/* * (c) Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP * [See end of file] */ package org.openjena.riot.lang; import org.junit.Test ; import org.openjena.atlas.junit.BaseTest ; import org.openjena.atlas.lib.Sink ; import org.openjena.atlas.lib.SinkNull ; import org.openjena.riot.RiotReader ; import org.openjena.riot.system.PrefixMap ; import org.openjena.riot.tokens.Tokenizer ; import org.openjena.riot.tokens.TokenizerFactory ; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Triple ; public class TestTurtleTerms extends BaseTest { static public final String QUOTE3 = "\"\"\"" ; static public boolean VERBOSE = false ; @Test public void turtle_001() { parse("a:subj a:prop a:d .") ; } @Test public void turtle_002() { parse("a:subj a:prop a:d . ") ; } @Test public void turtle_003() { parse("a:subj a:prop a:d.") ; } @Test public void turtle_004() { parse("a:subj a:prop a:d. ") ; } @Test public void turtle_005() { parse("rdf: rdf:type :_.") ; } @Test public void turtle_006() { parse("@prefix start: .") ; } @Test public void turtle_007() { parse(" .") ; } // Whitespace, comments @Test public void turtle_008() { parse("a:subj\ta:prop\ta:d.\t") ; } @Test public void turtle_009() { parse(" a:subj\ta:prop\ta:d. ") ; } @Test public void turtle_010() { parse("a:subj a:prop a:d. ") ; } @Test public void turtle_011() { parse("") ; } @Test public void turtle_012() { parse(" #Comment") ; } @Test public void turtle_013() { parse("a:subj a:prop a:d. # Comment") ; } @Test public void turtle_014() { parse("a:subj a:prop a:d.# Comment") ; } // Literal: strings @Test public void turtle_015() { parse("a:subj a:prop 'string1'.") ; } @Test public void turtle_016() { parse("a:subj a:prop \"string2\".") ; } @Test public void turtle_017() { parse("a:subj a:prop '''string3'''.") ; } @Test public void turtle_018() { parse("a:subj a:prop "+QUOTE3+"string3"+QUOTE3+".") ; } // Literals: datatypes @Test public void turtle_019() { parse("a:subj a:prop 'string1'^^x:dt.") ; } @Test public void turtle_020() { parse("a:subj a:prop 'string1'^^.") ; } // Literals: numbers. @Test public void turtle_021() { parse("a: :p 2. .") ; } @Test public void turtle_022() { parse("a: :p +2. .") ; } @Test public void turtle_023() { parse("a: :p -2 .") ; } @Test public void turtle_024() { parse("a: :p 2e6.") ; } @Test public void turtle_025() { parse("a: :p 2e-6.") ; } @Test public void turtle_026() { parse("a: :p -2e-6.") ; } @Test public void turtle_027() { parse("a: :p 2.0e-6.") ; } @Test public void turtle_028() { parse("a: :p 2.0 .") ; } // // The "unusual" cases // @Test public void turtle_029() { parse("a:subj 'prop'^^ 'string'.") ; } // @Test public void turtle_030() { parse("a:subj a:prop 'string1'^^'stringDT'.") ; } // @Test public void turtle_031() { parse("a:subj a:prop1 ?x ^^ x:dt.") ; } // @Test public void turtle_032() { parse("a:subj a:prop2 ?x ^^ ?x.") ; } // Quotes in string @Test public void turtle_033() { parse("a:subj a:prop \"\\'string2\\'\".") ; } @Test public void turtle_034() { parse("a:subj a:prop \"\\\"string2\\\"\".") ; } @Test public void turtle_035() { parse("a:subj a:prop '\\'string1\\'\'.") ; } @Test public void turtle_036() { parse("a:subj a:prop '\\\"string1\\\"\'.") ; } @Test public void turtle_037() { parse("a:q21 a:prop "+QUOTE3+"start\"finish"+QUOTE3+".") ; } @Test public void turtle_038() { parse("a:q22 a:prop "+QUOTE3+"start\"\"finish"+QUOTE3+".") ; } @Test public void turtle_039() { parse("a:q2e3 a:prop "+QUOTE3+"start\\\"\\\"\\\"finish"+QUOTE3+".") ; } @Test public void turtle_040() { parse("a:q13 a:prop "+QUOTE3+"start'''finish"+QUOTE3+".") ; } @Test public void turtle_041() { parse("a:q11 a:prop '''start'finish'''.") ; } @Test public void turtle_042() { parse("a:q12 a:prop '''start''finish'''.") ; } @Test public void turtle_043() { parse("a:q12 a:prop '''start\\'\\'\\'finish'''.") ; } @Test public void turtle_044() { parse("a:q23 a:prop '''start\"\"\"finish'''.") ; } // Keywords and syntactic sugar (N3) // @Test public void turtle_045() { parse("this a:prop x:y .") ; } // @Test public void turtle_046() { parse("a:subj a x:y .") ; } // @Test public void turtle_047() { parse("a:subj = x:y .") ; } // @Test public void turtle_048() { parse("a:subj => x:y .") ; } // @Test public void turtle_049() { parse("a:subj <= x:y .") ; } // // <=> is not legal : it would mean "implies and is implied by" // // @Test public void turtle_050() { parse("a:subj <=> x:y .") ; } // @Test public void turtle_051() { parse("a:subj >- x:y -> 'value' .") ; } // @Test public void turtle_052() { parse("a:subj >- x:y -> 'value1', 'value2' .") ; } @Test public void turtle_053() { parse("a:subj x:y .") ; } @Test public void turtle_054() { parse(" a x:y .") ; } @Test public void turtle_055() { parse("@prefix has: .") ; } @Test public void turtle_056() { parse("<> a:prop x:y .") ; } @Test public void turtle_057() { parse("<#> a:prop x:y .") ; } // Object lists @Test public void turtle_058() { parse("a:subj a:prop a:d, a:e.") ; } @Test public void turtle_059() { parse("a:subj a:prop a:d, '123'.") ; } @Test public void turtle_060() { parse("a:subj a:prop '123', a:e.") ; } // Null object list //@Test public void turtle_061() { parse("a:subj a:prop '123', .") ; } //@Test public void turtle_062() { parse("a:subj a:prop '123', '456', .") ; } // Property lists @Test public void turtle_063() { parse("a:subj a:p1 a:v1 ; a:p2 a:v2 .") ; } @Test public void turtle_064() { parse("a:subj a:p1 a:v1, a:v2 ; a:p2 a:v2 ; a:p3 'v4' ,'v5' .") ; } @Test public void turtle_065() { parse("a:subj a:p1 a:v1; .") ; } @Test public void turtle_066() { parse("a:subj a:p1 a:v1; a:p2 a:v2; .") ; } // anon nodes @Test public void turtle_067() { parse("[a:prop a:val].") ; } @Test public void turtle_068() { parse("[] a:prop a:val.") ; } @Test public void turtle_069() { parse("[] a:prop [].") ; } // formulae // The final dot (statement terminator of outer statement) is necessary // Inside formulae, it is not. // @Test public void turtle_070() { parse("{:x :y :z} => {:x :y :z}.") ; } // @Test public void turtle_071() { parse("{:x :y :z} => {:x :y :z . }.") ; } // @Test public void turtle_072() { parse("{:x :y :z. } => {:x :y :z}.") ; } // // Variables // @Test public void turtle_073() { parse("?who ?knows ?what .") ; } // @Test public void turtle_074() { parse("{?who ?knows ?what} => {'somesort' 'of' 'logic'}." ) ; } // // Formulae do not need the trailing '.' // @Test public void turtle_075() { parse("{ this a \"string2\". } => { this a 'string1'} .") ; } // // And they can have directives in. // @Test public void turtle_076() { parse("{ @prefix : } => { this a 'string1'} .") ; } // @Test public void turtle_077() { parse("{ @prefix : . a:x 'c'} => { this a 'string1'} .") ; } // RDF collections //@Test public void turtle_078() { parse("() .") ; } @Test public void turtle_079() { parse(" ().") ; } @Test public void turtle_080() { parse(" ( a:i1 a:i2 a:i3 ) a rdf:List.") ; } // Paths - N3 // @Test public void turtle_081() { parse(":x!:y [].") ; } // @Test public void turtle_082() { parse(":x!:y!:z [].") ; } // @Test public void turtle_083() { parse(":x^:y [].") ; } // @Test public void turtle_084() { parse(":x^:y^:z [].") ; } // @Test public void turtle_085() { parse("[] :x!:y^:z.") ; } // @Test public void turtle_086() { parse("[] :x^:y!:z [].") ; } // Paths - using . (dot) - N3 // @Test public void turtle_087() { parse(":x.:y [].") ; } // @Test public void turtle_088() { parse(":x.:y.:z [].") ; } // @Test public void turtle_089() { parse("[] :a.:c.") ; } // @Test public void turtle_090() { parse(".:y [].") ; } // @Test public void turtle_091() { parse("x:x..:y [].") ; } // @Test public void turtle_092() { parse(".:y^:z [].") ; } // @Test public void turtle_093() { parse(":y..:z [].") ; } // @Test public void turtle_094() { parse(" :px.:py.:pz [] . ") ; } // @Test public void turtle_095() { parse(" :px!:py!:pz [] . ") ; } // Paths and formulae // @Test public void turtle_096() { parse("{ :a.:b.:c . }.") ; } // @Test public void turtle_097() { parse("{ :a.:b..}.") ; } // Named things // @Test public void turtle_098() { parse("_:anon :- [a:p a:v] .") ; } // @Test public void turtle_099() { parse(" :- [a:p [ a:p a:v] ] .") ; } // // Named list: Not supported by cwm (as of 2001, 2002, 2003/09) but needed for printing shared // @Test public void turtle_100() { parse("_:anon :- (\"1\") .") ; } // // Named formulae: Not supported by cwm (as of 2001, 2002, 2003/09) // @Test public void turtle_101() { parse("_:anon :- { ?a ?b ?c } .") ; } // Datatypes @Test public void turtle_102() { parse("a:subj a:prop '123'^^xsd:integer .") ; } @Test public void turtle_103() { parse("a:subj a:prop '123'^^ .") ; } @Test public void turtle_104() { parse("a:subj a:prop 'text'^^rdf:XMLLiteral .") ; } // Numbers @Test public void turtle_105() { parse("a:subj a:prop 123 .") ; } // @Test public void turtle_106() { parse("a:subj a:prop 123.") ; } // Illegal N3 @Test public void turtle_107() { parse("a:subj a:prop 123.1 .") ; } @Test public void turtle_108() { parse("a:subj a:prop -123.1 .") ; } @Test public void turtle_109() { parse("a:subj a:prop 123.1e3 .") ; } @Test public void turtle_110() { parse("a:subj a:prop 123.1e-3 .") ; } @Test public void turtle_111() { parse("a:subj a:prop 123.1E3 .") ; } @Test public void turtle_112() { parse("a:subj a:prop 123.1E-3 .") ; } // Language tags @Test public void turtle_113() { parse("a:subj a:prop 'text'@en .") ; } // Illegal in Turtle. //@Test public void turtle_114() { parse("a:subj a:prop 'text'^^a:lang@en .") ; } //@Test public void turtle_115() { parse("a:subj a:prop 'text'@en^^a:lang .") ; } // XML Literal : "a:subj a:prop 'text'^^rdf:XMLLiteral ." //@Test public void turtle_116() { parse("a:subj a:prop 'text'^^rdf:XMLLiteral@fr .") ; } // Variable in specific literal places //@Test public void turtle_117() { parse("a:subj a:prop ?x^^xsd:integer .") ; } //@Test public void turtle_118() { parse("a:subj a:prop '123'^^?x .") ; } //@Test public void turtle_119() { parse("a:subj a:prop ?x^^?y .") ; } // Unicode 00E9 is e-acute // Unicode 03B1 is alpha @Test public void turtle_120() { parse("a:subj a:prop '\u00E9'.") ; } @Test public void turtle_121() { parse("a:subj a:prop '\u003B1'.") ; } @Test public void turtle_122() { parse("\u00E9:subj a:prop '\u00E9'.") ; } @Test public void turtle_123() { parse("a:subj-\u00E9 a:prop '\u00E9'.") ; } @Test public void turtle_124() { parse("\u03B1:subj a:prop '\u03B1'.") ; } @Test public void turtle_125() { parse("a:subj-\u03B1 a:prop '\u03B1'.") ; } @Test public void turtle_150() { parse(" a . ") ; } @Test public void turtle_151() { parse("[ a ] . ") ; } @Test public void turtle_152() { parse("[ a ; a ] . ") ; } @Test public void turtle_153() { parse("[ a , ] . ") ; } public static void parse(String testString) { // Need to access the prefix mapping. Tokenizer tokenizer = TokenizerFactory.makeTokenizerString(testString) ; Sink sink = new SinkNull() ; LangTurtle parser = RiotReader.createParserTurtle(tokenizer, "http://base/", sink) ; PrefixMap prefixMap = parser.getProfile().getPrologue().getPrefixMap() ; prefixMap.add("a", "http://host/a#") ; prefixMap.add("x", "http://host/a#") ; // Unicode 00E9 is e-acute // Unicode 03B1 is alpha prefixMap.add("\u00E9", "http://host/e-acute/") ; prefixMap.add("\u03B1", "http://host/alpha/") ; prefixMap.add("", "http://host/") ; prefixMap.add("rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#") ; prefixMap.add("xsd", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#") ; parser.parse(); tokenizer.close(); } } /* * (c) Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */