/* * (c) Copyright 2010 Talis Systems Ltd. * All rights reserved. * Derived from TokenizerText : Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP * [See end of file] */ package org.openjena.riot.tokens; import static org.openjena.atlas.lib.Chars.* ; import static org.openjena.riot.system.RiotChars.isA2Z ; import static org.openjena.riot.system.RiotChars.isA2ZN ; import static org.openjena.riot.system.RiotChars.isAlphaNumeric ; import static org.openjena.riot.system.RiotChars.isNewlineChar ; import static org.openjena.riot.system.RiotChars.isWhitespace ; import static org.openjena.riot.system.RiotChars.range ; import static org.openjena.riot.system.RiotChars.valHexChar ; import java.io.IOException ; import java.util.NoSuchElementException ; import org.openjena.atlas.AtlasException ; import org.openjena.atlas.io.IO ; import org.openjena.atlas.io.PeekInputStream ; import org.openjena.atlas.io.StreamUTF8 ; import org.openjena.riot.RiotParseException ; /** Tokenizer for all sorts of things RDF-ish */ public final class TokenizerBytes implements Tokenizer { // UNFINISHED: ASCII only. // Almost certainly out of date. // This class works directly on bytes but can't handle some multi-byte // cases (e.g. start of a prefixed name). Better to work in character space // (conversion has to be done anyway) even if it's over a very simple // a simple UTF-8 decoder or the standard Java one (which is quite // efficient if done in large blocks of bytes). /* Better - TokenizerBase * Abstract InputSource * Iterator * abstract "int nextCharOrByte()" and "char nextChar" * CharConvert(inputstream) // CharConvert(chByte, inputstream) * accumulate(stringBuffer, * TokenizerBase works in int or char * abstract scanners. * insertLiteralChar */ // Byte-based tokenizer. // Assumes that any marker chars are bytes (code points less than 128) // Currently, this code is only ASCII because it does byte->char 1:1 // Space for CURIEs, stricter Turtle QNames, sane Turtle (i.e. leading digits in local part). public static final int CTRL_CHAR = B_STAR ; public static boolean Checking = false ; private Token token = null ; private final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(200) ; private final PeekInputStream inputStream ; private boolean finished = false ; private TokenChecker checker = null ; // new CheckerBase() ; /*package*/ TokenizerBytes(PeekInputStream inputStream) { this.inputStream = inputStream ; } // Share with TokenizerText //@Override public final boolean hasNext() { if ( finished ) return false ; if ( token != null ) return true ; try { skip() ; if (inputStream.eof()) { //close() ; finished = true ; return false ; } token = parseToken() ; if ( token == null ) { //close() ; finished = true ; return false ; } return true ; } catch (AtlasException ex) { if ( ex.getCause().getClass() == java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException.class ) throw new RiotParseException("Bad character encoding", inputStream.getLineNum(), inputStream.getColNum()) ; throw new RiotParseException("Bad input stream", inputStream.getLineNum(), inputStream.getColNum()) ; } } //@Override public final Token next() { if ( ! hasNext() ) throw new NoSuchElementException() ; Token t = token ; token = null ; return t ; } //@Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException() ; } public TokenChecker getChecker() { return checker ; } public void setChecker(TokenChecker checker) { this.checker = checker ; } //@Override public void close() { try { inputStream.close() ; } catch (IOException ex) { IO.exception(ex) ; } } // ---- Machinary private void skip() { int ch = EOF ; for ( ;; ) { if ( inputStream.eof() ) return ; ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ch == B_HASH ) { inputStream.readByte() ; // Comment. Skip to NL for ( ;; ) { ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ch == EOF || isNewlineChar(ch) ) break ; inputStream.readByte() ; } } // Including excess newline chars from comment. if ( ! isWhitespace(ch) ) break ; inputStream.readByte() ; } } private Token parseToken() { token = new Token(getLine(), getColumn()) ; int chByte = inputStream.peekByte() ; // ---- IRI if ( chByte == B_LT ) { inputStream.readByte() ; token.setImage(allBetween(B_LT, B_GT, false, false)) ; token.setType(TokenType.IRI) ; if ( Checking ) checkURI(token.getImage()) ; return token ; } // ---- Literal if ( chByte == B_QUOTE1 || chByte == B_QUOTE2 ) { inputStream.readByte() ; int ch2 = inputStream.peekByte() ; if (ch2 == chByte ) { inputStream.readByte() ; // Read second quote. int ch3 = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ch3 == chByte ) { inputStream.readByte() ; token.setImage(readLongString(chByte, false)) ; TokenType tt = (chByte == B_QUOTE1) ? TokenType.LONG_STRING1 : TokenType.LONG_STRING2 ; token.setType(tt) ; } else { // Two quotes then a non-quote. // Must be '' or "" // No need to pushback characters as we know the lexical form is the empty string. //if ( ch2 != EOF ) inputStream.pushbackChar(ch2) ; //if ( ch1 != EOF ) inputStream.pushbackChar(ch1) ; // Must be '' or "" token.setImage("") ; token.setType( (chByte == B_QUOTE1) ? TokenType.STRING1 : TokenType.STRING2 ) ; } } else { // Single quote character. token.setImage(allBetween(chByte, chByte, true, false)) ; // Single quoted string. token.setType( (chByte == B_QUOTE1) ? TokenType.STRING1 : TokenType.STRING2 ) ; } // Literal. Is it @ or ^^ if ( inputStream.peekByte() == B_AT ) { inputStream.readByte() ; token.setImage2(langTag()) ; token.setType(TokenType.LITERAL_LANG) ; if ( Checking ) checkLiteralLang(token.getImage(), token.getImage2()) ; } else if ( inputStream.peekByte() == '^' ) { expect("^^") ; // Recursive call! // Check no whitespace. int nextCh = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( isWhitespace(nextCh) ) exception("No whitespace after ^^ in literal with datatype") ; // Stash current token. Token mainToken = token ; Token subToken = parseToken() ; if ( ! subToken.isIRI() ) exception("Datatype URI required after ^^ - URI or prefixed name expected") ; token = mainToken ; token.setSubToken(subToken) ; token.setType(TokenType.LITERAL_DT) ; if ( Checking ) checkLiteralDT(token.getImage(), subToken) ; } else { // Was a simple string. if ( Checking ) checkString(token.getImage()) ; } return token ; } if ( chByte == B_UNDERSCORE ) // Blank node :label must be at least one char { expect("_:") ; token.setImage(readBlankNodeLabel()) ; token.setType(TokenType.BNODE) ; if ( Checking ) checkBlankNode(token.getImage()) ; return token ; } // Control if ( chByte == CTRL_CHAR ) { inputStream.readByte() ; token.setType(TokenType.CNTRL) ; chByte = inputStream.readByte() ; if ( chByte == EOF ) exception("EOF found after "+CTRL_CHAR) ; token.cntrlCode = (char)chByte ; if ( Checking ) checkControl(token.cntrlCode) ; return token ; } if ( chByte == B_AT ) { inputStream.readByte() ; token.setType(TokenType.DIRECTIVE) ; token.setImage(readWord(false)) ; if ( Checking ) checkDirective(token.cntrlCode) ; return token ; } if ( chByte == B_QMARK ) { inputStream.readByte() ; token.setType(TokenType.VAR) ; // Character set? token.setImage(readWord(true)) ; if ( Checking ) checkVariable(token.getImage()) ; return token ; } // Number? switch(chByte) { // DOT can start a decimal. Check for digit. case B_DOT: inputStream.readByte() ; chByte = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( range(chByte, '0', '9') ) { // Not a DOT after all. inputStream.pushbackByte(B_DOT) ; readNumber() ; return token ; } token.setType(TokenType.DOT) ; return token ; case B_SEMICOLON: inputStream.readByte() ; token.setType(TokenType.SEMICOLON) ; token.setImage(";") ; return token ; case B_COMMA: inputStream.readByte() ; token.setType(TokenType.COMMA) ; token.setImage(",") ; return token ; case B_LBRACE: inputStream.readByte() ; token.setType(TokenType.LBRACE) ; token.setImage("{") ; return token ; case B_RBRACE: inputStream.readByte() ; token.setType(TokenType.RBRACE) ; token.setImage("}") ; return token ; case B_LPAREN: inputStream.readByte() ; token.setType(TokenType.LPAREN) ; token.setImage("(") ; return token ; case B_RPAREN: inputStream.readByte() ; token.setType(TokenType.RPAREN) ; token.setImage(")") ; return token ; case B_LBRACKET: inputStream.readByte() ; token.setType(TokenType.LBRACKET) ; token.setImage("[") ; return token ; case B_RBRACKET: inputStream.readByte() ; token.setType(TokenType.RBRACKET) ; token.setImage("]") ; return token ; // Specials (if processing off) -- FIX ME //case B_COLON: inputStream.readByte() ; token.setType(TokenType.COLON) ; return token ; case B_UNDERSCORE: inputStream.readByte() ; token.setType(TokenType.UNDERSCORE) ; token.setImage("_") ; return token ; case B_LT: inputStream.readByte() ; token.setType(TokenType.LT) ; token.setImage("<") ; return token ; case B_GT: inputStream.readByte() ; token.setType(TokenType.GT) ; token.setImage(">") ; return token ; // GE, LE // Single character symbols for * / + - // case B_PLUS: // case B_MINUS: // case B_STAR: // case B_SLASH: // case B_RSLASH: } if ( chByte == B_PLUS || chByte == B_MINUS || range(chByte, '0', '9')) { readNumber() ; if ( Checking ) checkNumber(token.getImage(), token.getImage2() ) ; return token ; } // Plain words and prefixes. // Can't start with a number due to numeric test above. // Can't start with a '_' due to blank node test above. // If we see a :, the first time it means a prefixed name else it's a token break. readPrefixedNameOrKeyWord(token) ; if ( Checking ) checkKeyword(token.getImage()) ; return token ; } private void readPrefixedNameOrKeyWord(Token token2) { long posn = inputStream.getPosition() ; token2.setImage(readWord(false)) ; token2.setType(TokenType.KEYWORD) ; int ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ch == B_COLON ) { inputStream.readByte() ; token2.setType(TokenType.PREFIXED_NAME) ; String ln = readLocalPart() ; token2.setImage2(ln) ; if ( Checking ) checkPrefixedName(token2.getImage(), token2.getImage2()) ; } // If we made no progress, nothing found, not even a keyword -- it's an error. if ( posn == inputStream.getPosition() ) exception(String.format("Unknown char: %c(%d)",ch,ch)) ; if ( Checking ) checkKeyword(token2.getImage()) ; } private String readLongString(int quoteChar, boolean endNL) { stringBuilder.setLength(0) ; for ( ;; ) { int ch = inputStream.readByte() ; if ( ch == EOF ) { if ( endNL ) return stringBuilder.toString() ; exception("Broken long string") ; } if ( ch == quoteChar ) { if ( threeQuotes(quoteChar) ) return stringBuilder.toString() ; } if ( ch == '\\' ) ch = readLiteralEscape() ; insertCodepoint(stringBuilder, ch) ; } } // Need "readByteOrEscape" private String readLocalPart() { return readWordSub(true, true) ; } private String readWord(boolean leadingDigitAllowed) { return readWordSub(leadingDigitAllowed, false) ; } private String readWordSub(boolean leadingDigitAllowed, boolean leadingSignAllowed) { stringBuilder.setLength(0) ; int idx = 0 ; if ( ! leadingDigitAllowed ) { int ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( Character.isDigit(ch) ) return "" ; } if ( ! leadingSignAllowed ) { int ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ch == '-' || ch == '+' ) return "" ; } for ( ;; idx++ ) { int ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '.' || ch == '-' ) // || ch == '#' || ch == '/' ) { inputStream.readByte() ; // UTF-8 int ch2 = StreamUTF8.advance(inputStream.getInput()) ; stringBuilder.append((char)ch2) ; continue ; } else break ; } // BAD : assumes pushbackChar is infinite. // Check is ends in "." while ( idx > 0 && stringBuilder.charAt(idx-1) == B_DOT ) { // Push back the dot. inputStream.pushbackByte(B_DOT) ; stringBuilder.setLength(idx-1) ; idx -- ; } return stringBuilder.toString() ; } // Need "readByteOrEscape" // Assume have read the first quote char. // On return: // If false, have moved over no more characters (due to pushbacks) // If true, at end of 3 quotes private boolean threeQuotes(int ch) { //inputStream.readByte() ; // Read first quote. int ch2 = inputStream.peekByte() ; if (ch2 != ch ) { //inputStream.pushbackChar(ch2) ; return false ; } inputStream.readByte() ; // Read second quote. int ch3 = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ch3 != ch ) { inputStream.pushbackByte(ch2) ; return false ; } // Three quotes. inputStream.readByte() ; // Read third quote. return true ; } // Make better! /* [16] integer ::= ('-' | '+') ? [0-9]+ [17] double ::= ('-' | '+') ? ( [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]* exponent | '.' ([0-9])+ exponent | ([0-9])+ exponent ) 0.e0, .0e0, 0e0 [18] decimal ::= ('-' | '+')? ( [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]* | '.' ([0-9])+ | ([0-9])+ ) 0.0 .0 [19] exponent ::= [eE] ('-' | '+')? [0-9]+ [] hex ::= 0x0123456789ABCDEFG */ private void readNumber() { // One entry, definitely a number. // Beware of '.' as a (non) decimal. /* maybeSign() digits() if dot ==> decimal, digits if e ==> double, maybeSign, digits else check not "." for decimal. */ boolean isDouble = false ; boolean isDecimal = false ; stringBuilder.setLength(0) ; int x = 0 ; // Digits before a dot. int ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ch == '0' ) { x++ ; inputStream.readByte() ; // Digit 0 stringBuilder.append((char)ch) ; ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ch == 'x' || ch == 'X' ) { inputStream.readByte() ; stringBuilder.append((char)ch) ; readHex(inputStream, stringBuilder) ; token.setImage(stringBuilder.toString()) ; token.setType(TokenType.HEX) ; return ; } } else if ( ch == '-' || ch == '+' ) { readPossibleSign(stringBuilder) ; } x += readDigits(stringBuilder) ; // if ( x == 0 ) // { // // } ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ch == B_DOT ) { inputStream.readByte() ; stringBuilder.append(B_DOT) ; isDecimal = true ; // Includes things that will be doubles. readDigits(stringBuilder) ; } if ( x == 0 && ! isDecimal ) // Possible a tokenizer error - should not have entered readNumber in the first place. exception("Unrecognized as number") ; if ( exponent(stringBuilder) ) { isDouble = true ; isDecimal = false ; } token.setImage(stringBuilder.toString()) ; if ( isDouble ) token.setType(TokenType.DOUBLE) ; else if ( isDecimal ) token.setType(TokenType.DECIMAL) ; else token.setType(TokenType.INTEGER) ; } private static void readHex(PeekInputStream inputStream, StringBuilder sb) { // Just after the 0x, which are in sb int x = 0 ; for(;;) { int ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ! range(ch, '0', '9') && ! range(ch, 'a', 'f') && ! range(ch, 'A', 'F') ) break ; inputStream.readByte() ; // Less than codepoint 128 sb.append((char)ch) ; x++ ; } if ( x == 0 ) exception(inputStream, "No hex characters after "+sb.toString()) ; } private boolean exponent(StringBuilder sb) { int ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ch != 'e' && ch != 'E' ) return false ; inputStream.readByte() ; sb.append((char)ch) ; readPossibleSign(sb) ; int x = readDigits(sb) ; if ( x == 0 ) exception("Malformed double: "+sb) ; return true ; } private void readPossibleSign(StringBuilder sb) { int ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ch == '-' || ch == '+' ) { inputStream.readByte() ; sb.append((char)ch) ; } } private int readDigits(StringBuilder buffer) { int count = 0 ; for(;;) { int ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ! range(ch, '0', '9' ) ) break ; inputStream.readByte() ; // Less than code point 128 buffer.append((char)ch) ; count ++ ; } return count ; } private String langTag() { stringBuilder.setLength(0) ; a2z(stringBuilder) ; if ( stringBuilder.length() == 0 ) exception("Bad language tag") ; for ( ;; ) { int ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ch == '-' ) { inputStream.readByte() ; stringBuilder.append('-') ; int x = stringBuilder.length(); a2zN(stringBuilder) ; if ( stringBuilder.length() == x ) exception("Bad language tag") ; } else break ; } return stringBuilder.toString(); } private void a2z(StringBuilder sb2) { for ( ;; ) { int ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( isA2Z(ch) ) { inputStream.readByte() ; // Less than codepoint 128 stringBuilder.append((char)ch) ; } else return ; } } private void a2zN(StringBuilder sb2) { for ( ;; ) { int ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( isA2ZN(ch) ) { inputStream.readByte() ; stringBuilder.append((char)ch) ; } else return ; } } // Blank node label: A-Z,a-z0-9 and '-' // Also possible: skip to space or EOF private String readBlankNodeLabel() { stringBuilder.setLength(0) ; // First character. { int ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ch == EOF ) exception("Blank node label missing (EOF found)") ; if ( isWhitespace(ch)) exception("Blank node label missing") ; //if ( ! isAlpha(ch) && ch != '_' ) // Not strict if ( ! isAlphaNumeric(ch) && ch != '_' ) exception("Blank node label does not start with alphabetic or _ :"+(char)ch) ; inputStream.readByte() ; stringBuilder.append((char)ch) ; } // Remainder. for(;;) { int ch = inputStream.peekByte() ; if ( ch == EOF ) break ; if ( ! isAlphaNumeric(ch) && ch != '-' && ch != '_' ) break ; inputStream.readByte() ; stringBuilder.append((char)ch) ; } // if ( ! seen ) // exception("Blank node label missing") ; return stringBuilder.toString() ; } // Get characters between two markers. // strEscapes may be processed // endNL end of line as an ending is OK private String allBetween(int startCh, int endCh, boolean strEscapes, boolean endNL) { long y = getLine() ; long x = getColumn() ; stringBuilder.setLength(0) ; // Assumes first char read already. // int ch0 = inputStream.readByte() ; // if ( ch0 != startCh ) // exception("Broken parser", y, x) ; for(;;) { int ch = inputStream.readByte() ; if ( ch == EOF ) { if ( endNL ) return stringBuilder.toString() ; exception("Broken token: "+stringBuilder.toString(), y, x) ; } if ( ch == '\n' ) exception("Broken token (newline): "+stringBuilder.toString(), y, x) ; if ( ch == endCh ) { //sb.append(((char)ch)) ; return stringBuilder.toString() ; } if ( ch == '\\' ) { if ( strEscapes ) ch = readLiteralEscape() ; else ch = readUnicodeEscape() ; insertCodepoint(stringBuilder, ch) ; continue ; } // Not special. insertChar(stringBuilder, ch) ; } } // Insert character, knowing the first byte. private void insertChar(StringBuilder buffer, int first) { int ch2 = StreamUTF8.advance(inputStream.getInput(), first) ; insertCodepoint(buffer, ch2) ; } // ch is already a unicode codepoint private void insertCodepoint(StringBuilder buffer, int ch) { if ( Character.charCount(ch) == 1 ) buffer.append((char)ch) ; else { // Convert to UTF-16. Note that the rest of any system this is used // in must also respect codepoints and surrogate pairs. if ( ! Character.isDefined(ch) && ! Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(ch) ) exception(String.format("Illegal codepoint: 0x%04X", ch)) ; char[] chars = Character.toChars(ch) ; buffer.append(chars) ; } } public long getColumn() { return inputStream.getColNum() ; } public long getLine() { return inputStream.getLineNum() ; } // ---- Routines to check tokens private void checkBlankNode(String blankNodeLabel) { if ( checker != null ) checker.checkBlankNode(blankNodeLabel) ; } private void checkLiteralLang(String lexicalForm, String langTag) { if ( checker != null ) checker.checkLiteralLang(lexicalForm, langTag) ; } private void checkLiteralDT(String lexicalForm, Token datatype) { if ( checker != null ) checker.checkLiteralDT(lexicalForm, datatype) ; } private void checkString(String string) { if ( checker != null ) checker.checkString(string) ; } private void checkURI(String uriStr) { if ( checker != null ) checker.checkURI(uriStr) ; } private void checkNumber(String image, String datatype) { if ( checker != null ) checker.checkNumber(image, datatype) ; } private void checkVariable(String tokenImage) { if ( checker != null ) checker.checkVariable(tokenImage) ; } private void checkDirective(int cntrlCode) { if ( checker != null ) checker.checkDirective(cntrlCode) ; } private void checkKeyword(String tokenImage) { if ( checker != null ) checker.checkKeyword(tokenImage) ; } private void checkPrefixedName(String tokenImage, String tokenImage2) { if ( checker != null ) checker.checkPrefixedName(tokenImage, tokenImage2) ; } private void checkControl(int code) { if ( checker != null ) checker.checkControl(code) ; } // ---- Escape sequences private final int readLiteralEscape() { int c = inputStream.readByte(); if ( c==EOF ) exception("Escape sequence not completed") ; switch (c) { case 'n': return NL ; case 'r': return CR ; case 't': return '\t' ; case '"': return '"' ; case '\'': return '\'' ; case '\\': return '\\' ; case 'u': return readUnicode4Escape(); case 'U': return readUnicode8Escape(); default: exception(String.format("illegal escape sequence value: %c (0x%02X)", c, c)); return 0 ; } } private final int readUnicodeEscape() { int ch = inputStream.readByte() ; if ( ch == EOF ) exception("Broken escape sequence") ; switch (ch) { case 'u': return readUnicode4Escape(); case 'U': return readUnicode8Escape(); default: exception(String.format("illegal escape sequence value: %c (0x%02X)", ch, ch)); } return 0 ; } private final int readUnicode4Escape() { return readUnicodeEscape(4) ; } private final int readUnicode8Escape() { int ch8 = readUnicodeEscape(8) ; if ( ch8 > Character.MAX_CODE_POINT ) exception(String.format("illegal code point in \\U sequence value: 0x%08X", ch8)); return ch8 ; } private final int readUnicodeEscape(int N) { int x = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ ) { int d = readHexChar() ; if ( d < 0 ) return -1 ; x = (x<<4)+d ; } return x ; } private final int readHexChar() { int ch = inputStream.readByte() ; if ( ch == EOF ) exception("Not a hexadecimal character (end of file)") ; int x = valHexChar(ch) ; if ( x != -1 ) return x ; exception("Not a hexadecimal character: "+(char)ch) ; return -1 ; } private boolean expect(String str) { for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { char want = str.charAt(i); if (inputStream.eof()) { exception("End of input during expected string: "+str) ; return false ; } int inChar = inputStream.readByte(); if (inChar != want) { //System.err.println("N-triple inputStream error"); exception("expected \"" + str + "\""); return false; } } return true; } private void exception(String message) { exception(message, inputStream.getLineNum(), inputStream.getColNum()) ; } private static void exception(PeekInputStream inputStream, String message) { exception(message, inputStream.getLineNum(), inputStream.getColNum()) ; } private static void exception(String message, long line, long col) { throw new RiotParseException(message, line, col) ; } } /* * (c) Copyright 2010 Talis Systems Ltd. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */