic fern water fern Marsileaceae family Marsileaceae Marsilea genus Marsilea clover fern pepperwort Marsilea drummondii common nardoo nardo nardoo Marsilea quadrifolia water clover Pilularia genus Pilularia Pilularia globulifera pillwort Regnellidium diphyllum regnellidium Salviniaceae family Salviniaceae Salvinia genus Salvinia Salvinia auriculata Salvinia rotundifolia Azollaceae family Azollaceae Azolla genus Azolla Azolla caroliniana Carolina pond fern floating fern mosquito fern Ophioglossales order Ophioglossales Ophioglossaceae family Ophioglossaceae Ophioglossum genus Ophioglossum adder''s tongue adder''s tongue fern Ophioglossum pendulum ribbon fern Botrychium genus Botrychium Botrychium lunaria common moonwort Botrychium matricariifolium daisy-leaved grape fern Botrychium multifidum leathery grape fern Botrychium virginianum rattlesnake fern Helminthostachys genus Helminthostachys Helminthostachys zeylanica flowering fern Erysiphales order Erysiphales Erysiphaceae family Erysiphaceae Erysiphe genus Erysiphe Sphaeriales order Sphaeriales Sphaeriaceae family Sphaeriaceae Neurospora genus Neurospora Ceratostomataceae family Ceratostomataceae Ceratostomella genus Ceratostomella Ceratostomella ulmi Dutch elm fungus Hypocreales order Hypocreales Hypocreaceae family Hypocreaceae Claviceps genus Claviceps Claviceps purpurea ergot Xylariaceae family Xylariaceae Xylaria genus Xylaria Xylaria mali black root rot fungus Xylaria polymorpha dead-man''s-fingers Rosellinia genus Rosellinia Helotiales order Helotiales Helotiaceae family Helotiaceae Helotium genus Helotium Sclerotiniaceae family Sclerotiniaceae Sclerodermatales order Sclerodermatales Sclerodermataceae family Sclerodermataceae Scleroderma genus Scleroderma earthball false truffle hard-skinned puffball puffball Scleroderma aurantium Scleroderma citrinum Scleroderma flavidium star earthball Scleroderma bovista smooth earthball Tulostomaceae Tulostomataceae family Tulostomaceae family Tulostomataceae Tulestoma Tulostoma genus Tulestoma genus Tulostoma Hymenogastrales order Hymenogastrales Rhizopogonaceae family Rhizopogonaceae Rhizopogon genus Rhizopogon Truncocolumella genus Truncocolumella Zygomycota Zygomycotina subdivision Zygomycota subdivision Zygomycotina Zygomycetes class Zygomycetes Mucorales order Mucorales Mucoraceae family Mucoraceae Rhizopus nigricans bread mold Rhizopus stolonifer leak fungus Entomophthorales order Entomophthorales Entomophthoraceae family Entomophthoraceae Entomophthora genus Entomophthora slime mold slime mould Gymnomycota Myxomycota division Gymnomycota division Myxomycota Myxomycetes class Myxomycetes acellular slime mold myxomycete plasmodial slime mold true slime mold Acrasiomycetes class Acrasiomycetes Phycomycetes Phycomycetes group Mastigomycota Mastigomycotina subdivision Mastigomycota subdivision Mastigomycotina Oomycetes class Oomycetes Chytridiomycetes class Chytridiomycetes Chytridiales order Chytridiales Chytridiaceae family Chytridiaceae Blastocladiales order Blastocladiales Blastodiaceae family Blastodiaceae Blastocladia genus Blastocladia Synchytriaceae family Synchytriaceae Synchytrium genus Synchytrium Synchytrium endobioticum potato wart fungus Saprolegniales order Saprolegniales Saprolegnia genus Saprolegnia Saprolegnia ferax white fungus Peronosporales order Peronosporales Peronosporaceae family Peronosporaceae Peronospora genus Peronospora downy mildew false mildew Peronospora tabacina blue mold fungus Peronospora destructor onion mildew Peronospora hyoscyami tobacco mildew Albuginaceae family Albuginaceae Albugo genus Albugo Pythiaceae family Pythiaceae Pythium debaryanum damping off fungus Phytophthora genus Phytophthora Plasmodiophoraceae family Plasmodiophoraceae Plasmodiophora genus Plasmodiophora Plasmodiophora brassicae clubroot fungus Tuberales order Tuberales Tuberaceae family Tuberaceae Tuber genus Tuber earth-ball earthnut Clavariaceae family Clavariaceae Hydnaceae family Hydnaceae Hydnum genus Hydnum Lichenes division Lichenes Lichenales order Lichenales Lechanorales order Lechanorales Lecanoraceae family Lecanoraceae archil orchil Roccellaceae family Roccellaceae Roccella tinctoria roccella Pertusariaceae family Pertusariaceae Pertusaria genus Pertusaria Usneaceae family Usneaceae Usnea genus Usnea Usnea barbata beard lichen Alectoria genus Alectoria horsehair lichen horsetail lichen Cladoniaceae family Cladoniaceae Cladonia genus Cladonia Cladonia rangiferina arctic moss reindeer lichen reindeer moss Parmeliaceae family Parmeliaceae Parmelia genus Parmelia crotal crottal Cetraria genus Cetraria Cetraria islandica Iceland lichen Fungi fungus kingdom Eumycota division Eumycota Eumycetes class Eumycetes Deuteromycota Deuteromycotina Fungi imperfecti subdivision Deuteromycota Deuteromycetes class Deuteromycetes Basidiomycota Basidiomycotina subdivision Basidiomycota subdivision Basidiomycotina Basidiomycetes class Basidiomycetes Homobasidiomycetes subclass Homobasidiomycetes Heterobasidiomycetes subclass Heterobasidiomycetes basidiomycete basidiomycetous fungi Hymenomycetes class Hymenomycetes Agaricales order Agaricales Agaricaceae family Agaricaceae Agaricus genus Agaricus Agaricus arvensis horse mushroom Agaricus campestris field mushroom Lentinus genus Lentinus Chinese black mushroom Lentinus edodes Oriental black mushroom golden oak mushroom shiitake shiitake mushroom Lentinus lepideus scaly lentinus Amanita genus Amanita Amanita caesarea Caesar''s agaric Amanita mappa false deathcap Amanita muscaria fly agaric Amanita phalloides death angel death cap death cup Amanita rubescens blusher Amanita verna destroying angel Cantharellus genus Cantharellus Cantharellus cibarius chantarelle Cantharellus floccosus floccose chanterelle Cantharellus clavatus pig''s ears Cantharellus cinnabarinus cinnabar chanterelle Omphalotus genus Omphalotus Omphalotus illudens jack-a-lantern jack-o-lantern jack-o-lantern fungus Coprinus genus Coprinus Coprinaceae family Coprinaceae Coprinus atramentarius inky cap Coprinus comatus shaggycap shaggymane shaggymane mushroom Lactarius genus Lactarius Lactarius delicioso milkcap Marasmius genus Marasmius Marasmius oreades fairy-ring mushroom fairy circle fairy ring Pleurotus genus Pleurotus Pleurotus ostreatus oyster agaric oyster fungus oyster mushroom Pleurotus phosphoreus olive-tree agaric Pholiota genus Pholiota Pholiota aurea golden pholiota Pholiota nameko nameko Pholiota squarrosa scaly pholiota Russula genus Russula Russulaceae family Russulaceae Strophariaceae family Strophariaceae Stropharia genus Stropharia gill lamella Entolomataceae family Entolomataceae Entoloma genus Entoloma Entoloma lividum Entoloma sinuatum Lepiotaceae family Lepiotaceae Lepiota procera parasol mushroom Lepiota morgani poisonous parasol American parasol Lepiota americana Lepiota cepaestipes onion stem Thelephoraceae family Thelephoraceae Corticium genus Corticium Corticium salmonicolor pink disease fungus Corticium solani bottom rot fungus Pellicularia genus Pellicularia Pellicularia filamentosa Rhizoctinia solani Pellicularia koleroga coffee fungus Tricholomataceae family Tricholomataceae Tricholoma genus Tricholoma Clitocybe nuda blewits Tricholoma populinum sandy mushroom Tricholoma flavovirens man-on-a-horse Volvariaceae family Volvariaceae Volvaria genus Volvaria Pluteaceae family Pluteaceae Pluteus genus Pluteus Pluteus magnus swadust mushroom Pluteus cervinus deer mushroom Volvariella genus Volvariella Chinese mushroom Volvariella volvacea Clitocybe genus Clitocybe Clitocybe robusta Clytocybe alba Clitocybe irina Lepista irina Flammulina genus Flammulina Flammulina velutipes winter mushroom Ascomycota Ascomycotina subdivision Ascomycota subdivision Ascomycotina Ascomycetes class Ascomycetes ascomycete ascomycetous fungus Euascomycetes subclass Euascomycetes Clavicipitaceae grainy club mushrooms Hemiascomycetes class Hemiascomycetes Endomycetales order Endomycetales Saccharomycetaceae family Saccharomycetaceae Saccharomyces genus Saccharomyces Saccharomyces cerevisiae baker''s yeast Saccharomyces ellipsoides wine-maker''s yeast Schizosaccharomycetaceae family Schizosaccharomycetaceae Schizosaccharomyces genus Schizosaccharomyces Plectomycetes class Plectomycetes Aspergillales Eurotiales order Aspergillales order Eurotiales Eurotium genus Eurotium Aspergillaceae family Aspergillaceae Aspergillus genus Aspergillus Thielavia genus Thielavia Thielavia basicola brown root rot fungus Pyrenomycetes class Pyrenomycetes Discomycetes subclass Discomycetes cup fungus discomycete Sarcoscypha coccinea scarlet cup Aleuria aurantia orange peel fungus Pezizales order Pezizales Pezizaceae family Pezizaceae Peziza genus Peziza Peziza coccinea blood cup Plectania genus Plectania Urnula craterium urn fungus Morchellaceae family Morchellaceae Morchella genus Morchella Morchella esculenta common morel sponge morel sponge mushroom Disciotis venosa cup morel Verpa bell morel Verpa bohemica early morel Verpa conica conic Verpa Morchella angusticeps Morchella conica black morel conic morel Morchella crassipes thick-footed morel Morchella semilibera cow''s head Sarcoscyphaceae family Sarcoscyphaceae Wynnea genus Wynnea Helvellaceae family Helvellaceae Helvella crispa miter mushroom California false morel Gyromitra californica Gyromitra sphaerospora round-spored gyromitra Gyromitra esculenta beefsteak morel Gyromitra infula saddled-shaped false morel Gyromitra brunnea Gyromitra fastigiata Gasteromycetes Gastromycetes class Gasteromycetes class Gastromycetes gasteromycete gastromycete Phallales order Phallales Phallaceae family Phallaceae Phallus genus Phallus carrion fungus stinkhorn Phallus impudicus common stinkhorn Dictyophera genus Dictyophera Mutinus genus Mutinus Mutinus caninus dog stinkhorn Tulostomatales order Tulostomatales Calostomataceae family Calostomataceae Clathraceae family Clathraceae Clathrus genus Clathrus Pseudocolus genus Pseudocolus Pseudocolus fusiformis stinky squid Lycoperdales order Lycoperdales Lycoperdaceae family Lycoperdaceae Lycoperdon genus Lycoperdon puffball true puffball Calvatia genus Calvatia Calvatia gigantea giant puffball Geastraceae family Geastraceae Geastrum genus Geastrum Radiigera genus Radiigera Astreus genus Astreus Nidulariales order Nidulariales Nidulariaceae family Nidulariaceae Nidularia genus Nidularia Sphaerobolaceae family Sphaerobolaceae Secotiales order Secotiales Secotiaceae family Secotiaceae Gastrocybe genus Gastrocybe Macowanites genus Macowanites Gastroboletus genus Gastroboletus Aphyllophorales order Aphyllophorales Polyporaceae family Polyporaceae polypore pore fungus bracket fungus shelf fungus Albatrellus genus Albatrellus Albatrellus ovinus sheep polypore Neolentinus genus Neolentinus Nigroporus genus Nigroporus Oligoporus genus Oligoporus Polyporus genus Polyporus Grifola frondosa Polyporus frondosus hen of the woods hen-of-the-woods Polyporus squamosus scaly polypore Fistulinaceae family Fistulinaceae Fistulina genus Fistulina Fistulina hepatica beefsteak fungus Fomes genus Fomes Fomes igniarius agaric Boletaceae family Boletaceae Boletus genus Boletus Boletus frostii Frost''s bolete Fuscoboletinus genus Fuscoboletinus Leccinum genus Leccinum Phylloporus genus Phylloporus Suillus genus Suillus Strobilomyces genus Strobilomyces Strobilomyces floccopus old-man-of-the-woods Boletellus genus Boletellus Tremellales order Tremellales Tremellaceae family Tremellaceae Tremella genus Tremella Tremella fuciformis snow mushroom Tremella lutescens witches'' butter Auriculariales order Auriculariales Auriculariaceae family Auriculariaceae Auricularia genus Auricularia Auricularia auricula Jew''s-ear Jew''s-ears ear fungus Dacrymycetaceae family Dacrymycetaceae Dacrymyces genus Dacrymyces Uredinales order Uredinales rust rust fungus Melampsoraceae family Melampsoraceae Melampsora genus Melampsora Melampsora lini flax rust Cronartium genus Cronartium Cronartium ribicola blister rust Pucciniaceae family Pucciniaceae Puccinia genus Puccinia Puccinia graminis wheat rust Gymnosporangium genus Gymnosporangium Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae apple rust Tiliomycetes class Tiliomycetes Ustilaginales order Ustilaginales smut smut fungus Ustilaginaceae family Ustilaginaceae Ustilago genus Ustilago corn smut cornsmut Ustilago maydis boil smut Sphacelotheca genus Sphacelotheca Sphacelotheca reiliana head smut Tilletiaceae family Tilletiaceae Tilletia genus Tilletia Tilletia caries bunt Tilletia foetida bunt Urocystis genus Urocystis Urocystis cepulae onion smut Urocystis tritici wheat flag smut Septobasidiaceae family Septobasidiaceae Septobasidium genus Septobasidium Septobasidium pseudopedicellatum felt fungus Hygrophoraceae family Hygrophoraceae Hygrocybe genus Hygrocybe Hygrocybe acutoconica conic waxycap Hygrophorus genus Hygrophorus Hygrotrama genus Hygrotrama Neohygrophorus genus Neohygrophorus Cortinariaceae family Cortinariaceae Cortinarius genus Cortinarius Cortinarius mutabilis purple-staining Cortinarius Gymnopilus genus Gymnopilus mold mould Moniliales order Moniliales Moniliaceae family Moniliaceae Trichophyton genus Trichophyton Microsporum genus Microsporum Candida albicans Monilia albicans Cercosporella genus Cercosporella Penicillium genus Penicillium Blastomyces genus Blastomyces Dematiaceae family Dematiaceae Cercospora genus Cercospora Cercospora kopkei yellow spot fungus Ustilaginoidea genus Ustilaginoidea Ustilaginoidea virens green smut fungus Tuberculariaceae family Tuberculariaceae Tubercularia genus Tubercularia Mycelia Sterilia order Mycelia Sterilia Ozonium genus Ozonium Sclerotium genus Sclerotium bedder bedding plant tracheophyte vascular plant crop harvest enation plant process nodule tubercle prickle spine fuzz hair sporophyl sporophyll sporangium spore case sac theca universal veil velum partial veil velum antherozoid spermatozoid flesh pulp duramen heartwood fibrovascular bundle vascular bundle nervure vein medullary ray vascular ray bast phloem bast bast fiber evergreen evergreen plant cirrhus cirrus ligneous plant woody plant conifer coniferous tree angiospermous tree flowering tree stump tree stump ground cover groundcover ground cover groundcover bush shrub subshrub suffrutex desert plant xerophile xerophilous plant xerophyte mesophyte mesophytic plant aquatic plant hydrophyte hydrophytic plant water plant bog plant marsh plant aerophyte air plant epiphyte epiphytic plant hemiepiphyte semiepiphyte strangler strangler tree lithophyte lithophytic plant rupestral plant rupestrine plant rupicolous plant saxicolous plant saprophyte saprophytic organism autophyte autophytic plant autotroph autotrophic organism cutting slip offset runner capitulum crown rhizome rootstalk stalk stem cladode cladophyll phylloclad phylloclade caudex stock flower stalk scape leafstalk petiole blade leaf blade capitulum ear capitulum head bulbil bulblet kernel meat aggregate fruit multiple fruit bacca simple fruit drupe stone fruit false fruit pome pod seedpod cod pod pea pod peasecod accessory fruit pseudocarp Rhamnales order Rhamnales Rhamnaceae buckthorn family Rhamnus genus Rhamnus buckthorn berry yellow berry Rhamnus purshianus bearberry bearwood cascara buckthorn chittamwood chittimwood cascara cascara sagrada chittam bark chittem bark Carolina buckthorn Rhamnus carolinianus California buckthorn California coffee Rhamnus californicus coffeeberry Rhamnus frangula alder buckthorn Rhamnus croceus redberry Colubrina genus Colubrina Ziziphus genus Ziziphus Christ''s-thorn Jerusalem thorn Ziziphus jujuba jujube Ziziphus lotus lotus tree Paliurus genus Paliurus Christ''s-thorn Jerusalem thorn Pomaderris genus Pomaderris Pomaderris apetala hazel Vitaceae Vitidaceae family Vitaceae grapevine family Vitis genus Vitis grape grapevine Vitis labrusca fox grape Vitis rotundifolia muscadine Vitis vinifera common grape vine vinifera vinifera grape Chardonnay chardonnay grape Pinot Pinot grape muscat muskat Parthenocissus genus Parthenocissus Boston ivy Japanese ivy American ivy Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia creeper woodbine Piperales order Piperales Piperaceae family Piperaceae Piper genus Piper pepper vine true pepper Madagascar pepper Piper nigrum black pepper common pepper pepper white pepper Piper longum long pepper Piper betel betel Java pepper Piper cubeba cubeb cubeb vine Peperomia argyreia Peperomia sandersii Chloranthaceae family Chloranthaceae Chloranthus genus Chloranthus Saururaceae family Saururaceae Saururus genus Saururus Saururus cernuus lizard''s-tail swamp lily water dragon Anemopsis genus Anemopsis Anemopsis californica yerba mansa Houttuynia genus Houttuynia foliage leaf greenery verdure pinna pinnule flowering glume lemma scale scale leaf bijugate leaf bijugous leaf acerate leaf needle elongate leaf linear leaf pandurate leaf panduriform leaf sagittate-leaf sagittiform leaf abruptly-pinnate leaf even-pinnate leaf tapa tappa angostura angostura bark halm haulm branchlet sprig withe withy bole tree trunk Filicinae Filicopsida class Filicinae class Filicopsida Filicales Polypodiales order Filicales order Polypodiales Gleicheniaceae family Gleicheniaceae Gleichenia genus Gleichenia Dicranopteris genus Dicranopteris Diplopterygium genus Diplopterygium Diplopterygium longissimum giant scrambling fern Sticherus genus Sticherus Gleichenia flabellata Sticherus flabellatus fan fern umbrella fern Parkeriaceae family Parkeriaceae Ceratopteris genus Ceratopteris Ceratopteris pteridioides floating fern Ceratopteris thalictroides floating fern Polypodiaceae family Polypodiaceae Polypodium genus Polypodium Polypodium glycyrrhiza licorice fern Polypodium polypodioides gray polypody Polypodium scouleri coast polypody leatherleaf leathery polypody American wall fern Polypodium virgianum rock brake rock polypody Polypodium vulgare adder''s fern common polypody golden maidenhair golden polypody sweet fern Aglaomorpha genus Aglaomorpha Aglaomorpha meyeniana bear''s-paw fern Campyloneurum genus Campyloneurum Florida strap fern cow-tongue fern Campyloneurum augustifolium Central American strap fern Drymoglossum genus Drymoglossum Drynaria genus Drynaria Drynaria rigidula basket fern Microgramma genus Microgramma Microgramma-piloselloides snake polypody Microsorium genus Microsorium Microsorium punctatum climbing bird''s nest fern Phlebodium genus Phlebodium Phlebodium aureum Polypodium aureum golden polypody rabbit''s-foot fern Platycerium genus Platycerium Platycerium andinum South American staghorn Platycerium alcicorne Platycerium bifurcatum common staghorn fern elkhorn fern Pyrrosia genus Pyrrosia Cyclophorus lingua Pyrrosia lingua felt fern tongue fern Solanopteris genus Solanopteris Solanopteris bifrons potato fern Cyclophorus genus Cyclophorus Adiantaceae family Adiantaceae Vittariaceae family Vittariaceae Vittaria genus Vittaria Vittaria lineata grass fern Aspleniaceae family Aspleniaceae Asplenium genus Asplenium Asplenium adiantum-nigrum black spleenwort Asplenium nidus bird''s nest fern Asplenium platyneuron Scott''s Spleenwort black-stem spleenwort black-stemmed spleenwort Camptosorus genus Camptosorus Asplenium rhizophyllum Camptosorus rhizophyllus walking fern walking leaf Asplenium trichomanes maidenhair spleenwort Asplenium viride green spleenwort Asplenium montanum mountain spleenwort Asplenium ruta-muraria wall rue Asplenium bradleyi Bradley''s spleenwort Asplenium pinnatifidum lobed spleenwort Asplenium billotii lanceolate spleenwort Asplenium scolopendrium Phyllitis scolopendrium hart''s-tongue hart''s-tongue fern Ceterach genus Ceterach Asplenium ceterach Ceterach officinarum scale fern scaly fern Pleurosorus genus Pleurosorus Schaffneria genus Schaffneria Asplenium nigripes Schaffneria nigripes Phyllitis genus Phyllitis Blechnaceae family Blechnaceae Blechnum genus Blechnum Blechnum spicant deer fern doodia rasp fern Sadleria genus Sadleria Stenochlaena genus Stenochlaena Woodwardia genus Woodwardia Virginia chain fern Woodwardia virginica Cyatheaceae family Cyatheaceae Cyathea genus Cyathea Cyathea medullaris black tree fern sago fern silver tree fern Davalliaceae family Davalliaceae Canary Island hare''s foot fern Davallia canariensis Australian hare''s foot Davallia pyxidata Davalia bullata Davalia bullata mariesii Davallia Mariesii ball fern Dennstaedtiaceae family Dennstaedtiaceae Dennstaedtia genus Dennstaedtia Dennstaedtia punctilobula boulder fern hay-scented hay-scented fern Pteridium genus Pteridium Pteridium aquilinum bracken brake pasture brake Pteridium esculentum bracken Dicksoniaceae family Dicksoniaceae Dicksonia genus Dicksonia Dicksonia antarctica soft tree fern Cibotium genus Cibotium Cibotium barometz Scythian lamb Culcita genus Culcita Culcita dubia false bracken Thyrsopteris elegans thyrsopteris Athyriaceae Dryopteridaceae family Athyriaceae family Dryopteridaceae buckler fern shield fern Dryopteris genus Dryopteris Dryopteris dilatata broad buckler-fern Dryopteris fragrans fragrant cliff fern fragrant shield fern fragrant wood fern Dryopteris goldiana Goldie''s fern Goldie''s shield fern goldie''s wood fern wood fern wood-fern Dryopteris filix-mas male fern Dryopteris marginalis evergreen wood fern leatherleaf wood fern marginal wood fern Dryopteris oreades mountain male fern Athyrium genus Athyrium Athyrium filix-femina lady fern Alpine lady fern Athyrium distentifolium Athyrium pycnocarpon Diplazium pycnocarpon glade fern narrow-leaved spleenwort Cyrtomium genus Cyrtomium Cyrtomium aculeatum Polystichum aculeatum Cystopteris genus Cystopteris Cystopteris fragilis brittle bladder fern brittle fern fragile fern Cystopteris montana mountain bladder fern Cystopteris bulbifera berry fern bulblet bladder fern bulblet fern Deparia genus Deparia Athyrium thelypteroides Deparia acrostichoides Diacalpa genus Diacalpa Gymnocarpium genus Gymnocarpium Gymnocarpium dryopteris Thelypteris dryopteris Gymnocarpium robertianum limestone fern Lastreopsis genus Lastreopsis Matteuccia Pteretis genus Matteuccia genus Pteretis Matteuccia struthiopteris Onoclea struthiopteris Pteretis struthiopteris fiddlehead ostrich fern shuttlecock fern Olfersia genus Olfersia Olfersia cervina Polybotria cervina Polybotrya cervina hart''s-tongue Onoclea genus Onoclea Onoclea sensibilis bead fern Polybotria Polybotrya genus Polybotria genus Polybotrya Polystichum genus Polystichum Christmas fern Polystichum acrostichoides canker brake dagger fern Braun''s holly fern Polystichum braunii Polystichum lonchitis northern holly fern Polystichum scopulinum western holly fern Polystichum setiferum soft shield fern Rumohra genus Rumohra Polystichum adiantiformis Rumohra adiantiformis leather fern leatherleaf fern Tectaria genus Tectaria Tectaria cicutaria button fern Indian button fern Tectaria macrodonta Woodsia ilvensis fragrant woodsia oblong woodsia rusty woodsia Alpine woodsia Woodsia alpina flower-cup fern northern woodsia Woodsia glabella smooth woodsia Lomariopsidaceae family Lomariopsidaceae Bolbitis genus Bolbitis Lomogramma genus Lomogramma Lophosoriaceae family Lophosoriaceae Lophosoria genus Lophosoria Loxomataceae family Loxomataceae Loxoma genus Loxoma Oleandraceae family Oleandraceae Oleandra genus Oleandra Oleandra mollis Oleandra neriiformis Arthropteris genus Arthropteris Nephrolepis genus Nephrolepis Boston fern Nephrolepis exaltata Nephrolepis pectinata basket fern Pteridaceae family Pteridaceae Acrostichum genus Acrostichum Acrostichum aureum golden fern Actiniopteris genus Actiniopteris Adiantum genus Adiantum maidenhair maidenhair fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Venus maidenhair Venus''-hair fern Venushair common maidenhair southern maidenhair Adiantum pedatum American maidenhair fern Adiantum bellum Bermuda maidenhair Adiantum tenerum brittle maidenhair Adiantum tenerum farleyense Barbados maidenhair Farley maidenhair Farley maidenhair fern Anogramma genus Anogramma Anogramma leptophylla Jersey fern Cheilanthes genus Cheilanthes lip fern lipfern Alabama lip fern Cheilanthes alabamensis Cheilanthes gracillima lace fern Cheilanthes lanosa hairy lip fern Cheilanthes eatonii southwestern lip fern Coniogramme genus Coniogramme Coniogramme japonica bamboo fern Cryptogramma genus Cryptogramma American parsley fern American rock brake Cryptogramma crispa European parsley fern Doryopteris genus Doryopteris Doryopteris pedata hand fern Jamesonia genus Jamesonia Onychium genus Onychium Pellaea genus Pellaea cliff brake cliffbrake Pellaea andromedifolia coffee fern Pellaea atropurpurea purple rock brake Pellaea mucronata Pellaea ornithopus Pellaea rotundifolia button fern Pityrogramma genus Pityrogramma Pityrogramma argentea silver fern Pityrogramma calomelanos silver fern Pityrogramma calomelanos aureoflava golden fern Pityrogramma chrysophylla gold fern Pteris genus Pteris Pteris multifida spider brake Pteris serrulata ribbon fern Marattiales order Marattiales Marattiaceae family Marattiaceae Marattia genus Marattia Marattia salicina potato fern Angiopteris evecta angiopteris Danaea genus Danaea Psilopsida Psilotatae class Psilopsida class Psilotatae Psilotales order Psilotales Psilotaceae family Psilotaceae Psilotum genus Psilotum Psilotum nudum skeleton fork fern Psilophytales order Psilophytales Psilophytaceae family Psilophytaceae Rhyniaceae family Rhyniaceae Rhynia genus Rhynia Horneophyton genus Horneophyton Equisetatae Sphenopsida class Equisetatae class Sphenopsida Equisetales order Equisetales Equisetaceae family Equisetaceae Equisetum genus Equisetum Equisetum arvense common horsetail Equisetum fluviatile swamp horsetail Equisetum hyemale Equisetum hyemale robustum Equisetum robustum rough horsetail Equisetum palustre marsh horsetail Equisetum Sylvaticum wood horsetail Equisetum variegatum variegated horsetail Lycopodiate Lycopsida class Lycopodiate class Lycopsida Lycopodineae class Lycopodineae club moss clubmoss Lepidodendrales order Lepidodendrales Lepidodendraceae family Lepidodendraceae Lycopodiales order Lycopodiales Lycopodiaceae clubmoss family Lycopodium genus Lycopodium Lycopodium lucidulum shining clubmoss Lycopodium alpinum alpine clubmoss Lycopodium selago fir clubmoss little clubmoss mountain clubmoss Christmas green ground pine Lycopodium clavitum running pine Lycopodium complanatum ground cedar Lycopodium obscurum ground fir princess pine tree clubmoss Lycopodium alopecuroides foxtail grass Selaginellales order Selaginellales Selaginellaceae family Selaginellaceae Selaginella genus Selaginella little club moss spike moss Selaginella apoda basket spikemoss Selaginella rupestris dwarf lycopod Selaginella eremophila desert selaginella Selaginella lepidophylla resurrection plant Selaginella eatonii florida selaginella Isoetales order Isoetales Isoetaceae family Isoetaceae Isoetes genus Isoetes Geoglossaceae family Geoglossaceae Geoglossum genus Geoglossum Cryptogrammataceae family Cryptogrammataceae Thelypteridaceae family Thelypteridaceae Thelypteris genus Thelypteris Dryopteris thelypteris Thelypteris palustris Dryopteris thelypteris pubescens Thelypteris palustris pubescens meadow fern snuffbox fern Amauropelta genus Amauropelta Cyclosorus genus Cyclosorus Goniopteris genus Goniopteris Macrothelypteris genus Macrothelypteris Meniscium genus Meniscium Oreopteris genus Oreopteris Dryopteris oreopteris Oreopteris limbosperma Parathelypteris genus Parathelypteris Dryopteris noveboracensis New York fern Massachusetts fern Parathelypteris simulata Phegopteris genus Phegopteris Dryopteris hexagonoptera Phegopteris hexagonoptera Thelypteris hexagonoptera broad beech fern Dryopteris phegopteris Phegopteris connectilis Thelypteris phegopteris long beech fern narrow beech fern northern beech fern Armillaria genus Armillaria Armillaria caligata booted armillaria Armillaria ponderosa white matsutake Armillariella genus Armillariella Armillariella mellea honey fungus Asclepiadaceae family Asclepiadaceae Asclepias genus Asclepias milkweed silkweed Asclepias albicans white milkweed Asclepias curassavica blood flower Asclepias exaltata poke milkweed Asclepias incarnata swamp milkweed Asclepia meadii Asclepias meadii Asclepias purpurascens purple silkweed Asclepias speciosa showy milkweed Asclepias subverticillata horsetail milkweed Asclepias tuberosa Indian paintbrush butterfly weed chiggerflower orange milkweed pleurisy root Asclepias verticillata whorled milkweed Araujia genus Araujia Araujia sericofera cruel plant Hoya carnosa wax plant Periploca genus Periploca Periploca graeca silk vine Sarcostemma genus Sarcostemma Sarcostemma acidum haoma carrion flower stapelia Madagascar jasmine Stephanotis floribunda Vincetoxicum genus Vincetoxicum Vincetoxicum hirsutum Vincetoxicum negrum old growth virgin forest land tenure tenure proprietary proprietorship belongings holding material possession property worldly belongings worldly goods ratables rateables personal estate personal property personalty private property chattel personal chattel effects personal effects real estate real property acres demesne estate land church property spirituality temporality temporalty benefice ecclesiastical benefice lease letting sublease sublet feoff fief dead hand mortmain clobber stuff estate for life life estate seigneury seignory colony dominion mandate province territorial dominion territory trust territory trusteeship transferred possession transferred property bargain buy assignment grant apanage appanage easy money gravy train gross receipts GNP gross national product real GNP real gross national product GDP gross domestic product earnings lucre net net income net profit profit cleanup killing profits win issue payoff proceeds return take takings gross profit gross profit margin gross revenue gross sales gross margin margin of profit unearned income uneraned revenue unearned income unearned revenue government income government revenue revenue tax income tax revenue taxation booty loot pillage plunder prize swag heritage inheritance bequest legacy birthright patrimony dower dowery largess largesse award prize birthday gift birthday present Christmas gift Christmas present wedding gift wedding present contribution donation Peter''s pence hearth money endowment endowment fund bestowal bestowment bounty premium bonus incentive incentive program incentive scheme bunce godsend gravy windfall adjustment allowance deduction discount expenditure outgo disbursal disbursement business expense trade expense budget items operating cost operating expenses overhead earnings pay remuneration salary pay envelope pay packet pay rate rate of pay installment rate payment rate rate of payment repayment rate discount rebate alimony maintenance ransom ransom money bribe payoff part percentage portion share piece slice interest stake undivided interest undivided right allocation allotment amends damages indemnification indemnity redress restitution counterbalance offset actual damages compensatory damages exemplary damages punitive damages atonement expiation annuity rente reversionary annuity survivorship annuity economic rent rent hire-purchase installment buying installment plan time plan sick benefit sickness benefit fringe benefit perk apanage appanage tax benefit tax break backsheesh baksheesh bakshis bakshish gratuity tip final payment payoff remission remittal quittance repayment default nonpayment default nonpayment requittal retribution forfeit forfeiture forfeit forfeiture amercement fine insurance premium premium handling charge handling cost physical value reproduction cost damage price asking price selling price carrying charge carrying cost incidental incidental expense bus fare carfare cab fare taxi fare revenue enhancement tax deduction tax deduction withholding withholding tax PAYE pay as you earn land tax property tax death duty death tax estate tax inheritance tax shelter tax shelter stamp duty stamp tax supertax surtax duty tariff excise excise tax VAT ad valorem tax custom customs customs duty impost tonnage tonnage duty interest rate rate of interest bank discount discount dockage docking fee admission admission charge admission fee admission price entrance fee entrance money license tax licensing fee consideration retainer agio agiotage exchange premium premium charge per unit rate freight freight rate depreciation rate rate of depreciation exchange rate rate of exchange linage lineage depreciation wear and tear write-down write-off losings losses paper gold special drawing rights amount amount of money sum sum of money natural resource natural resources intangible intangible asset good will goodwill investment investment funds stockholding stockholdings blue chip blue-chip stock common shares common stock face value nominal value no-par stock no-par-value stock preference shares preferred shares cummulative preferred cummulative preferred stock hot issue hot stock market price market value debenture debenture bond bearer bond coupon bond agency security government security performance bond surety bond utility bond utility revenue bond authorized shares authorized stock speculation venture bet stake stakes wager jackpot kitty protection security hedge hedging coverage insurance HMO health maintenance organization life assurance life insurance automobile insurance car insurance tontine tontine insurance security surety deposit down payment recognisance recognizance bail bail bond margin security deposit guarantee guaranty riches wealth means substance risk capital venture capital capital working capital account account statement earnings report income statement operating statement profit-and-loss statement corpus principal cash in hand finances funds monetary resource bankroll roll exchequer treasury public treasury till pork pork barrel fund monetary fund nest egg savings charitable trust public trust Clifford trust grantor trust constructive trust involuntary trust direct trust express trust fixed investment trust nondiscretionary trust inter vivos trust living trust Totten trust savings account trust savings bank trust trust account CD certificate of deposit bread and butter keep livelihood living support sustenance backing financial backing financial support funding amenities comforts conveniences creature comforts cache hoard fund stock provisions stores government issue issue seed corn seed grain backlog reserve kitty pool reserve account reserve fund allowance allowance account valuation account valuation reserve hoarded wealth treasure treasure trove trove medium of exchange monetary system monetary standard standard legal tender tender credit deferred payment equity credit line home equity credit charge account credit open-end credit charge account credit account advance cash advance bank card charge card charge plate credit card bill of exchange draft foreign bill foreign draft bank line credit line line line of credit personal credit line personal line of credit traveler''s letter of credit traveller''s letter of credit banker''s check traveler''s check bank draft banker''s draft money order postal order check overdraft credit overdraft credit bank deposit deposit acceptance banker''s acceptance bank check check bad check bad cheque giro giro cheque paycheck payroll check certified check certified cheque personal check personal cheque cashier''s check cashier''s cheque treasurer''s check treasurer''s cheque blank check blank cheque disability check disability payment medicare check medicare payment pension retirement benefit retirement check retirement fund bread cabbage dinero dough gelt kale loot lucre moolah pelf peag wampum cash immediate payment folding money paper currency coinage metal money mintage specie chickenfeed small change bezant bezzant fifty-cent piece half dollar ha''penny halfpenny cent centime tuppence twopence fourpence groat sixpence tanner cartwheel silver dollar Federal Reserve note bank bill bank note banker''s bill banknote bill government note greenback Treasuries Treasury obligations T-bill Treasury bill c-note hundred dollar bill five-dollar bill five-spot buck clam dollar dollar bill financial obligation indebtedness liability pecuniary obligation debt ceiling debt limit certificate of indebtedness debt instrument note note of hand call loan demand loan loan participation participation financing consumer loan personal loan encumbrance incumbrance account book book book of account ledger daybook journal entry ledger entry debit debit entry credit credit entry accounting accounting system profit and loss profit and loss account balance of trade trade balance trade gap visible balance balance of international payments balance of payments carry-forward carry-over audit audited account limited review review expense account travel and entertainment account payroll paysheet payroll paysheet economic value value bankbook passbook checkbook chequebook certificate security stock stock certificate bond bond certificate convertible convertible security reacquired stock treasury shares OTC security over the counter security OTC stock over the counter stock pin money pocket money action activity natural action natural process hardening set solidification solidifying petrifaction petrification beneficiation mineral dressing mineral processing ore dressing cataphoresis electrophoresis autotype autotypy powder method powder photography radiography skiagraphy magnetic induction magnetisation fractional process fractionation distillation distillment carbonisation carbonization thermal emission thermionic emission pair creation pair formation chemical action chemical change agglutinating activity agglutination chemical mechanism mechanism chemical reaction reaction chemical equilibrium equilibrium acid-base balance acid-base equilibrium blueing bluing oxidation oxidisation reducing reduction oxidation-reduction redox rust rusting burning combustion fire flame blaze blazing indentation pitting polymerisation polymerization double decomposition metathesis intumescence intumescency desalination desalinisation peptization peptizing synaeresis syneresis biogenesis biosynthesis ferment fermentation fermenting zymolysis eating away eroding erosion wearing abrasion attrition corrasion detrition corroding corrosion biological process organic process bloom blooming cell division cellular division meiosis reduction division crossing over crossover synezesis synizesis epistasis hypostasis metabolism metamorphosis egg laying laying amphimixis sexual reproduction accouchement childbearing childbirth vaginal birth alternative birth alternative birthing Bradley method Bradley method of childbirth Lamaze method Lamaze method of childbirth Read method Read method of childbirth birth birthing giving birth parturition brooding incubation hatch hatching farrow farrowing agamogenesis asexual reproduction parthenogenesis parthenogeny androgenesis androgeny parthenogenesis parthenogeny monogenesis sporulation evolution phylogenesis anthropogenesis anthropogeny metabolic process metabolism anabolism constructive metabolism catabolism destructive metabolism dissimilation katabolism Krebs cycle citric acid cycle BMR basal metabolic rate focalisation focalization maturation maturement maturing ripening ageing aging mellowing ripening ageing aging development growing growth maturation ontogenesis ontogeny agenesia agenesis caenogenesis cainogenesis cenogenesis kainogenesis palingenesis recapitulation foliation leafing germination sprouting masculinization virilization anthesis blossoming efflorescence flowering absorption assimilation pathologic process pathological process activity bodily function bodily process body process shedding sloughing ecdysis molt molting moult cleavage segmentation lachrymation lacrimation tearing watering catamenia flow menses menstruation hypermenorrhea menorrhagia discharge emission elimination evacuation excreting excretion incontinence incontinency defecation shitting bm bowel movement dump shit micturition urination bed-wetting enuresis leak making water passing water wetting pee peeing piss pissing festering suppuration peristalsis vermiculation convalescence recovery synaeresis syneresis deletion omission aphaeresis apheresis eclipsis ellipsis defence defence mechanism defence reaction defense defense mechanism defense reaction idealisation idealization rationalisation rationalization fission nuclear fission fusion nuclear fusion decay disintegration development evolution flowering unfolding consumption economic consumption usance use inflation rising prices clotting coagulation blood clotting blood coagulation decrease decrement growth increase accretion accumulation pullulation teemingness broadening widening decay decline exponential decay exponential return relaxation relaxation behavior decline diminution decline in quality deterioration ebb ebbing drop-off falling off falloff slack desensitisation desensitization disintegration dissolution haematolysis haemolysis hematolysis hemolysis decomposition putrefaction rot rotting caries cavity dental caries tooth decay dilapidation ruin spoilage spoiling mildew mold absorption soaking up adsorption surface assimilation chemisorption chemosorption impregnation permeation pervasion saturation soak soakage lavation washing leach leaching phase change phase transition evaporation vapor vaporisation vaporization dehydration dessication drying up evaporation smoke smoking clouding clouding up heating warming infrigidation refrigeration chilling cooling freeze freezing frost icing melt melting thaw thawing refilling renewal replacement replenishment inflow influx inpour inpouring effluence efflux natural selection selection survival survival of the fittest acclimation acclimatisation adaptation adjustment differentiation specialisation synergism synergy vicious circle vicious cycle developing development refinement refining vulcanisation vulcanization ADP automatic data processing EDP electronic data processing IDP integrated data processing asynchronous operation asynchronous working auxiliary operation off-line operation binary arithmetic operation binary operation computer operation machine operation control function control operation logic operation logical operation monadic operation unary operation parallel operation simultaneous operation consecutive operation sequential operation concurrent execution multiprogramming administrative data processing business data processing background processing backgrounding foreground processing foregrounding distributed data processing remote-access data processing multiprocessing parallel processing real-time operation real-time processing floating-point operation flop lookup search sort sorting defining shaping ecesis establishment ecological succession succession re-uptake reuptake International System SI Systeme International Systeme International d''Unites baud baud rate octane number octane rating enough sufficiency absolute majority majority plurality relative majority unit unit of measurement Karat carat absorptance absorption coefficient coefficient of drag drag coefficient coefficient of mutual induction mutual inductance coefficient of self induction self-inductance coefficient of elasticity elastic modulus coefficient of expansion expansivity coefficient of reflection reflectance reflection factor reflectivity transmission transmittance absolute viscosity coefficient of viscosity weight weighting G gravitational constant head count headcount prime prime quantity duck duck''s egg no. ordinal first number 1 cardinal cardinal number base radix absolute frequency frequency linear measure long measure area unit square measure capacity measure capacity unit cubage unit cubature unit cubic content unit cubic measure displacement unit volume unit cu in cubic inch cu ft cubic foot electromagnetic unit emu MFLOPS MegaFLOPS MIPS million instructions per second weight weight unit energy unit heat unit arcdegree degree arcsecond second arcminute minute rad radian grad grade quadrant right angle sr steradian sq in square inch sq ft square foot sq yd square yard centare square meter perch pole liquid measure liquid unit dry measure dry unit British capacity unit Imperial capacity unit epha ephah homer kor fathom fthm cubic yard yard drachm fluid drachm fluid dram fluidram fluid ounce fluidounce gal gallon barrel bbl dry pint pint dry quart quart drachm fluid drachm fluid dram fluidram fluid ounce fluidounce Imperial gallon congius cubic millimeter cubic millimetre cc cubic centimeter cubic centimetre mil milliliter millilitre centiliter centilitre deciliter decilitre cubic decimeter cubic decimetre l liter dal decaliter decalitre dekaliter dekalitre dkl hectoliter hectolitre cubic meter cubic metre kiloliter kilolitre cubic kilometer cubic kilometre parity parity bit nibble nybble K KB Kb Kilobyte k kB kb kilobyte MB Mb Megabyte megabyte G GB Gb Gigabyte T TB Tb Terabyte charge unit quantity unit flux unit magnetic flux unit F farad C ampere-second S mho reciprocal ohm siemens A amp mA milliampere abamp abampere ampere international ampere Mx maxwell Wb weber H henry candlepower unit luminous intensity unit L lambert lux lx foot-lambert ft-L lm lumen candela candle cd standard candle Gb Gi mV millivolt V volt kV kilovolt rydberg rydberg constant W watt kW kilowatt H.P. HP h.p. horsepower var volt-ampere Ci curie R roentgen REM rem N newton pdl poundal lbf. pound g gee in inch foot ft pace yard perch pole land mile mi mile stat mi 880 yards half mile 440 yards quarter mile coss kos cable cable length digit finger finger''s breadth fingerbreadth extremum peak handbreath handsbreadth Swedish mile mile Roman mile mile AU Astronomical Unit parsec secpar femtometer femtometre micromicron picometer A angstrom micromillimeter micromillimetre millimicron nanometer micrometer micrometre millimeter millimetre centimeter centimetre decimeter decimetre m meter dam decameter decametre dekameter dekametre dkm hectometer hectometre kilometer kilometre klick km mym myriameter fathom fthm air mile international nautical mile knot mi mile naut mi Admiralty mile geographical mile mi mile naut mi nautical mile mile sea mile ha''p''orth halfpennyworth penn''orth pennyworth fractional monetary unit subunit baht tical Costa Rican colon colon El Salvadoran colon colon butat butut Algerian dinar dinar Bahrain dinar dinar Iraqi dinar dinar Jordanian dinar dinar Kuwaiti dinar dinar Kuwaiti dirham dirham Libyan dinar dinar Libyan dirham dirham Southern Yemeni dinar dinar Tunisian dinar dinar Tunisian dirham dirham Yugoslavian dinar dinar Moroccan dirham dirham United Arab Emirate dirham dirham Cape Verde escudo escudo Portuguese escudo escudo Cote d''Ivoire franc Ivory Coast franc Burkina Faso franc Upper Volta franc florin guilder florin guilder haler heller Icelandic krona krona aurar eyrir Swedish krona krona Danish krone krone Norwegian krone krone Malawi kwacha kwacha Zambian kwacha kwacha qindarka qintar Italian lira lira British pound pound pound sterling quid British shilling bob Turkish lira lira kuru piaster Deutsche Mark Deutschmark Chilean peso peso Colombian peso peso Cuban peso peso Dominican peso peso Guinea-Bissau peso peso Mexican peso peso Philippine peso peso Uruguayan peso peso Cypriot pound pound Egyptian pound pound piaster piastre Irish pound pound Lebanese pound pound Maltese lira lira Sudanese pound pound Syrian pound pound Iranian rial rial Iranian dinar dinar Yemeni dinar dinar Qatari riyal riyal Qatari dirham dirham Saudi Arabian riyal riyal rouble ruble copeck kopeck Indian rupee rupee Pakistani rupee rupee Mauritian rupee rupee Nepalese rupee rupee Seychelles rupee rupee Sri Lanka rupee rupee Kenyan shilling shilling Somalian shilling shilling Tanzanian shilling shilling Ugandan shilling shilling tughrik tugrik North Korean won won South Korean won won kwai yuan atm atmosphere Pa pascal millimeter of mercury mm Hg pounds per square inch psi bar absolute barye em pica en nut em mut agate line line column inch inch linage lineage B bel dB db C degree Celsius F degree Fahrenheit K kelvin Rankine Rankine scale Celsius scale centigrade scale mass number nucleon number system of weights weight avoirdupois avoirdupois weight troy troy weight apothecaries'' unit apothecaries'' weight metric weight unit weight unit cattie catty lb pound cwt hundredweight cental centner cwt hundredweight quintal short hundredweight gross ton long ton net ton short ton drachm drachma apothecaries'' ounce ounce apothecaries'' pound troy pound mcg microgram mg milligram grain metric grain decigram dg g gm gram gramme gram atom gram-atomic weight gram molecule mol dag decagram dekagram dkg hectogram hg key kg kilo kilogram myg myriagram centner doppelzentner hundredweight metric hundredweight MT metric ton t tonne eV electron volt J joule calorie calory gram calorie small calorie Calorie frigorie kilocalorie kilogram calorie B.Th.U. British thermal unit B.T.U. Board of Trade unit kW-hr kilowatt hour integer whole number complex number complex quantity real real number imaginary part imaginary part of a complex number second power square cube third power biquadrate biquadratic fourth power quartic common fraction simple fraction divisor factor multiplier multiplier factor aliquot aliquot part aliquant aliquant part common divisor common factor complex fraction compound fraction decimal decimal fraction circulating decimal recurring decimal half one-half mediety moiety one-third third fourth fourth part one-fourth quarter quartern twenty-five percent fifth fifth part one-fifth twenty percent one-sixth sixth one-seventh seventh eighth one-eighth ninth one-ninth one-tenth ten percent tenth tenth part hundredth one percent one-thousandth thousandth millionth one-millionth billionth one-billionth one-trillionth trillionth one-quadrillionth quadrillionth one-quintillionth quintillionth aught cipher cypher goose egg nada naught nil nix nothing zero zilch zip nihil nil bugger all fuck all decimal digit figure 0 cipher cypher nought 1 I ace one single unity monad monas 2 II deuce two craps snake eyes brace couple couplet distich doubleton duad duet duo dyad pair span twain twosome yoke 3 III deuce-ace leash tercet ternary ternion terzetto three threesome tierce trey triad trine trinity trio triplet troika 4 IV Little Joe four foursome quadruplet quartet quatern quaternary quaternion quaternity tetrad 5 Little Phoebe Phoebe V cinque fin five fivesome pentad quint quintet quintuplet 6 Captain Hicks VI half a dozen hexad sestet sextet sextuplet sise six 7 VII heptad septet seven sevener 8 VIII eight eighter eighter from Decatur octad octet octonary 9 IX Nina from Carolina ennead nine niner 10 X decade ten 11 XI 12 XII dozen twelve 13 XIII baker''s dozen long dozen 14 XIV 15 XV 16 XVI 17 XVII 18 XVIII 19 XIX 20 XX 21 XXI 22 XXII 23 XXIII 24 XXIV twenty-four two dozen 25 XXV 26 XXVI 27 XXVII 28 XXVIII 29 XXIX 30 XXX 40 XL 50 L 60 LX 70 LXX 80 LXXX eighty fourscore 90 XC 100 C centred century hundred one C 144 gross 120 great hundred 500 D 1000 G K M chiliad grand one thousand thou thousand yard 1728 great gross 10000 myriad 100000 hundred thousand 1000000 meg million one thousand thousand 1000000000 billion 1000000000000 billion 1000000000000 one million million one million million million trillion aleph-nought aleph-null 3.14159265358979323846... pi 2.718282... e addition gain catch haul correction fudge factor footstep pace step stride large indefinite amount large indefinite quantity limit limitation neighborhood region pick picking small indefinite amount small indefinite quantity dab splash bit spot hair hair''s-breadth scattering sprinkling shoe string shoestring spray spraying lower limit minimum bag bagful barrel barrelful barrow barrowful basin basinful basket basketful bin binful bottle bottleful bowl bowlful box boxful bucket bucketful can canful carton cartonful case caseful cask caskful crate crateful cup cupful dish dishful dustpan dustpanful flask flaskful glass glassful fistful handful jar jarful jug jugful keg kegful kettle kettleful mug mugful pail pailful pitcher pitcherful plate plateful pot potful sack sackful scoop scoopful shovel shovelful spoon spoonful tablespoon tablespoonful dessertspoon dessertspoonful tank tankful teacup teacupful teaspoon teaspoonful thimble thimbleful tub tubful handful smattering driblet drop dosage dose load loading nip shot hint suggestion iota scintilla shred smidge smidgen smidgeon smidgin tittle hint jot mite pinch soupcon speck batch deal flock good deal great deal hatful heap lot mass mess mickle mint muckle peck pile plenty pot quite a little raft sight slew spate stack tidy sum wad whole lot battalion large number multitude pack all get out billy-ho billyo billyoh boatload carload deluge flood maximum upper limit billions jillions millions trillions ocean sea dozens gobs heaps lashings loads lots oodles piles rafts scads scores slews stacks tons elbow room room breathing room breathing space clearance headroom lebensraum living space capacity content dealings relations human relationship relationship personal relation personal relationship function mathematical function correspondence map identity identity element circular function trigonometric function exponential exponential function basis footing connectedness connection alliance bond link nexus comprehension inclusion relevance relevancy reference to regard to relation to respect to applicability pertinence irrelevance irrelevancy agreement concord transitiveness transitivity intransitiveness intransitivity reflexiveness reflexivity limiting modification modality mode common mood declarative declarative mood fact mood indicative indicative mood subjunctive subjunctive mood optative optative mood imperative imperative mood interrogative interrogative mood modality mode active active voice passive passive voice inflection inflexion perfective perfective aspect imperfective imperfective aspect durative durative aspect continuous tense imperfect imperfect tense progressive present progressive present progressive tense perfect perfect tense perfective perfective tense present perfect present perfect tense preterit preterite past perfect past perfect tense pluferfect tense pluperfect past progressive past progressive tense future perfect future perfect tense future progressive future progressive tense hyponymy subordination hypernymy superordination synonymity synonymousness holonymy whole to part relation meronymy part to whole relation component component part part portion detail item high spot highlight remainder residual residue residuum leftover remnant affinity kinship mutual affection mutual understanding affinity phylogenetic relation family relationship kinship descent filiation line of descent lineage affinity kinship by marriage blood kinship cognation birth parentage fatherhood paternity maternity motherhood sisterhood sistership cognation enation agnation patrilineage proportion proportionality golden mean golden section commensurateness correspondence pct per centum percent percentage albedo reflective power breadth index cephalic index f number focal ratio speed stop number frequency relative frequency I.Q. IQ mileage miles per gallon magnitude order of magnitude index of refraction refractive index factor of safety safety factor S/N signal-to-noise signal-to-noise ratio signal/noise turnover turnover rate incidence relative incidence orthogonal opposition orthogonality antipodal antipodal opposition enantiomorphism mirror-image relation to windward weather side weatherboard windward side leeward side to leeward compass point point N due north NbE north by east compass north magnetic north NNE nor''-nor''-east NEbN northeast by north NE nor''-east NEbE northeast by east ENE east northeast EbN east by north E due east EbS east by south ESE east southeast SEbE southeast by east SE sou''-east SEbS southeast by south SSE sou''-sou''-east SbE south by east S due south SbW south by west SSW sou''-sou''-west SWbS southwest by south SW sou''-west SWbW southwest by west WSW west southwest WbS west by south W due west WbN west by north WNW west northwest NWbW northwest by west NW nor''-west NWbN northwest by north NNW nor''-nor''-west NbW north by west DEC celestial latitude ALT EL altitude elevation price competition price war attorney-client relation lawyer-client relation political relation politics chemistry interpersonal chemistry reciprocality reciprocity correlation correlativity interdependence interdependency inverse reciprocal mutuality mutualness interrelatedness interrelation antecedent forerunner synchroneity synchronicity synchronisation synchronism synchronization synchronizing asynchronism asynchrony desynchronisation desynchronization first number one graduated table ordered series scale scale of measurement wage scale wage schedule Beaufort scale wind scale oppositeness opposition contrast direct contrast mutual opposition polarity polarity sign incompatibility inconsistency contrary opposite inverse opposite conditional relation implication plane sheet midline midplane leaf form leaf shape plane figure two-dimensional figure solid figure three-dimensional figure convex shape convexity angular shape angularity concave shape concavity polygon polygonal shape reentering polygon reentrant polygon distorted shape distortion curve curved shape bend crook crotchet hook geodesic geodesic line connection connexion center line centerline fossa pit corner niche recess recession cone cone shape funnel funnel shape conic conic section hemicycle semicircle disc disk anchor ring annulus anulus doughnut halo ring circuit loop coil curl curlicue gyre ringlet roll scroll whorl helix spiral kink twirl convolution swirl vortex whirl ellipse oval foursquare square quadrangle quadrilateral triangle trigon acute triangle acute-angled triangle equiangular triangle equilateral triangle obtuse triangle obtuse-angled triangle right triangle right-angled triangle pentacle pentagram rhomb rhombus parallelepiped parallelepipedon parallelopiped parallelopipedon sinuosity sinuousness contortion crookedness torsion tortuosity buckle warp gnarl knot bell bell shape bifurcation forking zag zig RA celestial longitude HA hour angle angle of inclination inclination inclination inclination of an orbit reentering angle reentrant angle interior angle internal angle exterior angle external angle angle of incidence incidence angle angle of extinction extinction angle perigon round angle angle of dip dip inclination magnetic dip magnetic declination magnetic variation AZ azimuth basin bowl pocket scoop bulge bump excrescence extrusion gibbosity gibbousness hump jut prominence protrusion knob node embossment relief relievo rilievo bas relief basso relievo basso rilievo low relief half relief mezzo-relievo alto-relievo alto-rilievo arc bow depression impression balance counterbalance equilibrium equipoise proportion symmetry ellipsoid of revolution spheroid ball globe toroid torus column pillar barrel drum pipe tube bead drop peak point bound boundary border margin fringe outer boundary brink threshold crown peak bias diagonal dent incision notch prick scratch slit droop sag crease crinkle furrow line seam wrinkle crow''s feet crow''s foot life line lifeline heart line line of heart love line mensal line line of Saturn line of destiny chap crack cranny crevice bend crease crimp flexure fold plication indentation indenture stria striation line roulette roulette sine curve sinusoid emptiness vacancy articulation join joint junction cavity enclosed space dot point tree tree diagram spine spur bottleneck constriction cast mold branch fork pocket pouch sac sack block cube Platonic body Platonic solid ideal solid regular convex polyhedron regular convex solid regular polyhedron cube regular hexahedron tail tail end knife tongue angle of view view angle cuneus wedge condition status position situation place shoes situation state of affairs account business relationship companionship company comradeship fellowship good fellowship society confidence trust acquaintance acquaintanceship affiliation association tie tie-up friendly relationship friendship love affair romance affair affaire amour intimacy involvement liaison how-d''ye-do how-do-you-do embroilment imbroglio incubus nightmare pass strait picture scene prison prison house size size of it astigmatism astigmia social stratification stratification natural state nature state of nature wild degree level point stage acme elevation height peak pinnacle summit superlative top end point resultant standard of life standard of living ultimacy ultimateness case event congestion over-crowding office power position status equality equivalence rank social rank social station social status place station championship title higher rank higher status senior status seniority precedence precedency superiority transcendence inferiority lower rank subordinateness subsidiarity handmaid handmaiden subservience subservientness villainage villeinage bar sinister bastardy footing terms being beingness realism reality truth verity eternity timeless existence eternal life life eternal immanence immanency omnipresence ubiquitousness irreality unreality falseness falsity aliveness animation life living endurance survival eternal rest eternal sleep quietus rest defunctness extinction transcendence transcendency marriage matrimony union wedlock endogamy inmarriage exogamy intermarriage monogamousness monogamy polygamy polygyny employ employment civil order polity quiet tranquillity concord concordance peaceableness peacefulness armistice cease-fire accord agreement community community of interests concurrence meeting of minds consensus general agreement anarchy lawlessness bedlam chaos pandemonium topsy-turvydom hugger-mugger mumbo jumbo riot rioting disorderliness roughness rowdiness rowdyism commotion disruption disturbance hurly burly stir to-do storm tempest storm center storm centre garboil tumult tumultuousness uproar discord strife Sturm und Drang turbulence agitation ferment fermentation unrest antagonism enmity latent hostility tension clash friction state of war war disagreement dissension light lighting dark darkness black blackness lightlessness total darkness blackout brownout cloudiness overcast dusk twilight shade shadiness dimness duskiness gloom somberness obscureness obscurity emotional state spirit ecstasy exaltation rapture transport gratification satisfaction felicity happiness beatitude blessedness bliss blissfulness cloud nine seventh heaven ecstasy repture sadness sorrow bereavement mourning poignance poignancy blamelessness guiltlessness inculpability inculpableness innocence purity guilt guiltiness blameworthiness culpability criminalism criminality impeachability indictability independence independency autonomy liberty self-determination self-government autarchy autarky free rein play licence license civil liberty political liberty subjection subjugation captivity enslavement bondage slavery thraldom thrall serfdom serfhood constraint restraint captivity immurement imprisonment incarceration custody detention agency delegacy autonomy self-direction self-reliance self-sufficiency dependance dependence draw standoff imbalance instability palpitation quiver quivering shakiness shaking trembling tremor vibration flow stream motionlessness stillness fixedness immobility inaction inactiveness dead letter non-issue action activeness behavior behaviour eructation eruption inaction inactiveness doldrums stagnancy abeyance suspension deferral recess dormancy quiescence aestivation estivation torpidity torpor lassitude lethargy arrest check halt hitch stay stop deadlock impasse stalemate standstill frame of mind state of mind fatigue tiredness asthenopia eyestrain brain-fag mental exhaustion logginess loginess drunkenness inebriation inebriety intoxication soberness sobriety acephalia acephalism alkalinuria alkaluria acromicria acromikria agalactia agalactosis anchylosis ankylosis anorchia anorchidism sleeplessness wakefulness anaesthesia anesthesia arteriectasia arteriectasis asynergia asynergy asystole cardiac arrest sleep slumber pavor nocturnus sleep terror disorder REM sleep paradoxical sleep NREM sleep nonrapid eye movement sleep aboulia abulia autosuggestion self-hypnosis cryoanaesthesia cryoanesthesia general anaesthesia general anesthesia local anaesthesia local anesthesia block anaesthesia block anesthesia conduction anaesthesia conduction anesthesia nerve block anaesthesia nerve block anesthesia regional anaesthesia regional anesthesia topical anaesthesia topical anesthesia acroanaesthesia acroanesthesia caudal anaesthesia caudal anesthesia epidural epidural anaesthesia spinal spinal anaesthesia saddle block anaesthesia saddle block anesthesia drowsiness sleepiness forthcomingness imminence imminency impendence preparedness readiness alert qui vive critical point crossroads desperate straits dire straits flatulence flatulency alerting alertness anger angriness eroticism erotism fetichism fetishism horniness hot pants erection hard-on estrus heat oestrus rut anestrum anestrus anoestrum anoestrus diestrum diestrus passion rage materialism philistinism hunger hungriness edacity esurience ravenousness voraciousness famishment starvation malnourishment undernourishment ischemic hypoxia stagnant hypoxia hypercapnia hypercarbia acapnia hypocapnia ischemic anoxia stagnant anoxia hyperthermia hyperthermy impotence impotency infertility sterility gestation pregnancy gravidity gravidness ectopic gestation ectopic pregnancy extrauterine gestation extrauterine pregnancy childbed confinement labor labour lying-in parturiency asynclitism obliquity good health healthiness haleness wholeness energy vim bloom blush flush rosiness freshness glow fecundity fertility health problem ill health disorder upset acute brain disorder acute organic brain syndrome impacted tooth impaction illness malady addiction dependence drug addiction white plague alcohol addiction alcoholism anuresis anuria breakdown crack-up nervous exhaustion nervous prostration insulin reaction insulin shock aeroembolism air embolism bends caisson disease food poisoning gastrointestinal disorder ptomaine ptomaine poisoning lead poisoning plumbism lead colic painter''s colic agranulocytosis agranulosis Banti''s disease Banti''s syndrome pycnosis pyknosis vacuolation vacuolization Malta fever Mediterranean fever brucellosis undulant fever Indian tick fever Kenya fever Marseilles fever boutonneuse fever periodontal disease periodontitis Riggs'' disease phorrhoea pyorrhea pyorrhea alveolaris ictus seizure spot touch CVA apoplexy cerebrovascular accident stroke fit paroxysm epilepsia major generalized seizure epilepsia minor petit mal nervous disorder neurological disease akinesia akinesis cystoparalysis cystoplegia cortical epilepsy focal epilepsy generalized epilepsy grand mal epilepsy Lafora''s disease myoclonus epilepsy absence petit mal epilepsy pure absence simple absence posttraumatic epilepsy traumatic epilepsy psychomotor epilepsy temporal lobe epilepsy ataxia ataxy atopognosia atopognosis brachydactylia brachytactyly cryptorchidism cryptorchidy MS disseminated sclerosis Parkinson''s Parkinson''s disease Parkinson''s syndrome Parkinsonism paralysis agitans shaking palsy cerebral palsy spastic paralysis Saint Vitus dance St. Vitus dance agraphia anorthography acoustic aphasia auditory aphasia associative aphasia conduction aphasia global aphasia total aphasia Broca''s aphasia ataxic aphasia expressive aphasia motor aphasia amnesic aphasia amnestic aphasia anomia anomic aphasia alexia visual aphasia Wernicke''s aphasia fluent aphasia impressive aphasia receptive aphasia aeroembolism air embolism coronary coronary thrombosis milk leg phlegmasia alba dolens cardiopathy heart condition high blood pressure hypertension essential hypertension hyperpiesia amyotrophia amyotrophy ALS Lou Gehrig''s disease stenosis stricture angina angina pectoris arterial sclerosis arteriosclerosis coronary-artery disease hardening of the arteries atherosclerosis coronary artery disease bacteremia bacteriaemia induration sclerosis mitral stenosis mitral valve stenosis coronary failure heart failure MI myocardial infarct cardiac insufficiency coronary insufficiency kidney failure renal failure Bright''s disease nephritis cirrhosis cirrhosis of the liver adenosis gland disease glandular disease glandular disorder Addison''s disease Addison''s syndrome hypoadrenalism hypoadrenocorticism aldosteronism hyperaldosteronism Cushing''s disease hyperadrenalism Cushing''s syndrome hyperadrenocorticism Type I diabetes juvenile diabetes juvenile-onset diabetes ketoacidosis prone diabetes Type II diabetes adult-onset diabetes hyperthyroidism thyrotoxicosis Graves'' disease exophthalmic goiter achondroplasia chondrodystrophy contagion contagious disease flu grippe measles morbilli German measles rubella scarlatina scarlet fever smallpox variola Vincent''s angina Vincent''s infection ringworm roundworm athlete''s foot tinea pedis barber''s itch tinea barbae jock itch tinea cruris AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome Asiatic cholera Indian cholera cholera epidemic cholera breakbone fever dandy fever dengue dengue fever hepatitis A infectious hepatitis hepatitis B serum hepatitis delta hepatitis hepatitis delta hepatitis non-A non-B non-A non-B hepatitis cold sore fever blister herpes labialis oral herpes genital herpes herpes genitalis herpes zoster shingles chickenpox varicella Cupid''s disease Cupid''s itch VD Venus''s curse sexually transmitted disease social disease clap gonorrhea pox syph locomotor ataxia tabes dorsalis glandular fever infectious mononucleosis Hansen''s disease leprosy epidemic parotitis mumps brain fever cerebrospinal fever cerebrospinal meningitis epidemic meningitis pestilence plague Black Death black plague acute anterior poliomyelitis infantile paralysis polio poliomyelitis typhus typhus fever Rocky Mountain spotted fever mountain fever scrub typhus tsutsugamushi disease recurrent fever relapsing fever T.B. TB consumption phthisis pulmonary tuberculosis wasting disease king''s evil scrofula enteric fever typhoid paratyphoid paratyphoid fever miliary fever sweating sickness pertussis whooping cough frambesia framboesia black vomit yellow fever respiratory disease respiratory disorder cold common cold asthma asthma attack coccidioidomycosis coccidiomycosis desert rheumatism valley fever emphysema pulmonary emphysema lobar pneumonia pneumonia pneumocystis carinii pneumonia pneumocystis pneumonia pneumoconiosis pneumonoconiosis anthracosis black lung black lung disease coal miner''s lung congenital disease genetic abnormality genetic disease genetic disorder inherited disease inherited disorder anencephalia anencephaly adactylia adactylism achromatic vision color blindness daltonism deuteranopia blue-blindness tritanopia protanopia red-blindness cystic fibrosis fibrocystic disease of the pancreas mucovioscidosis pancreatic fibrosis Huntington''s chorea Huntington''s disease clinocephalism clinocephaly Down syndrome Down''s syndrome mongolianism mongolism Duchenne''s muscular dystrophy pseudohypertrophic dystrophy Steinert''s disease myotonia atrophica acrocephaly oxycephaly Fallot''s tetralogy tetralogy of Fallot Fanconi''s anemia congenital pancytopenia haemolytic anemia hemolytic anemia chlorosis greensickness malignant anemia pernicious anemia sideroblastic anemia siderochrestic anemia crescent-cell anemia drepanocytic anemia sickle-cell anemia sickle-cell disease Spielmeyer-Vogt disease juvenile amaurotic idiocy Sachs disease Tay-Sachs Tay-Sachs disease infantile amaurotic idiocy bleeder''s disease haemophilia Christmas disease hemophilia B angiohemophilia vascular hemophilia gastroenteritis stomach flu PID pelvic inflammatory disease pharyngitis raw throat croup spasmodic laryngitis amebiasis amebiosis amoebiasis amoebiosis amebic dysentery amoebic dysentery fungal infection mycosis lockjaw tetanus Assam fever dumdum fever Aleppo boil Delhi boil Old World leishmaniasis oriental sore bilharzia bilharziasis candidiasis monilia disease felon whitlow focus nidus boil furuncle chilblain chilblains fester suppurating sore bacillary dysentery shigellosis septic sore throat strep throat streptococcal sore throat streptococcus tonsilitis eye infection hordeolum sty stye atrophic arthritis rheumatism Still''s disease juvenile rheumatoid arthritis degenerative arthritis degenerative joint disease encephalitis lethargica epidemic encephalitis lethargic encephalitis sleeping sickness gout gouty arthritis blood disease blood disorder blood poisoning septicaemia sapraemia sapremia toxaemia toxemia toxemia toxemia of pregnancy haemoglobinopathy hemoglobinopathy Hand-Schuller-Christian disease Schuller-Christian disease hyperlipaemia hyperlipemia hyperlipidaemia hyperlipidemia anaemia anemia Mediterranean anemia thalassaemia Cooley''s anemia thalassemia major leucopenia leukopenia peliosis purpura Werlhof''s disease idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura purpura hemorrhagica thrombocytopenic purpura thrombocytopenia thrombopenia cystic breast disease cystic mastitis fibrocystic breast disease fibrocystic disease of the breast avitaminosis hypovitaminosis goiter goitre rachitis rickets ailment complaint blood cyst hematocyst Meibomian cyst chalazion pilar cyst sebaceous cyst steatocystoma wen mal de mer naupathia heat exhaustion heat prostration insolation siriasis sunstroke thermic fever adenomyosis endometriosis infarct infarction Albers-Schonberg disease marble bones disease pyorrhea pyorrhoea azotaemia azotemia uraemia uremia ulcer ulceration bedsore decubitus ulcer deformity malformation clawfoot pes cavus cheiloschisis cleft lip clubfoot talipes chicken breast pigeon breast apple blight apple canker chestnut blight chestnut canker fire blight pear blight bean blight halo blight leaf cast needle blight potato blight potato disease potato mildew potato mold tomato blight tomato yellows pappataci fever phlebotomus disease of the skin skin condition skin disease skin problem LE SLE disseminated lupus erythematosus lupus erythematosus DLE discoid lupus erythematosus acne rosacea rosacea diaper dermatitis diaper rash schistosome dermatitis swimmer''s itch melanism melanosis polyp polypus neoplasm tumor benign tumor nonmalignant neoplasm malignance malignancy granulation granulation tissue adipose tumor lipoma malignant neoplasm malignant tumor malignant neuroma neurosarcoma osteogenic sarcoma osteosarcoma cancroid squamous cell carcinoma cancer of the blood leukaemia acute lymphoblastic leukemia acute lymphocytic leukemia acute myelocytic leukemia acute myeloid leukemia chronic myelocytic leukemia myeloid leukemia carcinoma in situ preinvasive cancer endometrial cancer endometrial carcinoma haemangioma hemangioma strawberry haemangioma strawberry hemangioma spider angioma spider nevus papillary tumor papillary tumour papilloma villoma psammoma sand tumor seminoma testicular cancer malignant melanoma melanoma alveolitis dry socket ophthalmia ophthalmitis cervicofacial actinomycosis lumpy jaw anthrax splenic fever aspergillosis brooder pneumonia bagascosis bagassosis brucellosis contagious abortion canine chorea chorea cowpox vaccinia hemorrhagic septicemia pasteurellosis equine distemper strangles foot-and-mouth disease hoof-and-mouth disease black disease liver rot broken wind heaves Marburg disease Marburg-ebola disease albuminuria proteinuria acetonemia ketonemia acetonuria ketoaciduria hydrophobia madness cattle plague rinderpest shipping fever shipping pneumonia leptospirosis swamp fever loco disease locoism itch scabies moon blindness mooneye parrot disease parrot fever bacillary white diarrhea pullorum disease gall saddle sore milk sickness trembles deer fly fever rabbit fever tularaemia tularemia blister rust white pine blister rust brown rot gummosis gummosis ring disease ring rot little potato rosette russet scab stem canker sclerotium disease sclerotium rot wilt wilt disease bunt stinking smut false smut green smut potato yellow dwarf yellow dwarf of potato harm hurt injury trauma lesion wound abrasion excoriation scrape scratch cut gash slash slice bite insect bite bruise contusion black eye shiner scorch singe erythema solare sunburn burn sunburn suntan tan break fracture compound fracture open fracture fatigue fracture stress fracture closed fracture simple fracture hernia herniation herniated disc ruptured intervertebral disc colpocele vaginocele colpocystocele cystocele whiplash whiplash injury wale weal welt wheal pull twist cryopathy frostbite immersion foot trenchfoot achylia achylia gastrica amenia amenorrhea chloasma mask of pregnancy Raynaud''s sign acrocyanosis cervical disc syndrome cervical root syndrome Crohn''s disease regional enteritis irritable bowel syndrome mucous colitis PMS premenstrual syndrome SIDS cot death crib death sudden infant death syndrome purulence purulency mono mononucleosis sneeze sneezing lump puffiness dropsy edema tumescence tumidity intumescence intumescency cephalhematoma cephalohematoma haematoma hematoma icterus jaundice icterus neonatorum jaundice of the newborn hyperaemia hyperemia efflorescence eruption rash skin eruption heat rash prickly heat hives nettle rash urticaria urtication hurting pain ache aching agony suffering paraesthesia paresthesia burn burning colic intestinal colic cephalalgia head ache hemorrhoid pile bellyache gastralgia stomach ache stomachache earache otalgia cluster headache histamine headache hemicrania megrim migraine sick headache myalgia myodynia costalgia pleuralgia Bornholm disease diaphragmatic pleurisy epidemic myalgia epidemic pleurodynia neuralgia neuralgy tic douloureux trigeminal neuralgia birth pangs labor pains pang sting smart smarting sting stinging soreness tenderness torment torture cardiomegaly enlarged heart megacardia megalocardia cardiac murmur heart murmur heartburn pyrosis esophageal reflux gastroesophageal reflux dyspepsia indigestion stomach upset upset stomach flush inflammation myocardial inflammation myocarditis cheilosis perliche chill shivering ague chills and fever conjunctivitis pinkeye Moeller''s glossitis glossodynia exfoliativa labyrinthitis otitis interna founder laminitis endometritis metritis coryza rhinitis Marie-Strumpell disease ankylosing spondylitis tendinitis tendonitis goose bumps goose pimples goose skin gooseflesh cough coughing hiccough hiccup nausea sickness qualm queasiness cramp spasm crick rick twitch twitching Adams-Stokes syndrome Stokes-Adams syndrome atrioventricular block heart block cicatrice cicatrix callosity callus clavus corn floater musca volitans muscae volitantes spots before the eyes febricity fever feverishness pyrexia atrophy wasting Albright''s disease polyostotic fibrous dysplasia chyloderma elephantiasis scroti nevoid elephantiasis pachyderma giantism gigantism acromegalia acromegaly bleeding haemorrhage epistaxis nosebleed constipation irregularity diarrhea diarrhoea dizziness giddiness lightheadedness vertigo anaemia anemia mental state psychological state anxiety anxiousness hypochondria hypochondriasis jitters nerves nervousness screaming meemies mental strain nervous strain stress tenseness delusion psychotic belief mental balance mental soundness saneness sanity rationality reason mental disease mental illness disturbance mental disorder anxiety reaction generalized anxiety disorder phobia phobic disorder PTSD posttraumatic stress disorder conversion disorder conversion hysteria psychopathic personality sociopathic personality battle fatigue combat fatigue combat neurosis shell shock affective disorder emotional disorder emotional disturbance major affective disorder clinical depression depression exogenous depression reactive depression mania manic disorder craze delirium frenzy fury bipolar disorder manic depression manic depressive illness manic-depressive psychosis cyclic disorder cyclothymia neurosis neuroticism hysteria hysterical neurosis multiple personality split personality insaneness lunacy dementedness dementia Korsakoff''s syndrome Korsakov''s syndrome alcohol amnestic disorder alcoholic dementia Alzheimer''s Alzheimer''s disease senile dementia senile psychosis irrationality unreason derangement mental unsoundness craziness daftness blue devils delirium tremens dementia praecox schizophrenia schizophrenic disorder schizophrenic psychosis borderline schizophrenia latent schizophrenia catatonia catatonic schizophrenia disorganized schizophrenia disorganized type schizophrenia hebephrenia hebephrenic schizophrenia paranoic type schizophrenia paranoid schizophrenia paraphrenia paraphrenic schizophrenia acute schizophrenic episode reactive schizophrenia aphonia voicelessness speech defect speech disorder stammer stutter disturbance perturbation fret lather stew sweat dither flap fuss pother blues megrims blue funk funk dumps mopes high high spirits panic scare fit scene annoyance irritation huff miff impatience restlessness enchantment spell captivation fascination plight predicament box corner fix hole jam kettle of fish mess muddle strain stress job problem currency vogue acknowledgement acknowledgment approval favorable reception content contentedness apostasy defection disfavor disfavour censure exclusion discreteness distinctness separateness severalty purdah solitude loneliness solitariness detachment insularism insularity insulation alienation estrangement concealment privacy privateness secrecy disassociation dissociation disconnectedness disconnection disjunction disjuncture incoherence incoherency coalition fusion alliance confederation federalisation federalization connectedness connection interconnectedness interconnection coherence coherency cohesion cohesiveness conjunction junction disuse neglect renovation restoration matureness maturity immatureness immaturity callowness jejuneness prematureness prematurity childhood puerility babyhood infancy banishment ostracism grade level gradation step military rank military rating paygrade rating nobility noblesse baronetcy barony viscountcy viscounty limelight public eye salience saliency conspicuousness visibility grandness importance accent emphasis focus stress distinction eminence note preeminence prestige prestigiousness anonymity namelessness humbleness obscureness limbo oblivion honor honour glorification glory celebrity fame esteem regard reputation repute ill fame notoriety dishonor dishonour discredit disrepute disgrace ignominy abasement abjection degeneracy degeneration infamy opprobrium obloquy opprobrium ascendance ascendancy ascendence ascendency control dominance ascendant ascendent domination mastery predominance predomination dominion rule reign sovereignty scepter sceptre absolutism despotism bane curse nemesis scourge comfort comfortableness ease relief reprieve respite solace solacement cosiness coziness discomfort uncomfortableness incommodiousness inconvenience malaise unease upbeat welfare misery wretchedness suffering woe demand need deficiency lack dearth famine stringency tightness haste hurry imperativeness insistence insistency press criticality criticalness repletion satiation excess overabundance acariasis acaridiasis onchocerciasis river blindness lousiness pediculosis nothingness nullity vacuity vacuousness vacuity vacuum nakedness nudeness altogether birthday suit buff raw baldness hairlessness deshabille dishabille grace state of grace damnation eternal damnation flawlessness ne plus ultra polish refinement integrity unity entireness entirety comprehensiveness fullness full treatment kit and boodle kit and caboodle whole caboodle whole kit whole kit and boodle whole kit and caboodle whole shebang whole works works imperfection imperfectness failing weakness inadequacy insufficiency defect fault bug glitch birth defect congenital abnormality congenital anomaly congenital defect hydrocephalus hydrocephaly phocomelia seal limbs schistorrhachis spina bifida syndactylism syndactyly ankyloglossia tongue tie defectiveness faultiness crudeness crudity primitiveness primitivism circumstances destiny fate fortune lot luck good fortune good luck prosperity successfulness blessing boon bad luck ill luck adversity hardship catastrophe disaster distress ill cross crown of thorns state state of matter liquid liquidity solid solidness possibility possibleness conceivability conceivableness achievability attainability potency potential impossibility impossibleness inconceivability inconceivableness chance opportunity clean slate fresh start audience hearing crack shot anticipation expectation despair desperation low-water mark nadir pureness purity impureness impurity adulteration debasement admixture alloy contamination taint economic condition financial condition credit crunch liquidity crisis depression economic crisis indebtedness liability wealth wealthiness affluence richness comfort ease luxuriousness luxury opulence sumptuousness impoverishment poorness deprivation privation indigence need pauperism penury impecuniousness pennilessness antisepsis asepsis sterileness sterility filth filthiness foulness nastiness immaculateness spotlessness order orderliness neatness spruceness trim trimness dirtiness uncleanness dirt filth grease grime soil stain befoulment defilement griminess grubbiness sordidness squalidness smuttiness sootiness disorder disorderliness sloppiness slovenliness mess messiness muss mussiness disarrangement disorganization clutter jumble mare''s nest muddle smother welter normalcy normality commonness expectedness abnormalcy abnormality atypicality untypicality arrested development fixation infantile fixation regression aberrance aberrancy aberration deviance chromosomal aberration chromosomal anomaly deflection warp humpback hunchback hollow-back lordosis anomalousness anomaly convergent strabismus cross-eye dwarfism nanism ateleiosis ateliosis macrocephaly megacephaly microcephalus microcephaly caffeinism caffiene intoxication circumstance context background scope canvas canvass milieu surroundings area arena domain field orbit sphere kingdom land political arena political sphere province responsibility show window showcase acid precipitation acid rain smog smogginess noise pollution sound pollution climate clime atmosphere atmospheric state high high pressure depression low fog fogginess murk murkiness clemency mildness stillness windlessness lull quiet bad weather inclemency breeziness windiness choppiness rough water cloud cover cloudiness climate mood ambiance ambience gloom gloominess bleakness desolation feel feeling flavor look smell spirit vibes vibrations immunity unsusceptibility exemption freedom susceptibility susceptibleness ratability rateability capability capacity predisposition sensitivity atopic allergy atopy immediate allergy type I allergic reaction serum disease serum sickness delayed allergy type IV allergic reaction allergic reaction allergy cryaesthesia cryesthesia hay fever pollinosis moisture wet humidity humidness damp dampness clamminess dankness dryness waterlessness dehydration dessication aridity aridness impregnability invulnerability peace public security indemnity insurance protection shelter hazardousness perilousness hazard jeopardy peril risk menace threat peril riskiness exposure vulnerability tautness tenseness tension tensity tone tonicity muscle tone muscular tonus amyotonia atonia atonicity atony condition shape fitness good condition good shape physical fitness fitness seaworthiness bad condition poor shape debility feebleness frailness frailty asthenia astheny cachexia cachexy disability disablement handicap impairment atactic abasia ataxic abasia claudication gameness gimp gimpiness lameness limping hearing impairment hearing loss conduction deafness conductive hearing loss nerve deafness sensorineural hearing loss deaf-muteness deaf-mutism anosmia olfactory impairment vision defect visual defect myopia nearsightedness astigmatism astigmia blindness cecity farsightedness hypermetropia hypermetropy hyperopia moon blindness night blindness day blindness hemeralopia squint strabismus divergent strabismus walleye torticollis wryneck palsy paralysis prolapse prolapsus genu valgum knock-knee bandy legs bow leg putrefaction rot corruption putrescence putridness rottenness decomposition disintegration deterioration impairment desolation devastation decrepitude dilapidation death destruction dark darkness iniquity wickedness illumination light carotenemia xanthemia sodoku spirillum fever material stuff dross impurity atom molecule mote particle floc floccule primary solid solution solid solution extract infusion conjugate conjugate solution isosmotic solution isotonic solution saline saline solution colloidal solution colloidal suspension Mylar mylar thermoplastic thermoplastic resin acrylate resin acrylic Lucite Perspex Plexiglas plexiglass polyethylene polythene vinyl vinyl group polyvinyl resin vinyl polymer PVA polyvinyl acetate PVC polyvinyl chloride cinnamene phenylethylene styrene vinylbenzene thermosetting compositions thermosetting resin Teflon polytetrafluoroethylene raw material staple sorbent sorbent material absorbent absorbent material absorbent cotton cotton wool adsorbent adsorbent material acaracide acaricide acaroid resin accaroid resin accroides accroides gum accroides resin gum accroides lead acetate sugar of lead lead tetraethyl tetraethyl lead acetone propanone acetylene ethyne amino acid aminoalkanoic acid CFC chlorofluorocarbon GABA gamma aminobutyric acid glutamic acid glutaminic acid cerotic acid hexacosanoic acid HN azoimide hydrocyanic acid hydrogen cyanide hypophosphorous acid orthophosphorous acid 2-methylpropenoic acid methacrylic acid octanedioic acid suberic acid sulfonic acid sulphonic acid titania titanic oxide titanium dioxide titanium oxide allyl allyl group anionic anionic detergent alkali base chelate chelate compound group radical benzyl benzyl group Benzoyl radical benzoyl group chemical element element argonon inert gas lanthanide lanthanon rare earth rare-earth element metal metallic element Ac actinium Al aluminium aluminum atomic number 13 alum potash alum alum ammonia alum Am americium Sb antimony Ar argon As arsenic At astatine Ba atomic number 56 barium monoxide barium oxide barium dioxide barium peroxide Bk atomic number 97 Be atomic number 4 beryllium glucinium Bi atomic number 83 B atomic number 5 Br atomic number 35 Cd atomic number 48 Ca atomic number 20 Cf atomic number 98 C atomic number 6 carbon 14 radiocarbon Ce atomic number 58 Cs atomic number 55 caesium cesium Cl atomic number 17 Cr atomic number 24 Co atomic number 27 Cu atomic number 29 Cm atomic number 96 Dy atomic number 66 E Es atomic number 99 einsteinium Er atomic number 68 Eu atomic number 63 Fm atomic number 100 F atomic number 9 Fr atomic number 87 Gd atomic number 64 Ga atomic number 31 Ge atomic number 32 Au atomic number 79 Hf atomic number 72 He atomic number 2 Ho atomic number 67 H atomic number 1 deuterium heavy hydrogen In atomic number 49 I atomic number 53 iodin iodine Ir atomic number 77 Fe atomic number 26 Kr krypton La atomic number 57 Lw atomic number 103 Pb atomic number 82 Li atomic number 3 Lu atomic number 71 lutecium lutetium Mg atomic number 12 Mn atomic number 25 Md Mv atomic number 101 mendelevium Hg atomic number 80 mercury quicksilver Mo atomic number 42 Nd atomic number 60 Ne atomic number 10 Np atomic number 93 Ni atomic number 28 Nb atomic number 41 N atomic number 7 No atomic number 102 Os atomic number 76 O atomic number 8 LOX liquid oxygen Pd atomic number 46 P atomic number 15 Pt atomic number 78 Pu atomic number 94 Po atomic number 84 K atomic number 19 Pr atomic number 59 Pm atomic number 61 Pa atomic number 91 protactinium protoactinium Ra atomic number 88 Rn atomic number 86 Re atomic number 75 Rh atomic number 45 Rb atomic number 37 Ru atomic number 44 Ku Rf Unq atomic number 104 element 104 kurchatovium rutherfordium unnilquadium Sm atomic number 62 Sc atomic number 21 Se atomic number 34 Si atomic number 14 Ag atomic number 47 Na atomic number 11 Sr atomic number 38 S atomic number 16 sulfur sulphur Ta atomic number 73 Tc atomic number 43 Te atomic number 52 Tb atomic number 65 Tl atomic number 81 Th atomic number 90 Tm atomic number 69 Sn atomic number 50 Ti atomic number 22 W atomic number 74 tungsten wolfram Unh atomic number 106 element 106 unnilhexium Unp atomic number 105 element 105 hahnium unnilpentium unnilquintium Uns atomic number 107 element 107 unnilseptium U atomic number 92 V atomic number 23 Xe atomic number 54 Yb atomic number 70 Y atomic number 39 Zn atomic number 30 Zr atomic number 40 ader wax earth wax mineral wax ozocerite Mexican onyx alabaster onyx marble oriental alabaster arsenopyrite mispickel asphalt mineral pitch bastnaesite bastnasite bornite peacock ore cerussite white lead ore chalcocite copper glance chalcopyrite copper pyrites china clay china stone kaolin kaoline porcelain clay terra alba cobalt blue cobalt ultramarine common salt halite rock salt sodium chloride corundom corundum Greenland spar cryolite fluor fluorite gadolinite ytterbite almandine almandite goethite gothite cadmium sulphide greenockite barite barium sulphate barytes heavy spar calamine hemimorphite maltha mineral tar meerschaum sepiolite isinglass mica columbite niobite charcoal wood coal diesel fuel diesel oil fuel oil heating oil gas gasolene gasoline petrol kerosene kerosine methanol methyl alcohol wood alcohol wood spirit magnesia magnesium oxide propellant propellent fool''s gold iron pyrite rock crystal transparent quartz cairngorm smoky quartz regur regur soil residual clay residual soil surface soil topsoil subsoil undersoil rock stone crushed rock gravel hornfels hornstone bank gravel pit run gem gemstone pumice pumice stone grit gritrock mosaic gold stannic sulfide adhesive adhesive material birdlime lime glue gum library paste paste sealant sealer lute luting size sizing AMP adenosine monophosphate ADP adenosine diphosphate ATP adenosine triphosphate Alar daminozide ethanol ethyl alcohol fermentation alcohol grain alcohol isopropanol isopropyl alcohol 1-dodecanol lauryl alcohol alkane alkane series methane series paraffin methylene group methylene radical alkyl alkyl group methyl methyl group ethyl ethyl group uranyl uranyl group acetamide ethanamide acetaldol aldol alkaline earth alkaline-earth methal alkene olefin alloy cast iron alloy iron amalgam dental amalgam Monel metal Monell metal allyl alcohol propenyl alcohol Muntz metal alpha-beta brass aluminium bronze aluminum bronze accelerator catalyst injectant injection deuterium oxide heavy water gelatin gelatine albumen albumin compound protein conjugated protein ceratin keratin amine aminoalkane decanedioic acid sebacic acid pentanoic acid valeric acid heptadecanoic acid margaric acid amino plastic amino resin ammonia ammonia water ammoniac gum ammoniac ammonium ammonium ion ammonium chloride sal ammoniac growth regulator phytohormone sex hormone steroid Provera medroxyprogesterone norethandrolone norethindrone androgen androgenic hormone Durabolin Kabolin FSH follicle stimulating hormone LH interstitial cell-stimulating hormone estrogen oestrogen DES diethylstilbestrol diethylstilboestrol stilbestrol estrone oestrone corticoid corticosteroid cortisol hydrocortisone Decadron Oradexon Aldactone spironolactone aminobenzine aniline aniline oil phenylamine dentin dentine ivory tusk bone osseous tissue baleen whalebone mother-of-pearl nacre rind skin lambskin parchment fell hide caffein caffeine calf calfskin whit leather white leather cassava cassava starch manioc manioca chammy chammy leather chamois chamois leather shammy shammy leather cowhide cowskin crush crushed leather kid kidskin fleece sheepskin fur pelt lapin rabbit seal sealskin anime gum anime aqua fortis nitric acid arsenic arsenic trioxide arsenous anhydride arsenous oxide mineral wool rock wool azido group azido radical crystal violet gentian violet methylene blue methylthionine chloride phenothiazine thiodiphenylamine azo group azo radical Babbitt metal babbitt bacteriacide bactericide barbituric acid malonylurea barium sulphate blanc fixe battery acid electrolyte acid ambrosia beebread benzene benzine Kekule formula benzene formula benzene nucleus benzene ring benzoate of soda sodium benzoate bicarbonate hydrogen carbonate baking soda bicarbonate of soda saleratus sodium bicarbonate binder board binder''s board active active agent alkalizer antacid anticoagulant decoagulant blanching agent bleach bleaching agent whitener desiccant drying agent oxidant oxidizer bleaching clay bleaching earth bleaching powder chloride of lime hydrogen peroxide peroxide bloodstone heliotrope blotter blotting paper blow gas blowing gas blue copperas blue stone blue vitriol chalcanthite bond bond paper Dippel''s oil bone oil boracic acid boric acid boric acid orthoboric acid brimstone native sulfur PBS phosphate buffer solution butene butylene polybutene polybutylene butanol butyl alcohol butanoic acid butyric acid arsenic group cacodyl cacodyl group cacodyl radical calcium-cyanamide cyanamide burnt lime calcined lime calcium oxide calx fluxing lime lime quicklime unslaked lime calcium octadecanoate calcium stearate carboxyl carboxyl group cannabin cannabis resin capric acid decanoic acid caproic acid hexanoic acid carbohydrate saccharide black diamond carbonado carbon black lampblack smut soot DEAE cellulose diethylaminoethyl cellulose cellulose nitrate nitrocellulose animal starch glycogen carbolic acid hydroxybenzene oxybenzene phenol activated carbon activated charcoal black lead graphite CO carbon dioxide blackdamp chokedamp carbon monoxide carbon monoxide gas carbon carbon paper carbon tet carbon tetrachloride perchloromethane tetrachloromethane fulminate of mercury fulminating mercury abradant abrasive cardboard composition board corrugated board corrugated cardboard paperboard posterboard carnelian cornelian carrageenan carrageenin chromium steel stainless steel Damascus steel Damask steel cationic detergent invert soap ferroconcrete reinforced concrete cementite iron carbide chaff husk shuck stalk straw stubble calcedony chalcedony 5-hydroxytryptamine serotonin Elinvar chrome-nickel steel cigarette paper rolling paper pipeclay terra alba potter''s clay potter''s earth anthracite anthracite coal bituminous coal soft coal brown coal lignite cod liver oil cod-liver oil lanolin wool fat complex coordination compound chemical compound compound Eureka constantan dielectric insulator contaminant contamination copper sulfate copper sulphate cupric sulfate cupric sulphate coral precious coral cork phellem alumina aluminium oxide cotton cake cottonseed cake coumarone resin coumarone-indene resin creatin creatine coal-tar creosote creosote cresol methyl phenol crepe crepe paper cyanamid cyanamide cyanide group cyanide radical cyano group cyano radical cyanide nitrile DNA deoxyribonucleic acid RNA ribonucleic acid mRNA messenger RNA tRNA transfer DNA desert soil desertic soil adamant diamond dihydric alcohol diol distillate distillation exhaust exhaust fumes concentrate dressed ore drill rod drill steel Dopastat Intropin drilling fluid drilling mud earth ground diatomaceous earth diatomite bister bistre ocher ochre sinoper sinopia yellow ocher yellow ochre dirt soil caliche hardpan H2O water ether quintessence ground water spring water elaeostearic acid eleostearic acid emery paper sandpaper emery rock emery stone ethene ethylene ethanediol ethylene glycol euphorbium gum eurphorbium discharge emission body waste excrement excreta excretion BM dejection faecal matter faeces fecal matter feces ordure stool crap dirt poop shit droppings dung melaena melena pee piddle piss urine water weewee puke vomit waste waste material waste matter waste product sewage sewerage effluent sewer water food waste garbage refuse scraps rubbish trash debris detritus dust junk toxic industrial waste toxic waste fallout radioactive dust fencing fencing material organic organic fertilizer soda niter sodium nitrate niter nitre potassium nitrate saltpeter air gas producer gas propanamide proprionamide propanoic acid propionic acid conglomerate pudding stone pyroligneous acid wood vinegar leaf fat leaf lard feldspar felspar oligoclase plagioclase albite white feldspar fiberglass fibreglass fiber fibre fibril filament fill filling fire opal girasol cotton cotton wool fluosilicic acid hydrofluosilicic acid formalin formol formaldehyde methanal formulation preparation frankincense gum olibanum free radical radical fructose fruit sugar laevulose levulose combustible combustible material furan furane furfural furfuraldehyde brain sugar galactose galbanum gum albanum gargle mouthwash bottled gas liquefied petroleum gas ghatti ghatti gum kraft kraft paper crystal lechatelierite quartz quartz glass milk glass opal glass crown glass optical crown flint glass optical flint laminated glass safety glass sodium silicate soluble glass enantiomer enantiomorph dextroglucose dextrose blood glucose blood sugar glutamic oxalacetic transaminase glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase glyceraldehyde glyceric aldehyde glycerin glycerine glycerite glycerole glycerogel glycerogelatin glyceryl trinitrate nitroglycerin nitroglycerine trinitroglycerin glycolic acid glycollic acid fig wax gondang wax globular pearlite granular pearlite lubricant lubricating substance grease lubricating oil essential oil volatile oil atar athar attar ottar attar of roses rose oil clove oil oil of cloves oil of turpentine spirit of turpentine turpentine turps absinthe oil wormwood oil resin rosin copaline copalite congo copal congo gum kauri kauri copal kauri gum kauri resin damar dammar dammar resin gum dammar Zanzibar copal anime gum terpentine turpentine balsam capivi copaiba asa dulcis benjamin benzoin gum benjamin benzofuran coumarone gum myrrh myrrh culture medium medium agar agar-agar agar nutrient agar algin alginic acid chicle chicle gum gum acacia gum arabic Bengal kino butea gum butea kino gum butea gum kino kino karaya gum sterculia gum alkyd alkyd resin phenolic phenolic resin epoxy epoxy glue ployurethan polyurethane polyfoam polyurethane foam cinnamon stone essonite gumbo gumbo soil antimonial lead hard lead haematite hematite erythrocytolysin erythrolysin herbicide weed killer HDL high-density lipoprotein high-speed steel hot-work steel hyacinth jacinth hyalin hyaline pitch tar hypo sodium thiosulphate hydroxyl hydroxyl group hydroxide ion hydroxyl ion ice water ice frost hoar hoarfrost rime hailstone stone ideal gas perfect gas glyoxaline imidazole IAA indoleacetic acid insect powder insecticide insect repellant insect repellent repellant repellent insulant insulating material Javel water Javelle water iodinated protein iodoprotein Prussian blue iron blue Davy''s gray iron blue jade jadestone Japan tallow Japan wax jargon jargoon kapok silk cotton paraffin paraffin oil acetone body ketone body gum labdanum labdanum lactose milk sugar lapis lazuli lazuli dodecanoic acid lauric acid batholite batholith pluton plutonic rock leaf mold leaf mould leaven leavening linen linen paper hydrated oxide hydroxide calcium hydrate calcium hydroxide caustic lime hydrated lime lime lime hydrate calcium hydride hydrolith linoleic acid linolic acid lino linoleum lipid lipide Lithane Lithonate loadstone lodestone LDL low-density lipoprotein lumber timber macromolecule supermolecule magnetic iron-ore magnetite malt sugar maltose manila manila paper manilla manilla paper high-strength brass manganese bronze austenitic manganese steel manganese steel Manila hemp Manilla hemp verd antique verde antique matchwood splinters megalp megilp cyanuramide melamine bichloride of mercury corrosive sublimate mercuric chloride mercury chloride calomel mercurous chloride message pad writing pad birch oil methyl salicylate low-carbon steel mild steel mold mould MAO monoamine oxidase monosaccharide monosaccharose antimony potassium tartrate tartar emetic clay mud goo gook guck gunk muck ooze slime sludge music paper score paper dichloroethyl sulfide mustard gas medulla myelin myristic acid tetradecanoic acid man-made fiber synthetic fiber natural fiber natural fibre animal fiber animal fibre plant fiber plant fibre gas natural gas Admiralty Metal Admiralty brass Tobin bronze naval brass newspaper newsprint nickel alloy nickel-base alloy German silver nickel silver NAD nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide Ni-hard Ni-hard iron Ni-resist Ni-resist iron cellulose triacetate triacetate cellulose xanthate viscose acrylic acrylic fiber polyamide polymeric amide fatty oil fixed oil flimsy onionskin oxalacetate oxaloacetate oxalacetic acid oxaloacetic acid ethanedioic acid oxalic acid oxyacid oxygen acid pad pad of paper hexadecanoic acid palmitic acid pantothen pantothenic acid PABA para aminobenzoic acid roofing paper tar paper ola olla packing packing material blister pack bubble pack excelsior wood shavings blacktop blacktopping tarmac tarmacadam parget pargeting pavement paving coal oil crude crude oil fossil oil petroleum rock oil phenolic plastic phenolic urea inorganic phosphate orthophosphate orthophosphoric acid phosphoric acid fibrinase fibrinolysin dye dyestuff vat color vat dye alizarin alizarine alizarin carmine alizarin crimson anil indigo blue blueing bromophenol blue bromphenol blue bromothymol blue bromthymol blue bromeosin eosin fluorescein fluoresceine fluorescent dye resorcinolphthalein fluorescein isocyanate fluorescein isothiocyanate hair coloring hair dye archil cudbear watercolor watercolous plaster plaster of Paris podsol podsol soil podsolic soil podzol polyose polysaccharide permanganate of potash potassium permanganate polypropene polypropylene porphyritic rock porphyry caustic potash potash propanal propionaldehyde propanol propyl alcohol acrolein propenal acrylate propenoate acrylic acid propenoic acid acrylonitrile propenonitrile propene propylene propyl propyl group peptidase protease proteinase proteolytic enzyme ptomain ptomaine raffia raphia raveling ravelling guinea gold red brass minium red lead chymosin rennin retinal retinene India rubber caoutchouc gum elastic rubber ebonite hard rubber rain rainwater brine saltwater Rochelle salt Rochelle salts Rochelle powder Seidlitz powder 2-hydroxybenzoic acid salicylic acid phenyl salicylate salol Glauber''s salt Glauber''s salts cream of tartar potassium hydrogen tartrate bichromate dichromate sodium bichromate sodium dichromate caustic soda sodium hydroxide gunpowder powder bichloride dichloride aluminium chloride aluminum chloride gum sangapenum sangapenum sard sardine paraffin scale scale wax scratch pad scribbling block gamma globulin human gamma globulin blood platelet platelet haemoglobin hemoglobin haem heme albuminoid scleroprotein Ig immunoglobulin piperin piperine AFP alpha fetoprotein Rh Rh factor shark oil shark-liver oil shake shingle blacking shoe polish chalybite siderite silicone silicone polymer silica silicon dioxide sisal sisal hemp dross scoria slate slating soaprock soapstone sal soda soda soda ash sodium carbonate sodium pyrophosphate tetrasodium pyrophosphate sodium orthophosphate sodium phosphate dilutant dissolvent dissolver dissolving agent resolvent solvent viricide virucide alcahest alkahest spackle spackling compound spiegel spiegel iron ruby spinel spinel ruby balas balas ruby Ceylonite pleonaste sal volatile spirits of ammonia stannite tin pyrites amylum starch cornflour cornstarch water vapor water vapour vapor vapour spindrift spoondrift octadecanoic acid stearic acid sternutator sternutatory steroid alcohol sterol bilge bilge water cardiac glucoside cardiac glycoside digitalin digitalis saccharose sucrose jaggary jaggery sulfanilic acid sulphanilic acid sulfate sulphate sulfide sulphide aventurine sunstone graphic tellurium sylvanite sylvine sylvite talc talcum tannic acid tannin lacrimator tear gas thickener thickening thrombokinase thromboplastin thyme camphor thymic acid MSH melanocyte-stimulating hormone TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone thyrotrophic hormone thyrotrophin roofing tile tile boulder clay till tissue tissue paper bathroom tissue toilet paper methylbenzene toluene tambac tombac common topaz false topaz translucent substance transparent substance trichloracetic acid trichloroacetic acid glycerol trimargarate margarin olein triolein glycerol tripalmitate tripalmitin tribasic sodium phosphate trisodium orthophosphate glycerol tristearate tristearin tryptophan tryptophane tungsten steel wolfram steel ultramarine ultramarine blue French blue French ultramarine pitchblende uraninite carbamide urea flaxseed linseed flaxseed oil linseed oil Chinese wood oil tung oil vanadic acid vanadium pentoxide idocrase vesuvian retinal purple rhodopsin vitamin vitamine A antiophthalmic factor axerophthol vitamin A retinol vitamin A1 dehydroretinol vitamin A2 carotene carotin B B complex B vitamin B-complex vitamin vitamin B vitamin B complex aneurin antiberiberi factor thiamin thiamine antipernicious anemia factor cobalamin cyanocobalamin vitamin B12 hepatoflavin lactoflavin ovoflavin riboflavin vitamin B2 vitamin G adermin pyridoxal pyridoxamine pyridoxine folacin folate folic acid pteroylglutamic acid pteroylmonoglutamic acid vitamin Bc niacin nicotinic acid D calciferol cholecarciferol ergocalciferol E tocopherol biotin vitamin H naphthoquinone vitamin K phylloquinone phytonadione menadione vitamin K3 bioflavinoid citrin ascorbic acid vitamin C oil of vitriol sulfuric acid sulphuric acid vitriol water of crystallization water of hydration cerumen earwax paraffin paraffin wax lac wax shellac wax surface-active agent surfactant builder detergent builder train oil whale oil milk whey whey lead carbonate white lead deal softwood backlog log brand firebrand igniter ignitor kindling punk spunk tinder board plank chipboard hardboard clapboard weatherboard iron manganese tungsten wolframite wood sugar xylose Wood''s alloy Wood''s metal xylene xylol barm yeast blende sphalerite flowers of zinc philosopher''s wool white vitriol zinc sulfate zinc sulphate zinc vitriol zircon zirconium silicate zirconia zirconium dioxide curare tubocurarine vesicant vesicatory amount of time period period of time time period geologic time geological time civil time local time daylight saving daylight savings daylight-saving time daylight-savings time nowadays present here and now moment contemporary world modern times modern world present time past past times yesteryear yore future futurity hereafter time to come Age of Mammals Cenozoic Age of Man Quaternary Holocene Holocene epoch Glacial epoch Pleistocene Tertiary Tertiary period Pliocene Pliocene epoch Miocene Miocene epoch Oligocene Oligocene epoch Eocene Eocene epoch Paleocene Paleocene epoch Age of Reptiles Mesozoic Cretaceous Cretaceous period Jurassic Jurassic period Triassic Triassic period Paleozoic Paleozoic era Permian Permian period Carboniferous Carboniferous period Pennsylvanian Pennsylvanian period Upper Carboniferous Upper Carboniferous period Lower Carboniferous Lower Carboniferous period Missippian period Mississippian Age of Fishes Devonian Silurian Silurian period Ordovician Ordovician period Cambrian Cambrian period Precambrian Precambrian period Preoterozoic era Proterozoic Archaeozoic Archaeozoic era Archeozoic Archeozoic era clock time time GMT Greenwich Mean Time Greenwich Time UT UT1 universal time UTC universal time coordinated ERT Earth-received time OWLT one-way light time RTLT round-trip light time TRM transmission time SCET spacecraft event time SCLK spacecraft clock time EST Eastern Standard Time CST Central Standard Time MST Mountain Standard Time PST Pacific Standard Time continuance duration continuance duration stint stretch note value time value extended time scale slow time scale nonce time being fourth dimension time week workweek calendar week week workday working day work day workday day of rest rest day turnaround turnaround time free time spare time leisure leisure time holiday vacation playday playtime field day outing leave leave of absence sabbatical sabbatical leave liberty shore leave life lifespan days years bimillenary bimillennium incipience incipiency death last death demise afterlife hereafter babyhood early childhood anal phase anal stage genital phase genital stage latency period latency phase oral phase oral stage girlhood maidenhood schooldays schooltime puberty pubescence mid-twenties twenties mid-thirties thirties forties mid-forties fifties mid-fifties mid-sixties sixties mid-seventies seventies eighties mid-eighties mid-nineties nineties bloom bloom of youth legal age majority minority nonage prime prime of life adulthood maturity due date maturity age old age dotage second childhood change of life climacteric time unit unit of time day mean solar day solar day twenty-four hours mean solar time mean time TDT TT ephemeris time terrestrial dynamical time calendar day civil day commencement day degree day Guy Fawkes Day Nov 5 Inauguration Day January 20 Feb 29 bissextile day date day of the month feast day fete day church festival religious festival 6 June 1944 D-day V-day Victory Day 8 May 1945 V-E Day 15August 1945 V-J Day Mon Monday Tues Tuesday Wed Wednesday Th Thursday Fri Friday Sat Saturday Lord''s Day Sun day daylight forenoon morn morning morning time high noon midday noon noonday noontide twelve noon dinnertime suppertime eve evening dark night aurora break of day break of the day cockcrow dawn dawning daybreak dayspring first light morning sunrise sunup sundown sunset dusk evenfall fall gloaming nightfall twilight hebdomad week fortnight two weeks Day of Judgement Day of Judgment Doomsday Judgement Day Judgment Day Last Day Last Judgement Last Judgment distance space embolism intercalation election day polling day Christian year church year Gregorian calendar New Style Julian calendar Old Style Hebrew calendar Jewish calendar Mohammedan calendar Moslem calendar Muhammadan calendar Muslim calendar anachronism misdating point point in time arrival time time of arrival departure time time of departure checkout checkout time Holy Week Passion Week church calendar ecclesiastical calendar December 31 New Year''s Eve January 1 New Year''s Martin Luther King Day Martin Luther King Jr''s Birthday January 19 Lee''s Birthday Robert E Lee Day Robert E Lee''s Birthday Jewish New Year Rosh Hashana Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hashona Rosh Chodesh Rosh Hodesh holy day religious holiday high holiday high holy day movable feast moveable feast Day of Atonement Yom Kippur January 20 Saint Agnes''s Eve Martinmas November 11 Indian summer Saint Martin''s summer Annunciation Annunciation Day Lady Day March 25 Michaelmas Michaelmas Day Candlemas Candlemas Day February 2 Groundhog Day February 12 Lincoln''s Birthday February 14 Saint Valentine''s Day St Valentine''s Day Valentine Day February 22 Washington''s Birthday March 2 Texas Independence Day March 17 Saint Patrick''s Day Easter Day Easter Sunday All Fools'' day April Fools'' April 14 Pan American Day First of May May 1 Decoration Day Memorial Day Davis'' Birthday Jefferson Davis'' Birthday Flag Day June 14 Fourth of July Independence Day August 1 Lammas Citizenship Day September 17 Columbus Day Discovery Day October 24 United Nations Day Allhallows Eve Hallowe''en Pasch Pascha Holy Innocents'' Day Innocents'' Day Septuagesima Septuagesima Sunday Quinquagesima Quinquagesima Sunday Quadragesima Quadrigesima Sunday January 1 Solemnity of Mary Ascension Ascension Day Holy Thursday Maundy Thursday June 29 Saints Peter and Paul Assumption Assumption of Mary Epiphany Epiphany of Our Lord January 6 Three Kings'' Day March 19 Saint Joseph All Saints'' Day Allhallows Hallowmas Hallowmass December 8 Immaculate Conception All Souls'' Day November 2 Feast of the Unleavened Bread Passover Pesach Pesah Christmas Christmas Day Dec 25 Xmas Christmas Eve Dec 24 Christmas Christmastide Christmastime Noel Yule Yuletide Feast of Booths Feast of Tabernacles Succos Sukkoth Feast of Weeks Pentecost Shabuoth Shavous Shavuot Shavuoth Rejoicing in the Law Rejoicing of the Law Rejoicing over the Law Shimchath Torah Simchas Torah Simchat Torah Simhat Torah Simhath Torah Fast of Ab Fast of Av Ninth of Ab Ninth of Av Tisha b''Ab Tisha b''Av Tishah b''Ab Tishah b''Av Chanukah Feast of Dedication Feast of the Dedication Festival of Lights Hanukah Hanukkah legal holiday national holiday Commonwealth Day Empire day Dominion Day July 1 Bastille Day July 14 Armistice Day November 11 Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Day 365 days common year 366 days bissextile year intercalary year leap year calendar year civil year astronomical year equinoctial year solar year tropical year financial year fiscal year school schooltime academic year school year twelvemonth year decade decennary new moon new phase of the moon full moon full phase of the moon lunar month lunation moon synodic month day sidereal day calendar month month Jan January Feb February Mar March Apr April Aug August Sep Sept Oct October Nov November Dec December Chislev Kislev Tebet Tevet Shebat Shevat Adar Sheni Veadar Nisan Nissan Iyar Iyyar Sivan Siwan Tammuz Thammuz Ab Av Ellul Elul June 21 midsummer June 24 Midsummer Day Midsummer''s Day St John''s Day June 23 Midsummer Eve Midsummer Night St John''s Eve washday washing day March equinox spring equinox September equinox autumnal equinox prison term sentence academic term school term gestation gestation period full term term A.M. AM a.m. ante meridiem P.M. PM p.m. post meridiem bell ship''s bell 60 minutes hour 30 minutes half-hour 15 minutes quarter-hour hour time of day matins morning prayer terce tierce evensong vespers complin compline man hour person hour Platonic year great year extra time overtime min minute s sec millisecond msec season time of year autumn fall spring springtime summer summertime canicular days canicule winter wintertime Mardi Gras Shrove Tuesday Lent Lententide Pentecost Whitsunday Whitmonday Whitsun Monday Whit-Tuesday Whitsun Tuesday Whitsun Whitsuntide age long time long haul long run aeon eon aeon eon eternity forever instant minute moment second piece spell bit minute moment second New York minute blink of an eye flash instant jiffy split second trice twinkling geological period period epoch era Christian Era Common Era anniversary day of remembrance centenary centennial bicentenary bicentennial tercentenary tercentennial quatercentenary quatercentennial quincentenary quincentennial birthday natal day time immemorial time out of mind auld langsyne langsyne old times the good old days glacial epoch glacial period frame inning top top of the inning bottom bottom of the inning bout round period of play play last half second half maiden maiden over dark ages middle ages industrial revolution technological revolution common measure common time pacing tempo beginning commencement first kickoff offset outset start starting time early days youth starting point terminus a quo administration presidency end ending close conclusion finale finis finish last stopping point terminus fag end tail expiration expiry limit terminal point interval time interval slot time slot break intermission interruption pause delay hold postponement time lag interim lag latency latent period reaction time response time nap sleep relief respite rest rest period letup lull breath breather breathing place breathing space breathing spell breathing time lease term of a contract lunar time period tide attrition rate rate of attrition birth rate birthrate fertility fertility rate bits per second bps deathrate morbidity mortality mortality rate ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate sed rate sedimentation rate flow flow rate frequence frequency GHz Gc gigacycle gigacycle per second growth rate rate of growth Hertz Hz cps cycle cycle per second cycles/second inflation rate rate of inflation jerk rate of acceleration kHz kc kilocycle kilocycle per second kilometers per hour km/h MHz Mc megacycle megacycle per second miles per hour mph gait pace heart rate pulse rev revolutions per minute speed velocity pace tempo c light speed miles per hour mph count per minute counts/minute infant deathrate infant mortality words per minute wpm M.M. beats per minute bpm metronome marking cycle rhythm luteal phase secretory phase phase phase angle phase stage apogee culmination incumbency tenure duty period shift go spell tour turn evening shift swing shift graveyard shift night shift graveyard watch middle watch midwatch night watch duty tour enlistment hitch term of enlistment tour tour of duty prohibition prohibition era noviciate novitiate bloom blossom efflorescence flower flush heyday peak prime shibah shiva date of reference epoch historic period historical period latency rotational latency command overhead command processing overhead command processing overhead time overhead breathe respire belch bubble burp eruct hiccough hiccup breathe out exhale emanate exhale breathe in inhale gasp heave pant puff hack whoop cough out cough up expectorate spit up chuff huff sniff sniffle blink nictate nictitate wink bat flutter blink blink away cross one''s eyes squinch exuviate molt moult shed desquamate peel off jerk twitch move involuntarily move reflexively act involuntarily act reflexively act behave bluster swagger sentimentalise sentimentalize act act as didder shake dither shiver repose rest be active move catch some Z''s kip log Z''s sleep bundle practice bundling doze drowse catch a wink catnap sleep in sleep late hibernate hole up aestivate estivate saw logs saw wood dope off doze off drift off drop off drowse off fall asleep flake out nod off bed down bunk down crash doss crawl in get into bed go to bed go to sleep hit the hay hit the sack kip down retire sack out turn in arise get up rise turn out arouse awake awaken come alive wake wake up arouse awaken rouse wake up keep up sit up hypnotize mesmerize entrance spellbind anaesthetize anesthetize put out put to sleep cocainise cocainize bring around bring back bring round bring to calm sedate tranquilize tranquillize arouse brace energise energize perk up stimulate gain vigor percolate perk perk up conk faint pass out swoon black out lose consciousness pass out zonk out come to revive animate quicken reanimate recreate revive revivify freshen refresh freshen freshen up refresh refreshen animate enliven strain tense loosen up make relaxed relax unlax unstrain unwind tense tense up decompress loosen up relax slow down unbend unlax sit back take it easy limber up loosen up extend stretch extend hold out put out stretch forth crane stretch out invigorate reinvigorate simper smirk howl roar snicker snigger giggle titter break up crack up break down collapse fall over go over guffaw laugh loudly chortle chuckle express joy express mirth frown glower glare glower clap spat mop mow clear the throat hawk hawk hawk and spit clean cleanse lave wash scrub scrub up lather soap gargle rinse epilate shave bath bathe comb comb out sleek down slick arrange coif coiffe coiffure do dress gel mousse fluff tease groom neaten manicure trim do up doll up glam up pretty up slick up smarten up spruce spruce up perfume scent dress plume preen primp attire deck out deck up dress up fancy up fig out fig up get up gussy up overdress prink rig out tog out tog up trick out trick up prim prim out bedizen dizen dress down underdress curry dress lose weight melt off reduce slenderize slim slim down gain put on fill out round dress get dressed try try on bear wear apparel clothe dress enclothe fit out garb garment habilitate raiment tog cover wrap up overclothe overdress provide with shoes shoe discase disrobe strip strip down uncase unclothe assume don get into put on robe vest have on wear fertilize inseminate bang up impregnate knock up prang up cross-pollinate pollinate beget bring forth engender father generate get mother sire multiply procreate fructify set breed multiply bear birth birthe deliver give birth have pup whelp farrow pig calve have young bear carry expect gestate brood cover hatch incubate alter neuter castrate demasculinize desex desexualize fix sterilize face-lift lift flow menstruate alleviate assuage palliate relieve hurt suffer get have suffer sustain mewl pule wail whimper cry weep blubber sniffle snivel snuffle perspire sweat exudate exude ooze ooze out fume reek release secrete injure wound saber sabre afflict ail pain trouble excruciate torment martyr martyrize overstretch pull make make water micturate pass water pee pee-pee piddle piss puddle relieve oneself spend a penny take a leak urinate wee egest eliminate excrete pass eliminate empty evacuate void ca-ca crap defecate make shit take a crap bind constipate bleed hemorrhage fag fag out fatigue jade outwear tire tire out wear wear down wear out wear upon weary beat exhaust tucker tucker out overfatigue overtire fatigue jade pall tire barf be sick cast cat chuck disgorge honk puke regorge regurgitate retch sick spew spue throw up upchuck vomit vomit up gag heave choke gag choke gag choke suffocate care for treat manipulate treat manually administer dispense cure heal aid help comfort ease relieve remedy plaster poultice operate operate on medicate medicine dose drug dope dope up o.d. overdose ambrocate anele anoint oil bleed leech inject shoot immunize innoculate inoculate vaccinate cup transfuse come down sicken contract get infect taint shock traumatize mar mutilate rick sprain turn twist wrench wrick cripple lame disable handicap incapacitate invalid degenerate deteriorate convalesce recover fall back lapse recidivate regress relapse retrogress fade languish rot waste feather fledge acquire develop get grow stool tiller ancylose ankylose ancylose ankylose get up work up fester suppurate gangrene mortify necrose sphacelate regenerate revitalize age get on resuscitate revive boot bring up raise resurrect cicatrize scab conk out peter out poop out run down exercise work out exercise work strengthen tone stretch stretch out break wind fart snivel snuffle ptyalize spew spit spue spit out splutter abrade scrape skin stub dribble drivel drool slabber slaver slobber blush crimson flush redden blanch blench bronze tan sun sunbathe burn sunburn discharge eject expel release breathe emit give off pass off jest joke antic clown run down run over break fracture brutalise brutalize brutalise brutalize caramelise caramelize caramelise caramelize remain rest follow keep abreast arterialise arterialize get make get have experience have alternate take turns alternate jump alternate flip flip-flop interchange counterchange interchange alter change avianise avianize glass glass over glaze glaze over overturn revolutionize grow turn alter change carnalize sensualize barbarise barbarize bring land rubber rubberize affect bear on bear upon impact touch touch on bacterise bacterize change by reversal reverse exchange switch change form change shape grain granulate form shape grain granulate conglobate conglobe round round off scallop scollop square square up round round down round off round out pooch pooch out change state turn fall away fall off sober sober up sober sober up become get adapt adjust conform to follow readapt readjust decrease diminish fall lessen shrink shrivel fly vanish extend stretch climb go up climb up jump ease off ease up ease off ease up flag slack off advance gain accumulate amass conglomerate cumulate gather pile up change commute convert exchange commute convert freshen up refurbish remold remould renovate restitute freshen refresh vitalise vitalize foolproof goofproof devitalise devitalize reform straighten out regenerate restore hop up hot up modify qualify fill out round out deprive impoverish choke throttle remove take clean pick clear clear up tear away tear off take away take out pit stone chip away chip away at clean scavenge hypophysectomise hypophysectomize bur burr clear away clear off clear unclutter clutter clutter up clog overload mix mix in iodise iodize oxygenate oxygenize fluoridate fluoridize bromate brominate enclose inclose insert introduce put in stick in innoculate inoculate interlard intersperse feed feed in mark punctuate string string up activate aerate deactivate inactivate blunt deaden ginger up jazz up juice up pep up animate enliven invigorate liven inspirit spirit combine compound dismantle strip bare denudate denude strip defoliate deforest disafforest disforest bone debone disembowel draw pod shell detusk tusk qualify restrict reconstruct redo correct right amend rectify edit redact blue-pencil delete bowdlerise bowdlerize expurgate shorten alter falsify cut up hack cut edit chasten subdue domesticate domesticize break break in chasten moderate corrupt spoil abuse misuse decline worsen drop away drop off fall away slip backslide lapse ameliorate better improve meliorate pick up turn around brisk brisk up ameliorate amend better improve cheapen degrade iron out put right aggravate exacerbate exasperate worsen degenerate deteriorate crumble decay break up decompose decompose molder moulder rot go bad spoil mildew mold dehydrate desicate dessicate dry up marinade marinate can put up slack slake humidify moisturize douse dowse drench soak sop souse deluge inundate dampen moisten parch scorch dry dry out dry dry out beef up fortify brace up undergird fortify lace reenforce reinforce back back up bolster bolster up fade fade out cut dilute reduce thin attenuate rarefy deepen intensify compound deepen heighten intensify heat up hot up irrigate water hose hose down besprinkle sprinkle distil distill distil distill distil distill enhance heighten retouch touch up outgrow overgrow grow over overgrow lessen subside pare pare down reduce tighten bound confine limit restrain restrict throttle draw a line draw the line mark off mark out harness rein baffle regulate carry extend circumscribe confine keep down number cramp halter curb curtail cut back restrict boil down concentrate boil down concentrate decoct reduce boil down come down deoxidise deoxidize oxidise oxidize reduce scale down blow up enlarge contract shrink reduce shrink miniaturise miniaturize shrink shrivel shrivel up wither die back die down dry up mummify reduce simplify merge unify abbreviate abridge contract cut foreshorten reduce concentrate condense abate die away let up slack abate slack double duplicate treble triple manifold multiply age maturate advance come along come on get along get on progress regress retrograde grow maturate evolve work out elaborate work out derive educe come derive build build up progress work up build build up antiquate antique develop make grow mellow melt balloon billow bulge bulk distend swell belly belly out bilge take in water afflict smite hurt injure bushel doctor fix furbish up mend repair restore touch on patch piece point repoint modernize overhaul patch patch up blemish flaw bulge pouch blow up puff puff out puff up blow up inflate amplify blow up expand inflate acetify acidify alkalify alkalize copolymerise copolymerize dwindle dwindle away lour lower bounce back get over get well pull round get worse relapse paralyse paralyze stun stupefy block freeze free release unblock unfreeze circulate mobilize marshal mobilize heal mend sensibilize sensify harden inure brace oneself for prepare for steel oneself against steel onself for accustom habituate familiarise familiarize corrode rust corrode eat eat away fret eat away erode eat at erode gnaw gnaw at clean up neaten square away straighten straighten out tidy make make up mess mess up disarray disorder derange perturb antedate foredate bleach bleach out decolor decolorize white whiten black blacken melanize nigrify lighten lighten up colour discolor impress yarn-dye motley parti-color polychrome polychromize empurple purple bepaint tinct tinge tint hue imbue gray grey gray grey escalate intensify de-escalate step down radiate ray effuse give off irradiate ray illume illuminate illumine light cut cut off cut up disfigure mangle mutilate clip curtail beautify embellish dress up window-dress blossom blossom forth blossom out unfold slick up smarten up spiff up spruce spruce up titivate bloom blossom burst forth effloresce spike spike out season temper harden season tune tune up calibrate fine-tune tune tune up adjust set zero zero in readjust reset gear pitch modulate regulate accommodate adapt anglicise anglicize dispose qualify disqualify indispose shoehorn tailor cultivate domesticate harden temper anneal temper let out widen flare flare out constrict constringe contract narrow dilate distend go off implode burst explode break loose burst forth blow up detonate explode set off belch erupt break open burst out erupt flare oxigenise oxygenize oxigenise oxygenize break out erupt break open burst stave stave in boom expand flourish get ahead prosper thrive blur dim efface obliterate blind dim brighten lighten black out blacken out brighten lighten blear blur bedim obscure bedim benight blot out hide obliterate obscure focus sharpen depreciate devaluate devalue undervalue appreciate revalue cut short truncate draw out extend prolong protract spin spin out elongate stretch bolster pad micro-cook microwave nuke zap crisp toast blanch parboil roll seethe barbecue cook out deep-fry french-fry brew infuse broil oven broil branch fork ramify separate arborise arborize dialyse dialyze break up disperse bray comminute crunch grind powder powderize powderize pulverize run unravel partition subdivide screen off separate off burst bust break come apart fall apart separate ladder run dash smash break check check chink crack snap sliver splinter break up fragment break develop arise come up come about go on hap happen occur pass pass off take place operate work go proceed drag drag on anticipate occur recur repeat come off go off come around roll around happen materialize bechance befall bechance befall coincide concur break out erupt begin commence get set about set out start launch plunge embark enter bestir oneself get cracking get going get moving get rolling get started begin commence lead off start inaugurate introduce restart resume resume take up hang in hang on hold on persevere ask for it ask for trouble plug plug away follow stick to cease end end up fetch up finish up land up end up finish end terminate lift raise ax axe halt stanch staunch stem kill stamp out break up dissolve level level off buckle heave bourgeon burgeon forth germinate pullulate shoot sprout decease die exit expire go pass away buy it pip out leave leave behind buy the farm choke conk croak die suddenly die unexpectedly drop dead kick the bucket pop off snuff it come into being come to life mist mist over curl curve break break off discontinue stop break hold on break off break short drop knock off freeze suspend bog bog down bog bog down break interrupt adjourn break up concentrate condense sublimate sublime evaporate vaporize merge unify clog clot break apart disunify federalize federate chill cool cool cool down chill cool heat heat up heat heat up warm warm up carbonize carburize burn cauterize boil over overboil flash-freeze quick-freeze melt thaw unfreeze unthaw defrost deice burn combust burn down burn up smolder smoulder scorch sear burn incinerate scorch singe burn burn down blacken char change over shift switch turn around commute permute map represent change over convert transform transmute transform transmute transform translate metamorphose transfigure reform regenerate catholicize latinize invert reverse regress return revert turn back customise customize individualise individualize desolate devastate lay waste to ravage harry ravage emaciate macerate debilitate drain languish pine away break damp dampen soften damp dampen deaden muffle mute tone down dampen stifle choke back choke down heighten sharpen point sharpen drop flatten acclimate acclimatize adapt adjust sync synchronize blend coalesce combine commingle conflate fuse immix meld merge mix blend in mix in crumble fall apart decay decompose degauss demagnetize complicate elaborate rarify refine complicate perplex embrangle snarl pressurize supercharge decompress depressurize coordinate organise interlock mesh centralize concentrate decentralise decentralize gear up prepare ready set lay out set up rig set internationalise internationalize bolshevise bolshevize bestialise bestialize anglicise anglicize civilize develop adopt take in locate relocate dislocate displace settle settle down steady down take root becalm calm even even out even even out equal equalize constrain stiffen tighten tighten up clamp down crack down loosen relax loose loosen loose relax relax unbend fasten tighten firm tauten firm tauten detransitivize intransitivize remit slacken douse dowse absent remove blow over evanesce fade fleet pass pass off fade wither come to hand come to light come on come out show up surface be on get on appear come along basset crop out appear come out burst out pop out re-emerge reappear break through come through disappear go away disappear vanish skip town take a powder die off die out bring down cut cut back cut down reduce trim trim back trim down decline go down heighten rise fall off sink climb mount rise wax full wax amplify magnify break break down conk out die fail give out give way go crash go down give way yield blow blow out unfurl unroll roll up wrap up furl roll up branch out broaden motley variegate checker chequer narrow narrow down accelerate quicken speed speed up decelerate slow down accelerate speed rev rev up rev up step up decelerate retard slow slow down check retard slack slacken slow slow down slow slow down slack slack up decrease lessen belittle diminish invigorate quicken aerify gasify congeal jell crystalize crystallize liquefy liquify liquefy liquidise liquidize liquify melt melt down render try freeze freeze down dissolve fall apart break up dissolve dissolve fade away invalidate vitiate discharge empty clean out clear out drain flow away bail out bale out evacuate exhaust fill fill up fill fill up fill again refill perfuse suffuse flush down wash down flush sluice flush scour imbue saturate fit match clabber clot clot coagulate ferment sour hurry rush hasten hurry look sharp rush delay detain delay detain wind wind up hush hush up quieten shut up silence still conquer curb inhibit stamp down subdue suppress burke silence quell squelch flatten flatten out adjust align aline line up realign realine true true up dislocate slip align coordinate incorporate integrate normalize standardize normalize renormalize change orientation orient disfigure distort wear wear off wear out wear thin droop wilt neutralize nullify commercialize market annihilate carry off decimate eliminate eradicate extinguish cancel out wipe out do away with eliminate cut prune hone perfect brush up polish polish up round down fine-tune polish refine precipitate separate from solution distill make pure purify sublimate purify sanctify deform distort deflower impair mar spoil extinguish snuff out crush out extinguish press out stub out kill obliterate massacre mow down erase wipe out automate automatize mechanize motorize lube lubricate systematize systemize finalize nail down chord harmonize harmonize reconcile accommodate conciliate compartmentalise compartmentalize complete finish clear up finish off finish up get through mop up polish off finish out round out cap off top off climax culminate crown top carry out follow through go through implement narrow down pin down fixate settle on fix fixate adulterate debase dilute stretch adulterate doctor doctor up sophisticate leach strip air air out vent ventilate measure quantify clock time fathom sound befoul defile foul maculate contaminate foul alloy debase devaluate devalue insulate isolate isolate keep apart sequester sequestrate seclude sequester sequestrate withdraw leave let advance boost boost supercharge impregnate saturate drench imbrue impregnate infuse instill tincture industrialize urbanize cleanse denazify feed fertilize excite stimulate detoxicate detoxify electrify wire jellify jelly lapidify petrify cloud dapple asterisk star foam froth spume suds disable disenable background play down foreground highlight play up spotlight accent accentuate bring out emphasize set off stress deemphasize destress tender tenderize process treat alleviate ease effervesce fizz foam froth foam seethe disturb interrupt disrupt interrupt find get incur obtain Westernize occidentalize acetylate acetylize acetylate acetylize achromatise achromatize acquire adopt assume take collimate parallel bromate brominate hack hack on closure cloture conventionalise conventionalize go back recover rally rebound come forth come out emerge issue decarbonize decarburize decimalise decimalize depopulate desolate lour lower desalinate desalinize detract take away envenom poison exteriorize externalise glamorize glamourise glamorize romanticise resole sole revamp vamp heel reheel shallow shoal shallow shoal dull pall become flat die go move initiate lead up break through crack open open up open open up broaden extend expand extend set aside suspend dress dress out develop grow bake broil elevate lift develop evolve effuse flow out batter dinge devilize diabolize immaterialize unsubstantialize animate animize be restored come back break through come out erupt push through turn on turn upon mangle murder make unnecessary save develop into grow into lift raise change shift change deepen channel-surf surf rarefy sublimate eternalize eternize commute transpose transfer transplant wash wash away calm down lull energize excite spice spice up fail give out jump leap format initialize hydrolyse hydrolyze hydrolise hydrolize fold fold up crease crinkle crumple rumple felt felt up mat mat up apprehend compass comprehend dig get the picture grasp catch get catch on cotton on get it get onto latch on tumble realize see click come home dawn fall into place get across get through penetrate sink in come across resonate appreciate take account acknowledge know gather infer interpret read translate understand empathize sympathize cognize know be on the ball be with it know the score know what''s going on experience know live over relive control master get the hang master larn learn discover find out get a line get wind get word hear learn pick up catch trip up learn read study take absorb engage engross occupy absorb engross engulf immerse plunge steep immerse plunge adapt embrace espouse sweep up fasten on hook on latch on seize on absorb assimilate ingest take in prepare train develop educate prepare train con learn alternate understudy infect inspire bone bone up cram drum get up grind away mug up swot drill exercise practice practise beat in drill in hammer in ram down inculcate infuse drive home ram home call back call up recall recollect remember remind retrieve think slip slip one''s mind blank out block draw a blank forget come to mind spring to mind bear in mind mind remember think of bury forget remember think back commemorate remember commemorate immortalize memorialize record commemorate mark repress suppress forget leave abandon give abandon desert desolate forsake drop leave out miss neglect omit overleap elide strike out except exclude leave off leave out omit take out jump pass over skip skip over attend to take to heart cold-shoulder disregard ignore neglect err mistake blunder slip up stumble trip up misidentify mistake type typecast identify place confound confuse ke amiss misapprehend misconceive misconstrue misinterpret misunderstand mix up stump addle muddle blur confuse clarify clear clear up crystallize elucidate enlighten illuminate shed light on sort out straighten out bedevil befuddle confound confuse discombobulate fox fuddle throw amaze baffle beat bewilder dumbfound flummox get gravel mystify nonplus perplex puzzle stupefy stupify construe interpret read take misinterpret misread idealise idealize anagram anagrammatize empanel impanel decipher decode read scan skim skim over copyedit copyread proof proofread cerebrate cogitate philosophise philosophize chew over contemplate meditate mull mull over muse ponder reflect ruminate speculate guess imagine reckon suppose assume presume conjecture hypothecate hypothesize speculate suppose theorise construct reconstruct conclude reason figure out lick puzzle out solve answer resolve guess infer deduce deduct derive infer base establish found ground calculate cipher compute cypher figure reckon average average out factor factor in add add together deduct subtract divide fraction extrapolate interpolate analyse analyze psychoanalyse psychoanalyze analyse analyze break down dissect synthesise synthesize analyse analyze examine study botanise botanize diagnose name appraise survey measure measure out caliper calliper explore research beat about cast about cave spelunk discriminate know apart differentiate distinguish secern secernate separate severalize tell tell apart differentiate distinguish describe discover distinguish identify key key out catalog catalogue compare equate come around come round assort class classify separate sort sort out pigeonhole stamp chunk collocate grade mark grade order place range rank rate come in come out rate value check check into check out check over check up on go over look into suss out check check off mark mark off ascertain assure check control ensure insure see see to it demonstrate establish prove shew establish lay down affirm confirm corroborate substantiate support sustain contradict negate invalidate nullify confute disprove controvert rebut abide bear brook endure put up stand stomach suffer accept swallow hold still for stand for submit take underestimate underrate overestimate overrate approximate estimate gauge guess place put lowball underestimate frown on frown upon choose pick out select take go plump excerpt extract cream off skim off pick over sieve out assign set apart center out single out choose opt for cop out opt out prejudice prepossess bias predetermine angle slant dispose incline disincline indispose appraise assess evaluate measure reassess reevaluate disbelieve discredit colligate subsume eliminate reject distrust mistrust bank rely swear trust believe conceive consider think esteem look on look upon regard as repute take to be consider reckon regard see favor favour idealise idealize romanticise romanticize apotheose apotheosize deem hold take for view as esteem prise prize respect disesteem disrespect overestimate overvalue underestimate undervalue reexamine review look back retrospect go over review brush up refresh audit inspect decide determine decide resolve purpose resolve determine set determine influence regulate shape foreordain predestine foreordain predestinate cogitate deliberate consult take counsel brood dwell contemplate meditate be after plan aim aspire go for hope project propose compose draw up frame outline cabal complot collude conspire connive intrigue intend mean aim propose purport purpose will wish designate destine intend specify direct engineer mastermind orchestrate plat plot entertain flirt with think about think of toy with turn to dally play calculate count on estimate figure forecast reckon count reckon bet on calculate on count on count upon depend on depend upon look to reckon on rely on rely upon aim calculate associate connect link relate feel find nail down narrow narrow down peg down pin down specify decree rule override overrule overthrow overturn posit postulate assert insist premise premiss react respond anticipate expect await expect look wait anticipate foreknow believe trust discover find center centre concentrate focus pore rivet come occur allow take into account allow appropriate earmark reserve mind worry beware mind amaze astonish boggle bowl over ascribe assign attribute impute carnalize sensualize personate personify accredit credit blame charge impress ingrain agnise agnize realize recognize bottom fathom follow trace inquire wonder externalize project interiorise interiorize internalise internalize have in mind mean delimit delimitate draw make catch out find out concenter focus devote give reconcile resign keep maintain resolve solve factorise factorize hash over rehash align array consider deal look at take implant plant dateline datemark date date stamp arrange order put set up contemporize synchronize drink drink in grab seize communicate intercommunicate communicate pass pass on put across contact get hold of get through reach get across put over designate destine doom fate enjoin order say tell dictate order force thrust intrude obtrude stick sting bring down impose inflict visit direct point point the way show the way burden charge deluge flood out command compel bespeak call for quest request press push ask expect call for claim exact take contend postulate renounce repudiate apostatise apostatize claim take beg implore adjure beseech bid entreat commune communicate arbitrate intercede liaise mediate arbitrate mediate negociate negotiate determine settle square off square up conciliate make up patch up reconcile appease propitiate exhort press urge urge on bear on push bring around bring round pull in rope in blarney cajole coax inveigle palaver sweet-talk convert convince turn win over deter dissuade cause get have induce make stimulate inspire instigate argue reason argue indicate lay out present argue contend debate fence bicker brabble niggle pettifog quibble squabble brawl wrangle clamor clamour polemicise polemicize altercate argufy dispute quarrel contradict controvert charm influence bewitch enchant glamour hex jinx witch bewitch magnetize mesmerize spellbind importune insist break up cut off disrupt interrupt break intermit breathe catch one''s breath rest take a breather barge in break in butt in chime in cut in put in burst in on burst upon digress divagate stray wander carry on continue go on proceed go ahead plow ahead accost solicit beg solicit entice lure ask enquire ask pose query question snoop spy quiz test cross examine cross question catechise catechize catechise catechize reinforce reward interrogate question examine probe investigate look into call call up phone ring hang on hold on call for cite summon summons call for call in call send for convene convoke bid invite allure tempt provoke stimulate appeal to call on call upon go to program programme disallow forbid interdict prohibit proscribe veto bar debar disdain freeze off pooh-pooh reject scorn spurn decline refuse accept consent brush off rebuff repel snub abjure forswear recant retract swallow take back unsay withdraw back away back out crawfish crawfish out retreat withdraw annul countermand lift overturn repeal rescind reverse revoke go back on renege renege on renegue on cancel invalidate bracket bracket out cross off cross out mark strike off brush aside brush off discount dismiss disregard ignore dismiss throw out flout scoff laugh away laugh off allow countenance let permit allow permit authorise authorize clear pass accede acquiesce assent comply buckle under give in knuckle under succumb differ disagree agree concur concede grant stand subscribe approve ok okay sanction disapprove reject demur except challenge take exception carp cavil interview question check out feel out circumvent dodge duck elude evade fudge hedge parry put off sidestep escape miss escape get away get by get off bypass get around go around keep off shirk ware eschew shun confront face debate deliberate consider debate deliberate moot bandy kick around chair lead discuss talk over disprove rebut answer reply come back rejoin repay retort return riposte acknowledge admit concede confess insist take a firm stand hold firm stand fast stand firm stand pat confess shrive avouch avow attest certify demonstrate evidence adjudge declare beatify canonize contradict contravene censure criminate admonish reprove castigate chasten chastise chastize correct objurgate bawl out berate check chew out chew up chide dress down have words jaw lambast lambaste lecture rag rebuke remonstrate reprimand reproof scold brush down tell off lip off shoot one''s mouth off reproach upbraid criticise criticize belabor belabour advocate preach preach prophesy moralise moralize preachify sermonize instruct learn lecture talk apprise apprize coach train misinform mislead equivocate palter prevaricate tergiversate distort falsify garble warp represent stand for belie misrepresent color distort color gloss impersonate personate affect dissemble feign pretend bamboozle hoodwink lead by the nose play false bull bullshit fake waffle amplify exaggerate hyperbolize magnify overdraw overstate play down soft-pedal emphasise overemphasize re-emphasise re-emphasize minimize understate fulminate rail betray denounce give away grass peach rat shit shop snitch stag blame fault blame find fault accuse criminate impeach incriminate accuse charge hen-peck nag abuse blackguard clapperclaw shout belittle disparage find fault with pick at pan tear apart asperse besmirch calumniate defame denigrate slander smear smirch discredit disgrace rail revile vilify vituperate badmouth drag through the mud malign traduce affront insult bridle at bridle up bristle at bristle up bemock mock ape caricature burlesque parody barrack flout gibe jeer bait cod rag rally ride tantalize taunt tease kid pull the leg of incite instigate set off stir up goad needle blackguard guy jest at laugh at make fun poke fun rib ridicule lampoon satirize debunk expose jest joke gag quip arse around fool fool around horse around betray deceive befool cod dupe fool gull put on put one across put one over slang take in banter chaff jolly kid critique review peer review referee deprecate depreciate deflate puncture exult jubilate rejoice triumph barrack cheer exhort inspire pep up urge cheer cheer up cheer cheer up jolly along jolly up humor humour buoy up lighten exalt extol glorify laud acclaim hail acclaim applaud clap spat boo hiss assail assault attack lash out round snipe blister whip condemn decry excoriate objurgate belittle denigrate derogate minimize anathematize anathemize blaspheme curse cuss imprecate anathemize bedamn beshrew curse damn imprecate bless consecrate hallow sanctify deconsecrate desecrate bless sign oppugn question account for answer for dare defy challenge dispute contend contest charge file admonish discourage admonish caution augur auspicate betoken bode forecast foreshadow foretell omen portend predict prefigure presage alarm alert advise counsel advise apprise apprize give notice notify send word acquaint familiarise advocate recommend advise propose advance throw out misadvise misadvize confab confabulate confer consult consult look up confer with consult cue prompt put forward state accede bow defer give in make a motion move nominate put forward offer pop the question propose propose marriage blandish flatter eulogise eulogize bootlick fawn kotow kowtow suck up toady brown-nose butter up compliment congratulate congratulate felicitate gush rave commend remember commend recommend blow bluster boast brag gas gasconade shoot a line swash tout vaunt crow gloat congratulate preen assure promise pledge plight bind hold accommodate oblige favor favour grace honor affiance betroth engage plight consecrate vow commit dedicate devote give contract undertake guarantee undertake guarantee vouch assure ensure guarantee insure cover insure guarantee warrant give thanks thank acknowledge recognize acknowledge receipt apologise apologize condone excuse excuse explain excuse exempt let off relieve beg off excuse take the Fifth take the Fifth Amendment apologise apologize excuse justify defend fend for justify vindicate maintain uphold justify warrant greet recognize address speak to shake hands wring hands bow bow down conge congee bob curtsy present salute receive welcome dismiss usher out acquaint introduce introduce preface absolve free bid wish acquit assoil clear discharge exculpate exonerate excuse pardon extenuate mitigate condemn doom complain kick kvetch plain quetch sound off backbite bitch harass heckle grizzle whine yammer yawp deter discourage foster nurture patronage patronize condescend patronize croak gnarl grumble murmur grouch grumble beef bellyache gripe grouse holler squawk inveigh rail bemoan bewail deplore lament call out cry cry out exclaim outcry shout scream yell call cry holler hollo scream shout shout out squall pipe pipe up screech shriek caterwaul yowl come in inject interject interpose put in throw in clamor clamour shout out vociferate holler holler out roar thunder snap snarl guess hazard say suppose outguess secondguess anticipate call forebode foretell predict prognosticate bet wager ascertain determine find find out ascertain check determine find out learn see surmise suspect distrust doubt bespeak betoken indicate point distinguish signalize read record register show indicate point point out signalize foreshow prophesy question wonder marvel wonder develop explicate redevelop reformulate calculate forecast enlighten irradiate hint suggest adumbrate insinuate indicate suggest convey impart connote imply evoke paint a picture intimate suggest connote predicate denote refer intend mean signify stand for import spell convolute pervert sophisticate twist moderate tone down break bring out declare disclose discover divulge expose give away impart let on let out reveal come out out come out come out of the closet uncloak unmask break get around leak leak out betray bewray relieve unbosom sell out tip off babble babble out blab blab out peach sing talk tattle re-explain reinterpret explain explicate clarify clear up express give tongue to miaou miaow mouth speak talk utter speak of talk about blubber blubber out evince express give vent vent drone drone on deduce infer rattle down rattle off reel off roll off enumerate itemize list number determine fix set specify count enumerate foliate paginate add add together add up sum sum up summate tally tot tot up total chalk up tally remand remit pick up the gauntlet take a dare consider count palatalise palatalize nasalise nasalize sound vocalize narrate recite recount spin ascertain demonstrate evidence tell air bare publicise publicize intend mean dilate elaborate enlarge expand expatiate expound aggrandize blow up dramatise dramatize embellish embroider lard pad characterize qualify echo repeat ingeminate iterate reiterate repeat restate retell regurgitate reproduce dwell harp come back hark back recall return go back recur interpret translate Latinize latinize comment gloss paraphrase rephrase speak talk speak talk monologuize soliloquize converse discourse broach initiate describe report report turn in announce declare nol. pros. nolle pros check in sign in clock in clock on clock off clock out cover report bring out issue publish put out broadcast circularise circularize circulate diffuse disperse disseminate distribute pass around propagate sough sow telecast televise circulate go around popularize vulgarize miscall misname judge label find rule air beam broadcast send rebroadcast rerun announce annunciate foretell harbinger announce denote blazon out cry trump trump out blare out blat out advertise advertize advertize promote exclaim proclaim articulate enunciate articulate enounce enunciate pronounce labialize round articulate formulate phrase word formulaize formularize cast couch frame put falter stammer blunder out blurt blurt out ejaculate inflect modulate accent stress vocalize vowelize emit let loose let out utter splutter sputter depict describe address speak deliver present accost address address direct edify enlighten bill placard catechise catechize gesticulate gesture cipher code cypher encipher encode encrypt inscribe write in code transcribe transliterate Latinise Latinize Romanize latinise sign subscribe autograph inscribe record tape delete erase enter put down exposit set forth file file away file register clock up log up film shoot tape videotape photograph shoot reshoot retake mark score type typewrite jot jot down scrabble scribble adumbrate outline drop a line write cable telegraph facsimile fax resume sum up recap recapitulate rehash retrograde say state affirm assert aver avow swan swear confirm reassert corroborate validate depone depose point out remonstrate accent accentuate emphasize punctuate drive home press home emphasize underline attest bear witness take the stand testify bear witness evidence prove show abduce adduce allege aver assert asseverate predicate proclaim defend maintain demand exact condition qualify specify stipulate assure tell mention note observe remark get down put down set down write down dash down dash off complete fill in fill out make out note take down exemplify illustrate conclude resolve arrange fix up particularize specialize overgeneralise overgeneralize extrapolate generalise generalize infer generalise generalize acknowledge cite cite quote advert bring up cite mention name refer appeal invoke bring up raise bring forward call up insert slip in sneak in stick in drag up dredge up identify name advert allude aim drive add append animadvert opine sound off speak up baptise baptize dub nickname call name go by go under entitle title denominate designate curse excommunicate brand post mail post e-mail email DJ diskjockey address cover deal handle plow treat discourse discuss browbeat bully endanger expose peril queer blabber chatter clack gabble gibber maunder palaver piffle prate prattle tattle tittle-tattle jaw rattle on yack yack away babble blather blether blither chat up coquet coquette dally flirt mash philander romance chaffer chat chatter chitchat claver confab confabulate gossip jaw natter jawbone shmooze sign signal lip-sync lip-synch be quiet belt up button up clam up close up dummy up keep mum shut up beckon wave call for summon bruit rumor snivel whine sing whistle maffle maunder mumble mussitate snore snort spit spit out groan moan growl grumble howl roar bawl yawp howl roar ululate wail squall waul howl wrawl yammer yowl bay quest yap yelp baa blat blate bleat bawl bellow bellow roar screak screech scriech skreak skreigh skriech cantillate chant intonate intone intonate intone descant warble quaver trill quaver waver declaim recite jabber mouth off rabbit on rant rave spout cheep chirp chirrup twirp churr whirr make vibrant sounds purr cronk honk claxon honk chitter twitter hiss sibilate siss sizz hiss sibilate siss sizz bray hee-haw oink squeal clack click low moo block jam mince moderate crackle crunch scranch scraunch comment notice point out remark kibbitz kibitz acknowledge notice cut disregard ignore snub neigh nicker whicker whinny give throw give pay give render carry convey express state deliver render mark set get off send come across come over call for invite hammer out thrash out croak cronk cut issue make out write out bring out introduce puff puff up keep maintain confront face chant intone hurl throw deny traverse compete contend put in submit go for try for go move bluff bluff out cast draw ruff trump confront face breast front encounter meet play take on match oppose enter participate chuck up the sponge drop out give up leave quit throw in demolish destroy bully off face off referee umpire disadvantage hamper handicap hinder race run arm build up fortify gird re-arm rearm demilitarise demilitarize disarm unarm demob demobilize base place post send team team up gang gang up aggroup group fight struggle defend fight fight back fight down get back settle battle combat go to war take arms campaign take the field campaign run barnstorm whistlestop function officiate caddie caddy draft enlist discharge muster out call up mobilize conscript levy raise recruit demilitarise demilitarize outpoint outscore prevail triumph beat beat out crush trounce mop up pip rack up whip lurch skunk break down crush get the best have the best rout spread-eagle cut down cut out cheat chicane chouse jockey screw shaft beat circumvent outfox outsmart outwit overreach outcry outshout exceed outdo outgo outmatch outstrip surmount better break out-Herod out-herod defeat overcome get over master overcome subdue surmount swim expel rout best outdo outflank scoop maneuver manoeuvre outmaneuver outmaneuvre overmaster overpower advance gain gain ground get ahead make headway win get back win back hit rack up score tally drop off fall back fall behind lose set sic draw tie equalize get even give up surrender resist stand relinquish surrender hold out resist stand firm withstand complete nail aggress attack assail attack assail assault attack set on pelt pepper bear down charge outrival outvie scuffle tussle hit strike feather square feather square counterattack counterstrike remain down take the count storm surprise invade occupy beset set upon blockade seal off block off blockade barricade barricado beleaguer besiege circumvent hem in guard ward defend guard screen shield fence fence in palisade surround drive back drive off fight off rebuff repel repulse arrest check contain hold back stop turn back atom-bomb nuke bomb bombard atomize nuke discharge fire discharge fire let drive let fly blaze blaze away sharpshoot snipe fire open fire blast shell hit pip ambuscade ambush bushwhack lie in wait lurk scupper back bet on gage game punt stake double up parlay bird birdwatch scallop scollop ambush still-hunt hunt hunt down run track down jack jacklight reach strain kill oneself overexert oneself block deflect rule in rule out root side champion defend tackle take on press weightlift aim direct place point aim direct take take aim charge level home in range in avenge retaliate get back get even fix get pay back pay off put out retire catch catch up with bet wager consume have ingest take exist by live by live off live on consume deplete eat eat up exhaust run through use up wipe out drain sap consume squander ware waste expend use apply employ use utilise assign put misapply misuse overdrive overuse go through run through cannibalise cannibalize cannibalise cannibalize recycle reprocess strip mine surface mine exploit tap addict hook extend strain overextend overstrain exercise exert task tax dine in eat in dine out eat out dine sup dine sup fress gluttonize wolf wolf down swill swill down drink imbibe guggle gurgle lap lap up booze drink bar hop pub-crawl bib tipple drink tope partake touch dig in pitch in put away tuck away nosh snack peck peck at peck pick up bolt gobble bolt down gobble up munch nibble nibble pick browse graze champ chomp gum mumble drink pledge salute toast drain the cup drink up regale treat live in sleep in live out sleep out slop swill feed give eat feed dish dish out dish up serve pander pimp help serve feast feed gratify indulge cater ply provide supply fill fulfil fulfill meet keep maintain banquet feast banquet feast breastfeed give suck lactate nurse suck suckle hunger starve crave hunger lust starve need require avoid keep off hit it up inebriate soak souse inebriate intoxicate befuddle fuddle delight enjoy indulge luxuriate sow one''s oats sow one''s wild oats dip dunk go run low binge englut engorge glut gorge gormandise gormandize gourmandize ingurgitate overeat overgorge overindulge pig out satiate scarf out stuff avail help fill replete sate satiate cloy pall appease quell fat fatten fatten out fatten up fill out flesh out plump plump out sample taste try try out dissipate fool fool away fritter fritter away frivol away abstain desist forgo give up devour gulp guttle pig eat up finish consume devour down go through sop up suck in take in take up drag draw pop skin pop snort take a hit fire up light base free-base huff snort do drugs drug get off trip trip out turn on chew jaw manducate masticate crunch munch get down swallow gulp quaff belt down bolt down down drink down kill pour down nourish nurture feed on feed upon prey raven feed prey cram fill fill up jam allay assuage quench slake aliment nourish graze range luxuriate wanton burn burn off carry hold adjoin meet immobilize pin disturb touch cover spread over grass grass over hit strike hit strike feel finger finger thumb feel palpate handle palm guide pass clutch prehend get hold of take bring out get out gather in take in break up calve apprehend arrest collar cop nab nail capture catch grasp grip cling hang hold take hold hold hold up support sustain buoy buoy up prop prop up jack jack up brace steady cling to clutch hold close hold tight adhere cling cohere stick flip flip over distort twist curl wave crape crimp frizz frizzle kink kink up fiddle with twiddle handle wield control operate fondle stroke dig into poke into interpenetrate permeate creep in sneak in diffuse imbue permeate pervade dig jab poke prod jab stab egg on incite nudge poke at knife stab mangle maul knead massage dab pat dab swab daub smear knead work bunt butt collide with hit impinge on run into bang spang knock strike hard bump knock cut down down knock down pull down bump into butt against jar against knock against crease graze goad prick flick flip flick strike click flick bang slam lace into lam into lay into pitch into flap down slam bang slam draw pull back beak peck chuck pat mop swab drag dredge hoover vacuum hygienize sanitize steam steam clean polish shine smooth smoothen sleek slick buff burnish flush furbish blunt dull skim skim over squeak by squeak through shave trim filet fillet plane shave puree strain sponge down sponge off chafe fray fret rub scour scrub abrade scour bedaub besmear blur smear smudge smutch besmirch smirch muddy muddy up smooth smoothen abrade abrase corrade rub down wear away wear off slice slice up amputate cut off carve cut up swage upset carve chip at cube dice chop hack ax axe chop chop up cut down drop fell strike down poleax poleaxe log lumber chip nick nick snick break off chip cut off knap break away break off chip chip off flake flake off peel peel off hew hew out rough-hew roughcast cream cream off skim skim off cake coat pare trim pare peel bark skin descale scale coat surface patinate patinize asphalt tar lather soap paper wallpaper seal varnish rinse wash handstamp rubberstamp frank postmark mark nock furrow groove chamfer chase crease furrow fold fold up crease crinkle crisp ruckle scrunch scrunch up cockle crumple draw knit pucker rumple pucker ruck buckle crumple purse wrinkle dent indent bend deform convolute convolve force out gouge gouge groove scallop scollop draw in suck in root rootle core out hollow cavern cavern out cave undermine wrap wrap up unbrace unlace bind tie bind off tie up bind tie down tie up truss fetter shackle cuff handcuff leash rope conjoin join couple match mate pair mortice mortise mortice mortise disjoin disjoint disjoin disjoint disarticulate disjoint bring together join couple couple on break break off chop off cut off come away come off swaddle swathe pinion shackle constrain cumber encumber restrain confine hold encircle gird cinch girth bandage bind anchor cast anchor anchor ground berth moor batten batten down even even out grate scrape put back replace scrape scratch scrape skin cut into delve dig turn over dig excavate dig dig out ditch trench lift out scoop scoop out scoop up dig up excavate grub out grub up grope for scrabble fumble grope look for search go after pursue quest after quest for go rifle comb ransack angle fish ferret grub cut down mow glean harvest poll pollard clip crop cut back dress lop prune snip trim pinch top engrave grave gash slash cut down slash butcher slaughter lapidate stone saber sabre overlay overlie put away put to sleep do in knock off liquidate waste exterminate kill off catch hitch append hang on tack on tag on add on affix append supplement run up sew sew together stitch gather pucker retick tick glue paste plank plank over cover overlay drown overwhelm expose uncover pin pin down peg peg down fasten fix close shut fold pen up open open up open open up close shut coop in coop up lock lock away lock in lock up put away shut away lock in seal in wrench wring squeeze out wring out twist wrench force away pull away contort deform distort wring draw out extract pull out take out express extract winkle winkle out draw out drive in zip zip up seal seal off calk caulk connect link interconnect interlink card tease affix stick on adhere bind bond hold fast stick stick to block out mask string thread spread out string out daub plaster plaster plaster over apply put on clap on slam on ground prime net nett straighten straighten out fray frazzle break bust fall apart wear break bust kick kick back pole punt plash spatter splash splatter splosh swash slosh slosh around slush slush around splash splosh eject force out squeeze out squirt drizzle moisten disperse dot dust scatter straw strew distribute spread collect garner gather pull together salvage scavenge come up muster muster up rally cull pick deplumate deplume displume pluck pull tear accumulate collect archive file away come up scrape aggregate combine beat up drum up collate collect chunk lump sand sandpaper pleat ruffle mess up ruffle ruffle up rumple compact compress constrict contract press squeeze bear down overbear compact compress insert tuck wall in wall up brick in brick over bower embower iron iron out roll roll out fluff ruffle fluff up plump up plume preen pass over wipe wipe away wipe off mop mop up broom sweep grate grind chrome chromium-plate swat swatter bash bonk bop sock whap whop beat beat up lash whip belabor belabour flagellate scourge catch get blast boom nail smash hole hole out bunt drag a bunt carry dribble fan strike out sandbag stun flog lash lather slash strap trounce welt whip cane flog lambast lambaste coldcock deck dump floor bat clobber drub lick kayo knock cold knap rap poke pound smack thwack plug punch slog slug wallop whack wham whop biff pommel flail lam thrash thresh thrash thresh sledge sledgehammer cuff whomp baste batter buff buffet batter buffet whip whisk beat scramble stir toss mix ruffle agitate commove disturb raise up shake up stir up rile roil muddle puddle larrup paddle connect plug in disconnect unplug enter infix insert introduce instil instill plug secure close fill cork cork up bludgeon club nose nuzzle bosom embrace hug squeeze cuddle draw close nestle nuzzle smooch snog make out neck bang be intimate bed bonk do it eff fuck get it on get laid have a go at it have intercourse have it away have it off have sex hump jazz know lie with love make love make out screw have take serve service make score copulate couple mate pair mount ride crossbreed hybridize breed cover jack off jerk off masturbate she-bop buss kiss peck smack lap lick bring convey fetch get bear away bear off carry away carry off spirit away spirit off whisk away whisk off whisk whisk off channel channelize transfer transmit release turn send send out get off mail process serve catch grab recapture retake snap snatch swoop swoop up reach reach out intercept stop cut off cut out pierce thrust break up pick perforate punch bore drill empale impale spike transfix skewer spit horn tusk bite prick bite off snap at bite seize with teeth brandish flourish draw force entrain trail give yield carry transport cart haul cart away cart off haul away haul off airlift lift pick pluck pull along schlep lug tote cart drag bouse bowse hoist lift trice trice up trice trice up hoist run up heave heave up heft heft up clip nip nip off snip nip pinch squeeze tweet twinge twitch crimp pinch filter percolate permeate sink in filter filter out filtrate separate out sieve sift riddle screen fan winnow combine compound sulfurette sulphurette amalgamate commix mingle mix blend immingle intermingle intermix entangle mat snarl tangle enmesh ensnarl disentangle straighten out loosen tease arrange set up catenate catenulate decorate dress abut adjoin border butt butt against butt on border skirt gird girdle evict force out boot out chuck out eject exclude expel kick out throw out turf out lay over superimpose ask in invite invite receive abduct kidnap nobble snatch impress shanghai commandeer expropriate highjack hijack jumble scramble potter potter around putter putter around mess around monkey monkey around muck around potter putter muss tussle dishevel tangle array lay out range set out let go let go of bring out let out let loose loose disengage free block close up impede jam obstruct occlude dam dam up block off close off block out screen earth up land up bar barricade block block off block up blockade back up choke choke off clog clog up congest block choke up lug stuff silt silt up loosen up unstuff capture catch ensnare entrap snare trammel hang hang up enshrine shrine load down pack bundle compact pack wad bunch bunch up bundle clump grease lubricate box package case encase take out unpack case encase bundle bundle up roll out straighten burden burthen weight weight down disburden unburden overcharge overload drop put down set down unload lade laden load load up charge load recharge reload link yoke offsaddle unsaddle bruise contuse crush jam garner store load stow ensconce settle lay place pose position put set put forward stick tee tee up place down put down flump plank plonk plop plump plump down plunk plunk down seed sough inseminate sow pillow rest lose mislay heap pile distribute stack heap up pile up scuffle tussle attract draw in pull pull in arrest catch beat back drive force back push back repel repulse draw in retract introvert invaginate cast hurl crash dash bombard pelt deep-six throw overboard flip switch switch on turn on cut switch off turn off turn out engage lock mesh operate disengage withdraw impel propel flip pitch sky toss throw back toss back cast cast off drop shake off shed throw throw away throw off pitch set up catapult sling chuck toss launch set in motion project send off skim skip gush jet drive force ram run wind wreathe frost ice beset encrust enlace entwine interlace intertwine lace twine raddle ruddle plash pleach interweave weave braid pleach vandalise vandalize unknot unpick unravel unscramble knot ravel ravel ravel out lace lace up wind wind up roll wind circle encircle clew clue reel off unreeel unroll unwind disentangle unwind coil curl chock up cram jam jampack pack ram deluge flood inundate swamp malfunction misfunction function go operate run come on come up fill out pad force squeeze bump dislodge exorcise exorcize deposit lodge stick wedge dislodge free embed engraft imbed implant bury sink countersink set graft transplant engraft graft grain ingrain entrench intrench dig in entrench boss emboss impress imprint blob blot fleck spot clean make clean clean clean house begrime bemire colly dirty grime soil mire muck muck up mud launder wash powerwash pressure-wash rinse rinse off pan pan off defile maculate sully tarnish cloud corrupt defile sully blemish spot bespeckle speckle speckle stipple bespatter spatter absorb draw imbibe soak up sop up suck suck up take in assimilate imbibe sorb take up aspirate draw in take in take up disgorge shed pour forth shed slop spill fall flow drape pose sit sit down perch rest seat sit lay put down crouch hunker down scrunch scrunch up stand stand up place upright stand recline repose buckle clasp brooch clasp efface erase rub out score out cancel delete excise expunge cut out scratch out blemish deface anatomise anatomize mark pit pock scar grave sculpt pare whittle wear away whittle away crop cut short saber sabre die die out cut a rebate in rebate bob dock cleave rive disunite divide part separate divide part slice slit fleece shear lop sever break up sever clash collide crash ram break apart break up section segment syllabicate syllabify partition partition off destroy ruin despoil plunder rape violate bust up wrack bang up smash deracinate extirpate pull up root out plant set afforest forest muffle smother smother surround put out smother asphyxiate smother instal install put in set up establish instal install set up post put up choke fret choke scrag strangle strangulate behead decapitate garotte garrotte impale stake draw and quarter quarter dismember take apart strain tense clench clinch pull rend rip rive bust rupture snap tear rip up shred grapple grip pack tamp depress press down depress lower pound ram deposit fix pose posit browse crop graze pasture crop graze buffer cushion dip douse dunk plunge immerse plunge lade laden fork pitchfork open spread spread out unfold enclose enfold envelop enwrap cover enshroud hide shroud bury eat up engross immerse swallow swallow up delineate describe draw line outline trace bevel chamfer inject shoot disencumber disentangle extricate untangle monkey tamper diddle fiddle play toy force storm kick down kick in border frame enclose inclose glass glass in dike dyke fence fence in cordon off rope in label mark lean against lean on patch piece vamp vamp up doff take off flick flip flick riffle post stake jerk yank pick off pluck pull off tweak draw away draw off hike up hitch up jimmy lever prise prize breach gap sweep swing crush mash squash squeeze cranch craunch crunch grind crank crank up hackle hatchel bear down bear down on drag down press down on crape crepe coapt conglutinate crosscut cut across bear carry balance poise macadamize tarmac limber limber up soak through sop interlock lock fort fortify interlace interlock bond bring together deaden girdle clean strip pick at pluck at break break up dribble drip create make bring institute short short-circuit do make undo unmake make over redo refashion remake sweep away wipe out create make pulsate pulse clap together clap up custom-make customize dummy dummy up compile compose comfit confect cobble together cobble up catalog catalogue bring forth generate initiate originate generate give render return bring about give bring make for play work arouse bring up call down call forth conjure conjure up invoke put forward raise stir draw out educe elicit evoke extort wring from prise pry regenerate renew create by mental act create mentally contrive devise excogitate forge formulate invent cast contrive project throw conceive conceptualise conceptualize ideate concoct dream up hatch think of cook up fabricate invent make up concoct trump up fictionalize retell envision fancy figure image picture project see visualize envision foresee conceive of envisage ideate imagine daydream dream stargaze woolgather discover find contrive design plan project coin mint design plan create make accomplish carry out carry through execute fulfil fulfill consummate perfect initiate pioneer innovate introduce bring about effect effectuate set up draw get activate actuate set off spark spark off touch off trigger trigger off bring on induce hasten induce rush stimulate actualize realize open up pioneer cause do call forth evoke kick up provoke constitute establish found institute establish give arrange bring about breed engender launch mount mount put on put on turn in incite motivate move prompt force impel begin commence embark on start sound off strike up attempt set about devise get up organize prepare bear turn out create from raw material create from raw stuff construct fabricate counterfeit fake build construct build establish frame up frames rebuild reconstruct assemble piece put together set up confuse jumble break apart break up disassemble dismantle fashion forge recast reforge forge form mold mould remold reshape erect put up raise rear dismantle level pull down rase raze take down eradicate exterminate extirpate uproot press press out cast mold recast remold coil handbuild cook fix make prepare whip up whomp up concoct cook up sew tailor cut style broider embroider process work make over retread fledge flight bespangle spangle bard caparison entwine knit net web crochet hook double crochet double stitch single crochet single stitch intertwine loop tissue weave intertwine tat braid lace forge hammer extrude squeeze out adorn beautify decorate embellish grace ornament filet fillet dress garnish bedeck bedight carnalize sensualize burnish gloss begild engild blueprint draft miniate rubricate blazon emblazon sculpt sculpture interpret represent depict picture conventionalize stylize depict limn portray present delineate limn check checker diagram plot copy re-create mimeo mimeograph fill in shade color color in colour colour in blotch mottle color colour model mold mock up model chalk out outline compose indite pen write write about write of spell write hyphen hyphenate dash off fling off knock off toss off adapt rewrite adopt dramatise draft outline rhyme rime poetize verse recite retell belt belt out ghost ghostwrite annotate footnote cite reference compose write arrange set instrument instrumentate adapt transcribe dance trip the light fantastic present stage localize place do execute play run premier premiere premier premiere audition try out act play act play playact roleplay act dissemble assume feign sham simulate masquerade pose act out enact model reenact practice practise impersonate portray parody spoof mime pantomime play render play play on recapitulate repeat accompany follow ad-lib extemporise extemporize improvise chirp tweedle choir chorus carol wassail interpret render conduct direct give have hold make double tongue triple-tongue double duplicate reduplicate repeat reissue reprint photocopy run off Photostat photostat catch get play back replay develop evolve preassemble prefabricate vamp vamp up fudge together throw together farm grow produce raise crop cultivate overcrop overcultivate plough plow disk harrow copy imitate mimic mock model pattern follow take after publish write arrange format tabularise tabularize print publish carry run scrawl scribble program programme impress print overprint print over ham overact underact underplay bring forth produce bring about give rise crank out grind out rough rough in write out write up cut cut out map map out arouse elicit enkindle evoke fire kindle provoke raise ask for invite fire up heat ignite inflame excite shake shake up stimulate arouse excite sex turn on agitate charge charge up commove excite rouse bubble over overflow hype up psych up calm calm down chill out cool it cool off settle down cark disorder disquiet distract perturb trouble derange unbalance calm calm down lull quiet quieten still tranquilize tranquillize appease assuage conciliate gentle gruntle lenify mollify pacify eat eat on assure reassure care worry retire withdraw boil seethe affect impress move strike hit home strike a chord sweep away sweep off disturb trouble stir touch experience feel feel pride take pride congratulate plume smolder smoulder entertain harbor harbour hold acerbate embitter eat into fret grate rankle grudge stew detest hate abhor abominate execrate loathe contemn despise disdain scorn care for cherish hold dear treasure enshrine saint fancy go for hero-worship idolize revere worship fear revere reverence venerate affright fright frighten scare cow overawe dread fear terrify terrorize ballyrag boss around browbeat bully bullyrag hector push around strong-arm domineer tyrannize apprehend quail at alarm appal appall dismay ghost haunt enervate faze unnerve unsettle freak freak out gross out lose control break down lose it break burst break up collapse crack crack up dash daunt frighten away frighten off pall scare scare away scare off gall irk enfuriate exasperate incense infuriate anger see red craze madden annoy bother devil get at get to gravel irritate nark nettle rag rile vex offend pique beset chevvy chevy chivvy chivy harass harry hassle molest plague discomfit discompose disconcert untune confuse consternate disconcert flurry bemuse bewilder discombobulate throw deflect distract abash embarrass anguish hurt hurt injure offend spite fret fuss agonise agonize agonise agonize blow up throw a fit thrill tickle regret repent atone repent grieve sorrow aggrieve grieve strain stress disappoint let down betray fail come short fall short frustrate spoil abase chagrin humble humiliate degrade demean disgrace put down humanise humanize mortify subdue keen lament express emotion express feelings excruciate rack torment torture bedevil crucify dun frustrate rag tantalize badger beleaguer bug harass pester tease control manipulate cotton up cozy up play up shine up sidle up suck up anticipate look for moon about moon around brood grizzle stew sulk ache languish long pine yearn yen brace poise nerve steel buck up take heart becharm beguile bewitch captivate capture catch charm enamor enamour enchant entrance fascinate antagonise antagonize invite tempt appeal attract attract draw draw in fetch pull pull in churn up disgust nauseate revolt piss off put off repel repulse ball over blow out of the water floor shock stun take aback overcome overpower overtake overwhelm sweep over whelm appal appall offend outrage scandalize shock elate intoxicate lift up pick up exalt exhilarate animate enliven exalt inspire sad sadden gladden joy be on cloud nine exult jump for joy walk on air joy rejoice buoy up lighten weigh down weigh on cast down deject demoralize depress dismay dispirit comfort console solace soothe allay ease relieve still delight please tickle titillate gratify satisfy delight enchant enrapture enthral enthrall ravish disenchant disillusion cheer embolden hearten recreate goad spur dishearten put off intimidate restrain dither flap bask enjoy relish savor aggravate exacerbate fascinate grip spellbind transfix galvanize startle bore tire compassionate condole with feel for pity commiserate sympathize care a hang give a damn rejoice revel triumph wallow alien alienate disaffect estrange wish wish well care like begrudge resent desire want desire hope begrudge envy drool over slobber over admire look up to lech after lust after hanker long enjoy love pride oneself take pride fall apart go to pieces erupt flare beam glow radiate shine hit the deck hit the dirt drop down fall down freeze stop dead bog down get stuck bog down mire get stranded run aground go locomote move travel overfly pass over get about get around jaunt travel go to repair to travel to visit inspect visit journey travel navigate sail journey travel ease up give give way move over depart go blow shove along come come up approach come near displace move center centre siphon siphon off draw take out draw in suck transfer transplant stay stay put stick stick around start start up rein rein in crank crank up jump jumpstart arrest halt halt stop rein rein in conk stall stop stop over draw up haul up draw up pull up ply run get going go get off the ground take off lurch pitch jar jolt bump around jar bob about bob around wallow welter revolve roll waver weave squirm twist worm wrestle wriggle writhe worm wreathe coggle wobble sashay sidle sail sweep brush sweep skid slew slide slip reel waggle shimmy wobble jostle shove force push obtrude push out push aside push away drift waft rock shake cradle rock fluctuate vacillate sway swing nod sway oscillate vibrate flicker flitter flutter quiver swing about swing around pulsate pulse flutter palpitate beat pound beat out tap out seesaw teeter cast drift ramble range roam rove stray swan vagabond wander gad gallivant meander thread weave wind dislodge reposition cavort disport frisk frolic gambol lark lark about rollick romp run around skylark sport forge spirt buck hitch cant cant over pitch slant careen shift sway tilt scend surge boil churn moil roil crawl creep slide slither roll wheel slip steal quake tremor shiver shudder thrill throb quake quiver agitate shake convulse slash thrash thrash about thresh thresh about judder shake jerk twitch bounce bound rebound recoil ricochet spring bounce jounce bound off skip carom glance flip toss capsize turn over flick flip flip twitch click snap agitate budge shift stir arouse stir bebop bop waltz waltz around tap tapdance contra danse contradance contredanse country-dance break break dance mosh slam slam dance thrash jiggle joggle wag waggle call call off dart fleet flit flutter stumble trip trip trip up bumble falter falter waver clip jog flap undulate mill mill about scamper scurry scuttle skitter be adrift blow drift float surge tide fall back recede float swim foot hoof hoof it leg it overturn tip over move around turn bowl over knock over overturn tip over turn over upset jump start shlep traipse perambulate walk about circumambulate walk around circumnavigate compass creep mouse pussyfoot sneak cover cross cut across cut through get across get over pass over track infiltrate pass through pass across pass over pass through transit slice into slice through cock prance ruffle sashay strut swagger sleepwalk somnambulate hitch hobble scuffle shamble drag scuff saunter stroll amble mosey prowl skulk mope mope around coggle dodder paddle toddle totter waddle promenade stroll march stride footslog pad plod slog slop slosh splash splosh squelch squish clamber scramble shin shinny skin sputter climb climb up go up mount bestride climb on get on hop on jump on mount get off hop out tip tippytoe parade promenade exhibit march careen keel lurch reel stagger swag flounder stagger stamp stomp lumber pound drift err backpack pack consort run bear down on bear down upon luff point trample tread clomp clump drive motor direct guide head maneuver manouevre point navigate pilot canalize channel bicycle bike cycle pedal cycle motorcycle sled sleigh bob bobsled luge toboggan fly wing aviate fly plane skim sailplane soar hydroplane seaplane soar soar up soar upwards surge rocket skyrocket hover levitate rack scud tack wear ship change course gybe jib jibe surf windsurf send ship direct send airt redirect despatch dispatch forward send on flat-hat hedgehop hang glide soar joyride tool hitch hitchhike ride sit dismount get down get off light extend gallop rack single-foot break water fin bound jump leap spring jump leap overleap vault burst forth leap out rush out sally out avalanche roll down hop hop-skip dive plunge parachute sky dive arise come up go up lift move up rise ascend go up move up rise come up rise go down go under come down descend fall go down lapse pass bring down get down let down lower lift raise bring up elevate get up lift chin chin up leaven prove boost hike gather up lift up dip douse topple tumble dump plunge run out spill plank down plonk down plummet plump flump flump down alight climb down alight light debark disembark land set down bring down land down land land set ashore rear rise up rise straighten drop open fall open assume take draw up pull up erect rear cock up prick prove rise arise get up rise stand up sit sit down lie lie down stretch stretch out droop flag sag swag sag sag down drop drop down settle subside halt settle even up jog settle settle down sink slide down break cave in collapse fall in founder give burst collapse slouch slump go down go under settle sink come up rise rise up surface swell well crank zigzag follow travel along advance go on march on move on pass on progress creep up sneak up encroach impinge entrench trench plough on press on string string along advance bring forward advance set ahead draw back move back pull away pull back recede retire retreat withdraw retreat retrograde draw get out pull pull out continue go forward barge push forward march process back down back off dawdle fall back fall behind lag scale surmount lead precede head lead conduct direct guide lead lead astray misguide show usher follow pursue chase chase after dog go after tag tail track trail chase away dispel drive away drive off drive out run off shoo shoo away hound hunt haunt stalk retrace trace backtrack double back cut back flash back come back get back go back return go home head home arrive come come come in attain hit access get at peak reach a peak depart quit go away go forth decamp skip bugger off buzz off get scram bolt bolt out run off run out ride away ride off dally linger derail jump shift transfer carry forward carry over displace force out depart part set forth set off set out start start out take off lift off take off blaze blaze out sally forth sally out get out pull out draw in get in move in pull in exit get out go out leave come in enter get in get into go in go into call at out in edge in edge up board get on emplane enplane intrude irrupt barge in crash overstep transgress encroach upon intrude on invade obtrude upon foray into raid infest overrun arrive at attain gain hit make reach come through get through get to make progress to reach ground run aground ground run aground come across encounter foregather forgather meet ran into run across see cross intersect collect congregate fort fort up clump cluster constellate flock escort esquire escort see chaperon chaperone huddle huddle together bunch bunch together crowd crowd together pour stream crowd herd disperse dissipate scatter spread out disband dissolve part separate break up dispel disperse dissipate divide separate close off shut off sprawl straggle curve cut sheer slew slue swerve trend veer deflect deviate bend deflect avert turn away crook curve arc arch arch over overarch hump hunch hunch forward hunch over straighten unbend bend flex dress line up line up queue incline pitch angle lean slant tilt lean back recline dip sink cockle riffle ripple ruffle curtsey curtsy genuflect kowtow billow heave billow wallow break down collapse crumble crumple burrow tunnel circulate distribute pass around pass on circularise circularize orbit revolve circle circulate go around revolve splay spread out wheel wheel around wheel wheel around pivot swivel gyrate reel spin spin around centrifugate centrifuge eddy gurge purl swirl whirl whirlpool skirl tumble whirl whirl around birl spin twirl whirl birl birle swirl twiddle twirl whirl coil gyrate corkscrew spiral overhaul overtake go across go through airt make one''s way work work one''s way go by go past pass pass by surpass travel by make pass pass fly by whisk by approach come near come on draw near go up near close come together close in draw in crowd push extend stretch stretch out unfold buck charge shoot shoot down whizz whizz along zoom zoom along hurry speed travel rapidly zip drive out force out rouse rout out drive pull chauffeur drive around bustle bustle about dawdle linger drag drop behind get behind hang back belt along bucket along cannonball along hasten hie hotfoot pelt along race rush rush along race rush rush away rush off shack trail diffuse fan out spread spread out creep grow over bleed run cringe flinch funk quail recoil shrink squinch wince retract shrink back dart dash flash scoot scud shoot commute travel back and forth hurl hurtle lunge thrust bend bow crouch stoop draw together squinch double double over bow down prostrate cower crawl creep cringe fawn grovel cower huddle jam mob pack pile pounce swoop deviate divert depart digress sidetrack straggle transpirate transpire course flow run off waste gush spirt spout spurt hiss whoosh effuse pour out pour out spill out decant pour stream well out dribble filter cascade cascade down drain run out leach percolate ooze seep brim over overflow overrun run over edge inch rachet up ratchet elapse glide by go along go by lapse pass slide by slip away fell fly break break away escape from shake shake off throw off abscond absquatulate bolt decamp go off run off elope run off bilk elude break loose escape break away bunk lam run run away scarper flee fly make take leave quietly slip away sneak away sneak off sneak out steal away abandon empty break camp decamp expand spread out bring convey bring back return bring in introduce carry channel conduct convey clear top distance outdistance bug out bulge bulge out come out pop pop out circle around circle round scatter spread manure muck birdlime lime bestir rouse debouch march out bring outside exteriorize go around outflank remove transfer change transfer come forward come out come to the fore step forward step to the fore step up turn turn over step tread step on tread on descend stoop beat flap beat flap flail thresh shove squeeze stuff thrust plough plow topple tumble lurch stagger come out pop out rip tear curl curl up drive tool record register feel sense comprehend perceive pick up receive experience get have receive get receive come to hit endure suffer catch get meet suffer experience go through air air out benumb blunt dull numb bedaze daze besot stupefy excite stimulate blow fellate quicken whet catch pick up mark note note observe chafe fret itch rub bite burn ache hurt ache hurt act up play up pound throb prickle tingle prick prickle prick sting reek stink sniff whiff nose scent nose out scent out smell out sniff out odorize scent smell up stink out snuff snuffle get a noseful get a whiff aromatize perfume cense incense fume fumigate lose miss look on watch find see catch a glimpse get a look behold lay eyes on consider look at have a look take a look see watch look back look backward gaze stare outface stare down appear look appear seem disclose expose show show up display exhibit bring forth produce flash flaunt show off swank model pose posture sit bring out reveal uncover unveil display reveal conceal hide hide hide out conceal hold back cloak dissemble gloss over hush up sleek over whitewash cover cover up harbor harbour demo demonstrate exhibit present demonstrate show catch see take in view look out watch glance over rake run down scan flick flip leaf riff riffle thumb scrutinize size up look search descry espy spot spy detect discover find notice disappear go away bring on bring out crop up pop up becloud befog cloud fog haze over mist blur film over eclipse occult orient orientate guide guide on reorient reorientate disorient disorientate blink flash twinkle wink flick flicker emit light radiate gleam glimmer beam glow radiate shine darken dim dim dip bedazzle daze gleam glint glisten glitter monitor ride herd on gape gawk gawp goggle peek peep glance glint consider study eye eyeball keep one''s eyes open keep one''s eyes peeled keep an eye on look after reconnoiter reconnoitre give the eye give the once over blind excecate nose poke advert attend give ear hang pay attention pay heed hear listen creak screak screech skreak skreigh skriech skriegh squeak brattle clack clitter stridulate jangle jingle make noise noise clang clangor clangor clangour boom boom out beat drum crackle crepitate beat tick ticktack ticktock go sound knock ping strum thrum peal ring ding dingdong peal toll knell ring bombilate bombinate blare blast crack snap beep blare claxon honk echo resound reverberate ring thud thump crump crunch scrunch thud clop clump clunk plunk patter pitter-patter knock pink rap tap click tick chatter click chink clink tink tinkle slosh slush splash splosh hum thrum grumble rumble boom din babble bubble burble guggle gurgle ripple lap swish birr purr whir whirr whiz whizz bug intercept tap wiretap catch overhear catch get hark harken eavesdrop listen in deaf deafen hush pipe down quiesce quiet quiet down quieten gag muzzle damp dampen dull muffle mute tone down flavor flavour spice spice up discern distinguish make out pick out recognize tell apart savor savour savor savour savor savour smack taste reek smack disgust repel revolt turn off nauseate sicken dulcify dulcorate edulcorate sweeten saccarify sugar candy glaze acetify acidify acidulate sour follow survey cough up pony up gift give dower endow distribute give away give out hand out raffle raffle off bung tip hold on keep carry over hold over have have got exert maintain have own repossess take back hit stumble buy purchase charter engage hire lease rent take lease let sublease sublet farm out hire out subscribe subscribe to accept take have receive acquire get come upon enter upon deny refuse come up find get hold line up keep back withhold deduct recoup annex take over absorb take over fund-raise fundraise collect take in see through support patronize sponsor cast aside cast away cast out chuck out discard dispose fling put away throw away throw out toss toss away deep-six give it the deep six junk scrap comb out weed out get rid of remove pension off retire conserve preserve scant skimp terrace terrasse reclaim recover chuck ditch foreswear quit relinquish renounce abandon give up maroon strand allot assign bequeath leave devolve fall pass return fall light accrue fall give hand pass pass on reach turn over slip sneak communicate convey allocate apportion reallocate reapportion ration ration out cede deliver give up surrender list name accept have accept admit take take on decline pass up refuse reject honor honour contribute put up dishonor dishonour procure secure get in get into eke out squeeze out eke out squeeze out engage enlist extort gouge rack wring bootleg smuggle black market run fob off foist off auction auction off deal sell bring bring in liquidize sell out de-access sell off find recover regain retrieve bump chance encounter find happen hit log in log on log off log out recoup recover recoup reimburse compensate recompense compensate indemnify ante up pay compensate make up pay pay off default default on accord allot allow grant deed over grant appreciate prize treasure value cash cash in pay off redeem ransom redeem change exchange replace substitute fill in stand in sub substitute swap switch swop trade bargain barter bargain down beat down chaffer dicker haggle higgle trade trade in merchandise trade award present award grant pension pension off present submit bestow confer lavish shower account calculate lay aside save blow squander trifle away wanton drop expend spend use up occupy take blow squander fling splurge conserve economise economize husband forage scrounge cadge scrounge bum cadge grub mooch commit invest place put job speculate appropriate seize attach confiscate impound seize buy out buy up arrogate assume take over usurp arrogate claim reclaim repossess arrogate ascribe abstract cabbage filch hook lift nobble pilfer pinch purloin snarf sneak swipe lift rustle hold up stick up lift plagiarise bag pocket capitalize take advantage make a scoop scoop keep up maintain exhaust run down sap tire hive away lay in put in salt away stack away stash away hold hold back keep back retain hold reserve hold open keep keep open save bribe buy buy off pay off give back refund repay return carry stock find regain locate turn up chance on chance upon come across come upon discover happen upon light upon strike foot pick gain win bring in clear earn gain make pull in realize take in bring home take home rake in shovel in earn garner benefit gain benefit do good clear net sack sack up clear net bear pay derive gain rout out rout up bag pocket embezzle misappropriate draw reap deliver get in hand over render apportion deal divvy up portion out administer allot deal deal out dish out dispense distribute dole out lot mete out parcel out shell out partake partake in communalise communalize give impart leave pass on offer proffer extend offer extend offer bid offer bid call disburse pay out accept assume bear take over bear hold hawk huckster monger peddle pitch vend forfeit forgo give up render throw overboard waive capture conquer seize take over recapture retake grab snaffle accumulate amass collect compile hoard pile up call for collect gather up pick up cache hive up hoard lay away squirrel away stash impose levy fine mulct assess tax chip in contribute give kick in combine pool apply give render return feed back resubmit render submit restitute restore bank deposit check out cheque draw take out call back call in recall withdraw deliver relieve smooth smooth out deprive dispossess divest strip deplume displume come into inherit disinherit disown free give up release relinquish cede concede grant yield give grant beggar pauperize bankrupt break fleece gazump hook overcharge pluck plume rob soak bill charge chalk up run up cop glom hook knock off snitch thieve hustle pluck buy in stock lend loan add bestow bring contribute impart lend browse shop buy food take out furnish provide render supply bewhisker whisker cloy surfeit locate place glass glaze crenel crenelate canal canalize provision purvey afford give equip fit fit out outfit kit kit out re-equip rejig armor armour accouter accoutre eke out fill out fligh high flourish prosper thrive give sacrifice sign away sign over repay requite pay back repay despoil foray loot pillage plunder ransack reave rifle plunder sack loot plunder scrimp skimp dispense with give up part with spare adopt borrow take over take up adopt espouse hock pawn charge consign charge commit institutionalize send commit confide entrust intrust knock off shave harbor harbour disembarrass free dump underprice manipulate rig undercut undersell liquidate pay off amortise amortize articulate joint get have leave leave behind entrust leave fire fuel remember reward flood oversupply afford give call call in give up renounce resign vacate act move go move embark venture assert put forward sit back sit by bull bull through dare make bold engage prosecute engage wage offer provide act on follow up on check out run down oppose react buck go against backfire backlash abdicate renounce start take up retire withdraw bow out withdraw back down back off bow out chicken out accede to enter upon adopt assume take on take over leave office quit depart leave induct invest ask over ask round invite pay for consecrate ordain enthrone invest adorn clothe dub knight groom prepare civilize cultivate educate school connect get in touch get around swing hang out hobnob induct initiate coronate crown enthrone throne assign delegate depute designate reassign transfer fill take depute deputise deputize stand in step in substitute delegate depute inaugurate kick off appoint constitute name nominate make name advance elevate kick upstairs promote raise upgrade ennoble entitle celebrate lionize break bump demote kick downstairs favor favour screen screen out sieve sort reelect return engage retain nominate propose boot out drum out expel kick out oust throw out bring down overthrow can dismiss fire force out give notice give the axe sack send away clean out drive out furlough lay off move out remove depose force out replace supersede supervene upon supplant come after follow drive labor labour push fight struggle come before precede put to work work apply implement exploit overwork employ engage contract fee sign sign on continue keep keep on retain do work work take off take time off relieve take over strike walk out blackleg rat beaver beaver away work at work on belabor belabour potter putter peg away plug away busy occupy dabble dabble at dabble in dabble with dip into play at collaborate cooperate get together join forces go along play along connive at wink at idle laze moon moon around ride the bench warm the bench daydream moon play recreate dabble paddle dig drudge fag grind labor labour moil toil break one''s back buckle down knuckle down slave free liberate loose release discharge free hold back keep keep back restrain allow let allow give up bottle up suppress keep down quash reduce repress subdue subjugate clamp down get tough crush oppress offer volunteer open open up close close down fold shut down reestablish reinstate establish found launch set up abolish get rid of enact ordain adjourn retire assemble foregather forgather gather chair preside band oneself league together disjoint dissassociate dissociate disunite form imprint break break up part separate split split up administer administrate reorganize shake up regroup reorganize retool revise collectivise collectivize organize unionize fall in get together care deal handle manage come to grips get to grips dally flirt play toy mind take care misconduct mishandle approach go about guide steer chair chairman head lead take charge take control command control draw rein harness rein rein in manage oversee superintend supervise operate run certify licence decertify derecognize carry on carry out conduct deal be follow certify endorse form organize exclude keep out shut shut out admit include participate take part partake in share in keep prevent hinder impede forbid foreclose forestall preclude avert avoid debar deflect fend off head off obviate stave off favor favour back endorse plump for plunk for canvas canvass circularise circularize patrol police keep guard stand guard stand sentinel stand watch follow keep an eye on observe watch baby-sit sit bury entomb inter lay to rest disinter exhume abide by honor honour observe get along get along with get on get on with canvas canvass buttonhole lobby house put up lease rent charter hire lease rent farm out job abstain from avoid desist from forbear from keep from refrain from shirk shrink from malinger skulk save spare ratify sign ostracise ostracize dismiss drop send away send packing buy at frequent patronize shop shop at sponsor legislate pass carve up dissever divide separate split split up sliver splinter unify unite associate consociate band together confederate reunify reunite enrol enroll enter inscribe cross-file register empanel impanel blackball negative defeat kill vote down vote out empower endow endue gift indue invest accredit recognize appoint charge defrock unfrock disenfranchise disfranchise enfranchise enfranchize affranchise enfranchise call off cancel annul avoid invalidate nullify quash void formalize validate issue supply criminalize illegalize decriminalize legalize legitimate legitimatize desegregate integrate bump off dispatch hit murder polish off remove execute put to death gibbet pillory pip shoot electrocute fry hang string up date go out go steady see ask out invite out reune reunite get together meet stay together stick together call call in come by drop by conjoin espouse get hitched with get married hook up with marry marry tie couple pair pair off partner off divorce split up celebrate fete make happy make merry make whoopie racket revel wassail amuse disport see visit carouse riot ban censor free release gaol immure imprison incarcerate jail jug lag put away put behind bars remand bust raid confine detain cage cage in emancipate manumit subject subjugate liberate set free emancipate liberate book hold fine ticket deport exile penalize punish hear try rehear retry adjudicate judge expel kick out debar suspend rusticate send down admit allow in refuse reject turn away turn down deliver deport extradite surrender banish bar ban banish blackball cast out ostracize shun ban banish coerce force dragoon railroad compel obligate bother inconvenience oneself trouble trouble oneself bother discommode disoblige incommode inconvenience put out brand denounce mark stigmatize limit restrict scant skimp localise localize check contain control curb hold hold in govern order regularize regulate district zone discriminate separate disadvantage disfavor do by handle ride roughshod run roughshod brutalise brutalize do justice do-well by gloss over skate over skimp over slur over scant skimp abuse ill-treat ill-use maltreat misbehave misdemean condescend lower oneself acquit bear behave carry comport conduct attitudinise attitudinize behave comport compensate correct redress right over-correct overcompensate aby abye atone expiate catch up with make up control verify dissent protest demonstrate march make it nail ace breeze through pass easily pass with flying colors sail through sweep through bring off carry off manage pull off do manage clear pass bomb fail flunk flush it come through succeed nail nail down act work pan out work out accomplish achieve attain reach come to strike finagle manage ball up blow blunder bobble bollix bollix up bollocks bollocks up botch botch up bungle flub fluff foul up fuck up fumble louse up mess up mishandle muck up muff screw up fail go wrong fail neglect fall flat fall through flop founder assay attempt essay seek be at pains take pains endeavor endeavour essay examine prove test try try out give it a try give it a whirl screen test breathalyse breathalyze dispense with foreswear forgo relinquish court romance solicit woo court woo chase chase after take stage take the stage break away secede break break away act upon influence swing swing over betray sell bind bond deracinate displace horn in intrude into meddle with poke into interfere interpose intervene step in meddle tamper dominate master take in charge undertake bring up nurture parent raise assist attend attend to serve serve service abide by comply counteract countermine sabotage subvert undermine weaken counteract counterbalance countervail neutralize adventure chance gamble hazard risk run a risk take a chance take chances luck it luck through adventure hazard jeopardize stake lay on the line put on the line honor honour dignify ennoble award bestow an award upon attaint disgrace dishonor dishonour aid assist succor succour expedite hasten attend look see take care care give care fuss mother relieve salvage salve save deliver rescue deliver redeem bring through carry through pull through save correct discipline check condition discipline train foster further advance boost encourage further conduce contribute back up support back endorse indorse second block blockade embarrass hinder obstruct stymie baffle bilk cross foil frustrate queer scotch spoil block halt kibosh stop apply enforce enforce impose do make carry out effect carry execute apply practice do perform do one''s best give one''s best complete discharge exempt free antagonise antagonize counteract countercheck anticipate counter foresee forestall blunder boob goof sin breach break go against infract offend transgress conflict contravene infringe run afoul dishonor dishonour outrage rape ravish violate desecrate outrage profane violate bugger sodomize carry out do exercise practice exaggerate overdo tackle take on encroach impinge take advantage trespass baby cocker coddle cosset featherbed indulge mollycoddle pamper break break in intrude trespass burglarize burgle heed listen bunco con defraud diddle gyp mulct nobble rook short short-change rig set up beat cheat rip off sell short victimise victimize cozen deceive delude lead on fob fox befool dupe fool gull betray cheat cheat on cuckold cook fake falsify fudge manipulate misrepresent ensnare entrap frame set up beguile hoodwink celebrate keep keep observe corrupt debase debauch demoralize deprave misdirect pervert profane lead astray lead off bastardise bastardize blackjack blackmail defend represent litigate process commit perpetrate arise rebel rise rise up rebel renegade balk baulk jib resist defect desert agitate foment harass oppress arrive get in go far make it carry persuade becharm charm govern rule grind down tyrannize contend cope deal get by grapple make do make out manage cut hack rub along scrape along scrape by scratch along squeak by squeeze by chum up pal pass on relegate affiliate associate assort consort agitate campaign crusade fight fall back recur philander womanize take up turn to condescend deign follow through go through compere emcee frivol trifle invigilate proctor act superior lord it over put on airs queen it over cope with match rain out wash out make a point make sure repeat take over puff up swell assemble gather fool around play around escape get away be exist kick about kick around stretch stretch along neighbor neighbour neighbor neighbour begin start kick in set in cease end finish terminate come out turn out define delimit delimitate delineate be occur fall shine attend go to offer offer up cut skip be live live down unlive pig pig it bach bachelor exist live subsist survive drift freewheel come do fare get along endure go hold out hold up last live live on survive hold up stand up last out outride ride out stay add up make sense outlast outlive come through make it pull through survive succumb yield be comprise constitute make up constitute form divide separate hang together interdepend connect join link unite intercommunicate interconnect bridge bridge over bridge over keep going form spring take form take shape arise develop grow originate rise spring up come forth emerge come follow arise bob up swell well up become turn turn into turn to add up amount ask call for demand involve necessitate need require take cry for cry out for eliminate obviate close out preclude comprise contain comprehend cover embrace encompass feature have combine unite boast feature lack miss lack want comprise consist in correspond equate prove turn out ensue result be due flow from entail implicate entail imply lead leave imply involve get into tangle with imply incriminate abide bide outstay overstay stand by stick about adhere stand by stick by stick to footle hang around lallygag linger loaf loiter lollygag lounge lurk mess about mill about mill around lurch prowl arse about arse around bum about bum around frig around loaf loll loll around lounge about lounge around lie about lie around lurk skulk dwell on linger over hesitate swiver hover linger hesitate pause hold back hold off dilly-dally drag one''s feet procrastinate stall defer hold over postpone put off put over remit set back shelve reprieve respite dominate predominate prevail reign add up amount come number average average out outbalance outweigh overbalance preponderate count matter press weigh deserve merit die hard endure persist prevail run run for hold obtain lodge in occupy fill occupy douse dowse deluge flood dwell inhabit live people populate reside cohabit shack up accommodate lodge lay over stop over billet canton belong consist dwell lie appertain pertain bivouac camp camp out encamp inhabit occupy stand back stay away from harbor harbour bield shelter board room agree check correspond fit gibe jibe match tally check check out corelate correlate duplicate parallel fit go coincide cooccur collocate with construe with cooccur with go with depart deviate diverge vary belie contradict bear out corroborate support underpin build on build upon repose on rest on repose reside be equal approximate come close counterbalance oppose counterpoise counterpose contrast counterpoint clash collide conform to fit behoove behove break go against comply conform to exceed go past overstep pass top transcend exceed surpass answer do function serve fulfil fulfill live up to satisfy equal match rival touch compensate counterbalance even off even out balance equilibrate outrank rank excel stand out excel at shine at jump jump out leap out stand out ape copy echo recall copy emulate bear on come to concern pertain refer relate touch touch on center center on concentrate on focus on revolve about revolve around apply go for affect involve drag drag in embroil sweep sweep up tangle disembroil disentangle entangle mire concern interest occupy worry interest matter to fascinate intrigue measure up qualify keep up prolong bear on carry on continue preserve close off shut off cease discontinue give up lay off quit stop hold keep fizzle fizzle out peter out taper off keep going run on jog ramble expire run out stop terminate continue go along go on keep keep on proceed cross span sweep traverse extend to reach extend go lead pass go lead lead run radiate ray roll undulate cover extend overspread spread constellate dot extend poke out reach out stick out range straddle precede predate cap crest face front delimit subtend locate situate localize place command dominate overlook overtop dwarf overshadow hulk loom lift rear endanger imperil jeopardize menace peril threaten beetle overhang be embody body forth embody body personify epitomize typify correspond represent befit beseem accord agree consort fit in blend blend in bear carry contain hold contain hold remain firm stand be cost knock back put back accommodate fit relent soften line run along approach border on endure last endure hold out drag on drag out attach to inhere in fall into fall under eclipse overshadow go with side hover vacillate buzz hum defy hold hold up withstand brave brave out endure weather brave venture apply lend oneself defy refuse circle encircle environ ring round surround wreath wreathe begird gird girt girth pass spend Sunday sunday Christmas christmas piddle piddle away trifle wanton holiday vacation do serve get through while away converge meet border bound confine enclose box in box up depend on depend upon devolve on hinge on hinge upon ride on antecede antedate forego precede follow postdate orient point jut out project protrude stick out push up thrust spear spear up bag bulge swarm teem abound bristle abound in pullulate with accompany attach to come with go with accompany companion company keep company carry pack dangle drop droop loll cancel offset countervail offset accede adhere disaccord disagree gape yaw brood pout can may have have got must need had better ought have must shall will must need ought should can get may not must not could might incline lean incline lean run tend come after follow go run allow allow for leave provide for face look across look out on look out over enter figure pose present rage ramp elude escape do well had best exemplify represent date back date from become suit interrelate relate forbear forebear help help oneself range run continue remain stay stay on head head up come fall encounter run into read say persist remain lie rest count number accommodate admit keep preserve go deep go far keep stay fresh facilitate help define delineate come derive belong go curve wind contemporize synchronize encounter meet jumble mingle falter waver accept take drive ride come hail come issue forth brood bulk large hover loom admit allow continue persist in adorn beautify deck decorate embellish grace rain rain down come down fall drizzle mizzle shower shower down patter pitter-patter spatter spit pelt pour rain buckets rain cats and dogs sluice sluice down frost over ice over ignite light set ablaze set afire set aflame set on fire douse put out catch fire erupt ignite take fire enkindle kindle extinguish obliterate blaze up burn up flame up flare flame flare flick flicker beam shine scintillate twinkle absorb take in suck suck in reflect shine coruscate sparkle emit give off fume smoke shade shade off burn glow boom thunder cloud overcast cloud over cloud up brighten clear clear up light up blight plague drench swamp dry out run dry char coal not able unable abaxial dorsal adaxial ventral abducent abducting adducent adducting birthing lying-in emergent emerging in labor(p) parturient expiring(a) moribund guttering guttering out cut shortened full-length uncut dead(a) utter(a) implicit unquestioning pure undiluted absorbent absorptive absorbefacient sorbefacient assimilating assimilative nonabsorbent nonabsorptive repellent resistant adsorbent adsorptive chemisorptive chemosorptive nonadsorbent nonadsorptive adsorbable adsorbate abstentious abstinent ascetic ascetical austere spartan crapulent crapulous edacious esurient rapacious ravening ravenous voracious hoggish piggish piggy porcine overgreedy too-greedy conceptional ideational real tangible abounding galore(ip) ample copious plenteous plentiful copious extensive exuberant lush luxuriant profuse overabundant plethoric swarming teeming abused ill-treated maltreated mistreated assaulted molested battered beaten cuffed slapped affronted insulted maligned reviled unmaligned unreviled unexceptionable unimpeachable exceptionable objectionable censured condemned approachable reachable come-at-able getatable convenient handy inaccessible unaccessible backwoods(a) outback(a) pathless roadless trackless untracked untrod untrodden lonely(a) solitary out of reach(p) unapproachable unreachable unreached un-come-at-able ungetatable accommodating accommodative complaisant obliging unaccommodating unobliging disobliging uncooperative close faithful hi-fi high-fidelity dead on target true away outside wide wide of the mark used to(p) wont to(p) new new to(p) alkalic alkaline alcalescent alkalescent amphiprotic amphoteric acidophilic acidophilous accepted recognized admitted(a) conceded(a) confessed(a) self-confessed(a) assumed assumptive given granted purported(a) putative(a) reputed(a) supposed(a) disowned repudiated unappreciated unsung secret unavowed avaricious covetous grabby grasping greedy prehensile predaceous predacious rapacious ravening about(p) astir(p) acrobatic athletic agile nimble quick spry hyperactive overactive hypoactive underactive inert sluggish on duty(p) on(p) off duty(p) off(p) dull slow idle unused arrested in remission activist activistic inactive passive resistless supine ant anti compensative compensatory countervailing offsetting alive(p) live(a) erupting(a) eruptive dormant inactive extinct inactive active dynamic actual existent possible potential degenerative progressive adaptative adaptive accommodative reconciling dysfunctional nonadaptive additional further(a) additional another(a) additional else(ip) additional extra additional supplemental alcohol-dependent alcoholic chronic confirmed habitual inveterate(a) dependant dependent drug-addicted hooked addictive habit-forming accumulative cumulative addable addible summational summative adequate to(p) capable equal to(p) up to(p) deficient lacking(p) incapable incompetent short-handed short-staffed undermanned understaffed agglutinate agglutinative coherent tenacious gluey glutinous gummy mucilaginous pasty sticky viscid viscous gooey icky pitchy resinous resiny tarry nonglutinous nonviscid adjective procedural essential substantive adorned decorated beaded beady bejeweled bejewelled bespangled gemmed jeweled jewelled sequined spangled bespectacled monocled brocaded embossed champleve cloisonne clinquant tinseled crested plumed crested topknotted embellished ornamented encircled ringed fancied up gussied gussied up tricked out feathered feathery frilled frilly mosaic tessellated paneled wainscoted tasseled tasselled unadorned undecorated plain unembellished clean neat clever cunning deft dexterous light-fingered nimble-fingered bumbling bungling butterfingered ham-fisted ham-handed handless heavy-handed left-handed inept tactless nonmechanical unmechanical forward onward receding retiring beneficial good plus positive discriminatory preferential disadvantageous harmful minus negative adventuresome adventurous audacious daring venturesome venturous swaggering swashbuckling best(p) better(p) judicious sensible recommended suggested inadvisable unadvisable advised well-advised considered wise ill-advised unadvised anaerobic anaerobiotic aesthetic aesthetical esthetic esthetical cosmetic enhancive inaesthetic unaesthetic inartistic unartistic smitten stricken uninfluenced unswayed affected unnatural agonistic strained artificial contrived constrained forced natural unaffected lifelike natural affirmative affirmatory agreeing(a) assentient conceding(a) concessive favorable positive dissentient dissenting(a) adrift(p) drifting(a) at sea(p) sailing beached high-and-dry(p) submerged sunken afeard(p) afeared(p) aghast(p) appalled dismayed shocked browbeaten bullied cowed hangdog frightened scared horrified horror-stricken aquaphobic hydrophobic frightened panic-stricken panic-struck panicked panicky terrified numb petrified terror-stricken terror-struck fearless unafraid(p) unblinking unflinching unintimidated unshrinking assertive self-asserting battleful bellicose combative contentious competitive militant hard-hitting high-pressure predatory rapacious raptorial ravening vulturine vulturous pugnacious rough nonaggressive unaggressive aroused emotional demoniac demoniacal distraught overwrought jolted shaken feverish hectic frantic frenetic frenzied phrenetic unagitated undisturbed bubbling foaming foamy frothing spumous spumy churning roiled roiling roily churned-up churning rippled ruffled unagitated undisturbed annoying bothersome galling irritating nettlesome pesky pestering pestiferous plaguey plaguy teasing vexatious abrasive harsh nerve-racking nerve-wracking stressful trying air-to-ground air-to-surface argus-eyed open-eyed vigilant wakeful heads-up wide-awake lidless sleepless on the alert(p) on the job(p) perched perked inattentive unobservant unvigilant unwatchful assignable conveyable negotiable transferable inalienable unalienable absolute infrangible nontransferable unassignable live living asleep(p) at peace(p) at rest(p) deceased departed gone breathless inanimate deathlike deathly exanimate lifeless artesian flowing smoldering smouldering extinct extinguished out(p) quenched alphabetic alphabetical altruistic selfless egocentric egoistical self-centered self-centred self-absorbed self-involved double-barreled double-barrelled enigmatic oracular multi-valued multivalent aggressive enterprising pushful pushing aspirant aspiring(a) compulsive determined manque would-be(a) ambitionless unambitious full good full wide meager meagerly bare(a) scanty hardscrabble marginal measly miserable vegetal vegetational mineralized petrified constructive-metabolic(a) energy-storing(a) catabolic katabolic destructive-metabolic(a) energy-releasing(a) analog analogue analytic analytical synthetic synthetical analytic uninflected agglutinative combining(a) inflected inflectional analytic analytical synthetic synthetical aggravated provoked angered enraged furious infuriated choleric irascible huffy mad incensed indignant outraged umbrageous irate ireful smoldering smouldering wrathful wroth acrimonious bitter rancorous rancourous animate sentient insensate insentient dead inanimate alive animated enlivened spirited full of life lively reanimated revived dead lifeless nameless unidentified unknown unnamed postmortal postmortem antecedent preceding anterior prior(a) anticipatory prevenient consequent ensuant resultant resulting(a) future(a) later(a) marine saltwater semiaquatic subaquatic subaquatic subaqueous submerged submersed land(a) terrestrial amphibiotic semiaquatic above-mentioned above-named introductory prefatorial preparative preparatory old previous(a) back-to-back consecutive following(a) undermentioned following next new unexampled antenatal prenatal am ante meridiem pm post meridiem fore(a) front(a) back(a) hind(a) mouth-watering savory savoury tasty insipid tasteless offish standoffish called for in order(p) proper right improper unsuitable due owed cod collect collectable collectible delinquent overdue not due undue anticipated looked-for(a) apposite appropriate apt pertinent inapposite out of place amphiprostylar amphiprostyle amphistylar porticoed prostyle pseudoprostyle peristylar pseudoperipteral columnar columniform noncolumned uncolumned arboreal arboreous arenaceous sandlike argillaceous clayey equipped weaponed defenceless defenseless armored armoured armor-clad armor-plated armour-clad armour-plated lightly armored lightly armoured mail-clad mailed unarmored unarmoured barbed barbellate briary briery bristled bristly burred burry prickly spiny clawed taloned armored armoured scaled scaley unarmored unarmoured adroit clever crafty cunning dodgy foxy guileful knavish slick sly tricksy tricky cute precious designing scheming elusive evasive guileless honest naive unsophisticated eloquent facile fluent silver silver-tongued smooth-spoken speaking(a) speech-endowed inarticulate unarticulate aphonic joiceless dumb mute groaning moaning incoherent tongue-tied mute tongueless unspoken wordless dumb speechless stammering(a) stuttering(a) mumbling muttering nonspeaking walk-on mute tongueless articulate articulated discredited disgraced dishonored shamed embarrassed humiliated guilty hangdog shamed shamefaced shamefaced sheepish audacious barefaced bodacious bold-faced brassy brazen brazen-faced insolent shameless unblushing unabashed unembarrassed emphatic forceful reticent self-effacing associative associatory attached committed affianced bespoken betrothed engaged involved involved with(p) unattached uncommitted unengaged unpledged glued pasted loose unaffixed sessile stalkless pedunculate stalked attached sessile free-swimming unattached freestanding separate bindable bondable on guard on one''s guard(p) on your guard upon one''s guard(p) incautious unguarded absorbed engrossed enwrapped intent rapt wrapped advertent heedful absent absentminded abstracted scatty distracted distrait dreamy moony drowsy oscitant forgetful oblivious bewitching captivating enchanting enthralling entrancing fascinating charismatic magnetic cunning cute engaging piquant fetching taking hypnotic mesmeric mesmerizing spellbinding homely plain unprepossessing unpresentable attractive(a) magnetic attention-getting catchy ascribable(p) due to(p) imputable(p) referable(p) unascribable unattributable attributive prenominal predicate predicative big(p) enceinte expectant gravid great(p) heavy(p) large(p) with child(p) audible hearable inaudible unhearable breathed voiceless silent unsounded supersonic ultrasonic sonic transonic advantageous favorable bright promising fortunate hopeful inauspicious unfortunate auspicious encouraging favorable favourable lucky prosperous ill inauspicious accredited commissioned licenced licensed approved sanctioned canonized glorified empowered sceptered unaccredited unlicenced autogenic autogenous self-generated self-produced heterogeneous heterogenous autoloading(a) self-loading automated machine-controlled self-acting self-activating self-moving self-regulating hand-operated non-automatic getable gettable obtainable procurable on hand(p) visible(a) for sale purchasable inaccessible unobtainable unprocurable untouchable astir(p) up(p) insomniac sleepless unsleeping wide-awake dormant hibernating(a) dozing(a) dozy drowsing(a) drowsy napping(a) nodding(a) fast asleep(p) sound asleep(p) sleeping(a) slumbering(a) sleepy sleepy-eyed slumberous slumbery slumbrous somnolent hemostatic styptic alert alive(p) oblivious(p) unmindful(p) aware(p) cognisant incognizant unaware aware witting unaware unwitting appalling dismaying atrocious frightful horrible horrifying awful dire direful dread(a) dreaded dreadful fearful fearsome frightening horrendous horrific terrible baleful forbidding menacing minacious minatory ominous sinister threatening bloodcurdling hair-raising chilling scarey scary shivery formidable redoubtable ghastly grim grisly gruesome terrific terrifying calming lulling assuasive calming pacifying soothing comforting consolatory unreassuring worrisome backmost hindermost hindmost rearmost rear(a) rearward(a) advance(a) advanced(a) foremost frontmost frontal head-on directing directional directive guiding shadowing tailing hardback hardbacked hardbound hardcover razor-backed razorback backswept sweptback cacuminal retroflex converse reversed inverse reverse rearward reverse reflexive self-referent retral retrograde retroflex retroflexed returning(a) reversive full-face gardant(ip) headfirst headlong first low bashful blate brash cheeky bumptious self-assertive familiar overfamiliar fresh impertinent impudent overbold saucy smart assuming assumptive barreled barrelled unbarreled unbarrelled duck-billed duckbill hawklike hawky bedded stratified foliate foliated layered superimposed ferned ferny fernlike ferny bald bald-headed beardless smooth-faced hairy hirsute canescent hoary comal comate downy puberulent pubescent sericeous furred furry fuzzed fuzzy lanate woolly pilose pilous tomentose tomentous woolly wooly awned awny load-bearing(a) supporting(a) bonnie bonny comely fair fair sightly better-looking fine-looking good-looking handsome well-favored well-favoured glorious resplendent splendid splendiferous grotesque monstrous hideous repulsive ill-favored ill-favoured unlovely unpicturesque big-bellied great bellied bellyless flat-bellied beltless unbelted baleful baneful evil malefic malevolent malign benevolent good good-hearted kind kindly openhearted malevolent malicious bitchy cattish poisonous venomous despiteful spiteful benign benignant genial kind harmless nonmalignant evil harmful malevolent malignant champion prizewinning finest high-grade top-grade top-quality first foremost Sunday Sunday-go-to-meeting(a) go-to-meeting(a) good most advantageous most desirable optimal optimum unexceeded unexcelled bottom poorest last last-place most evil most wicked most undesirable most unpleasant most unattractive most unsuitable pessimal pessimum(a) fitter healthier worse worsened ameliorating(a) ameliorative amelioratory meliorative big(a) elder little(a) younger biface bifacial Janus-faced two-faced moon-faced round-faced bilateral two-sided bipartite two-party one-sided unilateral many-sided multilateral four-sided quadrilateral four-party quadripartite three-sided triangular three-party three-way triangular trilateral biaural binaural stereo stereophonic mono monophonic binuclear binucleate mononuclear mononucleate biped bipedal four-footed quadruped African-American Afro-American colored coloured dark dark-skinned caucasian caucasoid blond blonde ash-blonde platinum-blonde fair fairish flaxen sandy brunet brunette bronzed browned suntanned tanned black-haired brown-haired dark-skinned dusky swart swarthy acned pimpled pimply pustulate blebbed blebby besmirched damaged flyblown spotted stained sullied tainted tarnished marred scarred pocked pockmarked stainless unstained unsullied untainted bloodstained gory bloodthirsty bloody-minded crimson red cutthroat homicidal butcherly gory sanguinary sanguineous internecine mutually ruinous nonviolent unbloody audacious brave dauntless fearless intrepid unfearing brash daredevil foolhardy rash heroic heroical overreaching vaulting fearful timorous mousey mousy chained enchained fettered in bonds(p) in fetters(p) shackled furled rolled tied trussed free unchained unfettered unshackled laced tied unlaced untied fastened tied unfastened untied afoul(ip) foul enmeshed intermeshed knotted snarled thrown thrown and twisted disentangled loosened paperback paperbacked deckle-edged deckled low-class lower-class blue-collar propertyless wage-earning working-class bourgeois conservative propertied property-owning brachycephalic brachycranal broad-headed roundheaded dolichocephalic dolichocranal brave courageous desperate heroic game gamey gamy gritty mettlesome spirited stalwart stouthearted valiant valorous coward(a) cowardly chicken chickenhearted lily-livered white-livered yellow yellow-bellied cowering(a) cringing(a) craven recreant dastard(a) dastardly faint fainthearted poor-spirited pusillanimous gutless spineless nursed suckled huffing puffing choking smothering suffocating suffocative blown gasping out of breath(p) panting pursy short-winded amorphous uncrystallized ablaze(p) inflamed floodlighted floodlit illuminated lighted lit well-lighted candent incandescent sunlit sunstruck Acheronian Acherontic black pitch-black dim subdued dusky twilight(a) gloomful glooming lightless unilluminated unlighted unlit tenebrific tenebrious mirky murky shadowed shadowy shady umbrageous crosshatched hatched moonlit moony agleam gleaming aglow(p) glowing lambent lucent aglitter(p) fulgid glinting glistering glittering glittery scintillant scintillating sparkling(a) sparkly beadlike beady buttonlike buttony beaming beamy effulgent radiant blazing blinding dazzling fulgent glaring glary glimmering glimmery glistening glossy lustrous sheeny shining shiny iridescent nacreous opalescent opaline shimmering(a) shimmery silver silvern flat mat matt matte lackluster lacklustre lusterless lustreless dim dimmed bright undimmed discriminatory prejudiced anti-Semite(a) anti-Semitic antiblack racist impartial unprejudiced color-blind colour-blind broad liberal free-thinking latitudinarian undogmatic undogmatical narrow narrow-minded close-minded closed-minded dogmatic dogmatical illiberal intolerant opinionated opinionative little petty small small-minded obstinate stubborn crumbled fragmented crushed ground shattered smashed broken unkept kept unbroken dashed dotted fitful interrupted brotherlike brotherly sisterlike sisterly biovular fraternal identical monovular buried inhumed drudging laboring labouring toiling engaged occupied bone-idle bone-lazy faineant indolent lazy otiose slothful work-shy leisure(a) leisured boney bony boned deboned buttoned fastened botonee botonnee unbuttoned unfastened capitalist capitalistic competitive free-enterprise(a) individualistic laissez-faire(a) socialist socialistic collectivist collectivistic collectivized state-controlled cacophonic cacophonous cackly squawky croaking croaky grating gravel gravelly rasping raspy rough gruff hoarse jangling jangly raucous strident rending ripping euphonious euphonous silvern silvery calculated derived computable estimable countable denumerable enumerable numerable countless infinite innumerable innumerous multitudinous myriad(a) numberless uncounted unnumberable unnumbered immeasurable incomputable placid quiet still tranquil angry furious raging tempestuous billowing(a) billowy blustering(a) blusterous blustery gusty boisterous fierce blowy breezy confident surefooted attended tended to(p) neglected unattended certain sure conscientious painstaking detailed elaborate minute narrow overcareful too-careful casual cursory passing(a) perfunctory haphazard slapdash slipshod sloppy heedless reckless offhand offhanded flesh-eating(a) meat-eating(a) anthophagous anthophilous carpophagous fruit-eating(a) phytophagic phytophagous phytophilous plant-eating(a) carpellate pistillate acarpellous acarpelous clincher-built clinker-built lap-jointed lap-strake lap-straked lap-streak lap-streaked overlapping carved carven engraved etched graven incised graven sculpted basal radical caudate caudated bobtail bobtailed caudal taillike acaudal acaudate anurous tailless caulescent cauline acaulescent stemless activating(a) actuating(a) anorectic anorexigenic conducive contributing(a) contributive contributory inducive inductive motivating motivative(a) motive(a) motor responsible responsible for(p) sternutative sternutatory noncausal noncausative cagey cagy dilatory fabian guarded restrained brainish hotheaded impetuous impulsive madcap tearaway(a) cancellate cancellated alveolate cavitied faveolate honeycombed acellular noncellular compartmental compartmentalized poriferous porous c celsius Fahr f center(a) halfway middle(a) midway centric centrical medial median middlemost midmost edge(a) fringe(a) fringy marginal encircling(a) skirting(a) centripetal receptive corticipetal corticoafferent centrifugal motor(a) corticifugal corticoefferent centripetal unifying(a) consolidative integrative dispersive distributive indisputable sure certain(p) sure confident(p) convinced(p) incertain uncertain doubtful dubious groping hesitant bold cocksure overconfident positive self-assured self-confident diffident shy timid unsure certain sure bound(p) destined doomed fated foreordained predestinate chancy flukey fluky iffy certificated credentialed fatal fateful ineluctable inescapable avoidable evitable changeable changeful erratic fickle mercurial quicksilver(a) fluid unstable fluid mobile kaleidoscopic kaleidoscopical changeless unalterable fixed frozen stable static convertible transformable translatable transmutable inconvertible untransmutable inalterable unalterable final last attuned keyed attuned tuned well-adjusted well-balanced unadapted unadjusted edited emended unaltered unchanged dateless timeless in-situ unmoved denatured denaturized nonionic nonionized changeable mutable changeless immutable diagnostic symptomatic distinctive typical distinctive distinguishing uncharacteristic uncharacteristic of hot live dead drained beneficent benevolent eleemosynary philanthropic chartered hired ownerless unowned celibate continent pure vestal virgin virginal easy light loose promiscuous sluttish wanton beaming glad beamish smiling(a) blithe blithesome lighthearted lightsome buoyant chirpy cheery gay chipper debonair debonaire jaunty cheerless uncheerful blue dark depressing disconsolate dismal dispiriting gloomy grim dingy dismal drab drear dreary gloomy somber sombre chondritic granular anorthic triclinic homochromatic monochromatic chromatic colored amber brownish-yellow aureate gilded gilt gold azure bright blue cerulean sky-blue blue blueish bluish dark-blue blushful rosy bronze bronzy brown brownish canary canary-yellow caramel caramel brown copper colored coppery cress green cresson dark-green green greenish light-green jade jade-green lavender lilac moss green mosstone mosslike mossy mouse-colored mouselike ocher ochre orange orangish pink pinkish purple purplish blood-red carmine cerise cherry cherry-red crimson red reddish ruby ruby-red ruddy scarlet rosaceous rose rust rusty sage sage-green chukker-brown mummy-brown snuff snuff-brown brownish-orange sorrel Chinese-red cinibar vermilion vermillion yellow yellowish achromatic colorless argent silver silverish silvery ash-gray ash-grey charcoal charcoal-gray coal-black jet jet-black pitchy ebon ebony gray grayish grey greyish ink-black inky iron-gray iron-grey oxford-gray oxford-grey pearly pearly-white slate-gray slatey slaty stone-gray snow-white snowy off-white whitish achromatic black achromatic white pure saturated intense vivid color colour black and white(p) black-and-white colored colorful coloured in color(p) aflame(p) crimson flushed red red-faced reddened auburn reddish-brown bichrome bicolor bicolored bicolour black blackened blue blueish empurpled purple ginger gingery monochromatic monochrome monochromic monochromous culticolour motley multicolor multicolored multicoloured painted particolored particoloured piebald pied varicolored varicoloured polychromatic polychrome red reddish tinged touched trichromatic trichrome colorless colourless uncolored uncoloured achromic achromous dyed tinted dyed-in-the-wool yarn-dyed colorfast fast undyed untinted discolored discoloured colorful colourful ablaze flaming bright brilliant changeable chatoyant iridescent shot deep rich colorless colourless ashen blanched bloodless livid bleached faded washed-out washy drab sober somber sombre dulled grayed blanched etiolate pale pallid pastelike pasty waxen waxlike white whitened brave braw flamboyant resplendent flashy gaudy jazzy showy pale pallid cisalpine ultramontane tramontane transmontane transalpine ultramontane christlike christly christless nonchristian unchristianly unchristlike barbarian barbaric savage uncivilized nonliterate preliterate greco-roman hellenic neoclassic neoclassical country(a) folk(a) hillbilly western(a) pop popular grouped sorted uncategorized unsorted nonsensitive unrestricted crude raw cleaned cleansed fresh unused immaculate speckless spic spic-and-span spick spick-and-span unsoiled unspotted washed water-washed dirty soiled bedraggled draggled befouled fouled begrimed dingy grimy grubby bespattered besplashed spattered splashed dust-covered dusty fecal feculent filthy foul flyblown sordid greasy oily mucky muddy smeared smirched smudged smudgy snot-nosed snotty travel-soiled travel-stained clean unobjectionable bawdy off-color blasphemous blue filthy foul nasty smutty foul-mouthed foul-spoken lewd obscene clean uncontaminating contaminating dirty cosher kosher impure unclean nonkosher terefah broad unsubtle clear-cut distinct crystal clear limpid lucid luculent pellucid perspicuous blurred clouded confusing perplexing indeterminate obscure crystal clear crystalline limpid lucid pellucid transparent limpid liquid semitransparent translucent cloudy mirky muddy murky fogged foggy milk(a) milklike milky whitish clear-thinking clearheaded addlebrained addlepated muddleheaded potty addled befuddled muddled muzzy woolly woolly-headed wooly wooly-minded befogged befuddled dazed stunned stupefied stupid(p) punch-drunk silly balmy mild filthy foul nasty vile astute sharp cagey cagy canny clever anserine dopey dopy fool(a) foolish gooselike goosey goosy blockheaded boneheaded fatheaded loggerheaded thick thick-skulled thickheaded wooden-headed cloddish doltish dense dim dull dumb obtuse slow gaumless gormless lumpen lumpish nitwitted senseless soft-witted witless dextrorotary dextrorotatory anticlockwise contraclockwise left-handed levorotary distant remote distant remote far-off faraway farthermost farthest furthermost furthest utmost uttermost farther further off the beaten track(p) out-of-the-way(a) close near neighbor neighboring(a) neighbour neighbouring(a) nearest nighest hot warm yon yonder adjacent next adpressed appressed approximate close together(p) at hand(p) close at hand(p) imminent impending at hand(p) close at hand(p) close set(p) close-set(a) closer near contiguous immediate encompassing(a) surrounding(a) nestled snuggled walk-to(a) walking(a) remote removed(p) approximate near bosom(a) intimate chummy thick(p) close-knit closely knit dear good familiar intimate clad clothed adorned(p) bedecked(p) decked out(p) decked(p) appareled attired dressed garbed garmented habilimented arrayed panoplied breeched pantalooned dolled up dressed to kill(p) dressed to the nines(p) dressed(p) dressed-up spiffed up lobster-backed red-coated au naturel(p) bare naked nude bare-ass bare-assed in the altogether in the buff in the raw naked as a jaybird peeled raw bare-breasted braless bared bareheaded clothesless garmentless en deshabille in dishabille exposed uncovered half-clothed scantily clad in one''s birthday suit in your birthday suit mother-naked naked as the day one was born unappareled unattired unclad undressed ungarbed ungarmented bareback barebacked bright shining shiny sunny cloudless unclouded brumous foggy hazy misty cloud-covered clouded overcast sunless cloudlike nebular dull gray grey leaden heavy lowering sullen threatening miasmal miasmic seaboard(a) seaside(a) seashore(a) shore(a) interior midland inshore onshore consistent logical ordered orderly confused disconnected disjointed disordered garbled illogical scattered unconnected collapsable collapsible foldable foldaway noncollapsable noncollapsible nontelescopic nontelescoping smooth uncrannied agglomerate agglomerated agglomerative clustered aggregate aggregative assembled built(a) allocable allocatable diffusing(a) diffusive dispersive disseminating disseminative scattering permeant permeating permeative pervasive aired broadcast promulgated published quelled quenched combinative combinatory combinable combinational combinatory combining(a) burnable flammable ignitable ignitible comburant comburent incombustible noncombustible fire-resistant fire-resisting fire-resistive fire-retardant flame-retardant flameproof bursting detonating lighted lit ablaze(p) afire(p) aflame(p) aflare(p) alight(p) blazing burning flaming enkindled ignited unlighted unlit commodious convenient roomy spacious comfortable comfy cosy cozy homelike homely homey homy bad tough irritating painful miserable wretched awkward ill at ease(p) discomfited embarrassed coextensive coterminous corresponding in proportion to proportional relative disproportional disproportionate business(a) mercantile mercantile mercenary non-profit-making nonprofit average ordinary democratic popular especial(a) exceptional particular(a) special accustomed customary habitual wonted(a) bloomy blossomy bloomless flowerless lipophilic lipotropic communal group(a) community(a) public individualist individualistic man-to-man one-on-one respective(a) several(a) separate single(a) communicative communicatory anecdotal anecdotic blabbermouthed leaky talebearing(a) tattling(a) chatty gossipy expansive talkative expressive(p) indicative of(p) gestural nonverbal gestural sign(a) sign-language(a) signed outspoken vocal incommunicative uncommunicative close closelipped closemouthed secretive deadpan expressionless impassive poker-faced guarded noncommittal mum silent unpronounceable unutterable clayey cloggy impacted wedged friable light shifting unfirm incomparable uncomparable matchless nonpareil one and only(a) one(a) peerless unmatchable unmatched unrivaled alone(p) unequaled unequalled unique pitying sorry hardhearted stonyhearted contradictory mutually exclusive miscible mixable immiscible unmixable able capable effective efficient feckless inept incapable unqualified ineffective inefficient competitive competitory agonistic agonistical competing(a) rival(a) emulous rivalrous accommodative cooperative complaining(a) complaintive fretful querulous whiney whining(a) protestant protesting(a) unmurmuring unprotesting entire full entire intact full undivided component(a) constituent(a) fragmental fragmentary bound up wrapped up pledged sworn absolute downright out-and-out(a) rank(a) right-down sheer(a) accomplished completed all-out full-scale exhaustive thorough fleshed out full-clad full total incomplete uncomplete sketchy unelaborated across-the-board all-embracing all-encompassing all-inclusive blanket(a) broad encompassing panoptic all-around(a) all-round(a) cosmopolitan ecumenical general oecumenical universal worldwide door-to-door house-to-house encyclopaedic encyclopedic extensive far-reaching spaciotemporal spatiotemporal incomprehensive noncomprehensive calm unagitated imperturbable unflappable collected equanimous poised self-collected self-contained self-possessed cool coolheaded unflurried unflustered unperturbed unruffled abashed chagrined blushful blushing(a) bothered daunted discombobulated disconcerted flustered hot and bothered(p) perturbed rattled comprehendible comprehensible accessible approachable apprehensible graspable intelligible perceivable cognisable cognizable incomprehensible uncomprehensible dark obscure enigmatic enigmatical lost missed opaque unintelligible acetabular cotyloid biconcave concavo-concave bursiform pouch-shaped cup-shaped cupular depressed indented dish-shaped dished bulging convex biconvex convexo-convex lenticular lentiform broken-backed hogged gibbose gibbous accumulated amassed assembled collected congregate massed bunched bunchy centered centralized centred focused compact dense fixed intent heaped heaped-up deepened gathered saved up(p) stored up(p) exclusive single(a) apportioned dealt out doled out meted out dispersed spread divided divided up shared shared out fanned spread-out(a) far-flung widespread scattered strewn separated spaced sparse thin unfocused unfocussed concentric concentrical coaxal coaxial eccentric nonconcentric off-center off-centered haunted obsessed preoccupied taken up(p) casual insouciant degage detached aphoristic apothegmatic compact compendious succinct summary crisp curt laconic terse elliptic elliptical pithy sententious long-winded tedious verbose windy pleonastic redundant tautologic tautological redundant wordy definitive determinate coordinating(a) coordinative subordinating(a) subordinative agreeing(a) concordant concurring(a) in agreement(p) consentaneous consentient of one mind(p) unanimous at variance(p) discrepant dissentious divisive concentrated condensed unconcentrated uncondensed expanded extended shrunk shrunken distended swollen blown up(p) blown-up(a) atrophied diminished enlarged hypertrophied contrary to fact counterfactual contingent contingent on(p) dependant on(p) dependent on(p) dependant dependent probationary provisional provisionary tentative absolute total blunt crude(a) enforced implemented semiconducting semiconductive nonconducting nonconductive close confining homebound housebound pent shut up(p) free-range unenclosed jam-packed jammed agreeable congenial compatible sympathetic incompatible uncongenial disagreeable unsympathetic coincident coinciding identical superposable congruent congruous appropriate harmonious discrepant inconsistent inappropriate incompatible out or keeping(p) unfitting ironic ironical connecting copulative adversative oppositive alternative mutually exclusive dividing divisional partitive separative abutting adjacent adjoining bordering(a) conterminous contiguous conterminous contiguous coupled joined socially connected well-connected apart(p) isolated detached separated disjoined separate beatable vanquishable expugnable stormable subduable subjugable impregnable inexpugnable indomitable never-say-die insuperable insurmountable invincible unbeatable alert awake(p) ignorant innocent insensible senseless KO''d kayoed knocked out(p) out(p) consecrate consecrated profaned violated priestlike priestly fusty nonprogressive standpat(a) unprogressive hidebound traditionalist progressive reformist welfare(a) welfare-statist accordant agreeable concordant conformable consonant in accord(p) at odds(p) conflicting contradictory self-contradictory discrepant incompatible spotty uneven conspicuous obvious attention-getting eye-catching big large crying(a) egregious flagrant glaring gross rank exhibitionist(a) exhibitionistic outstanding prominent salient spectacular inconspicuous invisible obscure unnoticeable discernable discernible indistinguishable undistinguishable faithful fast(a) loyal true staunch steadfast unfailing unflagging false untrue fickle volatile formative shaping reconstructive rehabilitative annihilating annihilative devastating withering blasting ruinous cataclysmal cataclysmic caustic corrosive erosive vitriolic crushing devastating damaging negative obliterating obscurant devoured eaten up(p) cooked-over leftover reheated warmed-over unconsumed undrunk content(p) contented complacent self-satisfied content(p) happy easygoing placid self-satisfied smug discontent(p) discontented disaffected ill-affected malcontent rebellious disgruntled dissatisfied restless ungratified debatable disputable shakable shakeable incontestable incontestible demonstrable incontrovertible inarguable unarguable ironclad unassailable unshakable watertight endless incessant insistent repetitive perennial recurrent persistent relentless fitful spasmodic irregular unpredictable isolated scattered continuous uninterrupted around-the-clock day-and-night nonstop round-the-clock ceaseless constant incessant never-ending perpetual unceasing dogging persisting free burning sustained consecutive straight discontinuous noncontinuous out of print(p) out-of-print(a) in hand(p) under control(p) disciplined under control(p) dominated dominated by obsessed possessed(p) anarchic anarchical irrepressible uncontrollable lordless masterless undisciplined ungoverned arguable debatable disputed moot polemic polemical noncontroversial uncontroversial accepted undisputed agreed upon(p) stipulatory arguing quarrelsome contentious disputatious disputative litigious favorable favourable accepted received stodgy stuffy irregular maverick button-down buttoned-down square straight stereotyped stereotypic stereotypical unimaginative bizarre eccentric flaky freakish freaky outlandish devil-may-care raffish far-out kinky offbeat quirky nonconformist unconformist atomic nuclear handed-down tralatitious time-honored time-honoured nontraditional untraditional confluent merging(a) focused focussed divergent diverging arboreal arboreous arborescent arboresque arboriform dendriform dendroid dendroidal tree-shaped treelike branched branching bushy spreading(a) unbranched unbranching credible plausible disenchanting disillusioning barbecued grilled boiled poached broiled grilled burned burnt deep-fried fried roast roasted saute sauteed half-baked underdone synergetic synergistic corrupted debased bribable corruptible dishonest purchasable depraved immoral perverse perverted dirty sordid praetorian pretorian uncorrupted unspoiled interactive synergistic antagonistic incompatible extended extensive goodish goodly hefty respectable sizable sizeable significant substantial insignificant trivial material real insubstantial unreal aerial aeriform aery airy shadowy wraithlike physical tangible immaterial nonmaterial intangible nonphysical bodiless bodyless corporeal material bodied corporal corporate embodied immaterial incorporeal bodiless discorporate disembodied unbodied correct right accurate exact letter-perfect word-perfect incorrect wrong erroneous inaccurate false mistaken correct right amendable correctable redeemable reformable depraved unreformable uncontrollable uncorrectable sophisticated urbane traveled travelled bumpkinly hick rustic unsophisticated insular parochial jerkwater one-horse pokey poky binding constipating cathartic evacuant regular unconstipated diarrheal diarrhetic lax loose kind thoughtful thoughtless uncaring chivalrous gallant brusk brusque curt short(p) caddish unchivalrous mannerly well-mannered courteous gracious brattish bratty ill-mannered rude unmannered unmannerly discourteous ungracious civil polite rude uncivil creative originative fanciful notional imaginative ingenious sterile unimaginative uninspired uninventive believable credible likely plausible incredible unbelievable astounding dumbfounding improbable marvellous marvelous tall(a) undreamed undreamed of undreamt undreamt of disbelieving sceptical skeptical unbelieving captious faultfinding carping caviling nitpicking pettifogging hypercritical overcritical scathing vituperative appraising(a) evaluative discriminative judicial noncritical uncritical dangerous grave grievous serious desperate dire noncritical noncrucial across crossed decussate intersectant comate comose crownless uncrowned crucial important critical decisive pivotal polar cubic three-dimensional blockish blocky boxlike boxy cube-shaped cubelike cubical cubiform cuboid cuboidal linear one-dimensional rectilineal rectilinear planar two-dimensional placoid platelike flattened planate one-dimensional unidimensional flat two-dimensional third-dimensional three-d chopped shredded perforate perforated pierced punctured cut off severed hand-hewn hewn slit slitted rough uncut inquisitive questioning speculative wondering(a) nosey nosy prying snoopy uninquiring uninquisitive afoot(p) underway contemporary present-day(a) in progress(p) ongoing prevailing prevalent latest up-to-the-minute disused obsolete obsolete out-of-date outdated superannuated cursed curst accursed accurst blame blamed blasted blessed damn damned darned deuced everlasting goddam goddamn goddamned cursed with(p) stuck with(p) damn goddamn damnable execrable blessed blest favored fortunate blessed blessed with(p) invested invested with curtainless uncurtained bespoke bespoken custom made-to-order tailor-made tailored custom-built made-to-order off-the-rack off-the-shelf prefab prefabricated hand-crafted handmade hand-loomed handwoven handsewn handstitched overhand oversewn boughten store cyclic cyclical alternate(a) alternating(a) alternate(a) every other(a) nonclyclical noncyclic closed-chain closed-ring homocyclic isocyclic acyclic open-chain verticillate verticillated annual one-year biennial two-year battered beat-up bedraggled broken-down dilapidated ramshackle tumble-down unsound bent crumpled blasted rent ripped torn broken busted burst busted cracked crackled defaced marred hurt weakened mangled mutilated scraped scratched trampled trodden unmarred unmutilated datable dateable dateless undated deaf-and-dumb deaf-mute hard-of-hearing hearing-impaired deaf to(p) inattentive unheeding unlistening(a) deaf as a post profoundly deaf stone-deaf unhearing quick-eared sharp-eared coarse crude earthy gross crucial deciding(a) determinant determinative fatal fateful resolute unhesitating on the fence(p) undecided hesitant hesitating asserting(a) declarative asking(a) interrogative announced proclaimed avowed(a) professed(a) sedate staid indecorous indelicate abysmal abyssal profound unfathomed unplumbed unsounded ankle-deep knee-deep reefy shelfy shelvy shoal heavy profound sound wakeless light wakeful skin-deep superficial actual de facto inalienable unforfeitable baffled balked discouraged frustrated beaten conquered overcome overthrown overwhelmed routed bested outdone triumphant victorious unbeaten unconquered insubordinate resistant amenable willing complying obliging circumscribed delimited undefined vague indefinable undefinable clear well-defined ill-defined unclear copied traced plagiaristic plagiarized simple underived primary primitive defined formed decided distinct nebulous unfixed chapfallen chopfallen crestfallen deflated blue depressed dispirited down(p) downcast downhearted low low-spirited gloomy glum lonely lonesome exultant exulting jubilant prideful rejoicing triumphal exhilarated gladdened high in high spirits dainty exquisite ethereal gossamer sturdy tough brickle brickly delicate fragile shatterproof splinterless exacting exigent hard to please(p) hard-to-please(a) rigorous stringent exacting stern easy lenient clamant crying exigent insistent commanding peremptory pressing urgent appealing imploring importunate pleading precative precatory suppliant supplicant classless egalitarian authoritarian autocratic despotic dictatorial monarchal monarchic capricious impulsive discretional discretionary nonarbitrary unarbitrary effusive emotional gushing(a) gushy reserved restrained reticent unemotional questionable refutable incontestable indisputable incontrovertible irrefutable denotative denotive appellative naming(a) numeric numerical connotational connotative of(p) implicational implicative suggestive suggestive of(p) dependable reliable certain sure tested time-tested tried tried and true undependable unreliable erratic temperamental interdependent mutualist bloodsucking leechlike parasitic parasitical dependent on(p) reliant autarkic autarkical autonomous self-directed breakaway separatist free-living nonparasitic case-by-case individual on her own(p) on his own(p) on one''s own(p) on their own(p) self-sufficient self-sufficing independent main(a) dependent subordinate partisan partizan guerilla(a) guerrilla(a) irregular underground biased one-sided tendencious tendentious nonpartisan nonpartizan bipartisan bipartizan two-party two-way unbiased unbiassed aligned alined abreast arow normative prescriptive coveted desired in demand(p) sought after delectable sexually attractive preferable preferred annihilated exterminated blasted desolate desolated devastated ravaged ruined blighted spoilt blotted out obliterate broken impoverished burned burned-out burnt burnt-out demolished dismantled despoiled pillaged raped ravaged done for(p) gone(a) finished ruined shattered tattered war-torn war-worn kept up(p) maintained protected saved maintained retained ascertainable discoverable indeterminable undeterminable unascertainable undiscoverable indeterminate undetermined mature matured immature unformed rudimentary vestigial dextrorsal dextrorse sinistrorsal sinistrorse undifferentiated uniform difficult hard ambitious challenging awkward embarrassing sticky unenviable baffling knotty problematic problematical catchy tricky delicate ticklish Herculean herculean nasty tight rocky rough rugged tough casual effortless cushy soft elementary simple uncomplicated unproblematic courtly elegant formal stately distinguished imposing demeaning humbling humiliating mortifying pathetic ridiculous statesmanlike statesmanly diplomatic wise assiduous sedulous hardworking industrious tireless untiring delinquent derelict neglectful remiss lax slack inattentive neglectful dilute diluted cut thinned washy watery full-strength neat concentrated saturated diplomatic diplomatical politic smooth conciliating conciliative appeasing(a) placating placative placatory propitiative propitiatory antagonistic antagonizing short shortest undeviating unswerving askance askant asquint sidelong squint squint-eyed circuitous devious crabwise oblique meandering(a) rambling wandering(a) winding blunt candid forthright frank free-spoken outspoken plainspoken point-blank plain unvarnished square(a) straightforward circuitous roundabout ambagious circumlocutious circumlocutory periphrastic devious oblique digressive discursive excursive rambling clear percipient clear-eyed clear-sighted obtuse purblind modest restrained bigmouthed blabbermouthed blabby talkative discriminate discriminating sweeping wholesale diacritic diacritical discerning fine discriminate nice discriminative discriminatory indiscriminating undiscriminating nondisposable reusable available usable expendable spendable fluid liquid medial median chiseled well-defined clean-cut clear crisp sharp defined outlined bleary blurred blurry foggy fuzzy hazy cloudy nebulose dim faint shadowy vague focused focussed out of focus unfocused varied wide-ranging undiversified unvaried solid unanimous dissociable separable dividable divisible by(p) indivisible by(p) undividable authoritarian dictatorial autocratic bossy dominating high-and-mighty magisterial peremptory blustery bullying cavalier high-handed heavy-handed roughshod imperious masterful oppressive tyrannical bowed bowing compliant meek cringing groveling grovelling wormlike dominated henpecked slavish submissive unservile unsubmissive ascendant ascendent overriding paramount predominant predominate preponderant preponderating sovereign supreme low-level subordinate adjunct assistant deputy(a) proxy(a) single-barreled single-barrelled double-barreled double-barrelled histrionic melodramatic drunk inebriated bacchanal bacchanalian bacchic carousing besotted blind blind drunk blotto crocked fuddled loaded pissed pixilated plastered potty slopped sloshed smashed soaked soused sozzled squiffy stiff tiddley tiddly tight tipsy wet bibulous boozy drunken sottish doped drugged high mellow hopped-up stoned cold sober stone-sober dry teetotal uninebriated unintoxicated blunted dulled incisive piercing acute intense cutting keen knifelike piercing placid quiet bouncing bouncy peppy spirited bubbling effervescent scintillating sparkling burbling burbly effusive gushing arid desiccate drab dreary heavy leaden humdrum monotonous lackluster lacklustre lusterless lustreless dynamic dynamical changing ever-changing driving impulsive energising energizing high-octane high-power high-powered high-voltage propellant propellent propelling propulsive renascent resurgent self-propelled self-propelling adynamic undynamic moribund stagnant static unchanging anxious(p) dying(p) impatient(p) raring(p) auriculate auriculated aboriginal primaeval primal primeval advance(a) beforehand(p) archaean archean archaeozoic archeozoic earlier earliest premature untimely premature previous(p) advanced ripe last(a) later(a) archaic primitive baby new beginning(a) novice(a) crude primitive embryo(a) embryonic embryotic in embryo inchoate incipient late later(a) Modern New at ease easy anxious apprehensive precarious unstable eastbound eastward easterly eastern easterly eastern easternmost eastmost westbound westerly westerly western westerly western westernmost westmost Hesperian occidental Asian oriental mid-Atlantic middle Atlantic endomorphic pyknic fat rounded mesomorphic muscular comestible eatable nonpoisonous nontoxic inedible uneatable enlightened knowing knowledgeable learned lettered well-educated instructed schooled taught tutored ignorant illiterate ignorant nescient unenlightened unlearned unschooled untaught at work(p) operant effective good in effect(p) in force(p) in operation(p) operating(a) dead defunct effective effectual hard-hitting trenchant impressive telling ineffective ineffectual arduous backbreaking grueling gruelling hard heavy laborious labourious punishing toilsome exhausting tiring wearing wearying heavy labored leaden plodding arduous straining easy facile unforced unstrained economic economical expeditious prompt uneconomical wasteful cogent telling emphatic exclamatory firm strong forcible physical forceless unforceful wimpish wimpy bouncy live lively resilient springy whippy ductile malleable pliable pliant tensile tractile expandable expandible expansible expansile fictile moldable rubberlike rubbery stretchable stretchy elected elective appointed appointive nominated nominative nonmandatory nonobligatory compulsory mandatory dandified dandyish de luxe deluxe luxe luxury(a) high-class high-toned exquisite recherche neat refined soigne soignee gauche graceless desirable suitable undesirable unsuitable unentitled unqualified affectional affective bathetic maudlin mawkish mushy schmaltzy schmalzy sentimental slushy cathartic releasing charged supercharged funky low-down lyric lyrical moody temperamental impassive stolid philosophic philosophical phlegmatic phlegmatical stoic stoical confirmable verifiable existential experiential data-based experimental experimental model(a) pilot(a) test(a) theoretic theoretical conjectural supposed suppositional suppositious hypothetic hypothetical notional speculative freelance(a) self-employed on the job(p) working(a) discharged dismissed fired laid-off idle jobless beguiled captivated charmed delighted enthralled entranced bewitched ensorcelled fascinated hypnotised hypnotized mesmerised mesmerized spellbound disabused(p) undeceived disillusioned enlightened exhortative exhortatory hortative hortatory heartening inspiriting daunting intimidating demoralising demoralizing disheartening dispiriting burdened heavy-laden involved mired burdonless unburdened clear unmortgaged bowed down(p) loaded down(p) overburdened weighed down(p) laden oppressed endogamic within-group exogamic outside-group self-fertilized self-pollinated endoergic energy-absorbing energy-releasing exoergic endothermal endothermic exothermal exothermic endogenetic endogenic exogenetic exogenic active physical brisk lively merry rattling snappy spanking indefatigable tireless unflagging unwearying lethargic unergetic dazed foggy groggy logy dreamy lackadaisical languid languorous disenfranchised disfranchised explorative exploratory nonexplorative nonexploratory unexplorative unexploratory fact-finding investigative inquisitory probing uninquiring uninquisitive accrued accumulated exaggerated hyperbolic enlarged exaggerated inflated raised(a) decreased reduced attenuate attenuated faded weakened belittled diminished cut slashed shriveled shrivelled benighted dark bold venturesome energetic gumptious industrious up-and-coming nonenterprising unenterprising slowgoing unenergetic ardent warm avid eager great zealous evangelical evangelistic cold cool halfhearted lukewarm athirst(p) hungry(p) avid devouring(a) esurient greedy covetous envious undesiring undesirous endozoic entozoan as good as(p) equivalent to(p) close tight equalised equalized even fifty-fifty isometric isometrical even tied(p) anisometric unsymmetrical mismatched uneven unequalised unequalized counterbalanced counterpoised harmonious proportionate imbalanced unbalanced isosmotic isotonic ambiguous equivocal double forked unambiguous unequivocal absolute conclusive effaceable erasable exterminable extirpable obliterable removable indelible unerasable inexpungeable inexpungible inexterminable inextirpable abstruse deep cabalistic cryptic cryptical sibylline mysterious mystic mystical occult basal basic constituent(a) constitutional constitutive(a) organic in essence substantial life-sustaining vital inessential unessential incidental nonessential complemental complementary critical vital abject low low-down miserable scummy scurvy pathetic pitiable encomiastic eulogistic panegyric panegyrical laudatory praiseful belittling deprecating deprecative deprecatory depreciative depreciatory derogative derogatory dislogistic dyslogistic sneering snide adulatory complimentary ingratiating ingratiatory euphemistic inoffensive dysphemistic offensive euphoric happy distressed dysphoric flat level straight true crinkled crinkly rippled wavelike jagged jaggy out of true untrue cone-bearing coniferous broad-leafed broad-leaved direct verbatim literal word-for-word rigorous strict approximate approximative free liberal convertible exchangeable cashable redeemable inconvertible unconvertible commutable substitutable quick warm nervous skittish aflutter nervous drunk intoxicated aroused stimulated stirred stirred up teased titillated breathless breathtaking elating exhilarating electric galvanic electrifying thrilling glamorous glamourous heady intoxicating tickling tingling commonplace humdrum prosaic unglamorous absolvitory exonerative justificative justificatory inculpative inculpatory accusative accusatory accusing accusive comminatory denunciative condemnatory condemning criminative criminatory incriminating incriminatory damnatory damning recriminative recriminatory consumed used up(p) expended gone left over(p) left(p) leftover odd remaining unexpended unexpended unspent existent existing active alive(p) living surviving extinct nonextant anticipated awaited(p) foreseen foretold unannounced unheralded out of the blue(p) unanticipated unforeseen unlooked-for unhoped unhoped-for unthought unthought-of advantageous appropriate opportunist opportunistic accelerated speeded up abeyant in abeyance(p) inactive suspended deferred postponed costly dear(p) high-priced pricey costly dearly-won cheap inexpensive bargain cut-price(a) bargain-priced cut-price affordable low-cost sixpenny threepenny tuppeny two-a-penny twopenny twopenny-halfpenny full-fledged fully fledged initiate initiated intimate intimate with(p) knowledgeable knowledgeable about(p) old older practiced practised seasoned veteran(a) fledgling unfledged green new raw wet behind the ears(p) uninitiate uninitiated unpracticed unpractised unseasoned untested explainable interpretable incomprehensible inexplicable cryptic cryptical deep inscrutable mysterious mystifying paradoxical self-contradictory unaccountable unexplainable explicit expressed declared stated definitive unequivocal implicit inexplicit implicit in(p) inherent implied silent tacit understood unexpressed unsaid unspoken unstated unuttered unverbalized employed made use of(p) undeveloped unexploited speakable utterable inexpressible unexpressible indefinable indescribable ineffable unspeakable untellable unutterable extensible extensile protractible protractile protrusible protrusile inextensible nonextensile digitate fingerlike cavernous erectile expandable expandible outermost outmost inmost innermost inmost innermost inner interior private secret round-eyed saucer-eyed fair just antimonopoly antitrust clean sporting unfair unjust cheating(a) dirty foul unsporting equitable just inequitable unjust firm loyal true true to(p) adulterous cheating(a) perfidious punic faithless traitorous insurgent seditious rebel(a) rebelling(a) recreant renegade traitorous treasonable errant erring undependable unreliable foolproof unfailing inerrable inerrant acquainted with(p) acquainted(p) long-familiar well known(p) strange unknown unacquainted with(p) unacquainted(p) strange unusual antic fantastic fantastical grotesque curious funny odd peculiar queer rum rummy singular eerie eery common usual fashionable stylish a la mode(p) in style(p) in vogue(p) modish dapper dashing jaunty natty raffish rakish smart snappy faddish faddy groovy swagger mod modern swank swanky trendy voguish out of fashion unfashionable antique demode old-fashioned old-hat(p) outmoded passe dowdy frumpish fashionable stylish chic smart classy posh styleless unstylish blistering hot fleet swift hurrying scurrying immediate prompt quick straightaway instant(a) instantaneous quick speedy rapid speedy bumper-to-bumper crawling dawdling dilatory laggard pokey drawling drawn-out long-play long-playing choosey choosy dainty nice overnice prissy finical finicky fussy particular pernickety persnickety old-maidish old-womanish exacting fastidious abdominous paunchy blubber blubbery buxom chubby embonpoint plump zaftig zoftig compact heavyset stocky thick corpulent obese rotund weighty double-chinned jowly dumpy podgy pudgy tubby fleshy heavy gross porcine portly stout lean thin anorectic anorexic bony cadaverous emaciated gaunt haggard pinched skeletal wasted deep-eyed hollow-eyed gangling gangly lank spindly reedy twiggy scraggy scrawny skinny underweight shriveled shrivelled shrunken withered wizen wizened slender slight slender-waisted slim-waisted spare trim spindle-legged spindle-shanked stringy wiry wisplike wispy fat fatty greasy oily oleaginous sebaceous fat-free fatless diet(a) light lite low-cal skim skimmed deadly deathly deadly lethal comprehensible fathomable fathomless unfathomable plumbable soundable favorable favourable unfavorable unfavourable adverse contrary favorable favourable approbative approbatory unfavorable unfavourable admonishing admonitory reproachful reproving adverse harmful inauspicious untoward discriminatory invidious featherlike feathery fledged vaned plumate plumed plumed plumy plumelike plumy featherless unfeathered fledgeless unfledged congratulatory gratulatory happy well-chosen awkward clumsy cumbersome ill-chosen inapt inept downed felled cut cut down standing uncut fertilised fertilized impregnated inseminated infertile unfertile barren sterile unfertilized unimpregnated all over complete concluded ended over(p) terminated done through done with(p) through with(p) incomplete uncompleted dressed polished raw(a) unsanded bounded delimited boundless limitless dateless endless inexhaustible unlimited inflected tensed infinite non-finite infinitive uninflected beginning(a) first first inaugural initiative initiatory concluding final last terminal archetypal archetypical prototypal prototypic basic introductory eldest firstborn first-year freshman premier premiere premier(a) prime(a) endmost terminal parthian parting next-to-last penultimate fourth-year senior(a) gray grey in-between mediate junior(a) next-to-last second-year sophomore(a) fissile fissionable fit healthy able able-bodied conditioned in condition(p) afflicted impaired apractic apraxic bandy bandy-legged bowed bowleg crippled halt halting lame crookback crookbacked humpbacked humped hunchback hunchbacked disabled handicapped lame spavined dipped lordotic swayback swaybacked maimed mutilated paralytic paralyzed appropriate suitable flexible flexile bendable pliable limber supple rigid stiff stand-up stiff limber supple adamant adamantine inexorable intransigent die-hard(a) rock-ribbed flinty granitic fossilized ossified brassbound ironclad inflexible uncompromising compromising conciliatory elastic flexible pliable pliant inflexible rigid anatropous inverted curled curling crisp frizzly frizzy kinky accordion plicate rolled rolled-up(a) sunburst sunray flat unpleated web-footed web-toed apodal apodous toe toed pointed-toe pointy-toed square-toed squared-toe splayfoot splayfooted forehand(a) forehanded backhand(a) backhanded adopted adoptive alien exotic established naturalized foreign-born nonnative autochthonal autochthonic autochthonous endemic homegrown local aboriginal native abroad overseas external international home(a) interior(a) internal national haunting persistent kind tolerant revengeful vengeful ceremonial solemn ceremonious conventional dress full-dress dress full-dress nominal titular positive prescribed perfunctory pro forma black-tie semi-formal buckram starchy casual everyday casual familiar unceremonial unceremonious colloquial conversational common vernacular epistolary epistolatory nonliterary unliterary abandoned deserted castaway(a) rejected desolate forlorn godforsaken lorn cherished held dear(p) felicitous happy good well(p) heaven-sent miraculous black calamitous disastrous fatal castaway shipwrecked dispossessed homeless hapless miserable misfortunate pathetic piteous pitiable pitiful poor doomed ill-fated ill-omened ill-starred infelicitous unhappy regrettable too bad aromatic redolent odoriferous odorous perfumed scented sweet sweet-scented perfumed scented fetid foetid foul foul-smelling funky noisome putrid smelly frowsty fusty gamey gamy mephitic miasmic odoriferous odorous rancid sour redolent(p) smelling(p) inodorous odorless conjugate conjugated conjugate conjugated fast firm geostationary geosynchronous detached free unfirm unsteady at large(p) at liberty(p) escaped loose at liberty(p) unconstrained autonomous independent self-governing sovereign available uncommitted atrip aweigh discharged released disentangled extricated emancipated liberated quit(p) rid(p) unconfined unimprisoned free of(p) unhampered adscript adscripted apprenticed articled bound indentured at bay(p) cornered trapped treed captive confined imprisoned jailed nonautonomous nonsovereign emancipated freed free-soil slaveless bond enslaved enthralled in bondage predominant prevailing regular steady crisp crunchy good unspoiled strong warm bad spoiled flyblown maggoty limp wilted moldy mouldy corrupt tainted decomposing moldering mouldering rotting moldered mouldered putrefied putrid unrotted unrotten aged cured candied crystalized canned tinned condensed(a) evaporated(a) corned cured dehydrated desiccated flash-frozen frozen freeze-dried lyophilised salt(a) salt-cured smoke-cured smoke-dried sweet unsalty brackish briny saline salty affable amiable cordial genial chummy matey pally palsy-walsy comradely hail-fellow couthie couthy cozy informal favorable well-disposed neighborly neighbourly beetle-browed scowling unneighborly unneighbourly liquescent melting baccate bacciferous bountiful plentiful fat fertile productive rich generative procreative fertile prolific abortive stillborn barren infertile barren childless hardscrabble poor abounding in(p) abounding with(p) rich in(p) rife with(p) afloat(p) awash(p) flooded inundated alive with(p) crawling with(p) overflowing with(p) overrun with(p) swarming with(p) teeming with(p) brimful brimful of(p) brimfull brimfull of(p) chock-full chockablock(p) chockful choke-full chuck-full cram full congested engorged fraught(p) pregnant glutted overfull heavy weighed down imbued(p) instinct(p) laden ladened overladen overloaded untasted untouched bare stripped barren of(p) destitute of(p) devoid of(p) empty of(p) innocent of(p) void of(p) bereft of(p) deprived of(p) blank clean glassy glazed looted pillaged plundered ransacked irregular temporary useful utilitarian cosmetic decorative functional operative running(a) working(a) malfunctioning nonfunctional amiss(p) awry(p) haywire out of order(p) the matter(p) wrong(p) bad defective lateen lateen-rigged equipped equipt accoutered accoutred armored panoplied fledged mature fledgeling(a) fledgling(a) full-fledged fully fledged immature unfledged equipped furnished fitted out outfitted furnished with provided with stocked stocked with well-appointed well-found unequipped unfurnished unfurnished with(p) unprovided with(p) fixed given(a) nominal nominative such that such(p) such as such(a) back-geared double-geared engaged intermeshed as a whole(ip) at large(ip) broad unspecific all-purpose general-purpose large-scale mass pervading pervasive plain popular limited special particular(a) peculiar(a) particularised particularized cosmopolitan widely distributed branchiate gilled abranchial abranchiate abranchious gill-less abstract theoretical nontechnical untechnical copyright copyrighted benevolent freehearted big bighearted bounteous bountiful freehanded giving handsome liberal lavish munificent overgenerous prodigal too-generous unsparing unstinted unstinting stingy ungenerous beggarly mean cheap chinchy cheeseparing close near penny-pinching closefisted hardfisted grudging niggardly meager scrimpy little mean mingy miserly small tight parsimonious penurious big large meanspirited ungenerous uncharitable unforgiving authentic bona fide unquestionable veritable attested authenticated honest-to-god honest-to-goodness old(a) sure-enough(a) real true counterfeit imitative assumed false fictitious fictive pretended put on bad forged bastard bogus fake phoney inauthentic spurious ostensible ostensive bestowed conferred relinquished surrendered appropriated condemned confiscate confiscated seized taken over arrogated assumed purloined stolen glazed shiny glassy vitreous calendered glossy glassed glazed glassless unglazed celebrated historied divine elysian empyreal empyrean dishonorable inglorious obscure unknown a-ok(p) a-okay(p) bang-up bully cool corking cracking dandy great groovy keen neat nifty not bad(p) peachy slap-up smashing swell acceptable satisfactory well behaved well-behaved abominable atrocious awful dreadful painful terrible corked corky deplorable distressing lamentable pitiful sad sorry fearful frightful fine pretty hard tough crappy icky lousy rotten shitty stinking incompetent unskilled mischievous naughty no-good rubber angelic angelical beatific sainted saintlike saintly beneficent benevolent redeeming(a) redemptive evil wicked atrocious flagitious grievous heinous bad immoral black dark corruptive perversive demonic diabolic diabolical fiendish hellish infernal satanic unholy despicable ugly unworthy vile devilish diabolic diabolical mephistophelean amiable good-humored equable even-tempered good-tempered placid atrabilious bilious dyspeptic liverish bristly prickly splenetic waspish cantankerous crotchety choleric hot-tempered hotheaded irascible quick-tempered short bad-tempered crabbed crabby cross fussy grouchy grumpy ill-tempered cranky fractious irritable nettlesome peckish peevish pettish petulant techy testy crusty curmudgeonly gruff ill-humored dark dour glowering glum moody morose saturnine sour feisty touchy huffish sulky misanthropic misanthropical shirty snorty nagging shrewish snappish snappy spoiled spoilt surly ugly flowing fluent fluid liquid gracile willowy lissom lissome lithe lithesome slender supple svelte sylphlike clumsy clunky gawky ungainly graceless ungraceful labored laboured elegant graceful graceless unpleasing bit-by-bit in small stages piecemeal step-by-step gradational gradatory unexpected unforeseen easy gentle abrupt precipitous bluff bold clifflike cliffy craggy rugged rock-ribbed rockbound beachlike beachy gravelly pebbly grammatical well-formed ill-formed ungrammatical grateful thankful thankless ungrateful haploid haploidic elysian paradisaic paradisaical paradisal paradisiac paradisiacal golden halcyon joyful joyous laughing(a) riant sad unhappy bad sorry homesick nostalgic miserable suffering regretful sorry unregretful unregretting corneous hornlike erect tumid firm solid granitelike granitic rocklike stony hardened set lignified woody marmoreal marmorean petrous stonelike slatey slaty brushed fleecy compressible squeezable cushioned cushiony demulcent emollient salving softening downlike downy flossy fluffy flabby flaccid flocculent woolly semisoft softish spongy squashy velvet velvety brutal cruel harsh rigorous calculating calculative conniving scheming case-hardened hard-boiled stiff uphill coddled pampered diffused softened effeminate weak mellow mellowing fricative sibilant palatal palatalized hardhearted heartless flinty obdurate soft-boiled softhearted cruel unkind hard strong intoxicant intoxicating laced spiked spiritous spirituous nonalcoholic soft innocent innocuous inoffensive unoffending deleterious hurtful injurious noxious calumniatory calumnious defamatory denigrating denigrative denigratory libellous libelous catastrophic ruinous damaging detrimental prejudicial prejudicious insidious pernicious stabbing traumatic consonant harmonic harmonical harmonized harmonic sympathetic on-key true symphonic symphonious inharmonious unharmonious discordant disharmonious dissonant inharmonic false off-key dissonant unresolved anthelminthic anthelmintic helminthic parasiticidal antimicrobial antimicrobic carminative flatus-relieving cathartic psychotherapeutic alterative curative healing(p) remedial sanative therapeutic beneficial good medicative medicinal preventative preventive recuperative restorative crippling disabling infective morbific nonmedicinal unmedical unmedicative unmedicinal operative surgical blooming flushed rose-cheeked rosy flourishing growing good sound hale whole full-blooded hearty lusty red-blooded rubicund ruddy arthritic creaky rheumatic rheumatoid asthmatic wheezing bad unfit blebby blistery bloated distended puffed puffy swollen tumescent cankerous ulcerated carbuncled carbuncular colicky flatulent debilitated enfeebled infirm seedy diseased morbid pathologic pathological dropsical edematous foaming foamy gangrenous mortified ingrowing ingrown jaundiced yellow membrane-forming membranous raw sore sallow sickly sunburned sunburnt ambrosial ambrosian celestial ethereal divine godly divine godlike paradisaic paradisaical paradisal paradisiac divine providential superlunar superlunary translunar translunary mundane terrene sublunar sublunary beheaded decapitated doughy soggy buoyant floaty featherlike feathery burdensome onerous distressful distressing disturbing perturbing troubling worrisome leaden weighted casual fooling big high easy gentle light lightsome heavy lumbering light-armed lightly-armed heedless thoughtless careless(p) regardless deaf(p) indifferent(p) attentive heedful sanctionative sanctioning disabling disqualifying implemental instrumental laborsaving laboursaving attending ministering reformative reformatory assorted miscellaneous mixed motley inhomogeneous nonuniform consistent uniform gay homophile(a) lesbian sapphic paederastic pederastic transvestic transvestite(a) hierarchal hierarchic class-conscious stratified graded ranked nonhierarchic nonhierarchical ungraded unordered commanding dominating eminent lofty soaring towering high-stepped high-stepping high-top high-topped nether under squat underslung lifted upraised hi-tech high-tech advanced sophisticated decollete low-cut turtleneck turtlenecked broad(a) full(a) climactic climactical flooding in flood(p) overflowing swollen graduate(a) postgraduate last utmost debased degraded depressed down(p) reduced rock-bottom high high-pitched adenoidal nasal alto countertenor peaky spiky piercing sharp screaky screechy squeaking squeaky soprano treble low low-pitched alto contralto bass deep contrabass double-bass apelike apish echoic imitative onomatopoeic onomatopoeical multistorey multistoried storeyed storied highland(a) upland alpestrine subalpine low-lying sea-level homologic homological heterologic heterological honest honorable square straight dishonest dishonorable Janus-faced ambidextrous deceitful double-dealing double-faced double-tongued duplicitous two-faced deceitful fallacious deceptive misleading blackguardly rascally roguish scoundrelly thieving(a) thievish true truthful honest veracious lying(a) mendacious honorable honourable august revered noble solid upstanding worthy time-honored time-honoured dishonorable dishonourable black disgraceful ignominious inglorious opprobrious shameful debasing degrading anticipant anticipative aspirant aspiring(p) wishful would-be(a) abject resigned black bleak despairing desperate despondent heartsick gloomy grim helpless lost disconsolate inconsolable naiant swimming perpendicular vertical unsloped upright atilt canted leaning tilted aslant aslope diagonal slanted slanting sloped bevel beveled skew skewed erect upright rampant(ip) rearing straight unbent unbowed upright accumbent decumbent reclining recumbent bent bowed bended bent cernuous drooping nodding pendulous crouched crouching huddled hunkered dormant(ip) sleeping flat prostrate crooked hunched round-backed round-shouldered stooped stooping lolling lounging prone prostrate slouched slouching resupine supine seated sitting flowing streaming gushing pouring jetting spouting spurting squirting dead(a) stagnant pass(a) passing(a) bare barren bleak desolate desert godforsaken waste wild hostile uncongenial aggressive belligerent antagonistic antipathetic opponent opposing inimical unfriendly unthreatening well-meaning baking baking hot blistering blistery boiling scalding calefacient warming calefactive calefactory fervent fervid fiery igneous heated heated up het het up stifling sulfurous sulphurous sultry sweltering sweltry sultry torrid tropic tropical white white-hot arctic freezing frigid gelid glacial icy bleak cutting chilled ice-cold chilled shivering crisp frosty nipping nippy parky snappy frosted frosty rimed rimy refrigerant refrigerating unheated unwarmed springlike vernal spring(a) springtime(a) aestival estival wintery wintry brumal hibernal boiling sizzling fiery flaming red-hot sizzling sensual sultry emotionless passionless frigid frosty frozen glacial icy wintry anthropoid manlike anthropomorphic anthropomorphous fallible frail imperfect weak hominian hominid anthropoid anthropoidal dehumanized unhuman divine godlike herculean powerful kind merciful human-centered humanist humanistic humanitarian barbarous brutal cruel fell roughshod savage beastly bestial brute(a) brutish brutal cruel cold cold-blooded inhuman insensate pitiless unkind humorous humourous bantering facetious buffoonish clowlike clownish zany amusing comic comical funny laughable mirthful dry ironic ironical wry farcical ludicrous hilarious screaming(a) jesting jocose jocular joking killing sidesplitting seriocomic seriocomical tragicomic tragicomical humorless unhumorous sobersided solemn empty empty-bellied esurient famished ravenous sharp-set fast flying hasty headlong hasty overhasty precipitant precipitate helter-skelter pell-mell rush(a) rushed careful deliberate easy easygoing classifiable distinctive placeable recognisable unrecognisable unrecognizable immanent subjective transeunt transient ametropic astigmatic myopic presbyopic dickey dicky diminished lessened vitiated weakened dyslectic dyslexic important of import all important(p) all-important(a) crucial essential arch(a) boss(a) chief(a) head(a) cardinal central fundamental key chief(a) main(a) primary(a) principal(a) consequential eventful distinguished eminent grave grievous heavy weighty of value useful inconsequent inconsequential immaterial indifferent fiddling footling lilliputian little niggling petty picayune piddling piffling trivial nickel-and-dime small-time amazing awe-inspiring awesome awful arresting sensational astonishing astounding staggering stupefying baronial imposing noble stately dazzling fulgurant dramatic spectacular expansive grand gallant lofty majestic proud brilliant glorious magnificent splendid grand heroic detectable perceptible discernible evident marked pronounced insignificant undistinguished built reinforced graded graveled dirt ungraded farewell(a) valedictory crossbred interbred apt(p) disposed(p) given(p) minded(p) fond(p) partial(p) antipathetic antipathetical averse(p) indisposed(p) loath(p) loth(p) entering(p) ingoing arriving(a) inbound future(a) next inflowing influent departing(a) outbound outward outward-bound effluent outflowing past(a) preceding(a) ebb(a) low flood(a) high advancing rising illative inferential decadent effete betting card-playing dissipated gambling epicurean luxurious sybaritic voluptuary epicurean hedonic austere stern blue(a) puritan puritanic puritanical corrective disciplinal renunciant renunciative self-abnegating self-denying severe spartan developed highly-developed developing underdeveloped catching communicable contagious contractable transmissible transmittable contaminating corrupting noncommunicable noncontagious chthonian chthonic lower nether Hadean Plutonian informative informatory advisory consultative consultatory consultive exemplifying illustrative revealing telling uninformative uninstructive enlightening illuminating unenlightening unilluminating agnostic agnostical nescient unbelieving noncommital undogmatic abreast of(p) au courant au fait up on(p) conversant(p) familiar(p) educated enlightened hep hip knowing wise to(p) aware(p) knowing ignorant unknowing unknowledgeable unwitting innocent of(p) unacquainted with(p) unenlightened uninstructed artless ingenuous candid open artful disingenuous distorted misrepresented perverted twisted colonized settled occupied tenanted populous thickly settled unoccupied untenanted unpeopled unpopulated heritable inheritable ancestral hereditary patrimonial transmissiblel familial genetic hereditary inherited transmissible transmitted nonheritable noninheritable congenital inborn nonhereditary nontransmissible pent-up repressed smothered stifled strangled suppressed abraded scraped bit bitten black-and-blue livid bruised contused bruised hurt cut gashed cut split disabled hors de combat disjointed dislocated hurt wounded lacerate lacerated mangled torn maimed mutilated intact inviolate unharmed unhurt clean-handed guiltless absolved clear cleared exculpated exonerated vindicated acquitted not guilty blameless inculpable irreproachable unimpeachable blamable blameable blameful blameworthy censurable culpable chargeable indictable condemned convicted finable fineable ennobling exalting informative instructive clarifying elucidative demonstrative illustrative didactic didactical expositive expository interpretative interpretive uninformative uninstructive edifying enlightening unedifying unenlightening enlightening informative unenlightening uninformative co-ed coeducational desegrated nonsegregated interracial mixed segregated unintegrated isolated quarantined lily-white white coordinated interconnected tight-knit tightly knit nonintegrated unintegrated amalgamated integrated intermingled mixed blending merging occluded sorbed uncompounded unmixed combinative combinatorial consolidative unifying highbrow highbrowed good serious anti-intellectual philistine lowbrow lowbrowed agile nimble apt clever brainy brilliant bright smart incisive keen quick ready searching trenchant stupid unintelligent brainless headless feebleminded half-witted imbecile imbecilic slurred thick conscious witting deliberate intentional knowing wilful well-intentioned well-meaning accidental inadvertent causeless fortuitous unintentional unplanned designed intentional undesigned unintentional aggravating exacerbating augmentative enhancive deepening(a) gathering(a) alleviative alleviatory lenitive mitigative mitigatory palliative analgesic analgetic interspecies interspecific intraspecies intraspecific apathetic indifferent blase bored benumbed dulled absorbing engrossing fascinating gripping boring deadening dull ho-hum irksome slow tedious tiresome insipid jejune narcotic soporiferous earthbound pedestrian prosaic prosy internal intragroup interscholastic interschool intrinsic intrinsical built-in constitutional inbuilt inherent inner internal accidental adventitious alien foreign external extraneous introspective introverted extrospective extroverted introvert introverted introvertish shut-in extraversive extroversive extravert extraverted extravertive extrovert extroverted extrovertive extrovertish outgoing encroaching(a) invasive busy busybodied interfering meddlesome meddling officious not intrusive unintrusive beetle beetling bellied bellying bulbous bulging bulgy protuberant buck(a) bucked(a) jutting projected projecting protruding sticking out(p) sticking(p) underhung undershot ventricose ventricous eruptive irruptive eruptive volcanic aggressive fast-growing(a) animating enlivening bracing brisk energizing fresh refreshful refreshing exhilarating stimulating fortifying strengthening life-giving vital renewing restorative revitalizing reviving debilitative enervating enfeebling weakening draining exhausting invitation(a) invitational unasked unbid unsolicited unsought tantalizing tempting unattractive untempting smoothed smoothened unironed wrinkled drip-dry permanent-press creased crumpled puckered puckered-up unwrinkled wrinkleless isotropic isotropous aeolotropic eolotropic happy pleased depressing depressive gloomy saddening doleful mournful melancholic melancholy pensive wistful tragic tragical tragicomic tragicomical wistful yearning anguished tormented bereaved bereft grief-stricken grieving mourning(a) sorrowing(a) brokenhearted heartbroken dolorous dolourous lachrymose tearful grievous heartbreaking lamenting wailful mournful plaintive woebegone woeful ecstatic enraptured rapturous rhapsodic elated gleeful joyful jubilant festal festive gala(a) gay gay jocund jolly jovial merry mirthful funereal sepulchral mirthless unamused lush succulent fitting meet retributive retributory deserved due undeserved unearned benignant gracious charitable kindly cutting edged unkindly unsympathetic better known(p) better-known(a) celebrated famed famous far-famed illustrious notable noted renowned well known(p) well-known(a) chartless uncharted unbeknown(p) unbeknownst(p) undiscovered unexplored transcendent unknowable appreciated apprehanded interpreted taken labeled labelled unlabeled unlabelled unlamented unmourned oceangoing seafaring oversea overseas subocean suboceanic crowned laureled unlaureled unlaurelled big large ample sizable astronomic astronomical bigger larger biggest greatest biggish largish blown-up enlarged bouffant puffy broad spacious colossal prodigious enormous tremendous elephantine gargantuan giant jumbo epic heroic extended extensive gigantic mammoth huge immense hulking hulky humongous thumping walloping whopping king-size king-sized full-size life-size massive monolithic outsize outsized oversize oversized overlarge too large queen-size queen-sized little small bantam diminutive lilliputian midget petite tiny bittie bitty teensy teensy-weensy teentsy teeny wee weensy dwarf dwarfish elfin elflike infinitesimal microscopic least littlest miniscule minuscule puny runty slender slim littler smaller undersize undersized law-abiding observant lawless outlaw(a) lawless open leadless unleaded lead-free nonleaded drafty draughty oozing oozy holey porous rainproof waterproof chinked stopped-up flat unraised downwind lee(a) upwind weather(a) jural juristic lawful legitimate ratified sanctioned banned prohibited black black-market bootleg contraband criminal felonious dirty ill-gotten embezzled misappropriated extralegal nonlegal illegitimate illicit outlaw(a) outlawed misbranded mislabeled penal punishable clean fair clear decipherable dirty foul indecipherable unclear undecipherable unreadable foster surrogate left-handed morganatic lawful rightful(a) base baseborn bastard bastardly misbegot misbegotten natural(a) spurious unlawful wrongful leptorhine leptorrhine leptorrhinian leptorrhinic broadnosed platyrhine platyrhinian platyrrhine platyrrhinian platyrrhinic like similar ish(ip) ly(ip) different dissimilar alike(p) like dissimilar unalike equal equivalent like same unequal unlike apt(p) liable(p) farfetched implausible outside remote likely plausible improbable unlikely boughed limbed boughless limbless controlled restricted minor modest small small-scale limitless unlimited untrammeled untrammelled direct lineal matrilineal matrilinear patrilineal patrilinear unilateral unilateralist collateral indirect additive linear ex-directory not listed denotative explicit figurative nonliteral metaphoric metaphorical metonymic metonymical synecdochic synecdochical literary well-written analphabetic unlettered live unrecorded unfilmed untaped canned transcribed tape-recorded taped livable liveable habitable inhabitable unlivable unliveable undischarged unexploded pestilent pestilential plaguelike plaguey conducted guided undirected unguided dianoetic discursive illogical unlogical absurd incongruous intuitive nonrational outspread spread rolled out(p) unrolled sprawled sprawling stretched stretched out elongate elongated elongated extended lengthened prolonged extendable extendible longer longest polysyllabic sesquipedalian abbreviated brief sawed-off shortened shortened telescoped truncate truncated drawn-out extended lengthy prolonged durable lasting long-lasting long-lived endless eternal lifelong womb-to-tomb long-run long-term nightlong overnight abbreviated shortened brief little fleeting fugitive momentaneous momentary short-run short-term lengthways lengthwise linear running(a) cross(a) crossing(a) thwartwise transversal cross-section(a) cross-sectional baggy loose-fitting binding constricting clenched clinched close close-fitting tight-fitting tightly fitting mislaid misplaced squandered wasted cursed damned doomed unredeemed destroyed ruined reclaimed rescued ransomed redeemed confiscate forfeit blaring blasting deafening earsplitting roaring thunderous shouted yelled dull muffled muted softened hushed muted quiet subdued little small low low-toned murmuring susurrant murmurous rustling soughing susurrous booming stentorian grumbling rumbling orotund rotund heavy sonorous piano soft forte loud adorable endearing angelic angelical cherubic seraphic cuddlesome cuddly abominable detestable execrable odious likable likeable unlikable unlikeable adored idolized beloved darling blue-eyed(a) fair-haired(a) cherished precious treasured wanted favored favorite(a) favourite(a) pet alienated estranged bereft lovelorn despised detested hated scorned jilted rejected adoring doting affectionate caring fond lovesome tender warm amative amorous amatory amorous captivated charmed caressing caressive crazy dotty enamored gaga in love infatuated smitten soft on(p) loverlike loverly cold frigid unaffectionate uncaring little minuscule capital great luckless unlucky hexed jinxed large macroscopic gross megascopic microscopic microscopical atomic atomlike magnetic magnetized geographic geographical minor nonaged great outstanding leading(p) prima(p) star(p) starring(p) insignificant little peanut small minuscular minuscule controllable governable indocile uncontrollable ungovernable unruly manful manlike doughty fearless unmanful unmanlike cissy effeminate emasculate epicene sissified sissy antheral staminate phallic priapic egg-producing(a) young-bearing(a) bisexual epicene gynandromorphic gynandromorphous hermaphrodite hermaphroditic pseudohermaphrodite pseudohermaphroditic remote-controlled unmanned asterisked starred unasterisked unstarred joined united wed wedded single unmarried unwed unwedded butch macho male manful manlike manly distaff female maidenlike maidenly feminine womanly hoydenish tomboyish compatible well-matched coordinated matching duplicate matching twin(a) twinned mated paired ill-sorted incompatible mismated unsuited odd unmatched unmated unpaired crucial relevant adult big full-grown fully grown grown grownup abloom efflorescent full-blown matured marriageable nubile embryonal embryonic formative inchoative prepubertal prepubescent mellow mellowed adolescent jejune juvenile puerile childish infantile callow inexperienced naive unsophisticated mature ripe aged ripened mellow mellowed green immature unripe unripened year-around year-round green uncured maximal maximum greatest top highest peak(a) largest outside minimal minimum borderline marginal bottom lowest least lowest nominal token(a) stripped stripped-down comprehensible understandable indicative significative meaty substantive meaning(a) pregnant empty hollow insignificant unmeaning nonsense(a) nonsensical pointless purposeless measurable mensurable immeasurable immensurable illimitable limitless measureless unmeasured plumbed sounded automatic automatonlike machinelike robotlike melodic melodious ariose songlike canorous songful cantabile singing dulcet honeyed mellifluous mellisonant unmelodic unmelodious monotone monotonic melodious tuneful tuneless unmelodious dissonant nonmusical nonmusical unmusical liquid liquified liquefied liquified merciless unmerciful bowelless cutthroat pitiless remorseless ruthless unpitying metabolic metabolous ametabolic ametabolous moderate temperate bad big consuming overwhelming exquisite keen extreme utmost(a) fierce tearing vehement violent severe terrible deep thick violent wild active participating concerned interested concerned implicated embroiled entangled martial soldierlike soldierly warriorlike martial warlike nonmilitary unmilitary alleviated eased quenched satisfied arrant(a) complete(a) consummate(a) double-dyed(a) everlasting(a) gross(a) perfect(a) pure(a) sodding(a) staring(a) stark(a) thoroughgoing(a) bally(a) blinking(a) bloody(a) crashing(a) flaming(a) fucking(a) undiminished unrelieved diluted toned down(p) moderated qualified hardened tempered toughened treated baked burned unhardened untempered brittle unannealed ambulant ambulatory maneuverable manoeuvrable mechanized motorized movable moveable transferable transferrable raisable raiseable immovable immoveable stabile unmovable immotile nonmotile take-away takeout extractable extractible metal(a) metallic aluminiferous aluminous auriferous gold-bearing bimetal bimetallic gilded gold nonmetal nonmetallic hemimetabolic hemimetabolous hemimetamorphic hemimetamorphous heterometabolic heterometabolous holometabolic holometabolous average intermediate cautious conservative fair fairish modest small a bit much(p) de trop exaggerated overdone excessive inordinate undue unreasonable exorbitant extortionate outrageous steep unconscionable usurious extremist radical last latest newest up-to-date fogyish moss-grown mossy stick-in-the-mud(a) gothic mediaeval old-fashioned outmoded old-time quaint coy demure retiring unassuming overweening uppity adapted altered qualified restricted monecious monoecious dioecian dioecious monodic monodical contrapuntal polyphonic monogynic monogynous monovalent univalent multivalent polyvalent bivalent double monotone monotonic clean clean-living debauched degenerate degraded dissipated dissolute fast libertine profligate disgraceful scandalous shameful shocking amoral unmoral adulterous extracurricular horsey horsy many a(a) many an(a) umpteen umteen a couple of(a) a few(a) so much such(a) more than more(a) amaranthine unfading deathless undying aeonian eonian eternal everlasting driven impelled causeless reasonless motiveless unprovoked motored motorized motorless unmotorized affected(p) stirred(p) enraptured rapt unaffected(p) untouched(p) affecting poignant soul-stirring stirring active on the move(p) afoot(p) walking(a) agitated tossing ahorse(p) ahorseback(p) approaching oncoming automotive self-propelled awheel riding billowing rolling bouncing jolting crawling creeping fast-flying flying flailing thrashing fleeing(a) running(a) aflare flaring fluttering flying flowing streaming flittering fluttering itinerant road touring traveling leaping springing milling shuffling revolving rotating turning wheeling running(a) scampering(a) spinning whirling squirming twisting wiggling wiggly wriggling wriggly swaying swinging tramping trampling vibrating vibratory unreeling unwinding swirling whirling nonmoving unmoving at rest inactive motionless static fixed rigid frozen(p) rooted(p) halted stopped cut mown uncut unmown seamanlike seamanly landlubberly lubberly nationalist nationalistic global planetary world(a) worldwide internationalist internationalistic born(a) innate(a) connatural inborn inbred native elemental primitive instinctive instinctual glandular intuitive eerie eery uncanny unco unbleached uncolored artificial unreal arranged staged bleached colored cardboard unlifelike celluloid synthetic conventionalized stylised ersatz imitation fake false faux imitation man-made semisynthetic apparitional ghostlike ghostly phantasmal spectral spiritual eldritch uncanny unearthly weird elfin fey charming magic magical sorcerous witching(a) wizard(a) marvelous miraculous nonnatural otherworldly preternatural transcendental final last essential indispensable needed needful required requisite unnecessary unneeded excess extra redundant spare supererogatory superfluous supernumerary surplus gratuitous needless reserve(a) spare net nett overall total neurotic psychoneurotic aboulic abulic disturbed maladjusted hypochondriac hypochondriacal hysteric hysterical megalomaniacal megalomanic nymphomaniac nymphomaniacal obsessional obsessive awful nasty dirty filthy hateful mean dignifying ennobling exalted high-flown high-minded idealistic lofty noble-minded rarefied rarified greathearted magnanimous base mean contemptible despicable dishonorable dishonourable proletarian propertyless aristocratic aristocratical blue blue-blooded gentle patrician august grand coroneted highborn imperial majestic purple regal kinglike kingly monarchal monarchical queenlike queenly base baseborn humble lowly common plebeian unwashed vulgar ignoble ungentle average mean(a) average median(a) average modal(a) aberrant deviant atypical irregular brachydactylic brachydactylous kinky perverted psychic psychical supernormal supranormal northbound northward northerly northern northerly northern northernmost northmost northeast northeasterly northeast northeasterly northwest northwesterly northwest northwesterly southbound southward southerly southern southerly southern southernmost southmost southeast southeasterly southeast southeasterly southwest southwesterly southwest southwesterly boreal circumboreal Federal Union gray grey pug-nose pug-nosed disregarded forgotten ignored neglected overlooked unmarked unperceived unremarked felt perceived unnoticed unobserved ascertained discovered harmful noxious baneful deadly pernicious pestilent corrupting degrading vesicant vesicatory harmless innocuous inoffensive uncontroversial acquiescent biddable duteous dutiful contrary obstinate perverse wayward fractious refractory froward headstrong self-willed wilful noticeable obtrusive unnoticeable unobtrusive retiring unassertive nonsubjective objective impersonal neutral unobjective unverifiable bound compelled(p) constrained(p) obligate called upon(p) required(p) duty-bound(p) obliged(p) apparent evident manifest patent axiomatic self-evident demonstrable provable under her nose under his nose under my nose under one''s nose under our noses under your nose barred barricaded choked clogged deadlocked stalemated stopped stopped up(p) clear free busy engaged free spare abhorrent detestable obscene repugnant charnel ghastly disgustful disgusting distasteful foul loathly loathsome repellant repellent revolting wicked ghoulish morbid hideous horrid horrific outrageous objectionable obnoxious innocuous unobjectionable inoffensive savory offensive unsavory abusive insulting opprobrious scornful inoffensive unoffending offenceless offenseless assault(a) attack(a) assaultive attacking(a) hit-and-run tip-and-run incursive invading marauding predatory offensive violative defensive excusatory justificative justificatory authoritative authorized drumhead summary informal loose unauthorized wildcat deep-rooted deep-seated implanted ingrained grooved well-grooved conditioned learned innate unconditioned on-the-scene(a) on-the-spot(a) age-old ancient antediluvian antiquated cold stale hand-down hand-me-down hoary rusty secondhand used yellow yellowed bran-new brand-new spic-and-span spick-and-span hot red-hot new-sprung(a) newborn novel refreshing parvenu parvenue radical revolutionary untested untried aged elderly older senior aged(a) of age(p) ageing aging doddering doddery gaga senile emeritus retired gray gray-haired gray-headed grey grey-haired grey-headed hoar hoary overage overaged retired superannuated immature young adolescent teen teenage teenaged baby(a) infant(a) boyish boylike childlike childly girlish schoolgirlish little small puppyish puppylike tender vulnerable vernal youthful connected machine-accessible cancelled off offside offsides open unfastened closed shut blocked out of use(p) open opened agape(p) gaping agaze staring round-eyed wide closed shut blinking winking compressed tight squinched squinting boxed boxed in(p) capsulate capsulated closed closed in(p) confined fenced in engulfed enveloped encircled surrounded open unstopped abroach broached active combat-ready inactive reserve(a) good right seasonable timely well timed(p) well-timed(a) ill timed(p) ill-timed(a) unseasonable untimely apposable opposable at odds(p) conflicting opposite paired cheerful pollyannaish rose-colored rosy demoralized discouraged buccal cheek(a) law-abiding peaceful boisterous rambunctious robustious rumbustious brawling fighting mob mobbish raucous rowdy abecedarian alphabetical consecutive sequent sequential serial disordered unordered ordered orderly broken confused disordered upset chaotic helter-skelter fucked-up snafu undone unstuck configured designed corporate incorporated average fair mediocre middling banal commonplace characterless nondescript common simple everyday mundane quotidian routine unremarkable workaday indifferent passable so-so(p) tolerable run-of-the-mill run-of-the-mine exceeding exceptional olympian prodigious fantastic howling(a) marvelous rattling(a) terrific tremendous wonderful wondrous fantastic phenomenal rare uncommon remarkable singular integrated structured natural nonsynthetic amorphous unstructured atomistic atomistical arranged ordered laid set orientated oriented adjusted familiarized bound destined homeward homeward-bound alienated anomic confused disoriented orientating orienting aligning positioning avant-garde daring free freehand fresh new germinal originative innovational innovative new newfangled banal commonplace hackneyed shopworn stock(a) threadbare timeworn tired trite well-worn bromidic corny platitudinal platitudinous cliched ready-made moth-eaten old canonic canonical conforming conformist conventional established dissentient recusant dissident heretical nonconforming nonconformist out-of-door outdoor(a) alfresco open-air(a) indoor(a) inside endo ento ariled arillate beplastered besmeared cloaked clothed draped mantled crusted crustlike crusty encrusted dabbled spattered splashed splashy drenched drenched in moss-grown mossy plastered sealed snow-clad snow-covered snowy white bald bare denudate denuded foliaceous foliaged ivied ivy-covered leafed leaved defoliate defoliated labiate liplike lipless unlipped open overt bald barefaced naked raw obvious visible backstair backstairs clandestine cloak-and-dagger hole-and-corner(a) hugger-mugger hush-hush on the quiet(p) secret surreptitious undercover underground closet(a) secret collusive conniving cloaked disguised sub-rosa under-the-table subterranean ulterior undisclosed unrevealed compensable paying(a) remunerative salaried compensated remunerated salaried stipendiary freelance(a) mercenary(a) postpaid prepaid complimentary costless free gratis(p) outstanding owed owing(p) undischarged uncompensated unsalaried aching achy agonizing excruciating harrowing torturesome torturing torturous biting bitter chafed galled prickling stinging racking wrenching sensitive sore pain-free unpainful stained varnished bare unfinished unstained unvarnished delineate delineated depicted pictured diagrammatic diagrammatical undepicted unpictured distasteful unsavory palpable tangible obvious perceptible elusive subtle nonconvergent nonintersecting cata-cornered catacorner cater-cornered catercorner catty-corner catty-cornered kitty-corner kitty-cornered orthogonal rectangular excusable forgivable minor venial deadly mortal(a) inexcusable unforgivable indefensible insupportable unjustifiable unwarrantable maternal parental partial unfair biased colored one-sided slanted fair impartial indifferent unbiased climbable surmountable travelable traversable impassable unpassable unclimbable unsurmountable ablaze aflame aroused turned on(p) ardent burning(a) fervent fervid fiery impassioned perfervid torrid fanatic fanatical overzealous rabid lustful lusty ago agone bygone bypast departed foregone chivalric knightly early(a) former(a) erstwhile(a) former(a) once(a) onetime(a) quondam(a) sometime(a) former(a) late(a) historic historical late(a) recent prehistoric prehistorical ult ultimo inst instant approaching coming(a) forthcoming upcoming coming(a) future day emerging rising prox proximo parentless unparented orphan orphaned fatherlike fatherly uxorial wifelike diligent persevering enduring long-suffering forbearing longanimous patient of tolerant impatient of(p) intolerant of(p) short unforbearing patronless unpatronized prepackaged prepacked asphalt macadam macadamized tarmac cobblestone cobblestoned dirt gravel loyal patriotic chauvinistic flag-waving(a) jingoistic nationalistic disloyal unpatriotic calm serene pacific peaceable pacifist(a) pacifistic peace-loving peaceable belligerent fighting militant war-ridden unpacific warlike penitent repentant contrite remorseful rueful sorry impenitent unremorseful acute discriminating incisive keen knifelike penetrating penetrative piercing apprehensive discerning observant observing quick-sighted sharp-eyed unperceiving unperceptive unobservant unseeing detectable noticeable imperceptible unperceivable incognizable incognoscible indiscernible insensible complete consummate down down pat(p) faultless immaculate flawless unflawed uncorrupted undefiled blemished flawed corrupt corrupted defective faulty decayable putrefiable putrescible spoilable durable indestructible perdurable undistroyable lasting permanent abiding enduring ageless eternal everlasting perpetual unceasing unending impermanent temporary ephemeral fugacious passing short-lived transient transitory improvised jury-rigged pro tem pro tempore guest(a) visiting lasting persistent caducous shed reversible two-sided nonreversible one-sided revocable revokable rescindable voidable irrevocable irrevokable allowable permitted sufferable tolerable forbidden out(p) prohibited proscribed taboo tabu admittable admittible indulgent lax lenient soft authoritarian dictatorial nonindulgent strict admitting of(p) allowing of(p) preventative preventive clogging hindering impeding obstructive frustrating frustrative precautional precautionary obviating(a) preclusive prohibitive prohibitory at a loss(p) nonplused nonplussed puzzled at sea baffled befuddled bemused bewildered confounded confused lost mazed mixed-up metagrabolized metagrobolized questioning quizzical unbaffled unconfused individual(a) private individualized personalized in person(p) in the flesh(p) of her own of his own of one''s own of our own of their own of your own ain own(a) coaxing ingratiatory glib glib-tongued admonitory cautionary exemplary monitory dense thick rubber rubberized water-repellent water-resistant imperviable impervious moth-resistant mothproof ladder-proof run-resistant petaled petalled apetalous petalless animal(a) carnal fleshly sensual bodily corporal corporeal somatic physiologic physiological intellectual rational psychic psychical godly reverent holier-than-thou pharisaic pharisaical pietistic pietistical sanctimonious godless irreverent churchlike churchly devout god-fearing atheistic atheistical heathen heathenish impious ungodly lapsed nonchurchgoing appeasable conciliable grim inexorable relentless stern unappeasable unforgiving plain unpatterned self-colored self-coloured blotched blotchy brinded brindle brindled tabby checked checkered dappled mottled dotted flecked specked speckled floral flowered marbled marbleized moire watered patched spotted pinstripe(a) pinstriped streaked streaky striped stripy veined veinlike austere severe bare(a) mere(a) homely simple inelaborate unelaborate literal pure and simple tailored trim aureate flamboyant florid showy baroque churrigueresco busy fussy battlemented castellated castled crenelated damascene damascened elaborate intricate crenelate crenelated crenellate crenellated embattled indented lacelike lacy puff puffed vermicular vermiculate conceived formed predetermined preset projected proposed accidental casual deliberate studied natural uncontrived glib pat improbable unbelievable unconvincing unlikely beautiful fine enjoyable gratifying idyllic pastoral acerb acerbic acid acrid bitter blistering caustic sulfurous sulphurous venomous virulent vitriolic beastly hellish dour forbidding embarrassing mortifying harsh rough afflictive painful rebarbative repellant sharp sharp-worded amused diverted bucked up(p) encouraged annoyed irritated nettled peeved pissed riled roiled stung disgusted fed up(p) sick of(p) sick(p) offended pained agreeable pleasureful delicious delightful fab fabulous gratifying sweet disconcerting upsetting exasperating infuriating maddening vexing amusing amusive diverting fun(a) acanthoid acanthous acuate acute barreled barrelled cigar-shaped fusiform tapered tapering pointless unpointed bright burnished lustrous shining tactless undiplomatic inexpedient unwise apolitical unpolitical fashionable popular with(p) favorite favourite touristed touristy larboard left right starboard affirmative favoring opposed opposing affirmative optimistic antagonistic counter confirming positive disconfirming negative electropositive positive electronegative negative electroneutral neutral accomplishable achievable doable realizable affirmable assertable attainable come-at-able getable gettable feasible practicable viable workable impracticable infeasible unfeasible unworkable unachievable unattainable undoable unrealizable potent strong ineffective ineffectual potent virile all-powerful almighty potent strong regnant reigning powerless weak feeble nerveless helpless incapacitated engulfed flooded inundated overcome overpowered overwhelmed low-tension low-voltage authoritative important cogent potent potbound rootbound seeded sown self-seeded self-sowed unseeded unsown natural spontaneous ploughed plowed unbroken unploughed uncultivable uncultivatable applicable applicative matter-of-fact pragmatic operable practicable crazy half-baked screwball softheaded quixotic romantic finespun hairsplitting meticulous punctilious nice skillful on the button on the nose inaccurate inexact gifted talented backward feebleminded dim-witted half-witted simple simple-minded capricious freakish episodic occasional aforethought(ip) planned calculated deliberate designed(a) studied(a) equipped fitted out(p) ad-lib extemporaneous extemporary extempore off-the-cuff offhand offhanded unrehearsed impromptu spur-of-the-moment nonprescription(a) over-the-counter(a) attending in attendance(p) omnipresent ubiquitous away(p) departed(a) lacking(p) missing nonexistent wanting(a) awol truant ostentatious pretentious conspicuous flaunty showy splashy unostentatious unpretentious quiet restrained artsy-craftsy arty-crafty grandiloquent overblown pompous pontifical grandiose hifalutin highfalutin highfaluting hoity-toity la-di-da high-flown high-flying high-sounding inflated nouveau-riche parvenu parvenue upstart(a) modest plain tuppeny twopenny particular special alternate alternative auxiliary subsidiary supplemental supplementary second-string substitute(a) substitute(a) utility(a) basal base elementary primary fundamental rudimentary radical root incident incidental parenthetic parenthetical by(a) bye(a) abecedarian basal basic beginning(a) intermediate(a) middle high secondary(a) clannish cliquish clubby snobbish cloistered reclusive secluded sequestered closet(a) confidential privy secluded state state-supported unexclusive unrestricted alone(p) only inner inside advantaged favored deprived disadvantaged amentaceous amentiferous arable cultivable cultivatable tillable fecund fertile fruitful profitable bootless fruitless futile sleeveless generative productive creative originative exploitative exploitatory consistent reproducible duplicable duplicatable irreproducible unreproducible nonrecreational paid amateur recreational amateur amateurish inexpert unskilled fat juicy gainful paid lucrative moneymaking dead idle apparent(a) ostensible dilettante dilettanteish looking sounding hypognathous prognathic advanced forward-looking innovative modern advancing forward atavistic throwback(a) declining deteriorating failing regressing retrograde retrogressive returning reverting graduated proportional fixed flat rolled rolling becoming comely comme il faut decent decorous seemly correct right correct right priggish prim prissy prudish puritanical square-toed straightlaced straitlaced tight-laced victorian inappropriate incorrect indecent indecorous unbecoming uncomely unseemly untoward prophetic prophetical adumbrative foreshadowing apocalyptic apocalyptical clairvoyant precognitive Delphic oracular divinatory mantic sibyllic sibylline vatic vatical fateful foreboding(a) precursory premonitory predictive prognostic expected likely ex post facto retroactive protected secure bastioned fortified exposed open defenseless naked cautionary preventive conserving preserving antifertility contraceptive covering shielding custodial guardian tutelar tutelary neglectful neglectful of(p) arrogant chesty big swelled bigheaded persnickety snooty snot-nosed snotty stuck-up too big for one''s breeches uppish big boastful braggart(a) bragging(a) braggy cock-a-hoop crowing self-aggrandizing dignified self-respectful disdainful haughty lordly prideful sniffy supercilious conceited egotistic egotistical self-conceited swollen swollen-headed glorious illustrious redoubtable respected pleased proud of(p) broken crushed humbled humiliated meek mild proved proven tested tried unproved unproven careful thrifty farseeing farsighted foresighted foresightful long longsighted short shortsighted agitating agitative challenging intriguing incendiary incitive inflammatory instigative rabble-rousing seditious unprovocative unprovoking circumspect discreet judicious sensible ill-considered ill-judged improvident shortsighted psychoactive psychotropic mind-bending mind-blowing on time prompt belated late benighted nighted dilatory laggard alliaceous garlicky gingery hot peppery spicy admonished chastened rebuked reprimanded chastised corrected fined penalized unadmonished unchastened unrebuked unreproved uncorrected undisciplined punitive punitory blooded full-blooded pedigree(a) pedigreed pureblood pureblooded crossed hybrid interbred intercrossed cur(a) mixed mongrel(a) scrub(a) half-blooded half-bred immaculate undefiled defiled maculate clean fresh clean clear light unclouded f. fine plain sheer unmingled unmixed purified refined uncontaminated unpolluted adulterate adulterated contaminated polluted dingy dirty muddied muddy businesslike earnest goal-directed purposive purpose-built purpose-made adrift(p) afloat(p) aimless directionless planless rudderless house-trained housebroken pot-trained potty-trained hedged weasel-worded limited modified categoric categorical flat unconditional clean clear cool unqualiied outright straight-out decimal denary numeric numerical alleged(a) so-called debatable problematic doubtful dubious dubitable in question(p) fishy funny queer shady suspect suspicious beyond doubt(p) indubitable unchallenged undisputed undoubted unquestioned sound(a) talking silent soundless blatant clamant clamorous clamourous strident vociferous abuzz buzzing clanging clangorous clattering clattery crackling snapping creaking creaky crying howling shouting yelling rackety rip-roaring reedy wheezy screaming(a) screeching(a) spluttering sputtering swishing swishy relaxing reposeful slumberous slumbrous disruptive riotous troubled tumultuous fidgety fretful itchy restless squalling squally restless uneasy haphazard hit-or-miss orderly systematic coherent logical intelligent reasoning(a) reasonable sane blind unreasonable jaundiced yellow cerebral intellectual activated excited indifferent inert fit(p) primed(p) ready and waiting(p) waiting napping off guard(p) off her guard off his guard off one''s guard(p) off your guard existent real actual factual envisioned pictured eye-deceiving trompe-l''oeil(a) fabled legendary fabricated fancied fictional fictitious invented made-up fabulous mythic mythical mythologic fanciful imaginary imagined notional fantastic fantastical illusional illusionary illusive illusory make-believe play(a) deceptive delusory dreamlike surreal down-to-earth earthy hard-nosed hardheaded practical pragmatic graphic lifelike pictorial vivid true to life(p) true-to-life(a) real veridical practical(a) virtual(a) delusive false phantasmagoric phantasmagorical surreal surrealistic reasonable sensible commonsense commonsensible healthy intelligent levelheaded sound tenable well-founded indefensible untenable mindless reasonless undue unjustified avenging retributive retributory vindicatory complementary interchangeable interactional interactive reciprocating reciprocatory retaliative retaliatory unanswered unreciprocated civilized cultivated cultured genteel dainty mincing niminy-piminy prim debonair debonaire debonnaire suave delicate finespun gentlemanlike gentlemanly overrefined superfine well-bred well-mannered artless uncultivated boorish loutish neanderthal oafish coarse common uncouth vulgar bounderish ill-bred lowbred rude underbred yokelish ungentlemanlike ungentlemanly cured vulcanized milled polished rubberised rubberized natural raw(a) processed refined crude unprocessed burned burnt bandaged bound irrecoverable unrecoverable forgotten lost irretrievable unretrievable born-again converted unregenerate unregenerated cussed obdurate obstinate unrepentant unconverted unpersuaded certified qualified enrolled listed unfiled unregistered daily day-after-day day-to-day everyday lawful orderly official prescribed standard stock arrhythmic jerking jerky unsteady asymmetrical crooked casual occasional improper unconventional nonrenewable unrenewable rectifiable reparable quotable repeatable unquotable unrepeatable rhymed rhyming rimed riming rhymeless rimeless unrhymed unrimed uniform unvarying polymorphic polymorphous periodic periodical oscillating oscillatory aperiodic nonperiodic agnate agnatic akin(p) blood-related cognate consanguine consanguineous kin(p) enate enatic not kin(p) unconnected related related to accompanying attendant concomitant incidental affiliated attached associated connected cognate connate as to concerning in regard to in relation to regarding vis-a-vis with reference to with regard to correlate correlated brother(a) fellow(a) dissociated unconnected at issue(a) in dispute(p) in hand(p) in question(p) germane(p) related pertinent to the point(p) digressive tangential extraneous immaterial inapplicable unsuitable aware mindful careful heedful evocative redolent redolent of(p) remindful reminiscent reminiscent of(p) forgetful mindless amnesiac amnesic exchangeable interchangeable similar standardized irreplaceable unreplaceable delineative depictive figural figurative naturalistic realistic abstract abstractionist nonfigurative nonobjective conventional formal geometric geometrical allegoric allegorical emblematic emblematical symbolic symbolical nonrepresentative unsymbolic esteemed honored estimable good honorable respectable respected well-thought-of damaged discredited ill-famed infamous louche shady seamy seedy sleazy sordid acceptant acceptive hospitable open to(p) closed unsympathetic irreconcilable unreconcilable aloof distant indrawn withdrawn booked engaged rarefied rarified first-come-first-serve(p) rush irresistible resistless overpowering overwhelming bent bent on(p) dead set(p) intent on(p) desperate do-or-die(a) firm steadfast steady unbendable unfaltering unshakable resolved single-minded stalwart stout undaunted undismayed undeterred undiscouraged vacillant vacillating decent nice deferent deferential annihilating devastating contemptuous disdainful insulting scornful derisive gibelike jeering mocking impious undutiful flip impudent insolent snotty-nosed accountable(p) answerable(p) carefree devil-may-care freewheeling happy-go-lucky harum-scarum slaphappy flighty head-in-the-clouds idle loose answering respondent rebuilt remodeled fixed reconditioned in disrepair(p) unrepaired checked curbed low-key low-keyed excessive extravagant exuberant overweening unbridled unchecked uncurbed ungoverned unbuttoned unlaced unhampered unhindered circumscribed limited off-limits out-of-bounds(p) confining constraining constrictive limiting inhibiting inhibitory repressing repressive regulating regulative emancipating emancipative freeing liberating acquisitive recollective holding retaining long tenacious forgetful unretentive reticular reticulate cancellate cancellated crisscross crisscrossed fretted interlaced latticed latticelike interconnected interrelated lacy netlike netted webbed webby weblike nonretractable nonretractile mirrorlike specular nonreflecting nonreflective echoic echolike reverberant ringing bright brilliant echoing(a) reechoing jingling jingly resonant resonating resounding reverberating reverberative rolling tinkling tinkly nonresonant unreverberant dull thudding adoring worshipful awed awful respectful reverential blasphemous profane aweless awless unrenewed unrevived awed awestricken awestruck in awe of aweless awless appreciated gratifying pleasing satisfying thankless unappreciated profitless unprofitable anapaestic anapestic bombastic declamatory large orotund tumid turgid flowery ornate embellished empurpled over-embellished purple grandiloquent magniloquent poetic poetical literal plain matter-of-fact prosaic rhythmic rhythmical beating pulsating cadenced cadent lilting swinging swingy tripping measured metric chantlike intoned unrhythmic unrhythmical arrhythmic arrhythmical affluent flush loaded moneyed comfortable easy prosperous well-fixed well-heeled well-off well-situated well-to-do broke bust skint stone-broke destitute impoverished indigent necessitous needy poverty-stricken hard up impecunious in straitened circumstances(p) penniless penurious pinched deluxe gilded luxurious opulent princely sumptuous lavish lucullan lush plush beggarly mean slum(a) slummy moneyed monied bimanual two-handed right(a) right-hand(a) left(a) left-hand(a) ambidextrous two-handed far-right reactionary right-wing rightist left-of-center left-wing centrist middle-of-the-road near(a) nigh(a) bicorn bicornate bicorned bicornuate ethical honorable honourable moral condemnable criminal deplorable reprehensible base dishonorable dishonourable immoral misguided mistaken good just upright virtuous sinful unholy beefy buirdly burly husky big-chested chesty big-shouldered broad-shouldered cast-iron iron hardy stalwart stout sturdy decrepit feeble infirm sapless weak weakly circular round ball-shaped global globose globular orbicular spheric discoid discoidal moon-round moonlike almond-shaped amygdaliform amygdaloid amygdaloidal annular annulate annulated circinate circular ring-shaped aspheric aspherical auriform ear-shaped bicephalous crescent(a) crescent-shaped lunate cycloid cycloidal cylindrical tube-shaped tubelike vasiform domed vaulted egg-shaped elliptic elliptical oval ovate oviform ovoid prolate ellipsoid ellipsoidal non-circular spheroidal parabolic parabolical rod-shaped rodlike angular angulate asteroid star-shaped bicuspid bicuspidate cuspate cuspated cusped cuspidal cuspidate cuspidated oblate pumpkin-shaped prolate watermelon-shaped agrarian agricultural agrestic rustic arcadian bucolic pastoral rustic countrified countryfied country(a) country-bred country(a) country-style cracker-barrel folksy citified city-born city-bred cityfied rust-free unrusted rustproof rustproofed undercoated undersealed beatified blessed consecrated sacred hallowed sacred unhallowed unholy profane unconsecrated ineffable unnameable unspeakable unutterable inviolable inviolate religious spiritual revered reverenced reverend sublime taboo tabu laic lay temporal worldly harmless innocuous out of danger(p) secure risk-free riskless safe and sound unhurt dangerous unsafe chanceful chancy dicey dodgy hazardous risky venturesome venturous parlous perilous precarious touch-and-go self-destructive suicidal treacherous unreliable out(p) retired salable saleable in demand(p) marketable marketable merchantable sellable vendable unsalable unsaleable unmarketable unmerchantable comparable corresponding identical indistinguishable synoptic synoptical antithetic antithetical assorted various contrasting contrastive diametric diametrical opposite polar differing(a) divergent distinct distinguishable diverse various divers(a) diverse aforementioned(a) aforesaid(a) identical one and the same(p) selfsame(a) very(a) another(a) different another(a) some other akin(p) kindred analogous correspondent siamese twin compos mentis(p) of sound mind(p) in her right mind(p) in his right mind(p) amok amuck berserk demoniac demoniacal possessed(p) balmy barmy bats batty bonkers buggy cracked crackers daft dotty fruity haywire kookie kooky loco loony loopy nuts nutty wacky brainsick crazy demented distracted disturbed mad sick unbalanced certifiable certified crackbrained idiotic crazed deranged fey touched(p) hebephrenic schizophrenic lunatic moonstruck maniac(p) maniacal mentally ill unsound non compos mentis(p) of unsound mind(p) psychopathic psychopathologic raving raving mad screw-loose screwy satiate satiated gorged sated satiable satisfiable insatiable insatiate quenchless unquenchable unsated unsatiated barbed biting nipping pungent black grim sardonic wry satiric satirical adequate fair to middling all right(p) all-right(a) fine o.k. ok okay cheering comforting copacetic copasetic copesetic copesettic disappointing dissatisfactory ascendable ascendible academic donnish bookish studious erudite learned conscienceless unconscionable open opened certain sealed uncertain unsealed equipped fitted out(p) leakproof watertight leaking leaky buried hidden furtive lurking skulking sneak(a) sneaky stealthy hidden obscure hidden secret sneaking(a) unavowed blatant blazing conspicuous open disclosed discovered enveloping(a) shrouding(a) denominational partisan nonsectarian unsectarian ecumenic ecumenical oecumenic oecumenical interchurch interdenominational secure unafraid bonded guaranteed secured warranted established firm safe-deposit safety-deposit insecure unsafe precarious shaky uncertain unsure unguaranteed unsecured barred bolted fast latched locked secured pinned stapled unbarred unbolted unlatched unlocked alluring beguiling enticing tempting uninviting untempting begrudging envious egotistic egotistical narcissistic self-loving self-seeking self-serving stingy ungenerous self-denying self-giving elder older higher-ranking ranking(a) inferior junior-grade lower lower-ranking lowly petty(a) secondary subaltern jr. younger lurid shocking scandalmongering sensationalistic sensible sensitive anaesthetic(a) anesthetic(a) anaesthetized anesthetized asleep(p) benumbed excitable irritable light-sensitive photosensitive dead deadened unreactive unresponsive huffy thin-skinned callous indurate dead(p) numb(p) insensible(p) unaffected(p) sensorial sensory extrasensory paranormal abstracted removed detached isolated separated set-apart discrete distinct disjunct isolated combined concerted conjunct conjunctive cooperative united conjoined conjoint collective corporate healthful sanitary hygienic hygienical insanitary unhealthful contaminated dirty festering infected purulent pussy infectious infective putrefacient putrefactive aseptic sterile bactericidal disinfectant cleansing purifying clean uninfected antiseptic sterilized adulterant adulterating extraneous foreign ablutionary cleansing detergent detersive earnest in earnest(p) sincere solemn grave sedate sober solemn sensible thoughtful airheaded dizzy empty-headed featherbrained giddy light-headed flighty flyaway flippant light-minded idle light coltish frolicky frolicsome rollicking devilish rascally elfin elfish impish implike mischievous pixilated prankish puckish frisky kittenish mocking quizzical serious sober elect elite durable long-wearing fixable repairable maintained repaired functional in working order(p) operable operational usable useable burned-out burnt-out inoperable unusable out of service retired located placed set situated relocated resettled aimless drifting floating vagabond erratic planetary homeless stateless migrant migratory mobile nomadic peregrine roving peripatetic wayfaring rootless vagabond nonmigratory resident accomplished effected appointed decreed ordained prescribed determined dictated doubtful tentative open undecided undetermined unresolved aroused horny randy ruttish coquettish flirtatious erotic titillating blue gamey gamy juicy naughty racy risque spicy intimate sexual juicy luscious red-hot voluptuous lascivious lewd libidinous lustful lubricious lustful prurient salacious highly-sexed oversexed asexual nonsexual agamic agamogenetic agamous parthenogenetic neuter sexless vegetal vegetative castrated unsexed altered neutered cut emasculated entire intact aphrodisiac aphrodisiacal monestrous monoestrous polyestrous polyoestrous diestrous diestrual dioestrous dioestrual bosomy buxom curvaceous curvy full-bosomed sonsie sonsy voluptuous built(p) stacked(p) full-fashioned fully fashioned Junoesque statuesque modeled sculptural sculptured sculpturesque retrousse tip-tilted acromegalic pituitary chunky lumpy deformed distorted ill-shapen malformed knobbly knobby nodular nodulated chicken-breasted pigeon-breasted baccilar bacillary bacilliform baculiform catenulate chainlike navicular scaphoid molded shaped vermiform worm-shaped amorphous formless unshaped unshapen common mutual exclusive sole(a) individual separate shaved shaven beardless whiskerless clean-shaven smooth-shaven unshaved unshaven barbate bearded bewhiskered whiskered bestubbled stubbled mustached mustachioed sheared shorn unsheared unshorn cased encased bare unsheathed narrow-minded shockable broad-minded unshockable shod shodden sandaled sandalled unshod unshoed barefoot barefooted stocking stockinged calced shod discalceate discalced myopic shortsighted eagle-eyed farseeing keen-sighted longsighted hypermetropic hyperopic argus-eyed hawk-eyed keen-sighted lynx-eyed quick-sighted sharp-eyed blind unsighted blindfold blindfolded color-blind colour-blind deuteranopic green-blind dim-sighted near-blind purblind sand-blind visually challenged visually impaired eyeless sightless protanopic red-blind snow-blind snow-blinded blue-blind tritanopic important significant big momentous epoch-making epochal earthshaking world-shaking evidential evidentiary fundamental profound noteworthy remarkable key operative portentous prodigious insignificant unimportant colorless hole-and-corner superficial trivial simple unsubdivided acerate acerose acicular needle-shaped cordate heart-shaped cuneate wedge-shaped dolabrate dolabriform bladelike ensiform sword-shaped swordlike hastate spearhead-shaped lancelike lanceolate elongate linear orbicular orbiculate fiddle-shaped pandurate peltate shield-shaped kidney-shaped reniform arrow-shaped sagittate spatula-shaped spatulate bilobate bilobated cleft dissected abruptly-pinnate even-pinnate lobate lobed imparipinnate odd-pinnate palm-shaped palmate pinnate pinnated trifoliate trifoliated trilobate trilobated tripinnate tripinnated elemental ultimate oversimplified simplistic unanalyzable undecomposable uncomplicated unsophisticated analyzable decomposable Byzantine convoluted intricate involved knotty labyrinthine tangled tortuous colonial compound interlacing interlinking interlocking interwoven labyrinthian labyrinthine cordial fervent dear devout earnest heartfelt genuine true(a) heart-whole whole-souled bootlicking fawning obsequious sycophantic buttery fulsome oily oleaginous smarmy unctuous dissembling dissimulating false hollow gilded meretricious 0 zero 1 ane i one 2 ii 3 iii 4 four 5 five 6 half a dozen half dozen six 7 seven 8 eight 9 ix 10 ten 11 eleven 12 dozen twelve xii 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 score twenty xx 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 30 thirty 40 forty twoscore xl 50 fifty 60 lx sixty threescore 70 lxx 80 eighty fourscore lxxx 90 ninety 100 a hundred c hundred 500 d 1000 a thousand k m one thousand thousand a hundred thousand hundred thousand a million million a billion billion a trillion trillion a zillion zillion 1st first 2d 2nd 3rd tertiary 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth 10th tenth 11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth 14th fourteenth 15th fifteenth 16th sixteenth 17th seventeenth 18th eighteenth 19th nineteenth umpteenth umptieth 20th twentieth 21th twenty-first 22th twenty-second 23rd twenty-third 24th twenty-fourth 25th twenty-fifth 26th twenty-sixth 27th twenty-seventh 28th twenty-eighth 29th twenty-ninth 30th thirtieth 40th fortieth 50th fiftieth 60th sixtieth 70th seventieth 80th eightieth 90th ninetieth 100th centesimal 1000th thousandth scripted written ad-lib spontaneous azygos azygous one-man(a) one-person(a) lone(a) lonesome(a) only(a) sole(a) singular unique one-member uninominal double doubled double dual double dual threefold treble manifold multiplex ternary treble triple triplex threefold treble fourfold quadruple fourfold quadruple quaternary quaternate fivefold quintuple sextuple sixfold septuple sevenfold eightfold octuple ninefold nonuple denary tenfold divided dual-lane accomplished complete adept expert good practiced proficient skilful consummate masterful masterly virtuoso(a) botchy butcherly botched bungled bungling clumsy fumbling incompetent crude rough humble lowly out of practice(p) rusty mathematical numerical coarse-grained farinaceous grainy granular granulose gritty mealy sandy loose open close tight close-grained fine-grained fine-grained powdered powdery pulverized slippery slippy slimed slimy slipping slithering greased lubricated ungreased unlubricated creaseless uncreased glossy satin(a) satiny silken silklike silky sleek slick marmoreal marmorean seamless unlined velvet velvety ceraceous waxlike rough unsmooth abrasive scratchy alligatored cracked broken rugged bumpy jarring jolting jolty chapped cracked corded pique twill twilled corduroy(a) log(a) costate ribbed cragged craggy hilly mountainous homespun(p) nubbly nubby slubbed imbricate imbricated lepidote leprose scabrous scaly lined seamed pocked pockmarked bouldered bouldery rocky stony shagged shaggy rough-textured textured verrucose wartlike rutted rutty wrinkled wrinkly smooth unwrinkled unnotched untoothed ciliate ciliated crenate scalloped crenulate crenulated erose jagged jaggy notched fringed lacinate notched saw-toothed serrate serrated smoothbore unrifled cultural ethnic antisocial asocial eremitic lone(a) lonely(a) solitary recluse reclusive accompanied attended alone(p) lone(a) lonely(a) solitary isolated marooned caespitose cespitose herding(a) social nongregarious nonsocial sewed sewn clubable clubbable clubbish clubby convivial good-time extroverted forthcoming coagulated solidified congealed jelled fluid runny liquefiable liquifiable liquefied liquified aeriform airlike foamy frothy gasified vaporized vaporific vaporish vaporous vapourific vapourish vapourous deep-set recessed fistular fistulate cannular tubular dissoluble dissolvable disintegrable meltable resolvable solvable insolvable unresolvable unsoluble unsolvable resolved solved unresolved unsolved any(a) whatever all of all(a) blase worldly intelligent well-informed polished refined svelte urbane naif naive childlike dewey-eyed fleeceable green ignorant inexperienced ingenuous innocent unsophisticated unworldly dependable good safe secure bad high-risk insecure risky solid strong decayed rotted bubbling bubbly effervescing foaming foamy frothy aerated charged fizzing fizzy noncarbonated uncarbonated effervescent sparkling noneffervescent still specialist(a) specialistic boisterous knockabout dashing gallant ebullient exuberant feisty plucky hoyden(a) hoydenish impertinent irreverent pert saucy lively racy snappy whipping vibrant vivacious yeasty zestful dispirited listless self-generated spontaneous impulsive unprompted elicited evoked expressed uttered oral unwritten viva-voce word-of-mouth backhand left-slanting graphic graphical print printed typed typewritten spoken vocal sung vocal unvoiced voiceless sonant voiced surd unvoiced codified statute(p) syllabic vocalic consonantal nonsyllabic nonsyllabic unsyllabic firm steady coseismal coseismic crank cranky tender tippy disturbed unsettled explosive volatile rickety shaky wobbly wonky seismal seismic disconnected staccato abrupt disconnected legato smooth authoritative classical basic canonic casebook textbook criterial criterional deficient inferior received standard acceptable accepted normative prescriptive unacceptable unaccepted amylaceous amyloid amyloidal starchlike full replete(p) well-fed well-nourished saprophagous saprozoic ill-fed underfed starved starving dependable rock-steady even regular fastened fixed level unwavering footsure surefooted convulsive spasmodic aflicker(p) flickering fluttering palpitant lurching staggering stumbling weaving quaking quivering shaking shaky shivering trembling quavering tremulous tottering tottery challenging thought-provoking exciting provocative piquant salty rousing stirring unexciting unstimulating bland flat dry juiceless ataractic ataraxic sedative tranquilizing narcotic narcotizing somniferous somnific soporiferous soporific adrenocorticotrophic adrenocorticotropic excitant excitative irritating irritative stimulant stimulating astomatous mouthless aquiline hooked askew awry(p) cockeyed lopsided contorted distorted contorted writhed deflective refractive gnarled gnarly knobbed knotted tortuous twisting twisty winding trabeate trabeated uncurved uncurving curved curving arced arched arching arciform arcuate bowed curvilineal curvilinear falcate sickle-shaped curvey curvy incurvate incurved recurvate recurved serpentine snaky sinuate sinuous coiling helical spiral spiraling turbinate volute voluted whorled curled curled up involute rolled looped whorled twined twisted straight uncoiled aboveboard straightforward guileless transparent corrupt crooked dishonest unscrupulous sneaky underhand accented heavy emphasized emphatic unaccented unstressed light unaccented accented tonic atonic unaccented brawny hefty muscular powerful hard knockout hobnail hobnailed knock-down(a) powerful reinforced strengthened well-knit well-set anaemic anemic adynamic asthenic debilitated enervated faint feeble feeble lame flaccid lax limp slack flimsy slight tenuous thin flimsy fragile jerry-built shoddy namby-pamby spineless pale pallid bloody-minded cantankerous bolshy stroppy bullet-headed bullheaded bulldog dogged dour pertinacious tenacious unyielding contrarious cross-grained hardheaded mulish strong-minded strong-willed meek tame sheepish sheeplike dependent subject disobedient unruly booming flourishing palmy prospering prosperous roaring victorious winning defeated disappointed discomfited foiled frustrated thwarted done for(p) ruined sunk undone empty-handed unrewarded failed failing goalless hitless unfulfilled unrealized adequate decent deficient insufficient depleted low inadequate poor lean skimpy light scant(p) candied sugar-coated honeyed honied sugared sweet nonsweet sugarless arch condescending patronising patronizing commanding ranking top-level top-ranking eminent high greatest leading(a) high-level high-ranking majestic olympian humble low lowly modest less lower A-one ace crack first-rate super tiptop topnotch tops(p) blue-ribbon(a) select boss brag brilliant superb choice fine prime(a) prize quality select excellent first-class fine good greatest sterling(a) pucka pukka top-flight top-hole surpassing transcendent bum cheap cheesy chintzy crummy punk sleazy tinny cardboard flimsy cheapjack shoddy coarse common deplorable execrable miserable woeful mediocre poor ropey ropy scrawny scrubby utility(a) utility-grade overlying superimposed superior superscript inferior subscript braced buttressed dangling(a) hanging pendant pendent in suspension(p) suspended backed backed up based founded corroborated substantiated fostered nourished baseless groundless idle unfounded single-handed unassisted uncorroborated unsubstantiated aided assisted power(a) power-assisted naked unaided accessory adjunct adjuvant ancillary appurtenant auxiliary collateral confirmative confirmatory confirming corroborative corroboratory substantiating substantiative validating validatory verificatory verifying encouraging supporting confounding contradictory disconfirming invalidating conquerable superable insurmountable unsurmountable insuperable unconquerable amazed astonied astonished astounded dumbfounded dumfounded flabbergasted stupefied goggle-eyed openmouthed not surprised unsurprised amazing astonishing allergic hypersensitive hypersensitized sensitized supersensitive supersensitized capable open to(p) convincible persuadable persuasible suasible fictile pliable liable(p) nonimmune nonresistant unresistant insusceptible unsusceptible immune resistant immunized vaccinated unpersuadable unsuasible plastic pliant accountable answerable responsive tractable subject to(p) testable extra special forced unexpected sec unsweet cloying saccharine syrupy treacly acerb acerbic astringent sharp acetose acetous acidic acidulent lemonlike lemony sourish tangy fermented hard off sour fresh sweet sweet unfermented attested avowed symmetric symmetrical bilateral bilaterally symmetric bilaterally symmetrical isobilateral cruciate cruciform even regular radial stellate rhombohedral trigonal asymmetric asymmetrical ill-proportioned lopsided unsymmetric unsymmetrical actinomorphic actinomorphous bilaterally symmetrical zygomorphic empathetic empathic appealing likable likeable sympathetic unappealing unlikable unlikeable unsympathetic descriptive synchronic diachronic historical synchronal synchronic coetaneous coeval coexistent coexisting at the same time(p) coincident coincidental coinciding concurrent cooccurring contemporaneous contemporary in parallel(p) parallel anachronic anachronistic nonsynchronous unsynchronized nonparallel serial contrastive incompatible in order(p) so(p) reticent untalkative babbling blathering blithering gabbling chatty gabby garrulous loquacious talkative talky discerning discreet tactless untactful gangling gangly lanky rangy leggy long-legged leggy tall-growing stately statuesque chunky dumpy low-set squat squatty stumpy pint-size pint-sized runty sawed-off squab squabby tame tamed broken broken in docile gentle domestic domesticated untamed wild feral savage chaotic disorderly delirious excited frantic mad frenzied manic tactile tactual impalpable intangible in good taste(p) tasteful aesthetic artistic esthetic pleasing understated unostentatious in poor taste(p) tasteless brassy cheap flash flashy garish gaudy gimcrack loud meretricious tacky tatty tawdry camp campy kitsch ostentatious ambrosial ambrosian bittersweet semisweet dainty tasty delectable delicious luscious pleasant-tasting scrumptious toothsome flavored flavoured flavorful flavorous flavorsome flavourful flavourous flavoursome sapid saporous full-bodied rich grapey grapy nutlike nutty piquant savory savoury spicy salt salty winey winy bland flat flavorless flavourless insipid savorless nonflavored nonflavoured unflavored unflavoured unsalted unseasoned nonexempt taxable ratable rateable exempt nontaxable tax-exempt tax-free abstemious light(a) moderate restrained big(a) heavy(a) hard(a) heavy uncontrolled unrestrained taut tight drooping droopy loose slack aroused wound up cliff-hanging suspenseful drawn taut edgy high-strung in suspense(p) jittery jumpy nervous nervy overstrung restive uptight pumped up(p) pumped-up(a) at ease relaxed easygoing laid-back exterritorial extraterritorial thermoset thermosetting capillary hairlike compressed flat cobwebby diaphanous filmy gauzy gossamer see-through sheer transparent filamentlike filamentous threadlike thready fine tenuous flimsy light ribbonlike ribbony clogged clotted coagulate coagulated curdled grumose cream(a) creamy dense heavy gelatinlike gelatinous ropey ropy stringy thready syrupy viscous rare rarefied cogitable ponderable conceivable imaginable presumable supposable impossible inconceivable out of the question unimaginable bemused deep in thought(p) lost(p) preoccupied brooding broody contemplative meditative musing pensive pondering reflective cogitative thinking(a) considered reasoned inconsiderate unconsidered unreflective unthinking economical frugal scotch sparing extravagant prodigal profligate spendthrift uneconomic uneconomical clean-cut trig shipshape trim uncluttered unlittered blowsy blowzy slatternly sluttish cluttered littered disheveled dishevelled frowzled rumpled disorderly higgledy-piggledy hugger-mugger jumbled frowsy frowzy messy mussy sprawling straggling kempt tidy plastered slicked bushy shaggy half-timber half-timbered called known as called named all in(p) beat(p) bushed(p) dead(p) aweary weary blear blear-eyed bleary bleary-eyed bored world-weary burned-out burnt-out careworn drawn haggard raddled drooping flagging exhausted fagged fatigued played out spent washed-out worn out(p) worn-out(a) jaded wearied unrefreshed unrested fresh invigorated refreshed reinvigorated untired unwearied bearable endurable sufferable supportable impossible insufferable unacceptable unsufferable unbearable unendurable rigid strict atonal unkeyed buck-toothed bucktooth fine-tooth(a) fine-toothed(a) saber-toothed sabertoothed edental edentate topmost upmost bottommost lowermost lateral sidelong flat-top flat-topped bell-bottom bell-bottomed flat-bottom flat-bottomed round-bottom round-bottomed pantropic pantropical tropic tropical Arctic north-polar Antarctic south-polar cartilaginous gristly coriaceous leathered leatherlike leathery fibrous sinewy stringy unchewable fibrous hempen chewable cuttable crisp crispy flakey flaky tough toughened calloused thickened enured hardened tender untoughened delicate soft hard-bitten hard-boiled tough-minded unsentimental caring protective deadly venomous poisonous toxicant atoxic nontoxic docile teachable ductile malleable tamable tameable balking balky recalcitrant refractory refractory stubborn uncontrollable unmanageable prix fixe table d''hote traceable trackable caterpillar caterpillar-tracked half-track half-tracked untraveled untravelled cut trimmed uncut untrimmed clipped docked lopped lopped off annoyed harassed harried pestered anxious nervous uneasy unquiet buffeted storm-tossed tempest-swept tempest-tossed care-laden heavy-laden disquieted distressed disturbed upset distressed hard put hard-pressed in a bad way(p) hag-ridden hagridden infested overrun distressed in a bad way(p) carefree unworried undisturbed unmolested actual genuine literal real apodeictic apodictic so(p) truthful untrue wrong trustful trusting unsuspecting unsuspicious cynical misanthropic doubting questioning sceptical skeptical green-eyed jealous leery mistrustful suspicious untrusting trustworthy trusty authentic faithful creditworthy responsible dependable honest reliable true(p) sure trusted untrustworthy untrusty devious shifty fly-by-night shady slippery tricky undependable unreliable inverted upside-down overturned upset revolved rotated inside-out(p) wrong-side-out(p) emblematic exemplary regular(a) veritable(a) atypical untypical underarm underhand overarm overhand grade ground-level opencast opencut belowground underground submarine undersea submerged submersed submergible submersible nonsubmergible nonsubmersible liquid swimming teary teary-eyed sniffling(a) sniffly snuffling snuffly dry-eyed tearless organized unionized nonunionized unorganized biparous twinning agreed in agreement(p) allied confederate amalgamate amalgamated coalesced consolidated conjugate conjugated federate federated incorporate incorporated integrated merged one(a) unitary nonsegmental unsegmented apart(p) separate bicameral two-chambered bifurcate biramous branched forked pronged prongy bilocular biloculate bisulcate cleft disconnected disunited fragmented split metameric segmental partitioned partitioned off pronged tined sectional sectioned bivalve bivalved lamellibranch pelecypod acclivitous rising ascendant ascendent climbing(a) scandent up(a) upward(a) declivitous downhill descendant descendent down(a) downward(a) dropping falling standing upright improving up declining down(a) building(a) heightening(a) hoofed hooved ungulate ungulated unguiculate unguiculated ahead(p) in the lead dormie dormy heavenward skyward behind(p) trailing upstair upstairs downstair downstairs exploited ill-used put-upon used useful utile reclaimable recyclable usable useable cast-off(a) discarded junked scrap(a) futile ineffectual otiose unavailing inutile unprofitable unserviceable unusable airy impractical ideal idealistic legal sound legitimate logical reasoned sound bad uncollectible fallacious unsound invalidated nullified nugatory null sophistic sophistical specious spurious invaluable priceless valued at(p) worth(p) good-for-naught good-for-nothing meritless no-account no-count no-good negligible paltry otiose pointless superfluous wasted rubbishy trashy tinsel trumpery changeable uncertain changeless constant invariant steady hard-and-fast strict many-sided multifaceted varicolored varicoloured variable varying various versatile unvaried unvarying iterative reiterative repetitious repetitive aired airy aerated oxygenated airless close stuffy unaired unaerated unoxygenated knowledgeable versed ignorant unversed unassailable untouchable ferocious fierce furious savage hot raging knock-down-and-drag-out knockdown-dragout ruffianly tough passive peaceful impeccant innocent depraved evil iniquitous sinful irreclaimable irredeemable unredeemable unreformable nefarious villainous peccable peccant seeable visible in sight in view ocular visual panoptic panoptical invisible unseeable blind undetectable concealed hidden brood brooding evaporable vaporific vaporizable volatilizable nonvolatile nonvolatilizable intentional wilful uncoerced unforced unpaid volunteer(a) involuntary nonvoluntary driven goaded automatic reflex(a) assailable open undefendable undefended defenceless defenseless insecure unsafe under attack(p) under fire(p) unguarded unprotected bombproof shellproof defendable defensible impregnable inviolable secure strong unassailable unattackable craved desired longed-for wished-for sought sought-after(a) cast-off(a) discarded throwaway(a) thrown-away(a) friendless outcast casteless outcaste undesired unsought unwelcome unwished lukewarm tepid chill chilly caller cooling cordial hearty chilly unfriendly homeothermic homoiothermic heterothermic poikilothermic drip-dry wash-and-wear accelerative acceleratory augmentative augmenting flared flaring abating subsiding depreciating depreciative dwindling tapering fading paling decrescendo diminuendo rallentando ritardando invited wanted unasked uninvited all right fine asymptomatic symptomless cured healed ill sick afflicted stricken ailing indisposed peaked(p) poorly(p) sickly unwell airsick carsick bedfast bedrid bedridden infirm bilious liverish convalescent recovering delirious hallucinating dizzy giddy vertiginous woozy faint light light-headed swooning feverish feverous laid low(p) stricken menstruating unwell nauseated queasy sick sickish tubercular tuberculous bedewed dewy besprent sprinkled boggy marshy miry mucky muddy quaggy sloughy swampy clammy dank damp dampish drenched saturated soaked soaking sodden sopping drippy drizzly dunked soused muggy steamy perspiring sweating dripping reeking rainy showery soggy waterlogged adust baked parched scorched arid waterless bone dry(p) bone-dry(a) desiccated dried-out dried-up sear sere shriveled shrivelled withered lactating wet wage-earning working-class alimentary nourishing nutrient nutritious good for you(p) healthy hearty satisfying solid substantial insalubrious unhealthful insubstantial jejune loathsome nauseating nauseous noisome offensive sickening broad wide bird''s-eye panoramic countrywide nationwide covering overhanging heavy thick in breadth(p) in width(p) spreading wide-spreading stretching(a) wide-spreading constricting constrictive slender thin narrowing tapered bare(a) marginal manageable wieldy unmanageable unwieldy awkward bunglesome clumsy ungainly cumbersome cumbrous periwigged peruked disposed(p) fain inclined(p) prepared glad lief(p) loath loth unintentional unwilled alar alary aliform wing-shaped alate alated brachypterous short-winged apteral apterous all-knowing omniscient perspicacious sagacious absurd derisory ludicrous nonsensical preposterous ridiculous asinine fatuous inane mindless cockamamie cockamamy fool(a) goofy sappy silly unreasonable wacky harebrained insane ill-conceived misguided rattlebrained rattlepated scatterbrained scatty attested attested to(p) observed seen arboraceous arboreous woodsy woody bosky brushy braky brambly scrabbly scrubby silvan sylvan treeless unwooded birch birchen oak oaken wood(a) wooden materialistic mercenary mundane terrestrial anchoritic eremitic cloistered cloistral conventual monastic spiritual unearthly philosophic philosophical ideologic ideological nonphilosophic nonphilosophical creaky decrepit flea-bitten run-down dog-eared eared eroded scoured mangey mangy raddled worn-out moth-eaten ratty shabby tatty scruffy seedy shopsoiled shopworn vermiculate worm-eaten weather-beaten weathered uneroded unweathered applaudable commendable laudable praiseworthy deserving(p) meriting(p) exemplary model(a) honorable honourable honored honoured meritable meritorious notable noteworthy valuable worthful undeserving undeserving of(p) aggrieved injured downtrodden oppressed seduced violated re-entrant reentrant abasic abatic abaxial abaxile acapnial acapnic acinar acinic acinose acinous acrogenic acrogenous actinomycetal actinomycetous aculeate aculeated adjudicative adjudicatory adnexal annexal adrenergic sympathomimetic aeronautic aeronautical aesculapian medical affixal affixial agrobiologic agrobiological agrologic agrological agronomic agronomical alabaster alabastrine albinal albinic albinistic albinotic alchemic alchemical alchemistic alchemistical algometric algometrical Algonkian Algonquian allelic allelomorphic allotropic allotropical alphabetic alphabetical alphameric alphamerical alphanumeric alphanumerical ameboid amoeboid amenorrheal amenorrheic amenorrhoeal amenorrhoeic aminic amino ammoniac ammoniacal amnesic amnestic amnic amnionic amphitheatric amphitheatrical ampullar ampullary anaglyphic anaglyphical anaglyptic anaglyptical anagogic anagogical anagrammatic anagrammatical anastigmatic stigmatic androgenetic androgenous anemometric anemometrical anencephalic anencephalous anestric anestrous anginal anginose angiocarpic angiocarpous animist animistic anisogamic anisogamous annelid annelidan annual yearly biannual biyearly biennial biyearly bimestrial bimonthly bimonthly semimonthly semestral semestrial hebdomadal hebdomadary midweek midweekly biweekly fortnightly anodal anodic anosmatic anosmic antennal antennary anthropic anthropical anthropogenetic anthropogenic anthropometric anthropometrical anticlimactic anticlimactical antimonic antimonious antiphonal antiphonary antipodal antipodean antitypic antitypical anuran batrachian anuretic anuric aortal aortic aphaeretic apheretic apneic apnoeic apogametic apogamic apomictic apomictical apothegmatic apothegmatical appositional appositive arachnidian arachnoid araneidal araneidan arbitral arbitrational arborary arboreal arborical arborous archaeologic archaeological archeologic archeological archangelic archangelical archegonial archegoniate archepiscopal archiepiscopal areolar areolate araceous aroid arthropodal arthropodan arthrosporic arthrosporous articular articulary articulative articulatory artiodactyl artiodactylous ascetic ascetical ascosporic ascosporous stomatal stomatous stomatal stomatous astronautic astronautical astronomic astronomical atactic ataxic atrioventricular auriculoventricular auroral aurorean auric aurous autarchic autarchical auctorial authorial autobiographic autobiographical autobiographic autobiographical autocratic autocratical autocratic autocratical autophytic autotrophic axiomatic axiomatical aphoristic axiomatic avellan avellane avifaunal avifaunistic axial axile azotemic uremic baccate berrylike bacillar bacillary bacteriophagic bacteriophagous bacterioid bacterioidal bacteroid bacteroidal balsamic balsamy basilar basilary batholithic batholitic bathymetric bathymetrical behaviorist behavioristic behaviourist behaviouristic benedictive benedictory benthal benthic biaxal biaxate bibliographic bibliographical bibliothecal bibliothecarial biliary bilious bimetallic bimetallistic biogeographic biogeographical biologic biological sociobiologic sociobiological bodily carnal botanic botanical botryoid botryoidal brachiopod brachiopodous bracteate bracted brahminic brahminical branchiopod branchiopodan brasslike brassy broadband wideband cacodaemonic cacodemonic calcareous chalky calceiform calceolate calcicolous calcifugous calendric calendrical calyceal calycinal calicular calycular calycled calyculate campanular campanulate capitular capitulary carbonyl carbonylic carboxyl carboxylic cardiopulmonary cardiorespiratory carinate carinated keeled ridged cartographic cartographical caruncular carunculous carunculate carunculated catabolic katabolic catachrestic catachrestical catapultian catapultic catoptric catoptrical caecal cecal celestial heavenly celestial heavenly cenobitic cenobitical coenobitic coenobitical eremitic hermitic centralist centralistic cephalopod cephalopodan cetacean cetaceous chaetognathan chaetognathous chafflike chaffy chartaceous paperlike chelate chelated cheliceral chelicerate chemic chemical chemotherapeutic chemotherapeutical chiasmal chiasmatic chimeral chimeric chlorophyllose chlorophyllous civic civil coccal coccygeal collegial collegiate colorimetric colorimetrical cosmologic cosmological cosmogonic cosmogonical cosmologic cosmological cormose cormous cryptogamic cryptogamous cupric cuprous cylindric cylindrical cytoarchitectonic cytoarchitectural cytologic cytological czarist czaristic tsarist tsaristic despotic despotical diametral diametric diaphoretic sudorific cacogenic dysgenic economic economical cataphoretic electrophoretic elliptic elliptical empyreal empyrean aeonian eonian estuarial estuarine ethnic ethnical exegetic exegetical faery fairy ferric ferrous feudal feudalistic febrile feverish fleshy sarcoid foliate foliated formalistic formalized gastric stomachal genetic genetical genetic genic genial mental geometric geometrical graphic graphical gravitational gravitative heliac heliacal haemorrhagic hemorrhagic hex hexadecimal hexagonal hexangular hieroglyphic hieroglyphical hieroglyphic hieroglyphical humane humanist humanist humanistic humanist humanistic hydrographic hydrographical ideal idealistic immunologic immunological impressionist impressionistic illative inferential interlineal interlinear nonionic nonpolar judicial juridic juridic juridical cislunar sublunar superlunar superlunary translunar translunary medullated myelinated numeral numeric olfactive olfactory oligarchic oligarchical palaeontological paleontological monetary pecuniary phonologic phonological planetal planetary planetary terrestrial plumbic plumbous plutocratic plutocratical positive positivist pragmatic pragmatical prostate prostatic romantic romanticist aquacultural aquicultural sarcolemmic sarcolemnous sclerosed sclerotic semiotic semiotical sensational sensory septal septate siliceous silicious social societal spermatic spermous lienal splenic slivery splintery astral stellar stenographic stenographical symbolic symbolical synaesthetic synesthetic technical technological tellurian telluric terrene terrestrial sinewy tendinous caloric thermal thermoelectric thermoelectrical titular titulary tonal tonic totalistic totalitarian tyrannic tyrannical uveal uveous vacuolate vacuolated pneumogastric vagal atheist atheistic electric electrical galvanic voltaic photoelectric photoelectrical isomorphic isomorphous atmospheric atmospherical amphibian amphibious fungal fungous fungoid funguslike vegetative vegetive cyanobacterial cyanophyte pentagonal pentangular octagonal octangular neoclassicist neoclassicistic expressionist expressionistic postmodern postmodernist residual residuary bistered bistred vulpecular vulpine wolfish wolflike vulval vulvar clitoral clitoric spacial spatial sigmoid sigmoidal bovid bovine lingual linguistic bridal nuptial cone-shaped conelike conic conical ciliary ciliate cilial ciliary cyprinid cyprinoid dietary dietetic diluvial diluvian antediluvial antediluvian financial fiscal fiducial fiduciary epistemic epistemological haemal haematal hemal hematal haematic haemic hematic hemic haemophilic hemophilic chylaceous chylous chylifactive chylifactory ichorous sanious igneous pyrogenic marital married sulfuretted sulfurized mastoid mastoidal vinaceous vinous algebraic algebraical biblical scriptural polymorphic polymorphous polymorphic polymorphous polyphonic polyphonous pericardiac pericardial poetic poetical philosophic philosophical acronymic acronymous apostolic apostolical eudaemonic eudemonic eucaryotic eukaryotic procaryotic prokaryotic pectoral thoracic pathologic pathological pictorial pictural accusative objective genitive possessive splanchnic visceral mystic mystical mystic mystical carbonaceous carbonic millennial millennian chiliastic millenarian meteoric meteorologic mesoblastic mesodermal acoustic acoustical audile auditive gustative gustatorial haptic tactile ocular optic optical visual ocular opthalmic optic optical subocular suborbital kinaesthetic kinesthetic angelic angelical seraphic seraphical conjugal connubial communist communistic Bolshevik Bolshevist Bolshevistic bolshevik cutaneal cutaneous dermal dermic cuticular dermal epidermal epidermic ectodermal ectodermic endermatic endermic hypodermic subcutaneous intracutaneous intradermal inframaxillary mandibular lachrymal lacrimal lachrymatory lacrimatory catamenial menstrual apostolic papal grammatic grammatical syntactic syntactical genital venereal nephritic renal coital copulatory marine maritime oceanic pelagic mechanical mechanically skillful protozoal protozoan fetal foetal embryonal embryonic doctoral doctorial paediatric pediatric neural neuronal bucolic pastoral mnemonic mnemotechnic documental documentary anatomic anatomical anatomic anatomical architectonic tectonic ecclesiastic ecclesiastical hieratic hieratical priestly sacerdotal molal molar macrencephalic macrencephalous macrocephalic macrocephalous microcephalic microcephalous colloid colloidal nervous neural geologic geological bionomic bionomical ecologic ecological ecologic ecological thermodynamic thermodynamical seismologic seismological calligraphic calligraphical lexicographic lexicographical typographic typographical necromantic necromantical spiritualist spiritualistic supernaturalist supernaturalistic pharmacologic pharmacological toxicologic toxicological psychiatric psychiatrical oncologic oncological psychoanalytic psychoanalytical therapeutic therapeutical neuroanatomic neuroanatomical bacteriologic bacteriological endocrinal endocrine periodontal periodontic dermatologic dermatological geriatric gerontological gynaecological gynecologic haematological hematologic obstetric obstetrical neurologic neurological spectroscopic spectroscopical microscopic microscopical insurrectional insurrectionary conspirative conspiratorial pietistic pietistical fascist fascistic Roman Roman Catholic Romanist papist papistic papistical popish r.c. Jewish Judaic Judaic Judaical Islamic Moslem Hindi Hindoo Buddhist Buddhistic Shinto Shintoist Jain Jainist Tantric Tantrik American american Amerind Amerindic Indian native American semitropic semitropical subtropic subtropical monarchal monarchial monarchic monarchical rabbinic rabbinical theist theistic deiist deistic pantheist pantheistic lobate lobated bilobate bilobated pneumonic pulmonary enteral enteric adjectival adjective epicyclic epicyclical expiative expiatory aetiologic aetiological etiologic etiological aetiologic aetiological etiologic etiological behavioral behavioural phenotypic phenotypical genotypic genotypical phyletic phylogenetic pedagogic pedagogical physiologic physiological morphologic morphological geomorphologic geomorphological morphologic morphological historic historical strategic strategical circulative circulatory euphonic euphonical metamorphic metamorphous religious spiritual universalist universalistic Calvinist Calvinistic fundamentalist fundamentalistic Jewish-Orthodox Orthodox Eastern Orthodox Greek Orthodox Orthodox Russian Orthodox Congregational Congregationalist Episcopal Episcopalian Methodist Wesleyan German Germanic Celtic Gaelic Germanic Teutonic French Gallic Lusitanian Portuguese Norse Norwegian Norse Scandinavian Hungarian Magyar Czech Czechoslavakian Yugoslav Yugoslavian Romanian Roumanian Japanese Nipponese Argentine Argentinian Asian Asiatic Cambodian Kampuchean Salvadoran Salvadorean Tyrolean Tyrolese Nepalese Nepali Genoese Genovese operculate operculated gastronomic gastronomical epidemiologic epidemiological Monacan Monegasque nasal rhinal perinatal perirhinal rheologic rheological meteoritic meteoritical cometary cometic thyroid thyroidal catechetic catechetical catechetic catechistic volumetric volumetrical yogic yogistic logistic logistical organismal organismic artefactual artifactual serologic serological chromatographic chromatographical nativist nativistic nativist nativistic naturistic nudist congeneric congenerical mediaeval medieval aesthetic esthetic futurist futuristic geodesic geodesical heraldic heraldist locomotive locomotor mesic mesonic metric metrical palatal palatine parabolic parabolical centenary centennial bicentenary bicentennial tricentenary tricentennial socialist socialistic Nazi national socialist capitalist capitalistic zymolytic zymotic holograph holographic canonic canonical canonic canonical nutritional nutritionary gravimetric hydrometric thermogravimetric thermohydrometric Afghan Afghani Afghanistani afghanistani idiomatic idiomatical waxen waxy iodinated iodized dramaturgic dramaturgical aneurismal aneurismatic aneurysmal aneurysmatic haemolytic hemolytic atheromatic atheromatous celiac coeliac pycnotic pyknotic papillary papillose hypophyseal hypophysial psychic psychical microbial microbic flagellate flagellated epic epical Hellenic Hellenistic Grecian Greek topographic topographical taxonomic taxonomical mithraic mithraistic patristic patristical cubist cubistic geographic geographical fruticose fruticulose propagandist propagandistic isolationist isolationistic dialectic dialectical Eurasian Eurasiatic Maroc Moroccan Scotch Scots saponaceous soapy umbellar umbellate Cartesian cartesian Shakespearean Shakespearian Caesarean Caesarian caesarean caesarian cesarean cesarian Coleridgean Coleridgian Donnean Donnian Dostoevskian Dostoyevskian Goethean Goethian Huxleian Huxleyan Leibnitzian Leibnizian Lincolnesque Lincolnian Mohammedan Muhammadan Mozartean Mozartian eponymic eponymous Stravinskian Stravinskyan Voltarean Voltarian Hebraic Hebraical Hebraic Hebraical aldermanic aldermanly alexic word-blind ameban amebic amebous amoeban amoebic amoebous anaemic anemic Afrikaans Afrikaner antenuptial premarital appellant appellate arithmetic arithmetical Bangladeshi East Pakistani Benin Beninese biographic biographical bitumenoid bituminoid bivalent divalent bladderlike bladdery blastemal blastematic blastodermatic blastodermic blastoporal blastoporic blastospheric blastular boracic boric Burundi Burundian casuistic casuistical casuistic casuistical Chad Chadian citrous citrus citrous citrus climatic climatical Cockney cockney commemorating commemorative credal creedal cyclonal cyclonic cyclonal cyclonic Cyprian Cypriot Delphian Delphic demagogic demagogical enteral enteric entomologic entomological endozoan entozoan ectozoan epizoan ethnographic ethnographical ethnologic ethnological euclidean euclidian fatalist fatalistic fatalist fatalistic feudalist feudatory Filipino Philippine genealogic genealogical Ghanaian Ghanese Hispanic Latino homiletic homiletical homiletic homiletical imperialist imperialistic Aryan Indo-Aryan Indo-European Indo-Germanic Iranian Persian Iraki Iraqi Jacobinic Jacobinical Jesuit Jesuitic Latin Romance Malay Malayan Malayan Malaysian Mauritanian Mauritian metallurgic metallurgical Mongol Mongolian Moorish Moresque Neandertal Neanderthal palaeolithic paleolithic Nigerian Nigerien azotic nitric Olympian Olympic declarative indicative orthopaedic orthopedic paralytic paralytical parenthetic parenthetical penial penile pharmaceutic pharmaceutical phosphoric phosphorous piscatorial piscatory praetorial praetorian pretorial pretorian preterit preterite Carthaginian Punic purgatorial purging pyrotechnic pyrotechnical Katari Qatari quadraphonic quadrasonic quincentenary quincentennial redemptional redemptive antiphonal responsive rhomboid rhomboidal Gypsy Romani Ruandan Rwandan satyric satyrical Saudi Saudi-Arabian saxatile saxicoline schismatic schismatical schizoid schizophrenic Semite Semitic Siamese Tai Siamese Tai Siamese Tai Singhalese Sinhalese Singhalese Sinhala Ceylonese Sri Lankan Slavic Slavonic Somali Somalian sulfuric sulphuric Chinese Formosan voyeuristic voyeuristical wheaten whole-wheat wood woods woolen woollen Zairean Zairese zonal zonary Graecophile Graecophilic philhellene philhellenic alar axillary rupestral rupicolous shamanist shamanistic servo servomechanical onomatopoeic onomatopoetic bony osseous ossicular ossiculate absolutist absolutistic acculturational acculturative viscometric viscosimetric viricidal virucidal burned burnt hand-held handheld hypophysectomised hypophysectomized abducted kidnaped oxidised oxidized penciled pencilled carinate carinated keeled ridged sublimated sublimed thoriated tittering disappearing vanishing worshiping worshipping ahorse ahorseback barely hardly just scarce hardly scarcely au fond basically essentially fundamentally but just merely only plainly simply immensely vastly for the most part largely modishly smartly about approximately around close to just about more or less or so roughly part partially all altogether completely entirely totally whole alone entirely exclusively only absolutely dead perfectly utterly clean plum plum plumb amiss imperfectly full fully good well badly ill easily well badly ill comfortably well advantageously well badly disadvantageously considerably substantially intimately well O.K. all right alright okay badly gravely seriously severely bad badly bad badly badly mischievously even still even as just as kind of kinda rather sort of jolly pretty quite rather quite quite a always e''er always forever constantly perpetually ne''er never n-ways ways at times from time to time now and again now and then occasionally on occasion as equally lang syne long ago much practically all-fired bloody anyplace anywhere someplace somewhere all over everyplace in some manner in some way somehow someway for some reason somehow anyhow anyway at any rate in any case anyhow anyway all the same even so however nevertheless nonetheless notwithstanding still withal as yet heretofore hitherto so far thus far til now until now up to now so far yet besides in any case furthermore moreover farther further farther further farthest furthest farthest furthest no longer no more any longer anymore rattling real really very mighty powerful henceforth henceforward just just now in a flash instantaneously instantly outright a bit a little before long presently shortly soon not long shortly not far shortly in a moment momentarily earliest soonest passionately stormily frequently oft often oftentimes rarely seldom curiously oddly curiously enough funnily enough interestingly enough oddly enough fairly middling moderately passably reasonably somewhat immoderately unreasonably slightly somewhat as such in and of itself intrinsically per se by all odds decidedly definitely emphatically genuinely really indeed so forsooth in truth really truly course naturally apparently evidently manifestly obviously patently plain apparently on the face of it ostensibly seemingly again once again once more over again accidentally by chance circumstantially unexpectedly out of the blue unexpectedly generally in general as luck would have it fortuitously fortunately luckily sadly unhappily alas regrettably unfortunately unluckily hence thence therefore thus thence therefrom thence therefrom whence wherefrom one-on-one person-to-person face-to-face opposite beyond on the far side additionally in addition deadly deucedly devilishly insanely extraordinarily inordinately by far far and away excessively overly also as well besides likewise eventually in time one of these days sooner or later at last at long last finally in the end at length eventually currently presently now nowadays at once directly forthwith immediately in real time instantly now right away at present now aggressively sharply piercingly shrilly blithely gayly happily jubilantly merrily mirthfully no no more firm firmly steadfastly unwaveringly foursquare squarely square squarely square squarely forthright forthrightly square squarely direct directly square squarely diversely multifariously indefatigably inexhaustibly bitterly with bitterness OK all right alright fine all right alright fleetly swiftly presumably presumptively for the moment for the time being awful awfully frightfully terribly abominably abysmally atrociously awfully rottenly terribly acceptably so-so intolerably unacceptably adroitly with adroitness awfully dreadfully at all in the least by no means not by a blame sight exhaustively thoroughly good soundly through through and through sound soundly flop right directly flat at ease at rest a good deal a great deal a lot much a great deal much increasingly more and more effectively in effect for all intents and purposes for all practical purposes antecedently previously before earlier after afterward afterwards later later on subsequently abruptly dead short suddenly all of a sudden of a sudden advisedly by choice by design deliberately designedly intentionally on purpose purposely accidentally unintentionally accordingly consequently alternatively as an alternative instead or else let alone not to mention a fortiori with greater reason all told altogether duly punctually in the meantime meantime at length lengthily last most recently finally in conclusion last lastly last but not least last not least absently absentmindedly abstractedly inattentively affectingly poignantly ahead before ahead beforehand ahead forrader forward forwards onward onwards ahead in the lead all along right along along on alike likewise aloud out loud aloud loud quietly softly arbitrarily at random every which way haphazardly indiscriminately randomly about around around round about around about around about around desperately urgently about all but almost just about most near nearly nigh virtually well-nigh barely scantily chiefly in the main mainly primarily back backward back backward backwards rearward forrad forrard forward forwards frontward frontwards back in reply ahead forward backward backwards back and forth backward and forward bright brightly dear dearly affectionately dear dearly in a heartfelt way beyond any doubt beyond question doubtless undoubtedly this evening this night above supra at a lower place below beneath to a lower place above higher up in a higher place to a higher place in the bargain into the bargain contemptuously contumeliously disdainfully scornfully crazily dementedly insanely madly comically funny daily each day each week every week hebdomadally weekly each month every month annually each year every year yearly curiously inquisitively deceivingly deceptively yon yonder dizzily giddily double doubly doubly in two ways by trial and error empirically to a tolerable degree to an adequate degree tolerably well enough especially particularly peculiarly specially elaborately in an elaborate way by experimentation experimentally expressly with specific intentions explicitly expressly facetiously jokingly apace chop-chop quickly rapidly fast tight faster quicker fastest quickest allowably permissibly categorically flatly eternally everlastingly evermore forever for good permanently ad lib ad libitum impromptu spontaneously forever forever and a day extremely highly dangerously hazardously tiredly wearily hard severely firmly hard momentarily momently conclusively once and for all deplorably lamentably sadly woefully amusingly divertingly below down the stairs downstairs on a lower floor on a higher floor up the stairs in the head in the mind downwind with the wind against the wind into the wind downwind windward leeward upwind down downward downwardly downwards up upward upwardly upwards up upward upriver upstream downriver downstream homeward homewards instead rather in so far insofar to that degree to that extent more to a greater extent less to a lesser extent ahead of time early belatedly late betimes early early early on right smart way far and near far and wide delicately exquisitely fine finely first first of all first off firstly second secondly third thirdly ab initio at first at the start initially at first glance at first sight at first blush when first seen first for the first time and so forth and so on etc. etcetera forth forward at bottom at heart deep down in spite of appearance at large in a broad way at least at the least at most at the most at any rate at least leastways leastwise at leisure leisurely promptly pronto promptly right away promptly quick at best at the best at the worst at worst demoniacally frenetically furtively on the sly nem con nemine contradicente irresponsibly without showing responsibility evenhandedly fair fairly without favoring one party commonly normally ordinarily unremarkably as usual as was common outstandingly remarkably unco unusually late lately latterly of late erratically unpredictably bit by bit gradually hereabout hereabouts here hither at that place in that location there thither in that respect on that point to what degree to what extent how however how come why humbly meekly indoors inside alfresco out of doors outdoors outside inside within literally virtually most to the highest degree least to the lowest degree mutely silently taciturnly wordlessly inevitably necessarily needs of necessity fresh freshly new newly afresh anew differently otherwise automatically mechanically distressingly painfully preferably rather in collaboration together in agreement in concert assembled together collectively conjointly jointly put together atrociously outrageously and so and then so then disregarding disregardless irregardless irrespective no matter regardless in one case once at one time formerly although tho'' as far as possible as much as possible but then on the other hand on one hand on the one hand successfully with success at the same time simultaneously at the same time concurrently consistently systematically so thus appositively in apposition like kings like royalty atypically untypically chemically with chemicals as if by magic magically lingually linguistically fiscally in fiscal matters in person personally hellishly infernally locally topically transversally transversely respectively severally likewise similarly in the first place primarily belike in all likelihood in all probability likely ashore on land onto land toward land appropriately befittingly fitly fittingly inappropriately not suitably thousand times thousand-fold artificially by artificial means chronically inveterately fabulously fantastically awhile for a while evilly wickedly certainly for certain for sure sure sure as shooting sure enough enough plenty hesitantly hesitatingly thenceforth thereafter ever of all time handily hands down easily easy easy soft beyond control out of hand in a way in some respects as a matter of fact in fact actually in reality actually really no doubt to be sure right right on even a little in the least above all most especially against the clock against time all in all altogether on the whole tout ensemble all at once all of a sudden all the way the whole way and how you bet around the clock for 24 hours as it were so to speak as we say so to speak at all costs at any cost at a time at once advertently heedfully excitedly with excitement purportedly supposedly illegally illicitly by and by later by and large generally more often than not mostly by any means by hook or by crook by heart by memory by inches by small degrees by fits and starts with many interruptions by the bye by the way by the piece one by one by word of mouth orally by mouth orally come hell or high water no matter what happens all the time day in and day out as a group en bloc every now and then every so often alone unaccompanied first and foremost most importantly above all first and last exactly just at a low price for a bargain price e.g. for example for all the world for any price for anything for love or money for the asking on request sincerely sincerely yours from way back since a long time ago closely intimately comparatively relatively predominantly preponderantly easy slow slowly tardily in public publically in private privately reproachfully reprovingly cooperatively hand and glove every wich way helter-skelter head over heels heels over head in great confusion topsy-turvily harum-scarum pell-mell carelessly heedlessly body and soul heart and soul hook line and sinker without questioning in a big way with much to-do in a circle in circles in a pig''s eye not very likely in a sense in a way in case just in case coldly in cold blood earnestly in earnest in due course in due season in due time in good time in full action in full swing in a similar way in kind in name in name only in no time very fast en passant in passing in secret on the Q.T. on the QT secretly in everyone''s thoughts in the air earlier in the beginning in the first place originally in the end in the long run in the nick of time just in time in time soon enough in vain vainly just so with great care at full speed lickety cut lickety split with a rush like crazy like hell like mad like sin like the devil like thunder no end without stopping off and on on and off on average on the average on faith without checking in theory on paper contrarily contrariwise on the contrary to the contrary on the spur of the moment suddenly en route on the way not delayed not late from nowhere out of nothing out of wedlock outside marriage excessively to a fault just right to a T to perfection to the letter to date up to now to the hilt to the limit bravely courageously deeply profoundly impatiently with impatience patiently with patience falteringly uncertainly steadily steady stupidly without thinking unambiguously uniquely asymmetrically unsymmetrically inversely reciprocally heavily to a great extent hard heavily again and again over and over over and over again time and again contrariwise the other way around daily day by day day after day day in day out religiously sacredly conscientiously religiously amply fully purely strictly in other words put differently loosely slackly neatly showing neatness gently lightly in turn successively apart aside apart asunder once when as needed as required abroad beyond the sea over the sea overseas smartly vigorously clearly distinctly in the living body in vivo magnificently splendidly hilariously uproariously considerately with consideration inconsiderately without consideration marvellously marvelously superbly terrifically toppingly wonderfully wondrous wondrously gratifyingly satisfyingly gravely soberly admittedly avowedly confessedly true irrationally without reasoning boldly with boldness ably aptly capably competently displaying incompetence incompetently emotionally showing emotion unemotionally without emotion anxiously apprehensively stiff stiffly informally without formality formally with formality formally officially cosily cozily cleverly smartly extravagantly lavishly namely that is to say videlicet viz. much as very much like exaggeratedly hyperbolically agilely nimbly proudly with pride and elsewhere et al and others et al cf cf. confer see i.e. id est ie that is empathetically sympathetically with empathy with sympathy unsympathetically without sympathy mercifully showing mercy gracefully graciously gracelessly ungracefully ungraciously without graciousness bolt rigidly on a regular basis regularly irregularly on an irregular basis erroneously mistakenly invitingly tantalizingly decent decently in good order properly right the right way attentively paying attention enormously hugely staggeringly tremendously generously liberally conveniently handily exceedingly extremely kinaesthetically kinesthetically haptically tactually convulsively with convulsions contumaciously defiantly cussedly mulishly obdurately obstinately pig-headedly stubbornly dauntlessly fearlessly eagerly thirstily brutally savagely spitefully with spite sagely showing wisdom wisely with wisdom foolishly unwisely fatuously inanely intelligently showing intelligence showing lack of intelligence unintelligently clearly intelligibly unintelligibly ununderstandably aerially via aircraft diplomatically with diplomacy undiplomatically without diplomacy aright correctly incorrectly wrong justly right justifiedly justly aimlessly without aim showing trust trustfully darkly in darkness hastily hurriedly individually on an individual basis one by one separately severally singly binaurally in both ears in one ear monaurally conspicuously prominently ineluctably inescapably inevitably unavoidably helplessly impotently bewilderingly confusingly barefacedly shamelessly spectacularly stunningly habitually routinely demeaningly humiliatingly giving protection offering protection crisply sharply dimly indistinctly determinedly unfalteringly unshakably with determination accidentally by chance ever ever so confidently with confidence periodically sporadically haltingly not fluently amazingly astonishingly imposingly impressively fruitfully productively fruitlessly unproductively expertly like an expert amateurishly like an amateur abundantly copiously extravagantly profusely boringly tediously moderately with moderation immoderately without moderation reasonably sanely step by step stepwise irritably pettishly petulantly testily thoughtlessly unthinking auspiciously propitiously inauspiciously unpropitiously relentlessly unrelentingly contritely remorsefully courteously in a well mannered way politely with courtesy discourteously impolitely rudely showing bad manners admirably commendable laudably praiseworthily agreeably enjoyably cheerily pleasantly breathlessly gaspingly cordially heartily affably amiably ambiguously equivocally unambiguously unequivocally ceremonially ritually ceremonially ceremoniously carelessly raffishly boisterously rollickingly broadly broadly speaking generally loosely behind behindhand behind slow rightfully truly in her own right in his own right in its own right in one''s own right dependably faithfully undependably unfaithfully firmly securely endlessly infinitely boundlessly immeasurably rigorously strictly big boastfully large vauntingly o''er over editorially in an editorial properly speaking strictly speaking exultantly exultingly fecklessly ineptly deliciously pleasurably bashfully shyly fondly lovingly aborning at birth quiet quietly inside inwardly externally outwardly favorably favourably unfavorably unfavourably cleanly flawlessly dryly laconically accommodatingly obligingly mistily vaguely away forth away out aside away aside away apart aside aside away away off doggedly tenaciously efficiently expeditiously discordantly unharmoniously in good spirits in stride engagingly winsomely buxomly curvaceously knowingly wittingly inadvertently unknowingly compassionately pityingly with compassion with pity glibly slickly callously unfeelingly justifiably with reason inexcusably unjustifiably modestly with modesty immodestly without modesty irresistibly overpoweringly apiece each for each one from each one in the adjacent apartment in the adjacent house in chorus in unison in accord in unison in the final analysis in the last analysis in that in this crookedly lopsidedly severely sternly authoritatively magisterially speculatively with speculation attractively beautifully dourly glumly belligerently hostilely casually nonchalantly compulsively obsessionally South in the south south to the south North in the north north northerly northward northwards on the side unofficially ferociously fiercely just simply in theory on paper in writing on paper dramatically spectactularly contrarily contrariwise particularly peculiarly in particular particularly aboard on base aboard onboard aboard alongside all too only too annually each year p.a. per annum by the day per diem ''tween between ad val ad valorem A.M. ante meridiem P.M. post meridiem cap-a-pie from head to toe de jure lawfully legally wrongfully doggo in hiding en famille informally by right of office ex officio half-time part-time chock chock-a-block C.O.D. COD anticlockwise counterclockwise first foremost biweekly fortnightly halfway midway hereby herewith higgledy-piggledy topsy-turvy ib. ibid. in place in situ at an equal rate pari passu passim throughout pro tem pro tempore in a low voice sotto voce verbatim word for word by word of mouth viva voce for free free of charge below infra inward inwards outward outwards knee-deep knee-high breast-deep breast-high earlier sooner in the middle in the midst ex tempore off-hand as a formality perfunctorily pro rata proportionately in large quantities wholesale skyward skywards over here up here aesthetically esthetically agonizingly excruciatingly approvingly with approval ambitiously determinedly more than to a higher degree less than to a lesser degree abroad afield offhand offhanded offhand offhanded abjectly resignedly abstemiously temperately adorably endearingly amorously with love articulately eloquently authentically genuinely bloodlessly without bloodshed bombastically grandiosely bombastically turgidly boyishly boylike a.k.a. alias altruistically selflessly appreciatively gratefully unappreciatively ungratefully amiss awry askew awry astutely sagaciously sapiently shrewdly across crossways across over amain with full force amok amuck amok amuck apropos seasonably timely well-timed apropos incidentally archly in an arch manner artlessly ingenuously artlessly crudely aslant athwart abaft aft fore forward astraddle astride avariciously covetously avowedly professedly banefully perniciously bang bolt slap slapdash banteringly tongue-in-cheek bareback barebacked barefoot barefooted benignantly benignly beseechingly entreatingly imploringly importunately bewitchingly captivatingly enchantingly enthrallingly blankly without expression bluffly bluntly brusquely flat out bounteously bountifully plenteously plentifully breadthways breadthwise bestially brutishly buoyantly chirpily cageyly cagily capriciously freakishly caustically vitriolically carefully cautiously carelessly incautiously cavalierly disdainfully ceaselessly continuously endlessly incessantly unceasingly unendingly endlessly interminably chastely virtuously chattily volubly cheaply inexpensively brashly cheekily chivalrously gallantly churlishly surlily clannishly cliquishly clean fair clear clearly all the way clear cajolingly coaxingly colloquially conversationally collectedly composed.y combatively scrappily comfortingly consolingly compulsorily mandatorily con in opposition conceitedly self-conceitedly concernedly with concern briefly concisely in brief in short compactly succinctly cynically with cynicism cursorily quickly criminally reprehensively condescendingly patronizingly consecutive sequentially cautiously conservatively conditionally not absolutely crossly grouchily artfully craftily cunningly foxily knavishly slyly consequently therefore inconsequentially inconsequently coolly nervelessly implausibly improbably incredibly unbelievably believably credibly plausibly probably disbelievingly incredulously believingly credulously cryptically enigmatically cunningly cutely curtly short cursedly damnably damply moistly dazedly torpidly decisively resolutely dejectedly in low spirits densely thickly maybe peradventure perchance perhaps possibly potentially derisively derisorily mockingly scoffingly despairingly despondently devilish devilishly contagiously infectiously controversially polemically coquettishly flirtatiously covetously enviously creakily creakingly culpably reprehensibly currishly ignobly balmily daftly dottily nuttily all day long daylong deadly lifelessly indecorously unbecomingly fain volitionally deep deeply deep late defencelessly defenseless objectionably obnoxiously deferentially submissively demonstrably incontrovertibly desolately disconsolately devilishly diabolically despitefully spitefully abominably detestably odiously repulsively detrimentally harmfully devoutly piously deftly dexterously diagrammatically graphically autocratically dictatorially didactically pedagogically dirtily filthily discreditably disgracefully dishonorably dishonourably ignominiously ingloriously disgustingly distastefully revoltingly sickeningly aboveboard honestly deceitfully dishonestly candidly frankly honorably honourably artfully disingenuously disinterestedly without bias dismally dreadfully dismally drearily obediently yieldingly disparagingly slightingly dispiritedly hopelessly proportionally proportionately argumentatively disputatiously respectfully with all respect distrustfully mistrustfully confidingly trustfully dolefully sorrowfully double quick double time doubtfully dubiously dowdily frumpily dreamfully dreamily drowsily somnolently densely dumbly westward westwards eastward eastwards ebulliently expansively ecstatically rapturously edgeways edgewise edgeways edgewise eerily spookily effectively efficaciously ineffectively inefficaciously egotistically selfishly articulately eloquently inarticulately ineloquently end on endways endways endwise endways endwise erectly straight-backed eruditely learnedly equally evenly unequally unevenly evermore forevermore excusably forgivably inexcusably unforgivably exorbitantly extortionately expediently inadvisably cheaply inexpensively extemporaneously extemporarily extravagantly lavishly exuberantly riotously faddily faddishly faithlessly false traitorously treacherously falsely incorrectly fancifully whimsically fervently fervidly first-rate very well flamboyantly flashily airily flippantly cold-bloodedly in cold blood piano softly forte loudly pianissimo very softly fortissimo very loudly foully insultingly four times fourfold a million times millionfold fourth fourthly frenziedly hectically frighteningly scarily frigidly frostily garishly gaudily gibingly jeeringly gladly lief gleefully joyfully pickaback pig-a-back pickaback pig-a-back goddam goddamn gorgeously magnificently resplendently splendidly gratingly harshly gregariously sociably grayly greyly grotesquely monstrously haphazard haphazardly by chance by luck rough roughly rough roughly headfirst headlong headlong rashly headlong precipitately heatedly hotly heavenward heavenwardly heavily heavy heinously monstrously hereafter hereinafter hideously horridly high high up high luxuriously questioningly wonderingly free loose hoarsely huskily by the hour hourly humorously humourously humorlessly humourlessly a hundred times hundredfold hungrily ravenously hydraulically hydraulicly idly lazily decipherably legibly illegibly undecipherably illegitimately out of wedlock illegitimately illicitly lawfully legitimately morally virtuously amorally immorally impenitently unrepentantly penitentially penitently imperatively peremptorily imperceptibly observably noticeably perceptibly freshly impertinently impudently pertly impetuously impulsively impishly puckishly importantly significantly exactly incisively imprecisely inexactly exactly on the button on the dot on the nose providentially prudently incomparably uncomparably indescribably ineffably unspeakably unutterably informatively instructively uninformatively uninstructively inimitably unreproducibly inopportunely malapropos enquiringly inquiringly insatiably unsatiably insatiably unsatiably insidiously perniciously sincerely truly inspirationally with inspiration endlessly without end illiberally intolerantly immaturely jejunely jestingly jokingly jocosely jocular killingly sidesplittingly landward landwards lasciviously salaciously laughably ludicrously preposterously ridiculously laxly leniently lengthways lengthwise longitudinally longways lento slowly lethargically unenergetically lewdly obscenely licentiously promiscuously longingly with longing limpidly lucidly pellucidly perspicuously lukewarmly tepidly manfully manly unmanfully unmanly light lightly light-heartedly lightsomely lightsomely trippingly lingeringly protractedly garrulously loquaciously talkatively talkily deliciously lusciously grandiloquently magniloquently maternally motherly meagerly meagrely slenderly sparingly amply richly meaningfully suggestively humbly meanly basely meanly mellow mellowly melodiously tunefully memorably unforgettably menacingly threateningly mendaciously untruthfully mercilessly pitilessly remorselessly unmercifully flashily meretriciously messily untidily mindlessly senselessly amidship amidships circumstantially minutely mutually reciprocally in return reciprocally narrow-mindedly small-mindedly meanly nastily across the country across the nation nationally nationwide closer nearer closest nearest necessarily needfully never again nevermore close near at close range close up every night nightly nine times ninefold in no way nohow nostalgically with nostalgia insensibly numbly nowise to no degree nor''-east northeast nor''-west northwest nor''-nor''-east north-northeast nor''-nor''-west north-northwest obsequiously servilely observantly observingly clamorously loudly hinderingly obstructively opulently sumptuously ostentatiously showily overmuch too much oversea overseas fastidiously painstakingly dimly palely gaspingly pantingly by past pathetically pitiably pacifically peaceably fractiously peevishly penetratingly penetratively by chance perchance perkily saucily confoundedly perplexedly bit by bit in stages little by little piecemeal bitingly bitter bitterly piercingly piping steaming piquantly spicily unrecognisable unrecognizably pit-a-pat pitter-patter pitty-pat pitty-patty pit-a-pat pitter-patter pitty-pat pitty-patty pithy sententiously plaguey plaguily plop plunk poisonously venomously post-free post-paid potently powerfully powerfully strongly feasible practicably pre-eminently preeminently precious preciously precipitously sharply prematurely untimely cannily presciently preternatuarally supernaturally primly prissily in the beginning originally prodigally wastefully gainlessly profitlessly indiscriminately promiscuously prosaically unimaginatively provocatively provokingly prudishly puritanically penally punitively every quarter quarterly fishily queerly funnily funny oddly queerly unimpeachably unquestionably dubiously questionably questioningly quizzically quietly restfully jaggedly raggedly raggedly stragglingly raggedly unevenly rampantly wild raving ravingly refreshfully refreshingly creditably respectably revengefully vengefully reverentially reverently roomily spaciously rotundly sonorously raucously rowdily sarcastically sardonically sanctimoniously self-righteously scathingly unsparingly sceptically skeptically seaward seawards calmly sedately seductively temptingly by selection selectively sensually sultrily independently severally perpendicularly sheer short unawares obliquely sidelong sideward sidewards sideway sideways sideway sideways sideway sideways remarkably signally pusillanimously simperingly single-handed single-handedly six times sixfold skilfully skillfully enthusiastically sky-high slantingly slopingly slenderly slightly smash smashingly smuttily vulgarly sneeringly snidely snobbishly snootily somberly sombrely dripping soaking sordidly squalidly all at once all together doltishly sottishly sou''-est southeast sou''west southwest sou''-sou''-east south-southeast sou''-sou''-west south-southwest noiselessly soundlessly southward southwards jerkily spasmodically stagily theatrically stammeringly stutteringly staring staringly stanchly staunchly stickily viscidly cheaply chintzily still stock-still thereabout thereabouts thereabout thereabouts on it on that thereto to it thereunder under it thereupon therewith strictly stringently stodgily stuffily sublimely utterly sneakily surreptitiously sweet sweetly smoothly swimmingly tastefully tastily tauntingly teasingly telegraphically tersely three times threefold thick thickly lightly thinly thin thinly thick thickly timorously trepidly riotously tumultuously two times twofold immutably unalterably unassailably unchangeably unarguably undisputedly unachievably unattainably unbeknown unbeknownst uninvitedly unwantedly fulsomely smarmily below under underarm underhand underhand underhandedly unimaginably unthinkably honorably uprightly valiantly valorously validly with validity long-windedly verbosely windily wordily vigilantly watchfully waist-deep waist-high wheezily wheezingly whereabout whereabouts whereat whereupon wherefor wherefore whereto whereunto wherewith wherewithal witherso withersoever wide widely astray wide wilfully willfully yea yeah zestfully zestily ''tween decks between decks between betwixt blamelessly irreproachably conjugally connubial corruptedly corruptly dingily grubbily discursively ramblingly dissolutely profligately in essence in principle for each person of each person without concern without fear in inward especially specially gently mildly sharp sharply smolderingly smoulderingly fully in full in flight on the wing only only if in check in restraint close closely by nature naturally by rights properly caudad caudally one after another one at a time extremely super deliberately measuredly from pillar to post hither and thither painfully sorely best better fine finely out of sight out of view baby-like baby-wise coincidentally coincidently unreasoningly viscerally northeastward northeastwardly northwestward northwestwardly southeastward southeastwardly southwestward southwestwardly