ARQ - Filter Forms

This page describes function-like operators that can be used in expressions, such as FILTERs, assignments and SELECT expressions.

These are not strictly functions - the evaluation semantics of custom functions is to evaluate each argument then call the function with the results of the sub-expressions. Examples in standard SPARQL include bound, which does not evaluate a variable as an expression but just tests whether it is set or not, and boolean operators || and && which handle errors and do not just evaluate each branch and combining the results.

ARQ adds two forms: IF and COALESCE.

IF and COALESCE involve syntactic extension and are available if the query is parsed with language Syntax.syntaxARQ.


The IF form evaluates it's first argument to get a boolean result, then evaluates and return the value of the second if the boolean result is true, and the third argument if it is false.


IF ( ?x<0 , "negative" , "positive" )
# A possible way to do default values.
LET( ?z := IF(bound(?z) , ?z , "DftValue" ) )


The COALESCE form returns the first argument of it's argument list that is bound.

# Suppose ?y is bound to "y" and ?z to "z" but ?x is not.
COALESCE(?x , ?y , ?z) # return "y"


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