ChangeLog for ARQ ================= ARQ 2.0 ------- This version uses the SPARQL algebra directly, then produces an execution scheme that uses streaming execution where possible. + Multiple query engines: + Main query engine for optimization and efficient execution + Reference engine for checking functionality (implements the SPARQL evaluation semantics very simply for clarity and validation) + Remote access engine for querying SPARQL endpoints over HTTP. + Engine1, for exact ARQ1 semantics and enhancements (deprecated for new applications (and will be removed sometime)) + RDQL engine + See also SDB - an ARQ query engine that for RDF stored in SQL databases + Access and extension points: + Filter functions + Property functions + The parsed syntax + Generation of the SPARQL algebra expression + Modification of SPARQL algebra expression before executin plan generation + Custom algebra operations + Basic graph pattern replacement or modification for access to other data sources + Modular query engine class hierarchy for reuse of machinary, resulting in less extra coding for extensions. + Internal changes + Package reorganisation Implemnentation in com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql + Filter functions now take a Context, not an ExecutionContext. + Deprecate "EXT" form from ARQ. (Property functions are better)