package dev ; public class DevARQ { // Config assembler. // 18. // OpExecutor example. // Datasetfactory.create() -> autocreate graphs? // Optimization: remember (some!) query executions because index-join causes a lot of repeats. // ---- Projects // * FileManager2 // Tests - need testing/Atlas/... or tmp/ // Work out what to keep from FileUtils. // FileUtils2. // ?? WebContent to work on ContentTypes, not strings. (what about default charsets?) // * Generalized union query // DatasetGraph to understand union graph name // * Generalized dynamic datasets // Union graph (OpExecutor.specialcase) // Named defaut graph (OpExecutor.specialcase) // Pull up from TDB - DynamicDatasets (quads and BGPs and paths) // * RIOT Output // * RIOT I/O architecture // Hard wired N-Triples/N-Quads parser. LangNTriples2 - Tokenize for N-triples tokens only. // NT-Perf next: // TokenizerText seems to be nearly as fast a LangNTriples4 so where is the time going in RIOT? // Particularly Node literals. // ** Node creation 125KTPS with, 200KTPS without. // ** LangNTriples4 265K // DynamicDS // Reverted to dataset rewrite. See [[DynDS]] in QueryEngineTDB and QueryUnionRead // Migrate to ARQ. // Pass a graph up to be the active graph of the QueryExecution -> change to QueryEngineMain. // Does not work for: FROM FROM // Have a magic dataset implementation that can hold hidden graphs (i.e. not is listNodes but show in getGraph) // Propagate FROM // OpExecutor in ARQ need "specialcase" fixing.?? // Dataset which allows graph to be added around an undelying dataset. // symUnionDefaultGraph and DESCRIBE // Example with query timeout. // Configuration generally. // Via assemblers ==? // Via a global file. /* JSON CONSTRUCT { { ?name: [ ?lat, ?long ] } } WHERE { ?x rdfs:label ?name ; geo:lat ?lat ; geo:long ?long ; } */ // MIME type negotiation for QueryEngineHTTP.execSelect. // ---- RIOT // Parallel parser // Extract public API (RiotReader etc) - document // Closing InputStream // Errors after file name! Print file name once if error. // Recovery parsing - scan to DOT? // riot --inputLabels -> use input labels // input choices: normal(generate), preserve labels, decoded safe to internal. // output choices: normal(short label _:b0), preserve (if input = perserve => same else safe internal), safe internal, raw (illegal) // Safe needs to be smarter? // Tests // riot --canonicalize --normalize // riot --bnodeIRIs=on|off // riot --rdfs // Canonicalize // IRIs - corect, best %-encoding // Numbers to decimals, not integers (not default!) // ---- // Listners for dadaset changes -> drive LARQ. // SPARQL parser; reuse charstream objects? using Reinit() // JavaCharStream allocates a 4k char buffer on every call. // Pool of parsers. // OpTopN - OpExecutor.execute(OpTop). // BSBM Explore/Update // Remote SPARQL Update // JENA-29 : Cancellation --> timeouts // JENA-47 : Timeout query // JENA-48 : QueryIterAbortCancellationRequestException - is this needed? // Check in sort that don't get one result (after a lot of sorting). // JENA-49 : immediate cancellation if not .hasNext called yet. // And effect on XML results. // Mem dataset with union graph // Union graph for all in query execution sequence. // ** Documentation - assemblers for datasets // qExec.getContext().set(TDB.symUnionDefaultGraph, true) ; // HTTP result set iterator to know when it's closed. // OpExecute example. // More test in DatasetGraphTests // Rename Quad.defaultGraphIRI? // Parsers use: Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated // Should find/4 do the same? Via: // DatasetGraphBase.triples2quadsDftGraph // SSE - move to RIOT based tokenizer. // TokenizeText: // Just STRING, no CNTL=>KEYWORD = Symbol, catchall Keyword/Symbol // Apache codec. // .filemanager // FileUtils, TypedStream conversion. // Check use of FileUtils. // >>>> Tasks // Algebra.asUnionQuery .. to access the functionality // Path evaluation as per spec. // tdbloader2; filenames. // ?? bNode label checks (UPDATE: can't use same bNode label in template and pattern for DELETE/INSERT.) // Pull up TransformDynamicDataset, TransformGraphRename from TDB. // ---- Union Transform // Tests for unionTransformation // TestUnionTransformTriples // TestUnionTransformQuads // TestUnionGraph // ** Enable in TS_Algebra. // Better access to union query??? // By transform, query context. // Version for tru=iples evaluation (TransformUnionQuery) and quads evaluation (A2 from TDB) // Document - move from TDB // <<<< Tasks // QueryParseException for updates is confusing. // All QueryException -> SparqlException or LanguageParseException // Prologure from RIOT // PrefixMap from RIOT // Migrations/enable: // TransformUnionQuery // TransformDynamicDataset // TransformGraphRename // TransformPropertyPathFlatten // ---- Documentation // Downplay: PathLib.install. // Legacy StageGenerator ( // src-examples of OpExecutor+QueryEngine // // add qparse,uparse to wiki/ARQ/ // Documentation for CSV etc. // Supported types // DatasetGraph : connections // Event type -> list of parts vs regex filtering (?) // Base 64 :: Apache commons codec. // ---- SPARQL 1.1 // Update: can't use same bNode label in template and pattern for DELETE/INSERT. // BINDINGS execution // Aggregates to return iterators. // Property path rewrites as per spec (i.e. earlier than evaluation) // ---- Pipeline: // Architecture: // Canonicalization: Fix URIs. () [] SPC // Canonicaize IRIs (see IRI RFC). (IRI missing in lib!) // De-% unreserved characters. // Number canonicalization. // Always to decimal? // Canonicalized lang tags? // owl:equivalentClass, owl:equivalentProperty, // owl:inverseOf, owl:SymmetricProperty, owl:TransitiveProperty // rdfs:subClassOf (aux table). // rdfs:subPropertyOf (aux table). // ---- Events. // Hierarchy. // ---- "ARQ 3" // Minor changes that break compatible in some way // -- Custom functions // E_Function intercepts at evalSpecial to maintain compatibility. // Should really change Function.eval to strict functions (eval'ed arguments and no binding). // XSDDuration // ---- Commands // --data to accept TriG and N-Quads // Result set isomorphism - need backtracking // Syntax for lists: LIST(?list, ?index, ?member) // ---- Core // Memory DatasetGraph to support Quad.unionGraph, defaultGraph and // ---- Expr // Scalar and column expressions // ---- Union transformation // Transform rewrites BGP to (graph ?_ bgp) // Transform rewrites QuadBlock to (graph ?_ bgp) // Implicit default graph and named union. // Next: // ** (graph BGP) rewrites the BGP but leaves the (graph // ...) wrapper. // ==> (graph (distinct (graph ?_ bgp))) // More runtime processing and less transformation? // Or just strip (graph ...) on the way past. // ---- Build // Build: use maven resources for the etching of version. // ---- Optimization // 1/ Enable sameTermString optimization // 2/ If an equality is repeated do once only. // 3/ Amalgamation: BGPs, Quads, Sequences. // 4/ Assign squashing : assign as rename. (assign ((?x ?y))) // 5/ Optimise FILTER(?x=?y) assuming ?x and ?y must be bound. // ---- MicroAPI. // QueryBuilder. // results = query().select(vars).pattern().filter().groupBy().agg() }