An university ontology for benchmark tests Univ-bench Ontology univ-bench-ontology-owl, ver April 1, 2004 administrative staff worker article assistant professor associate professor book chair clerical staff worker school conference paper teaching course dean university department director Employee faculty member full professor Graduate Level Courses graduate student institute journal article lecturer manual organization person post doctorate professor program publication research work university research assistant research group schedule software program published specification student systems staff worker university teaching assistant technical report undergraduate student university unnoficial publication visiting professor Work is being advised by is affiliated with is affiliated with is age has a degree from has a doctoral degree from can be reached at has as an alumnus is the head of lists as a course has a masters degree from has as a member member of name office room No. publishes was written by was written on is about is researching has as a research project is documented in is version is part of is taking teaches is a teaching assistant for telephone number is tenured: title has an undergraduate degree from Works For