TODO - Upgrade Lucene version to 2.9.3 and fix tests (if there are failures). - Remove code using deprecated Lucene APIs and upgrade to Lucene 3.0.x. - Investigate concurrency issues related to QueryParser not being thread safe and consider constructing a new QueryParser per request. - Decide how many results to return when the user does not specify it, 1000? More? - Should we use the index to suppress duplicates instead of in-memory data structures? - How do we implement removals/unindex? - We could use the Model to decide when there are no more triples with a specified literal and therefore it's ok to remove it from Lucene. - See how the new NRT capabilities of Lucene can be used from LARQ. - Think about how ARQ could initialise LARQ checking in the classpath. (LARQ depends on ARQ, therefore ARQ should not depend on LARQ to avoid a cycle in our dependencies). - Publish artifacts to the and /repo/ repositories, can we use maven-release-plugin there? - Review package names (currently c.h.h.j.sparql.larq and c.h.h.j.query.larq). Should we move to c.h.h.j.larq.*? - Check if is still necessary, if not remove it and/or point at SVN on SourceForge. - Add an assembly.xml to distribute LARQ, or we should avoid this and just publish the jar and distribute it with ARQ.