/* * (c) Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP * (c) Copyright 2010 Talis Information Systems Ltd. * All rights reserved. * [See end of file] */ package org.openjena.riot.system; import org.openjena.atlas.lib.Cache ; import org.openjena.atlas.lib.CacheFactory ; import org.openjena.atlas.lib.cache.Getter ; import org.openjena.riot.RiotException ; import com.hp.hpl.jena.iri.IRI ; import com.hp.hpl.jena.iri.IRIException ; import com.hp.hpl.jena.iri.IRIFactory ; import com.hp.hpl.jena.iri.ViolationCodes ; import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.FileUtils ; /** Package up IRI reolver functionality. */ public abstract class IRIResolver { //static IRIFactory iriFactory = IRIFactory.jenaImplementation() ; //static IRIFactory iriFactory = IRIFactory.iriImplementation(); /** The IRI checker setup - more than usual Jena but not full IRI. */ public static final IRIFactory iriFactory = new IRIFactory(); private static boolean showExceptions = true; static { // IRIFactory.iriImplementation() ... iriFactory.useSpecificationIRI(true); iriFactory.useSchemeSpecificRules("*",true); // Allow relative references for file: URLs. iriFactory.setSameSchemeRelativeReferences("file"); //iriFactory.shouldViolation(false,true); // Moderate it -- allow unwise chars and any scheme name. iriFactory.setIsError(ViolationCodes.UNWISE_CHARACTER,false); iriFactory.setIsWarning(ViolationCodes.UNWISE_CHARACTER,false); iriFactory.setIsError(ViolationCodes.UNREGISTERED_IANA_SCHEME,false); iriFactory.setIsWarning(ViolationCodes.UNREGISTERED_IANA_SCHEME,false); } /** Check an IRI string (does not resolve it) */ public static boolean checkIRI(String iriStr) { IRI iri = parseIRI(iriStr); return iri.hasViolation(false) ; } /** Parse an IRI (does not resolve it) */ public static IRI parseIRI(String iriStr) { return iriFactory.create(iriStr); } /** * Resolve the relative URI str against the current global base. * @param str * @return IRI */ public static IRI resolveGlobal(String str) { return globalResolver.resolve(str) ; } /** * Resolve the relative URI str against the current global base. * @param str * @return String */ public static String resolveGlobalToString(String str) { return globalResolver.resolveToString(str) ; } /** * The current working directory, as a string. */ static private String globalBase = FileUtils.toURL(".").replace("/./", "/") ; static IRIResolver globalResolver ; /** * The current global resolver based on the working directory */ static { IRI cwd ; try { cwd = iriFactory.construct(globalBase); } catch (IRIException e) { System.err.println("Unexpected IRIException in initializer: " + e.getMessage()); cwd = iriFactory.create("file:///"); e.printStackTrace(System.err) ; } globalResolver = IRIResolver.create(cwd) ; } /** * Turn a filename into a well-formed file: URL relative to the working * directory. * * @param filename * @return String The filename as an absolute URL */ static public String resolveFileURL(String filename) throws IRIException { IRI r = globalResolver.resolve(filename); if (!r.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase("file")) { // Pragmatic hack that copes with "c:" return resolveFileURL("./" + filename); } return r.toString(); } /** * Create resolve a URI against a base. If baseStr is a relative file IRI * then it is first resolved against the current working directory. * * @param relStr * @param baseStr * Can be null if relStr is absolute * @return An absolute URI * @throws RiotException * If result would not be legal, absolute IRI */ static public IRI resolve(String relStr, String baseStr) throws RiotException { return exceptions(resolveIRI(relStr, baseStr)) ; } /** * Create resolve a URI against a base. If baseStr is a relative file IRI * then it is first resolved against the current working directory. * * @param relStr * @param baseStr * Can be null if relStr is absolute * @return String An absolute URI * @throws RiotException * If result would not be legal, absolute IRI */ static public String resolveString(String relStr, String baseStr) throws RiotException { return exceptions(resolveIRI(relStr, baseStr)).toString() ; } /* * No exception thrown by this method. */ static private IRI resolveIRI(String relStr, String baseStr) { IRI i = iriFactory.create(relStr); if (i.isAbsolute()) // removes excess . segments return globalResolver.getBaseIRI().create(i); IRI base = iriFactory.create(baseStr); if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(base.getScheme())) return globalResolver.getBaseIRI().create(i); return base.create(i); } public static IRIResolver create() { return new IRIResolverNormal() ; } public static IRIResolver create(String baseStr) { return new IRIResolverNormal(baseStr) ; } public static IRIResolver create(IRI baseIRI) { return new IRIResolverNormal(baseIRI) ; } // Used for N-triples, N-Quads public static IRIResolver createNoResolve() { return new IRIResolverNoOp() ; } /** To allow Eyeball to bypass IRI checking (because it's doing its own) */ public static void suppressExceptions() { showExceptions = false; } /** * Choose a base URI based on the current directory * * @return String Absolute URI */ static public IRI chooseBaseURI() { return chooseBaseURI(null); } /** * Choose a baseURI based on a suggestion * * @return IRI (if relative, relative to current working directory). */ static public IRI chooseBaseURI(String baseURI) { if (baseURI == null) baseURI = "file:."; return resolveGlobal(baseURI); } public String getBaseIRIasString() { IRI iri = getBaseIRI() ; if ( iri == null ) return null ; return iri.toString(); } protected abstract IRI getBaseIRI() ; /** Create a URI, resolving relative IRIs, and throw exception on bad a IRI */ public abstract IRI resolve(String uriStr) ; /** Create a URI, resolving relative IRIs, but do not throw exception on bad a IRI */ public abstract IRI resolveSilent(String uriStr) ; public abstract String resolveToString(String uriStr) ; protected IRIResolver() {} // /** // * Print violations - convenience. // * @param iri // * @return iri // */ // static private IRI exceptions2(IRI iri) { // if (showExceptions && iri.hasViolation(false)) { // try { // IRI iri2 = cwd.create(iri); // Iterator vIter = iri2.violations(true) ; // for ( ; vIter.hasNext() ; ) // { // Violation v = vIter.next() ; // System.err.println(v) ; // } // } catch (IRIException e) { // throw new RiotException(e); // } // } // return iri; // } /** * Throw any exceptions resulting from IRI. * @param iri * @return iri */ private static IRI exceptions(IRI iri) { if ( !showExceptions ) return iri ; if ( ! iri.hasViolation(false) ) return iri ; String msg = iri.violations(false).next().getShortMessage() ; throw new RiotException(msg) ; } private static final int CacheSize = 1000 ; /** A resolver that does not resolve IRIs against base. Can generate relative IRIs. **/ static class IRIResolverNoOp extends IRIResolver { protected IRIResolverNoOp() {} final private Getter getter = new Getter() { public IRI get(String relURI) { return iriFactory.create(relURI) ; } } ; private Cache resolvedIRIs = CacheFactory.createCache(getter, CacheSize) ; @Override protected IRI getBaseIRI() { return null ; } @Override public IRI resolve(String uriStr) { return iriFactory.create(uriStr) ; } @Override public IRI resolveSilent(String uriStr) { if ( resolvedIRIs != null && resolvedIRIs.containsKey(uriStr) ) return resolvedIRIs.get(uriStr) ; IRI iri = iriFactory.create(uriStr) ; if ( resolvedIRIs != null ) resolvedIRIs.put(uriStr, iri) ; return iri ; } @Override public String resolveToString(String uriStr) { return uriStr ; } } /** Resolving resolver **/ static class IRIResolverNormal extends IRIResolver { final private IRI base; // The cache. Maybe this should be in Prologue. final private Getter getter = new Getter() { public IRI get(String relURI) { return base.resolve(relURI) ; } } ; // Not static - contains relative IRIs // Could split into absolute (statical, global cached) and relative. private Cache resolvedIRIs = CacheFactory.createCache(getter, CacheSize) ; /** * Construct an IRIResolver with base as the * current working directory. * */ public IRIResolverNormal() { this((String)null); } /** * Construct an IRIResolver with base determined * by the argument URI. If this is relative, * it is relative against the current working directory. * @param baseS * * @throws RiotException * If resulting base would not be legal, absolute IRI */ public IRIResolverNormal(String baseS) { if (baseS == null) base = chooseBaseURI(); else base = globalResolver.resolve(baseS) ; } public IRIResolverNormal(IRI baseIRI) { if (baseIRI == null) baseIRI = chooseBaseURI(); base = baseIRI ; } /** * The base of this IRIResolver. * @return String */ @Override public IRI getBaseIRI() { return base ; } /** * Resolve the relative URI against the base of * this IRIResolver. * @param relURI * @return the resolved IRI * @throws RiotException * If resulting URI would not be legal, absolute IRI */ @Override public IRI resolve(String relURI) { return exceptions(resolveSilent(relURI)) ; } /** * Resolve the relative URI against the base of * this IRIResolver. * @param relURI * @return the resolved IRI as a string * @throws RiotException * If resulting URI would not be legal, absolute IRI */ @Override public String resolveToString(String relURI) { return exceptions(resolveSilent(relURI)).toString() ; } /** * Resolve the relative URI against the base of * this IRIResolver. * @param relURI * @return the resolved IRI - not checked for violations. */ @Override public IRI resolveSilent(String relURI) { if ( resolvedIRIs != null && resolvedIRIs.containsKey(relURI) ) return resolvedIRIs.get(relURI) ; IRI iri = base.resolve(relURI) ; if ( resolvedIRIs != null ) resolvedIRIs.put(relURI, iri) ; return iri ; } } } /* * (c) Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP * (c) Copyright 2010 Talis Information Systems Ltd. * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */