The Jena Tutorial

Getting support for Jena

You've read the tutorial and the other documentation, asked your friends and colleagues. You've hit Google. You've gazed at the stars. OK, maybe not the last one. Good news - there are two mailing lists you can use to ask further questions.

Yes, we know they have confusingly similar names. Sorry! It's a historical accident, and will probably get sorted out one day. The Jena developer team, and many experienced Jena users too, monitor jena-dev and can answer most questions.

How not to ask good questions

You say "URGENT!! my code's not working!!! what's wrong with it?" and not much else.

How to ask good questions

Remember that we can't see your computer. Give all the information you can that's likely to be relevant, but please, take the time to make it easier for us to read. Much as we like you, our users, there's only so much time in the day. The more work we have to do to figure out your question, the longer it will take you to get an answer. Good things to do: