package dev ; public class DevARQ { // ** For release 2.9: // QueryParseException for updates is confusing. // All QueryException -> SparqlException or LanguageParseException // dayTimeDuration // Prologure from RIOT // PrefixMap from RIOT // XSDFuncOp.getDT* // UnionDefaultGraph // ---- Documentation // Legacy StageGenerator ( // src-examples of OpExecutor+QueryEngine // // add qparse,uparse to wiki/ARQ/ // Documentation for CSV etc. // Supported types // DatasetGraph : connections // Event type -> list of parts vs regex filtering (?) // Base 64 :: Apache commons codec. // ---- SPARQL 1.1 // Variable scope. // Update: can't use same bNode label in template and pattern for DELETE/INSERT. // RAND(seed) // BINDINGS execution // Aggregates to return iterators. // Property path rewrites as per spec (i.e. earlier than evaluation) // Path tests: WorkSpace/PropertyPathTests/ // Transform: paths for new operators. e.g. {2} // {N,} to be {N} UNION {0,N} // ---- Pipeline: // Architecture: // Canonicalization: Fix URIs. () [] SPC // Number canonicalization. // Canonicalized lang tags? // owl:equivalentClass, owl:equivalentProperty, // owl:inverseOf, owl:SymmetricProperty, owl:TransitiveProperty // rdfs:subClassOf (aux table). // rdfs:subPropertyOf (aux table). // ---- Events. // Hierarchy. // Query abort - from a separate thread - set flag in iterator and check on every .hasNext call. // ---- RIOT // closing InputStream // Bad character encoding - exception but line/col = 1/1 // Filename in messages. // Errors after file name! Print file name once if error. // Recovery parsing - scan to DOT? // ---- Union Transform // Tests for unionTransformation // TestUnionTransformTriples // TestUnionTransformQuads // TestUnionGraph // ** Enable in TS_Algebra. // XSDDuration // ---- Commands // --data to accept TriG and N-Quads // Result set isomorphism - need backtracking // Syntax for lists: LIST(?list, ?index, ?member) // ---- Core // Memory DatasetGraph to support Quad.unionGraph, defaultGraph and // ---- Expr // Scalar and column expressions // ---- Union transformation // Transform rewrites BGP to (graph ?_ bgp) // Transform rewrites QuadBlock to (graph ?_ bgp) // Implicit default graph and named union. // Next: // ** (graph BGP) rewrites the BGP but leaves the (graph // ...) wrapper. // ==> (graph (distinct (graph ?_ bgp))) // More runtime processing and less transformation? // Or just strip (graph ...) on the way past. // ---- Build // Build: use maven resources for the etching of version. // ---- Optimization // 1/ Enable sameTermString optimization // 2/ If an equality is repeated do once only. // 3/ Amalgamation: BGPs, Quads, Sequences. // 4/ Assign squashing : assign as rename. (assign ((?x ?y))) // 5/ Optimise FILTER(?x=?y) assuming ?x and ?y must be bound. // ---- MicroAPI. // QueryBuilder. // results = query().select(vars).pattern().filter().groupBy().agg() }