package dev ; import; import; import; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.openjena.riot.SysRIOT; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; /** * This class tests to make sure that does not call * close() on the InputStream handed to it when it is finished. The creator * of the InputStream should be the one to manage its lifecycle. If the * Model does call close(), this can break InputStreams that you can still * read more data from after -1 is returned from read(). * * ZipInputStream is an example of a class with this behavior. Below is * a code snippet that will fail for all calls except the * Jena N-Triples parser. * * ZipInputStream zin = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream("")); * ZipEntry ze = null; * while ((ze = zin.getNextEntry()) != null) * { * String filename = ze.getName(); * Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); *, null, "N-TRIPLES"); * * // Closes the current ZIP entry and positions the stream for reading * // the next entry. * zin.closeEntry(); * } * zin.close(); * * Test Results for Jena 2.6.3 and ARQ 2.8.5 * ----------------------------------------- * TestJenaReaderNTriples: PASSED * TestJenaReaderN3: ERROR * TestJenaReaderRDFXML: FAILED * TestRIOTReaderNTriples: FAILED * TestRIOTReaderN3: FAILED * TestRIOTReaderRDFXML: FAILED * * NOTE: A work-around is to us an InputStream wrapper that delegates all * calls except close(), which does nothing. */ public class ModelReadCloseTest { @Test public void TestJenaReaderNTriples() { SysRIOT.resetJenaReaders(); readNTriples(); } @Test public void TestJenaReaderN3() { SysRIOT.resetJenaReaders(); readN3(); } @Test public void TestJenaReaderRDFXML() { SysRIOT.resetJenaReaders(); readRDFXML(); } @Test public void TestRIOTReaderNTriples() { SysRIOT.wireIntoJena(); readNTriples(); } @Test public void TestRIOTReaderN3() { SysRIOT.wireIntoJena(); readN3(); } @Test public void TestRIOTReaderRDFXML() { SysRIOT.wireIntoJena(); readRDFXML(); } void readNTriples() { performRead(" \"Test\" .", "N-TRIPLES"); } void readN3() { performRead(" \"Test\" .", "N3"); } void readRDFXML() { performRead( "" + "" + "" + "" + "", "RDF/XML"); } void performRead(String triples, String lang) { // Create an InputStream that doesn't like to be closed InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(triples.getBytes()) { /** * @throws IOException * @see */ @Override public void close() throws IOException {"Close should not be called."); } }; Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();, null, lang); } }