]> Ontology of controlled terms used in the metadata for the Jena tutorial Ian Dickinson (mailto:ian.dickinson@hp.com) General tutorial unit Resource denoting one tutorial unit (lesson, tip, exercise, etc) The singleton introductory unit Class denoting the unique starting unit of the tutorial Tutorial answer to FAQ A unit that addresses a frequently asked question Tutorial exercise A unit that gives one or more exercises for the reader to complete Tutorial lesson A unit that addresses a frequently asked question Tutorial trail A trail is a sequence of units arranged with some pedagogical purpose key A key string that uniquely identifies a trail or unit resource URL Denotes the relative URL for a renderable resource, such as a unit, topic or file units Denotes the list of units comprising a given trail. in trail Denotes the link from a unit back to a trail that includes it via :units. see also Denotes some other unit that is directly relevant to readers of a given unit. link Denotes some other resource that this tutorial references by URL, such as an example file or external site. tutorial topic The top-level concept for all Jena tutorial topics Jena technologies Tutorial topics relating specifically to Jena components and technologies Jena core RDF API Tutorial topics relating specifically to Jena's core RDF API Jena RDF resource Tutorial topics relating specifically to the Jena Resource abstraction Jena RDF statement Tutorial topics relating specifically to the Jena Statement abstraction Jena RDF property Tutorial topics relating specifically to the Jena Property abstraction Jena RDF literal Tutorial topics relating specifically to the Jena Literal abstraction Jena model API Tutorial topics relating specifically to the Jena Model API, a container for RDF statements Jena reasoners Tutorial topics relating to all Jena reasoners Jena builtin reasoners Tutorial topics relating to the reasoners built-in to Jena External reasoners Tutorial topics relating to reasoners that run in separate processes from Jena Jena rule-based reasoners Tutorial topics relating to the rule-based reasoners built-in to Jena Jena DIG-interface reasoners Tutorial topics relating to reasoners that run in separate processes from Jena and communicate via the DIG interface Jena ontology API Tutorial topics relating to Jena's API for handling ontologies Jena OntModel API Tutorial topics relating to the Jena ontology model, a specialisation of the standard RDF model Jena ontology resource types Tutorial topics relating to the specialised ontology object types in the ontology API Jena ontology document handling Tutorial topics relating to handling ontology documents, including processing imports Persistent models Tutorial topics relating to storing persistent models in the file system and in databases Relational database (RDB) models Tutorial topics relating to storing persistent models in databases, such as MySQL RDF and OWL input and output Tutorial topics relating to the input and output of the content of models Parsing RDF and OWL from XML Tutorial topics relating to reading the contents of a model from an XML document Generating RDF and OWL in XML Tutorial topics relating to writing the contents of a model to an XML document Writing RDF and OWL in other syntaxes Tutorial topics relating to writing the contents of a model to a non-XML document, such as N3 Parsing RDF and OWL from other syntaxes Tutorial topics relating to reading the contents of a model from a non-XML document, such as N3 Managing RDF and OWL files Tutorial topics relating to file management, including redirecting URI's to URL's Jena command line tools Tutorial topics relating to the command line (command prompt) tools that ship with Jena Jena query capabilities Tutorial topics relating to all forms of query into the contents of a Jena model semantic web concepts Tutorial topics relating to general semantic web, RDF and OWL concepts basic concepts in RDF The basic concepts underlying RDF; RDF terminology; overview of the underlying theory of RDF basic concepts in OWL The basic concepts underlying OWL; OWL and ontology terminology; overview of the underlying theory of OWL basic concepts in SPARQL The basic concepts underlying SPARQL; SPARQL terminology input and output of semantic web documents in XML Tutorial topics relating to the general concepts of input and output of semantic web documents in XML format searching and querying semantic web sources Tutorial topics relating to the general concepts of search and query on the semantic web ontology concepts Tutorial topics relating to the general concepts of web-based ontologies classifying resources Tutorial topics relating to the general concepts classification and description logic the open world assumption Tutorial topics relating to the general concept of the open-world in the semantic web tasks in semantic web applications Tutorial topics based on classes of tasks needed in semantic web applications reading data in Tutorial topics based on data reading tasks writing data out Tutorial topics based on data writing tasks converting data between formats Tutorial topics based on data translation and conversion tasks checking and validating data Tutorial topics based on tasks relating to checking and validating data in semantic web applications presenting hierarchical data Tutorial topics based on the task of presenting hierarchical data