@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix mf: . @prefix mfx: . @prefix qt: . <> rdf:type mf:Manifest ; rdfs:label "Property Paths" ; mf:entries ( [ mf:name "Diamond -- :p{2}" ; rdf:type mfx:TestQuery ; mf:action [ qt:query ; qt:data ] ; mf:result ] [ mf:name "Diamond -- :p+" ; rdf:type mfx:TestQuery ; mf:action [ qt:query ; qt:data ] ; mf:result ] [ mf:name "Diamond, with loop -- :p{2}" ; rdf:type mfx:TestQuery ; mf:action [ qt:query ; qt:data ] ; mf:result ] [ mf:name "Diamond, with loop -- :p+" ; rdf:type mfx:TestQuery ; mf:action [ qt:query ; qt:data ] ; mf:result ] [ mf:name "Diamond, with tail -- :p{3}" ; rdf:type mfx:TestQuery ; mf:action [ qt:query ; qt:data ] ; mf:result ] [ mf:name "Diamond, with tail -- :p+" ; rdf:type mfx:TestQuery ; mf:action [ qt:query ; qt:data ] ; mf:result ] ).