ChangeLog for ARQ ================= ==== ARQ 2.8.7 SPARQL 1.1 Function library: + Added MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256 SHA384, SHA512 functions for SPARQL 1.1 + Added YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS to SPARQL 1.1 TIMEZONE awaiting WG discussions. + Added NOW() to SPARQL 1.1 - filter function like afn:now(). ==== ARQ 2.8.6 ** Update is now two languages: strict SPARQL 1.1 Update (the default) enhanced language (ARQ query extensions, compatibility extensions for previous update language) Set Syntx.syntaxARQ_Update to access the extensions. + Complete implementation of SPARQL 1.1 Query and Update (as per current draft) Default query and updates languages are now SPARQL 1.1 + Syntax extensions for W3C submission "SPARQL Update" + RIOT commands (ntrig, nquads, turtle, ntriples, infer) now in package 'riotcmd' + Expand update API to support multiple languages See src-examples/arq.update.* for examples of API. + UpdateException now used for errors during update execution (potentially visible change) + Bug fix: compound expressions involving aggregates in SELECT clause + Remove use of code from org.json to clarify legal position. + Property path evaluation now aligns with SPARQL 1.1 cardinality of results for arbitary length paths may change. + Bug fix: N-Triples, and N-Quads now expect ASCII input as per specs. + Bug fix: Property functions in FILTER NOT EXISTS ==== ARQ 2.8.5 + RIOT: New parsers covering N-triples, N-Quads, Turtle and TriG URI and literal checking in Trutle amd TriG. New command line tools: arq.riot (parse based on file ext), arq.ntriple, arq.nquads, arq.turtle, arq.trig Parse files to N-Triples/N-Quads. By default, checking turned on for N-triples and N_quads when useNd at command line. + Import all of atlas and riot subsystems from TDB These will become submodules of ARQ sometime. Atlas contains all non-RDF related library code. + SPARQL 1.1 status: SPARQL 1.1 Query: implemented except for corner cases of property paths Use Syntax.syntaxSPARQL_11 SPARQL 1.1 Update: Only W3C submission supported for execution. Someparsing of WG design for SPARQL 1.1. Update but (at time or release) language not agreed. + Bug fixes: Parsing of UNION in non-SPARQL 1.0 queries. False optimization of GRAPH when mixed with extra {} and FILTERs. ==== ARQ 2.8.4 + Internal reorganisation of graph-level DatasetGraph (no chnages to the application API) There is now hanlding of quads, The difference bewteen DatasetGraph and DataSourceGraph is removed. New classes to help with DatasetGraphs which are collections of graphs and ones that are colelctions of quads and triples. This does not affect Dataset or DataSource, the API interfaces. + Add BNODE() function to generate fresh bnodes ==== ARQ 2.8.3 + Added commands arq.larq and arq.larqbuilder to query and build Lucense indexes for ARQ. + Added IN and NOT IN operators + Added IF and COALESCE operators + Add built-in function STRLANG(string, string) to make a literal with a language tag. + Add built-in function STRDT(string, iri) to make a literal with datatype + Add built-in function IRI(string) to make an IRI. + Add value support for xsd:gYear/gYearMonth/gMonth/gMonthDay/gDay + Results output in CSV and TSV. + Add "negative property classed" (experimental) !rdf:type matches anything except rdf:type !(rdf:type|rdfs:label) matches some thing that isn't rdf:type or rdfs:label + Bug fix: some multiply nested OPTIONALs could result in only naive, unoptimized execution. + Bug fix: SERVICE body for complex query patterns. + Bug fix: XML literals in SPARQL XML Results had the end of lines mangled. ==== ARQ 2.8.2 + SPARQL v1.1 as an defined language and parser, separate from ARQ + Results output in CSV + Optimization of disjunction FILTERs with care to get same effects if value-based URIs are always safe to optimize. + Bug fix in filter placement (in code used by TDB only) + Bug fix in filter equality transformation if involving unused an variable. ==== ARQ 2.8.1 + Bug fixes + substitution in NOT EXISTS + substitution in assignment + constant folding and logical special forms + bad lock allocation (only occurs under very high load) + Speed up processing of nested optionals. Greatly speeds up BSBM with TDB. + Some JMX management exposed: Object names start "com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql". Details include: system and version information, query execution count, last query and the time execution started. ==== ARQ 2.8.0 + Build is now done by maven ** JAR changes: the ARQ jars are now called "arq.jar" and "arq-tests.jar". Only "arq.jar is needed at runtime unless running ARQ test code. ** There is only one maven artifact "arq". "arq-extra" is no more. See README for deatils of files produced. + Negation-as-failure: NOT EXISTS {pattern} see for details. + Bug fix: Reverse paths of length 3 or more were not being parsed correctly. + Upgrade to stax 1.0.1 and wstx-asl-3.2.9 + Remove json.jar (jena compiled code from org.json). Replace with source code, renamed, in ARQ itself. package; Cleaned up for Java generics. ==== ARQ 2.7.0 + New build system. + Clearing up. junit used is now v4.5 internal logging API is SLF4J (Jena uses SLF4J as of v 2.6.0 as well) Jars needed: slf4j-api-1.5.6.jar and (for log4j) slf4j-log4j12-1.5.6.jar + Optimizer framework rewritten (inc support for hooks used by TDB). New general purpose StateGenerator and memory-graphs statistics + Fix parsing of very large INSERT DATA requests (stack could overflow). + The IndexBuilder constructors taking a directory name as a string would clear the Lucene index. Changed so they do not do so - and behave like the other constructors which reuse an existing index. + Uses the Java5 version of Jena2. + Property function afp:versionARQ does not now split version numbers into major and minor parts ARQ has a 3-part version number now. ==== ARQ 2.6.0 + Added .close() to Dataset and GraphStore for those implementations that need to make changes permanent or release system resources. + Clean internal extensions points for TDB + Put misc support code in for TDB + Fix bug in SPARQL grammar (!) : expressions like "1+2*3" did not parse. This is a fix to the grammar as published by the working group. It does not invalidate or chnage any query that works - it makes some illegal syntax work that should work. ==== ARQ 2.5 + Redesign of quad support. AlgebraGeneratorQuad retired Use Algebra.toQuadForm(Op) to turn an algebra expression into quads. + fn:string-join was misnamed - was actually renamed as fn:concat And now takes arbitrary number of arguments + Add afn:strjoin(str, string...) + Bug fix: path parsing when "a" (for rdf:type) is used in a property list (using ;) + Bug fix: LET expressions did not eliminate solutions when assigned a new, different value. + Internal renaming to make the class names better reflect their role particularly not using the term "compile" for things now considered to happen during query execution. + Internal utilities updated for TDB + Signal start/end of updates using the graph-level events mechanism. ==== ARQ 2.4 + Change to interface for query compilation : Algebra.compile and Algebra.optimize + Property paths added. See documentation. + Simplify the interface between ARQ and data sources. StageGenerator example updated. ==== ARQ 2.3 + HAVING / ORDER BY variable, where variable is SELECT as an aggregate or computed value now works. (current restriction: can't have the expression directly in the ORDER BY - need to project the variable) + Upgrade to Lucene 2.3.1 + Change return type of ResultFactor.copyResults to ResultSetRewinable (a sub interface of ResultSet). + Allow inital bindings for Updates (ignored unless a Modify operation) + Added SUM(?x) aggregate + Added { SELECT } (nested SELECT) and LET (assignment) to ARQ extended SPARQL. + Added optimization rewrite of algebra expressions for FILTER(?x = :x) and FILTER(sameTerm(?x, :x)) so that the required term is substituted into the pattern before execution. Cautiously applied to basic graph patterns and quad patterns. + Bug fix: ARQ 2.2 broke property functions in many nested structures. + src-examples: example of SPARQL/Update + Fix bug: OpUnion flattening was not happening (Main query engine, OpCompiler) + Fix bug: HttQueryEngine(in HttpQuery) generated bad POST requests with a trailing &. + New command arq.load, which loads files into graphs. Special case of arq.update ==== ARQ 2.2 + Added command line tool, arq.update, for applying SPARQL/Update requests to a graph store or dataset described by an assembler file. + LARQ: Remove restriction that indexes have to be closed for writing before reading Becare: in Lucene, reader indexes (like LARQIndexes) see the index as at the point in time when the index was created. Must get a new reader to see later updates. + QueryEngineHTTP + Can be created via QueryExecutionFactory + Operations for adding HTTP parameters and also for basic authentication of HTTP. + Added ParserRegistry (courtesy of Olaf Hartig) + Reworked property functions so they formally in the algebra. + Jar change: commons-logging-1.1.1.jar + Bug fix: text output of result sets sometimes gave full bNode label - revert to old design where a short label is used always. + Bug fix: handling of empty patterns and COUNT could give no count, instead of a count of zero. + Use base URI for realtive URI printing (i.e ) + Track DAWG: Effect of OPTIONAL {{ ... FILTER }} (must be 2 or more {{}}) changes. Inner {} now protects the FILTER from becoming part of the LeftJoin. + Upgrade lucene-core-2.0.0.jar to lucene-2.2.0.jar Lucene change means that users can't mix ARQ 2.1, and before, with Lucene 2.1.0 or later. ==== ARQ 2.1 + (experimental for this release - permanent in next) GROUP BY, HAVING Aggregates: count(*), count(?x), count(distinct *), count(distinct ?x) + (experimental for this release - permanent in next) Expressions in SELECT clause Expression in brackets, optionally named with "AS ?var" Adding an explict namne is strongly encouraged especially if you use the SPARQL results format because internal variables variable names are not portable. SELECT (?x+?y AS ?z) ?y ?x SELECT ?x ?y (?x+?y AS ?sum) # Print a table of sums OpProject can have additional expressions that get added into the table from 'project' + removed old-style (and out-of-date) writers for internal forms: prefix, plain and XML forms of a SPARQL query. The XML form was incomplete anyway. (This does not affect algebra output which is what replaces these syntax-based forms). + Added examples of using Lisp (SISC - A Java-based scheme interpreter). See the directory Lisp/. + NodeVar renamed ExprVar (more consistent naming) Deprecated tombstones left for next release ==== ARQ 2.1 beta + Cost-based optimizer for basic graph patterns on in-memory graphs. ** Uses the version of jena shipped with this release, can't use an earlier one. + Convert algebra expressions back into a SPARQL query (see OpToSyntax). + Old "NodeToLabelMap" => "NodeIsomorphismMap" Affects Element and Op ".equalTo" operation signature. + Added extension : a graph pattern SERVICE { pattern } ARQ syntax only. New algebra operation: OpService + Added SSE to the main codebase : + Internal changes: the core engines are now Graph/DatasetGraph/Algebra-centric and there are classes to map betwen that and the Model/Dataset. QueryEngine construction and extension need not know about the upper layers now. + Algebra operator implment .hashCode() and .equals() based on structure/value equality + Legacy query engine1 removed. + Add new algebra operations OpGroupAgg, OpNull + VarsMentionedVisitor removed - convert to an algebra expression and use OpVars.allVars instead. ==== ARQ 2.0 This version uses the SPARQL algebra directly, then produces an execution scheme that uses streaming execution where possible. + SPARQL changes + Prefixed names can now start with a digit. ex:123 is now a legal prefix name. + The working group has removed attributes "ordered" and "distinct" from the XML Results format. These have been removed in this release. ARQ will read old style XML files (and ignore the attributes). JSON result format also updated. + Multiple query engines: + Main query engine for optimization and efficient execution + Reference engine for checking functionality (implements the SPARQL evaluation semantics very simply for clarity and validation) + Remote access engine for querying SPARQL endpoints over HTTP. + Engine1, for exact ARQ1 semantics and enhancements (deprecated for new applications (and will be removed sometime)) + RDQL engine + See also SDB - an ARQ query engine that for RDF stored in SQL databases + Access and extension points: + Filter functions + Property functions + The parsed syntax + Generation of the SPARQL algebra expression + Modification of SPARQL algebra expression before executin plan generation + Custom algebra operations + Basic graph pattern replacement or modification for access to other data sources + Modular query engine class hierarchy for reuse of machinary, resulting in less extra coding for extensions. + Internal changes + Package reorganisation Implemnentation in com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql + Filter functions now take a Context, not an ExecutionContext. + Deprecate "EXT" form from ARQ. (Property functions are better) + Experimental SPARQL/Update API See Post ARQ-2.0-beta: + Added REDUCED as per DAWG decision 2007-03-20 + OpDistinct and OpReduce no longer take a variable list + Removed ElementExtension/PlanExtension and extension package The ARQ(beyond SPARQL feature) of "EXT" has been removed. Element visitors may be affected. + Added an update API + LARQ + added access to the match score + added limits on score or number of results as part of Lucene search