@prefix rdfs: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix dc: . @prefix : . ## Extensions for SPARQL 1.1 ## A Manifest is typically a list (RDF Collection) of manifest entries. ## The :entries property has an object of the list. ## There may be more than one list per file. : rdfs:comment "Manifest vocabulary for test cases (SPARQL 1.1)" ; dc:creator "Andy Seaborne" ; dc:subject "" ; dc:publisher "W3C SPARQL Working Group" ; dc:title "Test case manifest vocabulary" ; dc:description "Test case manifest vocabulary" ; dc:date "2010-05" ; dc:format "RDF" ; dc:identifier : ; . ## ---- Test Case Type --- :PositiveSyntaxTest11 rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdfs:label "Positive Syntax Test (SPARQL 1.1 specific)" ; rdfs:comment """A type of test specifically for syntax testing for SPARQL 1.1.""" ; . :NegativeSyntaxTest11 rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdfs:label "Negative Syntax Test (SPARQL 1.1 specific)" ; rdfs:comment """A type of test specifically for syntax testing for SPARQL 1.1.""" ; . ## ## ---- Class declarations ---- ## ## :Manifest rdf:type rdfs:Class ; ## rdfs:comment "The class of manifests" . ## ## :ManifestEntry rdf:type rdfs:Class ; ## rdfs:comment "One entry in rdf:type list of entries" . ## ## ## ---- Property declarations for the manifest ---- ## ## :include rdf:type rdf:Property ; ## rdfs:comment "Connects the manifest resource to rdf:type list of manifests" ; ## rdfs:domain :Manifest ; ## rdfs:range rdf:List ; ## . ## ## :entries rdf:type rdf:Property ; ## rdfs:comment "Connects the manifest resource to rdf:type list of entries" ; ## rdfs:domain :Manifest ; ## rdfs:range rdf:List ; ## . ## ## ## ---- Property declarations for each test ---- ## ## :name rdf:type rdf:Property ; ## rdfs:comment "Optional name of this entry" ; ## rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry ; ## rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; ## . ## ## :action rdf:type rdf:Property ; ## rdfs:comment "Action to perform" ; ## rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry ; ## # rdfs:range ?? ; ## . ## ## :result rdf:type rdf:Property ; ## rdfs:comment "The expected outcome" ; ## rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry ; ## # rdfs:range ?? ; ## . ## ## :result rdf:type rdf:Property ; ## rdfs:comment "The test status" ; ## rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry ; ## rdfs:range :TestStatus ; ## . ## ## :requires rdf:type rdf:Property ; ## rdfs:comment "Required functionality for execution of this test" ; ## rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry ; ## rdfs:range :Requirement . ## ## :notable rdf:type rdf:Property ; ## rdfs:comment "Notable feature of this test (advisory)" ; ## rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry . ## ## ## ---- Test Case Type --- ## ## :PositiveSyntaxTest rdf:type rdfs:Class ; ## rdfs:label "Positive Syntax Test" ; ## rdfs:comment "A type of test specifically for syntax testing. Syntax ## tests are not required to have an associated result, only an ## action." . ## ## :NegativeSyntaxTest rdf:type rdfs:Class ; ## rdfs:label "Negative Syntax Test" ; ## rdfs:comment "A type of test specifically for syntax testing. Syntax ## tests are not required to have an associated result, only an ## action. Negative syntax tests are tests of which the result should ## be a parser error." . ## ## :QueryEvaluationTest rdf:type rdfs:Class ; ## rdfs:label "Query Evaluation Test" ; ## rdfs:comment "A type of test specifically for query evaluation ## testing. Query evaluation tests are required to have an associated ## input dataset, a query, and an expected output dataset." . ## ## :ReducedCardinalityTest rdf:type rdfs:Class ; ## rdfs:label "Query Evaluation Test (REDUCDED)" ; ## rdfs:comment ## """The given mf:result for a mf:ReducedCardinalityTest is the results as ## if the REDUCED keyword were omitted. To pass a ## mf:ReducedCardinalityTest, an implementation must produce a result set ## with each solution in the expected results appearing at least once and ## no more than the number of times it appears in the expected results. Of ## course, there must also be no results produced that are not in the ## expected results.""" . ## ## ## ---- Test Statuses ---- ## ## :TestStatus rdf:type rdfs:Class ; ## rdfs:comment "Statuses a test can have" ; ## . ## ## :proposed rdf:type :TestStatus ; ## rdfs:label "proposed" ; ## . ## ## :accepted rdf:type :TestStatus ; ## rdfs:label "accepted" ; ## . ## ## :rejected rdf:type :TestStatus ; ## rdfs:label "rejected" ; ## . ## ## ## ---- Required functions ---- ## ## :Requirement rdf:type rdfs:Class ; ## rdfs:comment "Requirements for a particular test" . ## ## :Notable rdf:type rdfs:Class ; ## rdfs:comment "Requirements for a particular test" . ## ## ## :XsdDateOperations rdf:type :Requirement ; ## rdfs:comment "Tests that require xsd:date operations" . ## ## :StringSimpleLiteralCmp rdf:type :Requirement ; ## rdfs:comment "Tests that require simple literal is the same value as an xsd:string of the same lexicial form" . ## ## :KnownTypesDefault2Neq rdf:type :Requirement ; ## rdfs:comment "Values in disjoint value spaces are not equal" . ## ## :LangTagAwareness rdf:type :Requirement ; ## rdfs:comment "Tests that require langauge tag handling in FILTERs" . ## ## ## ---- Notable features ---- ## ## :IllFormedLiterals rdf:type :Notable ; ## rdfs:comment "Tests that involve lexical forms which are illegal for the datatype" .